• 180 outof180points (100%) Simon Company's year-end balance sheets follow. At December 31 Assets Cash Accounts receivable, net Merchandise inventory Prepaid expenses 20 14 20 13 20 12 Plant assets, net $ 31,600 $ 35,500 $ 37,400 88,500 61,000 51,000 11 2,000 83,600 52,500 10,400 9,450 5,000 234,000 278,000 257,000 Total assets $ 520,500 $446,550 $ 379,900 Liabilities and Equity Accounts payable Long-term notes payable secured by mortgages on plant assets $ 129,200 $ 73,000 $ 50,000 96,000 100,000 Common stock, $10 par value 162,000 162,000 Retained earnings 133,300 111,550 82,200 162,000 85,700 $ 379,900 $ 520,500 $446,550 Total liabilities and equity The company's income statements forthe y ears ended December 31, 20 14 and 20 13, follow. For Year Ended December 31 2013 20 14 $630,000 $675,000 Sales Cost of goods sold $390,600 $398,250 Other operating expenses 144,900 202,500 Interest expense 12,300 13,000 Income taxes 9,550 8,925 Total costs and expenses 622,600 557,425 Net income $ 52.400 $ 72,575 Earnings per share $ $ Evaluate the company's efficiency and profitabil i ~/ 3.23 4.48 by computing the following for 20 14 and 20 13. 1. award: 10 out of 10.00 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··l>oinu;- · (1)Profit margin ratio. Profit Margin Ratio Choose Numerator: Net income Profit Margin Ratio Choose Denominator: ./ Net sales ./ 1201 4 $ 52,400./ .$ 675,000./ 201 3 $ 72,575./ $ 630,000./ ± "'"' "'" ""' 7.8% 11.5% g.vard: 2. 10 out of 10.00 ·· · · · · · ·points · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. (2)Total asset turnover. ---- Tota I Asset Turnover Choose Numerator: Net sales c:noose Denominator: - ./ Average total assets Total Asset Turnover ./ = I ~ 2014 $ 675,000./ I $ 483,525./ 2013 $ 630,000./ I $ 413,225./ = Total asset turnover 1.4 times 1.5 times 3. S"Nflrd: 10 out of 10.00 (3)Return on total assets. -- Return On Total Assets Choose Numerator: ....... Net income ..--"'I Choose Denominator: Average total assets Return On Total Assets ./ = Return on total assets --1-- 2014 52,400./ $ 483,525./ = 10.8% 2013 72,575./ $ 413,225./ = 17.6% {The foUovdng inforn1ation applies to the questions displayed belov1.] Simon Company's year-end balance sheets follow. 2014 At December 31 Assets Cash Accounts receivable, net Merchandise inventory Prepaid expenses 2013 2012 $ 30,521 $ 35,330 $ 36,791 Plant assets, net 88,458 107,980 9,542 61,221 80,098 9,00 1 265,733 247,3 10 48,578 51,746 3,969 219,716 $ 502,234 $432,960 $ 360,800 Total assets Liabilrties and Equity Accounts payable Long-term notes payable secured by mortgages on plant assets $ 126,307 $ 73,1 70 $ 47,1 49 93,476 102,568 Common stock, $10 par value 162,500 Retained earnings 11 9,95 1 162,500 94,722 78,939 162,500 72,2 12 $ 502,234 $432,960 $ 360,800 Total liabilities and equity The company's income statements for the years ended December 31, 20 14 and 20 13, follow. For Year Ended December 31 2014 2013 $652,904 $515,222 Sales Cost of goods sold $398,27 1 $334,894 Other operating expenses 202,400 130,351 Interest expense 11 ,099 11 ,850 Income taxes 8,488 7,728 Total costs and expenses 620,258 484,823 Net income $ 32,646 $ 30,399 Earnings per share $ $ 2.0 1 1.87 Calculate the company's long-term risk and capital structure positions at the end of 20 14 and 20 13 by computing tl1e following ratios. 4. SW91'd: 10 out of 10.00 (1) Debt and equity ratios. Debt Ratio I Choose Numerator: Total liabilities v'j I = Debt Ratio v' = Debt ratio Choose Denominator: JTotal assets 201 4: $ 219,783v' I $ 502,234v' = 43.8% 1201 3: T$ 175,738v' I 1$ 432.960v' = 40.6% Egui!}! Ratio ~ I Choose Numerator: Total equi~/ 2014: $ v'j I 282,451v' I 1201 3: $ 257,222v' I = Equity Ratio v' = Equity ratio Choose Denominator: JTotal assets $ 502,234v' = $ 432,960v' = 56.2% - - 59.4% 5. SW91'd: 10 out of 10.00 ·····························points···· (2)Debt-to-eQuity ratio. Debt-T0-Eaui1V Ratio ---~~ Choose Numerator: 1-----11Total liabilities -10 I 201 4: $ 219.783_.I 2013: $ 175,738_.I Total I Debt-To.Equity Ratio Choose Denominator: ~~~· eQui~/ v'.l $ 282,45 1_.I = = $ 257,222_.I = l Debt-to-eQui ~/ ratio 0.78 to 1 0.68 to 1 6. award: 10 out of 10.00 (3) Times interest earned. Tines Interest Earned Choose Numerator: Income before interest and inc tax Choose Denominator: Interest expense Tmes Interest Earned Times interest earned 1201 4: $ $ 11 ,099./ = 4.7 times 12013: $ $ 11 ,850./ = 4.2 times = ./+--~1-- award: 10 out of 7 • ·.................. 10.00 pomts ................................................................................................ Simon Company's year-end balance sheets follow. At December 31 Assets Cash Accounts receivable, net Merchandise inventory Prepaid expenses 2014 20 13 2012 Plant assets, net $ 31,067 $ 35,225 $ 38,596 88,242 62,916 50,952 11 0,947 84,8 18 55,360 4,33 1 10,205 9,342 236,76 1 286,1 05 26 1,635 Total assets $ 386,000 $526,566 $453,936 Liabilrties and Equity Accounts payable Long-term notes payable secured by mortgages on plant assets $ 131,11 5 $ 78,249 $ 50,952 100,974 104,405 Common stock, $10 par value 162,500 162,500 Retained earnings 131,977 108,782 87,012 162,500 85,536 $ 386,000 $526,566 $453,936 Total liabilities and equi~/ (1)Compute the current ratio forthe year ended 20 14, 20 13, and 20 12. Current Ratio I Choose Numerator: ICurrent assets .I~ = Choose Denominator: Current liabilities .I~ 2014: $ 240,461./ I $ 131, 11 5./ 2013: $ 192,30 1./ I $ 78,249./ 201 2. $ 149,239./ I $ 50,952./ = = = Current Ratio Current ratio - 1.83 to 1 2.46 to 1 2.93 to 1 (2)Cornpute the acid-test ratio for the year ended 20 14, 20 13, and 20 12. Acid-Test Ratio I ClKlose Numerator: ~~....-~..-~~~ Gash 2014: $ 2013: $ 2012:._J$ ./ + 31,067.,I + Short-term investment~ ./ + Current receivables •$ ./ I ClKlose Denominator: Current liabilities Acid-Test Ratio ./ = = = = +---1-35,225 .,I + $ 0 + $ 88,242.,I $ 131,115.,I 0 + $ 62,916.,I $ 78,249.,I 38,596.,I~ 0 + $ 50,952.,I $ 50,952.,I $ Acid-test ratio 0.9 1 to 1 1.25 to 1 1.76 to 1 I 8• sward: 10 out of 10.00 .......................... points···· Simon Company's year-end balance sheets follow. 20 14 At December 31 Assets Cash Accounts receivable, net Merchandise inventory Prepaid expenses Plant assets, net $ 25,35 1 $ 29,930 $ 30,560 74,2 11 41, 158 51,859 67,842 43,833 94,230 8,327 7,70 1 3,36 1 227,566 213,086 192,888 Total assets $429,685 $370,4 18 $3 11,800 Liabilities and Equity Accounts payable Long-term notes payable secured by mortgages on plant assets Common stock, $10 par value Retained earnings Total liabilities and equity 20 13 20 12 $103,782 $ 63,853 $ 41,569 79,973 163,500 82,430 86,048 163,500 57,017 68,908 163,500 37,823 $429,685 $370,4 18 $3 11,800 Express the balance sheets in common-size percents. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your final answers to 1 decimal place.) SIMON COMPANY Conmon-Size Comparative Balance Sheets December 31, 2012-2014 2014 Cash Accounts receivable, net 2013 2012 59%.I 8.1%v/ 98%v/ 17.3%.I 14.0%.I 13.2%.I Merchandise inventor/ Prepaid expenses 21.9%.I 18.3%v/ 14. 1%.I 1.9%v/ 2.1%v/ 1.1%v/ Plant assets, net 53 0%.I 57 5%.I 61 9%.,J 100.0%.I 100.0%.I 100.0%.I 24.2%.I 17.2%.I 13.3%v/ 18.6%.I 23.2%.I 22 1%.I Common stock, $10 par 38.1%.I 44.1%.I 52.4%.I BRetained earnings Total liabilities and equ1~1 19.2%.I 15.4%v/ 12.1%.I 100.0%.I 100.0%.I 100.0%.I Total assets Accounts payable Long-term notes payable secured by Imortgages on plant assets Simon Company's year-end balance sheets follow . At December 31 Assets Cash Accounts receivable, net Merchandise inventor/ Prepaid expenses 20 14 20 13 20 12 Plant assets, net $ 25,226 $ 29,487 $ 30,107 73, 11 2 51,602 40, 143 91,924 68,1 88 43, 184 3,345 8,1 24 7,740 184,321 224,936 207,9 16 Total assets $423,322 $364,933 Liabilities and Equity Accounts payable Long-term notes payable secured by mortgages on plant assets $ 30 1,100 $106,46 1 $ 62,290 $ 40, 143 Common stock, $10 par value Retained earnings 80,380 84,774 162,500 162,500 73,98 1 55,369 67,209 162,500 31,248 $423,322 $364,933 $ 30 1,1 00 Total liabilities and equ i~/ The company's income statements for the years ended December 31, 20 14 and 20 13, follow. Assume that all sales are on credit: 20 14 20 13 For Year Ended December 31 $434,270 $550,319 Sales $282,276 $335,695 Cost of goods sold Other operating expenses Interest expense Income taxes 109,870 9,988 6,514 170,599 9,355 7,1 54 522,803 408,648 Net income $ 27,516 $ 25,622 Earnings per share $ $ Total costs and expenses 1.69 1.58 9. sward: 10 out of 10.00 · .......... " points .............................................................................. · ..................................................................................................... (1} Compute days' sales uncollected. (Use 365 days a year.) Dais' Sales Uncollected Choose Numerator: [ Accounts receivable .. I ./ I ..Choose Denominator: JNetsales x ./ - x 201 4: $ 73, 11 2./ I $ 550,319./ 2013: $ 51,602./ I $ 434,270./ - Days = 365./ = x 365./ = x 365./ = Days' Sales Uncollected - - Days' Sales Uncollected 48.5 days 43.4 days sward: 10 out of 10 . 10.00 ...................points ...................................................................................................................... (2) Compute accounts receivable turnover. _____ ,... Accounts Receivable Turnover Choose Nwnerator: Net sales ....-- Choose Denominator: Accounts Receivable Turnover Average accounts receivable, net ./ 2014: $ 550,3 19./ $ 62,357./ 201 3: $ 434,270./ $ 45,873./ ~ccounts receivable turnover = = -1- 8.8 times 9.5 times 11 . award: 10 out of 10.00 ...........................polnrs .................................................................................................................................. (3) Compute inventory turnover. Inventor.! Turnover ~ Choose Numerator: Cost of goods sold ./ - I uchoose Denominator: I 1Ave rage inventory Inventory Turnover ~ ./ = - f2014: $ 335,695./ I !$ 80,056./ = ,2013: $ 282,276./ I '$ 55,686./ = Inventory turnover -- 4.2 times 5. 1 times - 12 . sward: 10 out of 10.00 ··················po!nnr ······················································································································ (4) Compute days' sales in inventor/ . (Use 365 days a year.) Days' Sales In Inventory Choose Numerator: Ending inventory x Choose Denominator: ./ Cost of goods so Id Days Days' Sales In Inventory ./ x 365./ = x x 365./ = 99.9 days 365./ = 88.2 days 201 4: $ 91,924./ $ 335,695./ 2013: $ 68,1 88./ $ 282,276./ Days' sales in inventory 13. award: 10 out of 10.00 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ····poifits .... The following information for Tide Corporation: ($thousands) Net sales Cost of goods sold 20 13 $80 1,810 392,887 20 12 $453,000 134,088 Determine the 2012 and 2013 common-size percents for cost of goods sold using net sales as the base. Coomon-Size Percent for Cost of Goods Sold usina Net Sales as the base: I'----, Choose Numerator: I Analysis Period Cost of Goods Sold Choose Denominator: Analysis Period Net Sales ./ = Common-Size Percents --1 2013: $ 392,887./ $ 80 1,8 10./ = 49.0% 2012: $ 134,088./ $ 453,000./ = 29.6% .,,... IQuestion # 14 (of 18) ·I next ~ porn ts Sales Cost of goods sold Accounts receivable 2015 20 14 2013 201 2 2011 $ 533,786 $ 348,880 $ 277,992 $ 193,050 $ 143,000 72,930 179,679 274,681 145,076 100,1 56 25,942 20,375 19,015 11,293 9,767 Compute trend percents for the above accounts, using 20 11 as the base year. Trend Percent for Net Sales: Choose Numerator: Choose Denominator: Analysis period net sales Base year net sales 2015: $ $ 143,000./ 2014: $ 348,880./ $ 143,000./ 2013: $ 277,992./ I $ 143,000./ 2012: $ 193,050./ I .$ 143,000./ ./ = Sales 4= 373% 244% 194% 135% Trend Percent for Cost of Goods Sold: Choose Numerator: Analysis period cost of goods sold I Choose Denominator: ./ I Base year cost of goods sold I $ 72,930./ $ 72,930./ ./ = 2015: $ 274.68 1./ 2014: $ 179,679./ 2013: $ 145,076./ I $ 72,930./ 2012: $ 100,1 56./ I .$ 72,930./ Cost of goods sold 4= 377% 246% 199% 137% Trend Percenlfor Accounts Receivables: Choose Numerator: Choose Denominator: Analysis period accounts receivable Base year accounts receivable ./ = 2015: $ 25,942./ $ 9,767./ 2014: $ 20,375./ $ 9,767./ 2013: $ 19,015./ I $ 9,767./ 2012: $ 11,293./ I .$ 9,767./ Accounts receivable 4= 266% 209% 195% 11 6% 15. sward: 10 out of 10.00 ·························poii'its·· Common-size and trend percents for R us~/nail Company's sales, cost of goods sold, and expenses follow. Sales Cost of goods sold Total expenses Common-Size Percents 20 14 20 13 2012 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 63.4 61.2 56.7 14.3 13.8 14.1 Trend Percents 2014 20 13 20 12 104.4% 103.2% 100.0% 11 6.7 111.4 100.0 105.9 101.0 100.0 Determine the net income for the following years. (Enter all amounts as positive values.) 2014 201J 2012 $ 104,400.,/ $ 103,200.,/ Cost of Goods Sold 66,1 69.,/ 63,164.,/ 56,700 Total Expenses 14,932.,/ 14,24 1.,/ 14,1001 Sales Netlncome $ 1$ I 23,299 $ 25,795 1$ Did the net income increase, decrease, or remain unchanged in this three-year period? 0 Remained unchanged 0 Net income increased ® Net income decreased 100,000 29,200 I 16 . sward: 10 out of 10.00 ..................· poiilts ................................................................................... Which of the following items are part of financial reporting but are purpose financial statements? (Select all that apply .) ~ Stock price information and analysis 0 Statement of cash flovts ~ tv1anagement discussion and analysis of financial performance 0 Income statement ~ C-Ompany nev1s releases 0 Balance sh-eet D Financial statement notes 0 Statement of sh.areholders' equity ~ Prospectus not included as part of general- 17. award: 10 out of 10.00 · ············poii'its ··············································································································································· The following information is for Tide Corporation: ($ thousands) Net sales Cost of goods sold 2013 $80 1,810 392,887 2012 $453,000 134,088 Determine the 20 12 and 20 13 trend percents for net sales using 20 12 as the base year. I'----, Choose Numerator: Trend Percentfor Net Sales: I Choose Denominator: Analysis Period Net Sales .I 2013: $ 80 1,810./ 201 2: $ 453,000./ "'"'--.I = 453,000./. ,=_ 453,000./ = Base year Net Sales $ ---$ Trend Percent 177.0% 100.0% 18 . award: 10 out of 10.00 .............poir'its ............................................................................. Compute t11e annual dollar changes and percent c11anges for eac11 of the following accounts. (Decreases should have a minus sign in front of them. Round Percent Change to one decimal place.) Short-term investments Accounts receivable Notes payable -- 20 13 $374,634 97,364 0 2012 $234,000 101,000 88,000 Percent Change = Percent Challlll! .Short-term investments fAccounts receivable 'Notes - payable 1 $ -!- 60. 1%./ (36)%v' (1 00.0)%./