unm computer science founders fund

Please accept our gift of: o $1,000 or o $ o For the Computer Science Founders Fund
In memory of Stoughton Bell, Edgar Gilbert & Donald Morrison
oOther: _____________________________________
Special notes:____________________________________
o Our gift is in the form of:
A check made out to the UNM Foundation
A credit card gift
o MC o Discover o VISA o American Express
Card No.:___________________________________
Exp. Date _______________
In memory of Stoughton Bell,
Edgar Gilbert & Donald Morrison
o I / We will contact UNM about donating stock.*
o I work for a matching gift company and have included a
completed matching gift form.
This should be recorded as a gift from:
Please be sure to include your e-mail address in order to receive
School of Engineering e-communications.
Thank you!
Please return to:
The UNM Foundation
700 Lomas Blvd NE, Ste. 108, #2 Woodward Ctr.
Albuquerque, NM 87102
*For information about donating stock, please contact Pamela
Weese at 505-277-0230 or Pamela.Weese@unmfund.org
700 Lomas Blvd. NE, Ste. 108, Two Woodward Center
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Sto Bell was director of the university’s computer
services at the time when a central mainframe
computer served the entire campus. Sto saw to
it that student interests were well represented in
the allocation of these resources. He also led the
university into the early adoption of interactive
time-shared computing.
Computer Science
Founders Fund
A Legacy for the Future
The Computer Science Founders Fund was
established in January 2014 to honor Stoughton
Bell, Ed Gilbert, and Don Morrison. A group
of former and current faculty, as well as
former students, came together to start the
fund because these three men had such a large
influence on their work in computer science
and their experiences at The University of New
This CS Founders Fund has been established
to award a full time instructor who makes
a difference in the lives of undergraduate
students in computer science. Voted on by
graduating seniors, the recipient will receive
the award for three consecutive years.
The UNM Computer Science Department engages in cuttingedge, cross disciplinary research.
About the Founders
Stoughton Bell, Ed Gilbert, and Don Morrison laid
the foundations for Computer Science Department
at the University of New Mexico by establishing
a master’s degree program in the Mathematics
Department in the late 1960s. The three had
come to the University from Sandia National
Laboratories. The degree program grew into a
separate department, at first unaffiliated with any
college, ultimately finding its place in the School of
Don Morrison served as the Computer Science
Department’s first chairman. Don had an
exceptionally wide range of mathematical interests
and was an early contributor to the emerging field
of computer science. He led both the research and
academic development of the new department.
Ed Gilbert was a visionary in computer science
education. It was because of Ed that the University
of New Mexico’s programming courses were ahead
of most comparable institutions in the nation in the
approach to the subject.
Instructors in the Department of Computer Science continue
to make a difference in the lives of undergraduate students
at The University of New Mexico.
Sto, Ed, and
Don founded
the Computer
Department at
the University
of New Mexico
and served
as models of
devoted to the
education of
New Mexico
students who
will contribute
to the world
of computing
in many ways
and in the many
years to come.
The Computer Science Founders Fund
honors the legacy of Bell, Gilbert, and
Morrison, who influenced students
and faculty at UNM.
To support the UNM Computer Science Founders
Fund or the UNM School of Engineering, please see
the panel on the reverse side. To donate online,
visit www.unmfund.org. For more information,
contact Pamela Weese at 505-277-0230 or Pamela.