cAthoLic KN - Orange Catholic Foundation

diocese of orange
pastoral services appeal
2016 PSA Prayer
Lord God,
You have called us to be faithful and wise stewards
whom You have set to watch over Your household.
Increase our gratitude for Your many gifts to us.
And from Your blessings, may we joyfully share Your Gospel
so that others will know the outpouring of Your Love.
May we each be blessed for doing our share of Your work while
awaiting that great day of the Lord, Your Son, until He comes again.
13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 282-3048 •
The Pastoral Services Appeal is an annual campaign of the Orange Catholic Foundation held on behalf of the Diocese of Orange that grants funds to support
ministries and services that serve all parishes and the local community. It also gives parishes the opportunity to raise significant capital funds by earning
rebates over their own individual parish goal.
How Your PSA Gift
Makes A Difference
Parish and
Formation of Catechetical Leaders and
Catholic Education
Outreach to the Poor and Vulnerable
Education and Formation for Priests,
Deacons and Seminarians
Parish and Diocesan Development
Parish Incentives/Contingency Fund
PSA Administrative Costs
Formation of
Leaders and
(7.5% of total campaign)
Total 2016 Ministries and Services Funded
Projected 2016 Parish Rebates
Total Projected 2016 PSA Campaign
Outreach to
the Poor and
PSA Parish
Education and
Formation for
Priests, Deacons and
Your Gift Matters!
Your donation is important in building up our Church in Orange County. We are the parishes of the Catholic Church in Orange County, working
together to accomplish what we cannot do alone! There are many ways to give using a pledge envelope available at your parish or you may give
online at
• Make a pledge to be redeemed over a 10-month period (monthly, quarterly or semi-annual – PSA runs from January-December each year)
• One-time cash gift
• Credit card or electronic funds transfer (at
• Gifts of stocks and bonds are excellent ways of giving
• Remember the PSA in your company’s matching gift program
100% of all payments over your parish goal will be returned to your parish on a monthly basis for its own important projects. You will receive a
receipt for your tax deductible gift in January 2017. Please make checks payable to Orange Catholic Foundation.
Thank you for your generosity to the 2016 Pastoral Services Appeal
Dear Friends in the Lord,
ith grateful hearts, we come together as a family of God to celebrate our 40th anniversary as a Diocese in 2016. The number forty
is a sacred number as it relates to forty years for the Hebrews to travel to the Promised Land and Jesus’ forty days and nights in
the desert. We reflect with joy on the forty years of the history of our Diocese and the generosity of all the people who have supported the
life of the Church for all these many years.
This year our call to action for the Proud to be Catholic Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA) is Know, Love and Serve. The Catechism of the Church
teaches us that God made us to know, love and serve him in this world and to be happy with him in the next. The PSA supports the work of our Church by making
us more outward focused; such as serving the poor through Catholic Charities, the scholarships we provide to so many of our students who desire to attend Catholic
Schools, and by serving our incarcerated brothers and sisters through Detention Ministry.
Your PSA gift also helps provide seminary education for an increasing number of candidates for our diocese, a gift of which we are truly grateful to the Lord. Having been
with many of the seminarians for our Holy Father’s visit, I am very impressed with their zeal for the Lord and His Gospel!
In Advent, we began the “Year of Mercy” which was proclaimed by our Holy Father Pope Francis. As in all of the ministries of our Diocese we strive to make the gift of
mercy known in all of the aspects of our faith life. Your generous response to the PSA enables us to make the gift of God’s great mercy integral to our life as a Church.
Thank you for your generosity which is part of this great portrait of God’s love among us and a sign of your love of God which draws us all together.
I invite you to join me as we continue thanking God for his generosity by giving back for all the gifts he has blessed us with and make your gift to the
2016 Pastoral Services Appeal. Together we are a family in Christ.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D.
Bishop of Orange
Building Bridges from Sunday to Sunday
Here is how your gift helps to enhance the life of your parish and community. . .
Know God
Love God
Catechists and ministers receive formation and certification through the
Institute of Pastoral Ministry (IPM) to teach our children, youth and
adults to know God through religious education, RCIA, youth and young
adult and adult faith formation programs. IPM also provides formation for
our deacon candidates and their wives.
God asks us to care for those needing our care
and mercy. Through your support of the PSA,
you partner with the diocesan Church and your
parish in the daily efforts to provide programs and
services for people who need them most.
$150,000 in scholarships is provided through the PSA each year to over
3,000 individuals to prepare them to teach our faith and serve our parishes.
Over $600,000 is granted each year to Catholic
Charities of Orange County, allowing essential Catholic Charities assisting
services to be provided to over 165,000
families in need
individuals most in need of our assistance.
Our Catholic Schools teach our children to know
God and to be good citizens. All Catholic families
that desire a Catholic education for their elementary
children should have the option available.
Together, our gifts to the PSA provide over
$1 million dollars in scholarships each year that
allow over 2,000 students to have a Catholic
Students from School
School education who would otherwise not have
of Our Lady
that opportunity.
Grants for Lay Ministry Formation • Catholic School
Tuition Assistance • Catholic
Deaf Community • Parish
Stewardship Education
Serve God
We are currently blessed with 44 seminarians in formation at 6 different
seminaries in 4 countries that will, God-willing, be ordained to serve our
growing diocese.
The PSA provides over $1 million or 50% of our seminarians’ education
each year.
Through Catholic Detention Ministry and
Restorative Justice, hundreds of trained lay
volunteers and clergy show the love of God
to over 53,000 men, women and youth that
are incarcerated by leading Bible studies,
Communion services and offering the
sacrament of Penance. Detention Ministry Bible Study
Your gift to the PSA helps provide over $450,000 a year to make this vital
ministry possible.
Catholic Charities of Orange County • Catholic
Restorative Justice and Detention Ministry
Parishes Benefit
The ministries and services funded through the
PSA support the life of all parishes across the
Diocese by providing services that
not one parish alone can provide.
In addition to all parishioners
coming together and supporting
the local Church of Orange,
parishes receive 100% of all funds
raised over their assigned PSA goal.
Parish rebates help fund new parish center
In 2015 parishes received over
$3.3 million in rebates for their own important projects.
Bishop Vann and Seminarians at World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia
We are also blessed with 125 permanent deacons who serve our parishes
as well as 36 deacon aspirants in formation. Together, our gifts to the PSA provide over $200,000 a year to ensure this
vital ministry continues to provide formation and support to our deacons
serving God in our portion of the Lord’s vineyard.
Deacon Formation & Support • Seminarian Education
Clergy Continuing Education • Vocations Office
“ The joy of the Gospel fills
the hearts and lives of all
who encounter Jesus.”
Pope Francis
Evangelii Gaudium
Pope Francis called for the Year of Mercy beginning December 8, 2015 - a special period, also known as a Holy Year or Jubilee Year, for the Catholic
Church. It is a time for the Church across the world to take approximately a year to focus on forgiveness and healing in a special way. Pope Francis
has asked us as individuals and as a Church “to be a witness of mercy” by reflecting on and practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy
(Pope Francis’ Announcement of the Year of Mercy). For further information, please visit: