Sociocultural L.O.A: Social and Cultural Norms Continued . . .

Six factors that influence the
likelihood that people will comply
with a request?
(hint…something about cats and
smelly shoes)
What are the four compliance
techniques we talked about?
Describe each of them and a study
that goes with each one.
Cognition (4.1)
1. Describe the role of
situational and
dispositional factors in
explaining behaviour.
2. Discuss two errors in
attributions. (for example,
fundamental attribution
error, illusory correlation,
self-serving bias).
3. Evaluate social identity
theory, making reference
to relevant studies.
Social Norms
1. Explain social learning
theory, making reference
to two relevant studies.
2. Discuss the use of
compliance techniques. (
for example, lowballing,
3. Evaluate research on
conformity to group
. Discuss factors
influencing conformity.
(for example, culture,
groupthink, risky shift,
minority influence).
Cultural Norms
5. Define the terms
culture and cultural
6. Examine the role of two
cultural dimensions on
(for example,
power distance, uncertainty
avoidance, Confucian
4. Explain the formation of
stereotypes and their
effect on behaviour.
7. Using one or more
examples, explain emic
and etic concepts.
One of the key ways that a society or culture
passes down its values and behaviours to its
members is through an indirect form of social
influence called conformity.
Conformity: Yielding to group pressure; adjusting
one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviours in agreement
with someone else or with a social norm
Often, the term "peer pressure" is used to
describe the conformity seen in schools, but
conformity occurs at all levels of society and
is not always simply about the need to fit in
with a group of friends at school.
Asch’s (1951) Classic Conformity Study:
Let’s watch! . . . (and no, their clothing is not
the I.V of the experiment, ‘Its just a sign of
the times man!’) . . .
Using pages 120/121 of your text book,
and/or the OneNote document to complete a
summary and evaluation of Asch’s famous
1951 conformity experiment. GMEC et al….
Don’t forget to consider alternative
explanations . . . Hint, be sure to read and include, where you see fit, the bottom
of page 121 – Moscovici and Lage (1976).
What influences the likelihood of conformity?
◦ (Great Under-Cover Spies)
1. Group size:
1 confederate = 3% conformity
3 confederates = 32% conformity
(Asch 1955)
2. Unanimity: conformity most likely when all confederates
agreed (Asch 1956)
3. Confidence: feelings of competence decrease likelihood of
conformity. Perrin and Spencer (1988) – replicated Asch’s
study with engineers and medical students
4. Self-esteem: high self-esteem reduces conformity
Artificiality/low ecological validity
Demand characteristics
Lack of cultural diversity (may just represent U.S. in
1940s and 1950s)
Ethic concerns: deception & anxiety