Volume 3 Issue 3 January-February, 2014 Chissy News Chisholm Elementary School New Smyrna Beach, Florida P r i n c i p a l ’ s N o t e s Dates To Remember: Dear Wildcats, Feb. 4 PTA Science Night/MOAS Science Night Feb. 5 Early Release Feb. 11 PTA Meeting Feb. 12 Early Release Feb. 13 SAC Meeting Feb. 14 Grandparents’ Day Feb. 17 Presidents’ Day Feb. 19 Early Release No School Feb. 26-28 FCAT Writing Feb. 26 Early Release March 12 Run-a-thon Now that the calendar has changed to 2014, it is a wonderful time to reflect on our accomplishments from 2013 and look forward to our goals for the New Year. Goal setting is important and it is good practice to start even with small children. When creating goals for your children remember to be SMART! Create goals that are: Specific-A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal Measurable-Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set Attainable-You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps Realistic-You are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be Timely-A goal should be grounded within a time frame So whether are looking to get healthy, spend more time together as a family or to help your child improve an academic skill, goal planning will set you on a course for success! Ms. Carter Spelling Bee Spelling Bee Participants Spelling Bee Winners First Place: Second Place: Delayna Goodrich Neo Stawniak Chisholm’s annual Spelling Bee was held on January 27 in the Media Center. The winners go on to the county Spelling Bee at Port Orange Elementary March 4th. P a g e C h i s sy 2 N e w s K i n d e r g a r t e n The “Polar Express Pajama Day” was a great success. Thank you for sending in all the goodies and special thanks to our volunteers who came to assist us with this event. The children had a great time and really enjoyed the reading and hot cocoa with marshmallows! We are excited to be celebrating our 100th day of school on January 31st. We have many fun and exciting activities planned. Kindergarteners are very busy reading, writing, and counting to 100. We would like you to continue reading at home every night. The students will be focusing on medial sounds in phonemic awareness; as well as continuing to practice beginning and ending sounds. We are continuing to work our way through the alphabet. The students are also working on reading fluency and it is important to practice reading with your child every night as well as working with sight words. We will be working on day and night sky in science. In Math, they are continuing to practice counting and number sense and are being introduced to addition and subtraction. Your child may need help with their homework. F i r s t First graders have been busy learning basic reading and math skills. They are beginning to read and retell stories. Please encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes a night. Decodable books are sent home weekly for your child to read and by having your child read and reread familiar books helps build fluency. Fluency is reading a text accurately and quickly using expression. Recognizing sight words also helps with fluency. Sight word flashcards are a great way to practice automatically recognizing sight words and each week We will be focusing on the past and present for social studies and are looking forward to smooth sail into the 3rd quarter. In the 3rd quarter our students will be sharpening their writing skills. When practicing writing sentences at home, remind your child to place a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and a period or question mark at the end. -Crandall, Evans and Roof G r a d e sight words are sent home. You can also make your own flashcards using the words of the week so they can be practiced nightly. We will be having a small celebration in class. The students may bring in valentine cards already addressed for each student. A class list and more On January 31st, first graders will information will be sent home celebrate the 100th day of school. soon. Encourage your child to They will count and then will graph fill out the cards by themselves. one hundred items, read and write First graders are doing a great stories about the 100th day of job turning in their homework school, and will get to eat one daily. Keep up the good work hundred food items. and remember to read, read, read! Thank you for all of your In February, we are looking forward hard work and support! to Valentine’s Day. Beverly, Bowe, Goodknecht and Grant V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 P a g e K i n d e r g a r t e n & F i r s t G i f t e d K/1 gifted is working hard! We are continuing to work hard on addition, subtraction, and word problems in math. We are also working on measurement (including time). We have almost reached 100 for our number of the day. We have lots of fun activities planned for the 100th day of schoo1! We will be starting our Force of Motion unit in science very soon and look forward to some hands on activities to talk about this. With the Olympics starting in February, we will be incorporating that theme into many of our subjects. They are quickly becoming fantastic readers! We will start to discuss character traits in the next few weeks. Continue to read at home. Thank you for your support with weekly homework and also our monthly projects! Mrs. Traub S e c o n d Second Grade is off and running in the 3rd quarter. In reading, we are learning about wild animals, animal survival, recycling and super storms. We are learning how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers with regrouping. We are filling up our Interactive Student Notebooks and will soon be studying geometry and all kinds of shapes. In February, we will YEARBOOKS ON SALE G r a d e G r a d e be preparing for our Volusia Writes test and learning about our President and our past presidents. We will learn about famous black Americans while celebrating Black History month. We continue using a variety of technology and have begun using the Internet to find information. Many students have earned free pizzas and race tickets for all their reading. Keep up the reading logs every week. T h i r d Buy your Yearbook today! Continue to read with your child and review their weekly work on Fridays when it comes home. Thank you for all your support and for the much needed school supplies and snacks. Mrs. Ahlgren, Mrs. Navarro and Mrs. Schmitt G r a d e Third Graders will continue working hard preparing for our important FCAT Tests coming soon! Thank you all third graders for participating in Literacy Week activities and Racing to Read Program! Remember to keep practicing multiplication and to keep reading for Reading Counts. We have several students in third grade with over 100 points so far! Thank You, Keep it up! Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Frey, and Mrs. Ross 3 P a g e 4 C h i s sy S e c o n d Our year is off to a spectacular start! The children have been back and more excited than ever. We will work on filling out literature packets correctly, as well as, taking tests using our books to answer questions. In writing, we are working on planning writing and then using our graphic organizer to write a paper. In Science we are working on matter and moving into Energy. We are working on the states and capitols in Social Studies & T h i r d We have been working on subtraction and moving into multi-digit addition involving regrouping. It is important for your children to know single digit addition and subtraction by heart. Please practice flash cards with them; this will aid them when multiplication comes into the picture. We are looking forward to our next field trip to Lyonia and in March we will be going to Reptile Discovery! T h i r d Happy New Year…I can’t believe it’s 2014. We are back and into a good working groove. I wanted to thank our parents who volunteered their time to come and read with us during Literacy Week. We would also like to ask you to come back (anytime)…as we love it when you share your passion for reading with us! We started the New Year with new studies in our subject areas. In Social Studies, we have moved onto the G r a d e We had a wonderful learn experience at the Marine Discovery Center thanks to NSBHS aquaculture students. Don’t forget your family has a G i f t e d Please continue to check planners, homework is completed, and read when the opportunity arises. Have a great day! Mrs. Weeks We are beginning to read Ramona the Brave. G i f t e d Ancient Civilization of Egypt. In conjunction with our studies, we are reading the Magic Tree House book, and waiting to get started on some crafts depicting the life and times of Ancient Egyptians. In Science, we’ve been studying Energy…and the various forms. In Math, we are continuing with “Number Talks” and practicing our mental math computation of fractions. One “homework” assignment is for the students to look for fractions out “in the real world.” F o u r t h Bundle up! The weather has changed. Remember in Florida, it can be warm in the morning and freezing in the afternoon. Make sure your child brings a sweater or jacket to school each day. G r a d e N e w s G r a d e free pass to visit the center. Mrs. Ciaramella’s students can teach family members what they learned about local marine life. Soon, a 50ft. whale will be on display. Don’t miss that exciting event!! Mrs. Ciaramella Please have your student discuss with you their fraction (parts and whole)…they should be able to explain them to you! As always, please encourage your student to read every day and to practice those multiplication math facts. Also, parents please continue to utilize Pinnacle to track your student’s progress and for any missing work…and, as always, thank you for your continued support! Ms. Johnson V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 F o u r t h 4h Grade Gifted: In Social Studies, we are beginning our unit on Colonial America. We are starting this unit with a “gallery walk”. This is a fascinating time in history to study! How did they live their daily lives compared to us now? We are wrapping up our novel, Indian in the Cupboard. This is a fantastic story! We hope to view the movie as well so we can compare & contrast the book vs. the film. Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a 3 inch cowboy and Indian running around your house??? We are meeting for literature circles—what a great way to explore literature, learn to talk about books, as well as collaborate and work in a team. We also incorporate the “Daily 5” into our reading time where our focus is typically nonfiction text and vocabulary skills. 5th Grade Gifted: We have concluded our unit on “Matter”—we enjoyed several labs with this unit! We will begin our unit on energy and electricity in science. We’re always working hard in science to use information from multiple sources combined with hands-on labs and investigations. In reading, we continue to work on capturing the reader’s attention by starting off a writing prompt with a “grabber.” We have also incorporated literature circles into our weekly reading activities. Ask your child about the book they are currently reading! We are also continuing our “Daily 5” in reading—with a greater focus on nonfiction text and “word work”. P a g e & F i f t h G r a d e FCAT Writing is coming soon & we are READY to WRITE! We have worked very hard on both narrative and expository writing; including adding literary elements that create a great story or essay. Ask your child about “color” words, sound effects, similes & metaphors; as well as ways to make their stories come alive! We’ve enjoyed reading literature that has inspired us to be better writers. We love our daily “quick writes” and think this strategy has improved our “hooks” (beginnings) and conclusions. Keeping a journal or diary is a great way to incorporate writing into your daily life. In math, we are currently working our way through expressions, equations and continue to focus on problem solving in a variety of ways. We’re learning to create our own word problems and then incorporate variables into the equations. We’ll be working hard to master In math, we are learning to find factors of composite numbers so that in the future we will be able to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. (Keep practicing your multiplication facts daily if those skills aren’t sharp!) In Social Studies, we are studying “Reform” across the country which includes: rights for women; better education and better treatment of the mentally ill; and questioning slavery in comparison to “the land of the free.” These are passionate times in our country’s history—so much to learn and discuss in regards to all of these topics and important milestones. G i f t e d exponents and order of operations as well! Encourage your child to talk about math as they solve problems— on their homework or in the “real world”. Rocks and minerals are too cool!!! We are loving this unit! Ask your child about Hawaiian sand vs. the sand from New Smyrna. Look for examples of erosion and deposition around our town and beaches. Ask your child to differentiate between sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. We have some fun, hands-on projects coming soon! As we conclude this topic, we’ll move into Force and Motion…always fun to study! Great job on the Social Studies projects, 4th graders! Mrs. McDonald We have started a class novel that follows two determined young survivors struggling to live in a country torn apart by war; “A Long Walk to Water.” Mrs. McDonald NEWS F project LASH!!! Scie s will b nce Fai e r Inform ation w coming soon ! i !! ll be se with yo nt u th approa r 5 grader as home ches. the tim e 5 P a g e 6 C h i s sy N e w s G L E E : G i f t e d L e a r n e r s E n r i c h m e n t & E d u c a t i o n , A P a r e n t B o o s t e r C l u b We were very happy and appreciative of all the work our Gifted Teachers did to present their beautiful classrooms to our community in December. The turnout was excellent and we appreciate all the families who donated something delicious to our food and beverage spread! Special compliments go out to our teachers for going the extra mile. It’s an extraordinary opportunity for our kids to learn the way ours do. When they study a unit on Native American culture or history, they don’t stop at learning what a sand painting is, they actually make one. And with design thinking units in full swing, they are stretching their own ideas of the possible, and learning how to work with others toward solutions. This training will offer benefits to last a lifetime. A lot of Look for “Club Sign Ups”, which will begin again in February. No sign up will be processed without a filled out permission slip. We will do as much as possible by email so if we do not have your email, remember clubs fill up fast. Send us your email address to receive the mass mailings! Here’s to a great Winter/Spring at Chisholm! -------GLEE VOLUNTEERS behind the scenes’ effort goes into one of our grades finished ahead planning this type of learning, so of other unrated elementary thank you Gifted Team! teams. Thanks Learning RX and PTA for donating TEAM The Chess Club attended the Na- SHIRTS. tional K-12 Elementary School Chess Tournament in Orlando in We are the first Volusia County December. For 3 days, 18 players Elementary Chess Team, and the led by Coach Steve Lampkin, ate, first Volusia Team to ever play drank and slept Chess… ALEX in a national chess tournament. ZENCHENKO, scored enough Way to go Wildcats! wins to receive a 2nd place trophy Our funds this year have gone amongst all unrated 4th graders toward hot glue gun supplies for from 38 US States. This is no small accomplishment, way to go design thinking, and bean bags for the classrooms! We believe Alex!! ZACH CUMBIE we can accomplish this goal with represented Chisholm well by lasting the longest in a three hour 12 parents, vs. the 6 we had when we raised our initial funds. game that ended in a draw. So please attend or email us if you need to schedule a meeting ANNALIESE YEE and JOHNNY GRIMALDI finished in for the info after work hours. the top 10, and overall, every V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 P a g e S o c i a l The winners for the Social Studies Fair are: Poster: Eylish Coolbeth, 1st place Thea Gallagher, 2nd place Sam Dinardi, 3rd place Maps: Emma Norman, 1st place Jake Krauel, 2nd place F a i r Crafts: Cole Emmanuel, 1st place Haven Shaver, 2nd place Sophis Eagney, 3rd place Exhibits: Atticus Paler, 1st place Neo Swatniakl, 2nd place Lillian Fredirico, 3rd place Congratulations to all our Social Studies winners! Individual Performance: Sienna Burns L a d y Lady Cats are up to a lot of dancing lately! We had a very successful Lady Cat Night at McKenna’s Monday Dec. 16th and Jan. 20th! We raised enough money for new team jackets! Thanks to all those who baked goods, came out and ate dinner, purchased carry out or just S t u d i e s 7 C a t s made a donation! We really appreciate your support! We welcome the Kitty Cats, who started in January! Amber McNabb, Savannah Amsbury, Staten Weeks, Lauren Merklin, Baylie Zitzka, & Maysea Landis. Ms. Cat and Ms. Emily are So Fou cia rt lS hG tu ra di d es e Fa ir D a n c e choreographing a pom routine and they are so cute! We are preparing new routines for our annual Spring Fling, Relay for Life performance, and getting ready for a Grandparent’s Day performance, February 14th. Yours in Dance, Mrs. Dill A r t K/1 have been studying the artist who was labeled a “fauve” (French for wild beast). Henri Matisse was a turn of the century French artist who broke away from the popular style of realism by using bright colors and expressive brush strokes in his art. We’ve made colorful self portraits and are currently studying “The Goldfish.” Look for some of our Kindergarten Artists at ArtHaus’ Wee Create exhibit in December! 2/3 are making quite an impression with their Impressionist based art work. We are examining Degas’ ballerinas, Renoir’s landscapes and Monet’s waterlilies (one of my favorites)! We have learned to blend chalk pastels and how to paint watercolors “wet-onwet.” 4/5 are super focused on Pablo Picasso…we loved his art so much we extended this although it may seem to take a while to complete, we know that craftsmanship is an important part of being an artist. Their “Blue Period” inspired portraits will be ready to show off soon! We’ve learned how to mix paints to create tints and shades, as well as what the word ‘monochromatic’ means….go head, quiz them! All classes are making sure they use the Elements and Principals of Art in their work. Ask your child if they can tell you about some of these Important pARTS of Art! Catie Tappan P a g e 8 C h i s sy N e w s WORKS of heART CLUB I can’t believe it’s almost time to say good bye to 4th and 5th grade Works of heART members! The painted fence looks incredible (yes, the other half will be painted by the 2nd and 3rd grade members) and has received many compliments. Currently, we are working on alternatives surfaces (black foam core), canvas paintings and soon we will be glazing some pottery. I always have so much fun with this group! Look for information to come home soon concerning upcoming dates. Thank you for always making an effort to pick your child up by 3:05, it is appreciated. The Art Room is always in need of fun supplies, if you have anything you think our students could use for art, please email me at: mctappan@volusia.k12.fl nothing Thank you! There is iting Catie Tappan more exc your ee than to s play! d n art o is G u i d a n c e AmVets Americanism Poster Contest Third place winner for Southeast Volusia 4th graders : Haven Shaver, Ms. Dill’s class, st Also, honorable mention 1 graders: Nicole Walls, Ms. Grant and Hannah Stivenson, Ms. Traub. Nicole Walls, Haven Shaver and Hannah Stivenson Pennies for Patients Campaign Chishom Elementary will participate in an upcoming campaign to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Florida. This is a very important cause and certainly worth our efforts – money collected will stay here in central Florida for research and patient care. The campaign, called “Pennies for Patients”, will begin on Monday, March 3rd and end Thursday, March 19th . The class raising the most money (at each school) will receive a $50 gift card to fund their own class party. V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 P a g e G u i d a n c e We are a “Bucket Filling School!” Bucket Filler is a character education and bully prevention program that schools are implementing across the country. The idea comes from the book, “How Full is Your Bucket?” by Tom Rath. The concept is that we all carry an invisible bucket containing our feelings. When our bucket is full, we feel happy; when empty, we feel sad or angry. A bucket filler is someone who says or does something nice for other people. By being a Bucket Filler, we fill other peoples’ buckets, and we fill our own. We were also feeling the L-O-V-E (LOVE!) … Chisholm was so blessed to receive assistance from so many loving and caring individuals and organizations during the holiday season. On behalf of the faculty, staff, students and families of Chisholm Elementary School I want to thank the following folks for their kindness: C o n t i n u e d Congratulations to the following classes for filling their class buckets in the first semester: Ms. Beverly, Ms. Dill, Ms. Hopkins, Ms. Traub, Ms. Brown, Ms. Evans, Ms. Grant, and Ms. Bowe. December gave us an opportunity to share the love! Our students participated in a school-wide canned food drive “Team Up Against Hunger” to collect food for the Gifts of Love Food Pantry on W. Park Ave. in Edgewater. Elizabeth Scheel, Everglades Boats – Kristy Curry, Pelican Piecemakers, Edgewater Rotary, NSB Kiwanis Club, Harley Davidson Owners Club of NSB – Kathy Diffenbaugh, Caroling for Coats, NSB VFW and Ladies Auxiliary – Marge Lamb, Walmart S.R. 44 NSB – Bob Morris, The Community Toy Party – Donna Stoddard, Joyce Glissen, Patsy Raines, Barbara Our Lady Star of the Sea Catho- Tillis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred lic Church, First Baptist Church Sharpstein, Alissa Lovejoy, of New Smyrna Beach, Sacred Johnna Gonzalez, Dana Heart Catholic Church, Trinity Garnjobst, Debby Daly, Joey Lutheran Church, Coronado Daly, Claire Schneider, Jim Community United Methodist DiCavallucci, and Joe Glasse. Church Ladies Circles – Rebecca and Naomi Dorcas, St. Peter the Fisherman Episcopal Church, Bank of America – Guidance lessons for January have focused on Learning for Life while February lessons will make the connection between school and work. Get ready parents, you may be the subject of an interview! Thank you for supporting Guidance! Marla DeLoach Griffin School Counselor 9 WE’RE ON THE WEB! HTTP://MYVOLUSIASCHOOLS.ORG CLICK ON THE SCHOOLS’ TAB C H I S H O L M E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L 557 Ronnoc Lane New Smyrna Beach, FL Kelly Carter, Principal Angela Polite, TOA Phone: 386-424-2540 Fax: 386-424-2500 Doris Hayward, Editor Chisholm’s Motto: We Are Loving To Learn, Learning To Grow, and Growing to Succeed! Chisholm’s Code: I Am Respectful! I Am Prepared! I Am Responsible! We are always looking for Volunteers! I Am Safe! B u s i n e s s Thank You To Our Business Partners: Aaron’s Heating & Air, Inc. We value your partnership Pa r t n e r s First Baptist Church Papa Johns Pizza Interested in becoming a Chisholm Business Partner? Please contact Sue Jones at 386-424-2540