CSC110 - Des Moines Area Community College

Introduction to Computers – CSC110 - Syllabus
12 WK Class
Course description & credits:
The purpose of this course is to provide you with a firm foundation in computer
technology, computer terminology and the use of computers as productivity
tools. The course will present the basic concepts of computers and the effect
that computers are having, and will continue to have in the future, in our world.
At the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate an understanding
of computer technologies and how they affect everyday life. Students will be
proficient in using software applications to help them be more productive.
Software used includes Windows, Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point,
Access and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
A full description of the course and its credit can be found on the website
Course competencies:
To view the course competencies, view the website below:
Course overview:
The course competencies include not only computer applications but also
computer and technology concepts. At the end of the class, students will:
Understand what computers are
Demonstrate digital citizenship & establish digital information fluency
Judge the current affairs or ethical issues related to computers
Become familiar with computer software and hardware
Examine the function of system software
Assess how system unit components affect computer performance
Appraise the characteristics of computer peripheral devices
Define storage and identify some of the storage devices available
Implement strategies for personal computer maintenance, & security
Expand creativity, innovation and critical thinking
Develop the ability to use personal computers more productively
Understand the Internet and networks
Demonstrate the ability to use Windows Operating System
Demonstrate the ability to use electronic mail to communicate
Demonstrate proficiency in using a Web Browser
Utilize a word processing application to increase personal productivity
Develop slide shows with power point presentation graphics software
Create and edit worksheets in a spreadsheet application
Apply functions and formulas to a spreadsheet
Demonstrate basic skills in a relational database management system
Practice principals for effective database design and maintenance
Course Units
The Units of Work in Order are:
Unit 0 - The First Week of Class
Unit 1 - Introduction to Computers
Unit 2 - Internet & Networks
Unit 3 - Microsoft Word
Unit 4 - Software
Unit 5 - Hardware
Unit 6 - Microsoft Power Point
Unit 7 - Microsoft Excel
Unit 8 - Computer Security & Maintenance
Unit 9 - Microsoft Access
Final Exams
This syllabus and the accompanying course schedule of due dates will be
followed as closely as possible. However, because I prefer to focus on the
process of learning rather than the content of the course alone, I (the
Professor) reserve the right to alter the syllabus, the schedule, and any
learning activity as I feel needed. Any alterations will be communicated.
Required Textbooks & Materials
Required Textbook Bundle ISBN: 9781285914732
Please visit DMACC's Ankeny bookstore on the Ankeny Campus to purchase the
required textbook bundle. The bookstore phone number is 1-800-362-2127
ext. 6682 or (515) 967-6682 to order your required textbook bundle. It
1) MS Office 2010: Introductory. Special Edition 2013. Printed
textbook, loose leaf version. A digital version of this book is also
available in SAM. The Office 2010 book is used for CSC110
assignments. For those interested the custom book also includes:
a) MS Office 2013. Printed textbook, loose leaf version.
b) Windows 8: Essential Concepts and Skills.
2) Discovering Computers Fundamentals (DC). Digital textbook.
Digital versions are available in CourseMate and SAM. Includes e-book
& study tools.
3) SAM 2010. Printed Access Card. Used to complete assignments,
training, projects and read Office 2010 and DC textbook in SAM 2010.
Required Software:
 Windows 7 operating system.
 Office 2010 Software Suite with Word 2010, Excel 2010, PowerPoint
2010, and Access 2010.
Software notice: All the software used in this class on DMACC
computers is copyrighted; therefore, it is not for distribution,
copying, or personal use. This software is the property of Des
Moines Area Community College.
 SAM 2010 (or SAM). SAM is a web site provided by the textbook
publisher. The programs on the SAM web site train and test you about
Office 2010, and grade your Office 2010 Projects. Over 75% of your class
assignments and exams are submitted and graded by SAM. Your Office
2010 and DC textbook can now be read in SAM too using the MindTap
Reader. Students have training and exams due in SAM beginning Unit 1,
so it is very important that each student follows the steps below to setup
their SAM User Name and Password.
 CourseMate. The CourseMate web site allows you to read the digital DC
textbook and helps you prepare to for your exams and quizzes about the
DC textbook.
SAM Registration for New Users
1) Go to and click the New User button.
2) Enter DMACC’s Institution Key. T2037084
3) Enter your SAM Key Code. This is located on the inside flap of the SAM
2010 package (card) you purchased with your textbook bundle OR can be
downloaded online from
4) Create your Profile. Enter a secret question and answer that will be
used for security purposes if you forget your password. Your DMACC email address will be used as your log in ID to SAM (i.e., mine is
5) Confirm your profile information and accept the License Agreement.
6) Join a Class. If not already enrolled in a class, click the Join a Class link
from the Welcome screen. You MUST be enrolled in a SAM class to see
your assignments. For the Spring 2014 class, students should join
CSC110 BB Greimann 23154
7) If necessary, select the name of your section from the Join a Class page
in the All Sections list, move it into My Sections, and Save.
8) Access your Assignments. Click on SAM Assignments on the left
navigation bar to retrieve the assignments scheduled for your section.
Other Things to Keep in Mind with SAM:
You must have the latest Adobe Flash Player installed to see assignments.
If necessary go here to download and install:
You must have pop-up windows ENABLED for the SAM site in order to
see your assignments.
Detailed instructions and SAM training materials can be found at:
You must have an Internet connection with either Mozilla Firefox or
Internet Explorer web browser. (Mozilla Firefox is recommended).
CourseMate is a Website where a digital version of your Discovering Computers
(DC) textbook can be found. To access the digital Discovering Computers
textbook and all the resources that accompany your digital textbook, you must
create a Cengage Brain account. Please follow the steps below to create your
CourseMate account.
1) To begin, navigate to and bookmark
this website as you will be using it often.
2) If you don’t have an account, click the green “Create an Account”
button on the right side of the page.
3) You should setup a user name if you do not already have one, and log in.
4) The next step is to enter the Printed Access Code that was purchased
with your book bundle. After entering it correctly, click “Continue”.
5) After you have entered it, you will be asked to confirm your course
information. After entering it correctly click “Continue”.
6) The Account Information Page will appear. Please complete the form
and agree to the license agreement. After you complete the form click
7) You must select your educational institution on the next page. You
should begin by picking your school’s location.
8) Next select your institution’s type, and search for your school. When
finished, select “Search”.
9) Then select your school from the list displayed and then click “Continue”.
This completes the Account Registration process.
You will be directed to the My Home page of your Cengage Brain
Account. Click the Open button next to Computer Concepts CourseMate
on the left hand side of the page.
Enter the following Course Key: CM-9781111861049-0000557
The digital Discovering Computers (DC) textbook DC book should
become available. (You may wish to copy and paste this number into the
CourseMate Support
For help with CourseMate, always call Cengage Brain Technical Support at
800-354-9706 or Cengage Staff are available on
a 24/7 basis to help you with your CourseMate problems. Students should
not contact the Class Professor about CourseMate.
It is YOUR responsibility to have all components of the course bundle (the
required textbooks and supplemental materials) in your hands in time to
complete the UNIT 0 coursework. I will not accept late work.
If you prefer to purchase used copies of the textbooks or obtain the
materials from alternative sources, you are entitled to do so. But you must
obtain all the components of the course bundle. If you already have the
required textbook (or obtained them used) you will still need to purchase a
Printed Access Card for SAM and Printed Access Code for CourseMate. To
obtain information about purchasing it, you should contact Terri Morrow with
Cengage Learning ( at 563-581-6318.
Technical Support
Your Professor will NOT be able to help you with any computer or Blackboard
problems or issues you experience. Do NOT contact your professor about your
computer problems!
If you experience computer difficulties this semester, you are responsible for
utilizing the DMACC helpdesk to solve your own technical problems. It is your
responsibility to ensure that your computer is running properly and that you
have the correct software installed on it.
To access the DMACC Helpdesk click on Helpdesk .
You may also contact them by phone at 515-965-7300 or 1-800-362-2127,
ext. 7300.
For all questions relating to DMACC login or passwords including Webmail, and
for problems accessing Blackboard, or Blackboard error messages, please
contact the DMACC helpdesk. You can also use the DMACC website to change
your DMACC password.
SAM Technical Support
For any problems accessing of using SAM please call Technical Support at 1800-354-9706 (Mon-Thurs, 8:30am to 9:00pm EST & Friday, 8:30am to
6:00pm EST) Chat (24/7) or E-mail them at: