4955 4955 Senior Seminar welcome to senior seminar! this course is a capstone course and really only comprises three things: a written presentation, an oral presentation and a group project. there is no formal instruction. since this course serves the department of visual arts, the above projects are organized around your BFA exhibition. with the exception of the individual written assignments and the presentations, the bulk of the class is devoted to the various aspects of your senior show. description: Preparation for exhibition in annual graduating art students show. Examination of current opportunities and directions in the Art field; the assembling of an effective portfolio representative of the students work. Required for all B.F.A. Art majors. { course objectives } › to demonstrate a knowledge of discipline and its historical contexts › to be able to situate ones work within the framework of contemporary practice › to learn the guidelines for proper portfolio development › to learn to present one’s work in a professional manner › to understand the process necessary to find professional positions in art and design { course methods } › writing assignments › individual presentations › group project › completion of senior seminar binder { grading } your work in this course will be both individual and group activities. your participation will be as important to your grade as your actual work. while you will be graded on the aforementioned projects and presentations the bulk of your evaluation will come as a result of your exhibition. Please use the following scale at best determine your progress in the class: { projects and points distribution } history paper 50 points required content 100 points total150 points ART 4955 spring 2016 syllabus professor eric landes elandes1@fau.edu | LA322 davie office hours wednesday’s 12-2pm about this course: ART 4955C 002 senior seminar 4 credits | CRN 102274 PRE: permission of instructor LA 447 | WF 2-3:50pm all work will be graded on a point scale that will be totaled at the end. the number of points received divided by the number of points possible will yield a percentage that can be interpreted through this scale: 100 93-99 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 0-59 C CD+ D DF A work demonstrates the highest level of understanding and creativity. craft and formal issues are resolved to the same degree B the work shows better than average idea development, but lacks refinement. the work demonstrates an above average understanding of the assignment goals. and shows good creativity. formal issues are resolved to a satisfactory degree C the work demonstrates an average level of understanding or creativity; or may be good solutions hampered by formal issues. there is little evidence of involvement other than the completion of the assignment D the work shows below average creativity and/or little to no understanding of the assignment concepts and goals. Ds may also be given for excessively low craft. F the assignment was either not completed or completed with such a low level of understanding, creativity, or attention to formal issues as to have failed. { course materials } this course requires materials on an as-needed basis. you will be provided with 15 mounting boards along with rubber cement and other materials required to mount your work. materials in excess of this will be the student’s responsibility. all printing costs are also borne by the student. please plan accordingly. { other policies } attendance policy You are expected to attend every class. Special exceptions, including religious observances and other exceptions that are officially recognized by the university, will be discussed and accommodated in advance and on an individual basis. Emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. Incomplete grades will be granted at the discretion of the professor, and only in the case of a grave individual emergency. academic integrity Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_ of_Academic_Integrity.pdf students with disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS)—in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA 203 (954-236-1222); or in Jupiter, SR 110 (561-7998585) —and follow all SAS procedures. Note: In accordance with university policy, all cell phones and beepers must be turned off during class time. COURSE OUTLINE* 01/13 01/15 01/20 01/22 01/27 01/29 02/03 02/05 02/10 02/12 02/17 02/19 02/24 02/26 03/09 03/11 03/02 03/04 03/09 03/11 03/16 03/18 03/23 03/25 03/30 04/01 04/06 04/08 04/13 04/15 04/20 – 04/23 intro. exhibit options. form committees committees invite and donation letters portfolio presentation group 1. donation letter due portfolio presentation group 2. 2 invitation concepts and mock-up due portfolio presentation group 3. design statements assigned committee reports. final invitation design vote committee reports. PDF presentation examples. meeting group 3/4 committee reports. meeting group 5. committee reports. meeting group 6. committee reports. identity revisions invite print bids due. discuss promotional piece – ad hoc committee formed refined stationary due. website design due photo session. venue and date finalized spring break – no class spring break – no class paperwork for print vendor due. identity final DG agency visit committee reports promo layout due. history essay draft due. portfolio presentation group 1. Invite printed and website live portfolio presentation group 2 portfolio presentation group 3 portfolio presentation group 4 portfolio presentation group 5 portfolio presentation group 6 binder review. promotional book printed mounting day. mounting day. mounting approval re-mounting or exhibition prep exhibition tbd binder and history essay due