Adding Questions

Instructional Technology Services
D2L Brightspace
Faculty Help
Topic: Quizzes, Layout/Questions
After you log in to your D2L Brightspace course, under ASSESSMENTS, click on Quizzes.
In D2L Brightspace, there are different ways you can add and create questions for your quizzes. You
can add and edit questions from the D2L Brightspace page itself, or by importing files from Respondus.
Adding Questions
Either create the quiz, or click on the quiz name that you want to add questions to.
One way you can add/edit questions for your quizzes in D2L Brightspace is to use the build in Question
Manager. Under the Layout/Questions tab, there is an Add/Edit Questions button, click it to manage
On the Quiz Layout page, you will see all questions already added to your quiz, if any. Here you can add
new questions, import questions from an existing collection, or from a D2L Brightspace text file.
Adding new questions is easy: just click the New button. A Dropdown menu will open; select the
question type you wish to add.
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You can add 3 Types of objects to your quizzes:
 Sections
 Questions
 Information Items
Adding Sections
Sections are groups of questions purely for organization. Sections are shown above the question group
folder. Random Sections gives students unique sets of questions. The random section takes questions
randomly stored from inside the Question Library.
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You can add images, descriptions, private comments, and line breaks under your question section.
Click New, then Section.
You will be prompted with a Name, Message, and Private Comment fields.
You will also be able to add images (image descriptions optional), options to show section names,
insert line breaks, and options to display message and image once, or before each question.
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Once edited to your needs, click Save.
What it will look like to students.
Adding Questions
Questions can be of any question type just as listed below. (T/F, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, etc.)
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To add a question to a section, click that section folder, and add new questions from that folder page.
Once in your section folder, click on the question type you wish to add to your quiz.
Depending on which question-type you have added, there will be different options/fields for you to fill
in. In this example, we are making a Multiple Choice Question.
You do not need to enter a title, but you do need to enter question text. The Question Text is the
actual asking of the question for the Quiz.
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Just as in the section header, you can add an image with a description to have a reference for students
to see. Just add your image, and write a description (optional).
You may upload from your computer, course offering files, my locker, and group lockers.
Select your file and click Upload.
In the Options menu, you can select Enumeration for your matching questions, make the matching
Vertical, Horizontal, or Drop-down, and randomize question options.
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Once all options desired are selected, scroll down to the question/answer fields.
Value is the answer; Weight is the amount of point percentage given for that answer; and the
Feedback field is what the students see after they have submitted the answer for that quiz.
Value and Weight of Answer
Feedback and Remove Option
You may also add question hints to your students.
Depending on which type of question you chose to add to your quiz, there will be other options and
settings to choose from.
Add as many questions as you wish to your quiz. Once all desired questions are added, click Save and
Close. The quiz will then be ready for the students to take (if start/end date allows them to).
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Adding Information Items
Informational Items are sections of text or picture information for students to refer to during a test.
The text or image items are for reference only, no questions to be answered.
Text Information Items
Text information items show text only in the quiz. Enter in text-only data. You may also add links,
media, and equations.
Image Information Items
Image information items show a picture with a description, and a caption if wanted. Select Image by
clicking Add a File, and type in a description (optional), and a Caption.
For More Information
Please contact Instructional Technology Services at or 218.477.2603 if you have
questions about this material.
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