OBITUARY INDEX 1969 You can search by clicking on the binoculars on the adobe toolbar or by Pressing Shift-Control-F Request Form LAST NAME Aaron Abbe Abbott Abel Abel Abel Abeloff Aber Ace Ace Ace Achenbach Achey Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Acs Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Ader Ader Adleman Adler Adler Afflerbach Aglan Aglan Aglinskas Aglinskas Ahlum Aicher Aikens Albanese Albanese Albanito Albert Albert Albert Albertson FIRST NAME Freida Sadie Fox Florence M. Arthur R., Dr. Douglas R. Walter E. Nathan Rhonda Lee Frank James V. William T. Elmer O. Charles W. Ada M. Gilbert E. Gilbert E. Lewis Lewis Joseph Albert Harry Helen "Mom" Helen "Mom" Pauline Ella E. Ella E. Harry N. Arthur L. Arthur L. Joseph N., Jr. Mary Mary Mary Mary Sussannah M. John M. James Ellis Paul F. Robert, Sr. Violet M. Arthur R. "Buddy" Bernard Robert Stuart Ada M. DATE 9/27/1969 6/9/1969 9/29/1969 9/20/1969 10/14/1969 8/26/1969 10/23/1969 1/20/1969 3/18/1969 9/22/1969 10/15/1969 11/20/1969 5/5/1969 3/21/1969 4/18/1969 4/21/1969 1/30/1969 2/1/1969 11/3/1969 5/13/1969 5/20/1969 3/21/1969 3/24/1969 1/20/1969 10/17/1969 10/18/1969 6/6/1969 9/17/1969 9/18/1969 7/17/1969 3/13/1969 3/15/1969 3/13/1969 3/15/1969 4/29/1969 11/3/1969 3/13/1969 9/17/1969 7/12/1969 4/19/1969 10/21/1969 1/27/1969 11/13/1969 10/22/1969 PAGE # p.20 p.40 p.16 p.12 p.26 p.4 p.43 p.24 p.4 p.27 p.10 p.38 p.30 p.29 p.22 p.26 p.40 p.24 p.38 p.12 p.4 p.29 p.33 p.24 p.28 p.22 p.1 p.18 p.16 p.39 p.16 p.20 p.16 p.20 p.22 p.38 p.16 p.18 p.23 p.24 p.20 p.24 p.46 p.14 Albrecht Alexander Alfero Alger Alger Alguire Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Alliger Allshouse Allshouse Allshouse Aloisi Alpaugh Alpaugh Alpaugh Alpaugh Alpaugh Alpaugh Altemose Altemose Altemose Altemose Altemose Altemose Altemose Althouse Amato Amato Ambrose Amerman Amerman Amerman Amey Amey Ammerman Amy Amy Anders Anderson Fritz John D. Josephine Morris Otis C. Duncan O. Bertha R. Bertha R. Ella C. Ella C. Henry "Sky" Henry "Sky" Lester F. Lulu Boncher Mabel P. Ora Ora Robert J. Thomas Fenicle Blanche Bertha Nixon Bertha Nixon Bertha Nixon Celestino Francis J. Francis J. Joseph R., Sr. Matthias M. Sidney S., Jr. Sidney S., Sr. Brenda Louise Brenda Louise D. Martin Ernest D. Norman L. Norman L. Robert D. Ida M. Samuel Samuel Infant Son Anna H. Anna H. Elsie N. Hilda Stanley Laura Eichlin Donald T. Donald T. Mildred H. Bessie McCatharn 4/2/1969 4/18/1969 9/25/1969 12/19/1969 2/19/1969 8/15/1969 8/27/1969 8/28/1969 4/12/1969 4/14/1969 4/18/1969 4/22/1969 8/2/1969 9/1/1969 7/29/1969 10/6/1969 10/7/1969 7/14/1969 8/20/1969 9/20/1969 2/13/1969 2/14/1969 2/15/1969 3/10/1969 5/12/1969 5/14/1969 11/20/1969 4/26/1969 1/29/1969 1/25/1969 5/31/1969 6/3/1969 8/12/1969 9/24/1969 5/13/1969 5/16/1969 12/21/1969 3/15/1969 1/3/1969 1/7/1969 12/24/1969 1/8/1969 1/10/1969 6/19/1969 11/3/1969 9/6/1969 1/17/1969 6/9/1969 6/12/1969 7/2/1969 8/19/1969 p.4 p.22 p.19 p.30 p.16 p.22 p.10 p.41 p.10 p.20 p.22 p.22 p.25 p.25 p.26 p.30 p.26 p.26 p.16 p.12 p.38 p.28 p.24 p.38 p.32 p.14 p.38 p.20 p.4 p.24 p.1 p.23 p.16 p.37 p.12 p.30 p.30 p.20 p.4 p.4 p.28 p.12 p.10 p.30 p.38 p.26 p.24 p.40 p.32 p.31 p.24 Andre Andress Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrews Andrews Andrews Angevine Anglemyer Anschau Anschau Anthony Anton Apgar Apgar Apgar Apgar Apgar Apgar Apgar Apgar Apple Applegate Aque Archacki Archaki Areu Arfmann Armbruster Armitage Armitage Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arterbridge Artz Ascherl Ashman Astuck Astuck Ault Austin Averill Bachardy Bachman Bachman Bachman Joseph H. William S. Christopher R. Harry Hale Joseph H. Clenmore A. Harold R. John B. Mary K. Keturah H. Suzanna Suzanna John W. John George Carrie Earl J. Ellanora Harlem L. Harlem L. Ida Mabel Ida Mabel John F. Edward F. Helen E. Lulu E. Chester E. Helen Romasavage Isidro Edna M. Lydia E. J. Fred Pauline Ramer Cora A. Edna Frary Feine E. Myrtle M. Nicole Renay Wanda Kiggens Thomas W. Ralph "Bob" Alois Elizabeth John John Elmer, Sr. Warren Lillian M. Alex Barch Arlene Minnie G. Norma Olewine 3/5/1969 2/19/1969 12/22/1969 2/26/1969 7/5/1969 11/14/1969 8/12/1969 10/27/1969 6/19/1969 12/8/1969 3/31/1969 4/3/1969 2/7/1969 10/30/1969 4/9/1969 11/20/1969 5/20/1969 3/24/1969 3/25/1969 3/26/1969 3/27/1969 1/14/1969 1/13/1969 11/4/1969 1/14/1969 7/25/1969 6/23/1969 7/21/1969 6/23/1969 12/2/1969 7/31/1969 5/10/1969 8/29/1969 3/3/1969 1/27/1969 12/4/1969 11/11/1969 8/4/1969 6/10/1969 4/28/1969 8/7/1969 12/8/1969 4/3/1969 4/7/1969 12/17/1969 10/7/1969 9/10/1969 5/26/1969 2/19/1969 6/20/1969 5/3/1969 p.16 p.16 p.12 p.30 p.12 p.31 p.16 p.20 p.30 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.30 p.32 p.38 p.4 p.33 p.12 p.10 p.30 p.16 p.16 p.18 p.16 p.21 p.12 p.28 p.12 p.26 p.45 p.38 p.26 p.12 p.24 p.42 p.22 p.26 p.24 p.35 p.41 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.21 p.26 p.4 p.20 p.16 p.24 p.12 Bachman Bachman Bachman Bachman Bacon Bacon Bader Bader Badrow Badrow Baer Baer Bagley Baier Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Baird Baker Baker Baker Bakos Bakos Balabanuk Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Balliet Balmer Bancker Banghart Bankosh Bankosh Bankosh Bankosh Banos Banos Baranzelli Barber Barber Barber Barber Barbera Barbera Barbiche Barchietto Norma Olewine Theodore R. Theodore R. Wilbert L. Robert Franklin Robert Franklin Wahbe Wahbe William Charles William Charles Emma N. Joan C. Mary E. Jacob John Hilda M. Lelia Mae Mary C. Viola Hugh Emma Frank Melvin Julia Julia Matvey Alice M. Alice M. Green Green Green Uzal G. Uzal G. Edwin O. George B. Grace H. William F. Anna Anna Thomas M. Thomas M. Marguerite K. Marguerite K. Maria Aman Beulah Raymond Paul Raymond Paul Jennie Jennie Matilda M. Samuel Severo 5/6/1969 2/17/1969 2/19/1969 2/24/1969 7/22/1969 7/25/1969 6/11/1969 6/13/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 3/8/1969 1/13/1969 10/11/1969 10/8/1969 8/5/1969 12/30/1969 8/27/1969 3/29/1969 7/28/1969 3/3/1969 8/23/1969 12/12/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 2/28/1969 2/24/1969 2/25/1969 3/14/1969 3/15/1969 3/17/1969 5/22/1969 5/26/1969 2/10/1969 8/29/1969 11/17/1969 2/26/1969 1/4/1969 1/7/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 2/17/1969 2/18/1969 10/29/1969 5/13/1969 10/15/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 5/13/1969 5/7/1969 p.14 p.12 p.16 p.16 p.1 p.21 p.4 p.24 p.24 p.28 p.24 p.16 p.20 p.18 p.19 p.17 p.10 p.24 p.28 p.12 p.24 p.26 p.28 p.26 p.10 p.16 p.16 p.10 p.20 p.14 p.48 p.20 p.26 p.26 p.26 p.30 p.23 p.4 p.12 p.26 p.12 p.22 p.4 p.12 p.10 p.32 p.23 p.12 p.26 p.12 p.14 Baringer Barker Barker Barker Barket Barlieb Barlieb Barlieb Barlieb Barlieb Barlow Barnett Barnett Barr Barr Barrall Barrall Barrall Barrett Barrett Barrett Barron Barron Barshtis Barth Barthol Barthold Barthold Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Bartholomew Barto Bartron Basso Basso Bast Batdorf Bath Batko Batrouny Batt Bauman Bauman Baumann Baur Baver Lizzie Sell George D. George D. Mazo D. Rose Badway Catherine L. Margaret M. Margaret M. Verna E. Verna E. Richard Henry Clinton J. Sarah Lucille C. Lucille C. Russell P. Russell P. Russell P. Mary Mary Robert T. Charles E. Howard F. Anna Audickaite Katherine C. Annie M. William G., Judge William G., Judge Claire C. Frantz Claire C. Frantz Elmer E. Meda M. Olive Olive Paul R. Roy R. Royden Wendy May Angelo, Sr. "Charlie" Angelo, Sr. "Charlie" Neil J. Howard S. Dewey W. Steve Herbert Florence O. Kern Harrison F. "Harry" Harrison F. "Harry" Maximilian Gertrude Mary M. 7/23/1969 1/21/1969 1/23/1969 6/6/1969 10/15/1969 1/17/1969 4/5/1969 4/9/1969 4/21/1969 4/24/1969 1/24/1969 9/25/1969 1/2/1969 2/7/1969 2/10/1969 5/12/1969 5/13/1969 5/16/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 7/31/1969 3/10/1969 9/8/1969 12/3/1969 5/6/1969 6/25/1969 9/22/1969 9/24/1969 1/23/1969 1/27/1969 8/9/1969 11/22/1969 2/28/1969 3/3/1969 12/26/1969 4/3/1969 11/18/1969 11/11/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 5/31/1969 6/3/1969 7/1/1969 5/12/1969 6/7/1969 6/27/1969 2/18/1969 2/22/1969 10/28/1969 10/22/1969 2/10/1969 p.14 p.26 p.30 p.4 p.10 p.24 p.22 p.32 p.26 p.34 p.26 p.19 p.32 p.24 p.26 p.32 p.12 p.30 p.28 p.12 p.45 p.38 p.36 p.37 p.14 p.32 p.1 p.37 p.30 p.24 p.24 p.26 p.10 p.12 p.1 p.28 p.14 p.22 p.26 p.32 p.24 p.23 p.14 p.32 p.22 p.10 p.22 p.26 p.28 p.14 p.26 Baxter Bayerl Bayley Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Baylor Beahm Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Beam Bean Bean Bean Bear Beatty Beauseigneur Beauseigneur Beavers Bechtel Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Becker Becker Becker Beckett Beckman Beecher Beegle Beehler Beers Beers Beers Beers Beers Beers Beers Beesecker Alfred J. Jacob Lucy Heller Isabelle Foye Michael Robert G. Robert G. Sarah M. Sarah M. Carrie M. Long Harold L., Jr. Harold L., Jr. Jeffrey Jeffrey John John Racie, Sr. Sarah Jo Todd Todd Linda J. Walter Dewey Walter Dewey Bessie H. Harvey James F. James F. Mary Miller Paul G. Anna May Clarence J. Harry C. Raymond J. Raymond J. Sem G., Dr. Hattie M. Hattie M. Marguerite Harry August H. Sanford Kenneth C. Margery J. Carl F. Frank W. Frank W. James M. Josephine Kenneth E. Ralph J. Reuben W. 3/3/1969 12/29/1969 11/10/1969 4/24/1969 7/28/1969 5/19/1969 5/20/1969 2/3/1969 2/6/1969 5/30/1969 5/3/1969 5/6/1969 5/3/1969 5/6/1969 5/3/1969 5/6/1969 9/24/1969 5/31/1969 5/3/1969 5/6/1969 5/26/1969 2/26/1969 2/28/1969 7/3/1969 10/13/1969 5/31/1969 6/2/1969 1/2/1969 4/18/1969 8/18/1969 11/13/1969 10/3/1969 2/7/1969 2/10/1969 12/24/1969 4/1/1969 4/5/1969 11/12/1969 12/24/1969 6/7/1969 7/16/1969 9/29/1969 12/3/1969 12/29/1969 3/22/1969 3/24/1969 4/17/1969 10/21/1969 8/18/1969 12/22/1969 10/2/1969 p.12 p.36 p.28 p.34 p.28 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.28 p.30 p.1 p.14 p.1 p.14 p.1 p.14 p.37 p.24 p.1 p.14 p.20 p.30 p.10 p.24 p.28 p.24 p.24 p.32 p.22 p.20 p.46 p.4 p.24 p.26 p.28 p.12 p.22 p.10 p.28 p.22 p.4 p.16 p.37 p.36 p.28 p.33 p.38 p.20 p.20 p.12 p.28 Behler Behler Behler Behr Behre Behre Beidelman Beidelman Beidelman Beil Beishline Belak Belak Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Belles Belles Bellis Bellis Bellis Bellis Bellis Bellis Benak Benak Bender Bender Bender Bender Bender Bendy Bennett Bennett Bennett Benninger Bennington Benoist Benson Benson Benzinger Benzinger Bergdoll Berger Berger Berka Berkaw Bernecker Bernecker Adda M. John D. Mildred H. Helen P. Edward H. Edward H. III Irene V. Irene V. Oscar A. Harvey A. R. Oliver Anna Anna David E. Dorothy A. Isabel C. Kenneth V., Sr. Kenneth V., Sr. Edgar J. Edgar J. Edna B. Edna B. Florence M. John R. John R. Mary E. Edward J. Edward J. Adam Jeremy Clayton J. Ella Maude Ella Maude Joseph C. W. R. Benjamin F. William K. William K. Williard Joseph E. Mildred H. Charlotte M. Charlotte M. Josephine Josephine Beulah Edinger Alfred W. Alfred W. Roberta Jean George A. Wayne Wayne 12/8/1969 6/27/1969 3/19/1969 9/13/1969 4/22/1969 4/25/1969 2/18/1969 2/20/1969 8/20/1969 2/27/1969 6/28/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 7/10/1969 10/15/1969 8/23/1969 5/3/1969 5/5/1969 3/10/1969 3/13/1969 3/19/1969 3/22/1969 7/28/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 7/29/1969 2/12/1969 2/15/1969 9/8/1969 9/24/1969 6/17/1969 6/19/1969 8/9/1969 11/20/1969 10/13/1969 4/26/1969 4/28/1969 9/30/1969 7/11/1969 3/21/1969 6/12/1969 6/14/1969 1/7/1969 1/9/1969 4/26/1969 2/21/1969 2/22/1969 8/18/1969 11/1/1969 7/1/1969 7/2/1969 p.28 p.10 p.4 p.20 p.22 p.14 p.22 p.41 p.16 p.37 p.25 p.12 p.26 p.48 p.10 p.24 p.12 p.30 p.38 p.16 p.4 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.37 p.26 p.32 p.24 p.36 p.37 p.15 p.30 p.24 p.1 p.28 p.20 p.35 p.4 p.4 p.29 p.32 p.24 p.4 p.28 p.20 p.30 p.26 p.20 p.30 p.14 p.31 Berry Bertha Besecker Besson Best Betz Betz Bevilacqua Bibly Bieber Biehn Bierbaum Bierman Bierman Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Biggs Biggs Biresch Biresch Birkner Bisbing Bisbing Bisco Bishop Bishop Bishop Bissey Bittenbender Bittenbender Bittner Bittner Bittner Bittner Bitz Bitz Bjorklund Bjorklund Black Blaine Blaine Blair Blair Blair Blake Blake Blake Blanchfield Blankenburg Howard Dennis Ruth A. Henrietta Long J. Marie Richard Richard Mary M. Arthur E. Earl G. Harvey S. Frank A. Bertha M. Mann Bertha M. Mann Carrie M. Carrie M. Nelson H. Walter C. Theresa Miriam Theresa Miriam Brian J. Brian J. Eleanor S. Mildred A. Robert M. John Eugene I. Eugene I. Grace V. Harvey Jacob Verna I. Verna I. Edna M. Heitzman Jennie Mary R. Raymond C. Russell S. Russell S. Hildegarde Hildegarde Sarah Bowlby Rachel L. Rachel L. Foster J. Foster J. Maude E. Blanche Tonkin Blanche Tonkin Timmy L. Joseph R. Bruce 2/14/1969 1/13/1969 5/26/1969 8/16/1969 3/7/1969 8/8/1969 8/9/1969 12/21/1969 10/18/1969 7/5/1969 3/13/1969 5/21/1969 11/24/1969 11/25/1969 4/10/1969 4/14/1969 7/3/1969 2/17/1969 3/28/1969 3/29/1969 4/24/1969 4/26/1969 2/12/1969 1/30/1969 5/3/1969 8/6/1969 11/20/1969 11/21/1969 12/15/1969 9/24/1969 7/26/1969 7/28/1969 9/24/1969 1/30/1969 2/7/1969 5/20/1969 6/18/1969 6/20/1969 1/22/1969 1/27/1969 12/18/1969 3/18/1969 3/21/1969 6/27/1969 6/28/1969 11/24/1969 2/14/1969 2/18/1969 4/21/1969 9/29/1969 6/21/1969 p.28 p.16 p.20 p.25 p.28 p.2 p.24 p.30 p.22 p.12 p.16 p.16 p.4 p.26 p.18 p.20 p.24 p.12 p.26 p.24 p.34 p.20 p.32 p.40 p.12 p.16 p.38 p.12 p.28 p.37 p.25 p.28 p.1 p.40 p.24 p.4 p.14 p.24 p.14 p.24 p.52 p.4 p.29 p.10 p.25 p.4 p.28 p.22 p.26 p.16 p.1 Blase Bleam Bleauskas Blew Blick Blitz Blitz Blomquist Bloomer Bloys Blum Boardman Bob Bob Bodine Boehm Boehm Bogart Bogart Bogart Bogdan Bogden Bohn Boitano Bollinger Bollinger Bonanno Bonas Boncher Bond Bond Bonnell Bonser Bontempo Bontempo Borbas Borbas Border Border Borger Borger Borgstrom Borota Borota Borrell Bosich Bosich Bosich Bossert Bossert Bostwick Michael William H. Thomas, Sr. Emma John J. Amanda Edna V. Albert E. Ada M. Benjamin B. Samuel Elwell Edward Vera Vera Irene Norman J., Sr. Sally Ziegler Anna G. Clarence S. Rachael Helen Joseph G. Karl E. Gerald J. Emory Richard B. Benny Helen Lawrence F. Alfred N. Kenneth O. Romeyn R. Wesley J. John N. John N. Julia Julia Harold A. William H. Celesta Serfass LeRoy H. Daniel B. Joseph Joseph Arthur A. Frank Frank Frank Kenneth J. Kenneth J. Florence B. 8/18/1969 10/31/1969 2/5/1969 4/19/1969 4/2/1969 5/14/1969 8/25/1969 11/15/1969 5/22/1969 8/8/1969 8/22/1969 12/22/1969 5/28/1969 5/31/1969 7/28/1969 4/5/1969 1/6/1969 12/30/1969 6/25/1969 5/19/1969 4/21/1969 12/8/1969 11/11/1969 6/17/1969 6/30/1969 9/18/1969 10/31/1969 8/19/1969 7/11/1969 6/18/1969 8/19/1969 12/19/1969 7/21/1969 1/25/1969 1/28/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 1/11/1969 12/26/1969 4/22/1969 9/13/1969 7/15/1969 5/5/1969 5/7/1969 2/26/1969 10/24/1969 10/25/1969 10/28/1969 5/2/1969 5/5/1969 1/23/1969 p.20 p.30 p.26 p.24 p.4 p.14 p.25 p.26 p.48 p.24 p.10 p.12 p.14 p.24 p.28 p.22 p.30 p.17 p.32 p.28 p.26 p.28 p.22 p.15 p.18 p.16 p.30 p.24 p.4 p.14 p.24 p.30 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.16 p.24 p.26 p.4 p.22 p.20 p.4 p.30 p.14 p.30 p.26 p.28 p.28 p.1 p.30 p.30 Bostwick Bougher Bougher Bourne Bowen Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowie Bowlby Bowlby Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowser Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyer Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle Bradbury Brader Brady Brandafi Brandes Brandly Brandt Brandt Brant Branton Braun Braun Braun Braunsberg Bray Bray Bray Breen Breen Breen Breen Breisch Bremer Brendler Brennen Brennen Brennesholtz Wallace R. Mary Mary Martha E. John W., Sr. Dorothy J. Leland Marvin S. Marvin S. Fanni Marie Harry A. Harry A. Edith M. Lester J. Lillian E. Blanche A. Luella M. Luella M. M. Ruth Willard A. S. Clarence, Jr. Helen J. Beiner Shawn J. Victoria Dawn Floyd A. Leo F. Agnes Zomborac Henry A. Louise Robert W. Robert W. Anna Florence Charles W. Charles W. Frank Gertrude Matilda Harry "Ted" Herman A. Raymond David T. David T. David T. Thomas Hilda M. Carl H. Florence Titman Mabel Mabel Olga Raab 8/29/1969 2/17/1969 2/20/1969 9/22/1969 12/6/1969 1/3/1969 8/5/1969 4/12/1969 4/14/1969 1/15/1969 1/24/1969 1/28/1969 3/21/1969 9/11/1969 8/28/1969 1/13/1969 5/13/1969 5/15/1969 9/23/1969 5/19/1969 6/24/1969 5/12/1969 10/16/1969 1/6/1969 8/18/1969 1/6/1969 1/2/1969 10/21/1969 8/11/1969 10/20/1969 3/31/1969 4/1/1969 4/24/1969 11/20/1969 9/6/1969 9/8/1969 4/18/1969 7/22/1969 11/19/1969 3/25/1969 12/4/1969 1/15/1969 1/21/1969 1/23/1969 7/30/1969 11/4/1969 4/21/1969 7/21/1969 5/5/1969 5/7/1969 8/25/1969 p.26 p.12 p.41 p.27 p.26 p.4 p.19 p.10 p.20 p.24 p.26 p.4 p.29 p.32 p.41 p.16 p.12 p.20 p.14 p.28 p.26 p.32 p.1 p.30 p.20 p.30 p.32 p.20 p.16 p.24 p.28 p.12 p.34 p.38 p.26 p.36 p.22 p.27 p.16 p.12 p.42 p.1 p.26 p.30 p.33 p.18 p.26 p.28 p.30 p.14 p.25 Brensinger Bresnak Bretz Bretz Bretz Brewen Brewer Brewer Brewer Brink Brink Brink Brinkman Brisben Brittain Brittain Britton Britton Britton Britton Britton Britton Broad Brobst Brobst Brobst Brobst Brocklebank Brodt Brodt Brodt Brodt Brody Brody Brokaw Brong Brong Broomell Brophy Brost Brotzman Brower Brower Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Randy S. Frank A. Beulah M. George H. "Bud" George H. "Bud" Ambrose E. Augusta Sheets Laura B. Laura B. Alvah H. Luella Luella Edward P., Rev. Dr. Maude Pursell Laura M. Laura M. Alma G. Clarence Edna R. Frances E. John F. Mary K. Flora Robert C. Robert C. Walter A. Walter A. Arthur P. Minnie Minnie Peter Marvin Peter Marvin Louis L. Samuel Charles P. M. Edwin M. Edwin Bessie Taylor Adelaide M. Edward Lloyd D. Elinor E. Elinor E. Arthur R. Arthur R. Bertha Bernice Bertha Bernice Elizabeth M. Frank E. Frank W. Frank W. 4/28/1969 3/28/1969 6/27/1969 4/5/1969 4/8/1969 9/30/1969 2/17/1969 3/10/1969 3/13/1969 4/24/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 9/18/1969 2/24/1969 1/13/1969 1/17/1969 1/10/1969 11/19/1969 12/22/1969 10/14/1969 8/11/1969 8/8/1969 11/24/1969 2/17/1969 2/20/1969 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 12/31/1969 6/23/1969 6/24/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 12/9/1969 12/10/1969 9/22/1969 11/5/1969 11/7/1969 11/13/1969 11/3/1969 12/18/1969 9/18/1969 5/21/1969 5/24/1969 4/4/1969 4/7/1969 2/17/1969 2/18/1969 4/21/1969 7/14/1969 4/19/1969 4/23/1969 p.35 p.26 p.10 p.22 p.16 p.4 p.12 p.38 p.16 p.34 p.20 p.14 p.16 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.10 p.16 p.12 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.4 p.12 p.41 p.26 p.18 p.22 p.12 p.26 p.16 p.38 p.22 p.40 p.27 p.4 p.29 p.46 p.38 p.52 p.16 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.28 p.12 p.22 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.18 Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brubaker Brubaker Brubaker Bruch Bruch Bruch Bruch Bruch Brunet Brush Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryant Bryant Bryfogle Bryfogle Bryfogle Bryfogle Bryfogle Bubnis Buchanan Buchkoski Buchmann Buchspice Buckenmyer Buckenmyer Buckley Buckley Buczynski Buczynski Buddock Budzinak Budzinak Buenzli Bugel Buhler George Lee George Lee Gerald H. Gregory R. Henry Malcie G. Malcie G. Margaret A. T. Clayton Thomas Walter Wesley, Jr. Walter Wesley, Jr. Willetta John H. John H. John H., Jr. George P. George W. Harold P. Harry J. Infants Jeanne L. Mary L. Florence L. Harry Ira Ruben, Jr. James E. Harry A. Harry A. Hattie L. Margaret M. Margaret M. Raymond Clifford Raymond Clifford Leonard B. Bertrand R. Anna Elizabeth Addie M. Harold M. "Chic" Harold M. "Chic" Adele Adele Edwin V. Edwin V. Eleanor F. George P. George P. Walter "Chip" Louis J. Frank W. 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 12/16/1969 10/24/1969 2/10/1969 4/19/1969 4/21/1969 12/6/1969 9/26/1969 1/4/1969 12/4/1969 12/6/1969 12/8/1969 9/19/1969 9/20/1969 5/19/1969 12/21/1969 12/22/1969 12/19/1969 8/18/1969 10/21/1969 10/29/1969 2/6/1969 10/22/1969 12/8/1969 6/30/1969 11/22/1969 4/18/1969 4/21/1969 6/2/1969 4/1/1969 4/3/1969 3/27/1969 3/28/1969 6/28/1969 8/29/1969 8/2/1969 5/6/1969 10/1/1969 4/9/1969 4/11/1969 3/10/1969 3/12/1969 11/29/1969 12/1/1969 11/21/1969 3/19/1969 3/21/1969 5/31/1969 11/7/1969 5/2/1969 p.1 p.24 p.12 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.26 p.26 p.27 p.23 p.1 p.26 p.28 p.1 p.12 p.28 p.30 p.12 p.30 p.20 p.20 p.4 p.28 p.14 p.28 p.18 p.26 p.22 p.26 p.24 p.12 p.28 p.30 p.26 p.25 p.26 p.25 p.14 p.37 p.32 p.24 p.38 p.38 p.28 p.28 p.12 p.4 p.29 p.24 p.29 p.14 Buhr Buist Buki Bumper Bumper Bunnell Buntain Burch Burd Burd Burd Burdett Burdge Burenga Burgess Burk Burke Burke Burley Burley Burlingame Burlingame Burnard Burns Burns Burris Burris Burris Burris Burritt Burritt Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bushfield Buskirk Buskirk Buskirk Buskirk Buskirk Buss Buss Buss Buss Buss Butkosky Butland Butler John Thomas Ruth D. Chester Chester James A. Jessie E. Iva C. Charlotte N. Gladys Beam Gladys Bean J. Howard Virgil Joseph Elizabeth Anthony Joseph T. Sandra Lee John A. John A. Alice V. Steve H. Wilfred C. "Sham" Annie Annie Ruth Evelyn Best Ruth Evelyn Best William Charles William Charles Margaret M. Bryan Margaret M. Bryan Jacalyn Jennie Dilley Ruth F. Ruth V. Ruth V. Samuel Benjamin, Jr. George I. Fred Fred Hettie Ace Wilson "Ed" Wilson "Ed" Flora C. Frances B. Nina J. Nina J. Woodrow E. Theresa Harry Jacquette Harry J. 4/18/1969 12/10/1969 7/5/1969 12/8/1969 12/12/1969 9/5/1969 8/4/1969 12/17/1969 9/30/1969 7/7/1969 7/5/1969 11/13/1969 12/31/1969 12/2/1969 9/30/1969 2/12/1969 1/30/1969 1/20/1969 5/5/1969 5/8/1969 3/27/1969 2/21/1969 11/10/1969 5/19/1969 5/20/1969 9/23/1969 9/24/1969 4/26/1969 4/28/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 1/4/1969 2/5/1969 11/25/1969 1/22/1969 1/25/1969 9/27/1969 2/13/1969 4/7/1969 4/10/1969 12/12/1969 11/17/1969 11/18/1969 7/12/1969 10/8/1969 5/10/1969 5/12/1969 10/14/1969 7/7/1969 12/10/1969 2/20/1969 p.22 p.40 p.1 p.28 p.26 p.22 p.26 p.21 p.4 p.28 p.12 p.46 p.22 p.26 p.4 p.32 p.40 p.24 p.30 p.47 p.30 p.30 p.28 p.28 p.4 p.14 p.37 p.20 p.35 p.16 p.37 p.23 p.26 p.26 p.14 p.24 p.20 p.1 p.28 p.18 p.26 p.26 p.14 p.23 p.18 p.38 p.32 p.26 p.28 p.40 p.41 Butler Butler Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Buzas Buzas Byrne Cacciacarro Caffrey Caffrey Caffrey Caffrey Caffrey Caflin Caflin Caflin Calabrese Calantonio Callair Callair Calzetti Campanaro Campbell Canary Canary Canfield Canfield Cannon Capra Capra Capuano Capuro Cardell Cardozo Carey Carey Carichner Carita Carling Carothers Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Harry J. Marion Brian Keith Charles F. Cora M. Harold A. Harris Olive M. Ruth Abel Ruth Abel Winifred A. Anna Anna John P. Vienna Bernard J. Bernard J. John John Joseph B. Mary E. Mary E. Mary E. Frank Gayton Kenneth Kenneth Albino Rose Lena M. Grace Grace Ella V. Ella V. Albert Mary R. Mary R. George D. Joseph A. Anthony, Jr. Rose J. Wilson J. Wilson Henry R. Joseph William H. Eileen Hamilton John John John E. John Earl 2/22/1969 4/18/1969 11/28/1969 5/13/1969 6/27/1969 12/4/1969 3/14/1969 10/13/1969 4/14/1969 4/16/1969 7/12/1969 6/16/1969 6/18/1969 9/30/1969 11/20/1969 3/1/1969 3/3/1969 6/16/1969 6/18/1969 11/10/1969 3/19/1969 3/20/1969 3/21/1969 11/12/1969 10/18/1969 2/17/1969 2/18/1969 11/1/1969 9/29/1969 11/6/1969 1/23/1969 1/25/1969 11/7/1969 11/8/1969 5/17/1969 5/19/1969 5/21/1969 1/6/1969 7/19/1969 7/9/1969 5/5/1969 5/2/1969 5/5/1969 6/20/1969 7/28/1969 10/24/1969 7/26/1969 2/8/1969 2/11/1969 6/7/1969 6/5/1969 p.26 p.22 p.16 p.12 p.10 p.42 p.10 p.28 p.20 p.18 p.23 p.32 p.14 p.4 p.38 p.21 p.12 p.32 p.14 p.28 p.4 p.34 p.29 p.10 p.22 p.12 p.22 p.30 p.16 p.46 p.30 p.24 p.29 p.24 p.26 p.28 p.16 p.30 p.25 p.31 p.30 p.14 p.30 p.1 p.28 p.26 p.25 p.24 p.24 p.22 p.1 Carpenter Carr Carroll Carter Cascario Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Casey Cassels Cassler Castelli Castelli Castner Castner Caulfield Caulfield Cavallaro Cavanagh Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Cavar Cavar Cavota Cavota Cawley Cegielski Centeel Cesta Chaison Chamberlin Chando Chapman Chase Chavar Chellemi Cherny Chiavetta Chicarelli Chidsey Chierchiaro Chierchiaro Chillot Chillot Myrtle Mae Josephine Terrence Williams Laura R. Stella Beatrice Elizabeth Beatrice Elizabeth Beatrice K. Beatrice K. Dorothea M. Elmer Nellie W. Nellie W. Rachel T. William T., Jr. Daniel A. Paul A. Edward J. Felice Felice Adele Marguerite Irving G. Walter H., Dr. Walter H., Dr. Carmine Alford A. Michael Donald Michael Donald Anton "Anthony" Ivan Michael A. Michael A. Olive D. Florence B. Julio Blanche Blanche Ralph Joseph Mertie Youmans Caroline R. Anton "Anthony" Joseph S. Louis Salvatore Rose George W. Anthony Anthony James Sr. James Sr. 12/2/1969 3/20/1969 8/19/1969 1/31/1969 11/10/1969 1/30/1969 2/3/1969 5/23/1969 5/26/1969 12/2/1969 11/20/1969 2/17/1969 2/21/1969 7/30/1969 4/1/1969 6/26/1969 4/11/1969 11/29/1969 4/29/1969 5/1/1969 11/20/1969 10/9/1969 12/11/1969 12/12/1969 8/29/1969 10/25/1969 2/13/1969 2/15/1969 11/24/1969 9/3/1969 3/24/1969 3/26/1969 5/8/1969 12/6/1969 11/4/1969 10/16/1969 10/11/1969 12/20/1969 7/10/1969 5/28/1969 12/12/1969 11/24/1969 2/14/1969 1/13/1969 11/3/1969 9/23/1969 8/16/1969 1/6/1969 1/8/1969 3/7/1969 3/10/1969 p.26 p.34 p.24 p.22 p.28 p.40 p.12 p.23 p.20 p.26 p.38 p.12 p.30 p.33 p.12 p.44 p.24 p.28 p.22 p.42 p.38 p.50 p.44 p.26 p.26 p.28 p.38 p.24 p.4 p.30 p.33 p.10 p.47 p.26 p.18 p.40 p.20 p.24 p.48 p.14 p.26 p.4 p.28 p.16 p.38 p.14 p.2 p.30 p.12 p.28 p.38 Chillot Chillot Chisesi Chiu Chiu Chontos Christein Christian Christian Christian Christian Christman Christman Christman Christman Christman Chrobocinski Chromczak Ciampi Cianci Cianci Cianci Cianci Cieslenski Cimino Cimino Cincotta Clancy Clapp Clapp Clark Clark Clark Clarke Class Clause Clause Clawson Clawson Clawson Cleary Clemens Clemmer Cleveland Clewell Clifford Clifford Clifton Cline Cline Clippinger Pasquale "Patrick" Pasquale "Patrick" Nicholas James Henry Henry Stephen Stella A. Debra Debra Floyd M. Lloyd Agnes Jane Bert C. Floyd A. Francis E. Lillian M. Chester Joseph M. Arcangelo Paul, Sr. Paul, Sr. Sebastian Sebastian Leo S. Louis M. Louis M. Charles J. "Toot" William R. Bessie L. Frank S. Emily R. Julia William Wright George I., Sr. Adam Ronald L., Jr. Almira R. Susan M. William Francis J. Alonzo W. William K. Maida Barris Irene B. Clair James R., Dr. Jeffrey M. Howard D. Howard D. Charles F. 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 10/4/1969 3/18/1969 3/20/1969 11/21/1969 9/3/1969 3/5/1969 3/7/1969 8/27/1969 3/1/1969 5/21/1969 11/20/1969 1/9/1969 2/3/1969 1/4/1969 6/7/1969 11/3/1969 8/15/1969 3/5/1969 3/8/1969 3/1/1969 3/3/1969 11/22/1969 5/26/1969 5/30/1969 7/14/1969 10/11/1969 8/7/1969 1/15/1969 9/18/1969 3/7/1969 12/8/1969 12/29/1969 5/8/1969 9/2/1969 5/7/1969 1/17/1969 4/24/1969 8/26/1969 10/6/1969 3/15/1969 6/18/1969 3/27/1969 6/16/1969 3/29/1969 10/22/1969 5/13/1969 6/17/1969 6/18/1969 1/6/1969 p.28 p.26 p.20 p.4 p.34 p.12 p.30 p.16 p.28 p.10 p.21 p.16 p.38 p.28 p.12 p.23 p.22 p.38 p.22 p.16 p.24 p.21 p.12 p.26 p.20 p.30 p.26 p.20 p.41 p.24 p.16 p.28 p.1 p.36 p.47 p.22 p.14 p.24 p.34 p.4 p.30 p.2 p.14 p.30 p.32 p.24 p.14 p.12 p.15 p.14 p.30 Clugston Clugston Clugston Clymer Clymer Coates Coco Cody Cohen Cohen Cohen Colburn Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Coleman Colhoun Coll Coll Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Colton Colton Colvin Comunale Cone Cone Conn Conn Conn Conn Connelly Connelly Connlain Connolly Connor Connors Connors Connors Connors Conover Conover Conover Conover Dorothy W. Evelyn S. William Elizabeth Elizabeth Ruth Rocco J. Lempi Julius Louis G. Louis G. Laura Grace A. Ruth A. Willard H. William H. William H. Louis J. Letitia A. Charles J. Charles J. A. Maude Dorothy Frances Dorothy Frances George R. Laura May Maude Richard J. Evona C. Evona C. Earl Lucy Bessie E. Bessie E. Emma A. Emma A. John T. John T. Bessie M. Bessie M. Catherine James Patrick Kimberly Ann Jennie M. Jennie M. John T. John T. Charles Leigh George C. James Boyd James Boyd 10/13/1969 12/22/1969 6/9/1969 6/3/1969 6/6/1969 6/23/1969 8/4/1969 2/24/1969 6/28/1969 3/11/1969 3/14/1969 11/28/1969 11/10/1969 9/29/1969 3/28/1969 5/20/1969 5/23/1969 12/26/1969 9/8/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 3/17/1969 5/5/1969 5/7/1969 2/25/1969 8/20/1969 3/19/1969 11/13/1969 5/5/1969 5/7/1969 8/13/1969 11/1/1969 2/3/1969 2/4/1969 5/5/1969 5/8/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 12/9/1969 12/10/1969 9/26/1969 4/8/1969 3/19/1969 3/3/1969 3/5/1969 3/13/1969 3/17/1969 5/29/1969 10/23/1969 4/22/1969 4/24/1969 p.28 p.12 p.40 p.23 p.4 p.12 p.26 p.2 p.25 p.1 p.10 p.16 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.4 p.23 p.4 p.36 p.24 p.22 p.14 p.30 p.14 p.16 p.16 p.4 p.46 p.30 p.14 p.16 p.30 p.12 p.14 p.2 p.47 p.32 p.23 p.22 p.40 p.27 p.16 p.4 p.12 p.16 p.16 p.14 p.30 p.43 p.22 p.34 Conover Conroy Constantini Conti Conti Coogan Coogan Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Corbiere Corby Corcoran Cordts Correll Correll Correll Corsilli Cortazzo Cortazzo Cortright Cortright Cory Cory Cory Couch Coughlin Coughlin Coursen Coursen Cover Cowell Cowell Cowling Cowling Cowling Cox Coxe Coxe Coxe Coyle Coyne Cozonstka Cozze Craig Lena Alpaugh Francis "Frank" Anenzio P. Robert F., Lt. Robert F., Lt. Maude L. Maude L. E. Mildred E. Mildred George F. Mary Elizabeth Bessie Schaller Ellen Grace H. Ralph H. Ralph H. Anthony S., Dr. Myron E. Thomas Wilson William H. Frank P. Nora E. Russell J. Dante Giaconda/Jiaconda Giaconda/Jiaconda Hattie A. Mabel E. Grace Swayze Samuel J. William Richard Catherine Martin Vincent Martin Vincent Gertrude I. Gertrude I. Hattie L. Anna M. Anna M. Bertha Strunk Bertha Strunk Horace "Cliff" Irvin Duane, Lt. Cmdr. Frances Louis L. Louis L. Mildred Frances William J. Emil J. Frank, Jr. Mabel 6/3/1969 9/2/1969 5/28/1969 11/28/1969 12/2/1969 1/22/1969 1/24/1969 2/11/1969 2/13/1969 11/28/1969 12/21/1969 3/27/1969 5/2/1969 8/8/1969 11/18/1969 11/19/1969 12/16/1969 8/8/1969 9/29/1969 7/22/1969 5/20/1969 7/22/1969 12/21/1969 11/15/1969 4/10/1969 4/14/1969 10/21/1969 10/15/1969 9/22/1969 1/24/1969 7/29/1969 10/15/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 9/8/1969 1/24/1969 1/28/1969 2/11/1969 2/14/1969 9/3/1969 10/7/1969 10/22/1969 6/10/1969 6/13/1969 10/27/1969 11/17/1969 1/14/1969 7/28/1969 5/23/1969 p.23 p.22 p.14 p.16 p.26 p.14 p.26 p.24 p.38 p.16 p.30 p.30 p.14 p.24 p.14 p.16 p.12 p.24 p.16 p.27 p.4 p.27 p.30 p.26 p.18 p.20 p.20 p.10 p.27 p.26 p.26 p.10 p.16 p.24 p.20 p.14 p.36 p.26 p.4 p.24 p.28 p.30 p.26 p.14 p.24 p.24 p.20 p.26 p.16 p.28 p.23 Cramer Cramer Cramer Cramer Crandall Crane Crane Crawford Creager Creager Cressman Cressman Cressman Cressman Cressman Cressman Cressman Creyer Crobaugh Crobaugh Crobaugh Cronce Cronce Cronce Cronce Cronce Cronce Crook Croop Crotsley Crouse Crout Crouthamel Crouthamel Crowley Crum Crump Crump Cruts Crystell Csernak Csernak Csilinko Cuff Culby Culver Culver Cupp Curcio Cushman Custard Arthur H. Mary M. Victor V. William P. John M. Herbert B. Wallace W. Edith May Esther Elizabeth Esther Elizabeth Charles W. Mabel M. Mabel M. Raymond W. "Pete" Raymond W. "Pete" Robert D. Robert D. Mae S. Laura E. Laura E. Laura E. Carol Louise Clyde D. Clyde D. Cora M. Harsel D. Russell Emily Maude E. Andrew J. William M., Sr. Kenneth E. Margaret K. W. Raymond Harry Clarence H. Anna C. Anna C. Earl K. "Red" Sarah Dufford Joseph Joseph Mary B. Pajtli Horvath Emma Singeline Robert S. Pauline Pauline Marjorie S. Emilia Ella L. Douglass Leila R. 4/14/1969 7/7/1969 11/22/1969 9/20/1969 7/15/1969 12/26/1969 1/16/1969 11/8/1969 2/10/1969 2/13/1969 11/28/1969 2/26/1969 2/28/1969 1/28/1969 1/30/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 1/15/1969 2/3/1969 2/4/1969 2/6/1969 4/28/1969 3/29/1969 4/2/1969 4/21/1969 9/20/1969 8/25/1969 12/22/1969 1/27/1969 12/15/1969 10/29/1969 2/3/1969 1/6/1969 10/14/1969 11/26/1969 12/16/1969 7/5/1969 7/7/1969 11/4/1969 12/21/1969 3/24/1969 3/26/1969 1/2/1969 2/4/1969 12/12/1969 3/6/1969 3/7/1969 11/17/1969 7/17/1969 6/27/1969 6/19/1969 p.20 p.28 p.26 p.12 p.4 p.4 p.38 p.24 p.26 p.38 p.16 p.30 p.10 p.4 p.40 p.28 p.26 p.24 p.12 p.14 p.28 p.35 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.12 p.25 p.12 p.24 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.30 p.26 p.38 p.12 p.12 p.28 p.18 p.30 p.33 p.10 p.32 p.14 p.26 p.32 p.28 p.26 p.39 p.10 p.30 Custer Cuyler Czap D'Achille Daggett Dagon Dagon Daily Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalziel Daniels Daniels Daniels Dankiew Danner D'Aprix Darago Darby Daub Daub Daubert Dauch Davey David Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davies Davies Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davison Sarah T. Hagerty William H. Albert C. Joseph Evelyn M. Edith M. Edith M. Ida S. Shantz Anna N. Clifford Wayne Hazel L. Hazel L. Pearl Smith Pearl Smith Thomas Hugh Macauly John Longdon Miriam M. Miriam M. Effie Sadie C. Donald R. Matthew R., Sr. John R. Jennie Jennie Harry Cavlston Ella B. Mary Sullivan Clair I. Irvin J. Irvin J. Paul A. Samuel B. Samuel B. David J. Phyllis D. Della C. Della C. Elmer, Sr. Elmer, Sr. Ethel M. Ethel M. Gladys E. Hattie Karr Jack M. Jessie B. John S. Joseph Willie James W. 1/25/1969 8/23/1969 5/26/1969 12/26/1969 10/15/1969 6/6/1969 6/9/1969 3/5/1969 2/3/1969 6/27/1969 4/11/1969 4/12/1969 10/20/1969 10/21/1969 10/16/1969 1/25/1969 10/3/1969 6/2/1969 6/4/1969 11/28/1969 5/10/1969 9/27/1969 5/9/1969 8/18/1969 5/21/1969 5/23/1969 7/5/1969 12/27/1969 11/18/1969 9/25/1969 6/6/1969 6/10/1969 6/30/1969 4/16/1969 4/19/1969 11/6/1969 10/17/1969 5/5/1969 5/6/1969 4/1/1969 4/3/1969 1/9/1969 1/13/1969 4/24/1969 10/6/1969 11/7/1969 8/5/1969 9/20/1969 10/21/1969 10/15/1969 11/11/1969 p.24 p.24 p.20 p.4 p.10 p.4 p.40 p.16 p.12 p.10 p.24 p.10 p.24 p.20 p.1 p.24 p.4 p.24 p.36 p.16 p.38 p.20 p.4 p.20 p.16 p.23 p.1 p.21 p.14 p.19 p.4 p.24 p.18 p.18 p.24 p.46 p.28 p.30 p.14 p.12 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.34 p.30 p.29 p.19 p.12 p.20 p.10 p.22 Dawe Dawson Dawson Day Day Deacon Deacon Deady Dean Dean DeBruyne DeBruyne DeCenzo DeCenzo DeCesare DeCesare Dech Dech Dech DeChantal Deck Decker Decker Decker Dee Dee Deering Deering DeFranco DeFranco DeGroat DeHaven DeHaven Deiley Deiter Deitrick Deitrick DeLena Dellatore Dellatore DeLong Delp DelSerro Demel DeNardo Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis William J. Edward F. Edward F. Leonard Roland M. Arthur J. Arthur J. Joseph L. Grace Linden Grace Linden Elodie M. Elodie M. Carmine Carmine Leonard J. Leonard J. Roscoe S. Schuyler H. William F. Mary, Sister Schuyler H., Jr. Infant Daughter James William J. Mary A. "Molly" Mary A. "Molly" James E. James E. Philip Philip Edwin J. George R. Layton Charlotte M. Clarence Elwood C. Elwood C. Genard Michael T. Michael T., Jr. George Peter Russell D. Angelina Karl, Sr. Nellie Cortazzo Anna M. Elizabeth Redding Elizabeth Redding Elsie M. Mary Wanda Adams Mildred A. 8/22/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 4/30/1969 1/16/1969 6/14/1969 6/17/1969 12/26/1969 4/30/1969 5/3/1969 6/17/1969 6/20/1969 3/10/1969 3/12/1969 4/1/1969 4/7/1969 11/3/1969 5/26/1969 11/25/1969 8/9/1969 5/22/1969 10/18/1969 5/15/1969 8/4/1969 3/18/1969 3/21/1969 1/22/1969 1/24/1969 3/31/1969 4/2/1969 5/12/1969 10/27/1969 1/14/1969 12/8/1969 6/27/1969 4/14/1969 4/17/1969 5/7/1969 2/17/1969 2/14/1969 10/11/1969 10/2/1969 8/27/1969 8/21/1969 7/2/1969 5/26/1969 1/6/1969 1/8/1969 12/16/1969 12/1/1969 9/12/1969 p.10 p.32 p.23 p.16 p.38 p.24 p.15 p.4 p.16 p.12 p.15 p.24 p.38 p.38 p.12 p.28 p.38 p.20 p.26 p.24 p.2 p.22 p.20 p.26 p.4 p.29 p.14 p.26 p.28 p.4 p.32 p.20 p.16 p.28 p.10 p.20 p.38 p.14 p.12 p.28 p.20 p.28 p.10 p.45 p.31 p.20 p.30 p.12 p.12 p.28 p.16 Dentith Denz Denz Deonis DePue DePue DePuy DeRaymond Derefield Dereinga DeRemer Deremer Derhone Derlinga DeRose DeRose Derr Derr Derrick Derringer Derringer Desch Detling Detrick Detrick Detrixhe Detweiler Detweiler Deutsch Devine DeVries DeVries DeWitt Dezendorf Diamond Diaz DiCenzo Dicker Dicker Dicker Dicker Dickerson Dickinson Dickinson Dickisson Didovitz Didovitz Dieda Dieda Dieda Diefenderfer Stella M. Sara E. Sara E. Katherine John Morris John Morris Infant Mary Bessie M. Jane Ethel E. William G. Harry "Joe" Jane Golda Anthony Anthony Charles William, Sr. Thomas E. Thomas F. George E. George E. Paul H. Joseph T. Randall C. Randall C. Julius W. Sallie Sallie Kevin M. L. Mae Herman Herman Bersenia Lucy M. Joseph I. "Dick" Russell S., Sr. John Charlotte E. Charlotte E. Mary A. Mary A. Charles Carolyn V. Kinney Jeffery Scott Bessie G. Mary Mary James James M. P. James Matthew Cora L. 8/1/1969 6/6/1969 6/9/1969 6/23/1969 5/31/1969 6/4/1969 1/7/1969 10/27/1969 10/29/1969 11/25/1969 9/6/1969 2/22/1969 8/27/1969 11/26/1969 5/16/1969 5/19/1969 12/27/1969 12/15/1969 12/15/1969 1/25/1969 1/28/1969 6/7/1969 12/11/1969 2/28/1969 3/1/1969 12/22/1969 6/9/1969 6/12/1969 6/23/1969 7/5/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 1/27/1969 11/20/1969 11/14/1969 2/12/1969 12/27/1969 2/17/1969 2/19/1969 5/19/1969 5/22/1969 1/18/1969 10/25/1969 3/5/1969 11/22/1969 4/12/1969 4/15/1969 4/2/1969 9/19/1969 3/31/1969 4/1/1969 p.19 p.4 p.40 p.12 p.24 p.36 p.4 p.20 p.4 p.26 p.26 p.26 p.10 p.38 p.30 p.28 p.21 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.22 p.44 p.10 p.21 p.12 p.40 p.32 p.12 p.12 p.35 p.16 p.24 p.38 p.31 p.32 p.21 p.12 p.16 p.28 p.2 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.10 p.16 p.4 p.4 p.28 p.12 Diefenderfer Diehl Diehl Diehl Diehl Diehl Diehl Diehl Diehl Dieter Dietrich Dildine Dildine Dilley DiLorenzo DiLorenzo Dilts Dilts Dilts Dilts DiMaio DiMaria DiMaria Dimmick Dimmis Dingle Dintenfass Dippre DiSabatino DiSabatino DiVinge Dobler Docker Docker Docker Dodge Doerrer Doerrer Dolan Dolan Doleiden Doll Doll Donaldson Donczecz Donegan Doney Donnelly Doolin Doran Dornsife Robert A. Evan S. Grant E. Herbert A. Millie/Lillie Millie/Lillie Pearl M. Walter H., Rev. Walter H., Rev. Mary A. Correll Edward M. Charles B. Frank W., Sr. Edna L. Romeo, Sr. Romeo, Sr. Anna Mildred Bessie Irwin C. William S. Anthony J. Gertrude M. Gertrude M. Vincent C. Steve N. John Fannie Emma Amelia Amelia Helen M. Franic J. Beulah A. George E. George E. Mary Ellen Elizabeth Smalley Elizabeth Smalley Joseph F., Jr. Joseph F., Jr. Francis E., Sr. Edward M. Sarah Myers Helen L. Joseph L. James E., Sr. Alfred Clarence Joseph Austin James F., Father Mary Mirota Howard E. 2/3/1969 10/1/1969 3/1/1969 3/28/1969 3/4/1969 3/10/1969 3/20/1969 1/10/1969 1/13/1969 9/15/1969 10/4/1969 12/13/1969 9/26/1969 4/4/1969 1/20/1969 1/22/1969 5/26/1969 8/14/1969 5/28/1969 7/24/1969 2/17/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 1/13/1969 12/4/1969 9/24/1969 3/8/1969 4/22/1969 6/3/1969 6/6/1969 9/22/1969 11/5/1969 11/3/1969 3/29/1969 4/1/1969 6/23/1969 8/23/1969 8/25/1969 3/21/1969 3/24/1969 7/19/1969 1/18/1969 6/19/1969 6/2/1969 10/6/1969 11/4/1969 9/9/1969 4/1/1969 6/6/1969 12/4/1969 9/25/1969 p.12 p.37 p.21 p.26 p.24 p.38 p.34 p.10 p.16 p.25 p.20 p.28 p.27 p.24 p.24 p.14 p.20 p.41 p.14 p.40 p.12 p.28 p.12 p.16 p.42 p.37 p.24 p.22 p.23 p.4 p.27 p.4 p.38 p.24 p.12 p.12 p.24 p.25 p.1 p.33 p.25 p.24 p.30 p.24 p.30 p.18 p.4 p.12 p.4 p.42 p.19 Dorshimer Dorshimer Dossey Dotter Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Douglass Dowhanik Downing Doyle Doyle Drago Drago Drake Drake Drake Dreas Dreas Drennon Drennon Drews Dry DuBois DuBois Duckworth Duckworth Duckworth Duckworth Duckworth Dufford Duffy Duffy Dugan Dugan Dugey Dunbar Dunbar Duneski Dunlap Dunlop Dunn Durazzi Durazzi Durkee Durn Duryea Dutcher Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Harry G. Ralph F. Verdie Edwin E. Hattie L. James P. "Doc" Joseph W. H. Ellwood Michael William J., Rev. Bernard J. Bruce I., Sr. Francesca Natoli Francesca Natoli Alberta F. Edith M. Edith M. Florence Francis Winfield K., Sr. Winfield K., Sr. Henry W. Elsie M. Charles W. Charles W. Arthur B. Frank L. Frank L. Howard J. Howard J. E. Halsey Edward W. Edward W. Earl B. Earl B. Catherine Nettie Ruth E. John Avner D. Minerva W. Francis F. Jessie M. Jessie M. E. Leland Magdalene Ida Nelson B. Catherine C. Catherine C. William F. 6/26/1969 8/11/1969 1/11/1969 9/24/1969 6/16/1969 6/18/1969 2/12/1969 1/20/1969 3/11/1969 2/7/1969 10/3/1969 10/29/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 1/10/1969 4/2/1969 4/5/1969 1/4/1969 1/4/1969 8/21/1969 8/22/1969 9/20/1969 12/18/1969 5/28/1969 5/30/1969 10/27/1969 1/21/1969 1/24/1969 5/31/1969 6/2/1969 8/23/1969 1/29/1969 1/31/1969 4/7/1969 4/9/1969 7/23/1969 5/31/1969 2/17/1969 5/5/1969 3/1/1969 5/12/1969 3/7/1969 5/10/1969 5/13/1969 1/14/1969 1/6/1969 10/16/1969 7/10/1969 2/17/1969 2/21/1969 9/3/1969 p.44 p.16 p.26 p.37 p.32 p.14 p.32 p.24 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.4 p.32 p.23 p.10 p.4 p.22 p.1 p.1 p.45 p.10 p.12 p.52 p.14 p.30 p.20 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.24 p.1 p.22 p.28 p.32 p.14 p.24 p.12 p.2 p.21 p.32 p.28 p.38 p.12 p.16 p.30 p.40 p.48 p.12 p.30 p.30 Dymond Dyson Dyson Eagle Eagle Eagle Ealer Ealer Ealey Ealey Eason Eason East Easterly Eberly Eckard Eckard Eckert Eckert Eckhardt Eckhardt Eckhart Eckley Eckley Eckstein Eddey Eddinger Edelman Edelman Edelman Eden Eden Eden Eder Edge Edinger Edinger Edmonds Edward Edwards Edwards Egerter Eglauf Ehasz Ehrig Ehrler Ehrler Eichelberger Eick Eick Eiger Alton "Pete" E. Freeman Leroy E. Aloysius J. Garwood Nellie A. Paul A. Paul A. Julia Nottle Julia Nottle Marjorie Marjorie Clara M. Arthur E. William H., Sr. Mary Irene Mary Irene Earl S. "Dick" Jennie N. Floyd S. Margaret Virginia Iliff Eugene A. Claude "Chub" Isaac Franklin William Mabel William Ethel Ethel Walter E. Bertha Mabel M. Velma C. Jennie A. Beatrice E. Rose Lockard William D. R. George Salem Dale Edgar L. Florence Mildred Loretta Charles R. Elizabeth George S., Sr. John C. John C. William H. Clarence Harold G. William 9/22/1969 1/20/1969 10/3/1969 1/3/1969 10/3/1969 2/8/1969 4/14/1969 4/17/1969 5/5/1969 5/8/1969 5/5/1969 5/6/1969 11/5/1969 10/1/1969 10/28/1969 6/2/1969 6/4/1969 5/3/1969 12/10/1969 6/11/1969 10/27/1969 1/4/1969 10/2/1969 3/7/1969 12/29/1969 5/19/1969 10/8/1969 4/15/1969 4/17/1969 11/25/1969 6/26/1969 11/1/1969 12/4/1969 7/21/1969 9/19/1969 3/6/1969 10/9/1969 12/4/1969 12/29/1969 9/18/1969 8/9/1969 8/30/1969 3/27/1969 8/9/1969 4/16/1969 3/3/1969 3/5/1969 4/7/1969 6/16/1969 7/31/1969 1/11/1969 p.27 p.24 p.4 p.4 p.4 p.24 p.20 p.38 p.30 p.47 p.30 p.14 p.4 p.37 p.28 p.24 p.36 p.12 p.40 p.4 p.20 p.23 p.28 p.28 p.36 p.28 p.18 p.16 p.38 p.26 p.44 p.30 p.42 p.28 p.4 p.32 p.50 p.42 p.36 p.16 p.24 p.24 p.30 p.24 p.18 p.12 p.16 p.28 p.32 p.45 p.26 Eilenberger Eilenberger Eisenhart Elder Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellison Ellsweig Elovski Elsner Elsner Elsner Ely Emele Emery Emmons Endress Endress Enea Eneman Engelke Engler Engler Engler Ennico Entkos Entkos Eonik Eonik Ernst Errickson Errickson Errico Ervey Eshback Eshback Esposito Esposito Estock Ettinger Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Everett Everett Everett Everett Everitt Elizabeth Elizabeth Emma E. George R. Ben Richard R. Richard R. Arthur L. Samuel James Esther Esther Esther George K., Rev. Al, Jr. Olive May Janice M. Emma C. Emma C. Charles Augusta W. Johanna Joyce M. Riland Joyce M. Riland Mabel J. Kratzer Joseph Joseph A. Joseph A. Paul Paul Earl Mary H. Mary H. Leon M. Elvah Fred Fred Carmella Carmella Victor R. Amos A., Dr. David W. George H. Ida M. Holland Ida M. Holland Mary E. Cecelia H. D. Lester Roy Lester Roy Arthur F. 3/14/1969 3/17/1969 8/9/1969 8/29/1969 11/8/1969 4/23/1969 4/25/1969 4/22/1969 9/24/1969 4/12/1969 5/21/1969 5/22/1969 5/23/1969 6/27/1969 2/8/1969 10/6/1969 11/4/1969 3/20/1969 3/21/1969 12/22/1969 4/8/1969 7/5/1969 5/21/1969 5/24/1969 10/16/1969 11/10/1969 2/6/1969 2/8/1969 4/4/1969 4/7/1969 3/31/1969 6/14/1969 6/17/1969 3/25/1969 2/17/1969 4/7/1969 4/9/1969 4/7/1969 4/9/1969 9/12/1969 11/10/1969 10/24/1969 4/5/1969 6/9/1969 6/12/1969 5/22/1969 11/10/1969 4/26/1969 6/9/1969 6/11/1969 5/3/1969 p.10 p.14 p.24 p.26 p.24 p.18 p.14 p.22 p.37 p.10 p.16 p.48 p.23 p.10 p.24 p.30 p.18 p.34 p.29 p.12 p.16 p.12 p.16 p.16 p.40 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.15 p.12 p.12 p.28 p.32 p.28 p.32 p.16 p.28 p.26 p.22 p.40 p.32 p.48 p.28 p.20 p.40 p.4 p.12 Everitt Everitt Everitt Fabel Fackenthal Fadde Faessler Fahy Fair Fair Fairbanks Fairbanks Falcone Falcone Falcone Falcone Falcone Falstich Famularo Famularo Fanok Fanok Farina Farina Farina Farina Farino Farleigh Farleigh Farleigh Farleigh Faro Faro Farrell Farrell Fauerbach Faulstick Faust Faxton Fazekas Fedon Fedon Feeley Feeley Fegley Feher Feher Feher Fehnel Fehnel Fehnel Arthur F. William N. William N. Catherine E. Sarah P. Helen Evans Linna A. Phillip Edna Edna Maybelle Bagley Samuel R., Sr. Anna Rose Anthony "Jack" Donato Lucia Lucia Helen M. Attilio Vita "Elizabeth" Anna Paul Samuel Thomas Thomas Thomas A., Sr. Ella Augusta Augusta Robert H. Robert H. Dora Irving Tony Wayne "Skip" William C. Elizabeth A. William M. Delbert F. Katalin John, Sr. John, Sr. Mary A. Mary A. Ellen C. John John John Harold V. Milton E. Milton E. 5/8/1969 1/4/1969 1/6/1969 10/24/1969 2/28/1969 7/30/1969 11/3/1969 8/30/1969 3/26/1969 3/28/1969 9/23/1969 9/6/1969 12/10/1969 12/24/1969 8/14/1969 4/7/1969 4/10/1969 1/31/1969 7/21/1969 9/9/1969 4/7/1969 5/22/1969 9/30/1969 6/16/1969 6/19/1969 8/20/1969 10/1/1969 4/7/1969 4/12/1969 4/14/1969 4/17/1969 3/18/1969 1/27/1969 1/13/1969 5/21/1969 10/6/1969 6/11/1969 8/19/1969 6/6/1969 10/24/1969 1/11/1969 1/14/1969 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 10/29/1969 1/11/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 4/11/1969 5/9/1969 5/12/1969 p.47 p.23 p.30 p.26 p.10 p.33 p.38 p.1 p.10 p.26 p.14 p.26 p.40 p.28 p.41 p.28 p.18 p.22 p.28 p.4 p.28 p.48 p.4 p.32 p.30 p.16 p.37 p.28 p.10 p.20 p.38 p.4 p.24 p.16 p.16 p.30 p.4 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.26 p.16 p.26 p.18 p.4 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.24 p.4 p.32 Fehnel Fehnel Fehr Fehr Feigley Feinour Felker Fellman Fellock Feltman Feltz Feltz Felver Fenner Fenner Fenstermaker Fenstermaker Ferguson Fernandes Ferraro Ferraro Ferriero Ferris Ferry Fessler Fetherman Fetherolf Fetterman Fetterman Fey Fichera Fichera Figlioli Figlioli Filchner Fillebrown Fimiano Fimiano Findlay Fine Finelli Finelli Finelli Fink Firgau Firth Fischer Fish Fisher Fisher Fisher Raymond H. Robert O. Edith P. Johes Ralph J. William J. Sarah Alice Eilleta A. Erma Stephen Margaret Virginia Bannister Virginia Bannister Jennie William William Albert B. Emily F. Mary Jennie Kish Alfonso "Al" Alfonso "Al" Anthony Andrew C. H. Edward Hilda Wilson William A. Bertha L. Florence L. Henry H. Eugene J. Palma Palma Lucia "Lucy" Lucia "Lucy" Stanley L. Kevin M. Anna Anna Mary M. Sadie John John John Anna K. Ethel McKenna Charles S. Raymond Henry Helen A. Edith M. Grant U. Jeremy 3/13/1969 7/2/1969 10/27/1969 9/19/1969 3/5/1969 3/25/1969 7/29/1969 11/18/1969 9/16/1969 9/16/1969 10/21/1969 10/22/1969 2/12/1969 4/11/1969 4/12/1969 12/21/1969 10/13/1969 4/11/1969 6/7/1969 9/13/1969 9/15/1969 6/21/1969 9/8/1969 10/31/1969 10/22/1969 6/25/1969 12/8/1969 7/15/1969 8/20/1969 12/9/1969 5/5/1969 5/8/1969 3/5/1969 3/8/1969 8/28/1969 11/18/1969 6/19/1969 6/21/1969 1/13/1969 2/22/1969 3/1/1969 3/5/1969 11/25/1969 8/16/1969 10/10/1969 11/28/1969 11/17/1969 6/2/1969 11/11/1969 12/29/1969 5/26/1969 p.16 p.31 p.20 p.4 p.16 p.12 p.26 p.14 p.24 p.24 p.20 p.14 p.32 p.24 p.10 p.30 p.28 p.24 p.22 p.20 p.25 p.1 p.36 p.30 p.14 p.32 p.28 p.4 p.16 p.22 p.30 p.47 p.16 p.24 p.41 p.14 p.30 p.4 p.16 p.26 p.21 p.16 p.26 p.25 p.27 p.16 p.26 p.24 p.22 p.36 p.20 Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fister Fitch Flad Flad Flad Flad Flagler Flagler Flagler Fleck Fleck Fleck Fleck Flecksteiner Fleming Fleming Fleming Fleming Flohr Florey Florey Florey Fluck Fluck Fluck Flumerfelt Flynn Flynn Focht Foelker Foeth Fogal Fogarasi Fogarty Fogel Fogel Fogel Fogel Foley Folger Follweiler Foltz Foose Foose Jody Lynn John E. Joseph M. Melvin G. Raymond D., Sr. Sophia Walter George D. John K. Anna M. Edward D. Florence Florence John John Patricia Ann Anna R. Joseph A. Joseph A. Mary A. William F. Mildred Olga Sian Olga Sian Olga Sian Kathryn S. Calvin E. Robert Robert Norman Norman Wilson D. Isaac H. John D. John D. George M. John C. F. Henry R. Franklin E. Charles J. Laura Howard H. Howard H. Mary F. Russell S. Olive Marguerite R. Edwin D. Ralph W. Benjamin M., Sr. Catherine E. 3/24/1969 9/3/1969 5/31/1969 6/19/1969 6/30/1969 9/8/1969 10/18/1969 11/28/1969 7/5/1969 7/23/1969 7/14/1969 3/31/1969 4/2/1969 6/9/1969 6/12/1969 5/15/1969 1/20/1969 5/13/1969 5/16/1969 11/3/1969 8/25/1969 9/12/1969 4/9/1969 4/10/1969 4/14/1969 1/25/1969 7/11/1969 2/11/1969 2/13/1969 3/31/1969 4/2/1969 11/21/1969 11/6/1969 1/3/1969 1/6/1969 1/14/1969 3/6/1969 11/12/1969 10/25/1969 9/26/1969 4/3/1969 3/10/1969 3/13/1969 1/13/1969 11/1/1969 9/12/1969 9/26/1969 4/11/1969 7/21/1969 12/24/1969 4/15/1969 p.33 p.30 p.24 p.30 p.18 p.36 p.22 p.16 p.12 p.14 p.1 p.28 p.4 p.40 p.32 p.20 p.24 p.12 p.30 p.38 p.25 p.16 p.32 p.18 p.20 p.24 p.4 p.24 p.38 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.46 p.4 p.30 p.16 p.32 p.10 p.28 p.27 p.28 p.38 p.16 p.16 p.30 p.16 p.27 p.24 p.1 p.28 p.16 Foose Foose Foose Ford Ford Foss Foss Foulke Fowler Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Frable Frable Frable Frable Frabotta Frabotta Fraccica Fraccica France France Francisco Francisco Franco Franco Franco Franco Frank Frank Frank Frank Frankenfield Frankenfield Frankenfield Frankenfield Frankenfield Frantz Frantz Frantz Frantz Frantz Franusiszin Franzreb Franzreb Catherine E. Catherine E. Marshall Catherine A. T. Francis, Sr. Ella A. Ella A. Lucy A. Bealer William H. Clark A. Dayton H. Francis M. James E., Jr. Martha E. Martha E. Mary M. Mary M. Theodore, Sr. John E. Robert C. Sabilla/Savilla Stahley Sabilla/Savilla Stanley Frank F. Frank F. Angelo Angelo Rose Rose Donald S. Donald S. Concettina Concettina Elizabeth P. Elizabeth P. Andrew, Sr. Andrew, Sr. Katherine Werner Anna C. Williams C. Lester Edith Warren S. Warren S. Bessie V. Earl L. Jennie A. Jennie A. Stuart K. John Henry W. Henry W. 4/16/1969 4/18/1969 10/6/1969 7/7/1969 8/25/1969 3/4/1969 3/6/1969 2/11/1969 10/20/1969 7/2/1969 8/16/1969 8/18/1969 2/28/1969 2/6/1969 2/10/1969 1/24/1969 1/27/1969 10/9/1969 7/16/1969 11/15/1969 4/16/1969 4/21/1969 2/20/1969 2/24/1969 1/17/1969 1/20/1969 1/18/1969 1/22/1969 3/27/1969 3/29/1969 7/19/1969 7/21/1969 3/7/1969 3/10/1969 1/3/1969 1/6/1969 4/19/1969 9/23/1969 3/31/1969 5/10/1969 8/6/1969 4/14/1969 4/16/1969 10/25/1969 3/11/1969 4/24/1969 4/28/1969 2/17/1969 6/30/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 p.18 p.22 p.30 p.28 p.1 p.24 p.32 p.24 p.1 p.1 p.25 p.20 p.10 p.28 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.50 p.4 p.26 p.18 p.26 p.41 p.16 p.24 p.24 p.24 p.14 p.30 p.24 p.25 p.28 p.28 p.38 p.4 p.30 p.24 p.14 p.28 p.38 p.16 p.20 p.18 p.28 p.28 p.34 p.35 p.12 p.18 p.28 p.12 Fraser Fratezi Fratezi Freach Frederick Frederick Fredericks Fredericks Free Freeh Freer Freestone Freestone Fregans Fregans French Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Frey Friel Friling Friling Frisch Frisch Fritchman Fritts Fritts Fritts Fritts Fritts Fritts Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritzinger Fritzinger Frochielli Froese Fronheiser Lillian J. Leo A. Leo A. Joseph Christian F. Verna I. Floretta Floretta Richard E. Charles Michael, Sr. Ages M. Brice H. Brice H. Jennie C. Jennie C. Infant Daughter Emma Flora R. Flora R. Frieda M. Grace S. Grace S. Howard Clayton Laura M. Maryann Melvin D. Myron K. Paul F. Roy R. Russell C. Hugh Sadie May Sadie May John S., Jr. Theresa Palkovits Edgar P. Elizabeth Esther S. Esther S. Esther S. Florence Graffin William S. Dorothy M. Berger Edgar J. Norman D. Willard Ellen S. William R. Nazareno Grover A. Eva 5/1/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 12/27/1969 7/31/1969 2/7/1969 4/4/1969 4/8/1969 6/19/1969 8/6/1969 9/27/1969 2/18/1969 2/22/1969 2/11/1969 2/15/1969 7/25/1969 5/14/1969 2/1/1969 2/5/1969 3/20/1969 1/9/1969 1/13/1969 8/2/1969 8/11/1969 2/17/1969 11/17/1969 11/22/1969 9/1/1969 5/3/1969 8/25/1969 10/8/1969 2/21/1969 2/24/1969 1/6/1969 1/4/1969 11/24/1969 1/11/1969 5/28/1969 5/29/1969 5/31/1969 8/5/1969 4/29/1969 8/26/1969 10/10/1969 12/21/1969 12/21/1969 1/15/1969 11/29/1969 8/9/1969 9/20/1969 9/8/1969 p.42 p.28 p.26 p.21 p.45 p.24 p.24 p.16 p.30 p.16 p.20 p.22 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.21 p.14 p.24 p.26 p.34 p.28 p.16 p.25 p.16 p.12 p.26 p.26 p.25 p.12 p.25 p.18 p.30 p.16 p.30 p.23 p.4 p.26 p.14 p.30 p.24 p.19 p.22 p.4 p.27 p.30 p.30 p.24 p.28 p.24 p.12 p.36 Frutchey Frutchey Frutchey Frutchey Fry Fry Fuhrer Fulmer Fulmer Fulmer Fulmer Fulmer Furman Gabalis Gabalis Gable Gable Gaines Gaiotti Galante Gall Gallagher Gallagher Galle Gallenger Gallenger Gallow Galloway Galloway Gangaway Gano Gano Gano Gano Gano Gano Gano Gano Gano Gantz Gara Gardella Gardella Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gares Anna R. John F. Vernon R. William A. Cora M. Emma John Beatrice Wilson Edith M. Lloyd J. Lloyd J. Nora Sadie Mae Domecele A. Domecele A. Calvin H. Dean Lee Jane Sloyer Luigi Hariet Joseph, Sr. James R. Joseph E. Frank Ernest James John F. William Gladys M. "Kitty" Gladys M. "Kitty" Celia L. Clyde S. Edith Ervin L. Frank Gertrude C. Harley W. J. Myron Selenda A. Selenda A. George M. Joseph Charles Lena Arline W. Bessie Dorothy C. Dorothy C. Eleanor P. Eleanor P. Tunis James Lester F. 11/28/1969 2/19/1969 10/13/1969 11/17/1969 12/27/1969 5/10/1969 11/11/1969 9/25/1969 10/16/1969 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 10/1/1969 10/7/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 6/27/1969 4/5/1969 9/6/1969 11/5/1969 4/25/1969 7/28/1969 2/5/1969 7/1/1969 10/16/1969 11/25/1969 7/5/1969 12/24/1969 5/10/1969 5/13/1969 12/4/1969 8/12/1969 11/12/1969 10/31/1969 7/26/1969 8/8/1969 10/31/1969 11/24/1969 3/14/1969 3/18/1969 7/14/1969 12/26/1969 3/28/1969 5/27/1969 12/24/1969 4/2/1969 3/20/1969 3/22/1969 2/7/1969 2/11/1969 7/8/1969 11/25/1969 p.16 p.16 p.28 p.26 p.21 p.38 p.22 p.19 p.40 p.26 p.18 p.37 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.10 p.22 p.26 p.4 p.14 p.28 p.26 p.14 p.40 p.26 p.12 p.28 p.38 p.12 p.42 p.16 p.10 p.30 p.25 p.24 p.30 p.4 p.10 p.4 p.26 p.4 p.26 p.18 p.28 p.4 p.34 p.28 p.24 p.24 p.22 p.26 Garey Garey Garland Garland Garnier Garofalo Garr Garr Garrett Garris Garrison Garrison Garron Garron Gartland Gary Gary Gaskin Gassert Gassert Gaston Gastony Gastony Gates Gates Gavin Gawlik Gawlik Gazzana Gebhart Gebhart Geek Geever Geever Geffert Geffert Geffert Gehringer Gehringer Gehris Geiger Geiger Geiger Geiger Geiser Geiser Geisinger Geissinger Geist Gellner Genther Floyd Floyd Helen Doney Helen Doney Tunis S. Vincent Norman I. Norman I. Walter R. Walter P. Lulu Marie Riehm Mae/May Mae/May Catherine Sarah E. Sarah E. Estella K. Mary E. Mary E. Louis S. Stephen G. Stephen G. Nancy E. Nancy E. Elizabeth H. Martin James Tessie S. Lucia George H. George H. William G. John Leo John Leo Andrew John Andrew John Andrew John John C., Jr. John C., Jr. John D. Hannah M. Harry P. Lottie Lottie Adolph, Sr. "Dutch" Adolph, Sr. "Dutch" Katie E. Pfleuger Minnie L. Harry G. Julia Caroline 4/17/1969 4/19/1969 3/10/1969 3/12/1969 2/20/1969 9/13/1969 5/17/1969 5/20/1969 6/4/1969 8/9/1969 8/14/1969 8/26/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 11/8/1969 1/27/1969 1/28/1969 11/18/1969 3/24/1969 3/25/1969 9/27/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 8/30/1969 9/1/1969 9/24/1969 12/31/1969 12/30/1969 11/10/1969 5/29/1969 5/31/1969 9/29/1969 2/19/1969 2/21/1969 3/28/1969 3/29/1969 3/31/1969 5/6/1969 5/9/1969 11/5/1969 7/28/1969 7/19/1969 5/10/1969 5/13/1969 6/9/1969 6/10/1969 7/7/1969 8/13/1969 11/10/1969 11/29/1969 11/26/1969 p.38 p.24 p.38 p.38 p.41 p.20 p.26 p.4 p.36 p.24 p.41 p.4 p.32 p.30 p.24 p.24 p.4 p.14 p.33 p.12 p.20 p.20 p.14 p.24 p.25 p.37 p.22 p.17 p.28 p.30 p.24 p.16 p.1 p.30 p.26 p.24 p.28 p.14 p.4 p.4 p.28 p.25 p.38 p.12 p.40 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.28 p.28 p.38 Genther Genther Gentile George George George George George George Gergely German Gernet Gersbach Gess Getz Getz Getz Getz Geuss Geuss Giba Giba Gibelli Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gildner Gilio Gillespie Gilliland Gillner Gilly Gimson Gipp Gipp Girjatowicz Girjatowicz Gist Giudice Glackin Glagola Glasing Glasing Glasing Glassmire Glassmire Glenn Glick Paul A. Paul A. Joseph Annabel S. Annabel S. Elias E. Magdelena Stewart H. Stewart H. Julia F. Katherine Ann Mabel A. Kepp Edith Lane Karl E. Eva May Harry A. Walter E. Walter E. Eleanor Mae Deal Eleanor Mae Deal Louis C. Louis C. Guido Clay K. Clay K. Elsie C. Miller Elsie C. Miller Harry M. Hiram A. Cora Kellow Rose Senneca Irene M. Meyers Verdon T. "Zeke" Harrison G. Walter Douglas E. Winifred J. Winifred J. Stephen L. Stephen L. Hilda M. Parry Margaret E. Isabelle Maxwell Yerger Andrew J. Charles S. Charles S. Charles S. Edwin J. "Ted" Frank B. Carrie M. Gertrude E. 1/28/1969 1/31/1969 8/16/1969 5/1/1969 5/5/1969 2/3/1969 12/18/1969 3/18/1969 3/21/1969 8/20/1969 10/28/1969 7/22/1969 3/18/1969 5/26/1969 6/14/1969 10/4/1969 11/13/1969 11/14/1969 5/9/1969 5/10/1969 11/5/1969 11/6/1969 8/1/1969 2/21/1969 2/25/1969 5/6/1969 5/9/1969 3/18/1969 6/26/1969 1/10/1969 10/7/1969 8/28/1969 6/11/1969 8/15/1969 11/8/1969 5/16/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 5/19/1969 5/21/1969 11/15/1969 8/13/1969 8/18/1969 10/23/1969 3/6/1969 3/7/1969 3/11/1969 11/28/1969 8/27/1969 11/28/1969 3/8/1969 p.4 p.22 p.25 p.42 p.30 p.12 p.52 p.4 p.29 p.16 p.28 p.27 p.4 p.20 p.24 p.20 p.46 p.31 p.4 p.38 p.4 p.46 p.19 p.30 p.16 p.14 p.4 p.4 p.44 p.10 p.26 p.41 p.4 p.22 p.24 p.1 p.16 p.22 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.16 p.20 p.43 p.32 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.10 p.16 p.24 Glosser Glosser Gobs Godin Godin Godown Godshalk Goeken Goentner Goes Goetz Gold Gold Gold Gold Goldman Goldt Goldt Golla Gollin Golub Golub Gombosi Gombosi Gommel Good Goodhard Goodhard Goodman Goodman Gordon Gordon Gorgas Gorgas Gorgas Gorman Gorman Goucher Goucher Gould Gower Grace Gracia Grady Graeff Graham Grainer Granata Granda Granda Gransaull Charles H. Charles H. Charles A. Delia Mae Delia Mae Emma Mellick Kinney Elwood G. "Tub" Bertha E. Edna C. N. Robert L. Lizzie Swink Karl H. Karl H. Mary Mary Nicholas Robert M. Robert M. Walter Raymond Grace M. David David Louis James, Sr. Louis James, Sr. Anna Michel Sherwood Archie J. Archie J. Agnes F. Samuel H. Beatrice Mae Beatrice Mae L. Hazel L. Hazel Stephen Elizabeth Murtagh Elizabeth Murtagh Ada Zaidee V. Bessie Luther E. Charles B. William John L. Arthur D., Dr. Daisy F. Anna Theresa Candace Milton O. Milton O. Julia Kottke 12/2/1969 12/3/1969 5/17/1969 4/23/1969 4/26/1969 9/5/1969 7/11/1969 9/3/1969 4/11/1969 9/22/1969 3/17/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 2/18/1969 2/22/1969 5/27/1969 4/8/1969 4/9/1969 9/2/1969 11/29/1969 5/26/1969 5/27/1969 3/22/1969 3/24/1969 11/15/1969 2/10/1969 11/21/1969 11/22/1969 12/21/1969 3/22/1969 5/6/1969 5/7/1969 2/26/1969 3/1/1969 10/28/1969 3/24/1969 3/26/1969 8/18/1969 6/26/1969 7/21/1969 11/28/1969 1/28/1969 7/5/1969 2/28/1969 3/29/1969 9/15/1969 5/9/1969 11/3/1969 6/3/1969 6/6/1969 7/7/1969 p.26 p.37 p.26 p.18 p.20 p.22 p.4 p.30 p.24 p.27 p.14 p.16 p.37 p.22 p.26 p.18 p.16 p.32 p.22 p.28 p.20 p.18 p.28 p.33 p.26 p.26 p.12 p.26 p.30 p.28 p.14 p.14 p.30 p.2 p.28 p.33 p.10 p.20 p.44 p.28 p.16 p.4 p.12 p.10 p.14 p.25 p.4 p.38 p.23 p.4 p.28 Grant Graser Graver Graver Graver Gray Gray Gray Gray Grebenichenko Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Gregus Gregutsch Greinert Grieme Grieshaber Griffanton Griffaton Griffaton Griffaton Griffin Griffin Griggs Grim Grish Groeller Groglio Groller Groner Groover Groover Groover Groover Groover Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Grosso Grosso Grouleff Grove Grover Grube Richard Frank A. Anita Patterson Anita Patterson Anita Patterson Caroline R. Elizabeth S. Helen S. Julius John Craig A. Craig A. Dorothy Dorothy Gertrude B. Katherine Otis Millie A. Mary Frances Wycoski Howard E. Harry C. Louise T. Anna Anna Nicholas Nicholas Cora H. Dorothy W. Kenneth J. Helen M. Yefiam "Helen" Gertrude Gerald John W. Laura E. Mamie A. Mamie A. Ruth Anna Ruth Anna U. Ora Emily G. Emily G. Ida Mae Ida Mae Lorraine R. Quintin Quintin Anna M. Charles W. Mamie A. Kathryn Leona 6/9/1969 4/12/1969 5/15/1969 5/16/1969 5/20/1969 12/22/1969 4/14/1969 1/4/1969 10/10/1969 6/23/1969 4/4/1969 4/8/1969 10/28/1969 12/15/1969 6/5/1969 6/17/1969 3/12/1969 12/31/1969 10/23/1969 9/25/1969 11/11/1969 7/19/1969 3/12/1969 3/14/1969 2/13/1969 2/15/1969 10/11/1969 4/24/1969 8/2/1969 8/6/1969 7/14/1969 10/22/1969 2/15/1969 5/17/1969 11/17/1969 1/18/1969 1/20/1969 5/29/1969 6/2/1969 12/12/1969 5/7/1969 5/10/1969 4/1/1969 4/4/1969 12/6/1969 4/25/1969 4/28/1969 9/12/1969 1/6/1969 1/17/1969 2/22/1969 p.40 p.10 p.20 p.30 p.4 p.12 p.20 p.23 p.27 p.12 p.1 p.16 p.28 p.1 p.45 p.15 p.38 p.22 p.43 p.19 p.22 p.25 p.38 p.10 p.38 p.24 p.20 p.34 p.25 p.16 p.26 p.14 p.16 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.30 p.24 p.26 p.14 p.38 p.12 p.24 p.26 p.14 p.35 p.16 p.30 p.24 p.26 Grube Gruber Grunke Gruppo Gruver Gruver Grysziewics Gubich Gubics Gubics Guffanti Guidi Guillot Guise Gulick Gulrich Gulrich Gunderman Gunderman Gunn Guth Guthrie Guthrie Guzzetta Guzzetta Guzzo Guzzo Guzzo Guzzo Gyorek Hackett Hackl Hackl Haftl Hagenbuch Hagenbuch Hagenbuch Hager Hager Hager Hager Hager Hagerman Hagerman Hahn Hahn Hahn Hahn Haig Haines Haldeman Orville L. Howard D. Kurt Luigi, Sr. Jacob Verna A. Julius Kalman Gizella Gizella Leah M. Nellie Jennie Smith Paul Emily R. Frank J. Frank J. Arthur E. Arthur E. Ina M. Henry E., Dr. Claire Reiley Claire Reiley Christina Maria Cristina Maria Albert Samuel P. Samuel P. Samuel P. George P. Judson, Jr. Henry Henry. Paul Irene M. Lloyd Lloyd Frank S. Frank S. Margaret Peter H. Vina Elsie B. Harry J. Bertha Apgar Frederick Mabel E. Victor F., Sr. Nellie John Martha 11/14/1969 8/5/1969 10/23/1969 3/7/1969 6/18/1969 8/29/1969 10/10/1969 7/30/1969 2/12/1969 2/15/1969 1/2/1969 9/13/1969 11/26/1969 12/10/1969 1/20/1969 3/12/1969 3/13/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 12/13/1969 12/18/1969 6/11/1969 6/13/1969 6/4/1969 6/2/1969 3/17/1969 2/13/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 9/27/1969 11/3/1969 2/24/1969 2/25/1969 10/20/1969 11/14/1969 1/20/1969 1/22/1969 5/17/1969 5/21/1969 1/23/1969 12/17/1969 8/11/1969 11/29/1969 9/5/1969 11/25/1969 3/8/1969 12/8/1969 2/26/1969 4/3/1969 3/31/1969 10/10/1969 p.31 p.19 p.43 p.28 p.14 p.26 p.27 p.33 p.32 p.24 p.32 p.20 p.38 p.40 p.24 p.38 p.16 p.20 p.14 p.28 p.52 p.1 p.24 p.36 p.24 p.14 p.12 p.28 p.12 p.20 p.38 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.31 p.24 p.14 p.26 p.16 p.30 p.21 p.16 p.28 p.22 p.26 p.24 p.28 p.30 p.28 p.28 p.27 Hale Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hallet Hallman Hallock Hallock Hallowell Halteman Halterman Hambel Hamblin Hamcke Hamilton Hammer Hammerl Hammerstone Hammerstone Hammerstone Hammond Hampson Hampton Hampton Hancharik Hancock Haney Haney Haney Haney Haney Hank Hank Hankinson Hankinson Hann Hann Hann Hanna Hans Hans Hans Hans Happel Happel Happel L. Gordon Esther M. Grant A. Ivan C. Rhoda Roger K. Roger K. Stanley D. Susan George M. Edward F. Eleanor L. Eleanor L. Joseph W., Sr. Clemence W. Charlotte H. Martin M. Harry T. William N. Nelson S. Caroline Mary Harry, Sr. Irene J. Richard Herbert Ethel William J. William J. Mary John A., Pfc. Cora Cora Jonas L. Minerva E. Minerva E. Annie Gertrude Leo George Leslie C. Rosella Alvin C. Sadie Matilda Woodrow R. Kenneth Arling Clara E. Clara E. Frederick Frederick LeRoy LeRoy C. Walter W. 3/14/1969 12/19/1969 1/22/1969 3/12/1969 11/4/1969 3/3/1969 3/6/1969 4/12/1969 6/7/1969 2/4/1969 1/27/1969 4/2/1969 4/3/1969 1/28/1969 1/6/1969 9/18/1969 6/17/1969 8/6/1969 10/29/1969 5/14/1969 1/17/1969 4/5/1969 12/18/1969 12/18/1969 1/13/1969 5/13/1969 3/18/1969 1/14/1969 1/16/1969 2/13/1969 12/15/1969 4/19/1969 4/23/1969 11/10/1969 2/1/1969 2/4/1969 7/18/1969 7/7/1969 9/13/1969 8/4/1969 12/19/1969 7/10/1969 9/23/1969 10/23/1969 6/19/1969 6/21/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 6/3/1969 5/31/1969 11/17/1969 p.10 p.30 p.14 p.38 p.18 p.12 p.32 p.10 p.22 p.14 p.24 p.4 p.28 p.4 p.30 p.16 p.15 p.16 p.4 p.14 p.16 p.22 p.52 p.52 p.1 p.12 p.4 p.1 p.38 p.38 p.28 p.24 p.18 p.28 p.24 p.14 p.28 p.28 p.20 p.26 p.30 p.48 p.14 p.43 p.30 p.4 p.32 p.23 p.23 p.24 p.26 Harding Harding Hardy Hargis Hargreaves Hargreaves Hariegle Haring Harley Harloe Harmon Harmon Harmon Harmon Harper Harris Harris Harris Harris Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrold Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hartford Hartford Hartley Hartley Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Norman C. Warren J. "Nooch" Lawrence H., Sr. J. Grant Susan Susan Harvey Arthur Charles Samuel B. Alice C. Neva M. Neva M. Russell Russell Donald A. Elizabeth Elizabeth Lois Haney Rankin A. Dorothy Dorothy Edward L. Katie M. Marian M. Shirley Miller Frederick J. Donald P. Dudley W. Elizabeth S. Elizabeth S. George P. Lillie Mae Nellie L. Nellie L. Maude B. Maude B. Fred A., Jr. Fred A., Jr. Arlene M. Chrissie Eva Clarence "Pluggy" Clarence "Pluggy" Dora L. Emma J. Evelyn L. Katie Katie Margaret Ada Margaret Ada Paul H. Russell Milton, Dr. 12/3/1969 10/27/1969 9/15/1969 2/3/1969 3/27/1969 3/28/1969 10/20/1969 5/17/1969 8/26/1969 7/25/1969 4/28/1969 5/1/1969 7/25/1969 7/26/1969 11/17/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 5/28/1969 10/10/1969 5/12/1969 5/14/1969 4/19/1969 9/18/1969 11/21/1969 6/30/1969 9/25/1969 6/21/1969 7/16/1969 1/2/1969 1/3/1969 9/26/1969 12/8/1969 1/21/1969 1/23/1969 4/19/1969 4/21/1969 5/12/1969 5/17/1969 11/28/1969 12/1/1969 6/13/1969 6/16/1969 12/6/1969 1/13/1969 9/26/1969 5/20/1969 5/23/1969 5/31/1969 6/2/1969 3/8/1969 7/30/1969 p.37 p.20 p.25 p.12 p.1 p.26 p.24 p.2 p.4 p.21 p.35 p.42 p.21 p.25 p.26 p.32 p.30 p.14 p.27 p.32 p.14 p.24 p.16 p.12 p.18 p.19 p.4 p.4 p.32 p.4 p.27 p.28 p.26 p.30 p.24 p.26 p.1 p.26 p.16 p.28 p.24 p.32 p.26 p.16 p.27 p.4 p.23 p.24 p.24 p.24 p.33 Hartranft Hartung Hartzell Hartzell Hartzell Hartzell Hartzell Hartzell Harvey Hassler Hastie Hauck Hauck Haus Hausman Hautz Hautz Haver Haver Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawke Hawley Hay Hay Hay Hay Hayes Hayes Hayes Hazen Hazen Healy Heard Heater Heater Hebda Heberling Hebor Heckenberger Heckman Heckman Heckman Amanda "Bonney" Gilbert C. Clarence Clarence Ethel M. Florence Johnson Lottie D. Dietz Lottie D. Dietz Frank W., Jr. Alice Jane M. Evelyn Sarah Dorothy Sarah Dorothy Luther R. Robert E. Dorothy S. Dorothy S. Dale H. 1st Lt. Frieda Y. George S. Howard W. "Mickey" Irvin Elijah Kimberly Jo Laura A. Minnie M. Minnie M. Patricia Jean Davis Patricia Jean Davis Silas C. Pearl L. Emma R. Horace L. Ronald E. Russell H. Russell H. Delia V. Mae E. Minnie Ann Ezra G., Jr. Ezra G., Jr. Eleanor F. Charles R., Dr. Mabel M. Maurice C. "Benny" Stanley J. Irene Tinney Bertha John C. Helen M. Flyte Martha Raymond J., Rev. 4/30/1969 11/1/1969 1/18/1969 1/22/1969 2/6/1969 7/3/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 7/15/1969 7/10/1969 3/18/1969 3/18/1969 3/19/1969 11/10/1969 11/10/1969 5/3/1969 5/6/1969 4/14/1969 12/26/1969 8/28/1969 8/19/1969 11/18/1969 3/11/1969 9/12/1969 4/28/1969 5/1/1969 3/24/1969 3/27/1969 8/30/1969 12/15/1969 8/12/1969 9/30/1969 1/16/1969 4/4/1969 4/8/1969 11/18/1969 12/16/1969 1/15/1969 3/24/1969 3/26/1969 9/30/1969 2/28/1969 11/3/1969 9/26/1969 3/5/1969 5/1/1969 9/20/1969 1/13/1969 12/29/1969 12/10/1969 2/17/1969 p.16 p.30 p.24 p.14 p.28 p.24 p.32 p.30 p.1 p.48 p.4 p.4 p.4 p.28 p.28 p.12 p.14 p.20 p.4 p.41 p.24 p.14 p.28 p.16 p.35 p.30 p.1 p.30 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.4 p.38 p.14 p.16 p.14 p.12 p.24 p.33 p.10 p.4 p.10 p.38 p.27 p.16 p.42 p.12 p.16 p.36 p.40 p.12 Heckman Heckman Hecter Heffelfinger Heffelfinger Hefner Hegarty Hegarty Heidecker Heidecker Heil Heil Heil Heilig Heimbach Heimpel Heiney Heiney Heinly Heinly Heintzelman Heiser Heitman Helfrich Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Heller Hellyer Helm Helman Helman Hempstead Hendershot Hendershot Hendershot Hendershot Hendershot Hendershot Henderson Henderson Henderson Russell H. Ruth L. Richard A., Sgt. Helen Robert A. Thurman A. Ellen R. Ellen R. August Pauline Rose Carrie R. Floyd Raymond Philip Franklin Helen E. Anna E. Claude H. Helen M. Lillian D. Elizabeth L. Elizabeth L. Anna M. Warren G. Violet Basel Robert H. Arlington J. Carrie Elizabeth E. Helen F. Iva Mae James T. Lester L. Lester L. Lucinda Mayme H. Minnie E. Paul Y. Raymond Ida C. Henry F., Jr. Rosalie "Lee" Rosalie "Lee" Everett R. Daisy Eugenie M. John M. John M. Virginia I. Virginia I. Alice L. Alice L. Daisy W. 4/9/1969 10/21/1969 5/2/1969 9/26/1969 4/15/1969 9/6/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 9/30/1969 5/31/1969 12/16/1969 7/7/1969 10/28/1969 8/14/1969 2/25/1969 10/20/1969 11/21/1969 5/2/1969 1/4/1969 1/7/1969 10/3/1969 5/24/1969 1/2/1969 3/7/1969 6/16/1969 6/30/1969 11/7/1969 4/26/1969 11/4/1969 8/5/1969 4/15/1969 4/18/1969 1/29/1969 11/15/1969 2/27/1969 8/4/1969 9/27/1969 4/4/1969 6/30/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 1/31/1969 5/24/1969 11/18/1969 3/26/1969 3/29/1969 1/20/1969 1/21/1969 1/10/1969 1/13/1969 2/26/1969 p.32 p.20 p.14 p.27 p.16 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.4 p.24 p.12 p.28 p.28 p.41 p.16 p.24 p.12 p.14 p.23 p.4 p.4 p.16 p.32 p.28 p.32 p.18 p.29 p.20 p.18 p.19 p.16 p.22 p.4 p.26 p.37 p.26 p.20 p.24 p.18 p.28 p.26 p.22 p.16 p.14 p.10 p.24 p.24 p.26 p.10 p.16 p.30 Henderson Hendrickson Henning Henning Hennion Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Hensler Hensler Hensler Hensler Henzelman Herb Herb Herman Herman Herman Hermann Herrick Hersh Hertkorn Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hestie Hewitt Hewitt Hewitt Heydt Hibbs Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higham Hilbert Daisy W. Virginia T. Harley P. Isaac G. Violet W. Alexander A., Sr. Alfred M. Charles Ephland Sorber Jennie M. Bensen Jennie M. Bensen Jennifer E. Katherine M. Raymond L. Russell G. Ruth J. Edwin P. Edwin P. Fanny M. Peter M. Carl F. "Butch" Leslie F. Leslie F. Calvin D. Lillie Craven William B. F. Harry J., Sr. Ernest H. Ella Emma R. Earl E. Eva E. Heller Eva E. Heller John F. Lee D. Lee D. Reuben E. Reuben E. James R. Arthur G. John William Earl D., Sr. Marcia Charles Charles Russell J. Sara B. Sara F. Harry D. Bettie Jane 3/1/1969 7/8/1969 7/8/1969 9/29/1969 3/20/1969 2/3/1969 5/10/1969 5/6/1969 9/6/1969 5/22/1969 5/26/1969 5/3/1969 9/2/1969 9/24/1969 11/11/1969 3/7/1969 6/12/1969 6/14/1969 12/29/1969 10/17/1969 11/28/1969 4/12/1969 4/15/1969 12/21/1969 9/30/1969 10/13/1969 12/18/1969 2/18/1969 3/14/1969 9/20/1969 4/28/1969 3/20/1969 3/22/1969 7/21/1969 5/10/1969 5/12/1969 3/31/1969 4/1/1969 6/11/1969 4/24/1969 3/7/1969 3/24/1969 4/18/1969 6/24/1969 6/27/1969 6/28/1969 8/22/1969 10/24/1969 4/21/1969 5/12/1969 1/29/1969 p.2 p.22 p.22 p.16 p.34 p.12 p.38 p.14 p.26 p.48 p.20 p.12 p.22 p.37 p.22 p.28 p.32 p.24 p.36 p.28 p.1 p.10 p.16 p.30 p.4 p.28 p.52 p.22 p.10 p.12 p.35 p.34 p.28 p.28 p.1 p.32 p.28 p.12 p.4 p.34 p.28 p.33 p.22 p.26 p.10 p.25 p.10 p.26 p.26 p.32 p.4 Hildabrant Hildebrant Hildebrant Hildebrant Hildenbrandt Hildenbrandt Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hillegas Hiller Hiller Hiller Hilliker Hilt Hilt Hindenach Hineline Hineline Hinkel Hinkle Hinton Hixson Hmirak Hmirak Hobbs Hochman Hochmuth Hochrein Hockin Hockings Hockman Hockman Hodulik Hoeft Hoehne Hoff Hoff Hoff Hoff Hoffert Hoffich Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman LeRoy V. Elizabeth Elizabeth Harold J. Howard F. Howard F. Edward P. Mary J. Mary J. Olivia M. Wellington L. Larry G. Ellie W. Harold C. Harold C. Arthur J. Clara Rachael Clara Rachael Chester L., Jr. Emily E. Emily E. Donald Harold E. George W. Sue B. Michael Michael Howard F. I. B. Jennie Val Catherine A. C. Arthur Lovica Pearl Lovica Pearl Mary Dzibela Margaret Byington Elsa Floyd Rittenhouse Floyd Rittenhouse Irwin S. Wilmer E. Mary C. Schultz Charles Alice Hackett Carrie Jamison Carrie Jamison Charles Charles Florence M. George S. 8/1/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 10/4/1969 2/25/1969 3/1/1969 1/29/1969 5/17/1969 5/20/1969 12/12/1969 10/9/1969 9/2/1969 4/9/1969 6/4/1969 6/6/1969 2/7/1969 5/5/1969 5/7/1969 9/27/1969 4/19/1969 4/22/1969 8/25/1969 5/1/1969 7/7/1969 12/17/1969 4/17/1969 4/19/1969 10/25/1969 2/17/1969 3/19/1969 1/4/1969 8/2/1969 7/7/1969 3/26/1969 3/28/1969 6/7/1969 7/1/1969 9/4/1969 1/6/1969 1/7/1969 10/20/1969 9/2/1969 8/2/1969 11/28/1969 12/30/1969 5/14/1969 5/16/1969 5/12/1969 5/14/1969 11/8/1969 5/14/1969 p.19 p.16 p.38 p.20 p.16 p.2 p.4 p.26 p.4 p.26 p.50 p.22 p.32 p.36 p.4 p.24 p.30 p.14 p.20 p.24 p.22 p.25 p.42 p.28 p.21 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.10 p.4 p.23 p.25 p.28 p.10 p.26 p.22 p.14 p.30 p.30 p.4 p.24 p.22 p.25 p.16 p.17 p.14 p.30 p.32 p.14 p.24 p.14 Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffner Hoffstadt Hoffstadt Hofman Hofmann Hogenkamp Holcombe Holcombe Holeman Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holldin Holloway Holmes Holt Holtz Honey Honeycutt Hontz Hooper Hoover Hopkins Hopper Hoppock Horack Hormell Horn Horn Horn Horn Horn Horne Hornecker Horninger Hortmanns Horvath Horvath Horvath George S. Harmon S. Harmon S. Hattie E. Laura Lewis W. Malvina Robert E. Russell L. Russell R. Paul J. Louis F., Sr. Louis F., Sr. Theodore O. Helma A. Henry Addison C. Nellie M. Mary E. Benjamin Benjamin David W. David W. Earl E. Bert A. Julia H. Lula Edward J. John Cecil J. Jesse V. Robert C. Mary Catherine Jessie Viola W. Marguerite A. Bertus William J. Duane C. August "Pete" Caroline H. Jay D. Ralph O. Ralph O. Henry Howard E. Stephen M. Gertrude Joseph A., Sr. Klara Mary 5/16/1969 9/27/1969 9/29/1969 2/13/1969 6/5/1969 9/11/1969 6/24/1969 12/12/1969 9/16/1969 12/4/1969 3/18/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 5/8/1969 8/4/1969 11/24/1969 3/31/1969 8/1/1969 3/21/1969 4/15/1969 4/16/1969 2/10/1969 2/13/1969 8/27/1969 11/3/1969 5/20/1969 3/14/1969 8/11/1969 7/9/1969 8/27/1969 10/29/1969 6/9/1969 12/11/1969 12/29/1969 7/7/1969 11/8/1969 8/22/1969 10/11/1969 12/2/1969 8/30/1969 10/22/1969 12/26/1969 5/20/1969 5/24/1969 8/16/1969 5/14/1969 9/4/1969 11/5/1969 11/11/1969 12/24/1969 9/4/1969 p.30 p.20 p.16 p.38 p.45 p.32 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.42 p.4 p.26 p.32 p.47 p.26 p.4 p.28 p.19 p.29 p.16 p.18 p.1 p.38 p.10 p.38 p.4 p.10 p.16 p.31 p.10 p.4 p.40 p.44 p.36 p.28 p.24 p.10 p.20 p.26 p.24 p.14 p.4 p.1 p.16 p.25 p.14 p.30 p.4 p.22 p.28 p.30 Horvath Hosking Host Hostetter Hotschewar Houck Houghney Housel Housel Housel Houser Houser Houser Houser Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howey Hoyt Hrin Hritz Hritz Huber Huber Huck Huck Hudes Hudes Hudson Hudson Hudy Hudy Huff Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hujik Hujsa Hummell Hummer Hummer Hummer Hunsberger Hunsberger Theresa Laura Anna Elmer D. Benjamin H., Rev. Henry R. Harry P. William A. Frank Frank Fred Gertrude Harvey W. Lillie M. Lillie M. Carrie B. Chauncey D., Sr. Jessie M. Nellie F. Ralph E. William Ruth C. Margaret John J. John J. Edwin L. Marie L. Doris Hill Wallace M. Lily Lily Agnes Cleo Anna R. Anna R. W. Frank Daniel C. Infant Daughter Luther Luther Murial Marryott Raymond E. Thomas L. Thomas L. Anthony Joseph Gladys O. Anna Elizabeth Anna Elizabeth Joseph D. Franklin W. Guy 12/17/1969 2/19/1969 8/14/1969 5/19/1969 10/24/1969 12/5/1969 5/26/1969 5/23/1969 5/26/1969 10/29/1969 10/11/1969 7/1/1969 2/28/1969 3/3/1969 8/13/1969 9/13/1969 5/29/1969 11/19/1969 6/9/1969 12/22/1969 8/22/1969 8/12/1969 3/21/1969 3/24/1969 8/2/1969 12/2/1969 5/17/1969 12/20/1969 4/24/1969 4/26/1969 9/2/1969 8/18/1969 5/3/1969 5/6/1969 7/28/1969 7/31/1969 8/4/1969 3/17/1969 3/20/1969 11/3/1969 1/11/1969 8/20/1969 8/25/1969 12/1/1969 12/3/1969 5/26/1969 5/19/1969 5/26/1969 1/4/1969 6/7/1969 3/10/1969 p.21 p.16 p.41 p.28 p.26 p.28 p.20 p.23 p.20 p.4 p.20 p.14 p.10 p.12 p.16 p.1 p.30 p.16 p.40 p.12 p.10 p.16 p.29 p.33 p.25 p.26 p.26 p.24 p.34 p.20 p.22 p.20 p.12 p.14 p.1 p.45 p.26 p.14 p.34 p.38 p.26 p.16 p.25 p.28 p.37 p.20 p.28 p.20 p.23 p.22 p.1 Hunsberger Hunsicker Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunter Huntzinger Hunyady Huszar Huszar Hutcheon Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchison Hutchison Hutchison Hutchison Hutchison Hutnick Hutnick Hyde Hyde Hyler Hyndshaw Hyndshaw Hyndshaw Iacocca Igo Igo Ihrie Ihrie Imboden Ingeno Ingeno Insley Insley Israel Itterly Ivankovits Ivankovits Jablonski Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacobi Jacobs Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacoby Jaffee Jago Guy John F. Elwood L. Marvin C. Todora George W. Morris S. "Doc" Joseph Loretta Ann Loretta Ann Wallace S., Sr. Dorothy M. Olive B. Jane Haytock Jane Haytock Mamie H. Mamie H. Olive B. Mary Mary William F. William F. Eva Charles Kenneth John S., Sr. John S., Sr. Michelina LoCasalo Martin D. Martin D. Stanley E. Stanley E. George D., Sr. Salvatore "Samuel" Salvatore "Samuel" Harry Harry Elamina Clarence "Eppie" August J. August J. John Elmer, Jr. Albert L. Albert L. Emma Leolia Adolph Julia Blanche Leopold Blanche Leopold Chester S. Nathan L. Elizabeth N. 3/12/1969 2/10/1969 11/26/1969 3/10/1969 1/2/1969 7/16/1969 10/25/1969 9/6/1969 6/14/1969 6/18/1969 5/26/1969 2/13/1969 1/7/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 3/31/1969 4/2/1969 1/10/1969 6/16/1969 6/19/1969 5/15/1969 5/19/1969 12/15/1969 8/9/1969 6/11/1969 6/14/1969 3/17/1969 2/7/1969 2/10/1969 4/22/1969 4/24/1969 11/24/1969 3/22/1969 3/25/1969 3/17/1969 3/18/1969 6/10/1969 8/11/1969 12/21/1969 12/22/1969 10/9/1969 1/28/1969 1/30/1969 1/30/1969 6/23/1969 1/2/1969 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 11/8/1969 12/3/1969 5/5/1969 p.38 p.26 p.38 p.38 p.1 p.4 p.28 p.26 p.24 p.14 p.20 p.38 p.4 p.16 p.38 p.28 p.4 p.10 p.32 p.30 p.20 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.24 p.14 p.1 p.26 p.22 p.34 p.4 p.28 p.12 p.14 p.4 p.24 p.16 p.30 p.12 p.50 p.4 p.40 p.40 p.12 p.32 p.26 p.18 p.24 p.37 p.30 Jago Jakobsen James James James James James James Jarvis Jawback Jefferis Jefferson Jensen Jernee Jeuter Jewett Jez Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Jonas Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Elizabeth N. Brent K. Karen Ann Laura Trimmer Otis B. Raymond F. Richard L. William D. Douglas L. Stephen J. Stephen Burnett John E. Oscar E. Robert C. Elizabeth Gladys Norfleet Melichar Amanda B. Anna M. Carrie M. Carrie M. Dorothea/Dorothy B. Dorothea/Dorothy B. Edward, Rev. Fred Fred George O. Grace S. Hannah Harry, Sr. James William James William Lelia Lelia Mark G. Norman W. Ralph H. Reginald H. Wallace M. Alexander, Sr. Melvin F. Rosa Gertrude Rosa Gertrude Walter M. Arthur J. Arthur J. Clark A. Clark A. Ethel B. Eva Evan, Sr., Mrs. 5/6/1969 9/25/1969 3/22/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 12/17/1969 5/31/1969 5/31/1969 10/3/1969 1/27/1969 6/30/1969 12/22/1969 7/31/1969 7/25/1969 5/7/1969 9/18/1969 4/10/1969 11/10/1969 11/4/1969 4/7/1969 4/9/1969 4/17/1969 4/22/1969 10/13/1969 1/27/1969 2/1/1969 3/8/1969 5/14/1969 6/23/1969 7/17/1969 4/12/1969 4/15/1969 3/28/1969 4/1/1969 2/19/1969 12/4/1969 8/11/1969 10/8/1969 10/14/1969 8/27/1969 8/30/1969 3/17/1969 3/19/1969 3/21/1969 2/12/1969 2/17/1969 2/10/1969 2/14/1969 7/23/1969 1/23/1969 1/13/1969 p.14 p.19 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.21 p.24 p.24 p.4 p.24 p.18 p.12 p.45 p.21 p.14 p.16 p.18 p.28 p.18 p.28 p.32 p.38 p.22 p.28 p.24 p.24 p.24 p.14 p.12 p.39 p.10 p.16 p.26 p.12 p.16 p.42 p.16 p.18 p.26 p.10 p.24 p.14 p.4 p.29 p.32 p.12 p.26 p.28 p.14 p.30 p.16 Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Jorgensen Jorgensen Joseph Joseph Jourdain Jourdain Judge Jurasits Jurasits Kadezabek Kahle Kahler Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaletay Kalle Kanalas Kane Kane Kanehann Kappler Kappler Karcher Kark Karlson Karlson Karpoff Karpoff Kasper Katrakis Katz Kauffman Frances Pfeiffer Griffith, Sr. Griffith, Sr. Harold E. Harry A. Harry E. J. Elmer Joseph Julia Wieder Lester R. Lillian G. Lulu Hendershot Lulu Hendershot Mary Ellen Raymond Timothy R. Henry S. Sven Sven Jacob, Sr. Jacob, Sr. George E. George E. James A. Anna Frank Joseph, Sr. Suzanne D. Schussler F. Luther Catherine O. C. Catherine O. C. Mahala "Hale" Mahala "Hale" Joseph Francis Mary Sleuschauf Margaret I. Florence Genevieve E. William Nicholas, Jr. Catherine C. Catherine C. Claude J. Harry G. Hilda M. Hilda M. Victor S. Victor S. Julius John Richard E. Roland 7/5/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 10/24/1969 10/7/1969 8/12/1969 10/25/1969 10/21/1969 10/31/1969 12/11/1969 3/24/1969 1/11/1969 1/14/1969 8/21/1969 8/22/1969 9/12/1969 1/20/1969 1/6/1969 1/7/1969 5/20/1969 5/21/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 3/7/1969 10/20/1969 11/24/1969 1/28/1969 1/29/1969 8/7/1969 4/26/1969 4/29/1969 6/3/1969 6/4/1969 2/3/1969 5/14/1969 10/11/1969 11/12/1969 5/26/1969 1/14/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 7/11/1969 12/12/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 2/27/1969 3/1/1969 6/16/1969 10/1/1969 11/7/1969 6/23/1969 p.12 p.12 p.26 p.26 p.26 p.16 p.28 p.20 p.30 p.44 p.33 p.26 p.16 p.45 p.10 p.16 p.24 p.30 p.4 p.4 p.16 p.24 p.22 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.4 p.4 p.41 p.20 p.22 p.23 p.36 p.12 p.14 p.20 p.10 p.20 p.16 p.32 p.23 p.4 p.26 p.26 p.32 p.37 p.21 p.32 p.37 p.29 p.12 Kaufman Kaufman Kaul Kaul Kaunos Kaysinger Kearney Keast Keast Kee Keesler Keggan Keggan Keglovitz Kehoe Keiber Keifriter Keim Keiper Keiper Keiper Keiper Keiper Keiper Keiser Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Kelley Kellington Kellow Kelly Kelly Kelsey Kelso Kemmerer Kenderdine Kenna Kenna Margaret Theodore A. Anna May William E. Victor John Helene L. Mabel Serfass Mabel Serfass William J., Sr. Eliza B. Bertha F. Bertha F. Anna Frisch Michael William C., Jr. Edwin F. Rollin R. Alan A. Alga M. Arlene E. Blanche I. Howard L. Howard L. Helen A. Hensinger Austin Celia M. Grover C. Leon F. Leon F. Leon F. Leon F. Lulu E. Lulu F. Norman D. Peter Richard Alden, Pfc. Richard Alden, Pfc. Theresa Mae Theresa Mae Robert J. Robert A. J. Edgar Frances V. Ida B. Mabel E. Effie W. Howard L. Norman W. George Joseph George Joseph 3/31/1969 10/13/1969 8/7/1969 4/23/1969 11/21/1969 9/15/1969 8/1/1969 5/3/1969 5/7/1969 4/30/1969 11/13/1969 3/3/1969 3/6/1969 6/18/1969 10/30/1969 2/14/1969 6/20/1969 4/12/1969 6/9/1969 10/4/1969 4/12/1969 6/14/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 4/28/1969 7/22/1969 11/3/1969 3/10/1969 2/17/1969 2/18/1969 2/19/1969 2/21/1969 2/25/1969 2/27/1969 1/11/1969 2/25/1969 6/23/1969 6/27/1969 6/18/1969 6/20/1969 5/14/1969 5/1/1969 12/1/1969 9/22/1969 10/10/1969 10/11/1969 7/18/1969 8/4/1969 1/9/1969 5/27/1969 5/28/1969 p.28 p.28 p.41 p.18 p.12 p.25 p.19 p.12 p.14 p.16 p.46 p.12 p.32 p.14 p.30 p.28 p.24 p.10 p.40 p.20 p.10 p.24 p.24 p.28 p.35 p.27 p.38 p.38 p.12 p.22 p.16 p.30 p.16 p.37 p.26 p.16 p.1 p.10 p.14 p.24 p.14 p.42 p.28 p.27 p.27 p.20 p.28 p.26 p.28 p.18 p.14 Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kenney Kenny Kent Kepp Keppel Kercsmar Kerekes Kern Kern Kernan Kernan Kerr Kerr Kerr Kessler Kessler Kessler Kice Kichline Kichline Kicska Kicska Kidd Kidney Kiefer Kiefer Kiefer Kiefer Kiefer Kiefer Kieffer Kieffer Killington Killington Kilpatrick Kimble Kimminour Kimminour Kincaid Kincaid Kindrew Kindsvatter Kindt King King Beatrice H. Beatrice H. Helen M. Roy M. William D. William S. Katherine B. Margaret M. Ethel James H. Joseph Robert C. Elizabeth Lyman E., Jr. Lyman E., Jr. James B., Jr. James, B., Jr. Barteletto Eleanor Gertrude Erma Margaret Arling Q. Arling Q. Mayme E. Alvah Reuben Thomas Warren W. Michael A. Michael A. Anna F. Kramer Carleton Bannister Blanche Blanche Florence Florence Florence E. Lilly Willis C. "Bill" George H. George H. Anna Gertrude Anna Gertrude Donald R., 1st Lt. Frank J. B. Frank B. Frank Frank M., Jr. Frank M., Jr. Frank C. Ruth Lobb Victor Albert G. Harriet Maude 5/22/1969 5/24/1969 1/29/1969 7/21/1969 1/17/1969 11/26/1969 7/15/1969 1/14/1969 12/30/1969 9/2/1969 9/29/1969 5/24/1969 5/31/1969 3/29/1969 4/2/1969 7/5/1969 7/3/1969 8/18/1969 6/24/1969 7/1/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 2/6/1969 8/27/1969 9/23/1969 12/30/1969 1/21/1969 1/23/1969 12/31/1969 12/12/1969 1/17/1969 1/18/1969 5/12/1969 5/16/1969 11/24/1969 7/31/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 1/8/1969 1/10/1969 9/6/1969 11/3/1969 2/28/1969 3/4/1969 9/25/1969 9/26/1969 9/4/1969 11/4/1969 11/3/1969 11/15/1969 4/21/1969 p.2 p.16 p.4 p.28 p.24 p.38 p.4 p.12 p.17 p.22 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.24 p.4 p.12 p.24 p.20 p.26 p.14 p.35 p.16 p.28 p.10 p.14 p.17 p.26 p.30 p.22 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.32 p.30 p.4 p.45 p.20 p.14 p.12 p.10 p.26 p.38 p.10 p.24 p.19 p.27 p.30 p.18 p.38 p.26 p.26 King King King Kinnaman Kinnaman Kipp Kirby Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirkpatrick Kise Kishpaugh Kiss Kiss Kisselbach Kist Kist Kistler Kistler Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Klaus Kleckner Kleckner Klein Klein Klein Kleinman Kleintop Kleintop Kleintop Klemka Klemka Kleppinger Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Kling Kling Klingel Klingel Klinger Klink Klipple Harriet Maude Lizzie A. Thomas L., Dr. John M., Sr. John M., Sr. Nora Mae Ellen J. Blayer James Marie R. Griffin J. Blayer H. Earl Josephine N. Anna M. Eugene "Jeno" Sadie M. William J. William J. Elsie E. Oplinger Harriet May Amelia E. Gertrude E. Gertrude Nettie E. Roy W. Emma M. Gertrude S. Hilliard A. Bertha Edith Bertha Edith Herman "Gidy" Melvin Clayton W. Earl A. Lillian M. Helen Helen S. Florence George W. Herman Gerken Martin Benjamin Martin Benjamin Nettie C. Susie Elizabeth John F. John F. George H., Sr. George H., Sr. De Nevin Minna Robin Lynn 4/24/1969 7/19/1969 3/17/1969 5/7/1969 5/10/1969 7/3/1969 11/22/1969 4/12/1969 10/3/1969 3/19/1969 4/10/1969 1/2/1969 7/30/1969 11/4/1969 2/1/1969 12/17/1969 1/16/1969 1/20/1969 6/2/1969 5/22/1969 12/8/1969 5/27/1969 5/29/1969 11/28/1969 2/10/1969 3/17/1969 12/21/1969 9/22/1969 5/13/1969 5/15/1969 2/7/1969 10/3/1969 8/19/1969 12/2/1969 11/25/1969 5/17/1969 5/19/1969 8/7/1969 11/10/1969 12/30/1969 1/3/1969 1/6/1969 10/10/1969 6/21/1969 5/9/1969 5/10/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 3/12/1969 12/17/1969 11/4/1969 p.34 p.25 p.14 p.14 p.38 p.24 p.26 p.10 p.4 p.4 p.18 p.32 p.33 p.18 p.24 p.21 p.38 p.24 p.24 p.48 p.28 p.18 p.30 p.16 p.26 p.14 p.30 p.27 p.12 p.20 p.24 p.1 p.24 p.26 p.26 p.26 p.28 p.41 p.28 p.17 p.4 p.30 p.27 p.4 p.4 p.38 p.16 p.38 p.38 p.21 p.18 Klotz Klotz Klotz Kluenter Knapp Knappenberger Knappenberger Knauss Knecht Knecht Knecht Kneedler Kneedler Knerr Knickerbacker Knickerbocker Knighton Knor Knor Kobble Kobble Kocan Kocan Koch Koch Koch Kochenash Kocher Kocher Kocher Koczan Koechlein Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehler Koellhoffer Koellhoffer Koestner Koestner Koestner Kogelman Kohut Kolb Kolb Kolenberg Kollar Kolus Kolus Kolvites Komisak Craig A., Pfc. Paul L. Samuel Clarence, Mrs. David H., Jr. Fred C., Dr. George A. Susanna Florence Esther Diehl William C. William C. Elsie Jeffrey Elsie Jeffrey Mabel Adams A. Palmer A. Palmer James Boise Michael Michael N. Edward B., Sr. Edward B., Sr. Charles Charles Katherine Lottie Roth Lottie Roth Michael Gladys G. Robert Steven Robert Steven Joseph I. Walter Elsie J. Willard Kenneth Brown Kenneth Brown Edward P. Edward P. Frederick R. Frederick R. Frederick R. Frank Julia Eleanor A. Tomsic Eleanor A. Tomsic Ida Anita L. Charlotte W. Charlotte W. Frank Nicholas 10/9/1969 12/2/1969 10/10/1969 10/21/1969 9/19/1969 4/9/1969 5/15/1969 2/22/1969 8/20/1969 5/17/1969 5/21/1969 2/6/1969 2/10/1969 12/13/1969 4/15/1969 4/11/1969 10/6/1969 3/15/1969 3/13/1969 2/20/1969 2/24/1969 9/23/1969 9/24/1969 9/24/1969 1/7/1969 1/10/1969 2/14/1969 9/11/1969 5/2/1969 5/5/1969 11/8/1969 6/7/1969 6/28/1969 2/19/1969 3/13/1969 3/15/1969 1/29/1969 1/30/1969 2/8/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 4/7/1969 9/4/1969 5/12/1969 5/14/1969 8/12/1969 12/12/1969 3/31/1969 4/3/1969 1/6/1969 5/9/1969 p.50 p.26 p.27 p.20 p.1 p.32 p.20 p.26 p.16 p.26 p.16 p.28 p.26 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.30 p.20 p.16 p.1 p.16 p.14 p.37 p.37 p.4 p.10 p.28 p.32 p.14 p.30 p.24 p.22 p.25 p.16 p.16 p.20 p.4 p.40 p.24 p.26 p.32 p.28 p.30 p.32 p.14 p.16 p.26 p.1 p.28 p.30 p.4 Komisak Komorowski Komst Komst Konolige Konrath Konyu Koppenhaver Kopunek Korn Kornell Korp Korp Korp Kost Kostenbader Kotz Kotz Kovach Kovacs Kovacs Kovacs Kovacs Kovacs Kovalick Kovelski Kovelski Kowal Kowalczk Kowitz Kowitz Kozischek Krall Kramer Kratzer Kratzer Kratzer Kratzer Krauer Krauss Kraycik Kreidler Kreidler Kreil Kreil Kreimoyer Kreitz Kresge Kresge Kresge Kresge Nicholas John Anna Emma Mary Alois William M. James M. Lydia Lee George A. Rachel A. Clara Mae Mae Anastasia Lori Anne Bertha J. Bertha J. Joseph Alex Joseph B. Richard B. Wilma Wilma John J. Leo Leo Annastatia M. Jakym Jack Jack Margaret M. Ralph M. John Ethel J. Ebert Howard F. Howard F. Stanley S. George D. Joshua P. Edward J. Robert W. Willard R. Harry E. Harry E. Mamie Paul B., Dr. Elmer J. Hazel Barrier Merritt P. Merritt P. 5/12/1969 3/26/1969 3/15/1969 3/17/1969 12/13/1969 8/4/1969 7/12/1969 8/23/1969 3/4/1969 9/1/1969 7/14/1969 10/24/1969 2/25/1969 2/27/1969 9/2/1969 6/4/1969 3/19/1969 3/22/1969 8/27/1969 6/4/1969 7/19/1969 11/8/1969 4/7/1969 4/9/1969 12/11/1969 12/8/1969 12/12/1969 7/2/1969 12/4/1969 5/26/1969 5/27/1969 9/18/1969 1/3/1969 3/4/1969 7/25/1969 3/25/1969 3/28/1969 11/25/1969 12/30/1969 6/23/1969 7/19/1969 10/13/1969 11/18/1969 4/9/1969 4/12/1969 9/12/1969 1/7/1969 1/13/1969 2/12/1969 4/5/1969 4/10/1969 p.32 p.10 p.20 p.14 p.28 p.26 p.23 p.24 p.24 p.25 p.26 p.26 p.16 p.37 p.22 p.36 p.4 p.28 p.10 p.36 p.25 p.24 p.28 p.32 p.44 p.1 p.26 p.31 p.42 p.20 p.18 p.16 p.4 p.24 p.21 p.12 p.26 p.26 p.17 p.12 p.25 p.28 p.14 p.32 p.10 p.16 p.4 p.16 p.32 p.22 p.18 Kresge Kresge Kresini Kressler Kressler Kressler Kressly Kressly Kressly Kretzschmer Krial Krick Kril Kril Krise Krise Kristof Kristoff Krodel Krodel Kroeschel Kromer Kromer Kromer Kromer Kropf Kropf Kruger Krupa Kubiak Kubiak Kublic Kudelka Kugler Kugler Kuhlmann Kuhlmann Kuhlmann Kuhn Kuhns Kuhns Kulp Kulp Kunkel Kunkel Kunkle Kunkle Kunsman Kunsman Kunsman Kunsman Raymond H. William H. Catherine Irma D. John I. Mary M. Petrucelli Bessie Bessie George Alfred, Sr. Helen M. Forty Blanche James E. Wasyl Wasyl May May Juliana Risa Merlin Merlin Henry Annie Schlegel Annie Schlegel Edward F. Samuel F. Antoinette W. "Dolly" Josephine R. Deutsch Augustine E. "Gus" Frank J. Victor Paul Victor Paul Emmanuel, Rev. Kathryn Clara Laura John L. Karl Karl Kurt Herbert W., Sr. George A. Jacob D. Clinton A. Orville S. Beverly Waugh, Dr. Beverly Waugh, Dr. Carrie E. Frank L., Sr. Clyde W. Marvin, Sr. Maynard D. Roberta M. 9/23/1969 5/23/1969 8/25/1969 5/19/1969 4/21/1969 2/18/1969 1/20/1969 1/23/1969 10/31/1969 9/8/1969 7/14/1969 6/7/1969 1/27/1969 1/29/1969 5/28/1969 5/30/1969 6/30/1969 12/3/1969 2/13/1969 2/15/1969 12/29/1969 2/17/1969 2/21/1969 8/12/1969 3/20/1969 12/26/1969 3/3/1969 2/27/1969 2/20/1969 1/15/1969 1/18/1969 6/9/1969 9/20/1969 11/17/1969 10/20/1969 11/29/1969 12/1/1969 2/24/1969 4/21/1969 5/17/1969 10/28/1969 11/24/1969 9/18/1969 3/7/1969 3/10/1969 3/25/1969 11/20/1969 1/20/1969 7/31/1969 8/16/1969 5/2/1969 p.14 p.23 p.25 p.28 p.26 p.22 p.24 p.30 p.30 p.36 p.26 p.22 p.24 p.4 p.14 p.30 p.18 p.37 p.38 p.24 p.36 p.12 p.30 p.16 p.34 p.4 p.12 p.37 p.41 p.24 p.24 p.40 p.12 p.26 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.26 p.28 p.4 p.16 p.1 p.38 p.12 p.38 p.24 p.45 p.25 p.14 Kunsman Kuper Kuper Kuruc Kutish Kutz Kutz Kutz Kutz Kutz LaBar LaBar LaBar LaBar LaBar LaBarre Labeaume Labodyk Laeff LaFevre Lahr Lahr Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lakey Lakey Lallas Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lanahan Lance Lance Lance Lance Lance Landis Landis Lang Roberta M. Leon K. Leon O. Veronica Anna Clarence Edward Lester Edward Lester Elsie M. George H. Cora M. Elizabeth W. George W. Hazel Weidman Hazel Weidman Arthur B. Edmond N. Fredar Jacob Lloyd Frank R. Roy J. Ada F. Ada F. Eugene T. Fred C. John N., Jr. Roy J. Roy J. George Edwin George Edwin George C. Denise J. Ethel J. Evelyn K. Inez Apgar John A. Llewellyn E. Llewellyn E. Mahlon M. Mahlon M. Prall W. Anna L. Anna Brodhead Anna Brodhead Clarence A. Elizabeth LeRoy Hildebrant Nevin H. Tobias K. Anna E. 5/7/1969 3/17/1969 10/31/1969 5/19/1969 4/29/1969 8/12/1969 6/2/1969 6/5/1969 12/15/1969 8/18/1969 9/3/1969 6/13/1969 7/10/1969 6/14/1969 6/18/1969 7/21/1969 6/30/1969 12/3/1969 10/16/1969 6/24/1969 8/15/1969 9/27/1969 4/30/1969 5/1/1969 3/10/1969 8/11/1969 5/5/1969 3/1/1969 3/5/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 10/23/1969 12/4/1969 10/15/1969 9/11/1969 6/9/1969 12/29/1969 3/22/1969 3/26/1969 5/29/1969 5/31/1969 4/10/1969 3/25/1969 2/17/1969 2/18/1969 9/9/1969 5/26/1969 9/2/1969 4/4/1969 4/11/1969 9/22/1969 p.14 p.14 p.30 p.28 p.22 p.16 p.24 p.45 p.28 p.20 p.30 p.24 p.48 p.24 p.14 p.28 p.18 p.37 p.40 p.26 p.22 p.20 p.16 p.30 p.38 p.16 p.30 p.21 p.16 p.16 p.38 p.43 p.42 p.10 p.32 p.40 p.36 p.28 p.10 p.30 p.24 p.18 p.12 p.12 p.22 p.4 p.20 p.22 p.24 p.24 p.27 Lang Lang Langenbach Lanning Lanning Lanoir Lanoir Lansdown Lanski Lantz LaPenna LaPenna LaPenna LaPenna Larison Laros Laros Laros Laros LaRosa LaRosa LaRosa LaRose Larsen Larsen Larson LaRue Lathrope Lattig Laub Laub Laubach Laubach Laube Laudeman Laudenbach Laudenbach Laudenslayer Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauer Laurito Lauron Law Law Lawfer Lawler Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Warren R. Warren R. Charles H. Flossie C. Flossie C. Yvette M. Yvette M. Ethel I. Anna Elizabeth Albert Albert Fred Fred Anna P. James Andrew, Sr. James Andrew, Sr. Mark Anthony Mark Anthony John J. John L. Mary Florence A. Cheryl Ann Louis C. Leroy J. Daniel W., Dr. Dee Walter Edgar N., Sr. "Jake" Carrie M. Hattie M. Schaffer Elsie Fehnel J. Earl Ellen L. Herman Franks Paul S. Paul S. Neil W. Lee Robert T. Robert T. Walter A. William, Jr. Paul Sadie Mae Samuel Helen D. Carrie Swick Grace I. Irene W. Irene W. 10/3/1969 10/4/1969 12/21/1969 4/23/1969 4/26/1969 12/18/1969 12/20/1969 11/12/1969 9/20/1969 5/24/1969 2/6/1969 2/11/1969 6/16/1969 6/20/1969 10/4/1969 1/13/1969 1/14/1969 2/18/1969 2/21/1969 11/26/1969 11/28/1969 10/29/1969 12/1/1969 3/15/1969 5/21/1969 11/3/1969 1/8/1969 9/8/1969 12/8/1969 5/5/1969 11/3/1969 9/22/1969 12/5/1969 10/6/1969 8/26/1969 2/26/1969 3/3/1969 10/1/1969 12/29/1969 2/12/1969 2/15/1969 8/1/1969 8/5/1969 3/3/1969 3/24/1969 8/11/1969 5/26/1969 7/14/1969 2/26/1969 4/23/1969 4/26/1969 p.4 p.20 p.30 p.18 p.20 p.1 p.1 p.10 p.12 p.16 p.28 p.24 p.32 p.24 p.20 p.16 p.16 p.22 p.30 p.38 p.16 p.4 p.28 p.20 p.16 p.38 p.12 p.36 p.28 p.30 p.38 p.27 p.28 p.30 p.4 p.30 p.12 p.37 p.36 p.2 p.24 p.19 p.19 p.12 p.33 p.16 p.20 p.26 p.30 p.18 p.20 Lawton Lawton Lawyer Lawyer Layton Lazarus Lazarus Leahy Leahy Learn Learn Lebar LeChapelle Lechner Leckebusch Lee Lee Leek Legath Leh Lehecka Lehoczky Lehr Lehr Lehr Lehr Lehrer Leiby Leichliter Leida Leida Leidich Leidig Leidy Leis Leitner Lemmon Lencewicz Lencsak Lenig Lennen Lentz Leonard Leonard Leonard Leraris Lerch Lerch Lerch Lerch Lerch Sophia J. Sophia J. Maurice Maurice Lester T. David J. Reuben John J. Mildred A. Carrie Bisher Lenora M. Elizabeth Mary deChantal, Sister Ernest G., Dr. Walter Warren Stewart William H. Helen S. Stephen Ralph R. Frank H. John, Jr. Elroy T. Emma H. Walter L. "Cobby" Walter L. "Cobby" Marie M. Helen E. Lillie R. Elizabeth C. Elizabeth C. Frank A. Charles E. "Bud" Paul Dewey Jules P. M. J., Dr. Robert T. Nellie Joseph F. E. Berneice Harry T., Sr. Edward T. Charles E., Jr. George E., Jr. George E., Jr. Salvator Anna M. Carrie Jane Charles B. Charles B. Kathryn L. 6/30/1969 7/1/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 9/16/1969 9/25/1969 1/6/1969 7/8/1969 6/27/1969 12/15/1969 2/4/1969 6/7/1969 8/9/1969 1/18/1969 7/8/1969 4/14/1969 8/25/1969 10/30/1969 4/10/1969 1/14/1969 7/17/1969 11/11/1969 10/27/1969 9/2/1969 2/12/1969 2/14/1969 10/29/1969 9/4/1969 7/16/1969 12/21/1969 12/22/1969 12/21/1969 12/20/1969 9/19/1969 9/27/1969 6/5/1969 11/1/1969 10/20/1969 9/9/1969 5/5/1969 10/13/1969 9/20/1969 5/20/1969 3/13/1969 3/14/1969 7/16/1969 7/5/1969 6/3/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 5/17/1969 p.18 p.14 p.1 p.26 p.24 p.19 p.30 p.22 p.10 p.28 p.14 p.22 p.24 p.24 p.22 p.20 p.25 p.30 p.18 p.16 p.1 p.22 p.20 p.22 p.32 p.28 p.4 p.30 p.4 p.30 p.12 p.30 p.24 p.4 p.20 p.45 p.30 p.24 p.4 p.30 p.28 p.12 p.4 p.16 p.10 p.4 p.12 p.23 p.24 p.40 p.26 Lerch Lerch Lesanics Lesher Lesher Lesher Lesher Lesoine Lesoine Lessig Lesson Letts LeVan LeVan Levergood Levers Levesque Levine Lewdrop Lewdrop Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Ley L'Hommedieu Libby Libby Lieberman Liebhaber Liebhaber Lieblien Lilly Linaberry Lind Lindaberry Lindaberry Linde Lingo Lingo Link Linsenmann Lipkey Lippey Lippincott Lippincott Paul O. Paul O. Nicholas W. Amanda M. Amanda M. Elizabeth Elizabeth Esther M. Ralph K. Walter F. James M. Blanche May Arity Arity Lester I. A. Francis Dora Boucher Leo Laura S. Laura S. Charles Charles E. Florence B. John S. John S. Russell W. Russell W. Vernest A. Vernest A. Charles B. William L. Mark George Mark George Rudolph "Rudy" Otto M. Otto M. Hedwig Guerney T. Bertha Helmuth Charles D. Michael A. J. Eric Helen A. John R. Joseph R., Jr. Albert J. William L. Thomas M. Earl F. Glen T. 6/10/1969 6/12/1969 10/8/1969 1/30/1969 2/1/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 4/9/1969 9/6/1969 1/8/1969 3/12/1969 12/24/1969 1/14/1969 1/18/1969 12/21/1969 11/18/1969 2/11/1969 11/1/1969 4/3/1969 4/5/1969 2/11/1969 11/3/1969 12/21/1969 6/13/1969 6/16/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 11/29/1969 8/23/1969 5/6/1969 5/9/1969 4/21/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 7/7/1969 11/28/1969 4/21/1969 6/24/1969 7/24/1969 7/5/1969 3/18/1969 7/14/1969 11/10/1969 9/8/1969 7/8/1969 9/17/1969 8/22/1969 8/20/1969 12/19/1969 p.24 p.32 p.18 p.40 p.24 p.16 p.37 p.32 p.26 p.12 p.38 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.30 p.14 p.24 p.30 p.28 p.22 p.1 p.38 p.30 p.24 p.32 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.38 p.28 p.24 p.14 p.4 p.26 p.32 p.30 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.26 p.1 p.12 p.4 p.26 p.28 p.36 p.22 p.18 p.10 p.1 p.30 Lippincott Lippincott Lippincott Lippincott Liptak Liro Liro Liscka Lisinichia Lisinichia Listorto Listorts Little Litwin Livadas Lloyd Lobach Lobb Lobb Lobb Lobb Locascio Lohrey Lokay Lomerson Lommason London Long Long Long Long Long Long Longacre Longenbach Longenbach Longenbach Longenbach Lopez Lopez Lore Lothian Lott Lounsbury Love Love Lovesque Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Helen A. Hilda G. Hilda G. Samuel Catherine Finell Salvatore Salvatore John J., Sr. Samuel "Lee" Samuel "Lee" Nancy Nancy Sedgewick C. Mary Elizabeth Paul W. John C. Myrtle Baines Myrtle Raines Ralph Ralph Joseph Giuseppe Maude Jacob Ruth Manley E. Leo Fred C. Arthur A. Arthur G. Carrie Kneule Charlotte Frank R. Robert A. Harry W. Anna Anna H. A. Harry I. Jose Jose Harold R. John H. George G. Glenn Mary E. Butterworth Mary E. Butterworth Dora Boucher Esther M. Esther M. Florence C. William J. 8/11/1969 4/3/1969 4/5/1969 7/2/1969 9/8/1969 6/2/1969 6/6/1969 7/31/1969 3/5/1969 3/8/1969 5/26/1969 5/29/1969 6/30/1969 2/4/1969 3/21/1969 4/11/1969 5/10/1969 1/18/1969 1/15/1969 1/8/1969 1/11/1969 9/15/1969 9/22/1969 7/30/1969 8/23/1969 6/27/1969 4/15/1969 4/8/1969 10/22/1969 4/25/1969 2/12/1969 6/20/1969 9/24/1969 11/11/1969 4/16/1969 4/18/1969 12/15/1969 1/20/1969 5/23/1969 5/27/1969 4/7/1969 11/29/1969 3/7/1969 8/15/1969 7/17/1969 7/18/1969 2/10/1969 5/30/1969 6/2/1969 9/12/1969 3/20/1969 p.16 p.28 p.22 p.31 p.36 p.24 p.4 p.45 p.16 p.24 p.20 p.30 p.18 p.14 p.29 p.24 p.1 p.24 p.24 p.12 p.26 p.25 p.27 p.33 p.24 p.10 p.16 p.16 p.14 p.14 p.32 p.24 p.37 p.22 p.18 p.22 p.28 p.24 p.23 p.18 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.22 p.39 p.28 p.26 p.30 p.24 p.16 p.1 Lowe Lubarsky Lucci Luchansky Luettgen Luettgen Lugg Lukens Lumsden Lundquist Lundy Luscombe Luther Luther Lutjens Luton Luton Luttenberger Lutterschmidt Lutz Lutz Lutz Luzi Luzi Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynn Lynn Lynn Mabus MacAndrew Macaulay Macaulay Macaulty Macaulty MacCarthy MacCarthy MacDonald MacDonough MacFarlane MacFarlane MacGregor Mack Mack Mack Macko MacPherson MacPherson MacPherson Mader William J. Samuel Marguerite Miller Stephen M. Mary Prendergast Mary Prendergast Nelson T. "Ginger James C. Jean V. Walter K. Aaron M. Clarence Ernest J. Ernest J. Kelly J. Lorraine Knecht Lorraine Knecht Katie Lillian A. John A., Sr. John A., Sr. Thomas F. Daniel Daniel James H. J. Loretta C. Loretta C. John T., Sr. Mazie R. Stephen P., Sr. Miriam A. Hector E. Frank J. Frank J. Anderson Anderson Eulalia H. Eulalia H. Caroline Elizabeth Kaiser Lavin P. Howard C. Jack K. Esther Henry W. Lester W. Virgil D. Cyril Elizabeth Elizabeth Russell Durell, Sr. 3/24/1969 11/25/1969 12/15/1969 11/11/1969 3/8/1969 3/11/1969 1/2/1969 9/19/1969 11/1/1969 11/24/1969 8/30/1969 12/17/1969 4/30/1969 5/1/1969 12/20/1969 10/14/1969 10/15/1969 1/9/1969 12/1/1969 6/5/1969 6/7/1969 4/29/1969 1/11/1969 1/14/1969 12/18/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 7/21/1969 3/3/1969 2/10/1969 12/13/1969 8/6/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 5/19/1969 5/22/1969 3/3/1969 3/5/1969 11/1/1969 6/4/1969 12/9/1969 4/19/1969 12/29/1969 4/16/1969 10/25/1969 10/21/1969 5/2/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 4/11/1969 1/29/1969 p.33 p.26 p.28 p.22 p.24 p.28 p.32 p.4 p.30 p.4 p.1 p.21 p.16 p.30 p.24 p.26 p.10 p.28 p.28 p.45 p.22 p.22 p.26 p.16 p.52 p.24 p.22 p.28 p.12 p.26 p.28 p.16 p.12 p.26 p.28 p.2 p.12 p.16 p.30 p.36 p.22 p.24 p.36 p.18 p.28 p.20 p.14 p.26 p.32 p.24 p.4 Mader Madison Magee Maginnis Maginnis Maglione Magnificio Magnifico Mahlon Mahon Main Maise Maisner Maisner Makel Makisch Malaby Malaby Male Mallicimi Maloney Mamana Mancuso Mangino Manieri Manieri Manieri Mann Manning Manning Manning Mansfield Manter Manthey Mantz Mantz Mantz Mantz Manzak Manzi Manzi Marcantognini Marcin Marcks Marcks Marcus Marcus Mardar Mardar Margretta Maring Frank W. Myrtie I. William Evans Herbert Margaret M. Lucia Palmina Gara Palmina Gara Harry W. Harriet W. Lillian B. Mary Emanual, Mrs. Ruth John Theodore Clara C. Clara C. Anna A. Alfonso M. Ann Miriam, Sister Maria Filippa Anthony "Anchor" Genevieve Carol Albert Albert Frank Allan W. Cyrus C. Cyrus C. Eleanor R. Elletta C. Caddoo Mary Russell Blanche Olive Doll Blanche Olive Doll Leroy E. Lewis A. Michael, Sr. Andrew Andrew Nazzareno Stephen J. Ida W. Pauly Ida W. Pauly Mollye Mollye Benjamin Benjamin Thomas John Clarence 5/29/1969 7/2/1969 2/15/1969 7/5/1969 10/25/1969 1/4/1969 5/19/1969 5/21/1969 2/1/1969 12/27/1969 12/6/1969 1/2/1969 6/25/1969 6/24/1969 2/6/1969 5/28/1969 5/15/1969 5/17/1969 8/11/1969 2/24/1969 6/7/1969 6/24/1969 5/21/1969 9/17/1969 6/11/1969 6/13/1969 4/22/1969 10/15/1969 6/25/1969 6/26/1969 11/19/1969 1/20/1969 10/13/1969 12/26/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 9/3/1969 2/17/1969 5/24/1969 3/29/1969 4/1/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 3/29/1969 4/1/1969 2/7/1969 2/10/1969 1/4/1969 1/6/1969 2/21/1969 3/17/1969 p.30 p.31 p.24 p.12 p.28 p.23 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.21 p.26 p.32 p.32 p.26 p.28 p.14 p.20 p.26 p.16 p.16 p.22 p.26 p.16 p.18 p.4 p.24 p.22 p.10 p.32 p.44 p.16 p.24 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.26 p.30 p.12 p.16 p.24 p.12 p.32 p.30 p.24 p.12 p.24 p.26 p.23 p.30 p.30 p.14 Marino Markle Markley Markley Markley Markulics Marlett Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marshall Marshall Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martine Marton Marton Martz Martzloff Marvel Marvin Marvin Marvin Marx Marx Marx Marx Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Massey Mast Masteller Master Onofrio James Sanford Ruth O. Ruth O. Thomas E. Andrew, Sr. Clyde Beatrice L. Cora S. Heist Daniel P. Daniel P. Floyd Floyd Franck P. Lester Louise M. Connie Connie Ann Anna M. Elsie Harris Elsie Harris Harriet C. Harriet C. Marie Kellner Marie Kellner Michael M. Stanley V. Susan J. Marcinov Edith Robert B. Robert B. Ernest J. John Ray Clifford G. Arthur K. Mary Alice William Letta D. Letta D. Martin D. Martin D. Emery Emery Fred D. Fred D. Raymond B. Helen William Elwood George J. Eva R. 7/12/1969 9/18/1969 6/12/1969 6/14/1969 1/20/1969 8/18/1969 9/1/1969 5/8/1969 3/28/1969 3/6/1969 3/11/1969 10/8/1969 10/9/1969 10/30/1969 11/15/1969 6/13/1969 3/27/1969 3/29/1969 7/30/1969 8/21/1969 3/29/1969 4/2/1969 2/25/1969 2/27/1969 8/5/1969 8/6/1969 9/8/1969 8/5/1969 2/25/1969 8/1/1969 3/11/1969 3/13/1969 1/23/1969 8/6/1969 4/17/1969 1/27/1969 9/25/1969 11/24/1969 2/18/1969 2/21/1969 1/8/1969 1/10/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 1/25/1969 1/28/1969 2/10/1969 6/9/1969 2/13/1969 10/7/1969 9/24/1969 p.23 p.16 p.32 p.24 p.24 p.20 p.25 p.47 p.26 p.32 p.28 p.18 p.50 p.30 p.26 p.24 p.30 p.24 p.33 p.45 p.24 p.4 p.16 p.37 p.19 p.16 p.36 p.19 p.16 p.19 p.28 p.16 p.30 p.16 p.38 p.24 p.19 p.4 p.22 p.30 p.12 p.10 p.20 p.14 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.40 p.38 p.26 p.37 Masters Masters Masters Masters Masterson Masterson Masterson Masterson Masterson Matheis Mathews Mathews Matsko Mattern Mattes Mattes Matthews Matthews Matthias Mattis Maulen Maurer Max Maxwell May Mayers Mayrosh Mazzocchetti Mazzocchetti McAndrew McAvoy McAvoy McBride McBride McCamey McCarrick McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarty McCatharn McCluskey McCollick McConnell McCormick McCormick McDevitt McDevitt McDevitt McDevitt John E. Kathryn Jayne Kathryn Jayne Kathryn Jayne Edward J. Edward J. George D. Myrtle Myrtle Richard F. Frank G. Grace Gregory Charles Arthur A. Albert H. Albert H. Gertrude R. William E. Russell E. Lillian Charles F. William Herbert William K. John Violet J. William R. John J., Jr. Clarinda Clarinda Alice Arthur V. Arthur V. Edward Edward Leonard H. Helen L. Carrie Duncan Etta Etta Mabel Rose James C. Annie H. Seals John Joseph Harry Robert E. Harold E. Norma T. Catherine Joseph A. Joseph A. R. Emmett 11/18/1969 5/10/1969 5/12/1969 5/15/1969 4/3/1969 4/7/1969 1/18/1969 1/6/1969 1/8/1969 3/28/1969 10/7/1969 6/17/1969 1/16/1969 8/2/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 5/7/1969 12/26/1969 8/25/1969 11/22/1969 8/18/1969 11/4/1969 3/31/1969 10/20/1969 7/11/1969 12/15/1969 8/6/1969 6/2/1969 6/5/1969 1/30/1969 4/21/1969 4/24/1969 5/16/1969 5/19/1969 5/22/1969 2/22/1969 6/14/1969 8/2/1969 8/4/1969 10/18/1969 11/26/1969 4/15/1969 8/9/1969 11/25/1969 12/21/1969 8/27/1969 3/4/1969 12/20/1969 4/22/1969 4/24/1969 9/29/1969 p.14 p.38 p.32 p.20 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.30 p.12 p.26 p.26 p.15 p.38 p.25 p.32 p.30 p.14 p.4 p.25 p.26 p.20 p.18 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.45 p.40 p.26 p.34 p.30 p.28 p.48 p.26 p.24 p.25 p.26 p.22 p.38 p.16 p.24 p.26 p.1 p.10 p.24 p.24 p.22 p.34 p.16 McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McEldowney McEntee McFarland McGary McGary McGary McGeady McGeady McGrew McGurty McInerney McInerney McIntyre McIntyre McKeegan McKeegan McKeever McKeever McKeever McKeever McKinnis McLean McLellan McLellan McLoughlin McNally McNally McNeill McNulta McNulty McPeek McPherson McQuate McWilliams McWilliams Meade Meade Mease Mechalakos Mechalakos Meckes Meckes Meckes Meckes Medlyn Medynski Arthur G. Arthur G. James H. Teresa M. Teresa M. Joseph, Dr. John O. James A., Sr. William Leroy William Leroy William Leroy Elda L. Gerald J. Alice R. James Paul Gerald K. Gerald K. Amelia Lehr John T., Sr. John Margaret L. Daniel Morgan III Daniel Morgan III Martha E. Morgan Belton R. Katie Zinck Elsie B. Elsie B. Sarah J. Lillian Lillian Ellen V. Karin Edward Edna May Elizabeth Katie Long Edward E. Edward E. Valentine M. Valentine M. Lottie M. Jennie Jennie Agnes Norman F. Norman F. Pearlie A. Borger Earl A. John 5/17/1969 5/20/1969 2/3/1969 3/19/1969 3/22/1969 12/4/1969 8/30/1969 9/2/1969 5/12/1969 5/13/1969 5/14/1969 12/24/1969 1/2/1969 12/31/1969 12/8/1969 4/22/1969 4/23/1969 7/14/1969 11/10/1969 6/18/1969 12/24/1969 2/7/1969 2/8/1969 10/31/1969 10/30/1969 10/17/1969 6/6/1969 4/14/1969 4/15/1969 10/10/1969 5/13/1969 5/16/1969 7/5/1969 8/29/1969 8/21/1969 10/16/1969 2/11/1969 2/10/1969 5/8/1969 5/10/1969 5/29/1969 5/31/1969 11/15/1969 2/10/1969 2/11/1969 10/27/1969 5/19/1969 5/21/1969 9/5/1969 10/9/1969 1/29/1969 p.26 p.4 p.12 p.18 p.28 p.42 p.24 p.22 p.32 p.12 p.14 p.28 p.32 p.22 p.1 p.22 p.18 p.26 p.28 p.14 p.28 p.24 p.24 p.30 p.30 p.28 p.4 p.20 p.16 p.27 p.12 p.30 p.12 p.26 p.45 p.40 p.24 p.26 p.47 p.38 p.30 p.24 p.26 p.1 p.24 p.20 p.28 p.16 p.22 p.50 p.4 Medynski Mehalchick Mehling Mehling Meilinger Meilinger Meixell Meixsell Meixsell Melick Melick Melick Melick Melinsky Melroy Melroy Memel Mengel Mengel Menhennitt Menhennitt Mensch Mensch Meredith Merkel Merkel Merola Merola Merolla Merollo Merrill Merring Merritt Merritt Mertens Mervine Mervine Mervine Mervine Merwarth Merwin Messenlehner Messerschmidt Messick Messick Messinger Messinger Messinger Messinger Messinger Messinger Katherine Laura May Charles, Lt. Charles, Mrs. Mary Michael Earl W. Henry Nellie A. Annie Lou James DeWitt James DeWitt John V. Stanley David Robert David Robert Stella Jocobey Anna Lawrence Karl Maude Maude Florence T. Florence T. Charles M. Eva Eva Carmin A. Carmin A. Mary Mary Addison H. Florence E. Emmett J. Lelia R. Hubbard Chester A. Annetta Annetta Clymene Clymene Lillian Mae V. Blanche Alex J. Clair M. William William Anna Carl Herbert Earl C. H. Earl C. H. Keith R. Martha Jane 3/10/1969 12/12/1969 1/14/1969 3/10/1969 6/2/1969 9/8/1969 12/10/1969 1/6/1969 8/22/1969 6/28/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 5/2/1969 8/14/1969 5/7/1969 5/12/1969 8/21/1969 7/10/1969 2/18/1969 10/28/1969 10/29/1969 1/20/1969 1/23/1969 2/26/1969 3/8/1969 3/10/1969 5/27/1969 5/31/1969 2/5/1969 2/3/1969 10/24/1969 12/11/1969 7/30/1969 12/11/1969 4/4/1969 7/5/1969 7/7/1969 7/5/1969 7/7/1969 12/15/1969 10/7/1969 9/2/1969 9/19/1969 1/17/1969 1/20/1969 7/1/1969 10/18/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 7/5/1969 12/18/1969 p.38 p.26 p.16 p.38 p.24 p.36 p.40 p.30 p.10 p.25 p.35 p.16 p.14 p.41 p.14 p.32 p.45 p.48 p.22 p.28 p.4 p.24 p.30 p.18 p.24 p.38 p.18 p.24 p.26 p.12 p.26 p.44 p.33 p.44 p.24 p.12 p.28 p.12 p.28 p.28 p.26 p.22 p.4 p.24 p.24 p.14 p.22 p.24 p.22 p.1 p.52 Messler Meszaros Meszaros Meszaros Metler Metler Mettler Metz Metz Metz Metz Metz Metzgar Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Meyer Meyer Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Michael Michael Michael Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michalerya Michell Mickel Mickel Miers Miers Miers Miers Miholics Miholics Miklas Miklas Mileski Mileski Mileti Milford Milford Milheim Milkovitch Harry V. Kalman Stephen Stephen Amalia Amalia George Dewey, Sr. Carl, Sr. "Una" Carl, Sr. "Una" Catherine George W. George W. Carrie Edward F. Frederick J. Frederick J. Frederick J. Jeremiah H. Adelaide Johanna Helen Person Helen Person John H. Michael Edward Samuel W. Frederick A. Lela Mae Thomas E. Edith S. Edith S. Stanley R. Stanley R. Peter William Arthur Joseph R., Sr. Joseph R., Sr. Harold C. Harold C. Harold C. Mae Steve Steve James A. James A. Francis Francis Margaret Georgia E. Georgia E. Betty M. Frank J. 8/22/1969 7/23/1969 4/16/1969 4/17/1969 4/3/1969 4/5/1969 9/17/1969 5/6/1969 5/9/1969 9/16/1969 4/2/1969 4/5/1969 9/13/1969 1/6/1969 1/28/1969 1/29/1969 1/30/1969 9/23/1969 9/15/1969 2/10/1969 6/17/1969 6/19/1969 11/24/1969 5/20/1969 11/22/1969 9/25/1969 10/30/1969 2/24/1969 10/27/1969 10/28/1969 3/14/1969 3/17/1969 11/18/1969 6/16/1969 10/15/1969 10/16/1969 4/8/1969 4/9/1969 4/11/1969 1/2/1969 2/27/1969 3/1/1969 4/26/1969 4/29/1969 10/20/1969 10/21/1969 6/25/1969 1/25/1969 1/28/1969 1/14/1969 6/28/1969 p.10 p.14 p.18 p.38 p.28 p.22 p.18 p.14 p.4 p.24 p.4 p.22 p.20 p.30 p.4 p.4 p.40 p.14 p.25 p.26 p.15 p.30 p.4 p.4 p.26 p.19 p.30 p.16 p.20 p.28 p.10 p.14 p.14 p.32 p.10 p.40 p.16 p.32 p.24 p.32 p.37 p.2 p.1 p.22 p.24 p.20 p.32 p.24 p.4 p.16 p.25 Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Alice Anna L. Anna Lesher Anna Shawde Anna Shawde C. Earl, Dr. Charles G. Charles G. Chester R. Clara M. Clara M. Clayton T. Connie Sue Daniel John, Sr. Donald G. Edna F. Elizabeth M. Knipping Ella E. Elsie C. Frank B. Fred Fred Frederick K. Frederick K. George George N. Harvey Hilda L. Hilda L. Irene John D. Laura J. Leonard O. Leonard O. Louise Mabel M. Margaret Margie Minnie Ida Minnie M. Minnie M. Monroe "Victor" Monroe "Victor" Oliver Orville B. Philip C., Jr. Phillip James Robert J. Ruth B. Ruth B. Stella 12/29/1969 6/28/1969 12/13/1969 4/9/1969 4/11/1969 12/11/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 10/30/1969 1/23/1969 1/25/1969 9/16/1969 3/4/1969 10/30/1969 4/2/1969 10/28/1969 8/15/1969 8/15/1969 2/22/1969 11/17/1969 4/28/1969 4/29/1969 6/2/1969 6/4/1969 4/7/1969 12/29/1969 9/10/1969 4/7/1969 4/10/1969 1/2/1969 8/5/1969 2/20/1969 2/15/1969 2/17/1969 3/1/1969 8/6/1969 11/10/1969 3/31/1969 11/22/1969 3/14/1969 3/18/1969 4/7/1969 4/9/1969 6/24/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 4/22/1969 9/17/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 1/4/1969 p.36 p.25 p.28 p.32 p.24 p.44 p.28 p.12 p.30 p.30 p.24 p.24 p.24 p.30 p.4 p.28 p.22 p.22 p.26 p.26 p.35 p.22 p.24 p.36 p.28 p.36 p.4 p.28 p.18 p.32 p.19 p.41 p.24 p.12 p.21 p.16 p.28 p.28 p.26 p.10 p.4 p.28 p.32 p.26 p.16 p.37 p.22 p.18 p.16 p.37 p.23 Miller Miller Miller Millheim Millheim Millheim Milligan Milligan Mills Mills Mills Mills Miltenberger Mincieli Mingst Mininger Minnich Miskowski Miskowski Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mock Moffat Mohr Mohr Molnar Molnar Molnar Molnar Moloney Monahan Monahan Monninghoff Montesi Montesi Montoro Mooney Mooney Mooney Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Morber Morey Morey Thomas T. Thomas W. William Edmund S. Pearl F. Fehr Pearl F. Fehr Robert Verna H. Dorothy G. Robert F. Robert William Robert William Flora R. Vito Herman F. Althea E. Lucy June P. June P. Charles M. Gilbert Stewart Mary L. Lonick Mary L. Lonick Robert M. Doris F. Ted R. Catherine Marie R. Julius G., Sgt. Julius G., Sgt. Louis, Sr. Louis, Sr. James Johanna B. Johanna B. Lawrence H. II Maria Maria Elizabeth R. Asa N. Asa N. Lilias B. Erma Hoffman Henry H. Irene B. Irene B. Mae C. Ralph A. "Piff" Fred T. Albert E. Albert E. 11/3/1969 9/13/1969 1/4/1969 12/21/1969 4/23/1969 4/26/1969 9/20/1969 7/2/1969 10/31/1969 8/11/1969 1/11/1969 1/14/1969 4/26/1969 9/29/1969 8/23/1969 2/26/1969 3/8/1969 10/4/1969 10/6/1969 9/5/1969 1/13/1969 7/14/1969 7/21/1969 7/15/1969 10/7/1969 2/15/1969 1/20/1969 4/18/1969 6/18/1969 6/19/1969 2/25/1969 2/27/1969 3/3/1969 2/5/1969 2/8/1969 1/3/1969 3/13/1969 3/15/1969 9/15/1969 2/8/1969 2/11/1969 2/10/1969 3/22/1969 9/10/1969 5/31/1969 6/4/1969 11/10/1969 6/20/1969 8/18/1969 3/15/1969 3/18/1969 p.38 p.20 p.23 p.30 p.18 p.20 p.12 p.31 p.30 p.16 p.1 p.16 p.20 p.16 p.24 p.30 p.24 p.20 p.30 p.22 p.16 p.26 p.28 p.4 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.22 p.14 p.30 p.16 p.37 p.12 p.26 p.24 p.4 p.16 p.20 p.25 p.24 p.24 p.26 p.28 p.4 p.24 p.36 p.28 p.24 p.20 p.20 p.4 Morgan Morgans Morgenstern Morone Moroukian Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow Moschini Moschini Moser Moser Moser Moser Moser Mosier Mosier Moss Motley Motts Motz Mowery Moyer Moyer Moysey Mraz Mugavero Muller Mulligan Mullin Mullin Mumbauer Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Mury Muschock Muschock Musselman Musser Mutchler Mutchler Mutchler Katherine B. Dorothy W. Emily B. Angelina L. H. John F. Laura A. Laura A. Linnet Walter J. William Ruth M. Ruth M. Stanley A. William James, Sr. Maria Maria Albert J. Clyde E. Clyde E. Oliver P. Oliver P. Clarence V. Clarence V. Frances Michael John A. Catherine Amy M. Maria Kearns Willard H. Elwood G. Mary S. Samuel Albert Bessie Isabelle G. Isabelle G. Lillian C. Mary A. Mary A. Roy S. Mary Jane John B. Henry J. Henry J. Herbert J. Marcia Eugene C., Sr. Harry F. Lottie May 12/3/1969 1/11/1969 9/24/1969 12/15/1969 10/20/1969 10/6/1969 5/10/1969 5/12/1969 12/31/1969 10/31/1969 9/15/1969 8/1/1969 8/2/1969 9/29/1969 9/20/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 11/17/1969 3/6/1969 3/10/1969 6/24/1969 6/25/1969 2/25/1969 2/26/1969 7/15/1969 6/28/1969 4/26/1969 9/17/1969 8/6/1969 3/6/1969 11/7/1969 9/19/1969 3/17/1969 11/15/1969 4/29/1969 6/28/1969 1/3/1969 1/6/1969 12/21/1969 5/6/1969 5/9/1969 9/10/1969 9/10/1969 12/5/1969 2/10/1969 2/13/1969 8/2/1969 9/2/1969 6/28/1969 2/8/1969 6/30/1969 p.37 p.26 p.37 p.28 p.24 p.30 p.38 p.32 p.22 p.30 p.25 p.19 p.25 p.16 p.12 p.35 p.16 p.26 p.32 p.38 p.26 p.32 p.16 p.30 p.4 p.25 p.20 p.18 p.16 p.32 p.29 p.4 p.14 p.26 p.22 p.25 p.4 p.30 p.30 p.14 p.4 p.4 p.4 p.28 p.26 p.38 p.25 p.18 p.25 p.24 p.18 Mutton Mutton Myer Myer Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Naab Nabasko Nabasko Nadeau Nadon Nagle Nagle Nagle Nagle Nagy Nagy Nagy Nagy Nalven Nalven Nardell Nardell Nardo Nase Nass Nass Nealis Neamand Neary Neely Neiberger Neiditch Neigh Neigh Neiswender Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nemchick Nemeth Nester George H. George H. Olivia L. Olivia L. Celestia Celestia Connie Edith May Harry Howard C. Martha Martha Richard William J. Joseph W. Joseph W. Arthur Leo Martha Jane Edelman Martha Jane Edelman Martha Jane Edelman Walter M. Alex J. Joseph S., Sr. Michael J. Sophie Herman J. Herman J. Benjamin John, Sr. Louis Harry C., Sr. Martha B. Martha B. Paula D. Alma C. Anna D. Sara A. Joseph Julius Raymond J. Raymond J. Lear C. Donald Ivor J. Ole Ole Samuel G. William Brenda Sue Elmer C. 5/26/1969 5/29/1969 6/5/1969 6/9/1969 3/31/1969 4/2/1969 12/22/1969 11/20/1969 11/22/1969 8/21/1969 1/28/1969 1/30/1969 12/24/1969 2/17/1969 12/17/1969 12/18/1969 2/22/1969 9/20/1969 2/14/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 6/16/1969 2/22/1969 7/25/1969 7/29/1969 10/13/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 4/14/1969 12/29/1969 12/21/1969 5/2/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 4/22/1969 7/19/1969 4/3/1969 7/26/1969 1/28/1969 3/24/1969 1/28/1969 1/31/1969 4/30/1969 7/29/1969 11/18/1969 7/31/1969 8/1/1969 8/18/1969 9/11/1969 7/17/1969 2/15/1969 p.20 p.30 p.2 p.40 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.38 p.26 p.45 p.4 p.40 p.28 p.12 p.21 p.52 p.26 p.12 p.2 p.24 p.22 p.32 p.26 p.21 p.26 p.28 p.12 p.26 p.20 p.36 p.30 p.14 p.24 p.22 p.22 p.25 p.28 p.25 p.4 p.33 p.4 p.22 p.16 p.26 p.14 p.45 p.19 p.20 p.32 p.39 p.24 Neumann Neumeister Neumeister Nevin Neway Neway Newhard Newhard Newhard Newhardt Newhart Newhart Newhart Newman Newman Neyhart Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Nicholls Nicholls Nicholls Nickel Niechniedowicz Niechniedowicz Niering Niering Niess Nilsen Niper Nixon Noble Noble Nock Noe Nolan Nolan Nolder Nolf Nolf Nolf Nolf Norton Nothstein Novak Nunn Nyce Nykanen Nyoger Paul A. Philip Philip Caroline Minnie S. Florence C. Florence C. Howard W. Newton N. Newton N. Bertha B. Carl J., Dr. Grace Ruth M. Loretta Stanley C. Louise M. Evelyn Georgiana Evelyn Georgiana Henry "Nick" Lucy Kindig W. Orville Lizzie L. Lizzie L. Lizzie L. Gilbert Theresa M. Theresa M. Alvin F. Laura C. Eugene U., Sr. Reletia Edward E. Mary Nora Nora Samuel A., Dr. Donald C. Ida T. Thomas F., Sr. Infant Daughter Hilera R. Hilera R. Lillie Ann William R. Anna C. Cleatus W. John Gertrude M. Anna A. Carl Charles 3/13/1969 1/31/1969 2/1/1969 1/18/1969 1/31/1969 2/3/1969 7/5/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 1/13/1969 10/11/1969 5/8/1969 12/3/1969 2/4/1969 2/20/1969 11/5/1969 6/2/1969 6/4/1969 10/6/1969 7/30/1969 1/2/1969 1/24/1969 1/25/1969 1/27/1969 7/24/1969 1/22/1969 1/25/1969 1/29/1969 1/11/1969 10/6/1969 10/3/1969 3/31/1969 10/20/1969 1/6/1969 1/8/1969 1/15/1969 10/4/1969 3/22/1969 6/23/1969 5/31/1969 1/10/1969 1/11/1969 11/26/1969 6/19/1969 9/13/1969 2/27/1969 5/19/1969 9/1/1969 4/8/1969 5/5/1969 9/3/1969 p.16 p.22 p.24 p.24 p.22 p.12 p.1 p.12 p.26 p.16 p.20 p.47 p.37 p.14 p.41 p.4 p.24 p.36 p.30 p.33 p.32 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.40 p.14 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.30 p.4 p.28 p.24 p.30 p.12 p.24 p.20 p.28 p.12 p.24 p.10 p.26 p.38 p.30 p.20 p.37 p.28 p.25 p.16 p.30 p.30 Oakes Oakes Oakes Oakes Oakes Oakley Oberman O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien Obzanski Oceanak O'Connell O'Connor Oddi O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Dor O'Dor Odzer Ogden O'Gorman Ogrodnik Oliver Oliver Oliver Olivetti Olliff Olmstead Olmstead Olson Olson Onderdonk Oney Opanowich Opdyke Oravec Orban Ordinsky Orlandi Oros Oros Ort Ort Ort Orthaus Orts Osborn Osborne Osburn Osmun George S. George S. Mildred L. Mildred L. Nellie M. Minnie Loveless Adam L. Glendower John J., Sr. Mary Peter Agatha Marjorie Furry Francis "Bill" Peter Georgia May Hall Nellie Teresa Gaye Dalrymple Gaye Dalrymple Edward Ethel M. Gladys Norris Vilma Bellis Esther Horowitz-Schmidt Jennie Jennie Letizia "Elizabeth" Joseph B., Jr. Ozell Ozell Andrew G. Andrew G. Mary Florence Tildon Alex S. Chester Stephen A. Frank, Sr. Mary B. John, Sr. Lester Lester George Stanley George Stanley Minnie A. Guenther L. Aliza Stanley Lloyd T. Charles George 8/20/1969 8/21/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 11/3/1969 9/24/1969 4/29/1969 11/12/1969 1/6/1969 1/28/1969 12/4/1969 9/2/1969 10/22/1969 3/6/1969 4/22/1969 10/9/1969 2/4/1969 2/20/1969 2/24/1969 5/8/1969 7/16/1969 9/13/1969 7/29/1969 8/25/1969 1/6/1969 1/10/1969 11/19/1969 1/10/1969 6/18/1969 6/20/1969 4/3/1969 4/7/1969 6/26/1969 1/8/1969 5/16/1969 7/29/1969 6/26/1969 4/23/1969 12/21/1969 6/19/1969 5/2/1969 5/3/1969 2/28/1969 3/3/1969 3/8/1969 10/27/1969 9/11/1969 7/5/1969 4/29/1969 3/31/1969 6/30/1969 p.16 p.45 p.16 p.37 p.38 p.37 p.22 p.10 p.30 p.4 p.42 p.18 p.14 p.32 p.22 p.50 p.2 p.41 p.16 p.47 p.4 p.20 p.26 p.25 p.30 p.10 p.16 p.10 p.14 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.44 p.12 p.30 p.26 p.44 p.18 p.30 p.30 p.14 p.12 p.10 p.12 p.24 p.20 p.32 p.12 p.22 p.28 p.1 Osmun Osmun Osterstock Ostrander Oswald Ott Ott Ott Ott Otten Otten Otterson Otto Overfield Overfield Overgard Overstreet Owens Owens Oxford Oyer Oyer Pacchioli Pacovich Pacovich Pactwa Pailas Painter Painter Palleri Pallone Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Pammer Pandy Panick Panko Panny Papics Park Park Park Parks Parks Parr Parry Parry Parry Harriet V. Minnie Clara S. Amos M. Adelaide Albert H. Effie L. Diefenderfer John O. John O. John H. Mary B. Olive Marlin G. Ellen Ellen Carson F. Dorothy Cole Charles Ray A. Laura M. Mary C. Mary C. Nicola Pauline Pauline Victoria Dzewicka George C. Rhumy L. Rhumy L. Nazareno Infant Daughter Albert B., Sr. Albert B., Sr. Beatrice Kistler Harriet C. John J. Anna John Marion E. Sophie John Michael S. Dellaphine Harvey L. Harvey L. Howard E. Howard E. Everitt J. Betty Brinton Betty Brinton Maybelle 12/1/1969 10/28/1969 9/27/1969 8/12/1969 11/5/1969 4/22/1969 4/18/1969 10/8/1969 10/9/1969 1/6/1969 1/10/1969 3/13/1969 1/17/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 2/21/1969 1/21/1969 12/11/1969 1/2/1969 7/7/1969 3/25/1969 3/28/1969 10/13/1969 4/24/1969 4/28/1969 10/3/1969 10/13/1969 5/22/1969 5/24/1969 12/21/1969 10/11/1969 1/13/1969 1/17/1969 9/27/1969 10/21/1969 3/27/1969 12/2/1969 12/20/1969 5/31/1969 11/18/1969 3/24/1969 11/5/1969 2/19/1969 1/17/1969 1/22/1969 5/1/1969 5/3/1969 4/5/1969 1/10/1969 1/14/1969 11/17/1969 p.28 p.28 p.20 p.16 p.4 p.22 p.22 p.18 p.50 p.30 p.10 p.16 p.24 p.28 p.26 p.30 p.1 p.44 p.32 p.28 p.12 p.26 p.28 p.34 p.35 p.4 p.28 p.48 p.16 p.30 p.20 p.16 p.24 p.20 p.20 p.30 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.14 p.33 p.4 p.16 p.24 p.14 p.42 p.12 p.22 p.10 p.16 p.26 Parsell Parsons Parsons Parsons Passante Pastor Pastor Pathe Patiri Patten Patterson Patton Paukovitz Paulik Paullein Paullein Paullin Paullin Paulson Pavuk Paxson Paxson Payne Paynter Pecha Pechenko Pecsi Pedersen Peeney Peet Peet Peffer Peiffer Pellegrino Pelonero Pelonero Peltes Pennisi Pensyl Penunzi Penunzi Pepper Pergosky Pergosky Perrine Perrucci Perry Perry Perry Perry Peters James J. Clarence "Chauncy" Ellen F. Ellen F. Robert M. Helen Helen Otto Mary Heater Florence Elizabeth Warren G. Virginia E. Leo, Rev. Anthony Myrtle E. Myrtle E. Frank E. Frank E. Otto E. Mary Emma M. Emma M. Madge Robert M. Emerick J., Sr. Charles Frank Olaf J. Walter S. Roy W. Roy W. Mary Walter Lucy A. Cologero Cologero Helen D. Larriatta Albert L. Louis Louis Mary Emil J. Emil J. Elizabeth Arthur Frank Frank Mildred L. Mildred L. Arlington P. 4/8/1969 10/22/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 10/15/1969 6/2/1969 6/3/1969 8/27/1969 10/6/1969 11/3/1969 11/19/1969 2/17/1969 5/29/1969 7/24/1969 6/9/1969 6/12/1969 6/3/1969 6/6/1969 3/31/1969 11/15/1969 5/6/1969 5/8/1969 6/3/1969 7/3/1969 8/23/1969 10/1/1969 11/14/1969 12/10/1969 2/10/1969 2/24/1969 2/25/1969 1/20/1969 7/8/1969 3/10/1969 3/27/1969 3/31/1969 2/24/1969 4/14/1969 4/21/1969 2/6/1969 2/10/1969 9/10/1969 5/16/1969 5/17/1969 2/17/1969 9/27/1969 1/18/1969 1/20/1969 6/17/1969 6/19/1969 9/15/1969 p.16 p.14 p.35 p.16 p.10 p.24 p.23 p.10 p.30 p.38 p.16 p.12 p.30 p.40 p.40 p.32 p.23 p.4 p.28 p.26 p.14 p.47 p.23 p.24 p.24 p.37 p.31 p.40 p.26 p.1 p.16 p.24 p.22 p.38 p.30 p.28 p.16 p.20 p.26 p.28 p.26 p.4 p.30 p.26 p.12 p.20 p.24 p.24 p.15 p.30 p.25 Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Petersen Peterson Peterson Peterson Petho Petraitis Petrie Petrolla Petrolla Petrucci Petrucci Pettit Petty Petty Petty Petty Pfaff Pfaff Pfeffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeifle Pfeifle Phelps Philhower Philhower Philhower Phillips Phillips Phipps Phipps Pichel Pickel Pickelis Pickwoad Pierson Piffenhart Pigeon Pile Pinkerton Pinkerton Pinto Pinto Bernard R. Calvin J. L. Jacob R. Laura M. Laura M. Mildred I. Mildred I. Rodger R. Anna Alice Alice Alpha A. Julia Battanyi Joseph Charles R. Joseph Joseph Catherina Catherina Nettie Everitt Henrietta Maurice Wilmont Wilmont Anna D. Anna D. Wayne M. Vincent Vincent Robert E., Jr. William J. Infant Daughter George Louie S. Meritta Apgar Chester M. Lawrence Ruby Russell S. Benny S. Earl D. H. Valeria Walter C. Joseph S. Martin Keith Patrick Sydney T., Sr. Mary C. Mary C. Philip Philip 11/3/1969 11/15/1969 7/5/1969 5/5/1969 5/8/1969 4/15/1969 4/17/1969 1/17/1969 7/7/1969 5/6/1969 5/7/1969 8/4/1969 9/6/1969 11/28/1969 11/11/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 4/29/1969 5/1/1969 12/5/1969 8/7/1969 1/2/1969 5/22/1969 5/26/1969 5/31/1969 6/2/1969 1/21/1969 4/26/1969 4/29/1969 6/18/1969 5/7/1969 7/30/1969 6/14/1969 12/29/1969 3/7/1969 4/11/1969 6/23/1969 5/3/1969 5/3/1969 1/22/1969 9/19/1969 10/9/1969 3/17/1969 12/22/1969 8/27/1969 3/18/1969 9/12/1969 5/16/1969 5/19/1969 5/1/1969 5/5/1969 p.38 p.26 p.12 p.30 p.47 p.16 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.14 p.14 p.26 p.26 p.16 p.22 p.28 p.12 p.22 p.30 p.28 p.41 p.32 p.48 p.20 p.24 p.24 p.26 p.20 p.22 p.14 p.14 p.33 p.24 p.36 p.28 p.24 p.2 p.1 p.1 p.14 p.1 p.50 p.14 p.12 p.10 p.4 p.16 p.30 p.28 p.42 p.30 Pipher Pipher Pitt Place Place Plaitano Pleiss Pleiss Plonnigs Plotts Poandl Pochodylo Pochodylo Pocza Poggi Pohlmann Pokrifscak Polack Polczer Polzer Ponisciak Ponton Ponton Possinger Possinger Possinger Postengi Postenyi Potenti Potruch Potts Poulin Poulin Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powers Powers Powers Prang Predmore Prendergast Pressman Pressman Preston Preston Price Price Price Julia M. Julia M. Joseph Olga Vera Domenick Ruth Osmun Ruth Osmun Lena S. Walter Vincent L., Jr. Mary Mary John Janos John Elsie Belle Kelly Michael John Teresa Szenftner John G. Stephen C., Rev. Harriet F. Harriet F. Herbert L., Jr. Herbert L., Jr. Herbert L., Jr. Gabor Gabor John, Jr. Lt. Cmdr. Maxwell A. Elsie Leon Leon Daniel B., Rev. Harry Harry Lilly M. Nora Lee Laura Laura Mary V. Mathew George E. Leo F. David Sarah Russell Russell Carrie M. L., Rev. Carrie M. L., Rev. Cora B. 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 5/31/1969 10/2/1969 3/5/1969 10/10/1969 2/12/1969 2/14/1969 11/15/1969 6/26/1969 6/14/1969 5/22/1969 5/24/1969 7/30/1969 11/17/1969 1/23/1969 12/22/1969 2/12/1969 5/31/1969 8/11/1969 2/15/1969 2/24/1969 2/26/1969 6/4/1969 6/5/1969 8/30/1969 2/19/1969 2/24/1969 4/9/1969 7/29/1969 7/22/1969 2/19/1969 2/21/1969 5/15/1969 4/5/1969 4/9/1969 6/30/1969 11/3/1969 1/21/1969 1/25/1969 3/11/1969 8/2/1969 12/15/1969 10/1/1969 11/29/1969 11/29/1969 3/28/1969 3/31/1969 5/21/1969 5/26/1969 5/19/1969 p.20 p.14 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.27 p.32 p.28 p.26 p.44 p.24 p.48 p.16 p.33 p.26 p.30 p.12 p.32 p.24 p.16 p.24 p.16 p.30 p.36 p.45 p.24 p.16 p.16 p.32 p.26 p.27 p.16 p.30 p.20 p.1 p.32 p.18 p.38 p.26 p.24 p.28 p.1 p.28 p.1 p.1 p.1 p.26 p.28 p.16 p.20 p.28 Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Primavera Prime Prime Prince Pritchard Prizer Pruznick Pugliese Pugliese Pugliese Pulieri Punko Punko Purcell Purcell Purdy Purdy Purdy Purdy Purdy Purdy Purdy Pursell Pursell Pursell Pyatt Pypniowski Pypniowski Pysher Pysher Pysher Quarles Quay Quear Quear Quier Quig Quillin Raab Rabuano Race Race Elwood J. Elwood J. Jennie Jennie Karl R. Robert W. Stephen Stephen Wilbur Alphonso Roland Reeves, Sr. Roland Reeves, Sr. Hilary "Corky" John G. Frank John Anna Marie Anna Marie Anna Marie Frank Pearl Pearl Charles T. Charles T. Eliza R. Eliza R. Mamie Nellie Nellie Walter S. Walter S. Harvey Howard L. Mark W. Sara B. Larry, Pfc Larry, Pfc. James R., Sr. James R., Sr. Mary Alice Tessie L. J. Wallace John V. John V. Mertie May Fred P. Paul D. Clara L. Hilda Arthur Edna K. 4/30/1969 5/1/1969 1/7/1969 1/10/1969 6/17/1969 12/12/1969 2/11/1969 2/13/1969 6/30/1969 8/14/1969 2/13/1969 2/15/1969 1/6/1969 2/28/1969 12/27/1969 5/26/1969 1/15/1969 1/16/1969 1/17/1969 12/24/1969 6/6/1969 6/9/1969 2/28/1969 3/1/1969 3/3/1969 3/5/1969 12/19/1969 2/21/1969 2/22/1969 5/17/1969 5/21/1969 10/28/1969 10/18/1969 8/6/1969 1/7/1969 9/27/1969 9/20/1969 11/3/1969 11/4/1969 12/26/1969 3/10/1969 4/4/1969 4/25/1969 4/28/1969 12/8/1969 8/9/1969 7/14/1969 6/30/1969 2/17/1969 7/11/1969 7/26/1969 p.16 p.30 p.4 p.10 p.15 p.26 p.1 p.12 p.18 p.41 p.38 p.24 p.12 p.10 p.21 p.20 p.24 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.4 p.40 p.10 p.21 p.12 p.16 p.30 p.30 p.26 p.26 p.16 p.28 p.22 p.16 p.4 p.20 p.1 p.38 p.18 p.4 p.38 p.24 p.14 p.35 p.28 p.24 p.26 p.18 p.12 p.2 p.25 Radcliffe Radcliffe Rader Rader Rahmann Rahmann Raimond Raisner Rameckers Rameckers Ramsey Ramsey Ramunni Ramunni Randels Randels Randony Rankin Rankin Rapp Rapp Rappa Raroha Raub Raub Raudenbush Raunec Rayeur Raymond Raymond Rayna Rayna Read Read Read Read Reading Reaser Recker Redfern Reduzzi Reduzzi Reed Reed Reed Reed Reese Reeser Reeser Regina Rehrig Henry R. Henry R. Edgar, Sr. Edgar, Sr. Henry Henry John Melvin D., Sr. Mary Agnes Mary Agnes Anna A. Elizabeth Antonetta Antonetta Elizabeth S. Elizabeth S. Lawrence F. Walter A., Sr. Walter A., Sr. Stanley E. Stanley E. Giovannina Irma M., Rev. Charles Joseph K. Mabel Mary G. James Julia Julia Joseph Joseph Martin H. Samuel J. Walter, Sr. Walter, sr. Adelaide S. Sadie R. Frank S. Sarah J. John Anthony John Anthony Elmer S. Helen L. Maurice J. William Harold Edan "Peggy" Elbert R. Floyd T. Francesco P. Ellen S. 2/17/1969 2/22/1969 1/8/1969 1/11/1969 2/18/1969 2/19/1969 3/6/1969 10/25/1969 4/2/1969 4/7/1969 2/10/1969 9/18/1969 3/26/1969 3/28/1969 4/1/1969 4/3/1969 10/24/1969 2/4/1969 2/6/1969 2/1/1969 2/6/1969 8/21/1969 10/11/1969 2/22/1969 11/3/1969 4/3/1969 8/25/1969 6/4/1969 6/4/1969 6/7/1969 4/30/1969 5/2/1969 10/20/1969 7/7/1969 3/27/1969 3/31/1969 10/11/1969 1/16/1969 5/19/1969 8/20/1969 1/9/1969 1/13/1969 9/18/1969 8/1/1969 1/23/1969 4/17/1969 12/29/1969 9/15/1969 10/21/1969 12/21/1969 5/14/1969 p.12 p.26 p.1 p.26 p.22 p.16 p.32 p.28 p.4 p.28 p.26 p.16 p.10 p.26 p.12 p.28 p.26 p.14 p.28 p.24 p.28 p.45 p.20 p.26 p.38 p.28 p.25 p.36 p.36 p.22 p.16 p.14 p.24 p.28 p.30 p.28 p.20 p.38 p.28 p.16 p.28 p.16 p.16 p.19 p.30 p.38 p.36 p.25 p.20 p.30 p.14 Rehrig Reich Reichard Reid Reifsnider Reiman Reimer Reimer Reimer Reimert Reimert Reinbold Reinbold Reinhard Reinhardt Reinhardt Reinhart Reinheimer Reinholdt Reinholdt Reitter Remaly Rempler Rempler Renaldi Renfro Renner Renner Renner Reno Rentas Repasch Repash Repiela Repp Repsher Reseterics Resh Resh Rex Rex Rey Reynolds Rhine Rhine Rhoads Ribaudo Ribaudo Ricco Rice Rice Martha Ida A. Kenneth T. Jean R. Harold D. Delbert Carrie B. Leon G. Leon G. George W. William D. Frank J. Frank J. Evelyn V. Ziegler William G. "Red" William G. "Red" Nellie N. Gladys F. Esther C. Moon Esther C. Moon Nicholas Edna F. Albina Katherine Albina Katherine Frank P., Jr. Joyce E. Faris Helen M. John John May G. Noel M. Joseph Stephen Charles M. John Ada O. Elizabeth S. Joseph F., Rev. Helen R. Isaiah Richard Richard John P. William A., Sr. Mabel I. Roy D., Jr. Roy G. Rose Rose A. Maria Bessie M. Bessie M. 3/18/1969 2/25/1969 1/7/1969 11/21/1969 10/7/1969 6/14/1969 10/14/1969 2/10/1969 2/13/1969 4/17/1969 10/2/1969 3/10/1969 3/13/1969 3/28/1969 6/3/1969 6/6/1969 12/22/1969 8/7/1969 6/14/1969 6/16/1969 6/10/1969 5/21/1969 1/31/1969 2/1/1969 10/30/1969 9/4/1969 12/26/1969 5/30/1969 5/31/1969 4/7/1969 10/17/1969 7/18/1969 10/6/1969 9/16/1969 9/2/1969 10/11/1969 7/28/1969 9/6/1969 12/15/1969 4/28/1969 5/1/1969 3/10/1969 1/14/1969 8/25/1969 10/15/1969 12/18/1969 2/12/1969 2/10/1969 9/15/1969 4/19/1969 4/21/1969 p.4 p.16 p.4 p.12 p.26 p.24 p.26 p.26 p.38 p.38 p.28 p.38 p.16 p.26 p.23 p.4 p.12 p.41 p.24 p.32 p.24 p.16 p.22 p.24 p.30 p.30 p.4 p.30 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.30 p.24 p.18 p.20 p.28 p.26 p.28 p.35 p.30 p.38 p.16 p.25 p.10 p.52 p.32 p.26 p.25 p.24 p.26 Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Richardson Richebacher Richebacker Richmond Rick Rickenbach Ricker Ricker Ricker Ricker Ricker Ricker Ricketts Ricketts Riedinger Riedinger Riehl Riehl Riehl Rielly Riess Riess Riker Riley Rinaldi Rinehart Rinehart Riondet Risko Risler Rissmiller Rissmiller Rissmiller Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritzer Robbins Robbins Roberti Roberts Emily James H. Mary S. Paul Albert Paul Albert Donald D. Robert M., Sr. John C. John C. Ralph P. Carrie E. Carrie E. Esther Serfass Edward M. Theodore L. Frank C. Frank C. Frank H., Sr. John F., Sr. Paul A. Paul A. Janet B. Janet B. Frederick F. Frederick F. Frank B. George D. George D. William B. Aurelia N. Aurelia N. George A. Thomas P. Leonard William E., Sr. William E., Sr. Eugene C. John I. Catherine Carrie Gold Ronald F. Ronald F. Lizzie M. Lizzie M. Naomi B. "Tot" Raymond L. Mamie K. Edward H., Jr. Floyd Emilio Barbara Jean LeBar 1/13/1969 4/7/1969 12/26/1969 5/5/1969 5/10/1969 8/7/1969 2/21/1969 2/5/1969 2/7/1969 8/7/1969 2/28/1969 2/26/1969 9/13/1969 12/22/1969 7/31/1969 4/28/1969 5/1/1969 12/8/1969 10/29/1969 4/15/1969 4/18/1969 5/29/1969 5/31/1969 3/3/1969 3/4/1969 12/29/1969 4/17/1969 4/19/1969 3/15/1969 4/19/1969 4/22/1969 3/8/1969 7/30/1969 6/24/1969 1/17/1969 1/21/1969 11/3/1969 7/2/1969 9/3/1969 10/29/1969 9/29/1969 9/30/1969 3/10/1969 3/12/1969 1/21/1969 2/28/1969 11/8/1969 7/7/1969 11/20/1969 5/6/1969 6/10/1969 p.16 p.28 p.4 p.30 p.38 p.41 p.30 p.1 p.24 p.41 p.10 p.30 p.20 p.12 p.45 p.35 p.30 p.28 p.4 p.16 p.22 p.30 p.24 p.12 p.24 p.36 p.38 p.24 p.20 p.24 p.22 p.24 p.33 p.26 p.24 p.26 p.2 p.31 p.30 p.4 p.16 p.4 p.38 p.38 p.26 p.10 p.24 p.28 p.38 p.14 p.24 Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robinson Robinson Robinson Robles Rocco Roche Rode Rodenbaugh Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodney Rodney Rodney Roeber Roerig Roerty Roerty Roessel Rogers Rogers Rohmann Rohn Roll Rolla Romagnoli Romano Romano Romich Romich Romig Romig Ronca Ronca Roof Roof Rooks Rooney Rooney Rooney Roosevelt Bessie C. Hayward Catherine A. David O. "Dakey" Ethel Hoyt Ethel Hoyt Frank K. John B., Mrs. Kathryn Stanley A. Charles R., Sr. Charles R., Sr. Lorain Matthew A. Mario Reba C. John W. Herbert Genevieve Markley H. Fred H. Fred James B., Jr. James B., Jr. James B., Jr. John E. Louis Philip E. Philip E. Carl W., Dr. Benjamin Doris Jones Julius R. Ella M. Helen Louise Rose Deane Michelle Lucia V. Mamie S. Oswin G. Oswin G. Arthur A. Arthur A. Mariangela Mariangela Frances Frances George, Jr Arthur T. John J. Veronica K. Michael 5/9/1969 3/7/1969 9/9/1969 12/16/1969 1/4/1969 1/7/1969 1/6/1969 6/14/1969 9/12/1969 10/17/1969 3/7/1969 3/10/1969 10/22/1969 3/31/1969 8/11/1969 7/29/1969 1/13/1969 12/9/1969 4/21/1969 1/30/1969 2/1/1969 4/3/1969 4/4/1969 4/7/1969 3/10/1969 3/19/1969 2/28/1969 3/3/1969 7/23/1969 6/3/1969 11/20/1969 4/26/1969 12/21/1969 12/15/1969 10/4/1969 7/18/1969 11/14/1969 7/26/1969 2/24/1969 2/26/1969 6/4/1969 6/7/1969 1/25/1969 1/28/1969 6/16/1969 6/19/1969 12/8/1969 7/18/1969 8/12/1969 7/5/1969 2/22/1969 p.4 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.23 p.4 p.30 p.24 p.16 p.28 p.28 p.38 p.14 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.16 p.22 p.26 p.40 p.24 p.28 p.24 p.28 p.38 p.4 p.10 p.12 p.1 p.23 p.38 p.20 p.30 p.28 p.20 p.28 p.31 p.25 p.16 p.30 p.1 p.22 p.24 p.4 p.32 p.30 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.12 p.26 Rosati Rosati Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Roseman Rosenberg Ross Rossi Rossley Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Rothembeck Rotzell Rounsaville Rounsaville Rounsville Rowden Rowden Rowe Rowlands Rowlands Rowlands Royer Rozsa Rubin Ruch Ruch Ruch Rudd Rudlin Rufe Rufe Rufe Rufe Rugis Rumfield Rumsey Runbold Rundle Rundle Runyon Rupell Rupell Helen E. Sherman Luigi S. Bertha Carmella Charles George F. George F. Joseph Reuben Mabel F. Lawrence C. John J. Jennie M. Richard Richard A. Russell J. William C. William C. William H. Kimberly A. Quintus Henry, Sr. "Tim" David S. Gordon David F. Estelle R. Estelle R. Russell Mary William A., Jr. William A., Jr. Mabel R. Rebecca Henry Arthur G. Mary J. William G. Claude Frederick Della Workman Ella Bean Ella Bean Lillie M. Lillie M. Amelia Stanley James Pickett William S. Susie M. Susie M. Bessie May Harry H. Harry H. 7/31/1969 11/29/1969 11/14/1969 6/5/1969 12/3/1969 6/4/1969 6/7/1969 11/3/1969 3/27/1969 11/8/1969 10/21/1969 8/16/1969 12/15/1969 9/25/1969 7/22/1969 11/11/1969 2/5/1969 2/8/1969 3/4/1969 1/2/1969 1/6/1969 1/7/1969 12/11/1969 1/4/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 9/17/1969 10/8/1969 8/23/1969 8/25/1969 3/15/1969 1/6/1969 3/10/1969 5/12/1969 1/6/1969 2/3/1969 10/6/1969 10/9/1969 2/5/1969 2/6/1969 3/18/1969 3/20/1969 12/31/1969 1/2/1969 12/8/1969 6/26/1969 6/4/1969 6/7/1969 10/28/1969 4/8/1969 4/10/1969 p.45 p.28 p.31 p.45 p.37 p.36 p.22 p.38 p.30 p.24 p.20 p.25 p.28 p.39 p.27 p.22 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.32 p.30 p.4 p.44 p.23 p.24 p.22 p.18 p.18 p.1 p.25 p.20 p.30 p.1 p.32 p.30 p.12 p.30 p.50 p.26 p.28 p.4 p.34 p.22 p.32 p.28 p.44 p.36 p.22 p.28 p.16 p.18 Ruppert Ruppert Ruppert Rupple Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush Rusk Russek Russell Rustay Ruster Rusweiler Ruth Rutkowski Rutkowski Rutkowski Rutt Ryan Ryan Ryan Rymond Rymond Rynearson Sabatine Sabatine Sabatino Sabatino Sablich Sabo Sabo Saccani Sacks Sacks Saharic Saharic Sakal Salacka Salisbury Salmire Saltern Salzmann Sames Sampson Ellen M. Ellen M. Leo H. Everett C. Albert Albert Charles O., Sr. Edward O. Edward O. Kenneth P. Mildred M. Sadie R. Wilbur M. William R. Ruth M. Irene Ruchala Grace R. Helen D. Norman Albert H., Rev. Nellie Todd Heller Frank John J. John J. Rebecca Ann Bridget H. James J. Marie C. George F., Sr. George F., Sr. Mabel L. John W., Dr. John W., Dr. Concetta Concetta Nicholas Eva Eva Dotto G. Elsie C. Elsie C. Edward Edward Anna Rose Anna Gladys S. Josephine P. Harry R. Frank M. Emma George B. 5/19/1969 5/22/1969 8/6/1969 10/3/1969 4/19/1969 4/22/1969 11/26/1969 5/21/1969 5/24/1969 8/11/1969 10/14/1969 9/29/1969 5/29/1969 7/2/1969 11/7/1969 7/28/1969 5/12/1969 11/22/1969 2/3/1969 4/11/1969 2/14/1969 1/6/1969 9/29/1969 9/30/1969 3/24/1969 12/11/1969 2/24/1969 3/20/1969 5/7/1969 5/9/1969 6/18/1969 3/17/1969 3/20/1969 11/24/1969 11/25/1969 1/13/1969 6/2/1969 6/5/1969 1/13/1969 5/20/1969 5/22/1969 10/24/1969 10/25/1969 5/15/1969 6/30/1969 12/13/1969 1/2/1969 10/18/1969 4/25/1969 3/15/1969 11/12/1969 p.28 p.2 p.16 p.4 p.24 p.22 p.38 p.16 p.16 p.16 p.26 p.16 p.1 p.31 p.29 p.28 p.32 p.26 p.12 p.24 p.28 p.30 p.16 p.4 p.33 p.44 p.16 p.34 p.14 p.4 p.14 p.1 p.34 p.4 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.45 p.16 p.4 p.2 p.26 p.28 p.20 p.18 p.28 p.32 p.22 p.14 p.20 p.10 Samra Samra Sandercock Sandercock Sandercock Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanderson Sanderson Sanderson Sandt Sandt Sandt Sandt Sandt Sandt Sanford Sara Sarensen Sarson Sarson Sarson Sarson Sassaman Sassie Satterer Sattler Saums Saunders Saussien Sauter Savage Savarese Savarese Savarese Saville Savitz Sawran Sawran Saxe Saxton Saylor Sayre Scarito Scarpino Scarpino Schaeffer Schafer Mary Mary Alfred "Reds" Raymond "Nick" Raymond "Nick" Adelaide Adelaide Brian Lee Brian Lee Samuel David R. Erma Erma C. Albert George P. George P. Herman W. Lewis L. Walter D., Sr. Anne Joseph, Sr. Anna Frable Lillian M. Lillian M. Marvin L. Marvin L. Ethel V. Rosalie S. Kathryn Martha Mae B. William L. Cathryn E. Eagle Barbara H. Josephine Louise T. Louise T. Louise T. Harold J. Olive A. Richard A. Richard A. Mabel S. Delbert Ferris Florence May John H. Mary G. Anthony P., Sr. Anthony P., Sr. Henry W. John Charles 1/27/1969 1/28/1969 10/24/1969 3/12/1969 3/15/1969 12/9/1969 12/10/1969 12/9/1969 12/10/1969 7/28/1969 12/22/1969 3/1/1969 3/4/1969 7/10/1969 2/15/1969 2/17/1969 9/13/1969 8/26/1969 12/15/1969 8/11/1969 1/13/1969 11/6/1969 4/24/1969 4/26/1969 6/16/1969 6/17/1969 5/22/1969 8/29/1969 5/26/1969 3/5/1969 12/30/1969 10/9/1969 1/20/1969 10/16/1969 6/7/1969 2/21/1969 2/22/1969 2/24/1969 5/5/1969 6/23/1969 9/17/1969 9/25/1969 12/4/1969 6/7/1969 12/1/1969 5/26/1969 6/20/1969 6/11/1969 6/14/1969 11/10/1969 7/22/1969 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.38 p.20 p.1 p.40 p.1 p.40 p.28 p.1 p.21 p.24 p.1 p.24 p.12 p.20 p.4 p.28 p.16 p.16 p.46 p.34 p.20 p.32 p.15 p.48 p.26 p.20 p.16 p.17 p.50 p.24 p.40 p.22 p.30 p.26 p.16 p.30 p.12 p.1 p.19 p.42 p.22 p.28 p.20 p.24 p.2 p.24 p.28 p.1 Schaffer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffer Schaible Schall Schall Schall Schapley Schapley Schattschneider Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheetz Scheirer Scheirer Scheirer Schell Schepisi Schick Schiery Schill Schimpf Schlamb Schleifer Schlette Schlosberg Schmelz Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmitt Schmoyer Schneck Schnerr Schoenenberger Schoenly Schomp Schomp Schook David F. Eliza Eliza M. Eliza M. Paul Kenneth Emma L. Silvius Lizzie S. Paul, Sr. Infant Daughter Marion I. Douglas C., Rev. George George Grandon A. Grandon A. Grandon A. Maud Maud Theodore Theodore Elsie E. Hazel Mary C. Dulk Clarence Adassa B. Jennie Giles Albert A. Hazel S. Florence Dorothy M. Snyder Edward J. Dora Cody Louis J. Anna Alice A. Alice A. Emil Emil Frank G. Jacob Henry Mary Lizzie Arlene Thuseneldia Rose J. Letha D. Elmer H. Cora D. Cora D. Gertrude 4/3/1969 1/31/1969 1/27/1969 1/28/1969 10/28/1969 7/19/1969 8/7/1969 4/25/1969 10/7/1969 6/3/1969 5/3/1969 1/20/1969 6/7/1969 6/9/1969 3/27/1969 3/28/1969 3/31/1969 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 1/29/1969 2/3/1969 11/4/1969 11/3/1969 9/22/1969 9/26/1969 2/3/1969 2/14/1969 11/13/1969 2/13/1969 9/20/1969 7/18/1969 3/17/1969 12/8/1969 1/27/1969 10/6/1969 5/15/1969 5/19/1969 10/3/1969 10/4/1969 7/25/1969 4/4/1969 5/9/1969 9/19/1969 12/12/1969 11/18/1969 9/23/1969 2/3/1969 4/23/1969 5/8/1969 5/9/1969 1/25/1969 p.28 p.22 p.24 p.4 p.28 p.1 p.41 p.14 p.26 p.23 p.12 p.24 p.22 p.40 p.30 p.26 p.28 p.26 p.18 p.4 p.12 p.18 p.2 p.27 p.27 p.12 p.28 p.46 p.38 p.12 p.28 p.14 p.28 p.2 p.30 p.20 p.28 p.4 p.20 p.21 p.24 p.4 p.4 p.26 p.14 p.14 p.12 p.18 p.47 p.4 p.24 Schooley Schoonmaker Schoonover Schortz Schortz Schott Schover Schramek Schrank Schreiber Schreiber Schreiner Schroedel Schroedel Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroth Schubel Schubel Schubert Schuck Schuler Schuler Schuler Schuler Schulte Schultz Schulz Schumacher Schumacher Schurz Schurz Schurz Schutt Schuyler Schwartz Schwechten Schweitzer Schwenderman Sciabarassi Sciabarassi Sciabarassi Sciabica Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Seal Albert Flit Vernon Ezekiel R. Benjamin F. Benjamin F. Milda Clinton A. Joseph Stanley M. Helen L. Ida C. Louise E. Herman C. Herman C. Jay Margaret Helen Margaret Helen Mary McNulty John Bidwell Julia E. Julia E. Charles, Jr. Anton David John David John William H. "Dutch" William H. "Dutch" William L. Lillian Marie Ida Warren F. Warren F. Anna M. Carl E. Carl E. George Ellsworth Elmer Frank L., Jr. Mabel S. Stella M. Theresa Anthony Anthony Anthony Sebastian Frank Jack Margaret C. Margaret C. Martha Stantial James 10/16/1969 11/22/1969 7/14/1969 6/7/1969 6/10/1969 9/5/1969 7/7/1969 6/4/1969 10/29/1969 2/28/1969 4/15/1969 8/14/1969 4/18/1969 4/21/1969 3/24/1969 5/9/1969 5/12/1969 10/15/1969 8/19/1969 1/11/1969 1/13/1969 8/6/1969 1/27/1969 1/24/1969 1/25/1969 6/5/1969 6/7/1969 6/28/1969 3/7/1969 5/28/1969 8/16/1969 8/18/1969 9/10/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 9/8/1969 1/13/1969 4/8/1969 11/17/1969 1/20/1969 5/20/1969 1/11/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 8/1/1969 7/7/1969 7/9/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 10/6/1969 9/23/1969 p.40 p.26 p.26 p.22 p.24 p.22 p.28 p.36 p.4 p.10 p.16 p.41 p.22 p.26 p.33 p.4 p.32 p.10 p.24 p.26 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.26 p.24 p.45 p.22 p.25 p.28 p.14 p.1 p.20 p.4 p.24 p.40 p.36 p.16 p.16 p.26 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.19 p.28 p.31 p.35 p.16 p.30 p.14 Seals Seals Seaman Search Search Search Searfoss Sebio Sebio Sebring Sechler Segel Seidel Seifert Seifert Seifert Seifert Seifert Seigfried Seiler Seip Seip Seip Seip Seitz Sekoch Selig Sell Sell Selnar Semkow Sensenbach Sensenbach Sensenbach Seraso Serfass Serfass Serfass Serfass Serfass Serfass Serfass Serfass Serfozo Serfozo Sergent Sergent Sergent Setar Settler Setzer Austin L. Leslie M. Alice M. Arthur Wellington Arthur Wellington Nellie Alice Margaret R. "Peggy" Angelo S. Angelo S. John A. Kenneth "Doc" Frank Donald J. W. Charles E. Helen A. Martha Jane Martha Jane Martha Jane Hannah Theodore Beatrice E. Beatrice E. John C. "Jack" Russell H. Charles H. Michael David Infant Daughter Mabel Sterner Mabel Sterner Ruth Anna Frank Siegel Frank Siegel Henry Budd Cesarina Elsie N. Ethel L. John H. Nettie J. Russell C. Sherwood D. Sherwood D. Willis Kiefer John John Cecil Horatio Horatio Stephen, Sr. Clinton R. William E. 3/24/1969 8/15/1969 7/22/1969 3/28/1969 3/31/1969 4/9/1969 6/30/1969 2/3/1969 2/4/1969 8/2/1969 5/24/1969 2/17/1969 12/19/1969 5/15/1969 10/29/1969 3/19/1969 3/20/1969 3/22/1969 7/24/1969 2/27/1969 1/14/1969 1/17/1969 2/4/1969 10/28/1969 1/27/1969 6/19/1969 5/20/1969 3/24/1969 3/27/1969 7/23/1969 3/10/1969 12/27/1969 12/29/1969 7/18/1969 10/9/1969 10/10/1969 10/16/1969 3/31/1969 12/5/1969 10/8/1969 5/14/1969 5/21/1969 10/8/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 12/15/1969 1/6/1969 1/10/1969 4/2/1969 5/16/1969 2/1/1969 p.33 p.22 p.27 p.26 p.28 p.32 p.1 p.12 p.14 p.25 p.16 p.12 p.30 p.20 p.4 p.4 p.34 p.28 p.40 p.37 p.16 p.24 p.14 p.28 p.24 p.30 p.4 p.33 p.30 p.14 p.38 p.21 p.36 p.28 p.50 p.27 p.40 p.28 p.28 p.18 p.14 p.16 p.18 p.26 p.32 p.28 p.30 p.10 p.4 p.30 p.24 Sexton Shackelton Shackelton Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shafer Shaffer Shakal Shaneberger Shankweiler Shankweiler Shannon Shapell Shapiro Shaplin Shaplin Shappell Shappell Sharpe Sharpe Shaw Shawde Shearer Sheeler Sheffield Shellard Shellenberger Shelly Shepard Shepherd Shepherd Sherer Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherrer Sherrer Shick Shields Shiffer Shiffert Shimaski Shimaski Edwin K., Dr. Robert Robert Alvin H. Alvin H. Beatrice S. Edwin E. "Pop" Floyd R., Dr. Floyd R., Dr. Harold M. Harold M. Robert W. Thomas A. W. Arthur John W. George J. Edith V. Hattie M. Stoudt Hattie M. Stoudt Agnes C. Isabella I. Martin Nathaniel "Nat" Nathaniel "Nat" Isabella I. Marie C. Iva Belle Fish Raymond S. Mary Ann Emily Margaret Titus Bertha M. Philip W. Wilbur N. Ernest Lois A. Mary B. James Ruth M. Ruth M. Chester S., Sr. David R. Emmanuel S. Sarah Ann Calvin Calvin Jennie M. Helen M. Savannah M. Anna S. Kleintop Andrew L. Andrew L. 2/17/1969 11/24/1969 11/25/1969 6/18/1969 6/20/1969 11/4/1969 5/17/1969 5/20/1969 5/23/1969 4/30/1969 5/2/1969 4/18/1969 9/22/1969 1/8/1969 1/11/1969 6/18/1969 7/3/1969 3/24/1969 3/28/1969 12/1/1969 3/18/1969 1/2/1969 5/29/1969 5/31/1969 3/20/1969 9/20/1969 10/27/1969 10/21/1969 11/4/1969 9/27/1969 8/11/1969 8/19/1969 6/11/1969 7/12/1969 2/17/1969 7/3/1969 8/19/1969 4/8/1969 4/14/1969 7/12/1969 7/21/1969 5/21/1969 4/1/1969 3/17/1969 3/20/1969 1/9/1969 7/15/1969 7/5/1969 8/15/1969 1/22/1969 1/25/1969 p.12 p.4 p.26 p.14 p.24 p.18 p.26 p.1 p.23 p.16 p.14 p.22 p.27 p.12 p.26 p.14 p.24 p.33 p.26 p.28 p.4 p.32 p.30 p.24 p.34 p.12 p.20 p.20 p.18 p.20 p.16 p.24 p.4 p.23 p.12 p.24 p.24 p.2 p.20 p.23 p.28 p.16 p.12 p.14 p.34 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.22 p.14 p.24 Shimaski Shimer Shimer Shimer Shimer Shimer Shimer Shimer Shimer Shimko Shinkowski Shipps Shipps Shirer Shive Shively Shively Shively Shively Shively Shivers Shivers Shnyder Shnyder Shnyder Shockcor Shockency Shockency Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoenberger Shoffner Shoffner Shoffner Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shook Shope Shope Shoudt Stephen, Sr. Aaron B. Ada Ada Alice Lydia Dorothy Dorothy Florence M. Wilmer O. Charles J. Stanley A., Sr. Edward Lemuel L. Helen L. H. Webster Addie Anna R. Anna R. Anna R. Haddie M. Minnie Minnie Emma Emma Laura William T. Jesse A. Jesse A. Donald G. Donald G. Ernest S. "Shorty" Ernest S. "Shorty" John F. John F. Richard L. William A. Oliver F. Helen F. J. Edgar J. Edgar Bertha E. Charles R. Clayton J. Floyd R. James F. James F. James F. William J. Max D. Max D. Jennie 12/19/1969 1/3/1969 4/28/1969 4/30/1969 9/12/1969 6/2/1969 6/4/1969 2/21/1969 9/22/1969 6/18/1969 1/17/1969 10/13/1969 12/5/1969 12/29/1969 11/8/1969 4/10/1969 2/17/1969 2/20/1969 2/21/1969 4/7/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 1/9/1969 1/10/1969 11/26/1969 12/24/1969 1/20/1969 1/22/1969 2/11/1969 2/13/1969 3/21/1969 3/25/1969 1/27/1969 1/29/1969 8/1/1969 1/18/1969 4/1/1969 12/30/1969 4/29/1969 5/2/1969 11/10/1969 8/12/1969 10/7/1969 10/29/1969 1/6/1969 1/7/1969 1/8/1969 5/10/1969 10/3/1969 10/4/1969 12/11/1969 p.30 p.4 p.35 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.36 p.30 p.27 p.14 p.24 p.28 p.1 p.36 p.24 p.18 p.10 p.41 p.30 p.28 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.10 p.38 p.28 p.24 p.14 p.1 p.12 p.29 p.12 p.24 p.4 p.19 p.24 p.12 p.17 p.22 p.14 p.28 p.16 p.26 p.4 p.12 p.4 p.12 p.38 p.1 p.20 p.44 Shover Shover Shramko Shramko Shuckra Shultz Shuman Shupp Shupp Shurts Shwetz Siberok Siberok Sicak Sickinger Sickinger Sidoti Sidoti Sidovar Sidovar Sieg Siegel Siegel Siegfried Siegfried Siegfried Sigler Siglin Sikora Sikora Silfee Silfies Silfies Silfies Silfies Silverman Silverman Silvers Simmons Simmons Simmons Simons Simons Simonson Simpson Simpson Simpson Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair Singer Clarence Clarence Samuel, Sr. Samuel, Sr. Hafeeza Ellsworth Alvin A. Cora Alice Helen M. George J. Walter Joseph Joseph John Ethel T. Ethel T. Theresa Theresa Eva Eva Julia A. Paul W. Paul W. Teresa Teresa Walter M. William A. Anna Mary Martha Martha Jack E. Ralph J. Ralph J. Robert Warren E. Saul Saul William Joseph, Sr. James R. Russell Russell Henry Michael G. Ella Elizabeth H. Hubert A. Hubert A. Ella E. Evia May Evia May Mae 3/17/1969 3/20/1969 4/3/1969 4/7/1969 7/26/1969 2/27/1969 8/11/1969 8/25/1969 11/24/1969 12/11/1969 6/20/1969 5/19/1969 5/20/1969 11/21/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 3/29/1969 4/1/1969 6/7/1969 6/10/1969 5/19/1969 1/24/1969 1/28/1969 5/20/1969 5/22/1969 4/21/1969 9/2/1969 8/25/1969 3/6/1969 3/8/1969 3/4/1969 6/16/1969 6/20/1969 12/20/1969 5/17/1969 6/18/1969 6/19/1969 6/13/1969 11/11/1969 3/1/1969 3/4/1969 10/7/1969 9/10/1969 6/3/1969 10/15/1969 10/6/1969 10/7/1969 10/3/1969 2/17/1969 2/20/1969 7/3/1969 p.14 p.34 p.28 p.28 p.25 p.37 p.1 p.25 p.4 p.44 p.24 p.28 p.4 p.12 p.20 p.14 p.24 p.12 p.22 p.24 p.28 p.26 p.4 p.4 p.2 p.26 p.18 p.25 p.32 p.24 p.24 p.1 p.24 p.24 p.2 p.14 p.30 p.24 p.22 p.21 p.24 p.26 p.4 p.23 p.10 p.30 p.26 p.4 p.12 p.41 p.24 Singer Sipple Sirianni Sirianni Sisco Sitzer Sivak Sivak Skahal Skillman Slack Slack Slampyak Slater Slater Slater Slater Slater Sleeman Sleight Sliker Slivko Sloan Slockbower Sloyer Sloyer Slozer Smale Smeltzer Smiltzer Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Mary L. Josephine Jessie Jessie Dale E. Walter Stephen Stephen George J. Elwood R. Bertha S. Bertha S. Catherine Anna Anna Rachel S. Samuel S. Samuel S. J. Garnet Shirley James C. Joseph G. "Chiz" Lucy D. Kenneth M. Alma Diana Mary A. Helen Silberger Marlene J. Dora S. Dora S. Allen B. Allen Fairbank Amos Clark Andrew Arthur A., Sr. Arthur C. Augusta Johnson Barry Barry Barton G., Sr. Barton G., Sr. Beatrice VanFleet Bertha Dietz Charles O. Clarence E. H. Clifford D. Clinton L. Cora R. Edgar J. Edna M. Elizabeth 4/5/1969 11/21/1969 1/31/1969 2/3/1969 1/8/1969 4/22/1969 2/11/1969 2/13/1969 6/16/1969 12/13/1969 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 12/19/1969 4/18/1969 4/21/1969 3/3/1969 3/17/1969 3/19/1969 8/29/1969 7/12/1969 10/27/1969 11/20/1969 7/21/1969 2/12/1969 6/6/1969 12/18/1969 2/20/1969 10/6/1969 5/12/1969 5/13/1969 3/1/1969 1/13/1969 12/16/1969 12/4/1969 3/14/1969 10/17/1969 1/8/1969 12/16/1969 12/17/1969 2/3/1969 2/5/1969 12/9/1969 12/10/1969 9/4/1969 5/23/1969 6/9/1969 10/14/1969 8/14/1969 10/6/1969 10/25/1969 7/28/1969 p.22 p.12 p.22 p.12 p.12 p.22 p.24 p.38 p.32 p.28 p.26 p.18 p.30 p.22 p.26 p.2 p.14 p.4 p.26 p.23 p.20 p.38 p.28 p.32 p.4 p.52 p.41 p.30 p.32 p.12 p.21 p.16 p.12 p.42 p.10 p.28 p.12 p.12 p.21 p.12 p.26 p.22 p.40 p.30 p.23 p.40 p.26 p.41 p.30 p.28 p.28 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Elizabeth Elizabeth A. Elmer H. Elmer R. Ernest M. Eva M. Florence M. Floyd E. Floyd H. Francis J. George W. George W. Harold C., Sr. Harry L. Harry L. Herbert E., Jr. Iona Isaac C. Isabella Matheson James F. James F. Jennie Kenneth Leon A. Lester E. Lester E. Lida M. Lieu R. Lieu R. Mabel M. Malcolm S. Malcolm S. Marie B. Marvin W. Mary Cole Mary E. Mary E. Mary E. Mary H. Melvin Mildred M. Milton A. Oscar Paul M. Robert Emery Robert Harmer Sadie K. Samuel Sheldon R. Thomas Valentine C. 10/9/1969 8/22/1969 11/3/1969 2/22/1969 9/25/1969 12/1/1969 1/9/1969 1/17/1969 3/14/1969 7/18/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 4/3/1969 5/24/1969 5/27/1969 3/18/1969 7/8/1969 1/21/1969 8/1/1969 4/7/1969 4/10/1969 9/25/1969 12/27/1969 10/27/1969 2/6/1969 2/10/1969 12/4/1969 1/13/1969 1/15/1969 6/30/1969 3/13/1969 3/17/1969 11/22/1969 10/4/1969 12/9/1969 5/28/1969 6/2/1969 12/29/1969 9/22/1969 7/24/1969 5/5/1969 9/9/1969 1/20/1969 11/24/1969 7/2/1969 8/14/1969 2/22/1969 9/23/1969 10/7/1969 3/24/1969 6/16/1969 p.50 p.10 p.2 p.26 p.19 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.10 p.28 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.18 p.4 p.22 p.26 p.19 p.28 p.18 p.39 p.21 p.20 p.28 p.26 p.42 p.16 p.24 p.18 p.16 p.14 p.26 p.20 p.22 p.14 p.24 p.36 p.27 p.40 p.30 p.4 p.24 p.4 p.31 p.41 p.26 p.14 p.26 p.33 p.32 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smithling Smock Smock Smoke Smoko Smoko Snell Snook Snook Snover Snover Snover Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Soden Sodl Soffera Soffera Sofie Valentine C. Vernon A. Vernon A. Walter Curran Walter J. William William H. Charles Dorothy Laura Shireman Dorothy Laura Shireman Claude Anna Anna Bertha Mae William P. William P. Andrew S. Edna A. Edna A. Annie A. Herman Bertha M. Freeby Bessie May Bessie May Charles S. Edith Ethel C. Fred Fred Fred B., Sr. Gertrude Harvey W. Herman J. John J., Jr. LeRoy W. Mae A. Mae A. Margaret A. Phyllis Buchman Phyllis Buchman Reuben A. Robert Sanford Sanford William H. William J. William J. Howard C. Hermenia T. Santa Natoli Santa Natoli Angelo 6/18/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 9/5/1969 2/18/1969 3/25/1969 7/30/1969 2/11/1969 1/22/1969 1/25/1969 11/14/1969 7/21/1969 7/22/1969 12/5/1969 2/10/1969 2/11/1969 2/7/1969 7/5/1969 7/7/1969 7/7/1969 4/7/1969 2/24/1969 2/26/1969 10/21/1969 2/13/1969 12/29/1969 3/6/1969 3/8/1969 1/4/1969 8/2/1969 4/15/1969 9/15/1969 8/27/1969 9/27/1969 6/7/1969 6/10/1969 11/17/1969 4/8/1969 4/11/1969 7/25/1969 4/14/1969 1/17/1969 1/20/1969 11/24/1969 6/12/1969 6/14/1969 9/8/1969 7/3/1969 6/13/1969 6/16/1969 12/16/1969 p.14 p.24 p.40 p.22 p.22 p.12 p.33 p.24 p.14 p.24 p.31 p.28 p.27 p.28 p.26 p.24 p.24 p.12 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.30 p.20 p.38 p.36 p.32 p.24 p.23 p.25 p.16 p.25 p.10 p.20 p.22 p.24 p.26 p.16 p.24 p.21 p.1 p.24 p.24 p.4 p.32 p.24 p.36 p.24 p.24 p.32 p.12 Sokol Solderitch Solliday Solotruk Soroka Sorokin Sorrentino Souders Souders Souders Souders Souders Souders Souders Souders Souerwine Sowash Sowell Sowell Spada Spagnola Spangler Spangler Spatz Spatz Specht Specht Speciale Speer Speer Spiller Spinelli Spittle Spitznagle Spragle Springer Sproule Squires Srefano Srope Srope St.Mary Staats Staats Stacy Stahler Stahley Stahley Stainonis Stamets Stametz Frank John Pearl K. Steve Ignatz John Grazia Hattie Mae Hattie Mae James E., Jr. James E., Jr. John Forman Katherine M. Katherine M. Millicent Mae Trayes Katie E. France M. Howard Howard Jennie Christine Raymond C., Sr. Samuel E. Harry Harry Sophie Sophie Vincent S. Reimer Reimer John V. Salvatore Dorothy G. Harry P. Lewis H. Esther A. Joseph, Rev. Roy M. Nancy Attinello Jennis Jennis Robert M. Annabelle K. Annabelle K. George L. Robert F. George J. George J. Anna Harry Lizzie Marie 11/1/1969 12/13/1969 7/9/1969 3/18/1969 11/26/1969 10/4/1969 8/1/1969 1/9/1969 1/11/1969 3/1/1969 3/4/1969 11/22/1969 2/4/1969 2/6/1969 11/7/1969 5/14/1969 12/8/1969 2/3/1969 2/4/1969 12/15/1969 7/19/1969 10/4/1969 7/31/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 4/26/1969 4/28/1969 10/3/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 11/20/1969 2/22/1969 8/22/1969 11/7/1969 7/9/1969 11/15/1969 1/24/1969 12/5/1969 3/22/1969 2/4/1969 2/5/1969 5/27/1969 6/14/1969 6/16/1969 8/1/1969 2/8/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 10/16/1969 7/15/1969 4/7/1969 p.30 p.28 p.31 p.4 p.38 p.20 p.19 p.28 p.26 p.2 p.24 p.26 p.14 p.28 p.29 p.14 p.28 p.12 p.14 p.28 p.25 p.20 p.45 p.24 p.28 p.20 p.35 p.4 p.26 p.32 p.38 p.1 p.10 p.29 p.31 p.26 p.26 p.28 p.28 p.14 p.26 p.18 p.24 p.32 p.19 p.24 p.24 p.40 p.40 p.4 p.28 Stametz Stamus Stangle Stangle Stanko Stanley Stanley Staples Stark Starner Starner Starner Stater Stathos Stayer Steckel Steckel Steele Steers Steever Stefano Steffen Steffens Stehly Steigerwalt Stein Steinbach Steinberg Steinhauer Steinman Steinmetz Steinmetz Steinmetz Steirer Stellmer Steltz Steltz Stem Stem Stempa Stenger Sterlachini Sterner Sterner Sterner Sterner Stetler Stets Stettler Stettler Stettler Lizzie Marie Ourania P. Sarah C. Sarah C. George Earl Earl Clarence C. Agnes Emma Mabel C. Mabel C. Rachel S. Charles M. Clay, Dr. George G. George G. Harry W. Ada G. Miller D. Nancy Attinello Joseph Edward Anna Anna Worsley Anne P. Erwin F. Paul Max Adolph Martin Yvonne A. Ada A. Alvin Alvin Michael John Kenneth L. Albert "Alex" David W. Fred Sarah S. Elizabeth Jacques, Sr. Geraldine Clara Streepy George L. Grace E. Marvin A. George Leopold Anna M. Charles E. Clinton R. 4/10/1969 7/3/1969 2/13/1969 2/15/1969 9/19/1969 2/25/1969 2/26/1969 11/21/1969 12/16/1969 3/19/1969 3/3/1969 3/5/1969 3/5/1969 7/3/1969 9/25/1969 2/25/1969 2/27/1969 9/4/1969 4/28/1969 11/29/1969 3/24/1969 9/3/1969 8/21/1969 10/3/1969 7/2/1969 1/27/1969 3/7/1969 2/3/1969 3/3/1969 1/10/1969 12/13/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 4/18/1969 9/20/1969 9/8/1969 11/11/1969 7/15/1969 8/4/1969 6/26/1969 11/5/1969 12/30/1969 8/21/1969 10/4/1969 8/25/1969 7/1/1969 6/30/1969 1/17/1969 5/12/1969 7/21/1969 5/12/1969 p.18 p.24 p.38 p.24 p.1 p.16 p.30 p.12 p.12 p.4 p.12 p.16 p.16 p.24 p.19 p.16 p.37 p.30 p.35 p.28 p.33 p.30 p.45 p.4 p.31 p.24 p.28 p.12 p.12 p.10 p.28 p.24 p.40 p.22 p.12 p.36 p.22 p.4 p.26 p.44 p.4 p.17 p.45 p.20 p.25 p.14 p.18 p.24 p.32 p.28 p.32 Stettler Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stidworthy Stidworthy Stiff Stillwell Stine Stine Stires Stirk Stirk Stitzer Stitzer Stocker Stocker Stocker Stocker Stone Stone Stone Stone Stonis Stork Storm Storm Stout Stout Stout Stout Stout Strang Strang Stranko Stratt Stratton Straubinger Strawn Strawn Strawski Streepy Streepy Strobel Stroh Strohl Strohl Irene A. Harry Orin J. Orin J. William Mary Elizabeth Mary Elizabeth Sevilla Gerhart Beryl E. Mildred S. Horace B. Bertha G. Margaret Margaret William H. Bertha B. Mabel E. Walter Walter Hazel Leroy "Buddy" Theresa Ann Mattes Theresa Ann Mattes Ernest A. Herbert S. Olen Thomas "Jeff" Olen Thomas "Jeff" Samuel Anthony A. Bertha A. Burton Leroy F. Russell A. Sarah M. Theresa Ruffing Lance Theresa Ruffing Lance Lottie E. Lottie E. James John Irma Amy Anne Husak Mary Ellen, Sister Milton Wismer Milton Wismer Helen Mayme Mayme Ignatius Melissa Ann Charles T. Elizabeth M. 9/27/1969 12/29/1969 4/15/1969 4/19/1969 1/2/1969 3/24/1969 3/25/1969 1/22/1969 7/24/1969 6/30/1969 1/14/1969 4/11/1969 4/22/1969 4/25/1969 1/10/1969 1/31/1969 2/1/1969 4/18/1969 4/19/1969 1/3/1969 10/20/1969 2/12/1969 2/15/1969 8/15/1969 11/18/1969 3/31/1969 4/1/1969 2/4/1969 5/31/1969 11/13/1969 1/29/1969 10/2/1969 12/27/1969 12/13/1969 10/7/1969 10/8/1969 4/16/1969 4/18/1969 8/7/1969 10/20/1969 10/21/1969 7/16/1969 5/16/1969 5/19/1969 4/28/1969 3/7/1969 3/11/1969 12/30/1969 9/6/1969 1/21/1969 11/24/1969 p.20 p.36 p.16 p.24 p.32 p.33 p.12 p.14 p.40 p.18 p.16 p.24 p.22 p.14 p.10 p.22 p.24 p.22 p.24 p.4 p.24 p.32 p.24 p.22 p.14 p.28 p.12 p.14 p.24 p.46 p.4 p.28 p.21 p.28 p.26 p.18 p.18 p.22 p.41 p.24 p.20 p.4 p.30 p.28 p.35 p.28 p.28 p.17 p.26 p.26 p.4 Strohl Strohl Strohl Strohl Strouse Strouse Strouse Strouse Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Strunk Stuber Stull Sturdevant Sturdik Sturdik Sturm Suess Suess Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Summers Summers Summers Super Super Suprys Suprys Suranofsky Suto Sutphin Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Svanda Svoboda Elizabeth M. Evna G. Julia Samuel P. Charles A. Clara J. Clara J. Silas Adele M. Benjamin F. Benjamin F. Chester A. Daisy Emma Edna Frank P. George K. James S. Josephine M. Paul C. Clyde C. Donna Lynn George W. Eleanor Klein Eleanor Klein Louise Alice A. Alice A. Joseph J. Joseph J. Kathryn Francenia Kathryn Francenia Lena Mary H. William F. "Dusty" William F. "Dusty" Frances A. Piperata Frances A. Piperata Frank A., Sr. Harry M. Harry M. Agnes Agnes Martin G. Louis Sarah G. Andrew T. Anthony Austin Leo A. Joseph Charles J. 11/25/1969 5/28/1969 7/22/1969 3/31/1969 10/14/1969 5/23/1969 5/24/1969 11/24/1969 9/8/1969 1/23/1969 1/27/1969 5/5/1969 10/10/1969 5/8/1969 4/7/1969 11/11/1969 10/24/1969 9/12/1969 1/3/1969 11/17/1969 12/19/1969 11/17/1969 5/31/1969 6/4/1969 7/1/1969 5/31/1969 6/3/1969 4/28/1969 5/2/1969 4/28/1969 4/29/1969 6/27/1969 7/7/1969 4/17/1969 4/19/1969 3/7/1969 3/10/1969 5/13/1969 5/13/1969 5/16/1969 1/6/1969 1/9/1969 3/24/1969 12/15/1969 1/30/1969 4/30/1969 9/5/1969 3/18/1969 12/18/1969 7/17/1969 10/30/1969 p.26 p.14 p.27 p.28 p.26 p.23 p.16 p.4 p.36 p.30 p.24 p.30 p.27 p.47 p.28 p.22 p.26 p.16 p.4 p.26 p.30 p.26 p.24 p.36 p.14 p.24 p.23 p.35 p.14 p.35 p.22 p.10 p.28 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.38 p.12 p.12 p.30 p.30 p.28 p.33 p.28 p.40 p.16 p.22 p.4 p.52 p.1 p.30 Swanson Swartz Swartz Swartz Swayze Swayze Swayze Sweeney Sweet Sweger Swick Swick Swisher Switzer Sworen Szabo Szidloski Szymankowski Takacs Takacs Tallman Talmadge Tamarazzo Tapp Tarbox Tarby Tarpey Tarsi Tarsi Tarsi Tator Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Teats Teel Teel Teel Teeter Tellin Tellin Teman Tenover Terleski Terleski Termini Termini Margaret Standlick Elizabeth Elizabeth Minnie I. Fannie Warwick Russell F. Russell F. William J., Sr. Vincent Catherine A. Gertrude E. Robert Sutphen Geneva M. Ralph William S., Jr. Julia Sylvester Andrew J. Anna Kovacs Anna M. Robert Vincent L. "Tom" Mary Alice S. Effie I. Stephen E. Anna Mary Mary Nazzarento Kenneth Elizabeth M. John Laura B. Laura B. Lena Margaret M. Margaret M. Jessie E. Myrtle L. Paul B. Paul B. Fred C. Georgina E. Georgina E. Joseph John Katherine Katherine Rose Ann Rose Ann 9/17/1969 1/30/1969 2/1/1969 4/5/1969 12/27/1969 1/17/1969 1/20/1969 8/14/1969 3/10/1969 11/18/1969 10/6/1969 4/14/1969 9/2/1969 6/27/1969 10/23/1969 8/19/1969 1/8/1969 8/25/1969 6/9/1969 12/1/1969 10/21/1969 7/25/1969 7/18/1969 7/23/1969 3/7/1969 6/16/1969 8/18/1969 1/2/1969 1/4/1969 4/26/1969 1/14/1969 8/25/1969 8/30/1969 4/11/1969 4/15/1969 12/26/1969 2/24/1969 2/26/1969 3/6/1969 9/10/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 11/19/1969 4/22/1969 4/25/1969 9/29/1969 3/15/1969 3/27/1969 3/29/1969 1/13/1969 1/16/1969 p.18 p.40 p.24 p.22 p.21 p.24 p.24 p.41 p.38 p.14 p.30 p.20 p.18 p.10 p.1 p.24 p.12 p.25 p.40 p.28 p.20 p.21 p.28 p.14 p.28 p.32 p.20 p.2 p.23 p.20 p.16 p.25 p.24 p.24 p.16 p.4 p.16 p.30 p.32 p.4 p.20 p.14 p.16 p.22 p.14 p.16 p.20 p.30 p.24 p.16 p.38 Terriberry Terry Terry Tersigni Tersigni Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher Thau Theimann Theodore Thol Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thornton Thorpe Throne Thurston Tiburzi Tiburzi Tillinger Tilton Timerman Timm Tinney Tinney Tinney Tinney Tinsman Hannah Smith Carrie Robert G. James A. James A. Gladys M. Joseph Joseph Henry C. Joseph Charles Aline Mutz Blanche Charles P. Clara E. Clara E. Dorothy M. Dorothy M. Edna H. Ethel Derrick Frank M. Fred W. George C. Harold Prescott, Dr. Mae S. Miriam A. Russell Willard William W. Hazel Herman C. Laura F. Laura F. Olive S. Olive S. Ronald L. Anne R. Julia A. Martha Helen May Young Anthony Anthony David Richard C. Donald, Dr. Edburt L. Nelson J. Nelson J. Serena Serena Elsie E. 3/5/1969 2/21/1969 1/25/1969 4/3/1969 4/8/1969 11/18/1969 2/24/1969 2/25/1969 9/18/1969 6/20/1969 5/31/1969 12/24/1969 10/21/1969 12/29/1969 2/13/1969 2/15/1969 5/21/1969 5/24/1969 6/16/1969 4/3/1969 2/7/1969 4/7/1969 11/14/1969 7/22/1969 9/30/1969 10/1/1969 3/3/1969 10/3/1969 10/2/1969 12/17/1969 3/7/1969 1/3/1969 1/7/1969 5/26/1969 5/28/1969 8/9/1969 12/19/1969 8/16/1969 2/17/1969 1/7/1969 6/14/1969 6/17/1969 9/16/1969 11/4/1969 1/14/1969 5/7/1969 2/17/1969 2/21/1969 4/3/1969 4/7/1969 2/15/1969 p.16 p.30 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.14 p.16 p.16 p.16 p.1 p.24 p.28 p.20 p.36 p.38 p.24 p.16 p.16 p.32 p.28 p.1 p.28 p.31 p.27 p.4 p.37 p.12 p.4 p.28 p.21 p.28 p.4 p.4 p.20 p.14 p.2 p.30 p.25 p.12 p.4 p.24 p.15 p.24 p.18 p.16 p.14 p.12 p.30 p.28 p.28 p.24 Tinsman Tinsman Tintle Tintle Tirpok Tirrell Tiscio Titman Tittle Todd Toewe Tomasch Tomey Tomey Tomlinson Tomlinson Tomsic Tomsic Torcivia Torcivia Torgerson Torony Torony Torres Toth Toth Toth Toth Toth Tozzi Tracy Tracy Tracy Trafnik Tramutolo Transue Transue Transue Transue Transue Transue Transue Transue Trapp Travis Traxinger Trayes Trayes Trayes Trayes Trebowiecki Maude William B. Robert C. Robert C. Frank J. Mary R. Fred (Fortunato) Verner Lena Jamie Lynn William R., Dr. Mary G. Herbert Herbert John W. Warren M. Frank, Sr. Frank, Sr. Antonino Antonino Torger Louis Louis Maria Barbara Barbara J. Paul Mary Mary Carmella Benjamin Benjamin Harold E. John T. Joseph Donald F. Dorothy E. Florence F. Gerald Blair, Sr. "Judd" Gertrude Stem Gertrude Stem Maurice Calvin Raymond J. George A., Sr. Alta May Raymond F. Amy Harding Charles W. Joseph P. Joseph P. Maria 11/28/1969 12/27/1969 2/17/1969 2/21/1969 6/24/1969 12/15/1969 2/22/1969 2/8/1969 4/12/1969 2/28/1969 6/10/1969 12/4/1969 1/28/1969 1/31/1969 10/20/1969 1/20/1969 3/21/1969 3/24/1969 1/22/1969 1/25/1969 5/9/1969 10/27/1969 10/28/1969 6/25/1969 5/8/1969 5/10/1969 10/9/1969 1/22/1969 1/24/1969 12/8/1969 2/7/1969 2/8/1969 10/11/1969 3/29/1969 12/21/1969 4/11/1969 8/1/1969 5/19/1969 9/3/1969 5/26/1969 5/29/1969 8/13/1969 8/25/1969 10/17/1969 4/4/1969 12/26/1969 12/10/1969 10/20/1969 3/31/1969 4/3/1969 9/8/1969 p.16 p.21 p.12 p.30 p.26 p.28 p.26 p.24 p.10 p.10 p.24 p.42 p.4 p.22 p.1 p.24 p.29 p.33 p.14 p.24 p.4 p.20 p.28 p.1 p.47 p.38 p.50 p.14 p.26 p.28 p.24 p.24 p.20 p.24 p.30 p.24 p.19 p.28 p.30 p.20 p.30 p.16 p.25 p.28 p.24 p.1 p.40 p.24 p.28 p.28 p.36 Trego Trego Treible Treible Tremato Trench Trench Trend Trenteseau Trewin Trexler Trexler Trezza Trezza Trimble Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Troch Troch Trout Troxell Troxell Troxell Troxell Troy Troy Troy Trunk Trunk Truscott Trux Trux Trux Tubbs Tubbs Tuberty Tucker Tucker Tucker Turek Turley Turman Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tyreman Uch Udicious Uhl Ulmer Eva M. Eva M. Norman Norman Joseph Frederick J. Frederick J. Mary W. Sabina William E. Lila Lila Anna M. Anna M. Helen Bell, Dr. Frank K. Frank K. James W. Ralph W. Ralph W. Lydia S. Allen D. Allen D. Howard M. Howard M. Olive Olive Olive Donald Donald Frank F. Alois P. Frank A. Frank A. Henry B. Maggie A. "Margaret" H. Myron, Dr. Anna F. Anna F. Kathryn E. Anton J. Richard Lillie Vaughn Carol Jean Carol Jean Carol Jean Lewis G. Edward Francis E. Christian Minnie M. 4/21/1969 4/23/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 12/21/1969 5/16/1969 5/19/1969 10/18/1969 5/12/1969 1/2/1969 5/15/1969 5/17/1969 1/23/1969 1/25/1969 1/15/1969 5/19/1969 5/21/1969 8/15/1969 10/31/1969 11/1/1969 9/15/1969 6/4/1969 6/7/1969 6/17/1969 6/19/1969 3/10/1969 3/11/1969 3/12/1969 1/27/1969 1/30/1969 12/5/1969 11/11/1969 1/8/1969 1/10/1969 6/12/1969 6/9/1969 8/1/1969 6/2/1969 6/4/1969 11/12/1969 1/15/1969 10/17/1969 6/30/1969 3/15/1969 3/17/1969 3/18/1969 7/17/1969 5/13/1969 1/6/1969 6/27/1969 2/12/1969 p.26 p.18 p.24 p.40 p.30 p.30 p.28 p.22 p.32 p.32 p.20 p.26 p.30 p.24 p.24 p.28 p.16 p.22 p.30 p.30 p.25 p.36 p.22 p.15 p.30 p.38 p.28 p.38 p.24 p.40 p.1 p.22 p.1 p.10 p.32 p.40 p.19 p.24 p.36 p.10 p.24 p.28 p.18 p.20 p.14 p.4 p.39 p.12 p.30 p.10 p.32 Ulmer Umstead Unangst Unangst Unangst Unangst Ungar Ungar Unks Vaccaro Vaccaro Valentine Valentine Van Syckle VanAssen VanBuskirk Vanderbilt Vandergrift Vandergrift VanderHoeft VanDyke VanEmburgh VanGorden VanKeuren VanLangveld VanLieu Vannatta VanNest VanNest Vannicola Vannuzzi VanSyckel Vansyckle VanWhy VanWhy VanWhy VanWhy Varga Vargar Vargo Varju Varju Varney Vaughn Vaughn Vayda Vegh Vennel Vennel Verenna Verenna Minnie M. George, Jr. Herbert R. Herbert R. Richard B. Wilbur S. Stephen Stephen Bessie M. Anthony Herbert P. Caroline L. Caroline L. Evelyn Jacob H. John A. LeRoy L. Agnes M. Agnes M. Margaret Byington Mildred Elizabeth Samuel W. Amelia J. Claire Martha B. Stanley M. Albert, Jr. Roger W. Pasquelena "Lena" Rose Merle S. Evelyn Grover C. John B., Dr. Lillian Gould Nettie M. Rosa Mary Helen Lidia Lidia Lynne Job L. Marvin L. John, Sr. Louis Pearl E. Pearl E. Sebastiana "Bessie" Sebastiana "Bessie" 2/15/1969 12/19/1969 6/19/1969 6/21/1969 2/22/1969 8/18/1969 3/7/1969 3/8/1969 12/4/1969 10/28/1969 8/28/1969 1/27/1969 1/29/1969 3/24/1969 4/17/1969 4/19/1969 12/15/1969 5/8/1969 5/12/1969 6/30/1969 10/1/1969 7/31/1969 1/9/1969 10/1/1969 12/15/1969 4/4/1969 2/17/1969 3/31/1969 9/12/1969 3/31/1969 8/27/1969 4/22/1969 3/21/1969 12/15/1969 12/17/1969 6/14/1969 6/9/1969 12/8/1969 7/28/1969 12/1/1969 5/26/1969 5/29/1969 8/9/1969 12/15/1969 9/13/1969 10/25/1969 3/31/1969 4/24/1969 4/28/1969 3/14/1969 3/15/1969 p.24 p.30 p.30 p.4 p.26 p.20 p.28 p.24 p.42 p.28 p.41 p.24 p.4 p.33 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.47 p.32 p.18 p.37 p.45 p.28 p.37 p.28 p.24 p.12 p.28 p.16 p.28 p.10 p.22 p.29 p.28 p.21 p.24 p.40 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.20 p.30 p.24 p.28 p.20 p.28 p.28 p.34 p.35 p.10 p.20 Verta Vetrosky Vierzbicki Vierzbicki Vierzbieki Vincent Vincent Violet Vitale Vitale Vladich Vlerebome Vliet Vliet Vlot Vogel Vogel Vogt Voige Voit Vojcek Vojcek Volk Volk Volkert Volpicello Volpicello Voorhees Voorhees Voorhees Voorhees Vosper Voss Voss Voss Wack Wack Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wahl Walbert Waldo Walker Walker Walker Walkiewicz Michelle Lee Stephen L. Joseph J., Sr. Joseph J., Sr. Joseph J., Sr. Sylvester Sylvester Joseph Frank Frank Andrew Jeanette L. Pearl Pearl Teunis Alfred Clark R. Albert H. Henry Olga C. John John Charles O. Charles O. Sophia Dominick Dominick Arthur Dalton, Sr. Arthur Dalton, Sr. Charles John Charles John Jessie Gove John E. Paul K. Paul K. Ernest Z. Roy Charles "Dutch" Fred John E. Pauline M. Roland W. Sarah S. Dotter Timothy Edward Johann Edward Charles Isabel Joseph B. Minnie Minnie Anthony S. 10/25/1969 11/29/1969 5/29/1969 5/30/1969 6/2/1969 1/7/1969 1/8/1969 11/4/1969 6/17/1969 6/20/1969 12/9/1969 10/30/1969 2/24/1969 2/27/1969 7/18/1969 6/7/1969 7/5/1969 9/3/1969 12/5/1969 4/4/1969 4/3/1969 4/4/1969 3/26/1969 3/29/1969 8/22/1969 4/12/1969 4/14/1969 9/23/1969 9/24/1969 5/10/1969 5/12/1969 7/16/1969 2/21/1969 7/7/1969 7/8/1969 3/21/1969 1/11/1969 10/10/1969 11/24/1969 8/5/1969 8/20/1969 7/14/1969 10/14/1969 3/17/1969 6/24/1969 11/10/1969 10/7/1969 12/31/1969 1/17/1969 1/21/1969 3/21/1969 p.28 p.28 p.30 p.30 p.24 p.1 p.12 p.18 p.15 p.24 p.22 p.30 p.16 p.37 p.28 p.22 p.12 p.30 p.28 p.24 p.28 p.24 p.10 p.24 p.10 p.10 p.20 p.14 p.37 p.38 p.32 p.4 p.30 p.28 p.22 p.29 p.26 p.27 p.4 p.19 p.16 p.26 p.26 p.14 p.26 p.28 p.26 p.22 p.24 p.26 p.29 Wallace Wallin Walls Walls Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walters Walters Walters Walters Waltman Waltman Waltman Waltz Wambold Wambold Wambold Wambold Wandling Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Warjick Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Washburn Washburn Washburn Wasser Wasserman Waterson Waterson Watkins Watson Watters Watters Wazowicz Marion M. Blanche B. Hugh P. "Red" Violet R. Charlotte W. Helen R. Helen R. Helen R. Aline R. Johanna L. Kenneth K. Kenneth K. Mabel Mabel Margaret R. Florence A. George W. Harold R. Marion S. Anna M. Fannie M. Fannie M. Albert L. Edith S. Emma F. Hay Emma F. Hay James John A. Ada Elizabeth Charles "Chuck" Frances Jeanette Helen C. Helen C. Florence Cora Luckey Cora Luckey Elwood Ruth Treglown Ruth Treglown Elbert E. Irene Irene Cheryl Anne David A. George George Victor Betty Lois Essie M. Essie M. Walter 9/22/1969 9/25/1969 9/27/1969 6/26/1969 6/12/1969 1/31/1969 2/1/1969 2/8/1969 12/27/1969 7/8/1969 5/19/1969 5/21/1969 6/6/1969 6/9/1969 10/30/1969 9/25/1969 6/23/1969 10/10/1969 8/22/1969 10/27/1969 6/4/1969 6/6/1969 1/17/1969 10/13/1969 4/16/1969 4/19/1969 8/1/1969 9/15/1969 4/16/1969 4/11/1969 3/18/1969 1/24/1969 1/28/1969 2/17/1969 10/20/1969 10/21/1969 2/26/1969 5/24/1969 5/26/1969 10/20/1969 2/11/1969 2/13/1969 6/23/1969 7/21/1969 7/10/1969 7/11/1969 2/17/1969 1/20/1969 5/9/1969 5/12/1969 2/14/1969 p.27 p.39 p.20 p.44 p.32 p.22 p.24 p.24 p.21 p.22 p.28 p.16 p.4 p.40 p.30 p.39 p.12 p.27 p.10 p.20 p.36 p.4 p.24 p.28 p.18 p.24 p.19 p.25 p.18 p.24 p.4 p.26 p.4 p.12 p.24 p.20 p.30 p.16 p.20 p.24 p.24 p.38 p.12 p.28 p.48 p.4 p.1 p.24 p.4 p.32 p.28 Weatherman Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weeast Wehr Weibel Weida Weider Weidlich Weidlich Weidlich Weidman Weidman Weierbach Weigand Weigel Weiland Weinrich Weinsheimer Weintraub Weintraub Weiss Weiss Weiss Weiss Weissenberger Weissenberger Weller Weller Weller Wellert Wellington Wells Wells Welser James M. Earl F. Edith E. Edith E. Evelyn A. Evelyn A. Frederick F. George K. George K. Henry M. Henry M. Norman F. Robert L. Roman E. Alaric A. Alfred T. Gertrude M. Kimberly Sue Myrtle M. Molendia L. Helen G. Martin, Sr. Esther M. Dorothy Wright Charles W. Luther Luther Daisy Pearl Daisy Pearl Norman O. Barbara Edna M. Mary P. L. Irving Raymond W. Hilda B. Hilda B. Virginia M. Virginia M. Wilma Blake Wilma Blake Ottilie Emma Ottilie Emma Grace M. Raymond C. Raymond C. Elizabeth L. John R. Alena Mary Frinzi Frances E. 2/7/1969 9/8/1969 10/8/1969 10/9/1969 1/16/1969 1/18/1969 3/20/1969 4/4/1969 4/8/1969 12/8/1969 12/9/1969 12/29/1969 6/28/1969 11/3/1969 10/11/1969 7/29/1969 12/12/1969 7/14/1969 3/17/1969 2/11/1969 2/19/1969 5/1/1969 10/18/1969 3/3/1969 8/26/1969 1/10/1969 1/13/1969 4/3/1969 4/7/1969 2/25/1969 6/2/1969 11/20/1969 11/12/1969 9/15/1969 2/12/1969 4/3/1969 4/4/1969 3/29/1969 3/31/1969 4/14/1969 4/16/1969 8/28/1969 8/29/1969 4/10/1969 2/14/1969 2/17/1969 12/13/1969 6/21/1969 2/6/1969 5/26/1969 12/29/1969 p.1 p.36 p.18 p.50 p.38 p.24 p.34 p.1 p.16 p.28 p.22 p.36 p.25 p.38 p.20 p.26 p.26 p.26 p.14 p.24 p.16 p.42 p.22 p.12 p.4 p.10 p.16 p.28 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.38 p.10 p.25 p.32 p.1 p.24 p.24 p.28 p.20 p.18 p.41 p.26 p.18 p.1 p.12 p.28 p.4 p.28 p.20 p.36 Welsh Welter Wendland Wendland Wentzel Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werkheiser Werner Wert Wert West West Weston Weston Weston Weston Wetherhold Wetherhold Wetherhold Wetherhold Wezel Whalen Wharen Wharen Whidden Whidden Whitcomb White White White White White White White White White White White John A. Clarence Emily Emily Mary M. Archie Arthur E. Bernice E. Bertha Elmer P. Heather Kenneth Paul Kenneth Paul Mae F. Pierce E. Rosa P. Rosa P. Stewart Susie I. Vernon Jeanette Rebecca Emma Emma Charles C., Sr. Clarence E. Arthur Arthur Cyril L. Franklin S. Charles Franklin Charles Franklin Dorothy Ann Dorothy Ann John Henry R. Ida M. Ida M. Clara G. Clara G. Harry E. Dulcie Dulcie George S. George S. Grant Grant Grant Herbert F. John Paul R., Sr. Paul R., Sr. 6/25/1969 6/28/1969 1/27/1969 1/29/1969 12/21/1969 4/15/1969 9/16/1969 11/17/1969 2/5/1969 9/19/1969 6/4/1969 1/20/1969 1/22/1969 9/3/1969 6/21/1969 3/21/1969 3/26/1969 9/24/1969 9/22/1969 3/21/1969 11/5/1969 4/14/1969 4/18/1969 3/25/1969 9/16/1969 1/8/1969 1/10/1969 5/12/1969 5/1/1969 1/17/1969 1/21/1969 1/17/1969 1/21/1969 7/31/1969 2/7/1969 4/2/1969 4/5/1969 1/4/1969 1/7/1969 5/2/1969 4/11/1969 4/14/1969 5/2/1969 5/5/1969 1/22/1969 1/23/1969 1/24/1969 6/24/1969 11/1/1969 5/27/1969 5/29/1969 p.32 p.25 p.24 p.4 p.30 p.16 p.24 p.26 p.26 p.4 p.36 p.24 p.14 p.30 p.4 p.29 p.10 p.37 p.27 p.29 p.4 p.20 p.22 p.12 p.24 p.12 p.10 p.32 p.42 p.1 p.26 p.1 p.26 p.45 p.24 p.4 p.22 p.23 p.4 p.14 p.24 p.20 p.14 p.30 p.1 p.1 p.26 p.26 p.30 p.18 p.30 Whitehead Whitelaw Whitelaw Whiteside Whiting Whitman Whittaker Whittaker Whittier Whritenour Wichmann Wickman Wieder Wieder Wiednor Wiegand Wieler Wieller Wiest Wigranowsky Wilcox Wilcox Wildrick Wiley Wiley Wiley Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilkey Wilkinson Willever Willever Willi Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Edith Elsie Elsie Grace Harold Erma A. Amy Frank Edward B. Joseph W., Mrs. Florence Hazel Dorothy R. Dorothy R. Minnie S. Ila M. Henry E. Henry E. Fred G. Eugene Bertha J. Jay Caryl B. Bertha C. George J. "Jay" Harry G. Robert E. Robert E. Bob Joseph R. Paige R. Thomas S., Dr. Paul H. Alona Mae Arthur Bertha V. Bertha V. Catherine E. Catherine E. Charles M. Edward Harry E. Harry E. Harry E. Hugh O. John M. John M., Jr. John M., Jr. Leslor D. Leslor D. Lester J. 7/10/1969 7/23/1969 7/24/1969 12/1/1969 8/23/1969 10/29/1969 9/13/1969 4/8/1969 8/11/1969 9/11/1969 6/18/1969 1/16/1969 3/4/1969 3/7/1969 9/2/1969 6/19/1969 5/31/1969 5/28/1969 4/19/1969 1/18/1969 9/8/1969 11/7/1969 11/6/1969 8/29/1969 12/19/1969 8/27/1969 3/15/1969 3/18/1969 6/3/1969 6/23/1969 2/27/1969 10/21/1969 8/8/1969 3/10/1969 12/8/1969 6/2/1969 6/6/1969 5/29/1969 6/2/1969 8/7/1969 3/21/1969 1/29/1969 1/30/1969 2/3/1969 10/17/1969 10/29/1969 12/2/1969 12/4/1969 1/22/1969 1/24/1969 8/28/1969 p.48 p.14 p.40 p.28 p.24 p.4 p.20 p.16 p.16 p.32 p.14 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.18 p.30 p.24 p.14 p.24 p.24 p.36 p.29 p.46 p.26 p.30 p.10 p.20 p.4 p.23 p.12 p.37 p.20 p.24 p.38 p.1 p.2 p.4 p.30 p.24 p.41 p.29 p.4 p.40 p.12 p.28 p.4 p.26 p.42 p.14 p.26 p.41 Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Willis Willis Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilz Wimmer Winans Winkler Winne Winne Winston Wintermute Winters Winters Wire Wirth Wiseman Wisniewski Wisniewski Witmer Wittig Witzki Lynn Roger Roger Rose Carrie Ott Rose Carrie Ott Russell J. Russell J. Stanley "Cy" Theodore R., Sr. Walter O. Walter O. Walter, Sr. William R. Evelyn M. John T. John T. Kenneth Marguerite Moliere Russell R. Sarah Sarah S. Stanley, Sr. Stanley, Sr. Albert M. Albert M. Agnes E. Peterson Beatrice V. Earl Edmund O. "Sunny" Elizabeth K. Elizabeth K. Russell A. Russell E., Sr., Capt. Ernest Reuben W. Herbert James W. Edward Edward Joseph Ethel A. George George Lucy E. Charles Ethel Compton Stella Odelenski Stella Odelenski Luther Ferree Zerr, Dr. Hedwig Louise S. Anna White 5/1/1969 7/19/1969 7/22/1969 3/28/1969 3/31/1969 11/20/1969 11/21/1969 2/13/1969 7/30/1969 4/23/1969 4/28/1969 8/22/1969 4/7/1969 12/15/1969 2/3/1969 2/6/1969 2/25/1969 2/27/1969 1/3/1969 1/29/1969 1/27/1969 2/10/1969 2/13/1969 6/7/1969 6/9/1969 7/7/1969 12/24/1969 8/7/1969 10/6/1969 2/6/1969 2/8/1969 7/10/1969 9/17/1969 9/10/1969 12/20/1969 9/26/1969 6/24/1969 3/27/1969 3/29/1969 1/21/1969 4/16/1969 1/28/1969 1/30/1969 9/5/1969 5/12/1969 6/14/1969 7/1/1969 7/2/1969 3/31/1969 11/20/1969 5/31/1969 p.42 p.25 p.27 p.26 p.28 p.38 p.12 p.38 p.33 p.18 p.35 p.10 p.28 p.28 p.12 p.28 p.16 p.37 p.4 p.4 p.24 p.26 p.38 p.22 p.40 p.28 p.28 p.41 p.30 p.28 p.24 p.48 p.18 p.4 p.24 p.27 p.26 p.30 p.24 p.26 p.18 p.4 p.40 p.22 p.32 p.24 p.14 p.31 p.28 p.38 p.24 Witzki Wlodarski Woehrle Woeppel Wohlrab Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Wolfinger Wood Wood Wood Woodcock Woodley Woodley Woodley Woodring Woodring Woodring Woodring Woodring Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodward Woolever Woolever Wooley Woolf Woolf Woolf Woolf Woolstow Worley Worley Worley Wormald Worth Worth Wright Wright Wright Wrobel Anna White Leon Ruth A. Charles G. Paul Arthur Dale Erwin Erwin Charlotte H. Charlotte H. Harry L. Helen B. Mabel E. Mabel E. William E. Pauline G. Norman P. Robert E. Robert E. Paul W. Alma M. Alma M. Earl J. Hiram E. Peter B. Peter B. Ralph W. Roy Luther Alfred J., Jr. Alfred J., Jr. Emma R. Frederick Mabel George I. Richard J. Carolyn V. Arvilla Arvilla Nellie Beatrice Nellie Beatrice Donald Anna M. Anna M. Gertrude J. John H. Florence Culverhouse Florence Culverhouse Elton E. Elton E. Herman E. Frances Tonik 6/4/1969 6/10/1969 9/15/1969 7/16/1969 12/10/1969 1/23/1969 4/28/1969 5/1/1969 1/28/1969 2/1/1969 7/29/1969 9/3/1969 5/5/1969 5/8/1969 5/1/1969 7/12/1969 8/21/1969 11/6/1969 11/7/1969 2/25/1969 3/6/1969 3/10/1969 3/24/1969 2/3/1969 6/19/1969 6/21/1969 8/9/1969 12/27/1969 2/15/1969 2/18/1969 12/30/1969 11/7/1969 3/11/1969 2/19/1969 8/21/1969 11/8/1969 3/15/1969 3/17/1969 5/13/1969 5/15/1969 3/7/1969 5/8/1969 5/10/1969 7/12/1969 11/26/1969 1/16/1969 1/20/1969 2/6/1969 2/10/1969 5/22/1969 2/8/1969 p.36 p.24 p.25 p.4 p.40 p.30 p.35 p.30 p.4 p.24 p.26 p.30 p.30 p.47 p.42 p.23 p.45 p.46 p.29 p.16 p.32 p.38 p.33 p.12 p.30 p.4 p.24 p.21 p.24 p.22 p.17 p.29 p.28 p.16 p.45 p.24 p.20 p.14 p.12 p.20 p.28 p.47 p.38 p.23 p.38 p.38 p.24 p.28 p.26 p.48 p.24 Wunderler Wunderly Wunderly Wyant Wyant Wyckoff Wydner Wyker Wyker Wylie Wysor Yablonski Yamnicky Yancey Yard Yaros Yates Yawger Yee Yegle Yegle Yelles Yerance Yerance Yerger Yerger Yerger Yetter Yetter Yinger Yocum Yost Youmans Youmans Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Youngken Youpa Youpa Mary Kermit S., Sr. "Dutch" Lorraine M. Ernest A. Ernest A. Blanche A. Howard Stanley Edward L. Edward L. Laura May Mary Belle Florence Johnson Joseph, Sr. William J. Harry S. Paul Clarence D. Jessie B. LaRowe Lung Kwong Karl P. Karl P. Clarence M. Peter V. Peter V. Kathleen Paul A. "Bud" Paul A. "Bud" Clark W. Joseph H. Elizabeth Erma K. Gruber Esther Edith W. Edith W. Catherine Catherine Ethel D. Floyd W. J. Warren Nettie M. Nettie M. Oliver W. Oliver W. Robert G. Russell N. Sarah Ashworth Sarah Ashworth Wiley S., Rev. Christian S. Anna Anna 12/8/1969 10/1/1969 8/14/1969 4/22/1969 4/25/1969 2/13/1969 8/9/1969 9/6/1969 9/8/1969 7/22/1969 10/13/1969 12/11/1969 9/1/1969 10/27/1969 1/27/1969 8/22/1969 1/2/1969 10/28/1969 12/29/1969 4/4/1969 4/8/1969 6/12/1969 4/25/1969 4/28/1969 11/24/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 12/11/1969 11/13/1969 5/31/1969 9/22/1969 12/16/1969 4/15/1969 4/18/1969 3/8/1969 3/12/1969 7/1/1969 11/28/1969 7/22/1969 2/6/1969 2/8/1969 5/15/1969 5/19/1969 12/13/1969 12/1/1969 6/13/1969 6/16/1969 2/26/1969 4/12/1969 4/19/1969 4/23/1969 p.28 p.37 p.41 p.22 p.14 p.38 p.24 p.1 p.36 p.27 p.28 p.44 p.25 p.20 p.24 p.10 p.32 p.28 p.36 p.24 p.16 p.32 p.14 p.35 p.4 p.26 p.32 p.44 p.46 p.24 p.27 p.12 p.16 p.22 p.24 p.38 p.2 p.16 p.27 p.28 p.24 p.20 p.28 p.28 p.28 p.24 p.32 p.30 p.10 p.24 p.18 Youpa Youpa Yourkoff Yoxheimer Yoxheimer Yurack Zagrodzki Zansitis Zaporozec Zaporozec Zapulla Zbryk Zegalia Zegalia Zeigafuse Zeliff Zelinski Zelinsky Zelinsky Zelko Zeller Zellers Zellner Zellner Zellner Zellner Zellner Zeruth Ziebur Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziehr Ziehr Zielstorff Ziessler Zigmond Zigmond Zimmerman Zimmerman Zink Zink Zink Zito Zito Zito Zito Zone Zulauf Zurowski Zurowski John J. John J. Cornily Abram J. Abram J. Joseph Joseph A., Rev. Marcella Julius Nicholas Frank Walter Stephen G. "Sparky" Stephen G. "Sparky" Daisy Crouley M. Alexander J. John F. John F. Joseph Theodore J. Walter Alvin E. Bruce A. Elmer D. Lillie Jane Milton H. Annie M. Fritz Grace Clarence J. Clarence J. Florence M. Carl Carl Derepha Albert Pauline Pauline Helen Russell E. Fenton "Bennie" Fenton "Bennie" Wilhelmina Kullman Michael Michael Michael Michael Ida D'Alesandro Floyd W. Eugene Eugene 12/26/1969 12/27/1969 2/18/1969 1/30/1969 2/1/1969 4/28/1969 1/6/1969 11/10/1969 11/24/1969 11/28/1969 6/2/1969 9/13/1969 9/30/1969 10/1/1969 8/25/1969 8/23/1969 2/27/1969 2/10/1969 2/12/1969 9/2/1969 11/13/1969 5/26/1969 3/17/1969 10/10/1969 8/18/1969 10/31/1969 2/26/1969 7/22/1969 3/18/1969 6/24/1969 6/25/1969 3/14/1969 5/7/1969 5/9/1969 8/23/1969 11/25/1969 2/12/1969 2/15/1969 12/3/1969 5/19/1969 3/5/1969 3/8/1969 10/18/1969 5/12/1969 5/15/1969 6/2/1969 6/5/1969 8/1/1969 11/25/1969 5/27/1969 5/31/1969 p.4 p.21 p.22 p.40 p.24 p.35 p.30 p.28 p.1 p.16 p.24 p.20 p.4 p.37 p.25 p.24 p.37 p.26 p.32 p.18 p.46 p.20 p.14 p.27 p.20 p.30 p.30 p.27 p.4 p.26 p.32 p.10 p.14 p.4 p.24 p.26 p.32 p.24 p.37 p.28 p.16 p.24 p.22 p.32 p.20 p.24 p.45 p.19 p.26 p.18 p.24 Zuydhoek Zwarych Zyck Zyck Joyce H. Katherine Fred J., Sgt. Fred J., Sgt. 3/4/1969 10/16/1969 6/18/1969 6/21/1969 p.24 p.40 p.14 p.4