a call to marketplace intercessors to help under gird the joseph

by James W. Goll
1.) The Joseph Company is Arising
In recent years it has been declared by numerous prophetic voices that a Last Days Joseph Company of
men and women with market place, business anointings would arise on the scene. They would be
powerfully used to release funds to promote the Gospel of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some
refer to these as "Market Place Apostles". These resources would specifically be used to help launch
Compassion Ministries to the Poor, Houses of Worship and Prayer, Healing Centers, Church Planting and
Nation's Building.
A creative, prophetic presence will rest on these entrepreneurs as new insights, inventions, and fresh
approaches to business are released from the Lord. These vessels will have passed through the fire of
many trials so that the Lord can trust them with the wealth of the nations. As the prophetic voice has been
being restored, vision has not been lacking in recent years - but rather the resources needed to fund the
vision seems to have been partially withheld. But in these days the missing ingredient of the Joseph
Company rightly relating to church apostles and prophets is arising for such a time as this.
2.) A Reoccurring Vision of a Young Joseph
In the past few months I have had a reoccurring vision of a young man named Joseph around the age of
12 - 13 appearing before me. He has a gleam in his eye and strength in his body. But as I watch this
vision repeatedly unfold before me, I see a Boa Constrictor snake coming up his legs and wrapping itself
around his midsection attempting to squeeze the life and breath out of him. In the vision it has appeared
to be a life and death matter. I believe that this young man represents the "Joseph Company" after the
spirit and nature of Joseph in the book of Genesis. It is not a new birth - or something just now conceived
- but rather something that has been declared for a dozen years or so. The young man is at the time of
"coming of age" from boyhood into manhood. Therefore he is now a real threat to the enemy - where
previously he has only been a "dream". Consecrated market place men and women hold an enormous
key for the coming Harvest. Therefore, this is one of the greatest threats to the enemy's camp of anything
that has been released in decades if not centuries. We desperately need this partnering to occur in this
(Note: Many prophetic encounters contain representations of people appearing in a visionary manner.
These are typically symbolic in nature and not actual appearances of departed spirits. Therefore let us
use wisdom and discernment in how these types of experiences are conveyed.)
3.) A Confirming Dream
For some weeks I have been seeking confirmation and understanding of applications needed concerning
this vision. I have been asking the Lord to release His wisdom on how to respond to the attack against
young Joseph's life. I have observed businesses coming under increased demonic attacks and individuals
with market place callings coming under unusual stress and pressures. Many ministries I know have been
struggling for their very life and breath. In seeking confirmation, I recently received a dream in which a
piece of paper floated down out of the sky to me. I took hold of it and could read writing on it. In big bold
letters it stated NEEDED MARKET PLACE INTERCESSORS. I am convinced that this is one of the major
missing ingredients in this hour. Market Place Intercessors must arise! Prayer Shields must be put in
place for these businesses. We have prophetically called forth these new Josephs into being. We must
now go proactive with the global prayer movement to assist our brothers and sisters in their field of
endeavors for our Lord. We must partner together!
4.) Affirming Voices - Greater Clarity - Exercising Authority
I have shared this vision with several regional and national leaders. Intercessory leaders, apostolic and
prophetic voices have affirmed this vision and the response it requires. Bill Greenman of Purpose
International has been seeking the Lord with me concerning this matter for some time. I will now relay to
you his affirming message.
"Since late in the autumn of 2002 there began a surge of faith and productivity in the areas of business for
the Christian. This was followed by about 7 months in 2003 with extraordinary faith for the Lord to move in
new businesses and investments, with many people being blessed during this time. Then, in mid July or
so, everything began to slow down. Problems of increasing magnitude began to plague the very
businesses that were only weeks ago being blessed by the Lord. By late August, many companies were
at a stand still and finances were bottled up in legal issues or intra-corporate problems.
It was about this time that I contacted my friend James Goll to discuss the matter. I felt there was a
spiritual battle involved and that a time of fasting prayer must be called, similar to that which he had
trumpeted so well in December of 2002, for the first 90 days of 2003 concerning Homeland Security for
the USA and Israel. Jim then related the vision where a young boy was being suffocated by the coils of a
large boa constrictor snake. This strangle hold is what we've been experiencing since late summer and it
must be broken.
Then, a week or so ago, the Holy Spirit arrested my attention by saying to me, "I let that snake attack
Joseph for a reason. I did it because I wanted the devil to be forced to pay back 7 times what he stole
from the Josephs during that time. Now I want you to declare that, and demand that 7 fold return from the
thief." I immediately did just that - declaring it into the heavens. But the Lord quickly let me know that was
not what he meant. He wanted a national declaration."
5. A National and Global Strategic Prayer Plan
Several national leaders have already agreed that a united fasting prayer vigil should concur. (Application
of fasting will be as the Holy Spirit directs each of you in your personal situations.) This communiqué
marks the beginning of a grass roots level movement that includes the "power of declaration". We want to
corporately declare into the spirit realm that:
1. The Joseph anointing and the Joseph Company of believers are demanding that the demonic spirits,
which have stolen, time and money from us to let us go!
2. We declare that those demonic forces arrayed against the Joseph Company of believers are being
bound by the blood of Jesus Christ and forbidden to hinder our progress in any manner.
3. We declare that the Joseph Company of believers and the anointing that resides in us and this present
age will prevail in the purposes and plans of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Additional Applications to Consider:
1. Christian Market Place Leaders adapt a prayer altar in their place of business.
2. Congregations unite for a Prayer Shield around businesses in their cities and especially those
represented amongst their church members.
3. Prayer Leaders begin a new thrust of praying for the Josephs to come forth and intercede for their
health and prospering of their families as well as companies.
4. Expand your vision and look for the GateKeepers of Cities to come together in every area: Church,
Youth, Market Place, Governmental and Intercessory. Build a united front!
by James W. Goll