September 2011 - Divine Exchange, Inc.

September 2011 Newsletter
…….Continuation of September Governmental Report
Our prayers continue, this month and last, in that area of praying for Israel, for our
nations, and the leaders of those nations. We did so knowing that not only is this a
mandate for us all from the Lord, but that the decisions being made, and actions taken,
are affecting each one of us, each day.
As well, our heart, passion, mandate and desire is to pray for you specifically, for the call
and the assignment that God has given you, knowing that as that is fulfilled, through His
power and by His grace, the whole world is changed!
Here is a great word by Jim Goll ( that for us confirms our
commitment as a market place business that heard His call years ago to that place of
prayer. We remain committed to the Joseph’s that God is calling forth and equipping for
His great work. We stand with you and the generation to come in this glorious promise.
Prophetic Insight
Needed: Marketplace Intercessors / Jim Goll
The Joseph Company is Arising
“In recent years it has been declared by numerous prophetic voices
that a last days Joseph Company of men and women with
marketplace anointings would arise. They would be powerfully
used to release funds [and other resources] to promote the Gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some refer to these as “marketplace
apostles”. These resources would be used to help launch
compassion ministries to the poor, houses of worship and prayer,
healing centers, and church planting ministries.
A creative, prophetic presence will rest on these entrepreneurs.
Even now new insights, inventions, and a fresh approach to
September Prayer Report
September 20, 2011
business is being released from the Lord. These marketplace
Christians will pass through many trials, and will be prepared in
such a manner that the Lord will trust them with the wealth of the
nations. Though the prophetic voice is still being restored, vision
has not been lacking in recent years. At the same time, some
resources needed to support marketplace ministries seems to have
been partially withheld. I believe one of the missing ingredients in
the marketplace is the presence of church apostles and prophetic
A Recurring Vision of a Young Joseph
In the past few months I have had a recurring vision of a twelve
year old man named Joseph. He has a gleam in his eye and strength
in his body. As I watch this vision repeatedly unfold before me, I
see a boa constrictor wrapping itself around his midsection,
attempting to squeeze the life and breath out of him. In the vision,
it has appeared to be a life and death matter.
I believe this young man represents the “Joseph Company” after
the spirit and nature of Joseph in the book of Genesis. It is not a
new birth, or something just now conceived, but rather something
which has been declared for about a dozen years. The young man
is coming of age from boyhood into manhood, therefore he has
now become a genuine threat to the enemy. Consecrated
marketplace men and women hold an enormous key for the coming
Harvest. In my opinion, this makes marketplace Christians one of
the greatest threats to the enemy’s camp of anything that has been
released in recent history. Because of the intensity of this attack,
we desperately need to see a partnering of the business world and
prophetic voices.
September Prayer Report
September 20, 2011
A Confirming Dream
For several weeks I have been seeking understanding of how this
vision may be applied practically. I have been asking the Lord to
release His wisdom on how to respond to the attack against the
lives of marketplace Christians. Businesses are coming under
increased demonic attack, and individuals with marketplace
callings are coming under unusual stress and pressure. Many
ministries I know have been struggling for their very life, just like
the Joseph from the vision. I recently received a dream in which a
piece of paper floated down to me from the sky. In big bold letters
it stated, "Needed: Marketplace Intercessors".
The Call To Prayer
I am convinced that the lack of intercessors is one of the major
missing ingredients in the business world. Marketplace intercessors
must respond. Prayer shields must be put in place for these
struggling businesses. We have prophetically called forth these
new "Josephs" into being, but we must now become proactive with
the global prayer movement. Prayer warriors must assist their
brothers and sisters in their endeavors. We must partner together
both in the office and in our prayer closets.
It's time to pray.”
We rejoice in the knowledge that we serve a God Who hears and answers prayer. We
celebrate the call He has given you and your “yes” to Him, and count it pure joy to agree
with heaven over your life, and to meet with Him in that place of prayer!
September Prayer Report
September 20, 2011
The Divine Exchange Team
September Prayer Report
September 20, 2011