PSYA2 Social Influence Conformity - Majority Influence Conformity - BATs Essential - you must be able to outline research into Conformity (Asch and Sherif) (E) Stretch - you should be able to explain the different types of conformity with the use of studies to support. (C) Challenge - you could evaluate research into Conformity (B) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. EVERYBODY HAS HEARD OF PEER PRESSURE, BUT MOST PEOPLE ARGUE THAT THEY ARE NOT AFFECTED BY IT, OR AT LEAST NOT AFFECTED AS 'MOST PEOPLE.' THE TRUTH IS, WE ARE ALL AFFECTED BY THE PEOPLE WE INTERACT WITH, MANY OF WHOM WE DON'T EVEN KNOW PERSONALLY. OUR SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTS PLAY A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN HOW WE VIEW OURSELVES, AND CONVERSELY, HOW WE SEE OURSELVES IMPACTS OUR VIEW OF THE WORLD. Sherif’ Experiment §In an classic experiment Sherif (1935) showed participants a single pinpoint of light in a dark room §Participants were asked to estimate individually how far the light moved from its original position §After the initial individual attempt participants worked in pairs & then groups to try & reach consensus. §Group consensus was reached by establishing an agreed point. Criticism of Sherif’s work: The ‘group’ used consisted of three people. They may not have considered themselves to be a group. There was no right or wrong answer, it was an ambiguous task, and Sherif told them that he was going to move the light, so they were more likely to change their minds anyway. Sherif (1935) Autokinetic Effect I need 6 volunteers please PSYCHLOTRON.O RG.UK THIS IS A REPLICATION OF A VERY INFLUENTIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION BY SOLOMON ASCH IN 1951 A B C A B C A B C A B C HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=QCMVBXGMDSU&FEATURE=RELATED “A change in behaviour due to real or imagined pressure from other people” PSYCHLOTRON.O RG.UK Conformity (Majority Influence) Asch (1951) A research study of conformity to group pressure Will someone go along with an answer that is obviously wrong? HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH? V=VGDX5G9QL1G&FEATURE=RELATED PSYCHLOTRON.O RG.UK What is more important – being right or fitting in? Asch (1951) When all the confederates gave the right answer, the PPs made almost no errors When the confeds gave the wrong answer, the PP went along with it 37% of the time 75% conformed at least once 5% conformed every time 25% never conformed PSYCHLOTRON.O RG.UK Of the PPs: PSYCHLOTRON.O RG.UK Why would someone go along with an answer they knew to be wrong? Asch (1951) PPs reported conforming for different reasons including: Didn’t want to ‘upset the experiment’ Fear of rejection by confederates PSYCHLOTRON.O RG.UK Genuinely doubted own judgement Types of Conformity Task 1: Use your text books and the worksheet to find out 3 different types of conformity. Task 2: Apply what you have learned about different types of conformity to complete the worksheet ‘Psychology Storytime’. Exploring Psychology p 157, Complete Companion p148 Plenary Using cues from others to decide what action to take What type of conformity does this demonstrate? Explain your answer. Conformity - BATs Essential - you must be able to outline research into Conformity (Asch and Sherif) (E) Stretch - you should be able to explain the different types of conformity with the use of studies to support. (C) Challenge - you could evaluate research into Conformity (B) Look at the ‘Factors affecting Conformity’ sheet Predict what happened when he varied the experiment and give reasons using knowledge about types of conformity Evaluating Asch’s research Is Asch’s study a ‘child of its time’? Were these findings unique to .. MALES USA – INDIVIDUALIST CULTURE 1950’S – MCCARTHYISM* *strong anti-communist feeling, people scared to be different. Evaluating Asch’s research Perrin and Spencer (1980) – replicated Asch’s study in UK in late 70’s Science and engineering students only 1/396 conformed Youths on probation as ppts, probation officers as confederates – similar results to Asch. Nicholson 1985 – British students – some evidence of conformity – due to greater feeling of national cohesion as a result of the Falklands war Conformity or Independence? Only 37% of cases showed conformity to the majority. 2/3 did not conform Asch believed that rather than showing people as being overly conformist, his study demonstrated that many stick to what they believe – INDEPENDENT behaviour Asch & Conformity Some critics thought the high levels of conformity found by Asch were a reflection of American, 1950’s culture: •'It was time-consuming and uneconomical'. (Crutchfield) •'Tasks set not like real-life situations'. (Crutchfield) •'It did not account for minority'. influences • •Results: •Overall, subjects conformed to wrong answer on 37% of target trials •75% of subjects conformed on at least one trial •50% of subjects conformed on more than half of the trials •The group exerted normative influence by instilling a fear of appearing deviant •Led to public conformity (surface behaviour change) in the subjects What factors may affect conformity? Read and complete the worksheet ‘Factors affecting conformity’. We will share later What factors may affect conformity? In groups research one factor from the list below. • Group size, culture, task difficulty, unanimity, gender. Write the key points of what you have found out on the whiteboard Summarise the factors that affect conformity in your book/folder Influences on Conformity Group size: •Conformity increases with group size up to four persons in the group, and then levels off Awareness of group norms: •Conformity increases when the norm is “activated” or brought to the person’s attention An ally in dissent: •The presence of a single confederate who disagrees with the majority reduces conformity The difficulty of the task People will are more likely to conform as they want to be right (Informational social influence) Culture - individualist cultures less obedient than collectivist Gender - Females tend to conform more than males Why do people join groups? Because people generally seek agreement about what they see & how to behave (normative behaviour) Normal people behave like other normal people People who are NOT normal tend to be rejected or isolated Most people are normal so we tend to mimic (copy) majority behaviour Normative behaviour enhances self-esteem because of approval from others Plenary Revision tip - make a table/mind map or poster to outline the APFCC of Asch’s experiment (also Sherif) Complete the ‘Elaboration Ladder’ - it can be used when writing an essay about evaluating research into conformity Stretch and challenge - p158 Exploring Psychology q1-5 Homework: see questions at end of today’s top sheet - choose a task - hand in on 21st March Next lesson.. • I am not in next week (At a Psychology meeting!!) • Please do the following - at home or in school .. the internet or p71 in your revision guide to find • Use out about Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment kind of conformity is shown? • What your answer. Give reasons for through lesson 2 - ‘To Conform or not to • Work conform’ - make notes/table/mind map to highlight who is likely to conform and who is likely to show independent behaviour and why the homework questions at the foot of the • Complete lesson 2 topsheet