




PCO4930 S ECTION 8404 PSY 151 W EDNESDAYS 4:05 – 7:05


EMAIL : | P HONE : 352-392-0601 | O FFICE : 002 PSY | H OURS : Mondays 3-5 and by appt.


Scientists tend to dislike discussing the “paranormal.” Ghosts, we are assured, do not really exist.

Bigfoot is a myth, all alleged psychics are charlatans, and telepathy is the stuff of cheesy sciencefiction stories. We may therefore safely file such notions away in our mental file cabinet under the heading, “For Entertainment Purposes Only.” But how can we be sure? Millions of people worldwide sincerely believe in phenomena most scientists consider unbelievable. The popular press reports eyewitness accounts of miracle cures and unexplainable occult happenings on a near daily basis. How can we tell the difference between what we would like to be true and what is actually true? And—this is perhaps the more interesting question for psychologists— why do so many people believe in such weird things ?

The more we learn about the extraordinary capabilities of the human brain, the clearer it becomes that our reasoning machinery is woefully fallible. We subconsciously seek out information that confirms what we already think. We reliably see patterns where none actually exist. We often base our judgments on single anecdotes rather than valid statistical information. Enter the world of pseudoscience— claims presented so that they appear scientific even though they lack supporting evidence and plausibility— ready-made to capitalize on these evolutionarily hard-wired features. In this course we’ll delve deep into the philosophy and methods of psychological science to answer the question of how we know what is and isn’t so, tackling a host of odd, paranormal, and popular (but erroneous) psychological claims along the way. By the end, you should be able to:

• delineate the features that distinguish science from pseudoscience;

• distinguish skepticism from cynicism, and methodological skepticism from philosophical skepticism;

• separate pseudoscientific claims from those that are either outside the bounds of science or merely false;

• identify and challenge some major pseudoscientific ideas about human behavior;

• critically appraise a suspect or bogus claim when you meet one (e.g., in the news);

• and ably discuss the cognitive underpinnings and (adaptive) motivational functions of pseudoscientific beliefs

(read: provide an intelligible answer the question, why do people believe weird things?).

We’ll embark on this journey together as skeptical scientists, employing the scientific method and adopting as our motto philosopher David Hume's dictum: "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I’ll argue that this mission absolutely requires an open mind. But, as space journalist and historian James Oberg so incisively noted, "not so open that one's brains fall out."

Fair warning : This course may well challenge some of your own beliefs.

Welcome aboard! I know we’re in for an excellent ride.



This book:

Sagan, C. (1995). The demon-haunted world: Science as a candle in the dark .

New York: Random House.

ISBN-10: 0345409469. Amazon price: about $12

Our textual companion for the course. Seventeen years after its publication, and twelve years after Sagan’s death, The Demon Haunted World still holds the “Best Introduction to Scientific Skepticism” title in many venerated circles. I’ve carved out some time during the semester for two roundtable

“book club” style discussions of the first and second halves of this book, which will only occasionally dovetail with our lecture topics. I hope you’ll enjoy it as a complementary perspective on the nature of pseudoscience.

And this book, if you’re so inclined:

Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Ruscio, J., & Beyerstein, B. L. (2010). 50 great myths of popular psychology: Shattering widespread misconceptions about human behavior . New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

ISBN-10: 1405131128. Amazon price: about $20

An excellent, accessible summary of research exposing many specious claims about human behavior. Optional for the course, but a must-read for the rest of life, in my view.


Reliable Access to Sakai

If you aren’t already comfortable with UF’s E-Learning system (Sakai:, I highly suggest that you spend some time exploring its various components. We’ll be using Sakai heavily to supplement our in-class meetings. It’s where you’ll take our weekly quizzes , and where you can find your grades , PowerPoint slides for note-taking, assignment rubrics , and in-betweenclass announcements (including extra credit opportunities). At a bare minimum, I recommended visiting the site before each class in the event of any schedule changes. You should also check your

UF email frequently, as I may send time-sensitive announcements outside of the system.


Your grade for the course will be determined by your performance in two domains:


Weekly Quizzes

: 10 quizzes x 10 points each = 100 points total

Following the majority of our class meetings, a short quiz (5-10 multiple choice and short answer questions) will appear in the “Tests and Quizzes” section of our Sakai portal. Each will cover only material from the most recent lecture , with the exception of the two quizzes immediately following our roundtable discussions of The Demon Haunted World on 10/23 and 11/28 (which will focus on the first and second halves of the book, respectively).

Anything discussed in class—including slide content, lecture commentary, and any noteworthy in-class conversations—is fair game. See the last page for our quiz schedule.

Quizzes will always open at 5pm on the Thursday after a Wednesday class meeting, and close at 4:04pm the following Wednesday (just before the next class starts). You’ll need to complete them in one sitting, but they shouldn’t take more than 15-30 minutes to finish.

I’ll post 12 of these quizzes throughout the semester, worth 10 points apiece. However, only your top 10 scores will count toward the 100 point total: your two lowest quiz grades will be dropped.

A few cautionary words on cheating : it is impossible to cheat on these quizzes . An elite team of proctors will monitor all of your online activity in the Sakai quiz environment. They have developed, in coordination with the U.S. government, a patented way to accurately log your every digital move, and will report back to me any suspicious activities. They’re very good. You haven’t heard of them. You can’t detect their presence. They may already be watching.

Not buying it? Fine. Now some honest words on cheating: It’s impossible to cheat because I have no rules regarding what you can and can’t do when you take these quizzes . Anything goes: open notes, open book, open Google. You don’t even have to take them alone—I’d be perfectly happy knowing you’re taking them in pairs or in groups. Personally, I’ve found the act of debating answers and ideas with colleagues to be an intellectually rewarding experience. Whether you take them alone or with friends, I intend for these quizzes to give you a chance to mull over and reinforce the concepts we discuss, rather than memorize and regurgitate them.


A Term Project

: 100 points

The second half of your grade is a “choose your own adventure.” By the third week of class,

I ask that you decide (and report to me via Sakai) which of these two options you’d prefer:

Option A : “Pseudoscience in the Media” Term Paper (100 points)

The conventional option. You’ll first need to identify a recent media report (i.e., in a newspaper, magazine, on television, on a reasonably reputable website) relevant to a pseudoscientific topic we didn’t cover (in depth) in class. Broadly, this project involves providing an overview of your topic’s historical development, and then subjecting the claim to a healthy dose of scientific skepticism. What, if anything, have scientists concluded about this idea? Do proponents offer compelling arguments? Which psychological theory best explains why people believe in this phenomenon? A more detailed rubric will appear soon.

Option B: Wikipedia Editing (100 points)

The experimental option, not for the feint-of-heart. As one of the top five most visited websites worldwide , Wikipedia plays a vital role in disseminating psychological science.

Unfortunately, according to the Association for Psychological Science, a staggering number of Wikipedia’s psychology articles are in a sad state. We’re going to help fix that. A much more thorough description of this project is forthcoming, but here are some of the highlights:








This option will likely require more time, effort, and frustration than option A. It will involve a semester-long commitment, some extra class time (when others won’t have to stick around or show up), an openness toward becoming familiar with the technical aspects of Wikipedia editing (we have a dedicated teaching assistant for this purpose), and the ability (or willingness to learn how) to find and evaluate scholarly literature.

You’ll have a great deal of autonomy in determining exactly how you’ll contribute to

Wikipedia. You may choose to update and correct citations, add or revise sections in existing articles, or create something entirely from scratch. No two projects will look the same (I’ll ask you to submit a brief proposal by the third week of class).

• The good news : I’m planning to be exceptionally lenient in my grading. We’ll be working as a team—I’m no more in charge of Wikipedia than you are, and some your editing will very likely undergo scrutiny by the Wikipedia community. If you put in a good-faith effort and demonstrate your commitment to the project, you can and will earn

100% for this portion (50%) of your grade. Ambiguity tolerance will serve you well.

Your final course grade will thus reflect how many total points (out of 200) you accumulate:



Total Points



> 92%



















119 and below







< 59%

Extra Credit:

You can earn up to 5 extra credit points (added directly to your total raw point score) by participating in research studies. Very often, faculty/graduate students in the department of psychology seek participants for their research from upper-division psychology classes. Should these opportunities arise during the semester, you can earn up to 5 extra credit points for participating (usually 1 point per study). You must learn about the study directly from me .

Research participation opportunities that you seek out will not count. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that any research points will be available this term, but I’ll do my best.


Late Assignments

I don’t offer any make-ups for missed quizzes, but they can count as your allowance of two dropped scores. For the final submission of your term project, each day that the assignment is late will result in a deduction of 5 points (e.g., a paper two days late can at best receive a 90/100).


During class, please don’t hesitate to ask questions about concepts that are unclear or share examples that are relevant to the material. I’ll endeavor to make this course as interactive and interesting as I can, but I’ll need your help.

Please silence all cell phones/any electronic devices that may be distracting during class. Please refrain from distracting private discussions with classmates, as well. If you chose to read the

Independent Florida Alligator or any other publications during lectures, please let me know of any particularly interesting material you discover. On the other hand, please refrain from asking questions during class whose answers were provided in the syllabus or during a time you weren’t paying attention.

Another fair warning (worth repeating, I think): This course may well challenge some of your own beliefs. Our focus will always be on the evaluation of claims through the lens of science, and on the normalcy of belief. Smart people believe in weird things because belief is inherently human.

Tolerance and respect are vital components of this perspective, and I’m absolutely confident that we can foster such an atmosphere together.


Bring them! But I reserve the right to ask anyone with a laptop to Google the answer to an interesting question should one occur to us during class.

Academic Honesty

Don’t cheat. Cheating is defined in the UF Handbook, and it is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with its many forms (including plagiarism). If a student is caught cheating, the first offense will result in a zero for that exam or assignment and a record of the event will be placed in a temporary file with the Office of Student Affairs. The second offense will result in an “E” for the course, and the student will go before the Honor Court. As a result of completing registration at UF, every student has agreed to the following statement: “I understand that UF expects its students to be honest in all their academic work. I agree to adhere to this commitment to academic honesty and understand that my failure to comply with this commitment may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the University.” Don’t cheat.

Disability Accommodations

If you are a student with a disability and would like to request disability-related accommodations, please contact the Disability Resource Center (and me) as early in the semester as possible. The

DRC is located in 001 Building 0020 (Reid Hall). Their phone number is 392-8565.


I don’t quite understand a concept we covered in class, something from the book, or [any random psychology topic]. What should I do?

Come and talk to me! I strongly encourage you to drop by my office hours for exactly this reason.

What if my final point total is extremely close to the next course grade (e.g., 89.5%)? Will you round up?

No. Extra credit is built into the course to help us avoid this sort of negotiating.

I missed a class because [any reason]—how can I get your lecture notes?

I do not provide my lecture notes. Also germane to this question: the lecture slides will not likely be sufficient to score well on the quizzes . They serve only as templates. Further, not all material I cover in class can be found in the slides or the book. Office hours cannot be used to conduct mini-versions of missed lectures.

My advice: make a friend early on in the semester. I would even suggest using Sakai for this purpose. I won’t be policing the general discussion board topic—it’s there for you to communicate with and help one another.

Some slides that you used in class were left out of the file you posted to Sakai. How can I get these?

Not every slide that I show in class will be contained in the PowerPoint file available on

Sakai. My rationale for this is fairly selfish—sometimes, I like to hold back a punch line or a surprising research finding. Its simply more fun for me that way. To catch these, you’ll have to come to class. I try not to do this too often.


Class Date Topics








8/22 Introductions and Course Overview

8/29 I.

Science versus Pseudoscience: The Problem of Demarcation


A Brief History of Extrasensory Perception (ESP)

9/5 I.

The Biological Bases of Belief


Do You Have ESP?

9/12 I.

Judgment, Decision-Making, and Rationality


*Wikipedia Meeting: Getting Started

9/19 I.

Heuristics and Biases


Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences

9/26 I.

Logical Fallacies


Conspiracy Theories

10/3 I.

Placebo Effects and the Randomized Controlled Trial


Complementary and Alternative Medicine

10/10 I.

First Sagan Interlude: Roundtable Discussion of Chapters 1-12


How to Find and Reference Scholarly Literature

[with Cindy Craig, UF’s psychology librarian]


*Wikipedia Meeting: Check-In and Troubleshooting


Due (by 4:04 pm)

• Quiz 1

Term Project Decision

• Quiz 2

• Quiz 3

• *Wikipedia Proposal

• Quiz 4

• Quiz 5








10/17 No Class (Ken out of town)

10/24 I.

Personality and Psychological Assessment


Dubious Psychological Disorders and Therapies

10/31 Halloween Special:

Hunting Ghosts | Contacting the Dead | Holiday Folklore

11/7 I.

Reading and Evaluating the Scientific Literature


Sorting Science from Fiction in Popular Psychology

11/14 I.

From Bunk to Bona Fide : When Pseudoscience Begets

Science [guest lecture by Dr. Jake Musgrove]


*Wikipedia Meeting: Check-in and Troubleshooting

11/21 No Class (Thanksgiving break)

11/28 I.

Second Sagan Interlude: Chapters 13-25


The PCO4930 Million Dollar Challenge

12/5 Open Forum | Topics by Vote

Sagan Chapters 1-12

Quiz 6

• *First Wikipedia


• Quiz 7

Quiz 8

• Quiz 9

Quiz 10

• *Second Wikipedia


Quiz 11

Sagan Chapters 13-25

*Final Term Project

• Quiz 12

Note . Quizzes will always open at 5pm on the Thursday after a Wednesday class meeting, and close at 4:04pm the following Wednesday (just before the next class starts). For instance, Quiz 1

(covering material from class 2) will open at 5pm on Thursday, 8/30, and close at 4:04pm 6 days later on Wednesday, 9/5.

*Green = only for those who choose to edit Wikipedia for their term project.

*Blue = the deadline for all final term projects, regardless of whether you chose Wikipedia or the term paper.
