Spanish I - Twinsburg Schools


* Español 3*

Señorita Drain – Room L 112


Students will develop and continue to improve upon listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in

Spanish, while learning more vocabulary, and developing a greater awareness and knowledge of

Hispanic culture. The activities in this class focus on using the acquired knowledge of Spanish in a communicative context; thus, active involvement in classroom activities is a fundamental component of the course. This class is conducted in Spanish and students are expected to communicate in Spanish at all times.

Students will expand their knowledge of Hispanic culture and history by reading an adaptation of Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote de La Mancha, and a reading on Mexican History from the Easy Spanish Reader. Students will also study Hispanic art and history of various Latin American countries. In addition, students will use their Spanish skills for communication through a variety of assignments on our class wiki. Students will be expected to show growth on the cumulative assessment taken at the beginning of the 4 th quarter and will also take a final exam at the end of the year.

Required Materials:

It is the students’ responsibility to bring these required materials to class every day:


Covered Exprésate textbook, Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática, and copy of Don

Quijote or the Easy Spanish Reader


Pens or pencils


Student Agenda



5. 3 ring-binder with dividers. Students are responsible for keeping an organized 3 ringbinder that serves as their class notebook. The binders should be divided into 8sections:

1. Bellwork & Other Classwork 4. Songs and Culture 7. Readings

2. Notes & Grammar Practice 5. Projects 8. Review Packets

3. Vocabulary Lists 6. Journal & Newspaper Log



Be on time. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. You will receive a detention the third time you are late to class. See pg. 9 of the student agenda.


Stay on task. Keep your hands to yourself, no throwing of any objects, no talking during tests or quizzes, or other inappropriate behaviors.


Come prepared. Bring all required materials to class every day.


No gum, food, or beverages are permitted at any time in the classroom.


Be respectful. Treat EVERYONE with respect. Disrespectful, rude, or inappropriate language or behavior is not tolerated.


Cheating and plagiarism will result in a zero. See pg. 7 of the student agenda. *This includes unauthorized use of online translators.


Absolutely NO sleeping in class . Sleeping will result in a loss of participation points.


Abide by all rules of Twinsburg High School as listed in your THS student agenda.


Students’ grades consist of the following four categories:





Quizzes: 20%

Tests & Projects: 55%


Students are expected to ask and answer questions and communicate with each other and the teacher in Spanish. Active participation in all class activities is required. Students will receive points for participating, completing daily bellwork and other assigned class work, and from notebook checks.

Class work will account for 10% of students’ total grades.


Students can expect homework each day. Homework is due at the beginning of the block. Late homework is NOT accepted because we go over it together in class each day. Homework assignments are posted on the board by the door and online on Ms. Drain’s website. Students will also write journals and complete bi-weekly reading assignments. Homework will account for 15% of students’ total grades.


Students will receive a vocabulary list at the start of each chapter and will be responsible for preparing for vocabulary quizzes. If a vocabulary word is misspelled or missing necessary accent marks, it is incorrect. Students will also take occasional grammar quizzes and bi-weekly reading quizzes. Quizzes will account for 20% of students’ total grades.

Tests and Projects:

Tests: Chapter tests will assess students over the material covered in class and reinforced through their assignments. Regular attendance, completion of homework, participation in class activities, and regular studying of the material will enable students to effectively prepare for tests. Students will also take a cumulative assessment at the beginning of the 4 th quarter and a final exam at the end of the year.

Projects: Students are also responsible for completing several projects. Late projects will result in the drop of one letter grade for every day they are late. Tests and projects will account for 55% of students’ overall grade.

Make-up Work:

It is the students’ responsibility to collect and complete any missed work from the folders in Ms.

Drain’s classroom. Students with excused absences will have the number of days missed to make up assignments.

Study tips:

 Complete daily homework assignments, as they are opportunities for practice that will increase your retention of the material we are studying in class.

 Study for the vocabulary quizzes! These will help your overall grade and prepare you for the chapter tests.

 Spend half an hour each night studying and reviewing what was covered in class that day.

 See Srta. Drain for help before or after school.

 Visit Srta. Drain’s website:

o Click on “Spanish Links” to access a variety of helpful study tools, including grammar practices, Spanish language newspapers, and online Spanish-

English Dictionary, and more. o Click on “Spanish 3 Calendar” to view daily homework assignments and upcoming due dates, quizzes and tests.

Español 3

Srta. Drain

I have read the Course Information Sheet and understand the rules and expectations of this class and agree to abide by them.

Student’s Name (please print) ____________________________________________

Student’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date:________

Grade: __________

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Parent’s Name (please print) _________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________

Email address(es): ________________________________________________________


Phone number(s): _________________________________________________________

