MT Unit 8 Cardiovascular System Day 1 Terms Study online at 1. angi/o vessel (usually blood or lymph) 33. DNR do not resuscitate 2. angioma tumor of a vessel 34. DVT deep vein thrombosis 3. angioplasty reopening narrowed blood vessels and restoring blood flow 35. ECG, EKG electrocardiogram 36. Echocardiography 4. anigiocardiography recording pictures of the heart and vessels Use of ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures of the heart 37. electr/o electricity 5. aort/o aorta 38. electrocardiogram 6. aortogram x-ray of the aorta graphic recording fo the electrical impulses of the heart 7. arteri/o artery 39. electrocardiograph 8. arteriosclerosis thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of arterial walls device used to record the changes in electrical activity of the heart 40. en- in, inside 41. endarterectomy removal from within an artery (ex. Plaque) 42. endo- in, within 43. endocarditis inflammation of the inner lining of the heart 44. endocardium inner layer of the heart 45. epicardium outer layer of the heart 46. extra- outside 47. furc- branch; fork 9. arthralgia joint pain 10. ather/o fatty plaque 11. Atherectomy Removal of material from an occluded vessel using a special catheter 12. atherosclerosis harding of vessels due to fatty plaque 13. atri/o atrium 14. atrioventricular pertaining to the atria and ventricles 15. AV atrioventricular, arteriovenous 16. bifurcation two branches (blood vessel splitting into two) 17. Biopsy Removal of a small piece of tissue for examination and diagnosis 18. BP Blood Pressure 19. brady- slow 20. bradycardia slow heart beat 21. CA Cancer, chronological age, cardiac arrest 22. cardi/o heart 23. cardiodynia pain of the heart 24. cardiologist a specialist of the heart 25. cardiology study of the heart 26. cardiomegaly enalarged heart Capillaries, and Veins in the 27. cardiomyopathy any disease of heart muscle that diminishes function body. 28. CHF congestive heart failure 29. coronary pertaining to the heart 30. coronary ischemia lack of blood flow to the heart muscle due to a blockage coronary thrombosis condition of a blood clot within the heart's own vessels CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 31. 32. On the next page in your lab book, use pages 189-190 to write a short (min 35 word) description on the roles of Arteries,