Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures

Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Commencement Date: 1 July, 2005
Category: Students
A separate entry under the heading PURPOSE was not required when this policy was last reviewed
The Policy and Procedures apply to Inbound and Outbound students involved in, or seeking to be
involved in, the Study Abroad and Student Exchange programs, and to those involved in the
administration of the programs.
Eligible Curtin Students
Means students meeting the Eligibility Guidelines.
Eligible Overseas Students
Means persons meeting the Eligibility Guidelines.
Home Institution
Means the institution where a student has been formally admitted to an award course.
Host Institution
Means the institution where the student participates in a non-award program of study that is credited
towards an award course at the Home Institution.
Inbound Students
Means students from institutions abroad participating in Study Abroad or Student Exchange programs
at Curtin.
International Student Exchange (ISE) Unit(s)
Means the unit(s) in which Outbound students enrol while participating in a Student Exchange
International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
Means the program based in Washington DC (ISEP DC) which places students from the United States
of America in institutions abroad and vice versa.
ISEP Direct
Means the ISEP DC program in which Inbound Students attend Curtin as Study Abroad students.
Students may be from countries other than the United States of America. This program is not available
to Outbound students.
ISEP Exchange
Means the ISEP DC program in which Inbound and Outbound Student Exchange Students participate.
Outbound Students
Means Curtin students going to institutions abroad on Student Exchange or Study Abroad programs.
Participating Institution
Means the institution that is a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) and
participates in the ISEP Exchange program.
SA Agreements
Means Study Abroad Agreements entered into between the University and institutions abroad.
SE & SA Agreements
Means Student Exchange Agreements and Study Abroad Agreements entered into between the
University and institutions abroad.
SE Agreements
Means student Exchange Agreements entered into between the University and institutions abroad.
Student Exchange
The program enables a student of a Home Institution to attend a Host Institution in another country for
a minimum period of one semester (or the equivalent) and up to a maximum of one academic year (or
equivalent) in accordance with specific SE Agreements. The student does not obtain an award from
the Host University but generally receives credit at the Home Institution for the studies successfully
completed at the Host Institution. Payment of tuition fees is made by the student to the Home
Study Abroad
The program enables a student of a Home Institution to attend a Host Institution in another country for
a minimum period of one semester (or the equivalent) and up to a maximum of one academic year (or
equivalent). The student does not obtain an award from the Host University but generally receives
credit at the Home Institution for the studies successfully completed at the Host Institution. Payment of
tuition fees is made to the Host Institution by the student, partner institution or agent.
Study Program Enrolment Authority (SPEA)
Means the completed and authorised document confirming negotiation of classes/modules/units to be
undertaken abroad, by Curtin students for credit and acknowledging that classes/modules/units
successfully completed by Outbound students will be credited towards their degree.
5.1 Study Abroad and Student Exchange Opportunities
The University will offer opportunities for students to participate in Study Abroad and Student
Exchange programs to foster internationalisation and build strategic partnerships with overseas
institutions and education providers.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange opportunities will be offered to Eligible Overseas Students
through Study Abroad agencies and SE & SA Agreements. Appropriate existing teaching and
education services provided to Curtin students will be available to Inbound Students. No special
teaching and educational services will be provided to Inbound Students.
Student Exchange opportunities will be offered to Eligible Curtin Students through SE Agreements
Independent Study Abroad opportunities sought and organised by Curtin students will be supported in
principle by the University.
5.2 Responsibility for Study Abroad and Student Exchange Programs
The International Office will be responsible for coordinating, monitoring and reporting all students'
Study Abroad and Student Exchange activities. The International Office will also manage the Student
Exchange program.
Faculties will manage Study Abroad Inbound and tailored programs through Faculty Study Abroad
6.1 To guide and coordinate Study Abroad and Student Exchange operations.
6.2 To ensure that Study Abroad and Student Exchange programs are of an appropriate standard and
consistent with the Curtin Internationalisation Plan.
6.3 To ensure the safety and welfare of students participating in Study Abroad and Student Exchange
6.4 To ensure the University has a complete record of all students participating in Study Abroad and
Student Exchange activities.
7.1 Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting of Study Abroad and Student Exchange
The International Office shall have overall responsibility for reporting of all student activity in respect of
Study Abroad and Student Exchange programs.
7.2 Management of Study Abroad and Student Exchange Programs
The Faculties will manage the Study Abroad Inbound and tailored programs through Divisional Study
Abroad Coordinators.
The International Office will manage Student Exchange activities.
7.3 Details of Processes
The details of the processes to be taken by each party to the Study Abroad and Student Exchange
programs are set out in Schedule 1.
7.4 Review of Procedures
The Exchange Officer, International Office in association with the Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Advisory Group will periodically review procedures for the coordination of all Study Abroad and
Student Exchange operations conducted by the University and make recommendations to the
International Policy Committee.
Schedule 1 - Processes: Study Abroad Inbound, and Student Exchange Inbound and Outbound
Schedule 2 - Eligibility Guidelines: Study Abroad Inbound and Student Exchange Inbound
Schedule 3 - Eligibility Guidelines: Student Exchange Outbound
Schedule 4 - Eligibility Guidelines: Independent Outbound
Schedule 5 - Study Program and Enrolment Authority (SPEA) Form: Student Exchange Outbound
Schedule 6 - Enrolment Amendment Instructions: Student Exchange Outbound
Schedule 7 - Procedures: International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
Schedule 8 - Finances: ISEP Inbound
Schedule 9 - Finances: ISEP Outbound
Schedule 10 - Reporting Participation: Inbound and Outbound
Policy Manager
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, International
Dean, International Student Admissions
Tel: 9266 4464
Fax: 9266 2505
Approval Authority
Academic Board
Review Date
Jul 1, 2008
Ref. No.
Resolution Number
Document Reference
Academic Board
AB 116/05
Document No 00814/05
Reformatted and
Amended to Reflect
Organisational Chart
Schedule 1
Processes: Study Abroad Inbound, and Student Exchange Inbound and
Study Abroad Inbound Processes
Institutional and Direct Study Abroad inquiries and applications are received by the
relevant Division (and by Campus and Community Life). The Division checks each
application to ascertain whether any applicants fall under Student Visa Assessment Levels
Two or Three. Notice of Assessment Level Two or Three applicants are to be forwarded
to the International Office (IO) for follow up.
Exchange applications attached to institutional Study Abroad agreements managed by the
Division of Humanities will be progressed by that Division as per established Study Abroad
application processing protocols set out in the Schedule 1.
Study plan approval requests received by the IO are sent to the appropriate Division for
approval of studies.
The Relevant Division generates Letters of Offer from Student One for Study Abroad
Students and sends them by courier and copy by email to partner institution or individual
applicant (depending upon negotiated arrangements).
Offer and Acceptance of Offer correspondence whether sent by Division or IO is copied to
relevant Divisional and IO coordinators.
Study Abroad acceptances are returned to the relevant Division with payment of tuition
fees and the premium for Overseas Student Health Cover.
OSHC cover for Study Abroad students is coordinated by the relevant Division. OSHC
cover is not required for Norwegian or Swedish Study Abroad students as they are
covered through a reciprocal health insurance agreement in place between those
Governments and the Australian Government.
Non-award student visa application documents (Confirmations of Enrolments {CoEs}) are
issued by the IO for Study Abroad students. CoEs are issued for Study Abroad students
as soon as the IO receives an approved and signed copy of the student’s acceptance of
offer, along with proof of tuition fee and OSHC payment. The IO guarantees that the CoE
will be issued within two working days of receipt of the approved application. CoEs will not
be issued beyond 90 days of the student’s arrival as per Department of Immigration
Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) protocol. The IO is responsible for liaising
with the student or institution on all student visa issues.
The IO provides a copy of all CoE and student visa issuing correspondence to the relevant
Divisional Coordinator.
1.10 Divisions may ask Direct Study Abroad students to make their own arrangements for
housing. Student arrival is coordinated for Study Abroad students by the relevant Division.
1.11 The IO is responsible for engaging and monitoring a reliable and professional airport
reception service provider. The service provider’s representation of the University must be
of a high standard and is to be reviewed regularly by the IO.
1.12 Divisions advise Study Abroad students on processes to follow to negotiate studying
appropriate units and arrange study timetables, and are enrolled in the appropriate study
1.13 The IO runs a Survival Briefing at the start of each semester for Inbound Students and
provides information on required content for Divisions which run their own.
Schedule 1 - Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
1.14 The IO utilizes OASIS to provide an Arrival Evaluation for completion by students.
Inbound students are requested to complete an Arrival Evaluation through OASIS.
1.15 The IO analyses the Arrival Evaluation data and provides feedback to Divisions for
continuous improvement purposes.
1.16 The IO co-ordinates a departure (Going-Home) seminar for all students with advice on
finalising their stay and further study opportunities at the University.
1.17 Participants complete an evaluation of their experience while studying at University and
submit it to the IO.
1.18 The IO analyses the evaluation data and reports to Divisions.
1.19 Divisions liaise with the Board of Examiners for Study Abroad students and follow up on
result as required.
1.20 Divisions coordinate the issuing of Academic Transcript for Study Abroad students.
Student Exchange Inbound Processes
Exchange and ISEP inquiries and applications are received by the IO. Student Visa
Assessment Level and Exchange Agreement balance checks are made. Applications are
then sent on to the relevant Division for academic assessment and approval. Application
progression is monitored through the Student One tracking facility. Once approved the
Division sends the application to the IO for offer processes.
Study plan approval requests received by the IO are sent to the appropriate
teaching/discipline area for approval of studies.
The IO generates Letters of Offer from Student One for Students Exchange students and
sends them by courier and copy by email to partner institution or individual applicant
(depending upon negotiated arrangements).
Offer and Acceptance of Offer correspondence whether sent by Division or IO is copied to
relevant Divisional and IO coordinators.
Student Exchange acceptances of offer are returned to the IO with Overseas Student
Health Cover payment.
The IO coordinates the provision of OSHC to all Student Exchange students. OSHC cover
is not required for Norwegian or Swedish Exchange Students as they are covered through
a reciprocal health insurance agreement in place between those Governments and the
Australian Government.
Non-award student visa application documents (Confirmations of Enrolments {CoEs}) are
issued by the IO for Student Exchange students. CoEs are issued for these students as
soon as the IO receives an approved and signed copy of the student’s acceptance of offer
along with proof of OSHC payment. CoEs will not be issued beyond 90 days of the
student’s arrival as per (DIMIA) protocol. The IO is responsible for liaising with the student
or institution on all student visa issues.
The IO coordinates Student Exchange accommodation applications.
The IO co-ordinates the arrival of Student Exchange students.
2.10 The IO is responsible for engaging and monitoring a reliable and professional airport
reception service provider. The service provider’s representation of the University must be
of a high standard and is to be reviewed regularly by the IO.
Schedule 1 - Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
2.11 The IO advises the Student Exchange students on processes to follow to negotiate
studying appropriate units and arranging study timetables, and are enrolled in the
appropriate study package.
2.12 The IO runs a Survival Briefing at the start of each semester for Inbound Students and
provides information on required content for Divisions who run their own.
2.13 The IO utilizes OASIS to provide an Arrival Evaluation for completion by students.
Inbound students are requested to complete an Arrival Evaluation through OASIS.
2.14 The IO analyses the Arrival Evaluation data and provides feedback to Divisions for
continuous improvement purposes.
2.15 The IO co-ordinates a departure (Going-Home) seminar for all students with advice on
finalising their stay and further study opportunities at Curtin University.
2.16 Participants complete an evaluation of their experience while studying at Curtin and submit
it to the IO.
2.17 The IO analyses the evaluation data and reports to Divisions.
2.18 A representative of the IO liaises with Board of Examiners for all Exchange students and
follows up on results as necessary.
2.19 The IO coordinates the issuing of Academic Transcript for Student Exchange students.
Student Exchange Outbound Processes
The IO provides advice to the relevant Divisional Coordinator on requirements to
participate (including eligibility requirements and deadlines for application); destination
countries and partners; whether an application is likely to be successful based on
academic merit. Divisions regularly promote Exchange opportunities to their students and
update the IO on promotion schedules, initiatives and publications.
Divisional promotional material, available at the IO is provided to students. However,
student enquiries are directed to the relevant Divisional Coordinator.
Completed application forms are approved by the relevant Divisional Coordinator and
submitted to the IO by the application deadline.
The IO will undertake all correspondence with Exchange partners unless otherwise
negotiated with a specific Division.
Applications are reviewed by the IO to determine eligibility and to assess Exchange
agreement balances.
Approved applicants are nominated by the IO to partner institutions by email to determine
if the number and discipline of the applicants is acceptable to the partner institution.
Unsuccessful approved applicants will be offered an alternative Exchange opportunity.
On acceptance in principle, each applicant is provided electronic access to partner
application forms for completion and despatch from the IO. Advice on application to the
partner institution; housing/accommodation options at the partner institution; health
insurance/travel insurance; visa requirements (including studying fulltime and restricted
work opportunities); travel (e.g. travel after completion of the study exchange) are provided
by the IO.
Letters of acceptance are provided by the partner to the IO or individual applicant
(depending upon negotiated arrangements) and acknowledged. Divisional Coordinators
are informed of student acceptance.
Schedule 1 - Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
3.10 The IO provides Student Exchange Participation Guidelines and other appropriate
documentation (e.g. Pre-Departure Guides) to the applicant electronically.
3.11 Applications for on-campus accommodation at the partner institution are submitted through
the IO or by individual applicant (depending upon negotiated arrangements). If permitted
by the partner institution, the arrangement of off-campus accommodation is the student’s
own responsibility.
3.12 Upon notification of acceptance by the partner institution the student’s visa application
support documents are provided to the IO or individual applicant (depending upon
negotiated arrangements).
3.13 Participants negotiate and complete a Study Program Enrolment Authority (SPEA see
schedule) with the appropriate Head of School or Course Co-ordinator for approval and
signature and then return to relevant Divisional Coordinator for distribution to the IO and
Records and Archives.
3.14 The IO assists participants to withdraw from Curtin units of study and enrol in the
appropriate International Student Exchange unit(s) for the duration of their Student
3.15 The IO coordinates the notification of participation to relevant Embassy, Consulate or
Country Representative; Centrelink to ensure continuation of allowance entitlement; to
DIMIA for International Students.
3.16 Upon completion of studies within the agreed exchange program, academic transcripts are
provided to the IO by the partner institution. The IO distributes the transcript to the
relevant Divisional Coordinator for credit transfer processing.
3.17 Participants complete an evaluation of their experiences and submit it to the IO. The IO
disseminates evaluation analyses to Divisions.
Schedule 1 - Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 2
Eligibility Guidelines: Study Abroad Inbound and Student Exchange Inbound
To be eligible to participate in an inbound study abroad or student exchange program, applicants must
meet the following requirements:
have at least a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or equivalent eg. a course weighted
average of 68.25%.
have academic support in the form of at least one academic reference.
satisfy the University’s English language requirements as approved by the Academic
Australian citizens and permanent residents taking degrees at institutions abroad are not eligible to
participate in Study Abroad programs in Australia. Such students may participate in Student
Exchange programs, if such programs exist with their home institution, and thereby attend Curtin.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 3
Eligibility Guidelines: Student Exchange Outbound
To be eligible to participate in an outbound student exchange program, applicants must meet the
following requirements:
be currently enrolled at Curtin.
have successfully completed at least one semester of study at the time of application.
be in good academic standing i.e.: have a course-weighted average of at least 65%.
have academic support in the form of at least one academic reference.
have obtained approval (from relevant Course Coordinator/s) for a credit transfer and
completed a Study Program and Enrolment Authority (SPEA) form.
Ineligible Applicants:
Students not eligible to participate in outbound student exchange programs or independently
organised study abroad programs if they are enrolled and attending:
institutions abroad with twinning arrangements or offshore collaboration with Curtin.
Curtin onshore campuses from institutions with twinning arrangements and are in their
final year of study.
Curtin non-degree programs or graduate programs of one-year duration or less.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 4
Eligibility Guidelines: Independent Outbound
Programs are an outbound international education experience not organised through either the IO or
coordinated by specific Divisional international contacts. Intending participants:
apply direct to an institution of their choice.
seek approval for leave of absence from their School, for a maximum of two semesters.
withdraw from Curtin (usually an automatic process upon being granted leave of absence).
negotiate for a credit transfer on the basis that studies abroad will be credited as
pay tuition fees and other costs to Host University.
incur no Commonwealth Learning Entitlement liability for tuition at Curtin.
Students who are Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents or who have Humanitarian Visa status
who elect to study abroad independently are not eligible for Centrelink assistance, as they do not
remain enrolled at Curtin while abroad.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 5
Study Program and Enrolment Authority (SPEA) Form:
Student Exchange Outbound
Students who are accepted for participation in a Curtin Student Exchange program [direct exchanges
to partner institutions or through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)] are required to
successfully negotiate a transfer of credit for studies taken while abroad.
Intending participants:
should obtain the Study Program and Enrolment Authority form from, and return the
completed form to, the IO.
should complete and have approved the Study Program and Enrolment Authority form by
a relevant Course Coordinator/s.
are solely responsible for obtaining the approval of the Study Program and Enrolment
Authority form with a relevant Course Coordinator/s.
Additional Requirements
The Study Program and Enrolment Authority form must be completed and approved
before the proposed exchange student’s application is sent to the host institution for
The maximum Curtin credit load that can be negotiated for a transfer is 225 Curtin credit
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 6
Enrolment Amendment Instructions: Student Exchange Outbound
Students who are accepted for participation in a Curtin Student Exchange Outbound program [direct
exchanges to partner institutions or through ISEP (International Student Exchange Program)] need to
formally enrol into designated student exchange study package codes for the semester/s of Student
Exchange program participation.
Intending participants:
complete the Study Program and Enrolment authority form and have it approved by a
relevant Course Coordinator/s.
amend their enrolment by completing an enrolment variation form, which withdraws the
participant from all units in the semester/s that they participate in the student exchange
program and formally enrols them in designated student exchange study package codes.
submit the enrolment variation form to the IO whereupon the Exchange Officer amends the
student’s enrolment and issues an enrolment advice form.
Additional Requirements
International and Australian students must enrol into and study a full time study load for
their student exchange semester/s. While students are abroad it is their responsibility to
ensure that they undertake approved studies. If for any reason they are unable to
undertake approved studies (e.g. classes clashes) the student must contact their Course
Coordinator and the IO to negotiate alternative studies for a credit transfer. This will entail
completing a supplementary Study Program and Enrolment Authority form and having it
approved by a relevant Course Coordinator/s.
International students are required to settle all fee requirements prior to participation in the
Student Exchange program.
Australian students are required to settle all fee and Commonwealth Learning Entitlement
requirements prior to participation in the Student Exchange program.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 7
Procedures: International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
Detailed information regarding the ISEP can be obtained from the following web site:
The IO pays an annual membership fee to participate in ISEP. Inbound and Outbound students
complete ISEP application forms. Exchanges are currently only between Curtin and ISEP partners in
the USA. ISEP Direct (Study Abroad) participants may come from countries other than the USA.
ISEP Exchange Inbound:
include ISEP Exchange Inbound and ISEP Direct Inbound.
student applications are sent to ISEP Washington DC by Participating Institutions.
applications are assessed by ISEP Washington DC.
individual Study Site Requests (preliminary applications) are provided to Curtin for
Procedures follow the Student Exchange Inbound procedures except that applications are sent to the
ISEP Washington DC Office before being provided to the Curtin IO.
ISEP Exchange Outbound:
include ISEP Exchange.
Curtin applicants complete ISEP application forms and are required to complete:
Participant Profile.
Educational Background Sheet.
Two Academic References.
Study Site Request for each of the nominated destinations.
individual Study Site Requests (preliminary applications) are provided to Host Institutions
for acceptance.
the Curtin IO receives a Host Institution Placement Confirmation (HIPC) from the ISEP
Washington DC Office for acceptance by the participant and subsequent return to the
ISEP Washington DC Office.
visa application support documents to the USA are provided to Curtin IO for dissemination
to students.
visa documents are provided to a participant only upon receipt of payment for
Accommodation and Living Expenses.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 8
Finances: ISEP Inbound
ISEP Exchange Inbound
Students participating in ISEP Exchange Inbound pay the following costs to Curtin:
Overseas Student Health Cover
Application fee for on-campus accommodation
Activities fee for student residence
Amenities and Services Fee
(paid to Worldcare through the IO)
(paid to the Student Residence)
(paid to the Student Residence)
(paid to Student Central)
Students participating in the ISEP Exchange Inbound pay the following costs to their Home
Student Nomination Fee.
Participant Placement Fee.
Health insurance premium.
Calculated cost of on-campus accommodation and calculated cost of meals.
This is offset by each Participating Institution paying to a reciprocal participating student a
bursary/stipend at the commencement of their studies.
ISEP Direct Inbound
Students participating in ISEP Direct Inbound pay the following costs to Curtin:
Overseas Student Health Cover
Application fee for on-campus accommodation
Activities fee for student residence
Amenities and Services Fee
(paid to Worldcare through the IO)
(paid to the Student Residence)
(paid to the Student Residence)
(paid to Student Central)
Students participating in ISEP Direct Inbound pay the following costs to the ISEP Washington
DC Office:
Curtin tuition fees (based on the Curtin Study Abroad Inbound tuition fee rate)
The Curtin Fee Centre provides an Invoice for tuition fees to the IO, which is forwarded to the
ISEP Washington DC Office.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 9
Finances: ISEP Outbound
Students participating in ISEP Exchange Outbound pay the following costs to Curtin:
Student Nomination Fee
Participant Placement Fee
Calculated cost of on-campus accommodation
and calculated cost of living
(at time of submitting application)
(upon acceptance of placement)
(on receipt of visa application support documents)
Students participating in ISEP Exchange Outbound pay to the ISEP Washington DC Office:
ISEP Health Insurance premium
(at time of acceptance of placement)
The Curtin IO pays to the ISEP Washington DC Office the following costs for students participating in
ISEP Exchange Outbound:
Student Nomination Fee
Participant Placement Fee
(upon receipt of invoice from ISEP Washington DC)
(upon receipt of invoice from ISEP Washington DC)
This is offset by each Participating Institution paying to a reciprocal participating student a
bursary/stipend at the commencement of their studies.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures
Schedule 10
Reporting Participation: Inbound and Outbound
To determine and record the number of Curtin students participating in international education
experiences abroad through:
Student exchange
Independent study abroad
Study tours
Reporting date: One month after the First and Second semester Census Dates of each year.
Study Abroad and Student Exchange Policy and Procedures