THE SIGNIFICANCE OF PHILIP test least four methods We examined order to determine enabled method The responses 1897 a standard hip abductor that method of performing function. pitfalls from result the patient, and impingement from the patient using muscles Friedrich result in misinterpretation, Trendelenburg of the (Rang 1966). only two described other hip and progressive Trendelenburg’s years at a time after the discovery the physician than his ears, eyes, in most textbooks a test major methods little of and leg, and performing among the our Requests and pitfalls test its muscles of the should 1985 British Editorial 0301 620X855150S2.00. 67 B. No. pain, lack as a of co- False-negative beyond the hip out in of the hip. at least four dif- Trendelenburg it was seldom Furthermore, colleagues test, clear there how was the per- about most ofit of on of this confusion as to of the test, we decided to were, to the first, request to test in order as used record to stand to assess in current FRACS. Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedic MD. FRACS. Professor ofOrthopaedic II Medical Centre, Nedlands. Western reprints the test is men- Positive Negative Trendelenburg’s the on These drawings tive and negative and the alignment ( From Mercer Siga 5. NOVEMBER he sent Society to Professor of Bone and SUBJECTS Surgery Surgery Australia 6009. Surgery --1985 volunteers. A group 3 and 50 years were of 50 normal people examined to determine happened to their posture when they Two positions of the non-stance leg the test was performed with the hip then it was repeated with son was asked to maintain S. M. L.Nade. Joint I demonstrate what Trendelenburg described as a posisign. Note that both hands are held by an assistant of the pelvis with respect to the ground is observed. Rang’s Ani/zologt’ n/orthopaedics, with permission). the value orthopaedic Normal between for are Fig. I VOL. responses, between the rib cage and the iliac crest. above and below the pelvis, and from leaning and hence to define a standard Trendelenburg second, to study people with various abnormali- P. 1-1. 1-Iardcastle, S. M. L. Nade. Queen Elizabeth to interpret physiotherapy of the test, although out their own version aims of this study of normal people ties of the hip and the practice. and it. The responses At either the spine or the hip, in to stand on one leg. This has test, or false-positive available. which to be carried dysfunction we found many of their patients. Because the #tic’t/iod, ineatting and value one test; the Trendelenburg was to diagnosis The and manoeuvre or interpretation routinely carried investigate radiology I) appeared aids fingers. vaguely, and be interpreted. agreement formance them had before by Roentgen, few orthopaedic as a diagnostic usually described the test should reported atrophy (Fig. ofx-rays had the assessment of function and In the standard textbooks ferent first Australia ofhip abducto congenital muscular report when tioned was NADE side. he found useful in determining the integrity tor muscle function, with specific reference dislocation of Western of the hip joint major on the standing In SYDNEY TEST of performing it have since been described in the literature. 50 normal subjects and 103 people with disorders affecting the different responses that occurred when they were asked us to define of assessing operation tile University of function TRENDELENBURG HARDCASTLE, From Trendelenburg’s THE stood were flexed on one studied: to 30 the hip flexed to 90 Each the one-leg stance posture . aged what , leg. first and perfor 30seconds. 741 742 P. H. HARDCASTLE, Volunteers with 103 studied, people age range They were neuromusculoskeletal 12 had of the divided with neurological disorders ofthe bilateral hip disorders hip or spine. photography were used and those Of disorders. 103 patients was from into two major groups DATA Clinical videotapes disorders. 6 to (Table with S. M. L. NADE Table I. Classification The minimus, tensor were 82 years. I): those I . Neurological 2. Mechanical (a) Ofthe with regularly subjects matic lata and with the pelvis adductor the in the different and positions were also the Medical Research (ii) Three to trau- C grading of Response 1. The description was (Fig. hip flexed at 30 . Three different pat- occurred with the pelvis rose on the non-stance of a “negative Trendelenburg side, the test”; Fig. 2 Fig. 103 3 Scoliosis Ankylosing Iliac crest Ii .5 9 spondylitis defect after spinal 3 20 fusion .5 .5 5 epiphysis 4 Fractured neck of femur After arthroplasty Osteoarthritis Avascular necrosis with congenital dislocation a compensatory ofthe scoliosis 15 I5 S 4 hip (Fig. convex 2. The Response with .5 13) to the stance 2). minimal pelvis remained spinal compensation 3. The parallel to the (Fig. 3). ground pelvis dropped on the non-stance sic/c and moved downwards. This was associ- the buttock crease ated with adduction compensatory terns of pelvic and spinal movement non-stance hip flexed to 30 typical side one Response responses With the non-stance In adults Including there the subject ofthe hip was Council ofthe II 3 Congenital dislocation Subluxation Coxa vara Perthes’ disease Slipped capital femoral found RESULTS Normal (b) Ofthe hip (i) In children sub- studied. With disorders Incomplete paraplegia Muscular dystrophy Nerve root entrapment Cerebral palsy Poliomyelitis Hemiplegia anterior muscle at rest when the test was performed. with incomplete paraplegia due fracture-dislocation using power. magnus subject Assessment of abductor muscle power. lying on one side, the strength ofabduction assessed, muscle disorders spine and videotape. Initially, colour in order to study the movement fascia to occur walking conditions mechanical ANALYSIS recorded sequently neuromusculoskeletal volunteers patterns by single-frame analysis. As we became more experienced, the responses were recorded on 35 mm colour projection slides. Electromyography. This was performed on three normal volunteers. Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus activities ofthe the of scoliosis the weight-bearing convex hip to the non-stance and a side, as seen in the classical “positive Trendelenburg test”. Balance was achieved by moving the torso and centre of gravity directly over the weight-bearing hip (Fig. 4). With position the non-stance the pelvis hip flexed rose Fig. 90 . 1. In Response on the non-stance side but this not 4 Three different responses were seen in norma/ volunteers when they were asked to stand on one leg with the hip on the non-stance side flexed at about 30 . Figure 2-The pelvis on the nonstance side rose above the stance side with the trunk centred over the stance hip (a negative response). Figure 3-The pelvis remained parallel to the ground. Figure 4-The pelvis on the non-stance side dropped below the level ofthe stance side (a positive Trendelenburg sign). THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY as THE high as when was because the non-stance pelvic rotation to the rib cage and made hip was brought spinal SIGNIFICANCE THE OF TRENDELENBURG 743 TEST flexed only 30. This the iliac crest closer compensation uncomfort- able. Response 2. The There was 90 -in pelvis remained parallel to the ground. no third response with the hip flexed subject no did side. Electromyographic obtained the third or fascia tarily the pelvis activity 2 with With was the It was test) gluteus and adults with proved difficult subjects before patterns in normal standard was that way of performing some people with negative Table II. False responses of false negatives Use ofsuprapelvic Use ofpsoas activity was present in on command, volunside, as during Responses I a group of findings a wide at first. we had people, the test. pathological test .in spectrum Because clarified we had What (Table false could this, with raise first, bearing activity Poor Lack of trunk the hip as negative was the pelvis by moving to reducing maintain pelvis side, side, above also found the centre that of or impingement evident in whom side. They did over the weight- amount of abductor this posture (Fig. 5). of the shoulder adductors, and (possibly) psoas major weight-bearing 67- B. No. Other S. NOVEMBER patients 1985 with the pelvis hip a painful on leaning above (Fig. the hip for only non-stance a very short side, using functioning and gravity. was performed on three patients non-stance side of the pelvis by well over the pelvis; four our years the hip minimal on 6). We hip or spine experience could the test was Trendelenburg of on the painful muscles, kinetic energy Electromyography who could elevate the It was balance ofco-operation with quadratus lumborum on the to raise the non-stance side of the of the to stand joint or electrical using muscle activity was recorded in the abductor muscle groups. Thus, simply looking at the final position of the trans-iliac line of the pelvis gives no assessment ofabductor muscle function. positives that people with pain in the hip tended to shift of gravity over the hip to decrease the pull of the abductors. VOL. clear had a the hand on a table or wall on were then able, by a combina- muscle contraction latissimus dorsi, the non-stance weight-bearing the able either groups of false many on the non-stance the torso well were ing a II). particularly disorders, Figure 5-A false-negative test can occur if the trunk shifts excessively to reduce the abductor muscle force necessary to obtain equilibrium: note the wasting of the right thigh due to poliomyelitis. Figure 6When the trunk is re-aligned over the stance hip the pelvis drops rapidly on the non-stance side because there is not enough muscle power available to maintain the elevated position. period. In the absence of significant pain, subjects with weak hip abductor muscles could achieve balance by lift- understanding neurological Secondly. by supporting the non-stance side, they tion of especially of different we examined the variable not defined Pain femoris hip, thereby necessary 9#{216}c test muscles This at became disorders Costo-pelvic patients a same Causes Wide lateral translocation to allow balance over a fulcrum was hip to Trendelenburg rectus there non-stance Trendelenburg and that with no activity was medius, gluteus the in abnormal subjects and classifying the Ia/se were found hip at 30. children conditions abnormal response Causes Electromyograms hip abductor muscle activity, when the first response was was recorded in adductor magnus the non-stance Responses Recording non-stance the maximus. abductor on the on the non-stance increase of a maximum no activity gluteus and findings. drop adductor magnus; lata. If the subject, raised gradual reaching achieved; or pelvis from three volunteers. response (false-positive in gluteus maximus, present minimus tensor the not performed. test could that be children reliably on the same Delayed Trendelenburg an initial negative with the non-stance began to fall and This sign; time at which be recorded. In fatigue has been Mitchell the pelvis people sign the gait to walk quickly, easily and a limp, of the so-called Trendelenburg Two subjects with severe responses fully; unless this was and different responses at short time inter- because sign. Several people had test. but after standing for a short time side of the pelvis raised, it gradually they were not able to maintain their initial posture. Trendelenburg they age day. positive Trendelenburg they are asked the however In children over four, the be assessed only if the children could understand and co-operate possible, assessment was invalid, were seen at separate examinations vals under assessed, of called (1973) a delayed suggested began with a positive that the to drop delayed should positive can be normal, but it becomes apparent with all the characteristics gait, becomes scoliosis had impingement when that between obvious. false-positive the lower 744 P. M. HARDCASTLE, Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. S. M. L. NADE 9 Fig. 10 Fig. II Fig. 12 The suggested method ofperforming the Trendelenburg test: Figure 7-The examiner stands behind the patient. Figure 8-The patient is asked to raise one leg off the ground with the hip flexed between 0 and 30 and to balance herself. Figure 9-The patient is asked to raise the non-stance side as high as possible. Figure lO-The examiner may support the patient by holding the arm on the other side. Figure I I-The examiner may Pzot support the non-stance arm as this may act as a fulcrum for latissimus dorsi. quadratus lumborum, and the paraspinal muscles. Figure 1 2--If there is significant trunk shift to the stance side this is corrected by gently aligning the trunk over the stance-side hip and watching the relation of the pelvis to the ground. costal margin elevate and the iliac crest A STANDARD if this is used . response to and be interpreted perform the assessment co-operation ofthe of the joint test; not being neutral and be flexed enough ground in order test properly does demands the full patient. tested, 30 the patient and (the line joining 7). from observes the iliac the ground holding the of flexion. The hip knee to allow the foot to be clear to nullify the effect of the examiner (Fig. 3. Once so 12). balanced, both shoulders as to maintain the can be supported balance without patient is then asked II). patient examiner leans too far over to the The (a) corrects this by to bring the vertebra the centre of the hip foot (Fig. I 2). (b) The “positive”) if maximal. at (c) The be lifted that position by the a stick the of the pelvis ment, response this where the the stance can should of the rectus response is NORMAL (i.e. the test is “nega- side can be elevated stance side will allow, be maintained for 30 centred over the hip foot. joint to raise side the weight-bearing tive”) if the pelvis on the non-stance as high as hip abduction on the and providing this posture can seconds with the vertebra prominens responses side above non-stance side of the pelvis as high as possible (Fig. 9). The examiner may support the patient by holding the arm on the stance side (Fig. 10; compare withFig. If the and the foot femoris muscle. The position of the pelvis is again noted (Fig. 8). A supporting stick can be used in the hand only on the side of the weight-bearing hip; alternatively. the Interpretation in a clini- and the ground (Fig. is asked to raise side between hip, a to do the test The examiner stands behind the angle between the pelvis crests) and 2. The patient 4. weight-bearing TEST we have formulated the Trendelenburg can way. To its accurate understanding 1 attempted TRENDELENBURG the meaningful time, and How they gentle pressure on the shoulders prominens approximately over As a result of our observations, standard method of performing cally take when the pelvis. or of because (i.e. the test is This includes pelvis side, is elevated but where on the non-stance this elevation is not response is also ABNORMAL if the pelvis on command, but can not be maintained in for 30 seconds. The time taken before starts to fall is recorded. By introducing the Trendelenburg test can be objectively for comparison described in (b) test. Non-valid is ABNORMAL be done. cannot purposes. constitutes responses. In the Obviously a zero time presence the response Trendelenburg of back deformity. or if the patient is ofage or mental status, inappropriate the a time elerecorded or leg pain uncooperative responses may arise (Table II). An abnormal response (positive test) in these circumstances can be misleading. However, ifthe test is negative that is significant-it means that the subject does not have abnormal hip mechanics. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY THE Significance Neurological disorders. strength was subjects whose MRC Grade OF THE 5 abductor responses at patients in this the not but to the full times group extent. good at 5 seconds rectus (a delayed femoris two subjects with or SI had negative muscle isolated responses. nerve importance of this test). He had helped. entrapment (‘oxa vara. a of L5 of 90 The after not by size by bilateral replacement the Arthritis ofthe 13 Fig. 14 radiograph of a nine-year-old boy with Trendelenburg response was negative seconds he had a delayed positive test. VOL. 5, NOVEMBER 67-B. No. 1985 Variable 15 was head response. inequality qfter (i.e. normal responses would in respect tests not altered if there is become posi- seen in one were sub- observed be expected to reduction but hip arthroplastv. to alter the of time of Two patients above the intertrochanteric had negative Trendelenburg responses). of the greater absence of pain, trochanter qfter the Trendelenburg hip arthroplastr. test was par- ticularly osteotomy valuable some time after operation. Where gap was greater than 2 cm the Trendelenburg test positive was in examined not vary in the same individual times. Obviously pain or pro- either immediately Fig. a subluxating but within test femoral head. However, the test can response at 20 Trendelenburg of the delayed positive response. Fractured neck of/emur. Patients tion with Ender or Zickel nails A 48-year-old woman with congenital dislocation of the hip showing a positive Trendelenburg response despite supporting her body weight with her hands. Anteroposterior hip. His initial hip. up to 2 cm ofshortening after hip replacement In the Fig. positive with line A i’ulsion test 15). of the disease particularly the normal Leg length a positive The rotation type of response did studied at different gression response, at IS depend- femoral neck and the subjects responses if they were painfree. The Trendelenburg test was a delayed acethips one or negative had epiphrsis. by the tive, and ject(Fig. when osteotomy of the femoral or hinge abduction incongruity the be positive tests, the in test neck angle and the presence of With femoral neck angles of up to be normal. One child with an angle capital altered patient treated may a varus to the negative disease. been test seconds. Slippedjemoral was examined deterioration in adolescents with Our two patients with subluxating ing on the femoral degenerative changes. 100 the response can The when (1973) has described (timed) Trendelenburg both had positive (timed) Trendelenburg and one at 20 seconds (Fig. 14). considered relation all had Perthes’ had hips. Mitchell thedelayed We Mechanical disorders. Congenital dislocation of the hip. The Trendelenburg test was always positive in subjects with congenital dislocation of the hip (Fig. 13). One who respQnse assessing clinical abular dysplasia. probably root had a normal after surgery. between 0 and 25 were able to elevate positive which 745 TEST Subluxating to be a positive Trendelenburg test at 0 seconds. One subject who had Grade 5 strength on clinical testing had a delayed (or timed) positive Trendelenburg test at 1 5 seconds. Only one subject with Grade 3 hip abductors had an initial negative response which became positive TRENDELENBURG arthroplasty three years muscle required to produce a normal response. All hip abductor power was Grade 4 or less had abnormal seconds. Some pelvis, SIGNIFICANCE (zero time) the or with a who had unstable fixahad a positive response 15 Anteroposterior radiograph ofa 10-year-old boy with coxa magna and hip joint incongruity as a sequel of Perthes’ disease. He had a delayed positive test at 20 seconds. 746 P. H. HARDCASTLE, until the fracture were tested was had no response, pain at which also positive had united initially 8 to radiologically. 10 weeks the time of was positive. These after pelvis people operation and at 20 seconds seconds vented on the adequate Spinal disorders. losing spondylitis, also on the first next day. assessment. other patients to elevate or shifts of the hip and at 25 pain pre- stiff spines, as in ankythe test unless there was or gross spinal the the years of age, deformity. non-weight-bearing torso well called noted and the over “trick in some test side the of the pel- weight-bearing side; movements”. patients less is of no value Variable than seven in children under four. Nevertheless, if the Trendelenburg test is carefully performed, it is an accurate clinical sign with prognostic implications. Inman (1947) measured the torque strength about the hip with the pelvis in different postures with respect to the ground. Stiffliess. Totally did not affect abnormality examination, In the vis, these can be responses were their initial Trendelenburg Two nialunited fractures responses. A vascular necrosis of the jemoral head. Hip pain made proper assessment of these cases difficult. However, one ofour four patients had only mild symptoms; his test was positive S. M. L. NADE Our electromyographic results confirm findings necessary that little abductor muscle strength/activity to maintain a balanced posture with the dropped side. As abductor (as in Response 3) on the the pelvis rises on this side muscle activity provided his is pelvis non-weight-bearing there is increase that the torso over the hip. Functional assessment of a joint is important clinical assessment of patients. Observation of of is centred probably Fig. 16 This 43-year-old lady’s hip abductors had normal strength. However, she was unable to raise her pelvis on the left above the horizontal because of impingement between the iliac crest and costal margin as the result of severe scoliosis. performed of limitation functional valuable less of space. assessment clinical often than is desirable The Trendelenburg in a confined space, sign than many static be easily recorded on film or videotape. It is our belief that a patient who response to the Trendelenburg paper has an inefficient gait, easily With fatigued. a little test and because test allows for and is a more tests. It can has an abnormal as described therefore practice, in the gait is the test also in this becomes is not diffi- cult to perform and interpret. Timing is an essential part of the test; it provides an objective measure of improvement or deterioration in the neuromuscular or mechanical function of the hip. Kyphosis Deformiti’. scoliosis, lower costal positive margin Nerve 16). root but results, not affect the outcome. Severe lead to impingement between the and the iliac crest and give a false- may (Fig. test Pain. did however, irritation back lead to not lead can pain itself did Trendelenburg’s original observations and clear, and his interpretations accurate. the need for meticulous clinical examination provide correct the standardised ment offunction false-positive to abnormal were precise We Support in order to diagnosis and we recommend the use of timed Trendelenburg test in the assessand malfunction ofthe hip. responses. DISCUSSION When routine same asked to stand hip to ensure side, may test response is the if the pelvis drops seconds the Trendelenburg indeed, altered is an makes either lack patient can cannot be negative essential tests on part it an hip mechanics. However, the muscle follow a standard contraction to the response on the standardised must the non-stance test is positive. of the objective one An 2. occur, be absolute, test side within 30 The use of a Trendelenburg measure of test, severity the test. False-positive 3. The tial, mal” and, of and but their is properly use false-negative interpretation can responses may be clarified if the performed. of a timer and allows response. when performing measurement the of test a “delayed is essenabnor- REFERENCES presence of pain, of co-operation or lead to false-positive properly performed. is that and respond normal and timer . leg, in one of three ways. Only the other two are abnormal. normal; to assume one abductor patients Trendelenburg ability on Conclusions I The Trendelenburg test is a useful part of clinical examination if performed and interpreted correctly. We have described a standard method for performing the subject poor and balance understanding tests, because The reason for uses above muscles by the the test falsethe Inman VI. Functional aspects of the abductor Bonefoint Surg[Br] l947;29:607-19. Mitchell GP. The 291: 1113. Rang M. Antho/ogy 1966; 139-43. delayed of Trendelenburg orthopaedics. THE JOURNAL hip muscles test. mt Edinburgh: OF BONE AND of the Congr E&S JOINT Ser hip. 1973; Livingstone, SURGERY J