POLITICAL SCIENCE 2015-16 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE This schedule is TENTATIVE and may change prior to when the quarter commences THE SCHEDULE IS NOT YET FINALIZED WINTER 2016 10D 11D 12D 13D 100C 100DA 100F 102C 104B 110B 110K 113B 115A 119A 120A 120B 120H 120N 127 128 129 136 138D 140D 142L 142M 145A 146A 150A 153 170A 191B Introduction to American Politics Introduction to Comparative Politics Introduction to International Relations Power and Justice American Political Parties Voting, Campaigning and Elections Social Networks American Political Development Civil Liberties – Fundamental Rights Sovereigns. Subjects and the Modern State Liberty and Equality Chinese and Japanese Political Thought Gender and Politics Special Topics in Political Theory Political Development of Western Europe The German Political System European Integration Contention and Conflict in Africa Politics in Developing Countries Autocracy, Democracy, Prosperity How to Steal an Election Religion and Politics Special Topics in Comparative Politics International Human Rights Law: Migrants Insurgency and Terrorism U.S. Foreign Policy/Regional Security International Politics and Drugs U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations Politics of Immigration The EU in World Politics Introduction to Statistics/Political Science and Public Policy Senior Honors Seminar 194 194SD 197SD 197I 198RA Research Seminar – UCDC Local Internship Research Seminar Local Internship Political Science Washington Internship Research Apprenticeship Seminar 10D 12D 30D 100O 102J 103B 105A 108 110H 111D 113C 124 120P 127 132 142D 142K 144F 194 194SD 197SD 197I 194RA 198RA Introduction to American Politics Introduction to International Relations Political Inquiry Perspectives on Race Advanced Topics in Urban Politics Politics and Policymaking in Los Angeles Latino Politics in the U.S. Politics of Multiculturalism Democracy and Its Critics Social Norms and Global Development Chinese and Japanese Political Thought Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Africa’s Success Stories Politics in Developing Countries Political Development and Modern China Weapons of Mass Destruction Politics and Warfare Politics/International Trade and Finance Research Seminar – UCDC Local Internship Research Seminar Local Internship Political Science Washington Internship Research Apprenticeship Research Apprenticeship Seminar Hill, Seth Ferree, Karen Lake, David Forman, Fonna Galderisi, Peter Popkin, Samuel Fowler, James Galderisi, Peter Smith, Glenn Wiens, David Wiens, David Hoston, Germaine Feeley, Maureen Forman, Fonna Magagna, Victor Chandler, William Schneider, Christina Adida, Claire Feeley, Maureen Saiegh, Sebastian Gibson, Clark Magagna, Victor Saiegh, Sebastian Wong, Tom Mares, David Slantchev, Branislav Mares, David Smith, Peter Wong, Tom Schneider, Christina Roberts, Molly Naoi, Megumi and Schneider, Christina Kernell, Samuel Galderisi, Peter Galderisi, Peter Kernell, Samuel Roeder, Philip SPRING 2016 Galderisi, Peter Gartzke, Erik Kousser, Thad Abrajano, Marisa Erie, Steve Erie, Steve Abrajano, Marisa Wong, Tom Mackie, Gerry Mackie, Gerry Hoston, Germaine Shafir, Gershon Adida, Claire Nichter, Simeon Hoston, Germaine Gartzke, Erik Magagna, Victor Broz, Lawrence Kernell, Samuel Galderisi, Peter Galderisi, Peter Kernell, Samuel Roeder, Philip Roeder, Philip May 13, 2015