SOUTH AFRICA MEDIA KIT 2016 SOUTH AFRICA’S MOST STYLISH MEN’S MAGAZINE INTRODUCTION SOUTH AFRICA G Q I S SO U TH A F R I C A’ S M OS T S T Y LI S H A N D SO P H I S TI C ATE D M E N ’ S M AGA Z I N E , D E D I C ATE D TO TH E V E RY B E S T I N E D ITO R IA L E XC E LLE N C E . WITH A FO CU S ON MEN’S FA S H I O N , GROOMING, I N V E S TI GATIV E J O U R N A LI S M , OPINION, CARS AND TE C H N O LO GY, G Q I S B OTH A R E F L E C TI O N O F A M A N ’ S LI F E – A N D A P O R TA L TO TH E WO R L D H E WA NT S . GENTLEMEN’S QUARTERLY FASHION 2016 STYLE SOUTH AFRICA SPECIAL Your summer wardrobe sorted FEBRUARY 2016 R49.50 (INCL VAT) OTHER COUNTRIES R43.42 GQ.CO.ZA CLASSIC WEALTH GQ looks TIPS FOR INVESTMENT SUCCESS FEBRUARY 2016 GQ GIRL Badass queen Emilia Clarke DESTINATION Jo’burg The inner-city spots to see THE GQ MAN FORMAL CLASS ACTS S T Y LI S H A N D wear COVER STORY WATCH THESE GUYS KILL IT THIS YEAR Ryan Reynolds Christoph Waltz Jack O’Connell Will Smith James Corden Will Ferrell I S I N FO R M E D, GQ.CO.ZA S O P H I S TI C AT E D Informal THE WEEKND IS CRAZY FOR KANYE WEST’S STREETWEAR COLLECTION REPORT Searching for Sugar Daddy TA R G E TI N G TO P - E N D M A L E D E M O G R A P H I C S E G M E NT S , G Q A LI G N S YO U R B R A N D WITH S O P H I S TI C ATE D A N D U R BA N E E D ITO R IA L P I L L A R S READER FEEDBACK: “Your magazine has influenced my style, character, thinking and decision making.” – Raa-iq SOUTH AFRICA READER PROF LE A M B ITI O U S , BY THE NUMBERS DY N A M I C , DISCERNING AND FA S H I O N A B L E , GQ READERS A R E P R OAC TIV E SPENDERS READERS 77% Black O N FA S H I O N , GROOMING PRODUCTS, TE C H N O LO GY, S P O R TI N G , AVERAGE AGE 29 LSM 7 - 10 86% B E V E R AG E S , E NTE R TA I N M E NT A N D OTH E R LI F E S T Y L E S E RV I C E S . TH E G Q METRO/URBAN 91% CIRCULATION 22 789 ABC Jul – Sep 2015 MAN IS I N FO R M E D, S T Y LI S H A N D S O P H I S TI C ATE D. READERSHIP 264 000 AMPS Jun 15 (Jul 14 – Jun 15) GQ MEN LEAD BRILLIANT, CONSIDERED LIVES READER FEEDBACK: “I have witnessed the magazine revolutionise the way the modern man thinks and dresses.” – Tumelo SOUTH AFRICA EDITORIAL PR FILE > FASHION A key GQ platform offering practical advice on integrating the most current trends into a polished, considered look for every occasion, and the most essential designers and brands to follow > GQ ESSENTIALS Everything a man needs to know, every month – the people, media, trends, tech, flavours, destinations and conversations that matter > PROFILES > GROOMED Beautiful and intriguing women from around the world An Informative and entertaining guide to the tools to elevate your appearance and confidence > GQ DRIVE The most desirable machines on the road, and what to expect in the future > GQ REPORT Skilled writers tackle major local and international issues in our award-winning longform journalism > GQ WEALTH > FITNESS & HEALTH Your guide to smart money and getting ahead in the world of business. Separating fad from fact, GQ’s diet and exercise experts provide the keys to all-round wellbeing for the busy professional READER FEEDBACK: “I found the entertainment features to be very Inspiring. Thank you for the great advice.” – Kgomotso RATE CARD 2016 SOUTH AFRICA > ADVERTISEMENT R ATES FULL COLOUR RATE FULL PAGE DOUBLE-PAGE SPREAD TWO-THIRDS PAGE HALF PAGE ONE-THIRD PAGE QUARTER PAGE ADVERTORIAL FULL PAGE 52 500.00 105 000.00 43 500.00 39 400.00 36 600.00 31 300.00 59 900.00 * Advertorial rate includes production costs and excludes agency commission > PRIME POSITIONS FULL PAGE OUTSIDE BACK COVER INSIDE BACK COVER LH PAGE OPPOSITE CONTENTS RH PAGE OPPOSITE CONTENTS OPPOSITE EDITOR’S LETTER OPPOSITE MASTHEAD OPPOSITE GQ FEEDBACK 70 700.00 61 700.00 59 400.00 59 400.00 59 400.00 59 400.00 59 400.00 46 000.00 DOUBLE-PAGE SPREAD FIRST SPREAD SECOND SPREAD THIRD SPREAD 112 500.00 115 300.00 115 300.00 • Positioning in the first 30% of the magazine will carry an additional 10% loading fee. • A 50% fee will be levied on cancellation of bookings on prime positions. • Discounts awarded for volume commitments that are not fulfilled will be reversed. > INSERTS BOUND-IN 2 pages 4-8 pages 12-24 pages R 850.00 per 1 000 R 1 150.00 per 1 000 R 1 310.00 per 1 000 LOOSE 2 pages 4-12 pages 16-24 pages 28-36 pages 40-48 pages issue bookings/ cancelations material deadlines advertorial deadlines insert deadlines on sale date Feb 7 Dec 9 Dec 25 Nov 18 Dec 25 Jan Mar 11 Jan 18 Jan 6 Jan 3 Feb 22 Feb Apr 8 Feb 15 Feb 3 Feb 2 Mar 21 Mar May 7 Mar 14 Mar 2 Mar 30 Mar 18 Apr Jun 11 Apr 18 Apr 6 Apr 4 May 23 May Jul 9 May 16 May 4 May 1 Jun 20 Jun Aug 6 jun 13 jun 1 Jun 29 Jun 18 Jul Sep 11 jul 18 jul 6 Jul 31 Aug 22 Aug Oct 8 Aug 15 Aug 3 Aug 31 Aug 19 Sep Nov 5 Sep 12 Sep 31 Aug 28 Sep 17 Oct Dec/Jan 10 Oct 17 Oct 5 Oct 2 Nov 21 Nov > TECHNICAL DATA (MM) SIZE HALF PAGE VERTICAL MASTHEAD > CLOSING DATE SCHEDULES R 670.00 per 1 000 R 950.00 per 1 000 R 1 170.00 per 1 000 R 1 250.00 per 1 000 R 1 340.00 per 1 000 FULL PAGE TWO-THIRDS VERTICAL HALF-PAGE HORIZONTAL HALF-PAGE VERTICAL ONE-THIRD HORIZONTAL ONE-THIRD VERTICAL quarter page HORIZONTAL quarter page VERTICAL BLEED TRIM TYPE 286 x 220 286 x 150 148 x 220 286 x 115 102 x 220 286 x 80 79 x 220 286 x 63 276 x 210 276 x 140 138 x 210 276 x 105 92 x 210 276 x 70 69 x 210 276 x 53 256 x 190 256 x 120 118 x 190 256 x 85 72 x 190 256 x 50 57 x 190 256 x 43 > SUBMISSION SPECIFICATIONS • Live matter and type safety: Allow 10mm for trim and 13mm for bleed. • Gutter: No type should appear within 4mm of gutter. • DPS material to be supplied as two single pages. • Copy running across the spine in a DPS advertisement must allow for 8mm space in the spine for text to read. All print ready artwork can be supplied on the following platforms: 1. Contact: Jean Jacobs Email: Tel: 021 480 2300 2. Adsend 3. Quickcut 4. Dropbox, Hightail or WeTransfer to the previous mentioned email address 5. Print ready PDF saved onto CD. An industry standard colour proof for colour matching on press can be supplied. Delivery Address: CTP Printers, Boompie Str, Parow, 7500 / Att: GQ Inserts SOUTH AFRICA The Faces of Fashion STEFANO MORO VAN WYK Take inspiration from somewhere close to home when choosing your accessories A celebration of seven of South Africa’s leading voices in men’s style WORDS BY JASON AND NKOSIYATI ALEXANDER BASSON KHUMALO PHOTOGRAPHY BY TERI ROBBERTS From left: Manyano wears Mr Price sleeveless bomber R199. H&M vest R190. Speedo shorts R682. Hermès at Picot & Moss watch R53 995 When you take it to the streets, keep it real tidy and opt for tailored pieces Toyin wears Woolworths vest, price TBA. Zara Man trousers R699 Mel wears Country Road sports bra R449, tights R599. Tosoni at Spitz heels R1 495 Beaded jewellery worn throughout courtesy of Annie’s Wardrobe S outh African style is having a moment in the spotlight like never before. With the world’s attention increasingly focusing on the prominent re-emergence of menswear, a handful of creative South Africans already have a firm grasp on the movement. Meet seven of the industry’s best designers, creatives and outspoken voices who are not only leaving a mark on the world of local menswear, but taking it forward. Lacoste polo R1 695. Polo track pants R700. Nike headband R88. Oakley at Luxottica sunglasses R2 150. Superdry bag R1 000 Opposite: Manyano wears H&M bomber jacket R749. Woolworths vest (pack of two) R170. Banana Republic at Stuttafords trousers R700. Nike headband R85 Mel wears Trenery jacket R1 399. H&M bikini top R229, shorts R599 GQSTYLE • SPRING/SUMMER • 2015/16 GQSTYLE • SPRING/SUMMER • 2015/16 / GQ.CO.ZA GQSTYLE • SPRING/SUMMER • 2015/16 46 117 GQSTYLE • SPRING/SUMMER • 2015/16 / GQ.CO.ZA / GQ.CO.ZA 119 NEW BEAUTY REPORT TREND HIGH-TOPS Top to Toe C One of fashion’s oldest highs gets a new lease on life FULL PAGE DOUBLE-PAGE SPREAD ADVERTORIAL R 35 800.00 R 71 600.00 R 42 900.00 Originally designed for basketball players with a need for improved ankle support on the court, high-tops were first invented in 1917 but only gained popularity years later when famed Akron Firestones player Charles H Taylor took the shoe national through his on-court theatrics, his All-Star roadshows and his basketball workshops. The shoe evolved rapidly over time, assimilating aspects of hip-hop, grunge and graffiti culture as it went along. As formal and athletic styles merged in recent years, the high-top suddenly found its place on the runways of the world and even in a few prominent art galleries. In short, this shoe – in all its spectacularly varied styles – has become one of the most collectable and culturally-charged items in fashion: an absolute essential for the contemporary wardrobe. ■ Louis Vu Prime positions: Full Page full colour 50 16 yR la Onitsuka Tiger at Jordan Footwear R730 EARS COURTESY OF NEXT MODEL MANAGEMENT R 48 200.00 R 41 800.00 R 40 400.00 R 40 400.00 R 40 400.00 Sp itz R1 59 5 Check out more of our favourites at a R1 Pum R6 0 49 R 83 600.00 R 78 700.00 R 78 700.00 R 78 700.00 Bu r be rr y I L L U S T R AT I O N S B Y Q U A S I E M G A M I E T Diesel R1 900 Report 700 FIRST SPREAD SECOND SPREAD THIRD SPREAD FOURTH SPREAD p Re at Prime Positions: Double-Page Spread 950 Ca rve la OUTSIDE BACK COVER INSIDE BACK COVER OPPOSITE CONTENTS OPPOSITE ED’S LETTER OPPOSITE CONTRIBUTORS itton R9 I Rates 0 Full Colour n September last year, a New York Times critic drew the ire of thousands for her review of the Shonda Rhimes television series How to Get Away with Murder. While the piece was initially framed as a celebration of Rhimes’s continued creation of strong, complex, black female characters, it was frought with insensitivity, capstoned by a characterisation of the show’s star Viola Davis as ‘less classically beautiful’ than her colleagues. At the core of the ensuing debate was a rising movement – one catapulted forward by a continual change from ‘you should align with us’ entertainment, advertising and campaign archetypes into an ‘we align with you’ model, and one further driven by social activism. On TV, that has meant a gradual move away from classic entertainment tropes in character makeup and diegesis. Shows like Murder, Orange is the New Black, and Blackish further the cause of their forerunners (Will & Grace, Sex and the City) by creating characters that trade stereotype for reality, with relatable, real-world complexities resulting from intersections in identity. Indeed, we have begun to see our demand for true, on-the-ground diversity met more and more throughout the entertainment industry; it seemed that only fashion was slightly behind. When it came to casting campaigns and runway shows, it had long seemed that diversity was a catchphrase or a buzzword rather than a standard practice. While certain brands have gradually become more representative on the whole, the faces of international fashion have been binary at best, with brands like Tom Ford and Dior succeeding at diverse castings for runway shows, and others failing miserably. Until now. A new normal has risen, made up of those once forced to reside on the fringes. Now, the celebration of ‘the alternative’ is reaching its watershed moment, transitioning from an underground, indie movement into one that’s changing the parameters of ‘mainstream’. Fuelled by social media and its inherent democracy, a new troop of models is ushering in a new standard of beauty – one that’s more > GQ ST YLE R ATES Some of his personal highlights have been his work on music videos, notably with Katy Perry and Beyoncé. ‘When I worked with Katy Perry, I was feeling pretty down. And her song “Firework” – I was looking at her in the video on TV, and it was one of the first times that I saw two men kissing in a music video on national television. I thought it was just so cool, and I thought it was so beautiful. I thought, I don’t really care about famous people, but if there’s one person that I would like to meet, it would be Katy Perry. And then a week later, I got a message on Facebook from her manager asking if I could be in her music video.’ That video was for ‘ET’, in 2011, which went on to win two VMAs. Next was Beyoncé. ‘I just really wanted to meet her and I wanted to be in one of her videos, but I just didn’t know how I would do this. And then, sure enough, I met [her stylist] Ty Hunter. Ty started to see my work. I kind of became his godchild, and I met Beyonce when I was 19, and I’ve known her ever since.’ Ross appeared in the 118 2 29 LARGER SIZE 330MM X 240MM WITH 250 GSM GLOSS PHOTOGRAPHY BY tS tyl em olo gy. com R > FORMAT Lead Story Today’s activewear goes beyond what you find at the stadium. With luxury textures, hot colours and clean cuts, the ball is in your court la rk GQ Style is the definitive guide to men’s fashion in South Africa and at the helm of the African continent’s style revolution. Through its association with Condé Nast International, GQ Style has access to the world’s most accomplished photographers, stylists and fashion writers. Published biannually, the standalone magazine’s large-format environment provides style inspiration and empowers readers to take informed and stylish steps towards a fashion refinement and sensibility. GQ men in South Africa are on a fashion journey; GQ Style is their ultimate guide and resource. Game On Celio R1 040 30 GQSTYLE • SPRING/SUMMER • 2014/15 > FREQUENCY BIANNUAL AUTUMN / WINTER – MAY SPRING / SUMMER – OCT THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO MENSWEAR > CLOSING DATE SCHEDULES issue bookings/ cancelations material deadlines advertorial deadlines insert deadlines on sale date GQ Style | Spring / Summer 22 Mar 29 Mar 16 Mar 13 Apr 2 May GQ Style | Autumn / Winter 22 Aug 29 Aug 17 Aug 14 Sep 3 Oct TECHNICAL DATA Size Bleed Trim Type FPFC 340 X 250MM 330 X 240MM 310 X 220MM READER FEEDBACK: “A big thanks to GQ for helping me build up my confidence and keep me on top of my game.” – Pieter-Steyn 97 80 DIGITAL GQSouthAfrica 53 SOUTH AFRICA is an enriched web experience offering anytime access to content that’s punchy, plentiful and up to date. The site covers the same pillars as the magazine– men’s fashion, style, girls, technology, motoring, wealth and grooming with the samevoice as our print version. Readers can engage via comment boards and social-media platforms. GQ is a world-class site for stylish South African men. Dynamic content gives depth to the site and allows users to explore and engage. Our award-winning fashion department’s style section includes international and local trends – fromcatwalk reports to street style and fashion advice. You can also @GQdotcoza find out where to buy the items you like. Video, galleries and interactive campaigns allow GQ to come to life in a whole new way., along with our social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, allows GQ men to become a part of the world that the magazine brings them every month. > RUN OF SITE (ROS) DIGITAL ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES AD PL ACE M E NTS SIZE #THENUMBERS CPM MONTH LY R ATE INTE R AC TIVE CUSTOM CAM PAIG N Leaderboard (728x90) R380 R8 500 Format: gif/jpg Banner (728x90) R340 R7 500 Max size: 1MB Island/MPU (300x250) R350 R8 000 Click-through URL Half page (300x600) R360 R8 500 Material deadline: 14 working days before live date Homepage wallpapers PAG E IM PR E SSIO NS 167 188 U N IQ U E USERS 33 118 R30 000 (winge d area) (180X800) (middel area) (990X800) R20 000 (180X800) (middel area) (990X800) Overlay (to spec) From R35 000 Rich Media (to spec) From R10 000 Section Takeover R2 000 (daily rate) > DIGITAL NEWSLETTER Size: Banner (728x90) Weekly Rate: R2 500 Digital Dedicated Mailer: R20 000 Pages viewed per visit 195 000 R3 000 (daily rate) Subject to client brief, activity mechanics, production requirements and editorial approval. 3.8 Time spent on site Effective Measure Avg 2015 Homepage Takeover From R25 000 2m:46s SOCIAL M EDIA FO LLOWI N G O F: Video and Expanding Ads > NATIVE N E WSLE T TER SU BSCRI B ERS 21 000 Site Wallpaper (winge d area) GQSouthAfrica > INTER ACTIVE CAMPAGN GQ South Africa @GQdotcoza . 19min ago From R85 000 Subject to client brief, activity mechanics, production requirements and editorial approval. > ADDITIONAL DIGITAL ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES > SURVEY From R35 000 *Social media subject to editorial approval from R7 500 per post. T&Cs (published at editorial discretion) > COMPETITIONS Minimum Prize Giveaway Value: R5 000 Should your prize giveaway not be adequate, a cash component will be negotiated. SOUTH AFRICA CONTACT INFO > CAPE TOWN OFFICE Abigail Jacobs GENTLEMEN’S QUARTERLY Tel 021 480 2300 Fax 021 424 6222 2nd Floor, 220 on Loop, 220 Loop Street, Cape Town FEBRUARY 2016 DESTINATION Gillian Forbes Director of Digital Cell 071 052 2768 Email gillian@ Thomas Castley Digital Co-ordinator Tel 021 480 2357Cell 082 568 7555 Email thomas@ Vine Lucas Online Assistant (digital sales enquiries) Cell 079 526 2623 Email gillian@ > JOHANNESBURG OFFICE Tel 011 639 7100 Fax 011 639 7169 2nd Floor, The Star Building, 47 Sauer Street, Joburg Kerry Costa Advertising Sales Director Cell 084 500 1312 Email Lorraine Bradley Advertising Sales Director Cell 082 802 2252 Email Jacqui Erasmus Advertising Sales Manager Cell 082 338 0546 Email Informal FORMAL CLASS ACTS wear COVER STORY WATCH THESE GUYS KILL IT THIS YEAR Ryan Reynolds Christoph Waltz Jack O’Connell Will Smith James Corden Will Ferrell GQ.CO.ZA Cell 084 436 3778 Email GQ GIRL Badass queen Emilia Clarke Jo’burg The inner-city spots to see Stacey Calitz Special Projects & Events Manager GQ looks TIPS FOR INVESTMENT SUCCESS Cell 082 339 75 48 Email nokwanda@ Tel 021 480 2300 Fax 021 424 6222 Sarah Tuft CLASSIC WEALTH Advertising Sales Executive Cell 0845170577 Email Your summer wardrobe sorted FEBRUARY 2016 R49.50 (INCL VAT) OTHER COUNTRIES R43.42 Cell 082 692 2941 Email abigail@ Managing Sales Executive 2016 STYLE SPECIAL GQ.CO.ZA Business Development Director Nokwanda Mhlambo FASHION SOUTH AFRICA THE WEEKND IS CRAZY FOR KANYE WEST’S STREETWEAR COLLECTION REPORT Searching for Sugar Daddy