the The Official Newspaper of HIA-LI VOLUME 33 - ISSUE 4 APRIL 2014 Long Island’s Economy Seems Cautiously Positive By Alan Starost Partner, Zip Creative dig down deep in the survey you see much more positives about sales projections being up and anticipated head count Similar to the economic climate over increases,” Kevin continued. the past years few years, this year’s HIAMitch Pally made a compelling argument LI Economic Summit experienced a series for Long Island’s need for affordable of several false starting dates mainly due housing. “The housing stock on Long to the snowy winter weather. But once it Island needs to change and those of us who got started on March 4, it was full steam live in single family homes cannot look at ahead with optimism and networking for multifamily homes as a negative. We are the more than 150 attendees. going to build rentable apartments in those The Summit was moderated by Robert places it is appropriate to do so. If we do Quarte, a partner at the CPA fi rm of not do that and do not fi nd a place for our Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Company young people to live, when we are going to (AVZ) and featured a distinguished sell our houses, who are we going to sell panel that included John Gilstrap, EVP it to? If the {young families} are not here for Business Attraction & Expansion to begin with in an apartment, they are not for Empire State Development; (L to R) John Gilstrap, Executive Vice President - NYS Empire State Development Small Business & going to come from North Carolina to buy Kevin O’Connor, President & CEO Expansion, HIA-LI President Terri Alessi-Miceli, Kevin O’Connor, President & CEO of Bridgehampton our houses. That’s why apartments and Bridgehampton National Bank; Mark National Bank, Robert Quarte, Partner - Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., P.C. (Moderator), Mitch affordable housing is important. It’s for Fogel, Special Assistant to the Dean of the Pally, CEO - Long Island Builders Institute, Mark Fogel, Special Assistant to the Dean of the them to live in it to start a career on Long Willumstad School of Business, Adelphi Willumstad School of Business Adelphi University and Kevin Harney, Partner, Principal & CFO of Island which is benefi cial to all of us in the photo by: TeleStory Pictures University; Kevin Harney, Partner, Stalco Construction Inc. longer term,” stated Pally. Principal & CFO of Stalco Construction thinking,” stated Terri Alessi – Miceli, Island economy will get much better by John Gilstrap also spoke about the Inc.; and Mitch Pally, CEO, LI Builders President of HIA–LI. default” stated Joseph Refano, President state’s new business and economic Institute. Although the survey results stated of Media Mechanix, a sponsor of the development initiatives, including StartThe summit’s mission was to discuss that the confi dence level of the Long event. up NY. The program’s objective is to the results of a recent opinion survey Island economy was 5.6 out of 10, it’s Bill Fauth agrees with getting out attract new business from out of state conducted by AVZ on the pulse of the the highest level it’s been since 2007. promoting your business. “I attended the and help businesses in state to grow Long Island business community as AVZ “Honestly, to me, a 5.6 feels like we are event to fi nd out what’s happening on LI through the use of tax free zones. There has been sponsoring for the past twenty going nowhere. But I’m optimistic and with the movers and shakers and to meet are a lot of nuances to the program. But years. Many of the issues discussed were most businesspeople are optimistic but some people. In fact, here I met someone basically, the zones are within a mile of around new legislation, the LI housing and that cautiousness creeps in,” stated Robert and now I have an appointment to talk SUNY and CUNY schools (e.g.; SUNY construction market, job growth, effects Quarte. “But these panelists were very business later,” stated Bill. Suffolk Community College) and if you of the confi dence ratings and availability insightful and bright businesspeople and Many business owners in the audience are located in that zone, your business is of credit to businesses. I sense a tone of optimism. And if that also gained valuable insight into the exempt from New York State taxes for “When I look out over the past few transcends through, I see a bright future economy and the banking industry. They ten years and your employees are exempt years in terms of partnering with AVZ for Long Island,” he continued. learned from Kevin O’Connor “that banks from New York State taxes as well. and their economic survey, it serves as “I think the economy is better over the are willing to lend and we are getting back a very important barometer as to what’s past couple of years, but it is a matter to a new normal.” Kevin also believes we Don’t miss HIA-LI’s next Executive going on in business today. And it gives of degrees. I’m an optimistic guy and a are seeing a positive trend. “When people Breakfast – Hauppauge Industrial us a good insight as to what business lot has to do with getting out there and look at how people feel today, they look Park Update scheduled for Wednesday, owners throughout Long Island area are promoting your service. I think the Long at it as where they came from. But if you April 23rd, 8 am at IBEW, Hauppauge. Sponsor, Exhibit, Attend The largest Business to Business Trade Show on Long Island 375 Exhibitors – 4,500 Attendees HIA-LI 26th Annual Business Trade Show & Conference Thursday, May 22, 2014 - 9am – 4pm Page 27 HIA-LI New Members & New Member Profi les Page 25 L A B E L Heard Around The Island Welcome New Members HIA-LI 2014 Positioning Statement & Initiatives HIA-LI Positioning Statement: HIA-LI is the recognized voice for business on Long Island and a powerful force and economic engine for regional development. Our member companies represent tens of thousands of business professionals. HIA-LI OFFICERS Chairperson of the Board First Vice Chairperson Second Vice Chairperson Dr. Elana Zolfo Dowling College (631) 244-3420 Rita DiStefano Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Associates. (516) 921-3400 Anne Shybunko-Moore GSE Dynamics (631) 231-1044 Corporate Secretary Initiatives: -Manufacturing Revitalization Initiative: Profi le Manufacturing on LI helping obtain funds to operate more effi ciently and create opportunities for a skilled manufacturing workforce. John Bauer Littler Mendelson, P.C (631) 293-4525 President Terri Alessi-Miceli (631) 543-5355 -Workforce Development Initiative: Develop solutions to attract, blend and retain employees and keep youth on Long Island. -Healthcare Initiative: Explore existing and emerging strategies for containing healthcare costs. -Infrastructure of the Hauppauge Industrial Park: Identify and develop plans to address critical infrastructure needs of the Hauppauge Industrial Park that will foster the continued growth of business. -Environment of Business Success: Create forums to educate and connect business growth and survival. Promote the HIA-LI Annual Trade Show and Conference as a forum for important connection and discussion on economic, business and workforce development issues. -Alternative Energy “Go Green” Initiative: Profi le and promote energy effi ciency to HIA-LI members. Educate and showcase environmental and energy services. -Virtual HIA-LI: Enable our members to collaborate, connect and deliver added value by sharing knowledge with current and future members and the global world. DIRECTORS Carol Allen People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union (631) 434-3500 Joseph Garofalo Island Christian Church (631) 822-3000 Ralph James Brookhaven National Lab (631) 344-8633 Joe Campolo Campolo, Middleton & McCormick (631) 738-9100 Susan H.Gubing Career Smarts (631) 979-6452 Christopher Kent Farrell Fritz (631) 367-0710 Robert Desmond AIRECO Real Estate Corp. (631) 273-4255 Rudy Holesek Apollo HVAC (631) 242-8787 Ann-Marie Scheidt SUNY Stony Brook (631) 632-7006 Anthony DiMaso Verizon (908) 559-1550 David Winchester CleanTech Rocks (516) 680-6811 LIFETIME BOARD MEMBERS Fred Eisenbud Law Offi ce of Fredrick Eisenbud (631) 493-9800 April 2014 Committee Meetings Tuesday, April 1 – 8:30 a.m. Healthcare Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce Monday, April 28th – 8:30 a.m. Environmental/Green Industries Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce Wednesday, April 2nd – 8:30 a.m. Technology for Business Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce Wednesday, April 30th - 8:30 am Young Entrepreneurs/Executives Committee at the HIA-LI Offi ce Thursday, April 3 – 8:30 a.m. Trade Show Advisory Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce Wednesday, April 30th - 8:00 am Manufacturing/Engineering Committee at Suffolk Community College, Brentwood st rd Friday, April 4 Membership Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce th Monday, April 7 – 8:30 a.m. Education/Workforce Connection Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce th Thursday, April 10 - 8:00 am Human Resources Committee th Thursday, April 10th - 8:30 am Golf Outing Sub-Committee at the HIA-LI offi ce Friday, April 11th Sales and Marketing Committee at HIA-LI Offi ce Friday, April 11th – Energy/Utilities/Infrastructure Committee at Sandler Training, Hauppauge Thursday, April 24th – 8:30 am Business Development Committee at HIA-LI Offi ce Friday, April 25th - 8:30 amMentoring/Networking Committee at HIA-LI Offi ce Page 2 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 OF EVENTS Networking Events Wednesday, April 16th HIA-LI CEO Roundtable featuring David Friedfeld, President & Chief Executive Offi cer - ClearVision Optical; ClearVision Optical, 425 Rabro Drive, Suite 2, Hauppauge, NY 11788 Thursday, April 17th HIA-LI New Member/Networking Breakfast. Opportunity to meet and network with new and potential HIA-LI members, Board members and Committee Co-Chairs. Courtyard by Marriott, Ronkonkoma Wednesday, April 23rd – 8 am – 10 am Executive Breakfast - HIA-LI Hauppauge Industrial Park Update Panel of experts will discuss important projects and initiatives that Hauppauge Industrial Park occupants and Long Island businesses need to be aware of. Moderated by Jack Kulka, CEO of Kulka Construction and HIA-LI Lifetime Board Member. April 30th – 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm HIA-LI Networking Event – Bring a prospective HIA-LI member and you can attend this event at no charge! Investors Bank, Commack Treasurer Robert Quarte Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., P.C. (631) 434-9500 Howard Kipnes Cedar Knolls Inc. (631) 231-1518 Jack Kulka Kulka Construction Corp. (631) 231-0900 Ernest E.Hoffmann W & H Stampings (631) 234-6161 Arthur Sanders Institute of Management Accountants (516) 697-3900 Anthony Leteri Leteri Waste Services (631) 368-5533 Allan Lippolis Superior Washer & Gasket Corp. (631) 273-8282 LIFETIME BOARD MEMBERS EMERITUS Thomas J.Fallarino, CPA (631) 543-1774 Richard S. Feldman, Esq. Rivkin Radler LLP (516)-357-3000 John Rebecchi Disc Graphics (631) 300-1158 Norman Weingart Communications Specialties (631) 543-5355 Marci Tublisky (631) 269-9628 Ed Pruitt (posthumously) CEO Nicholas M. Lacetera Peoples Alliance Federal Credit Union (631) 874-9589 HIA-LI Committees & Chairpeople Please call the HIA-LI office for more information (631) 543-5355 Business Development Ann-Marie Scheidt (631) 632-7006 Stony Brook University Tony Borelli (516) 391-0300 x396 Mass Mutual Financial Group Manufacturing/International Trade Anne Shybunko-Moore (631) 231-1044 GSE Dynamics John Lombardo (631) 851-6200 Suffolk County Community College Education/Workforce Connection Sue Gubing (631) 979-6452 Career Smarts Membership Rich Isaac (631) 231-3538 Energy/Utilities/Infrastructure Jack Kulka (631) 231-0900 Kulka Construction Corp. Sandler Training Bill Fauth (631) 896-6270 World Financial Group Entertainment / Sports Carmella Fazio (516) 297-9011 All Island Media Mentoring/Networking Michael Capaldo (516) 984-5388 Environmental/ Green Industries Lilia Factor Esq. (631) 493-9800 Law Offi ce of Frederick Eisenbud Tom Fox (516) 364-9890 Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers Michael Capaldo Employee Benefi ts Facility Managers HIA-LI (631) 543-5355 Harvey Kolin (631) 629-4880 Maureen LaPlaca (631) 499-3100 Spectragraphic Sales & Marketing Corporate Commercial Realty, LLC Peter Smith (516) 714-5200 Government Relations Jack Kulka (631) 231-0900 Kulka Construction Corp. Howard Kipnes (631) 231-1518 Cedar Knolls Inc. Wexford Financial Strategies Security Allan Lippolis (631) 273-8282 Healthcare Christine Ippolito (631) 539-6112 Compass Workforce Solutions Aoifa O'Donnell (631) 588-8102 National Employee Assistance Providers, Inc. Superior Washer & Gasket Corp. Technology for Business David Pinkowitz (631) 491-5343 DCP Marketing Services LLC Human Resources Joan Convery (631) 471-1215 Community Development Corp of Long Island Lucille Mavrokefalos (631) 487-9091 New Life HR Solutions John DeMartino (917) 388-8873 Microsoft Young Entrepreneur’s HIA-LI (631) 543-5355 3 • Upcoming Events 5 – 6 • HIA-LI 26th Business Trade Show & Conference 9 • Social Media Event Article 21 • CEO Roundtable Article 36 – 37 • Welcome New Members 39 • Heard Around the Island The Hauppauge Reporter – The Offi cial Newspaper of the HIA -LI- (USPS 017-655) - is published monthly by the HIA-LI, 225 Wireless Blvd., Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788. Application to mail at Periodical Postage Rate is accepted at Smithtown, NY 11787. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notices to HIA-LI at the address noted above to HIA-LI, Editor, Phone (631) 543-5355, The HIA-LI does not endorse the classifi eds/display advertisements or necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in the articles written for this newspaper. Total number of copies (net press run) 3,301, Paid In-County Subscriptions 2,163, Paid Outside - County Subscriptions 638, Distribution Outside the Mail 200, Copies not Distributed 300, Total 3,301 HIA-LI UPCOMING EVENTS HIA-LI Hauppauge Industrial Park UPDATE EXECUTIVE BREAKFAST Wednesday, April 23, 2014 CONNECT WITH CEOS AT HIA-LI'S CEO ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Wednesday, April 16th 8 am - 10 am Registration at 7:30 am at ClearVision Optical 425 Rabro Drive, Suite 2 Hauppauge, NY 11788 IBEW, 370 Motor Pkwy., Hauppauge 8:00am - 10:00am; Registration & Networking at 7:30am Featuring David Friedfeld President & Chief Executive Officer ClearVision Optical ♦ ♦ ♦ HIA-LI Members $35; Non-Members $50 CEO Roundtable Series Special • • • • June 18 - Stephen Louro, Professional Group Plans August 20 - Joe Campolo, Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP September 17 TBD October 15 - Domenique Camacho Moran, Partner Farrell Fritz Get all 5 CEO Roundtables for $150; Save $25 To Guarantee Your Seat and Avoid the $5 Walk-In Fee, Contact Jackie Ridley to Register 631-543-5355 or Refund Policy: No Refunds for Cancellations or No Shows • Do Business in the Largest Industrial Park in the United States with over 1,300 companies & 55,000 employees • Learn about Major Initiatives and the Profile of the Park Moderator: Jack Kulka, CEO - Kulka Construction Panelists: Patrick Vecchio — Town of Smithtown Supervisor Anthony Senft - Town of Islip Councilman Frank DeRubeis - Planning & Community Development Director, Town of Smithtown John Donovan - Chief Engineer, Division of Sanitation, SC Dept. of Public Works Closing Remarks: Suffolk County Legislator John M. Kennedy Jr. Who Should Attend: Company owners and employees to get an overview of plans for the Park and business professionals interested in selling to companies in the Park Pre-Payment & Registration is Required HIA-LI Members $45 Tables of 10 $450 Non Members $75 Tables of 10 $750 Pre-Register and Avoid the $5 Walk-in Fee No refunds for cancellations or if registrant cannot attend To register - contact Jackie Ridley 631-543-5355 or Thank you to our Sponsors: Whether you are a CEO or want to meet CEOs, HIA-LI's CEO Roundtable Discussions attract some of the most successful Long Island CEOs. visit us on facebook visit us on twitter visit us on linkedin April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 3 HIA-LI 26th Annual Business Trade Show & Conference Page 4 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 HIA-LI 26th Annual Business Trade Show & Conference HIA-LI Pre-Trade Show Networking Event Make the Right Connections for Real Business May 8, 2014 5:30pm – 7:30pm Mercedes Benz of Smithtown 630 Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787 Meet & develop your professional Trade Show relationships with Trade Show Participants BEFORE the Show! Networking ~ Food ~ Door Prizes Pre-Payment & Registration is Required HIA-LI Members $35 Non Members $50 Trade Show Sponsors Receive Complimentary Tickets Based on Their Sponsorship Package To register contact Jackie Ridley 631-543-5355 or No refunds for cancellations or if registrant cannot attend Sponsors: IN PARTNERSHIP WITH The Largest Business to Business Trade Show on Long Island 375 Exhibitors – 4,500 Attendees HIA-LI 26th Annual Business Trade Show & Conference The Right Connections for Real Business Executive Luncheon Thursday, May 22, 2014 ~ 11:30am - 1:30pm Suffolk County Community College Sports & Exhibition Complex, Brentwood Long Island Revitalization - Building Now and For the Future Connect with CEO’s Midday Moderated by: OPENING REMARKS Ken Adams, President & CEO, ESD & Commissioner NYSDepartment of Economic Development Mitch Pally, CEO Long Island Builder’s Institute Paul Pontieri Mayor of Patchogue Russ Albanese, Chairman Albanese Organization James L. Coughlin, Principal TRITEC Real Estate Company Hear About: NYS Initiatives that impact LI Business, LI Revitalization projects including the Ronkonkoma Hub, Wyandanch Rising, Downtown Patchogue and Renaissance Downtowns Pre-Payment & Registration is Required HIA-LI Members $50 pp Tables of 10 $500 Non Members $75 pp Tables of 10 $750 No refunds for cancellations or if registrant cannot attend HIA-LI 631-543-5355 Log on to Don Monti, CEO Renaissance Downtowns THANK YOU TO OUR EXECUTIVE LUNCHEON SPONSOR: April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 5 TRADE SHOW “SELLING” TIPS By: Rob Fishman, Partner – Sandler Training (631) 231-3538 hurry, and second, YOU want to touch as many as you can without pushing people away. Your normal leisurely, consultative approach, whatever SYSTEM you usually use, may not work well at on the Trade Show floor. Using the questions we talked about developing, you can quicklyget the prospect to talk about what he or she needs, and to identify when they see themselves doing something about that need. We all know how important Trade shows have become in the Marketing Mix of many companies. While it is unlikely that you and your company neglect to take ALL of these important steps, if you have been to enough Trade Shows, you know that most companies have neglected at least some of them. 7. Neglecting to Do More than Just “Put in Their Time”. Have you ever seen exhibitors just hanging around at a show, like 5th graders waiting for the bell to ring? Why do they act that way? They are NOT MOTIVATED. They DON’T UNDERSTAND THE OBJECTIVES. They WEREN’T INVOLVED IN THE PLANNING. Get them involved, and they’ll be motivated to really WORK the show. 1. Neglecting to Commit to SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. How long in advance do you plan your trade shows? Likely, MONTHS in advance. But that is mostly planning the booth space, the layout. It is generally not preparing the people who will work the booth. Not defining the goals of the show for you and your company. Not getting those people in synch with those goals. 8. Neglecting to plan for the FOLLOW-UP after the show. The trade show ends, and there’s a huge sigh of relief. Don’t forget that NOW the rest of the work should begin -- the work of bringing in the Return on Investment. Hopefully you have some good qualified leads. NOW go out and turn it into REAL business. 2. Neglecting to Draw People into the Booth. The look of the booth, the placement of the booth, the displays, maybe even contests or drawings.... those are important. But here I’m focusing on the people working the booth for you. Here I’m talking about Professionalism, Body Language, being relaxed yet “assertive” (not pouncing). Making eye contact, being friendly. Starting with the right questions. “Can I help you?”, doesn’t work in the retail store, and it certainly won’t work here. 3. Neglecting to Separate SUSPECTS from PROSPECTS. It is vital to PREQUALIFY visitors to your trade show booth. How many times have you seen people making great Trade Show presentations to COMPETITORS or BORED EXHIBITORS because they jump into a presentation every time someone steps near the booth. You’ve got to separate the real prospects from the crowd. 4. Neglecting to ASK QUESTIONS. Most people working a trade show booth simply talk too much. In order to qualify the guests in your booth, you need to ask excellent questions. Developing a specific set or at least a format for questions will help you figure out which attendees warrant your time and effort. 5. Neglecting to Get a DECISION, even if that means getting a “NO”. We’re not talking about a buying decision here. But after a few minutes of discussion, it makes sense to have this kind of dialog with the prospect: “We know how hectic these trade shows are, but it certainly appears that there might be a match between some of your problems or issues and my company’s products or services. Does it make sense for us to talk further after the show? How is the best way for us to set that up?” If the prospect can get to that level of decision, you have a much more qualified lead. It’s worth the risk of having the prospect say, “NO.” 6. Neglecting to Adjust Outside Selling Style to Trade 3/18/14 Show Selling. 16503_Fin_Comf_Zone_10x6.854_Color.qxd:LIBN 4:42 PM Page 1 PACE is often a problem at trade shows for two reason. First, attendees are usually in a ▲ Multiple accounting specialty areas promote peace of mind in... Your Financial Comfort Zone. Accounting & Auditing Business, Strategic & Succession Planning Business Valuation Services Estate Planning Fraud & Forensic Services Litigation Support Services Mergers & Acquisitions Page 6 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Taxation Wealth Management Check out the L.I. Economic Survey and Opinion Poll at Personal Service. Trusted Advice. 25 Suffolk Court, Hauppauge, NY 11788-3715 Phone: 631.434.9500 • Fax: 631.434.9518 245 Park Avenue, 39th Floor, NY, NY 10167 Phone: 212.792.4075 WE’RE CREATING MORE OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS IN SUFFOLK COUNTY Let’s face it. Business is tough today. Your competition is not just around the corner, it’s around the world. Staying competitive means controlling operating costs to grow your business profitably. Introducing the Suffolk County IDA….. Enhanced financial incentives. Quick turn-around. No red-tape. The Suffolk County IDA is helping businesses expand, move to and grow in Suffolk County with aggressive tax and other financial incentives that help lower operating costs in the short and long term. The Suffolk County IDA offers its financial incentives to companies of all sizes across all industries for: • Expansion or renovation of current operations • The purchase of an existing location or construction of a new facility • For owned or leased locations • For residential multi-family rental developments And since we appreciate that time is money when it comes to business, the Suffolk IDA proceeds from application to approval and commitment of funds in 30 - 60 days. To keep our distribution facility on Long Island, we needed economic help. The Suffolk IDA put together a financial package that looked at all our Long Islandbased facilities as a campus, enhancing the benefi ts. That was key for us.’’ Joseph Mollica II Executive VP, LNK International Take the first step. Let’s start a conversation. Contact our Executive Director, Anthony Manetta today. 631-853-4802 | SUFFOLKIDA.ORG April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 7 Whether you’re an existing Suffolk County business, a company located in another county or state, a real estate development company, or a professional services company that may have a client interested in expanding or moving to Suffolk County, we want to start a conversation with you. Page 8 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 4seasCommercialHIAad.qxp_Layout 1 3/19/14 7:03 PM Page 1 Social Media Marketing Strategies Help Attendees Spread Digital Word Of Mouth By: Christopher M. Trotta about your business…to put value forward information about your brand out there.” Darrohn urged attendees to leverage YouTube by providing valueforward visual content to customers. Doing so boosts SEO visibility, since algorithms behind Google results are driven partly by posts to YouTube. “Social Media; this is the new ‘word of mouth’,” according to Victor Brown, the Digital Sales Director for Newsday’s Newsday Connect division. This mantra was echoed throughout the HIA-LI’s event, Social Media Marketing: Strategies and Tactics for Success in the Digital Economy, on March 11 at Newsday’s facility in Melville. With word of mouth and brand awareness being so critical to business success, it is little surprise that over one hundred business leaders and representatives registered to learn more strategies and techniques from the assembled panel of Social Media experts, moderated by Charlie MacLeod, President & CEO of SMM Advertising. Panelists comprised of Dan Aug, Senior Manager of Social Media with Canon USA, Inc.; Joseph Benty, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer of Chernoff Diamond; Roxanne Browning, Founder of Exotic Chocolate Tasting; Clay Darrohn, Big Tuna & Founder of fishbat; and Ryan Murphy, Community Emergency Evacuation Coordinator of Suffolk County Fire & Rescue. Attendance was diverse, as marketing professionals and firms were well represented, but so too were public safety individuals, small business owners, and Reverend Joseph Garafalo of the Island Christian Joseph Benty - Chief Marketing and Communications Officer - Chernoff Diamond, Dan Aug, Sr. Manager, Social Media - Canon USA, Inc., Charlie MacLeod, President/CEO - SMM Advertising, Ryan Murphy, Community Emergency Evacuation Coordinator -Suffolk County Fire & Rescue, Roxanne Browning, Founder - Exotic Chocolate Tasting, Clay Darrohn, Big Tuna and Founder – fishbat and HIA-LI President Terri Alessi-Miceli photo by: fishbat Church. Garafalo said “We use Social Media quite a bit to get the word out about our Church, both to the outside community, as well as people that attend the Church regularly.” Garafalo continued, explaining that by attending, he intended to “catch up on some of the new methods of managing Social Media. It’s become a very big part of our outreach.” Clay Darrohn of fishbat offered insights to effectively leverage the different Social Media platforms, saying “Facebook has over a billion users; predominantly used as a B[usiness] to C[onsumer] marketing tool, you should have daily postings, you have contests…be consistently engaged with your market.” Darrohn continued, stating “You should be using Twitter to inject your brand into conversations by utilizing hashtags and listening to what people are saying At the close, long-time sponsor of HIA-LI events, Robert Kothe, Owner of Factxback Websites and Video, weighed in after nearly three years recording from his tripod at the back of the room. “Being a Social Media event, it made sense to sponsor this one—even though [my company] says ‘Websites and Video’, it’s all intertwined.” On Kothe’s strategy of involvement with the HIA-LI, he continued by underlining the organization’s diversity as, “providing an at-bat for different company types,” to reach a wider audience and get involved organizationally with committees that make sense. Being involved with the HIA-LI gives him a forum to be “handing out pens, handing out business cards, face-to-face networking [and bring in clients]… but if you do the right thing and your clients are satisfied, you don’t have to worry about advertising, and Social Media becomes your bonus plan.” Join us for the next HIA-LI Executive Breakfast on April 23 rd – Hauppauge Industrial Park Update. Call the HIA-LI at 631-543-5355 for details. This is a No-Brainer! TAKE 15% OFF YOUR EXISTING HVAC MAINTENANCE CONTRACT WHEN YOU MAKE THE SWITCH TO SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1957 (516) 248-9550 134 Herricks Rd., Mineola, NY 11501 – *Some restrictions apply. Call Dynaire for more details. April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 9 AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS The power to save. By making a few simple changes, you can use less electricity and save real money. With the purchase of ENERGY STAR® light bulbs and products, you can save hundreds of dollars each year. Page 10 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Learn more at MKD-2717A-A-FL EXP 31 JAN 2015 ©2013 Edward Jones. All Rights Reserved. You’re Invited All Images Need To Be 300 dpi, Cmyk and saved as JPG (maximum quality) Images need to be linked to the InDesign file, NOT embedded Image options should be set up in a separate InDesign file Default image option should be shown in this file, as well as the “image options” file The Road to Financial Independence Begins with a Few Simple Rules. Why are some people more successful investors than others? Are they luckier? Probably not. Do they know a “secret?” Definitely not — because there are no real secrets to investing. But there are rules you can follow to work toward your goals. Join us for our free Rules of the Road seminar. You’ll learn: • The most common investing mistakes and how to avoid them • Investing strategies to help reach your long-term goals • What you can do now to prepare for retirement Refreshments and light snacks will be served. Monday April 21,2014 @7:00 AMF Commack Vets Lanes 2183 Jericho Turnpike Commack, N.Y. 11725 Call Tim Regan at 631-266-1518 by April 14,2014 to reserve your seat for this event. . East Northport, NY 11731 631-266-1518 Member SIPC April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 11 Tim Regan Financial Advisor We’re lending to Long Island businesses. Because we’re as passionate about your success as you are. Our team of seasoned lenders provides solid solutions and local decision-making so you get the financing you need, when you need it. Page 12 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Call Kevin Santacroce, Chief Lending Officer, at 631.537.1000 Ext. 7258. Member FDIC Branches in Suffolk and Nassau Counties I 631.537.1000 I BNB083_HIA_Newsletter_9.75x14.indd 1 3/31/14 2:05 PM Suffolk County Department of Labor Business Services Unit Advertorial Kathleen Rivers Director of Business Services Suffolk County Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs 725 Veterans Memorial Highway P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-853-6763 professional healthcare organizations looking for qualifi ed workers. For all hiring events, we run a targeted campaign of email, Internet, social networking, community outreach and news stories. Our emails typically reach over 6,000 job-seeking customers registered with the One-Stop Employment Center, while our website and Facebook pages are visited by thousands more. This year the Business Services Unit at the Suffolk County Department of Labor, Licensing & Consumer Our Healthcare Job Fair outreach efforts will Affairs will sponsor and attend over twenty fi ve Job additionally target graduates of Vocational Education Fairs throughout Long Island, host over sixty Onsite programs trained under our Health Professional Recruitment events at our offi ces, and post well over 1,000 jobs to our Job Bank. Through our On-the-Job Training program we will reimburse employers who trained over 40 new hires in target industries that include manufacturing, green energy, technology and healthcare. Opportunity Grant to become Medical Assistants, Medical Billing & Coding Specialists, Medical Offi ce Administrators, Certifi ed Nursing Assistants, EKG/ Monitor Technicians and Hospital Admissions Clerks. If you are seeking qualified, trained health professionals for your business, please consider registering for our Healthcare Job Fair. See our advertisement with registration instructions below. If you have any questions regarding this event or any personnel needs, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Business Services, Kathleen Rivers at 853-6763 HIA-LI Scholarship Applications With economic development a cornerstone of his administration, and Labor Commissioner Samuel Chu directing our efforts, Suffolk County Executive Steven Bellone has endorsed Business Services’ partnership with many organizations such as the Industrial Development Agency, the HIA-LI and the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning to help keep Suffolk working. Bringing hiring businesses together with job seekers is a vital component of that effort and it is fair to say that each event we undertake involves careful planning and execution. all HIA-LI members’ employees’ children that are attending a College or Trade School on Long Island are eligible to apply. Focusing on particular industries or careers makes for a successful special event. On May 21, 2014, the Business Service Unit will host our second annual Healthcare Job Fair here in Hauppauge at our OneStop Employment Center. Last year’s event drew over 325 job seekers and resulted in many hires! This year we would like to again include hospital groups, nursing organizations, staffi ng agencies and other Call the HIA-LI offi ce at 631-543-5355 to get an application. SUFFOLK COUNTY CAREERS IN HEALTHCARE JOB FAIR Looking to Hire Qualified Candidates in the Healthcare Field? Register for our 2nd Annual Healthcare Job Fair! Event will be marketed to over 6,000 Job Seekers, Community Organizations & Graduates Certified in these areas: Medical Assistant Medical Billing & Coding Medical Office Admin Certified Nursing Assistant EKG/Monitoring Tech Hospital Admissions May 21, 2014 10:00am – 2:00pm One-Stop Employment Center North County Complex, Hauppauge Steven Bellone, Suffolk County Executive Samuel Chu, Commissioner James DiLiberto, Workforce Investment Board Chair April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 13 Email to register or call (631) 853-6549 for more details KEEPING CURRENT Real Estate and Business Boosters on Long Island Are you missing out? By Alyson Repp, Esq. Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP 4175 Veterans Memorial Highway Suite 400. Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 (631) 738-9100 It has been a positive sign of economic revitalization that many are looking to expand their business here on Long Island. Right around the corner we are looking forward to the development of the Ronkonkoma Hub. Clients are buying buildings, expanding their practices and hiring employees. Many organizations are developing their business and buying and developing real estate through their own blood, sweat and tears. While this is admirable, what some may not know is that there are numerous agencies on Long Island looking to give businesses a helping hand. For example, Industrial Development Agencies work to boost the local economy through incentives to business owners. IDAs, through legislation, are empowered to buy, sell or lease property and to provide tax exempt financing for approved projects. The property owned or controlled by these IDAs are exempt from property and mortgage recording taxes, and the value of these exemptions can be passed through to businesses. Further, purchases related to IDA projects can be exempt from state and local sales taxes. We recently had the pleasure of working with the Suffolk County IDA wherein our client, located in Ronkonkoma, ultimately was able to purchase a building, expand its business and purchase new equipment with tax benefits provided by the IDA. Besides the Suffolk County IDA there are numerous IDAs throughout Robert Moschella Long Island is our home and we have seen the IDA in action. We have a working knowledge of the local and state IDAs and agencies on Long Island who provide benefits. Clients’ dreams have come to fruition because of the benefits provided by the IDA and like agencies. People often are skeptical of what appears to be a handout. As I said before this isn’t a handout but a hand up to those willing to work hard and invest in our community to make it a better place to live by providing much needed services and first-rate jobs. If you are looking to expand your business, or think you can benefit from these incentive, make sure to investigate your options and reach out to those who are knowledgeable about the incentives available to you. Sara Hundertmark Advertising Account Executive Business Development Manager 225 Wireless Boulevard, Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 543-5355 • Fax (631) 543-5380 Email: • Web Site: 225 Wireless Boulevard, Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 543-5355 • Fax (631) 543-5380 Email: • Web Site: Litigation Corporate & Coverage Technology Labor & & & Appeals Private Equity & Insurance Intellectual Property Employment l Healthcare Real Estate Development Page 14 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 New York including the Brookhaven IDA, Riverhead IDA, Nassau County IDA and New York City IDA. Municipal / Government Wills, Trusts & Bankruptcy Financial Restructuring & Estates l Matrimonial 4 1 7 5 V e t e ra n s M e m o ri a l H i g h w a y , Su i t e 4 0 0 Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 Phone 631.738.9100 | Fax 631.738.0659 w w w . c m m l l p. c o m April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 15 Connect to advanced cardiac diagnosis, treatment and care at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital. Satheesh Joseph, MD Waqas Khan, MD Richard Schwartz, DO Interventional Cardiac Services Now at the Knapp Cardiac Care Center Our new leading-edge cardiac catheterization laboratory brings lifesaving interventional cardiac care and diagnostic procedures to our neighbors. If you or someone you love thinks they are experiencing heart attack symptoms, you can now go to Brookhaven Memorial Hospital and receive the expert emergency care you need at our Knapp Cardiac Care Center. Page 16 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Get Connected. Call 631.654.7243 or visit LIFESAVING CARDIAC CARE RIGHT HERE IN YOUR COMMUNITY Cardiac catheterization allows Brookhaven cardiologists to visualize and assess the condition of the heart and provides vital information for the treatment of blockages with medication, balloon angioplasty or stent placement. Your connection to better health. 101 Hospital Road, Patchogue, NY 11772 BMH283_InterventionalCardiac_9.75x14_4C_HauppaugeReporter.indd 1 3/20/14 1:49 PM KEEPING CURRENT By: Dr. Edward T. Gullason Professor of Economics, and Chair, Department of Economics, Dowling College Formerly, Staff Economist, President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers The disturbing declines in the percentages of Long Island’s population in the 25-34 and 35-44 age cohorts has been dubbed a “Brain Drain.” In reality, a signifi cant explanatory factor precipitating this demographic shift was the decline in Long Island’s birth rate decades earlier. In a 2011 study, Dr. Seth Forman notes that contrary to conventional wisdom, in general those in these age cohorts experienced “The smallest net domestic migration” from Long Island. Regardless of the explanation for this demographic change, it remains a very troubling development and will pose a signifi cant threat to Long Island’s economic future if this trend is allowed to continue. In order for us to prosper, this trend must be reversed. This can be accomplished by retaining a greater percentage of those in these age cohorts and attracting them from outside Long Island. These endeavors will require a substantial commitment toward removing widely-known obstacles—most notably Long Island’s high cost of living, onerous tax burden, and dearth of affordable housing—undertakings that are extraordinarily expensive and involve politically contentious issues. number of those in these age cohorts—especially those in the 2534 age cohort—acquired the types of state-of-the-art education that equipped them with the modern skills that are prerequisites for a signifi cant percentage of today’s high-wage jobs. When companies that provide them in large numbers decide where to locate, they will likely avoid Long Island due to the current and projected dearth of qualifi ed workers, in addition to other well-known impediments. Such companies already here have an incentive to leave. As the number of high-wage jobs continues to dwindle, so too will the tax base and the tax revenue from which it emanates. Consequently, Town and County budgets will have to be reduced, along with the quantity and quality of municipal services provided, thereby accelerating the decline in the standard of living on Long Island. These negative economic trends will be magnifi ed by “The multiplier effect.” As a consequence of the resulting decline in total household disposable income on Long Island, less will be spent at our local restaurants, bowling alleys, and department stores. Owners of these establishments will see their disposable incomes decline as well, and they, in turn, will spend less at the businesses they frequent on Long Island, as will their employees who will inevitably see their wages stagnate or cut, or see their jobs disappear, etc., etc., etc. This will push Long Island into a downward spiral that will further accelerate the magnitudes of our economic problems. Any rigorous cost-benefi t analysis would have to conclude that these high costs are justifi ed in light of the signifi cant economic damage Long Island will ultimately sustain if this demographic trend continues. If decisive action is not taken to confront this all-important challenge, the costs of doing so will increase over time, possibly to the point where our shared goal of creating an economically prosperous Long Island into the future becomes unattainable. The loss of high-wage jobs on Long Island is in large measure a direct consequence of this demographic shift. A signifi cant For updates on this and other economic public policy-related issues and developments, follow me on Twitter @DrEdGullason. Serving ALL of Long Island for over 30 Years! SUBMIT The Economic Fallout from the Long Island “Brain Drain” STAND OUT AS AN EXPERT IN YOUR FIELD Submit your 500 word keeping current article to Theresa at The Value of Identity GOT POTHOLES? 631.595.9800 Why do customers choose your business? Lorraine Gregory Digital Group utilizes a strategic mix of digital and traditional marketing, creating content that adds value for your brand. Ensuring potential customers make the right choice by picking you. LGDG L o r r a i n e G r e G o r y D i G i Ta L G r o u p LG Digital Group Ads HIA 4.75x6.75.indd 1 11/20/13 10:05 AM April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 17 BLACKTOP REPAIRS • POTHOLE REPAIRS SWEEPING • SEALCOATING CRACKFILLING • DRAINAGE MASONRY • CONCRETE PAVING • STRIPING Our clients are raving about the fantastic results they are receiving from Newsday Connect! “Newsday Connect has increased the rate of calls and enrollment I have seen from all over Long Island. I am happy with my placement on Google and how often I come up in search engine results. I believe that is helping us fill the spots we have available at the center.” Annmarie LaRosa, Owner/Director South Shore Children’s Center, Inc., East Islip, NY “Thanks to Newsday Connect, we’ve had over 1,500 hits in two months; text messages are going crazy—every day I’m getting text messages on my phone—and the mobile site is terrific.” Guy Caligiuri, Owner Caligiuri’s Patio Pizza, St. James, NY “Newsday Connect is a wonderful avenue for our business. It has brought us many customers that we would not have seen before.” Page 18 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Sharyn Conforti, Owner Sun Wave Liquors, Inc., Patchogue, NY In just a few easy steps, you’ll gain an expanded customer base with a fully maintained website, a mobile presence and a social media following. Contact a Digital Marketing Specialist today: • 631-843-2200 Visit our booth at the HIA-LI 26th Annual Business Trade Show & Conference May 22, 2014 • Suffolk Community College Sports & Exhibition Complex, Brentwood, NY From concept to completion, count on our expertise. Providing sustainable solutions for buildings, infrastructure and the environment since 1933 631.756.8000 | Law Office of FREDERICK EISENBUD ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ♦ COMPLEX CIVIL LITIGATION Lilia Factor* , Robin Romeo, Fred Eisenbud TELEPHONE: 6165 Jericho Turnpike Commack, New York 11725 * Co-Chair, Environment/Green Industries Committee Hauppauge Industrial Association WWW.LI-ENVIROLAW.COM Digital marketing works. Lorraine Gregory Digital Group wants to show just how far we can take you. A whole new dimension of business is within your reach. Let us help you make it happen. LGDG L o r r a i n e G r e G o r y D i G i Ta L G r o u p LG Digital Group Ads HIA 4.75x6.75.indd 2 11/20/13 10:06 AM April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 19 (631) 493-9800 ♦ FACSIMILE: (631) 493-9806 FE@LI-ENVIROLAW.COM Within Your Reach People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union We Put People First, Even In Our Name! Announcing Our Enterprise Used Car Sale! Saturday, May 3 • 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at our Hauppauge office. Page 20 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Purchase a car with a pre-approval and receive special discounted rates and 100% financing for qualified members. To take advantage of our many great banking services, call (631) 434-3500, extension 267. 125 Wireless Blvd. • Hauppauge, NY 11788 • • (631) 434-3500 Brooklyn, NY • Brooklyn, NY • Jamaica, NY • Jamaica, NY • Brooklyn, NY • Brooklyn, NY • Jamaica, NY • Jamaica, NY • (718) 643-4506 (718) 797-2988 (718) 656-1774 (718) 206-4600 X 3037 Miami, FL Miami, FL (305) 261-1255 • Ronkonkoma, NY • Westbury, NY • Yonkers, NY • Ronkonkoma, • Westbury, NY • Yonkers, NY (631) 580-3702 (516) 832-8100 (914) 963-1370 GrooveCar’s CEO, David Jacobson Speaks About the Value of Perseverance By: Betsy Jacob, Sage Solutions David Jacobson established GrooveCar in 2000, after a 14 year stint as an executive at an auto dealership. His goal was to provide support to auto buyers by focusing on credit union customers. Jacobson related the beginnings of the company and used his story to demonstrate the value of a concept, and the power perseverance to an idea, even in the face of diffi culty. The timing of GrooveCar’s launch could not have been worse. In 2000, the internet bubble burst and the auto industry was trying to do all it could to attract customers. Despite this adversity, GrooveCar earned its fi rst client. Now, 14 years later, the business has expanded to service over 320 dealerships and 30 credit unions. Jacobson attributes his company’s success to three key principles. Firstly, he says, business owners must be able to stay the course; to persevere. However, this perseverance must be accompanied by the ability to adapt and to recognize when change is necessary. Secondly, Jacobson stressed the importance of building relationships, as no business can survive without customers. Great customer service is demonstrated by always thinking about clients’ problems before the clients themselves, and this, in turn, creates loyalty. Move Toward Your Goal With A Smarter Tax Strategy David Jacobson, CEO – GrooveCar addresses the audience Finally, a business must be able to differentiate itself and be able to communicate that difference. No formula of success is complete without the optimism to make it work, and Jacobson stressed his own win/win attitude as the drive to stick to these key principles. Roundtable attendees were challenged by David Jacobson’s story, and were urged to celebrate their own victories as Jacobson himself had. Special thanks to GrooveCar for hosting the event at their offi ces at their Hauppauge Industrial Park offi ces. Join us for the next CEO Roundtable on April 16th featuring David Friedfeld, President & CEO – Clearvision Optical Move your team toward greater profitability. Work on your tax strategy with a partner you can trust: A leading certified public accounting, financial and management consulting firm that combines world class skills with a tradition of personal service and integrity. Israeloff Trattner & Co. strives to optimize your financial performance with a team of dedicated professionals who can provide the ideal solution to improve your financial position. Isn't it time you made Israeloff, Trattner & Co. part of your team? D O M E S T I C & I N T E R N AT I O N A L TA X P L A N N I N G & C O M P L I A N C E A C C O U N T I N G & A U D I T I N G • M A N A G E M E N T C O N S U LT I N G FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, FRAUD ENGAGEMENTS & EXPERT TESTIMONY B U S I N E S S , P R O F E S S I O N A L P R A C T I C E & L I C E N S E VA L U AT I O N S R O YA LT Y A U D I T S • F I N A N C I A L & E S TAT E P L A N N I N G M E R G E R & A C Q U I S I T I O N C O N S U LT I N G • C P E , C L E & P E E R R E V I E W T E C H N O L O G Y, H U M A N R E S O U R C E S & M A R K E T I N G C O N S U LT I N G 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10118 212.239.3300 1225 Franklin Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 516.240.3300 Visit us on the web at Choice or Illusion 1 3 20 R X R P l a za, U n i o n d a l e, N Y 11 5 5 6 -1 3 20 51 6. 2 27.070 0 I w w w.f a r re l l f r i t z.c o m The quote used in this advertisement is a dramatization, not based upon a specific event. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. The average internet users have an endless number of seemingly identical choices. So why is your business special? Lorraine Gregory Digital Group creates unique, branded content that appeals to your audience, shining a light on what you do. Your business is one of a kind. We make sure they know it. LGDG L o r r a i n e G r e G o r y D i G i Ta L G r o u p LG Digital Group Ads HIA 4.75x6.75.indd 3 11/20/13 10:06 AM April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 21 “ We had reached an impasse . . . there was a total breakdown in negotiation. There was no question we were heading to court — and it was going to be costly. Then my partner brought in Farrell Fritz. They got us both back to the negotiating table and we settled within a few weeks . . . without going to court. There’s no question, Farrell Fritz saved us a bundle.” NISSEQUOGUE GOLF CLUB Affordable Luxury Nissequogue Golf Club is the Hidden Gem of the North Shore Golf, Tennis, Corporate and House/Social Memberships are available, and an affordable luxury that you and your family will cherish for years to come. If you have a desire to become a Member, please call the Club for information any time or you may join us for a Complimentary Sunday Brunch Sunday, April 27, 2014 • 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM Enjoy the view of the newly renovated 18 Hole Championship Golf Course, and Saint James Bay from our well appointed Harbor Room, while you savor an array of dishes specially prepared by our expert culinary team. During your visit, you will have an opportunity to tour the historic Ryan Estate Clubhouse, featuring magnificent banquet rooms, and other amenities. Weather permitting you may tour the Golf Course, Practice areas and the Tennis facilities. Page 22 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Please call the Club Office for reservations at 631 584 7733 Reservations are required, and there will be no admission without reservations. Cell phones/personal electronic devices, denim of any kind, tee shirts and sneakers are not permitted. NISSEQUOGUE GOLF CLUB 631-584-7733 21 GOLF CLUB ROAD ST. JAMES, NY 11780 BD040314 Member FDIC Just ask...and we’ll leave you a loan. Empire National Bank now offers a quick approval process and competitive rates on the following commercial loan products: • Commercial Real Estate Financing • Equipment Financing • Construction Financing • Business Lines of Credit • Commercial Equity Credit Lines • Business Term Loans • Trade Financing Contact Christopher Hilton, Chief Credit Officer at (631) 348-4444 or for details. THE NEXT GENERATION BANK is open for business. Yours. IsLandIa 1707 Veterans Highway, Suite 8 • 631-348-4444 PoRT JEFF sTa 4747 Unit 36, Nesconset Hwy • 631-928-4444 sHIRLEY 1044 William Floyd Parkway • 631-395-9500 MInEoLa 170 Old Country Road • 516-741-0444 Empire National Bank • Hauppauge Reporter • HalfPG 4C • 9..75” x 6.75” • October 2013 • freshbrick Advertising 631.285.7825 A little SLOW with your follow up We can help! We’ll show you how to capture more leads, close more sales, get more referrals, make more money and save a whole lot of time doing it. Now isn’t that the way business should be run? Get our FREE report LGDG L o r r a i n e G r e G o r y D i G i Ta L G r o u p Telling Your Story TeleStory 110 Schmitt Blvd., Farmingdale, ny 11735 631.694.1500 • Fax 631.694.1501 631-343-6634 | p i c t u r e s LG Digital Group Ads HIA 4.75x6.75.indd 4 11/20/13 10:06 AM April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 23 “7 Simple Steps To Fix Your Follow Up” Infinite Possibilities Page 24 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 KEEPING CURRENT Develop a Healthy Relationship with Workplace Stress Michelle Luft Mindful Body Restorative Health Center 917-478-8790 • Reduced metabolism and increased fat storage, leading to weight gain. While some workplace stress is normal, excessive amounts can be extremely damaging to your health. Think of all the times you are stressed because of a work deadline, responding to seemingly endless emails, heavy workload, negative feelings toward co-workers, or feeling unappreciated. Not to mention, the many nights you stay awake all night thinking about your job. That is a whole lot of stress and enough to leave you feeling sick, sluggish and depressed. • Increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep is the time when your body repairs and rejuvenates. Sleep is a great stress buster and getting adequate amounts of quality sleep is essential to good health and reducing stress. • Increased chronic fatigue. • Promote premature aging. Stress occurs when the body reacts to a physical, mental, emotional, or social response. The reaction causes both physiological and psychological alteration. Stress exists in our lives for good reasons, such as when you need to deal with emergencies. The body-related changes caused by stress help us respond and adjust to these conditions. Your body must physically prepare to defend itself. In the shortterm, that’s a good thing. Problems occur though when the stress becomes chronic (long-term). Given almost all bodily functions and organs respond to stress, it can be really damaging to your health. Following are health implications of chronic stress (partial list): • Slowed digestion causing digestion issues. • Nutrient defi ciencies due to decrease in nutrient absorption and increase in excretion of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium. • Decrease B-complex vitamins, which are necessary for a healthy nervous system. • Formation of free radicals that lead to an increase in cancer. • Reduced good gut fl ora, which can lower immunity and cause digestive issues. Stress is a normal part of your life so invest in the energy to change your relationship with stress. Learn to adapt to it. Accumulate tools that help you cope during times of high stress. Try one or more of these methods and hopefully you will minimize the damage stress will cause to your mental and physical well-being. • Create a break plan. Everyday make it a point to take a “quiet the mind break”. Take a walk outside, drive or sit in silence. It can be as little as fi ve minutes. Taking the time to quiet the mind can help stop the release of stress hormones and bring you back to a state of calm. • Use nutrition to help you cope. Certain foods and stimulants can trigger an increase sense of anxiety, making us more prone to stress. Others have the effect of soothing the nervous system, or helping our body’s ability to adjust to stressful situations. Here how you can use nutrition and herbs to manage stress: o Eat a healthy diet. Preferably, a diet of 50% to 70% raw foods. Raw foods supply the body with valuable nutrients. o Avoid processed foods. Processed foods create additional stress in the body and can make matters worse. o Use herbs that are soothing to the nervous system to encourage calm and relaxation. Examples are chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, and lavender. o Reduce your intake of added sugar. Sugar causes an imbalance in your blood sugar levels, increasing the chances of developing mood swings and anxiety, making you more prone to stress. • Stop Multitasking. Honestly, there is no such thing as multitasking. Your brain is not capable of focusing on two or more task at the same time. In fact, trying to work on multiple projects at the same time can be somewhat unproductive. Image the times you are writing a report and talking on the phone. How long does it take to write that report? Train your brain to focus on one task at a time. Turn off any distractions that keep you from fi nishing your task. Reducing your multitasking behavior will help you reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. • Work with a Health Coach so you can fi nd the right balance in your life to reduce stress and enhance your overall well-being. • Get some quality consistent sleep. When you experience high levels of stress, your sleep experience is usually impaired. Stress has a remarkable ability to keep you up at night because your mind fi lls with thoughts. Chronic stress can also contribute to high levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) which can disrupt your sleep patterns (and cause weight gain). The less sleep you get the more stress can harm you. Sleep is an important part Michelle Luft is a Certifi ed Nutritional Health Coach. She helps people fi nd healthy foods and healthy habits that is right for them. She offers one on one health coaching, corporate lunch and learns and online wellness programs. To fi nd out how you can learn to live and love your healthy life, visit or contact Michelle at 917-478-8790 SEWER CONNECTION SPECIALISTS Your facilities turnkey sewer connection solution Let our experienced staff expedite your projects permits and inspections! Al Aparo Crane & Cesspool Service, Inc. is a third generation, family owned and operated drainage We will work closly with your facility manager to complete all Suffolk County permit applications. We will file all permit applications for the completion of the septic system of abandonment as well as the sewer connection application with the appropriate agencies. We arrange and can obtain all inspections at approvals. We secure all road opening permits (when required). We collect all sanitary waste samples for septic system abandonment, and arrange for all laboratory analysis (and required inspections). Septic system sampling and laboratory analysis Grease Traps Installed and Maintained. contractor serving Long Island since 1974. A leader in the industry exclusively able to design, install, maintain and repair cesspools, septic tanks, sewer connections, grease traps, storm drainage and sewage treatment plants - without subcontractors. Our experienced Long Island Liquid Waste Association certified staff is ready to help you solve your drainage problem and put their knowledge to your use. Have a problem with possible contamination? Call for information about Environmental Remediation of all underground drainage systems. Aparo is ready to coordinate all testing, inspections, cleaning and compliance with Article 12 and Article 7 standard operating procedures. Restaurant owners and managers need look no further. Aparo's fully permitted Transfer Station is CALL TODAY To schedule a service call, an estimate, or system analysis, our service department is standing by. 1-800-698-3300 your answer to high quality low cost restaurant grease hauling and disposal. Call today to find out how we can save your business time and money. April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 25 Septic system contamination? No problem! Let the professionals at Aparo Sanitary and Environmental Services coordinate and complete all remediation work and secure a letter of “no further action” from Suffolk County. Call Aparo Sanitary and Environmental Services for a free written estimate that include but are not limited to, pumping the existing sanitary system, abandonment and removal or backfill of any pre-existing septic systems, as well as processing of all required permits for your sewer connection and septic system abandonment and complete site restoration. REGISTRATION OPEN @ WWW.SHRMLI.ORG BREAKOUT WORKSHOPS Session I: 9:45am-10:45am KEYNOTE BREAKFAST Sponsored By Jonathan Michael Bowman Session II: President & CEO 11:15am-12:15pm Clear Picture Leadership A different perspective: WHERE IMAGINATION AND REALITY MEET™ HOW TO LEAD THE WAY TO PICTURE PERFECT CHANGE Don Julia Nadine Everett Gometz Vogel KEYNOTE LUNCHEON THE INNOVATION BUILD A DISABILITY OF TALENT BRANDFUL ETIQUETTE ACQUISITION WORKFORCE AND AWARENESS Sponsored By Session III: 3:15pm-4:30pm Former NY JET Christopher Aoifa Valentino, Esq. O’Donnell, LCSW, SAP Chairman Marty Lyons Foundation Marty Lyons JACKSON LEWIS LEGAL WORKSHOP ROLLING WITH THE SEAS OF CHANGE: Developing HR Leadership Qualities During Times of Crisis and Turmoil “Sportsman, Businessman, Philanthropist” U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez likes to call Human Resources Professionals “Change Professionals”! This year’s Conference, INNOVATION: Creating a Culture that Values CHANGE, will focus on many different aspects of Innovation and Change within the Human Resources field. Attendees will enjoy Workshops related to Leading Change and Coping with Change during Times of Crisis and Turmoil; Innovation in Talent Acquisition and making sure your employees are Brand Ambassadors; and Disability Etiquette and Awareness! Special Thank You to our 23rd Anniversary Sponsors Join us for an interesting and creative day of workshops, exhibits, and networking that will impact your business goals, organization, and employees. VANTAGE SPONSORS LUNCHEON SPONSOR BREAKFAST SPONSOR CORPORATE BENEFACTOR SPONSORS Adecco; HSA Bank; Kuttin-Metis Wealth Management; NY’s 529 College Savings Program Direct Plan; Randstad USA; Winston Staffing Services Page 26 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 It will be the best workday you will spend this year!! CORPORATE DONORS Access Staffing; Advanced Cardiovascular Diagnostics; Advantage Payroll Services; Event Kings; Five Star Financial Group, an office of MetLife; Green Key Resources; Horizon Staffing Solutions; Island Group Plans, Inc., Lee Hecht Harrison; LIBN; MagnaCare; Maui Wowi; National EAP, Inc.; Newsday; Opus Staffing; Pride Staff; REM Products; Simon Property Group; SMM Advertising; Sterling Infosystems, Inc.; SterlingRisk; Summit Security Services, Inc. and Wellness Rebates. Visit to become a Sponsor! Advanced Registration Fees: TO ATTEND CONFERENCE AND/OR PARTICIPATE IN THE EXHIBITORS’ SHOWCASE Contact Linda B. Selden-Paduano SHRM-LI Executive Director (631) 262-8807 $125.00 per Participant $ 40.00 per Student (Includes Breakfast, Lunch, Exhibitors’ Showcase & Workshops) Cost-Saving Opportunity for Attendees from the Same Company – Paid with One Check or One Credit Card Number of Tickets 1st Ticket 2nd Ticket 3rd Ticket Additional Tickets Cost Per Ticket $125.00 $115.00 $105.00 $95.00/each SPECIAL NOTE: Walk-In Registration Fee: $150.00 Per Person Follow Us @ REGISTER TODAY FOR MEMBERSHIP ● ONLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY ● CONFERENCE EXHIBITION AND/OR REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Contact Linda B. Selden-Paduano, SHRM-LI Executive Director/Conference Producer ● (631) 262-8807 ● ExecutiveDirector@ ● Thinking About Sewer Connections? Expand your business capacity and reduce potential environmental liabilities! GRAB THEIR ATTENTION at your trade show booth with a sizzling hot video that tells your company story. D&B Engineers and Architects, P.C. has been providing environmental engineering services to clients in Suffolk County for over 49 years. We can assist your business in all phases of the connection process including: ✓ Sewer Discharge Permits ✓ Coordination with County Agencies ✓ Environmental Remediation Call us today to get your trade show video just in time for the HIA-LI Annual Trade Show event. …“get connected”… call Thomas P. Fox, P.G., Vice President for a confidential, no cost consultation at (516) 364-9890, ext 3068, or D&B Engineers and Architects, P.C. Known as Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers woodbury, ny | white plains, ny | east syracuse, ny | south plainfield, nj | trevose, pa Telling Your Story TeleStory p i c t u r e s 631-343-6634 | April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 27 ✓ Sanitary System Closures and Abandonment ✓ Environmental Sampling and Investigation Over half of marketing professionals worldwide call video “the best ROI” . Get the ROI and growth you deserve in your business. Page 28 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Christopher Taylor Vice President Business Banking 265 Broad Hollow Rd., 2nd Floor • Melville NY 11747 (Office) 631.531.2864 • (Cell) 631.245.5048 • (Fax) 877.368.1507 Products and services offered by Capital One, N.A.,Member FDIC. ©2014 Capital One. All rights reserved. FROM CAPITAL ONE ® Left to Right: David Thuro, President, Thuro Metal Products; Dr. Shaun L. McKay, President, Suffolk County Community College; Andrea Lohneiss, Long Island Regional Director, Empire State Development “Together, Suffolk’s training programs and Empire State Development have helped to take our next-generation capabilities to the next level.” David Thuro When a precision manufacturer needed to grow, Suffolk County Community College and Empire State Development engineered an opportunity. What happens when New York’s largest community college partners with New York’s most dynamic economic development organization to assist a next-generation machining manufacturer? The answer reflects the kind of public-private partnership that’s successfully keeping businesses right here on Long Island. Just ask David Thuro, President of Thuro Metal Products in Brentwood. As a leading provider of specialized valves, fittings and machined parts, Thuro Metal Products (TMP) is trusted by world-renowned aerospace, automotive and high-tech industrial companies like Boeing, Lamborghini, and Embraer – leading to 20% growth in the past year alone. To meet this increased demand, Suffolk County Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Training Center provided TMP with enhanced CNC training for their machinists, as well interns from the College’s Manufacturing Technology Program. What’s more, Empire State Development stepped in with valuable performance-based tax credits through their Excelsior Jobs Program. Corporate Training Center (631) 851-6200 • April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 29 The result? Another company that’s now expanding operations, improving productivity and adding jobs. To learn how Suffolk’s training programs and strategic partners can help boost your bottom line, contact us today. g n i t e k r a m t a h W u o y p e e k s e g n e l l a h c ? t h g i n t a e k a w a • Brandtelling Services • Thought Leadership & Public Relations • Content Marketing & Collateral Development • Media & Presentation Training We help companies tell brand stories that can be Page 30 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Remembered, Repeated, and Rewarded. Contact us to discuss what's keeping you up! 631-239-6335 | email: for HIA Members: O T IN S S E N I S U B 631-630-5450 631-757-4309 631-582-4141 April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 31 631-952-3324 (516) FOR – EYES Ready. Aim. Grow! Corporate ID and Branding Print and Internet Advertising Product and Service Brochures Trade Show Design & Production Direct Mail Marketing Website Development & Design Page 32 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Corporate & Shareholder Presentations Ever wonder why some companies grow faster than others in the same business sector. They target their market! Presentations Plus can help you reach the best prospects in your business sector with Target Marketing. Direct mail campaigns, focused e-mail blasts, banner ads, proper ad placements, all add up to the right combination of marketing tools to stimulate your business’s growth! If you’d like us to show you how to get the results you’re looking for in growing your company’s business, contact us today, and ask for Dave...he never misses a growth opportunity. 8 Powell Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 • 516.293.4750 • PPI30701ReadyAimGrowAdHIA.indd 1 1/22/13 11:56 AM KEEPING CURRENT Got Coverage? By: Samuel E. Felberbaum, Esq. Felberbaum, Halbridge & Wirth 357 Veterans Memorial Highway Commack, NY 11725 (631) 864-0800 You may not know it, but you may not have enough insurance coverage. Automobile insurance is mandatory if you own a vehicle in New York. The minimum required liability coverage is 25/50; $25,000 maximum per injured person and a total of $50,000 for all injured parties per occurrence. Separate property damage coverage is provided in the sum of $10,000 for a basic minimum policy. Although purchasing the basic coverage costs less, it could cost you a lot more in the event you are sued. If an injured party obtains a Judgment against you which exceeds the amount of your liability insurance coverage, you will be personally responsible for the excess portion of the Judgment. This means that your house and other assets could be at risk. Your wages could be garnished and your credit rating would be affected. You should check your policy declarations to determine the amount of your coverage. If your policy limits are too low, you should obtain sufficient coverage for your automobile. Your coverage should be far above the basic minimum. In addition, an excess or umbrella policy should be procured. Another important, but not as well known coverage, is SUM or Supplementary Uninsured Motorist coverage. This provides coverage for you against a vehicle that is uninsured or does not have enough coverage and causes an automobile accident. The cost of this coverage is relatively inexpensive, yet many people do not have enough coverage. You may be told that you do not need more coverage, but this may not be so. This is vital coverage that pays benefits to you. The amount of coverage you should seek is the same coverage as your liability limits (there may be some restrictions.) You should not accept the minimum coverage of 25/50, since in underinsured cases you will, in effect, have no coverage due to offsets which are applied. You should review your policy and ask your insurance broker for more coverage if needed. SAMUEL E. FELBERBAUM is a partner in the Law Firm of FELBERBAUM, HALBRIDGE & WIRTH. His practice is limited to personal injury, negligence, insurance litigation and accident cases. In front of you stands the future of your business. Behind you stands your bank. Business Lending first fit. Forward-Thinking Business Banking. Real estate. Equipment. Working capital. Secure the best fit for any of your borrowing needs with First Trade. Our experienced team is standing by to develop a solution designed specifically for your business needs. New HyDe PArk • HAuPPAuge April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 33 Visit to get your business moving. John DePasquale Vice President Commercial Lending 631.300.0140 - Direct 516.458.3484 - Mobile Brendel’sĐ &� BAGELS� EATERY� OF�NEW�YORK� FULL� SERVICE� CATERER� THE�GOURMET�FOOD�&�CATERING�SOLUTION� � WWW� .B�RENDELSOFNEWYORK�.C�OM� Make an Impression at Your� Craving Something Delicious?� Next Meeting or Corporate Event� All Day, Every Day� Call the Brendel’s Catering Team Today� Brendel’s is serving up what you crave!� CREATE�YOUR�OWN�QUESADILLA� DELICIOUS�BAGELS�&�SPREADS� 1-866-CATERING� AMAZING�LUNCH�STEAM�TABLE� FLAVOR�PACKED�ROTISSERIE�CHICKENS� FRENCH�TOAST� ,�ALL�-S�TAR�OATMEAL� VARIETY�OF�HOT�SIDES� HOT�BREAKFAST�STEAM�TABLE� ALL� -�AMERICAN�BURGERS�&�FRIES� SIGNATURE�SANDWICHES� HOT�&�HEARTY�SOUPS� DESIGNER�PANINIS� ’S��HEAD�MEATS�&�CHEESES� SPECTACULAR�CHOPPED�SALAD�BAR� BOAR� COOKIES�&�PASTRIES� FABULOUS�HOME�MADE�SALADS� ,�OMELETTES�,�PANCAKES�,� EGGS� FREE�DELIVERY� !� HAUPPAUGE: 631-656-6828 HUNTINGTON: 631-923-0559� WESTBURY: 516-338-4994� CONTINENTAL�BREAKFAST� HOT�BREAKFAST�BUFFET� EXECUTIVE�LUNCH� BOARD�ROOM�BOXED�BREAKFAST�OR�LUNCH� HEROES� ,�WRAPS�,�PANINI�PACKAGES� FULL�LINE�OF�HOT�FOOD�CATERED�EVENTS� BBQ�PACKAGES� COCKTAIL�PARTIES� PROFESSIONAL�&�WELL�TRAINED�WAITSTAFF� HIA-LI� MEMBERS� RECEIVE� 10% OFF� CATERING� JOIN OUR DAILY FAX� TO RECEIVE OUR� AMAZING SPECIALS� & ENTER OUR ONCE A WEEK� FREE LUNCH� DRAWING!� DID YOU 2013/14 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY? PICK UP YOUR PRINTED Call Rob Moschella 631-543-5355 In an ever-changing energy world, one thing remains the same: We’re your gas company. SAVETHE DATE Page 34 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 THE MOLLOY COLLEGE AnnuAL GOLf CLAssiC MOndAY, MAY 5, 2014 National Grid is one of the largest energy companies in the world. But our commitment to being a top flight organization starts right here on Long Island, one natural gas customer, one neighborhood at a time. We’ve been through a lot together. And we intend to build upon our strong legacy of service here in the communities we have the privilege to serve. 2014 honoreeS The Seawane Club and The woodmere Club kATHLEEn dEEGAn diCksOn, Esq. Partner Forchelli, Curto, Deegan, Schwartz, Mineo & Terrana, LLP Player Registration 9:30 a.m. (both clubs) Tee Off: 11:30 a.m. Woodmere • 12:00 p.m. Seawane Buffet Dinner Reception: 5:30 p.m. - Seawane dAVid M. dALY President & COO PSEG Long Island Jeffrey H. Greenfield Managing Member, NGL Group, LLC Event Chairman Monday, May 5, 2014 All donations support student scholarships. Your participation in this event assists Molloy in its mission to provide the highest level of education, personal growth, and community involvement for all its students. Early sponsorship is available. For more information call Cynthia Costanzo Metzger, Molloy College Office of Advancement, 516.323.4701 or Online Registration: Visit and connect with us on Raising The Bar of Smarter Business Solutions! Let Suffolk Federal show you how our superior products and service can take your legal practice to the next level! When it comes to growing your business, no one does more to help you succeed than the commercial specialists at Suffolk Federal. From local decision-making and fast turnaround to our highly individualized loan packages with no pre-payment penalties. We have the complete spectrum of products that can make all the difference in your business success, including: • Commercial Lines-of-Credit • Commercial Mortgages • Equipment Loans • SBA 7(a) Loans & SBA 504 Mortgages • Deluxe Business Checking • Remote Check Deposit and much more! For more information contact Joseph Ancona, Vice President of Business Services Call 631.924.8000. ext.8783 or email 3681 Horseblock Road • Medford, NY 11763 • 631.924.8000 • COMMACK • EASTPORT • ISL ANDIA • MILLER PLACE • RIVERHEAD • SOUTHAMPTON • WEST BABYLON April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 35 Isn’t it time you took advantage of the Smarter Business Solutions at Suffolk Federal? Aparo Sanitary & Environmental Thomas Gallagher, Director of Sales & Operations 15 Greene Street Suite 1 Bay Shore, NY 11706 (800) 698-3300 Sewers, Cesspool, Remediation, Storm Drainage WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Arrow Scrap Corporation Don Galindo, General Manager 83 Kean Street West Babylon, NY 11704 (631) 491-3061 Arrow recycles all metal and electronic scrap responsibility. Referred By: Gino Venerosa - East Wind Caterers Inn & Spa AXA Advisors Matthew Hanratty, Financial Consultant 1000 Woodbury Road Suite 300 Woodbury, NY 11797 (631) 385-5374 Referred By: Stu Levenberg - The Kensington Company Bertucci’s Hauppauge Kris Schillinger, General Manager 358 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 952-2100 Original Brick Oven Restaurant catering to all local business needs Page 36 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 C21 Real Estate Susan Hartigan 375 Old Willets Path Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 495-3032 Century 21 Residential Real Estate - Susan Hartigan - Listings/Sales - Certifi ed Appraisals Cape Horn Strategies Brian Turchin, CEO/Founder 2625 Hewlett Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 (516) 377-4244 Cape Horn Strategies helps business owners get more of what they want from their business. Referred By: Rich Isaac - Sandler Training Cunningham Duct Cleaning Co., Inc. James Kruer, Business Development Manager 869 Sylvan Avenue Bayport, NY 11705 (631) 665-6400 Commercial and Residential HVAC Cleaning David Lerner Associates Edward Portalatin, Investment Counselor 477 Jericho Tpke., PO Box 9006 Syosset, NY 11791 (516) 465-5046 Conservative Investment fi rm that specializes in Investments that pay income. Dynaire Corporation Marc Soffl er, VP 134 Herricks Road Mineola, NY 11501 (516) 248-9550 HVAC Contracting-Service, Installation, Maintenance and Controls. European Wax Center Rory Friedland, Owner 395 Nesconset Hwy. Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 979-9800 Flushing Bank Peter Clemente, VP Business Banking 48 South Service Rd., Suite 102 Melville, NY 11747 (516) 282-7491 pclemente@fl www.fl Commercial bank GNC Faraz Naseem, Franchise Operator 694 Motor Pkwy., Suite 6 Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 231-7475 Vitamin and Supplement Store. Referred By: Jack Kulka - Kulka Construction Green Velvet Landscape Contractors Inc. Dennis O’Gorman 31 Moffi tt Blvd. Bay Shore, NY 11706 (631) 969-4321 Commercial landscaper specializing in landscape and irrigation installation and maintenance, retaining walls, and hydroseeding. Insignia Steakhouse Keri D’Arpa 610 Nesconset Highway Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 656-8120 Katz Zlotnick & Associates Victor Solis, VP of Sales 200 Motor Parkway, Suite A-7 Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 435-2700 Striving To Exceed Expectations for Your Personal and Business Financial Needs Referred By Bob Desmond – AIRECO Real Estate MagnaCare Michael Jordan 1600 Stewart Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 (732) 667-8926 Self-insured health plans and proprietary provider network for LI employers. North Shore LIJ Care Connect Insurance Company, Inc. Karen Borsari, Social Media Manager 2200 Northern Blvd Manhasset, NY 11030 (855) 706-7545 Affordable Health Insurance for Individuals and employee groups. Pavemaster John Doerrier, President 516 Pine Aire Drive Bay Shore, NY 11706 (631) 595-9800 Handle all aspects of parking areas from potholes, to full parking areas and everything in between. Including: Paving, blacktop repairs, sealcoating, striping, crackfi lling, sweeping, drainage, concrete, masonary & snow plowing. Photonix Nancy Magill 390 Central Ave Bohemia, NY 11716 (631) 218-2240 Photonics Industries International, Inc is a manufacturer of diode pumped solid-state lasers used for industrial and scientifi c applications. Powerpro Service Company, Inc. Frank Navetta, President 608 Johnson Avenue Unit 6 Bohemia, NY 11716 (613) 657-2700 Generator Sales & Service Referred By Joe Gabriel - Joseph Gabriel AIA Architects PC Purposeful Leadership Solutions, Inc. Tracy Holloman, Managing Partner 718 Walt Whitman Road, Ste 1518 Melville, NY 11747 (516) 420-3292 Business Performance Management Firm. Schroder & Strom, LLP Jan Aleschus 114 Old Country Road, Suite 218 Mineola, NY 11501 (516) 742-7430 Law fi rm concentrating in real estate tax appeals and condemnation proceedings. The Center for Workplace Solutions John Coverdale, President 850 Montauk Hwy Bayport, NY 11715 (516) 509-5802 Human Resource Management Consulting, Employee learning/ Professional Development, Workplace Dispute/Confl ict Resolution. Referred By: Jim Morgo, Morgo Private Public Strategies Time Record Storage/Time Shred Services James Dowse, COO 116 Church Street Freeport, NY 11520 (800) 989-8463 Document storage and shredding company. Referred By: Tom Doyle, Shoreline Records TRITEC Real Estate Co., Inc. Chris Kelly, Director of Marketing 45 Research Way, Suite 100 East Setauket, NY 11733 (631) 751-0300 TRITEC is a real estate development, construction and management company United Realty Gary Schacker, Principal 30 Jericho Executive Plaza, STE 300 C Jericho, NY 11753 (631) 421-1000 Founded 1972 Industrial and Commercial real estate Brokerage, Management and Consulting NEW MEMBER PROFILES ince 1845 New York Life has served the insurance and fi nancial needs of individuals, S families, and businesses. As one of America’s oldest insurance companies, New York Life has honored its commitment to its policy owners through the Civil War, two World Wars, the Great Depression, and numerous recessions. Our conservative investment philosophy and prudent management principles have enabled the Company to help generations of Americans Sage Solutions works with organizations of all sizes to provide dedicated and seamless realize their fi nancial objectives. Human Resources solutions. We provide individually tailored solutions that are convenient, smart and cost effective. (516) 396-9329 Insurance Too much to do with too little time? We can become your outsourced Human Resources department. We can manage: Recruiting Training Mentoring Policy Development Performance appraisals Compensation and Benefi ts Consulting Struggling with only one aspect of Human Resources? We can assist you on stand-alone projects, too. We offer guidance on concerns such as: Protecting the ones you love is the fi rst and most important step in a solid fi nancial plan If you die unexpectedly, life insurance can help you keep the promises you make to your family about the future come true: fi nancial security, staying in your home, a college education and so much more. Investments* To help get where you want to go, I can help you analyze your portfolio to help ensure your investment allocations best fi t your needs, goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Retirement Income Retirement is coming. And when we get there, we all want to have enough income to live comfortably for a long time. New York Life offers lifetime income products that help you both accumulate assets for retirement and provide a monthly income you can’t outlive. No matter where you are in your retirement planning stage, I can help. Recruiting / Hiring / Onboarding Alison Longstreet is committed to providing individuals, families, and businesses with life Terminations / Outplacement services insurance and fi nancial products and services that meet their needs. Alison is an Agent with Employee handbooks New York Life Insurance Company; she is also a *Registered Representative of and offers Policies and procedures securities products and services through NYLIFE Securities LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, a Managing sensitive issues Licensed Insurance Agency. Training Alison keeps up with current insurance and fi nancial product trends and offers outstanding or any other Human Resources need! service. She shows true concern for her clients and hopes to earn your trust as she helps you achieve your goals. Contact Betsy Jacob SPHR, GPHR at or (516)396 9329 For more information please contact Alison Longstreet at 914-841-9234 for details 5720 Rt. 25A Wading River NY 11792 631-929-6585 ext. 521 The Inn and Spa at East Wind is the crown jewel of Long Island’s prestigious North Shore. Conveniently located at the gateway to the North Fork, just 90 minutes from Manhattan, East Wind offers an elegant get-away for both business and leisure. The Inn and Spa at East Wind provides luxurious accommodations, world class pampering at the Spa, exceptional banquet facilities, fi rst class conference rooms and fi ne dining, all located within our 25 acre property of manicured grounds. When you choose The Inn and Spa at East Wind for your next corporate event, you will experience a level of service that complements the peaceful surroundings. Our elegant function space is integrated with the latest technology to provide a setting in which you can focus on the task at hand. Complementary WIFI internet property-wide and free parking coupled with our luxurious accommodations, fi ne dining and wide range of recreational options make The Inn and Spa at East Wind the smart choice for your next business expo, corporate outing, health and wellness retreat or corporate teambuilding. Please contact Gino Veneroso Corporate Sales Manager for assistance. We look forward to making your next event a great success! April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 37 East Wind is an incomparable host for your upcoming event. With over 30,000 square feet of fl exible meeting and convention space, our facility is designed to achieve maximum meeting effectiveness with impressive state-of-the-art meeting rooms and audio/visual equipment. As a partner member of the Green Hotel Association. The Inn and Spa at East Wind is the only eco-friendly Hotel and Conference Center on Long Island. MBSMIT-007773 FR_Layout 1 3/20/14 12:56 PM Page 1 A Cool Idea for Your Business! Introducing…the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, fully equipped with refrigeration. The 2013 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 Series, 170" Wheel Base. Sub-Zero Technologies and Thermo King Refrigeration. 6 Cylinder Blue Tec Diesel • In Stock and Ready to Go. No Waiting. Medium Temp: 35 Degrees 10' Interior Load Space Page 38 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 Monitor on Dash Keeps Your Systems In Check at a Glance Do you need a refrigerated van for your food business? The 2013 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 Series is both affordable and efficient. The sub-zero technologies and thermo king refrigeration provide seamless refrigeration. Stop in and experience how this Sprinter van provides quick, economical deliveries, and allows you to save on fuel expenses. 630 Middle Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 1.631.265.2204 SALES: BRIAN GOHLSEN Commercial Vehicle Manager Sales Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-8pm Saturday: 9am-5pm / Sunday: 12pm-4pm Call: 631-265-2204, ext.1133 or visit: Email: HEARD AROUND THE ISLAND Appointments, Promotions, Honors Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce that Brian Shenker, Esq., has joined the fi rm as a Labor and Employment Consultant. Brian is responsible for making sure employers are in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Brian is also responsible for representing employers before the Federal and State Departments of Labor in matters concerning employment disputes. ZCI Woodworks of Islandia, New York, has been awarded “Best Of Houzz” by Houzz, a leading platform for home remodeling and design. This local cabinetry and millwork company was chosen by more than 16 million monthly users that comprise the Houzz community due to their design, manufacturing, and installation of fi ne cabinetry and millwork throughout the tri-state area. Converged Technology Group (www., an award-winning Managed Services Partner (MSP) located in Islandia, NY, and New York City that serves clients throughout the Northeast, announced it has been named to the top half of the list as No. 200 on Nine Lives Media’s seventhannual MSPmentor 501 Global Edition (http://, a distinguished list and report identifying the world’s top 501 managed service providers (MSPs). Lincoln Computer Services has surfaced on Nine Lives Media’s seventh-annual MSPmentor 501 Global Edition (http://www., a distinguished list and report identifying the world’s top 501 managed service providers (MSPs). The M a u r e r Foundation for Breast Health Education is proud to announce the appointment of Susan Samaroo as its Executive Director. Ms. Samaroo of Oceanside, NY, brings with her more than twenty years experience in the non-profi t industry. Farrell Fritz is pleased to announce Beth A. Rubenstein, a New York, NY resident, has joined the fi rm as an associate in the trusts and estates department. Beth joins us from Schlesinger Gannon & Lazetera, LLP, where she was a trusts and estates associate. She earned her Juris Doctor degree from St. John’s University School of Law and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Sahn W a r d C o s c h i g n a n o & B a k e r, P L L C h a s announced that Nicholas J. Cappadora has joined the fi rm as a new Associate. He received his J.D. from the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University in May of 2013. He previously worked at the fi rm as a law clerk. Rachel A. Scelfo of Farrell Fritz was recently appointed to The Art League of Long Island’s Board of Directors. Ms. Scelfo is counsel to the fi rm concentrating in zoning, land use, municipal and environmental law. She is a contributor to the fi rm’s Long Island Land Use & Zoning blog. Events Jim Barlow of Ameriprise Financial Services is hosting breakfast and lunch workshops each week in April and May to educate employees who have a 401K/403b plan (existing or former plan). Hauppauge locations include members Brendel’s and Rigatoni’s restaurants. Option strategies relating to proper allocation will be discussed and you are encouraged to “bring in” a recent statement for a “hands on meeting”. Call 631-760-2268 or e-mail james.a.barlow@ for a list of times and dates…. Art League of Long Island invites you to join them on Friday, April 11, 2014 from 7 – 9 pm to hear the Franklin Hill Perrell lecture “Painterly Landscapes from Claude Monet to April Gornik”. Their landscape exhibition will be held in the Jeanie Tenglsen Gallery and you will be surrounded by wonderful artwork while you listen. Please call Bobbie Janowitz, Development Director at 631 462 5400 x 224 to make a reservation. Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Associates, Inc. and Chernoff Diamond & Co., LLC invite you to “Strategic Business Series 2014”. This is an ongoing, monthly, joint venture educational initiative developed and produced by consulting fi rms. The goal of this initiative is to provide business owners, managers and HR professionals with the latest ideas, information and best practices to address workplace productivity, compliance and ongoing changes in HR, employment and labor law, and employee benefi ts. There is no cost to attend or participate in any of these events, and complimentary food will be provided as well as HRCI credits for HR professionals. For more information or to register for the Strategic Business Series 2014, visit The Molloy College Annual Golf Classic will be held on Monday, May 5, 2014 will honor HIA-LI member Kathleen Deegan Dickson, Esq. of Forchelli, Curto, Deegan and David M. Daly, President and COO of PSEG Long Island. Please visit this link for more information: http://alumni.molloy. edu/s/869/index.aspx?sid=869&gid=1&p gid=1159&cid=2124&ecid=2124&crid=0 &calpgid=61&calcid=817 May 8, 2014; 8:30am-11:00am; Stony Brook Small Business Development Center; FREE; What is email marketing? - Where do I find subscribers? - How can you ensure that your mailings are opened? - What are email marketing mistakes to avoid? Author, Speaker and Email Expert, Janet Attard, founder of, will show you why email marketing should be part of your marketing strategy. To register online - http://events. =im9wpleab&oeidk=a07e92g3z8o7 7d04844 Or call 631-632-9070 or email Attend Long Island’s premier resource event. Special Needs Expo - Sunday, April 6, 2014 l 10am-5pm, The Viscardi Center l Albertson, NY. Attendee Admission is Free! Connect with over 100 different special needs exhibitors who provide resources for individuals from birth through adulthood. Children are welcomed with their parents or caregiver; there will be kid friendly activities. For Sponsor, Speaker and Exhibitor information call: 516-279-3727 or email heather@ Register today at Farrell Fritz, P.C. invites you to “Employment Law 8 Days a Week: I Wish It Had Happened on a Saturday Night”; Tuesday, April 8, 2014, People’s United Bank Building, 100 Motor Parkway, Lower Level, Premier Room, Hauppauge, NY 11788; 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.; P: 516-227-0781; clamberta@farrellfritz. com Other Happenings VAI (Vormittag Associates, Inc.), a leading provider of ERP software, announced that Hillcrest Foods, Inc. has implemented its S2K for Food software. The software enables Hillcrest Foods to better serve its customers through improved inventory rotation, enhanced rebate tracking and processing and total application integration to enhance visibility into product information. Hillcrest Foods is a wholesale distributor of bakery ingredients, dairy products, specialty items, gourmet food products and disposables. - See more at: http://vai. net/company/press-room/press-releases/ vai-s2k-for-food-software-helps-hillcrestfoods-manage-its-route-to-growth. html#sthash.PKvCM4Pe.dpuf The Junior Achievement of New York Business Plan Competition (BPC) gives high school students an opportunity to experience real-world entrepreneurship experience. In Spring 2014, over 700 high school students from the five boroughs and Long Island will spend six weeks working with volunteers from the business community building business plans. The students work in small teams to develop a plan for an original idea. We are seeking judges with an entrepreneurial background for the quarterfinal rounds being held on Long Island. Judges will be asked to review an executive summary of 3-5 business plans in advance, observe as teams present their plan in person, and assign a score to each team. If you are interested in judging, please contact us at 516-625-9089. Hauppauge High School’s administrators and PTA presented a program for students and parents featuring national public speaker and advocate for cell-free roads Jacy Good on March 17, 2014. “The students were absolutely riveted throughout Jacy’s presentation,” stated Joy Ferrara, Hauppauge High School assistant principal. Good asked the Hauppauge community to visit her website – – and take the pledge to “Hang Up and Drive.” April 2014 Hauppauge Reporter Page 39 Senio r Sc i e n t i st Ralph James of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory and valued HIA-LI Board Member has been inducted into the Long Island Technology Hall of Fame. One of three innovators honored at a ceremony held at the Garden City Hotel on March 12, James was recognized for his extraordinary work in the development of radiation detectors and imaging systems. VAI (Vormittag Associates, Inc.), a leading ERP software provider, announced that BWI Companies has selected its S2K Enterprise software to improve distribution processes, increase productivity, and gain valuable insights from its customer and product data. BWI determined that with its ease of use and full integration with existing IT systems, VAI’s S2K Enterprise software was the ideal solution. People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union We Put People First, Even In Our Name! Benefits of Banking with PAFCU: Page 40 Hauppauge Reporter April 2014 • • • • • • $5 Minimum Savings Balance No-Fee, No Minimum Checking Account Access 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week Low Rate Loans for All Your Financial Needs FREE Financial Education Seminars FREE Family Events Held for Members To take advantage of our many great banking services, call (631) 434-3500, extension 267. 125 Wireless Blvd. • Hauppauge, NY 11788 • • (631) 434-3500 Brooklyn, NY • Brooklyn, NY • Jamaica, NY • Jamaica, NY • Brooklyn, NY • Brooklyn, NY • Jamaica, NY • Jamaica, NY • (718) 643-4506 (718) 797-2988 (718) 656-1774 (718) 206-4600 X 3037 Miami, FL Miami, FL (305) 261-1255 • Ronkonkoma, NY • Westbury, NY • Yonkers, NY • Ronkonkoma, • Westbury, NY • Yonkers, NY (631) 580-3702 (516) 832-8100 (914) 963-1370