University of Massachusetts, Boston College of Management MGT 330, Section 03 Business Environments and Public Policy Course Syllabus: Spring 2015 Professor: Vesela Veleva, Sc.D. E-Mail: Time: Mo & Wed. 11 am-12:15 pm Office: McCormack 3rd floor 03-201-H Place: Wheatley W01-0020 Office hours: Mondays, 12:30-2 pm; Wed. 12:30-1:30 pm, or by appointment I. Description This core course in UMass Boston’s management curriculum explores the relationship between business, government, and society in the United States and, for comparative purposes, Western Europe. We will begin by discussing the influence of business on economic growth, cultural values, and the political process. We will then learn how governments regulate and promote private enterprise through industrial, labor, and environmental policies. The Great Recession of 2007-2009 is just one example how private markets can fail to work properly due to inadequate or inappropriate government involvement. Additional issues that we will discuss in class include the challenges facing business and government in key areas such as environment, energy, healthcare and social security, public education, deficits and debt, poverty and inequality. Throughout the course we will discuss normative issues, including corporate social responsibility, and the role of business, government and citizens organizations in addressing the challenges today in order to build a more sustainable and prosperous society. We will read works by sociologists, economists, and management scholars and watch several films. II. Course Materials Required Textbooks: Vesela R. Veleva, Business, Environment and Society: Themes and Cases, Baywood Publishing, NY, 2014 (ISBN 978-0-89503-882-1). Course pack, MGT330 Section 03, Spring 2015 (same as MGT 330 Sec 04, Fall 2014); available in the UMB bookstore; digital copy can be obtained from: Supplementary Materials will be posted on WebCT/Blackboard. There will be additional readings for some of the classes. I will communicate with the class via WebCT/Blackboard or email, so please check your e-mail account regularly. Wall Street Journal , New York Times or Washington Post: Throughout the semester we will be discussing current events as they relate to the course; please read the major 1 national and international news in one of these o national newspapers 2-3 times a week, to stay current with the news we will be discussing. Access daily news free at or Not required but useful The library has very useful management databases, including Business Source Premier and Lexus/Nexus. These resources will help you to get more information than just doing a Google search. They are available over the internet, on or off-campus (with your UMB ID) 24 hours a day: III. Learning Objectives 1. Understand the relations among market and political institutions in the development of U.S. public policy and regulations, and be able to compare the U.S. system with that of other countries. 2. Develop an awareness of changing legal, regulatory, environmental, social and political environments and how they affect private sector organizations. 3. Improve your capacity to read and listen critically, and to communicate accurately and precisely in speech and writing. 4. Improve your research and problem-solving skills, and ability to work in teams. IV. Course format, requirements and grading Format: The course combines lectures, class discussions, team presentations, films, guest lectures, and reading newspaper articles. You are expected to read the assigned materials prior to the beginning of the class on the specified date. Familiarity with the materials will make class discussions both more effective and more interesting for you. Participation and Attendance: You are expected to attend all sessions. Please inform me in advance if you will be absent from class. More than 3 unexcused absences can affect your grade. Remember that much of the learning in this course takes place during class discussions, and that 20% of your grade is based on your class participation. Participation means showing up, and being able to make informed, relevant comments based on your knowledge of the material. Finding relevant articles in newspapers and informing the class about current issues contributes to a lively seminar discussion (or Blackboard posts) and is valued (and graded) as participation. Assignments are due on the date scheduled. Submission is electronic. Extensions will not be granted after the deadline. If your assignment will be submitted after the deadline, your grade on that assignment will be reduced by 10%, and then a further 10% for each day it is late thereafter. If you have missed a deadline, you are advised to take the rest of the 24-hour period to improve your assignment by more than the 10% penalty, 2 and submit it by the deadline time the next day. Note that the onus is on you to ensure the file is readable, and is not corrupted. Grading: The course grade is based on class participation (20%), mid-term exam (20%), a 5-6 page individual research paper (20%), a 2-3 page individual reflection paper (20%), team presentation (20%), and a 10 page final team project paper (20%). The papers and team presentations will require outside research on business-government relations. All papers should be double space and include proper references and figures/tables (these are not counted in the page limit). Makeup/Rescheduling of exams: Exam makeup will be granted only in exceptional cases after reviewing the particular circumstances. In cases of illness a doctor’s note is required. Use of electronic devices: No phones or other electronic devices are allowed in class. Laptops may be used for note taking only with the instructor’s permission. V. Writing Tips (for individual and team papers) Your papers should have a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning (introduction) should outline your argument and tell the reader how you will structure your paper. You should then develop your argument and support it with logic and textual or empirical evidence. The end (conclusion) should briefly summarize your argument and discuss its broader implications for politics or political science. Write short, active sentences. Make it clear who is doing or saying what. Use plain language. Say “an interesting thing,” not “a noteworthy phenomenon”; “I argue,” not “it is my contention.” Clearly define technical terms (“efficiency”). Avoid clichés (“the tip of the iceberg”) and meaningless qualifiers (“a little”). Use standard spelling and grammar. Use proper citations whenever you refer to others’ work (see next section on academic standards and plagiarism). VI. Academic Standards, Plagiarism, and Cheating PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, AND PLAGIARISM-DETECTION SOFTWARE IS IN USE FOR THIS COURSE. What is plagiarism? Plagiarism means copying sentences from the work of others (e.g. from the internet, newspapers, texts, other places, or other students) without giving credit to the original author. If you want to use someone’s work, you must cite the author. For example, if you use a phrase to emphasize a point, put it in “quotation” marks and write the name of the author and date of their work in brackets (e.g. (Haigh, 2011)). Note that it is unacceptable to copy and paste large blocks of text into your papers, even if you cite a source. It is also unacceptable to copy large sections and make minor editing changes. In other words, your assignments need to be your own work, written in 3 your own words. Use sources to reference facts, ideas, and specific quotes taken from elsewhere. You are required to adhere to the University Policy on Academic Standards and Cheating, University Statement on Plagiarism and the Documentation of Written Work, and to the Code of Student Conduct, available online at If you are caught plagiarizing or otherwise cheating you will, at my discretion, fail either the assignment in question or the entire course, and you will definitely have a description of the incident written into your academic record. How to Cite Other People’s Work Use brief (author, year) references in the body of the text, with a full citation in a reference list at the end of the paper. For example: As Levy (1997) put it, “the relationship between business and society is essentially political.” Or: mention an idea or a statistic, and then put the author and year in brackets (Levy, 1997). Examples of how books, journals and websites should be written in your reference list follow for a book, journal article, and a report downloaded from a website: Levy, David L. and Benyamin Lichtenstein (2012) Approaching Business and the Environment with Complexity Theory. In Hoffman, A. and Bansal, P. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Business and the Environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Veleva V., Parker S., Lee A. and C. Pinney, “Measuring the business impact of community involvement: The case of volunteering at UL”, Business & Society Review, 117:1 123–142, 2012. Watson, R. “Green Building Market and Impact Report 2011”, GreenBiz group, December 2011, Retrieved July 8, 2012, from: VII. Students with Disabilities If you have a disability you need accommodated, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Some aspects of the course, the assignments, and the in-class activities may be modified to facilitate your participation and progress. As soon as you make me aware of your needs, we can work with the Ross Center for Disability Services (, M-1-401, (617) 287-7430) to help us determine appropriate action. I will treat information you provide as private and confidential. 4 Detailed Class Schedule1 Week 1 Date 1/261/28 2 2/22/4 3 2/92/11 4 2/18 5 2/232/25 6 3/23/4 7 3/93/11 8 3/163/18 3/233/25 Environmental policy 10 3/304/1 Safety and liability 11 4/64/8 Workers’ rights 12 4/134/15 Energy and economic growth 13 4/22 Health care and social security 14 4/274/29 The challenges of globalization 9 1 Topic Intro to course; Why should business care about society? How the Markets Work; Corporate social responsibility Government Failure; 20072009 recession The community and the corporation Business, public policy and interest groups Taxes, spending and the growing inequality Public policy and corporate governance; SRI investing Readings, Activities Lawrence & Weber Ch. 1 (The Corporation and Its stakeholders) Students introduce themselves; small group exercise Goldsmith, Ch. 2; Veleva Ch. 2 Film: The Corporation Lecture and Discussion Exam/Assignments Goldsmith, Ch. 3; CEI Ch. 1 Team 1 presentation and discussion TEAM 1 (2/11): Causes of the recession TEAM 2 (2/18): Example of corporate community initiative TEAM 3 (2/25): Example of business group influence TEAM 4 (3/4): Growing inequality in the U.S. NO CLASS ON 2/16 – PRESIDENTS DAY Lawrence & Weber Ch. 18; Veleva Ch. 15 Lawrence & Weber Ch. 8 (Business-government relations) and Ch. 9 (Influencing the political environment) CEI Ch. 9; Tax Policy Center – “Federal Government Sources of Revenue” (; “How does the federal government spend its money”, Lawrence & Weber Ch. 14 (stockholder rights and corporate governance); Veleva Ch. 8 Mid-term exam (3/11) NO CLASSES – SPRING BREAK Lawrence & Weber Ch. 11 (Managing Environmental Issues); Veleva Ch. 4 Film: The Story of Stuff Lawrence & Weber, Ch. 15 (Consumer protection) Lawrence & Weber Ch. 16 (employees and the corporation) Health and safety, unemployment, work-life balance, the role of labor unions Guest speaker:Don Delikat, MA Dept. of Labor 4/8 Veleva Ch. 1, EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2014 (Exec Summary), mary.cfm NO CLASS ON 4/20- PATRIOTS DAY CEI Ch. 8; Veleva Ch. 14 Lawrence & Weber, Ch. 6; Veleva, Ch. 13 TEAM 5 (3/25): Example of product stewardship TEAM 6 (4/1): Product safety – the case of lead in toys Research paper due 4/6 Team 7 (4/13): Ensuring worker health and safety in supplier factories TEAM 8 (4/22): Clean energy source(s) Individual reflection paper due 4/27 Schedule may change in cases of weather-related closings, instructor travel or guest lecturer rescheduling. 5 Lawrence & Weber Ch. 13; Veleva Ch. 5 ALL: Examples of Public policy, innovation & nano-enabled technology; products nanotechnology Final team project 16 5/11Beyond GDP, Veleva Ch. 6, “Beyond GDP – true indicators of 5/13 sustainable well-being and economic development” (on Bb); MD due 5/13 consumption GPI - and the future of Lecture and discussion; final team presentations market economy Preparing for Team Presentations (20% of your course grade): TEAM 1: Causes of the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Research and present on the main causes for the great recession. Was it avoidable? Were the U.S. government actions effective in addressing the problems (e.g., quantitative easing, bailout of large banks, mortgage restructuring, extending unemployment benefits, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, etc.). 15 5/45/6 TEAM 2: Example of corporate community initiative. Select a company and research the different ways it supports the communities where it operates. Identify and report on example of community support. Why the company did chose to support this initiative? What were the social and the business benefits of the initiative? Was it successful? What would you recommend the company support in the future and why? TEAM 3: Business groups influence. Identify a business group in the U.S. and present the purpose, actions and tactics used to influence politics, environmental, social or economic policies. Is the group effective in pursuing its goals? Why? TEAM 4: Growing inequality in the U.S. Research and present data and historic trends on inequality in the U.S. What are the main causes for the growing inequality? What are the key consequences? Is inequality good for economic growth? (provide evidence to support your argument; one source to consider is Chuck Collins’s book “99 to 1: How wealth inequality is wrecking the world and what we can do about it”). Recommend strategies to reduce inequality. TEAM 5: Example of product stewardship policy. Research a specific product from the Product Stewardship Institute website ( and report on recent policy developments in the U.S. for this product. What are the key environmental problems from product disposal? What are companies currently doing to address them? Are existing policies adequate? What would you recommend? (examples of products include electronics, batteries, carpet, junk mail, pharmaceuticals, and tires among others). TEAM 6: Product safety and liability – the case of lead in toys or another case (e.g., the New England Compounding Pharmacy Case meningitis outbreak). Research and present on the 2009 scandal of massive toys recalls due to the presence of lead. What were the root causes for the problem? What actions were taken at policy and business levels? What should be done to prevent such problems in the future? TEAM 7: Ensuring worker health and safety in supplier factories. Select a multinational company and research its policies and practices for ensuring good working conditions in supplier factories in developing countries. What are some risks and abuses facing workers there? Does the company have a code of conduct for suppliers? How does it ensure compliance? What actions does it take in cases of non-compliance? Is it transparent about supplier factories violations and incidents? What would you recommend for improving working conditions in its supplier factories? TEAM 8: Clean Energy Challenges and Opportunities. Select a source of clean energy (e.g., wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, hydro, fuel cells) and research its development and deployment in Massachusetts/U.S. What policies are currently supporting its adoption? What are the main barriers to future growth? Make recommendations for policies that could help overcome today’s challenges and barriers and advance its greater deployment in the future. 6 MGT330 Individual Research Paper Guidelines Spring 2015 – Veleva 20% of your course grade; due on 4/6/15; submit via Bb You are writing these policy research papers in order to analyze a particular business issue and make policy recommendations. You may want to address your paper to a person or to an agency (e.g., President Obama, the Federal Reserve, Environmental Protection Agency, FDA, whatever) and make your recommendations realistic as to what that person or agency can accomplish. Don’t be vague and say things like “reduce unemployment” or “achieve economic growth”– how would you recommend this be done? The more specific your recommendations, the better. Choose a specific company or industry that faces a pressing environmental, social or economic issue. Since you have been keeping up with your reading and current events, you have (almost) the whole world to choose from. You should structure your paper according to the following format: Section I - Background (1-2pp) Describe the issue and summarize the economic/political/scientific background clearly and succinctly (pretend you are writing for an intelligent layperson). Is this a new issue, or an ongoing problem? Why? What are the causes of the problem, environmental/social/political/economic? Section II – Analysis (3-4 pp) Describe why the issue you have selected is important to the wellbeing of the company, industry or the region? What are the current policies to address it (or the lack of such)? Why should the recipient of your memo address this issue as soon as possible? Provide hard facts, not vague generalizations or predictions of doom. Section III – Options (1-2 pp) What sorts of options does your person/agency/government have in dealing with this issue? (“Do Nothing” may be an option as well.) List the pros and cons of each option, scientific, environmental, economic, and political/social – again, be specific. How would they affect your selected company/industry? Section IV – Recommendation (1 p) Which option do you recommend and why? How would you mitigate that option’s negatives? You need to cite any fact or argument that is not original (footnotes are preferable to endnotes) and you should use academic references like journal articles, books, and newspaper articles. Wikipedia is NOT an academic source, nor necessarily is any random web page – make sure your information comes from a reliable source. Make sure you use at least 4 references that come from a variety of sources and are relatively up to date. Your paper should be about 5-6 pages (2x-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 pt. font, etc.), excluding bibliography. Include maps, charts, or graphs as appropriate – if they are large, you can attach them as appendices. Using hard data and statistics always brings extra points! Use tutors to help you and proofread your paper! I expect college-level grammar and spelling. If I can’t understand what you are saying, I won’t be able to give you a good grade – make your paper easy for the professor to read. 7 Individual Reflection Paper Topic: The role of business in addressing the obesity epidemic and promoting health and wellness Due on April 27; submit electronically via Bb; 20% of your grade Select a company to write about – this could be your current employer, a company where you worked previously or just any company of your choice. Conduct research on current health and wellness policies and practices adopted by the company. Write 2-3 pages (double space) paper on the role of the company in addressing the obesity epidemic and promoting employee health and wellness. Express your opinion but support it by facts and proper research (e.g., are there any studies that have demonstrated the benefits to companies from improved employee health and wellness?) Share your own experience, if any. Provide specific recommendations how the company can improve employee health and wellness. 8 MGT 330 FINAL TEAM PROJECT ASSIGNMENT (20% of your course grade) Due: May 13, 2015; submit electronically via Bb Imagine you are the ESG (environmental, social and governance) team at a socially responsible mutual fund company and your task is to evaluate any governance, social or environmental issues that could pose investment risk. Working in your assigned team select a multinational company that you are interested in researching for investment purposes. Your goal as a team is to research and analyze the selected company in the key areas outlined below and make a recommendation to investment management whether or not they should invest in the company. Prepare a brief report with your findings (maximum 10 pages double space excluding charts, bibliography and appendices). Your project report should include the following: Assessment of the current business environment for your company and industry – what are the key governance, social and environmental risks and challenges that the company is facing? (think long term – 5-10 years) Assess the company’s current policies and actions in the following areas: Corporate governance (CEO and board compensation, directors and Chair independence, political contributions, fraudulent practices, lawsuits and violations; responsiveness to shareholder proposals) Environmental practices (lawsuits and violations, policies, goals and practices to reduce environmental impacts such as climate change, transparency and reporting to stakeholders) Worker health, safety and labor practices (policies and practices in their own facilities as well as supplier factories; violations, lawsuits, negative media) Community support (policies and practices to support communities where it operates – e.g., charitable donations, product donations, volunteering programs, community investing, and partnerships with NGOs to address key social or environmental issues). Recommend whether or not investment management should invest in this company based on your ESG analysis and findings. 9 Extra Credit Opportunity (Optional) MGT330, Section 3, Spring 2015 Due: May 6, 2015 in class Read Chapter 5 on nanotechnology in: Veleva, “Business, Environment and Society”, 2014. Identify a nano-enabled product through your own research or by going to the product category provided by the Nanotechnology Project Prepare 1 page summary and present in class for 5 min on the following: 1. How nanotechnology has improved the performance, cost and other aspects of the product? 2. Are there some potential risks to human health and the environment from the manufacturing, use or disposal of the product? 3. What responsibility should product manufacturers have for identifying and communicating about these potential risks? 4. What responsibility should retailers have to communicate information about nanoparticles in consumer products? 5. What information would you like to have as a consumer before buying a nano-enabled product? Who would you trust to provide you with such information? 10