NUR 264 ORIENTATION MEMO (Please Read Entire Letter Immediately – Deadlines are Enclosed) TO: FROM: All Nursing 264 Students for Summer 2013 Trischa Earn HSB 110 822-3402 Karen Johnston HSB 136 822-3327 NURSING 264 May 2013 RE: DATE: 1. We welcome you to NUR 264 for Summer 2013. 2. Lecture: Orientation to the course will be during your regular lecture class time on the first week of class. To be prepared for the first day of class, please purchase your learning packet. Review OB Unit 1 prior to attending class. Bring your book to class. Below is a table detailing the clinical schedule for all sections. Hopefully this will help to clarify your schedule and assist you as you plan your work days. We will clarify the calendar more during orientation. OB Assessment will be discussed in class. Portions of the lecture material for NUR 264 will be taught in a hybrid format. Unit tests will continue to be on the computer as you are accustomed to in NUR 210. Be sure to plan your schedule accordingly. Dates May 23, 24, 30, & 31 June 6, 7, 13, & 14 June 20, 21, 27, & 28 July 11, 12, 18, & 19 July 25, 26, Aug. 1 & 2 • • • • Section A05 OB Time 7-­‐3:30 Instructor Anna Wyss A07 A08 7-­‐3:30 1:30-­‐10:00 Eck Rebecca June Smith A01 A03 7-­‐3:30 1:30-­‐10:00 Anna Wyss June Smith A04 A06 7-­‐3:30 1:30-­‐10:00 Anna Wyss June Smith A02 7-­‐3:30 June S mith Section A01 A02 Peds Time Instructor 7-­‐3:30 Shana Johnson 1:30-­‐10:00 Fadia Belch A05 7-­‐3:30 Shana Johnson A04 7-­‐3:30 Shana Johnson A03 A07 7-­‐3:30 1:30-­‐10:00 Shana Johnson Fadia Belch A06 A08 7-­‐3:30 1:30-­‐10:00 Susan Lyons Rebecca Kemfort Palmetto Health Computer Orientation for all students will be Wednesday, May 22 at 8:30-9:30 in LX 199. Unit tests will be given on Wednesdays 8:00 – 9:30 am. Unit test dates are June 5, June 26, July 17, and July 31. Final exam is August 7 OB assessment will be discussed in class orientation. If you need to attend OB orientation on Wednesday, it will be after class Peds assessment will be after class on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 during the second peds clinical week. 3. Clinical Orientation: To complete the hospital orientation for your clinical rotations, you must use the Student Passport. Go to . All students must complete 12 common modules and then the hospital specific courses for your clinical site. The list of modules that must be completed are on the next page. A few are added since the fall, so be sure to review your activity in Care Learning and complete any module that is missing. · Abuse & Neglect · AIDET · Bloodborne Pathogens · Disaster Preparedness · Electrical Safety · Fire Safety · Hand Hygiene · Hazard Communication · HIPPA · Hospital Specific Course(s) · Isolation and Standard Precautions · Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Act · Moving, Lifting and Repetitive Motion Hospital Specific Courses: All NUR 264 students will be at Palmetto Health. NUR 215 A01, A02, A04, and A06 will also need to complete courses for Lexington Medical Center. Print and bring a copy of your certificate from Care Learning to both NUR 215 and NUR 264 your first day of class. OB Clinical Orientation Please plan to attend clinical orientation on the first day of OB clinical listed in the table above at Palmetto Richland campus. You must come in uniform. We will meet in the Main lobby of Medical Park 5 (beside the cafeteria). Bring your learning packet, and clinical evaluation form. If you do not have a student ID badge for Palmetto Richland, you must bring your drivers license with you and get it during orientation. If it is not on your person during orientation, an ED will be given under professional behavior. You will wear your MTC uniform each day for this OB clinical rotation. Pediatric Clinical Lab and Orientation: Before coming to pediatric lab and clinical orientation, you will need to listen to the podcast of the clinical orientation materials. From the Midlands Tech home page, click on “Online Learning” and then click on “Podcast” or login to Desire2Learn and click on Podcast on the top bar to the left. Then once on the podcast site, search for NUR 264 and all podcast should pop up. During the lab day we will review any questions you may have about clinical, review pediatric assessment, learn about administering IV medications to children and care of a child with a trach. Materials needed for the pediatric lab day include your learning packet, NUR 264 Pediatric Skills Packet, IV drug book, stethoscope, and a calculator. The learning packet and skills packet can be purchased at the bookstore. To prepare for the lab day read the information on the IV drug module and respiratory skills lab in your learning packet. Also, review pediatric assessment under Unit 1 notes and in your text book. You will be going to the hospital after lunch, so you must be in the navy blue MTC uniform and have your Palmetto Health name tag, as discussed above. 4. Drug Calculation Review & Test: The Drug Calculation Review Packet is at the back of the learning packet which will be available at the bookstore for purchase. Please review the instructions and complete the problems. Answers are provided so you can check your work. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Earn by phone or email at the numbers listed above. If you need additional help, see the nursing website for the math tutorial, refer to the Nur131 learning packet and book. Drug Calculation Test 1 will be given in the testing center from May 28-31, 2013. All students must take Drug Calculation Test 1 during these dates. You will be allotted 2 hours for the test. Hours for the testing center are listed below. If you do not take Drug Calculation Test 1 during these dates, you will receive a zero on Test 1 and it will count as an attempt at the test. There are 3 attempts to successfully pass the Drug Calculation Test with a 90%. Test 2 will be given June 5-7, 2013, and Test 3 will be June 11-14, 2013. You must arrive 2 ½ hours before the testing center closes in order to take the test. Testing Center Hours Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM 5. Student Information Sheet: Attached is a student information sheet. Please complete and return to Mrs. Johnston by Friday, May 10, 2013. From the information provided on this form, Palmetto Richland will send your computer passwords. 6. Learning Packet and Assignments: The Nursing 264 Learning Packet is currently being copied at the copy center and should be at the bookstore for purchase in plenty of time before classes start. You are expected to purchase your Learning Packet early, as well as the required textbooks if you do not already have them from NUR 263. Get ahead on your reading assignments. Read the materials for Unit 1 in the OB lecture material. Peds Book: We will be using Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 2nd edition by Terri Kyle and Susan Carman. It has a little girl on the front measuring how tall she is. Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing (blue and purple) by Hockenberry will no longer be used and will not work for this semester. 7. Skills Packet for Lab: You are also required to purchase a Nursing 264 Pediatrics Skills Packet. You will be required to bring your skills packet to your Pediatric IV/Respiratory lab during the first clinical day. Purchase this early, because they may run out if you wait until the end of the semester to buy it. Also be sure to review the contents of the packet with the syllabus and be sure that you have the right packet. You can exchange it with in 10 days of the date you bought it with your receipt – only!! There have been students that bought the packet at the beginning of the semester, but didn’t look at it until they came to lab the last few week of the semester, only to discover that they had the wrong packet. The bookstore would not take it back, but made them purchase a new one. You must have the packet. It contains the materials you will need for lab. You can’t just pretend or us someone else’s. 8. Desire2Learn: You will automatically be registered in Nur264 in Desire2Learn. You can access Desire2Learn by clicking “Online Learning” from the MTC home page. It will link you with the sign on page for Desire2Learn. Click in Nur264. The calendar and syllabus will be posted, along with other course materials. Print and bring a copy of the syllabus and calendar with you to the first day of class. Students can access the site beginning May 18, 2013. 9. OB Maternal Review Assessment:This assignment is to help you review your previous knowledge of OB content before starting class. This review assessment will be available to you on Desire2Learn from May 18-21. You have three attempts to earn a grade of 90% or better, which counts as a homework grade. It is due by Midnight, May 21. If you do not take this 20 question quiz during the assigned time, you will earn a zero as the grade. 10. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know ASAP. We are looking forward to working with each of you. Nursing 264: Nursing Across the Lifespan III Student Information Sheet Please return form to Karen Johnston in HS 136 ASAP, at the latest by May 10, 2013 (Put in the marked envelope on the door. If you are unable bring this form by, you may fax it to 822-3343) Student Name:(include middle initial)_________________________ (please print) Birthday: Month______ Day_____ Year_______ (This information is needed by Palmetto Richland in order to create your computer codes. They are using birthday instead of social security numbers. It will not be shared with students.) Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone #: (H)________________________ (Cell Phone)_________________ Palmetto Health Computer Code Information: It is helpful for the IT Department at Palmetto Health to know whether our students are already in their system and have a computer code or if the student is new. Please select one of the four options below so we can correctly send information to Palmetto Health. You need to have been at Palmetto Health (Richland or Baptist) for clinical in the last year. If you work at Palmetto Health you cannot use your work codes during clinical. You must have a student code. ____ I have never been to Palmetto Health for clinical. I need a computer log-in and password. ____ I have been to Palmetto Health in the last year and I remember my Palmetto Health log-in and password. ____ I had a Palmetto Health log-in and password in the past, but I do not remember what they are. Please request them again. ____ It has been over a year since I have had clinical at Palmetto Health. I need my computer codes updated. NUR 215 ORIENTATION MEMO TO: FROM: RE: DATE: All Nursing 215 Students for Summer 2013 Stacey Amick HSB 135 822-3324 Tolvalyn Dennison HSB 121 822-3338 NURSING 215 May 2013 We welcome you to NUR 215 for Summer 2013. Lecture: Orientation to the course will be held Monday May 27, 2013 at 8:30 for all sections. To be prepared for the first day of class, please bring completed course forms, which can be found in your learning packet and on the D2L site for the course. These forms include: student data sheet, graduation clearance form, pinning program form, endorsement form, and syllabus/evaluation permission form. Also, be sure that you begin to review the learning packet notes and powerpoint for the Management and Blood and Endocrine content in your learning packet. All sections will meet for the Management lecture on Tuesday, May 28 from 0800-1600 (8:00 am-4:00 pm). Your drug calculation test will also be given on this date. Unit test dates are June 12, June 19, July 10, and July 24. Our final exam is scheduled for August 5. Be sure to plan your schedule accordingly. Clinical Orientation: To complete the hospital orientation for your clinical rotations, you must use the Student Passport. Go to . All students must complete 12 common modules and then the hospital specific courses for your clinical site. The lists of modules that must be completed are on the next page. A few are added since the fall, so be sure to review your activity in Care Learning and complete any module that is missing. · Abuse & Neglect · AIDET · Bloodborne Pathogens · Disaster Preparedness · Electrical Safety · Fire Safety · Hand Hygiene · Hazard Communication · HIPPA · Hospital Specific Course(s) · Isolation and Standard Precautions · Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Act · Moving, Lifting and Repetitive Motion Hospital Specific Courses: NUR 215 A01, A02, A04, A06 will also need to complete courses for Lexington Medical Center. Print and bring a copy of your certificate from Care Learning to both NUR 215 and NUR 264 your first day of class. Clinical Orientation We will discuss specifics about clinical placement and orientation locations during course orientation on Monday, May 27. You must come to your clinical orientation in uniform. Bring your learning packet, and clinical evaluation forms. Be prepared to complete assessment for an assigned group of patients on your clinical orientation day. Drug Calculation Review & Test: The Drug Calculation Review is in appendix C at the back of the learning packet, which will be available at the bookstore for purchase. Please review the instructions and complete the problems. Answers are provided so you can check your work. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Amick or Ms. Dennison by email at the email addresses listed above. If you need additional help, see the nursing website for the math tutorial, refer to the Nur131 learning packet and book. Drug Calculation Test 1 will be given on June 3 prior to beginning your management lecture. All students must take Drug Calculation Test 1 on this date. You will be allotted 1 hour for the test. If you do not take Drug Calculation Test 1 on this date, you will receive a zero on Test 1 and it will count as an attempt at the test. There are 2 attempts to successfully pass the Drug Calculation Test with a 90%. Test 2 will be given June 11-14, 2013 in the testing center. Testing center hours are listed below. Testing Center Hours Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM There will not be a Saturday option for taking the test. You must be at the testing center 1.5 hours before closing time to have you whole allotted time available for testing. Learning Packet and Assignments: The Nursing 215 Learning Packet is currently being copied at the copy center and should be at the bookstore for purchase in plenty of time before classes start. You are expected to purchase your Learning Packet early, as well as the required textbooks if you do not already have them. Get ahead on your reading assignments. Read the materials for the Management, Blood, and Endocrine content. Desire2Learn: You will automatically be registered in NUR 215 in Desire2Learn. You can access Desire2Learn by clicking “Online Learning” from the MTC home page. It will link you with the sign on page for Desire2Learn. Click on NUR 215. The calendar and syllabus will be posted, along with other course materials. Print and bring a copy of the syllabus and calendar with you to the first day of class. Students can access the site beginning May 18, 2013. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know ASAP. We are looking forward to working with each of you.