Spanish 1

Prescott High School
Mrs. Brubaker
(928) 445-2322 ext. 415
Room 415
Spanish I Syllabus
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Spanish I, 2015-2016 school year! I am very excited to work with
your son or daughter. The class focuses on beginning grammar, vocabulary and
culture. This is an academic elective that requires dedication to study the
material presented in class as well as active participation in class. The prerequisite for this class is a grade C or better in regular English. In order to
continue onto second semester, a grade of D or better is required at the end of
first semester and in order to continue onto Spanish II the following year a
grade of C or better is required at the end of the class.
Students are required to turn in completed assignments on the due date.
Students need to bring all required materials to class (textbook, a composition
notebook, pen/pencil, and paper for written assignments that will be handed in
for a grade).
Students will leave their seat and talk only with permission.
Students will turn off cell phones and/or iPods or other players and place them
in their backpacks for the entire class period unless the electronic devices are
used in the lesson. Students will work only on assigned Spanish classwork
while in Spanish class (not Facebook, IMs, games, work for other classes, etc.)
Students will conduct themselves and treat others with respect at all times.
Rude, obnoxious, or disruptive behavior will be handled in accordance with
school policy, including but not limited to parent notification, detention, and
removal from class, including administrative referrals.
The semester grade will be calculated in the following way: 1st quarter (40%) +
2nd quarter (40%) + final exam (20 %).
The grading will include: participation in class, homework, quizzes, tests, inclasswork (written & spoken), and final exam.
Quizzes and test (assessments) may include: chapter tests, vocabulary quizzes,
open notebook quizzes, verbal quizzes, and/or alternative assessments, such as
a dialogs or skits.
Homework includes: Practice activities assigned to do after school hours and or
classwork that was not completed during class period.
Classwork and participation includes: All work completed in class that is not
under the category of assessment. Such as bell work (warm-ups), answering
questions, reading, and writing in class. Listening to other students present,
interacting in groups, etc.
Prescott High School
Mrs. Brubaker
(928) 445-2322 ext. 415
Room 415
Limited extra credit opportunities will be assigned in this class; however there
will be opportunities to make up work if necessary due to unforeseeable
circumstances. Students with special accommodations are responsible for
informing the teacher, discretely, of his/her needs prior to the EIP or 504
Make up work:
Students with an excused absence will need to coordinate with the teacher to
make up any missed work such as presentations and or test. For each excused
absence, students will be allowed one day plus the number of days absent to
turn in work or make-up tests. Work missed due to school sponsored activities
should, whenever possible, be made up prior to absence. Unexcused late work
will be accepted for half credit. Deadlines for late work are to be determined at
the teacher’s discretion. For example, once a Unit Test has been taken, late
work for that unit will not be accepted.
Final comment:
Learning a new language takes time, requires patience and dedication. Just
when you feel you have acquired the vocabulary and grammar for one lesson,
you will be introduced to a whole new set of words and rules. If you come to
class, pay attention and complete your work on time you will do fine in this
class. If along with that, you are willing to make lots of mistakes, laugh at
yourself and respectfully laugh with your teacher and peers then I can
guarantee you will learn much more. It is my desire to make this class
challenging and engaging for all my students. I pledge to do the job the best I
can to help, but remember; it is you that wants to learn Spanish and you will
be doing most of the work!
Do you agree?
Sí o No
After reading, please keep this syllabus, complete the attached acknowledgment form and return it to your teacher. Please complete this document below and turn in to Mrs. Brubaker by Wednesday August 12th. This is a homework assignment so please bring it back so you receive all your points. Parents/Guardians: please provide me with contact information so that I may reach you with any questions, concerns or compliments. Thank you Prescott High School
Mrs. Brubaker
(928) 445-2322 ext. 415
Room 415
Student Name (Please Print): ________________________________________________________________________ Class Period: 1st. I have read and discussed with my son or daughter the classroom rules and procedures. Student Signature: __________________________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian (Please Print): _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian e-­‐mail address: (If different from school records): _____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers: (If different from school records): Home or Cell: ________________________________________________________ 