Page 1 CEWR-0003 國 立 政 治 大 學 中 國 經 濟 資 料 庫 China Economic Databases, National Chengchi University CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT Chen-yuan Tung Professor, Graduate Institute of Development Studies Amy T. Mah Research Associate, China Economic Databases Guo-chen Wang PhD Student, Graduate Institute of Development Studies Issue 3 - January 2010 Top 3 China economic world rankings Index Ranking Economies Foreign Exchange Reserves 1 156 Exports of Manufactured Goods 1 153 Exports of Office and Telecom Equipment 1 153 Current Account Balance 1 182 Coal Production 1 215 Coal Consumption 1 215 Carbon Dioxide Emission 1 215 GDP – PPP 2 182 Exports of Merchandise 2 153 Petroleum Consumption 2 215 Electricity Net Generation 2 215 Electricity Net Consumption 2 215 Primary Energy Production 2 215 Primary Energy Consumption 2 215 Nominal GDP 3 182 Imports of Merchandise 3 153 Exports of Construction 3 153 Exports of Other Business Services 3 153 Market Value of Publicly Traded Shares 3 110 China Economic World Ranking Report January 2010 Page 2 I. China’s Internal Economy World Rankings According to the Report of International Monetary Fund, in 2008, China’s Nominal GDP was USD 4,327.4 billion, 3rd among 182 economies. The Chinese GDP-annual real growth rate was 9%, 16th of 182 economies. GDP annual real growth rate of additional BRIC 1 countries for 2008 were as follows: amongst 182 economies, Brazil ranked 76th with a growth rate of 5.1%; India ranked 29th with a growth rate of 7.3%; Russia ranked 67th with a growth rate of 5.6%. Based on purchasing power parity (PPP), China’s 2008 GDP was USD 7,926.5 billion, 2nd amongst 182 economies; the per capita GDP was USD 5,970, 101st amongst 182 economies. GDP per capita for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 182 economies, Brazil ranked 78th with per capita GDP of USD 10,465.8; India ranked 131st with per capita GDP of USD 2,779.9; Russia ranked 53rd, with per capita GDP of USD 15,947.9. In terms of price in 2009, China’s consumer price index (CPI) grew 5.9% according to the Report of International Monetary Fund; 99th of 222 economies. On population, World Health Organization’s investigation indicated, the 2006 population annual growth rate was 0.6%, 138th of 193 economies. The 2006 population in urban areas was 42%, 131st of 193 economies. The 2006 life expectancy at birth for both sexes in China was 73 years, 65th of 193 economies. The 2006 life expectancy at birth for female in China was 75 years, 73rd of 193 economies. The 2006 life expectancy at birth for male in China was 72 years, 55th of 193 economies. Additionally, to measure the level of economic and social development, according to the Human Development Index by United Nations, the 2007 China’s Index score was 0.772, 92nd of 182 economies. The 2007 Human Development Index Scores for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 182 economies; Brazil ranked 75th with a score of 0.813; India ranked 134th with a score of 0.612; Russia ranked 71st with a score of 0.817. According to the statistics of World Bank, China scored 4.47 in the 2009 Knowledge Economy Index, 81st of 145 economies. The 2009 Knowledge Economy Index scores for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 145 economies; Brazil ranked 54th with a score of 5.66; India ranked An acronym for the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China combined. The general consensus is that the term was first prominently used in a Goldman Sachs report from 2003, which speculated that by 2050 these four economies would be wealthier than most of the current major economic powers. CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 1 壹 January 2010 Page 3 109th with a score of 3.09; Russia ranked 60th with a score of 5.55. According to United Nations’ investigation results, China’s 2007 Gini coefficient was 0.415, 92th of 182 economies, which emphasized the growing concern over the income disparity in China. The 2007 Gini coefficients for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 182 economies, Brazil ranked 75th with a coefficient of 0.55; India ranked 134th with a coefficient of 0.368; Russia ranked 71st with a coefficient of 0.375. (HPI-1) for China was 7.7%, 36th of 135 economies. The 2007 HPI-1 scores for other BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 135 economies, Brazil ranked 43rd with a score of 8.6%; India ranked 88th with a score of 28%; Russia ranked 32nd with a score of 7.4%. Furthermore, according to the investigation result of World Health Organization, the 2004 population ratio living below the poverty line for China was 9.9%, 58th of 193 economies. The 2007 Human Poverty Index II. China’s External Economy World Rankings According to The Heritage Foundation, China ranked 140th of 183 economies in the 2010 Index of Economic Freedom, with a value of 51. 2010 economic freedom scores for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 183 economies, Brazil ranked 113th with a score of 55.6; India ranked 124th with a score of 53.8; Russia ranked 143th with a score of 50.3. The KOF Swiss Economic Institute’s 2009 Economic Globalization Index ranked China 83rd of 208 economies, with a score of 60.47. The 2009 Economic Globalization Index scores for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 208 economies, Brazil ranked 82nd with a score of 60.48; India China Economic World Ranking Report ranked 120th with a score of 44.84; Russia ranked 91st with a score of 57.04. Moreover, in the 2009 China’s World Competitiveness by International Institute for Management Development, China ranked 20th of 57 economies. The 2009 World Competitiveness rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 57 economies, Brazil ranked 40th; India ranked 30th; Russia ranked 49th. According to World Economic Forum, China’s 2009 Global Competitiveness Index was 4.74, 29th of 133 economies. Scores for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 133 economies, Brazil ranked January 2010 Page 4 56th with a score of 4.23; India ranked 49th with a score of 4.3; Russia ranked 63rd with a score of 4.15. China’s 2008 Networked Readiness Index was 46th of 134 economies. According to the investigation of International Telecommunication Union, the 2007 ICT Development Index for China was 3.11, 73rd of 154 economies. In World Bank’s World Trade Indicators 2008 indices, China ranked 63rd among 125 economies in the Trade Policy Index; 51st among 126 economies in the External Environment Index; 83rd among 181 economies in the Institutional Environment Index; 30th among 151 economies in the Trade Facilitation Index; 34th among 161 economies in the Trade Outcome Index. Lastly, in the 2009 Enabling Trade Index by World Economic Forum, China ranked 49th among 121 economies with a score of 4.19. On international trade, World Trade Organization indicated, the 2008 merchandise imports for China totaled USD 1,132.5 billion, 3rd of 153 economies and 3rd among 126 countries excluding the intra-EU trading activity. Merchandise imports rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 24th with a total of USD 182.4 billion; India ranked 16th with a total of USD 293.4 billion; Russia ranked 17th with a total of USD 291.9 billion. Excluding the intra-EU trading activity, amongst 126 countries, Brazil ranked 16th; India ranked 10th; Russia ranked 11th. The 2008 merchandise export for China totaled USD 1,428.3 billion, 2nd of 153 economies and 2nd among 126 countries excluding the intra-EU trading activity. Merchandise exports rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 22nd with a total of USD 197.9 billion; India ranked 27th with a total of USD 177.5 billion; Russia ranked 9th with a total of USD 471.6 billion. Excluding the intra-EU trading activity, amongst 126 countries, Brazil ranked 16th; India ranked 19th; Russia ranked 5th. The 2008 imports for commercial services totaled USD 158 billion, 5th among 153 economies and 4th among 126 countries excluding the intra-EU trading activity. Commercial services imports rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 22nd with a total of USD 44.4 billion; India ranked 13th with a total of USD 83.6 billion; Russia ranked 16th with a total of USD 74.6 billion. Excluding the intra-EU trading activity, amongst 126 countries, Brazil ranked 13th; India ranked 7th; Russia ranked 9th. CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 壹 January 2010 Page 5 The 2008 exports for commercial services totaled USD 146.4 billion, 5th among 153 economies and 3rd among 126 countries excluding the intra-EU trading activity. Commercial services exports rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 31st with a total of USD 28.8 billion; India ranked 9th with a total of USD 102.6 billion; Russia ranked 22nd with a total of USD 50.7 billion. Excluding the intra-EU trading activity, amongst 126 countries, Brazil ranked 18th; India ranked 5th; Russia ranked 11th. According to the statistics of International Monetary Fund, in 2008, China’s current account balance was USD 426.1 billion, 1st of 182 countries. III. China’s World Rankings by Trade Categories Figure 1. Major exporters of manufactures, 2000 - 08 (Billion dollars) 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 China Japan United States Germany 2000 2005 2006 On merchandise exports for 2008, China surpassed Germany to become the world’s largest exporter of manufactured goods with an approximated total of USD 1,300 billion as stated in the annual report of China Economic World Ranking Report 2007 2008 World Trade Organization, ranking China 1st of 153 economies. In addition, China posted the strongest annual performance in office and telecom equipment export in 2008, also ranking 1st of 153 economies. January 2010 Page 6 Figure 2. China’s rankings of commercial services exports audiovisual and related services other business services royalties and license fees computer services computer and information services financial services insurance services construction communications services On commercial services, the total 2007 exports of communications services was USD 1,175 million, 8th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of communications services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 4th with a total of USD 2,288 million; Russia ranked 7th with a total of USD 1,272 million. The total 2007 exports of construction was USD 5,377 million, 3rd of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of construction rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 9th with a total of USD 845 million; Russia ranked 4th with a total of USD 3,450 million. The total 2007 exports of insurance services was USD 904 million, 9th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of insurance services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India 4 3 13 13 6 4 9 3 8 153 economies ranked 7th with a total of USD 1,504 million; Brazil ranked 13th with a total of USD 543 million. The total 2007 exports of financial services was USD 12,425 million, 4th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of financial services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 8th with a total of USD 3,886 million; Brazil ranked 12th with a total of USD 1,090 million; Russia ranked 11th with a total of USD 1,174 million. The total 2007 exports of computer services was USD 207 million, 13th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of computer services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 2nd with a total of USD 27,110 million; Russia ranked 8th with a total of USD 1,012 million. CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT The total 2007 壹 exports of January 2010 Page 7 computer and information services was USD 4,345 million, 6th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of computer and information services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 2nd with a total of USD 27,668 million; Russia ranked 10th with a total of USD 1,097 million. of USD 9,624 million. The total 2007 exports of audiovisual and related services was USD 316 million, 4th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of audiovisual and related services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Russia ranked 9th with a total of USD 196 million. The total 2007 exports of royalties and licenses fees was USD 343 million, 13th of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of royalties and licenses fees rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 14th with a total of 319 million; Russia ranked 11th with a total of USD 396 million. The total 2007 exports of other business services 2 was USD 40,408 million, 3rd of 153 economies. The 2007 exports of other business services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 5th with a total of USD 30,783 million; Brazil ranked 13th with a total of USD 11,064 million; Russia ranked 14th with a total Exports and imports of other business services comprise of trade-related services, operational leasing (rentals), and miscellaneous business, professional and technical services such as legal, accounting, management consulting, public relations services, advertising, market research and public opinion polling, research and development services, architectural, engineering, and other technical services, agricultural, mining and on-site processing. China Economic World Ranking Report 2 January 2010 Page 8 Figure 3. China’s rankings of commercial services imports audiovisual and related services other business services royalties and license fees computer services computer and information services financial services insurance services construction communications services On commercial services, the total 2007 imports of communications services was USD 1,082 million, 6th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of communications services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 13th with a total of USD 714 million; Russia ranked 5th with a total of USD 1,298 million. The total 2007 imports of construction was USD 2,910 million, 6th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of construction rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 11th with a total of USD 691 million; Russia ranked 3rd with a total of USD 6,454 million. The total 2007 imports of insurance services was USD 10,664 million, 4th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of insurance services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India 12 4 7 10 7 6 4 6 6 153 economies ranked 7th with a total of USD 3,203 million; Brazil ranked 11th with a total of USD 1,308 million. The total 2007 imports of financial services was USD 2,807 million, 6th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of financial services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 5th with a total of USD 3,262 million; Brazil ranked 12th with a total of USD 807 million; Russia ranked 9th with a total of USD 1,407 million. The total 2007 imports of computer services was USD 346 million, 10th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of computer services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 3rd with a total of USD 3,212 million; Brazil ranked 4th with a total of USD 2,205 million; Russia ranked 8th with a total of USD 754 million. CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 壹 January 2010 Page 9 The total 2007 imports of computer and information services was USD 2,208 million, 7th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of computer and information services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 4th with a total of USD 3,509 million; Brazil ranked 6th with a total of USD 2,273 million; Russia ranked 10th with a total of USD 956. The total 2007 imports of royalties and licenses fees was USD 8,192 million, 7th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of royalties and licenses fees rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 13th with a total of 2,259 million; Russia ranked 10th with a total of USD 2,806 million. IV. The total 2007 imports of other business services was USD 30,431 million, 4th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of other business services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, India ranked 6th with a total of USD 19,062 million; Brazil ranked 10th with a total of USD 10,586 million; Russia ranked 9th with a total of USD 11,618 million. The total 2007 imports of audiovisual and related services was USD 154 million, 12th of 153 economies. The 2007 imports of audiovisual and related services rankings for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 153 economies, Brazil ranked 7th with a total of USD 456 million; Russia ranked 6th with a total of USD 624 million. China’s World Rankings of Energy Productions and Consumptions Figure 4. Rankings of energy productions primary energy 2 electricity (net) 2 coal 1 natural gas petroleum 13 the 2008 daily petroleum production was 3,973 thousand barrels, 5th of 215 economies. The 2007 natural gas production of China was 2,446 billion cubic feet, 13th of 215 economies. 5 215 economies On energy productions of China, International Energy Agency reported, China Economic World Ranking Report The 2007 coal production of China was 2,795.5 million short tons3, 1st of 215 economies. The short ton is a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg). January 2010 3 Page 10 The 2006 electricity net generation of China was 18,015 billion kilowatt hours, 2nd of 215 economies. The 2006 electricity net consumption of China was 16,379 billion kilowatt hours, 2nd of 215 economies. The 2006 total primary energy production of China was 469 quadrillion Btu4, 2nd of 215 economies. The 2006 total primary energy consumption of China was 472 quadrillion Btu, 2nd of 215 economies. Figure 5. Rankings of energy consumptions or emissions carbon dioxide 1 primary energy 2 electricity (net) 2 coal 1 natural gas petroleum The 2006 carbon dioxide emission of China was 29,195 million metric tons, 1st of 215 economies. 12 2 215 economies On energy consumptions of China, International Energy Agency reported, the 2008 daily petroleum consumption was 7,831 thousand barrels per day, 2nd of 215 economies. The 2007 natural gas consumption of China was 2,490 billion cubic feet, 12th of 215 economies. The 2007 coal consumption of China was 2,772.8 million short tons, 1st of 215 economies. 1 quadrillion British thermal unit (Btu) is defined as 1015 Btu, which is about one exajoule ((1.055 × 1018 J). CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 4 壹 January 2010 Page 11 V. China’s Financial World Rankings Figure 6. Rankings of financial developments Figure 7. Rankings of Forex reserves Russia 40 Russia India 3 38 India Brazil 5 34 Brazil China 8 26 55 economies World Economic Forum reported, China placed 26th in the 2009 Financial Development Index amongst 55 economies with a score of 3.87. The Financial Development Index rankings of other BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 55 economies, Brazil ranked 34th with a score of 3.46; India ranked 38th with a score of 3.3; Russia ranked 40th with a score of 3.16. China Economic World Ranking Report China 1 156 countries According to The People’s Bank of China, the 2009 foreign exchange reserves (Forex reserves) of China was USD 2.4 trillion, 1st of 156 countries. Forex reserves for additional BRIC countries were as follows: amongst 156 countries, Brazil ranked 8th with reserves of USD 0.24 trillion; India ranked 5th with reserves of USD 0.29 trillion; Russia ranked 3rd with reserves of USD 0.45 trillion. January 2010 Page 12 China Economic World Rankings Sample Source Year Index Rankings Nominal GDP 3 182 GDP – Real Growth Rate 16 182 GDP –PPP 2 182 GDP Per Capita -PPP 101 182 Foreign Exchange Reserves 1 156 161 182 138 193 World Health Organization 2006 131 193 World Health Organization 2006 58 193 World Health Organization 2004 65 193 World Health Organization 2006 73 193 World Health Organization 2006 55 193 World Health Organization 2006 ICT Development Index 73 154 Knowledge Economy Index 81 145 World Bank 2009 Gini Index 92 182 United Nations 2007 Human Poverty Index (HPI-1) 36 135 United Nations 2007 Human Development Index 92 182 United Nations 2007 CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 壹 Inflation Rate -Consumer Prices Population Annual Growth Rate (%) Population in Urban Areas Population Living Below the Poverty Line Life Expectancy at Birth (years) Both Sexes Life Expectancy at Birth (years) Female Life Expectancy at Birth (years) Male Size The International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund The People’s Bank of China The International Monetary Fund International Telecommunication Union 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2008 2007 January 2010 Page 13 China Economic World Rankings Sample Source Year The Heritage Foundation 2010 Index Rankings Index of Economic Freedom 140 183 Economic Globalization 83 208 Imports of Merchandise 3 153 World Trade Organization 2008 3 126 World Trade Organization 2008 5 153 World Trade Organization 2008 4 126 World Trade Organization 2008 2 153 World Trade Organization 2008 2 126 World Trade Organization 2008 7 153 World Trade Organization 2008 3 126 World Trade Organization 2008 1 153 World Trade Organization 2008 1 153 World Trade Organization 2008 8 153 World Trade Organization 2007 6 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Exports of Construction 3 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Imports of Construction 6 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Exports of Insurance Services 9 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Imports of Merchandise Sans intra-EU Trade Imports of Commercial Services Imports of Commercial Services Sans intra-EU Trade Exports of Merchandise Exports of Merchandise Sans intra-EU trade Exports of Commercial Services Exports of Commercial Services Sans intra-EU Trade Exports of Manufactured Goods Exports of Office and Telecom Equipment Exports of Communications Services Imports of Communications Services China Economic World Ranking Report Size KOF Swiss Economic Institute 2009 January 2010 Page 14 China Economic World Rankings Sample Source Year 153 World Trade Organization 2007 4 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Imports of Financial Services 6 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Exports of Computer Services 13 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Imports of Computer Services 10 153 World Trade Organization 2007 6 153 World Trade Organization 2007 7 153 World Trade Organization 2007 13 153 World Trade Organization 2007 7 153 World Trade Organization 2007 3 153 World Trade Organization 2007 4 153 World Trade Organization 2007 4 153 World Trade Organization 2007 12 153 World Trade Organization 2007 Global Competitiveness Index 29 133 World Economic Forum 2009 Current Account Balance 1 182 World Competitiveness 20 57 Financial Development Index 26 55 Index Rankings Imports of Insurance Services 4 Exports of Financial Services Exports of Computer and Information Services Imports of Computer and Information Services Royalties and License Fees (Exports) Royalties and License Fees (Imports) Exports of other Business Services Imports of other Business Services Exports of Audiovisual and Related Services Imports of Audiovisual and Related Services Size CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT The International Monetary Fund International Institute for Management Development World Economic Forum 壹 2008 2009 2009 January 2010 Page 15 China Economic World Rankings Sample Source Year 125 World Bank 2008 51 126 World Bank 2008 Institutional Environment 83 181 World Bank 2008 Trade Facilitation 30 151 World Bank 2008 Trade Outcome 34 161 World Bank 2008 The Enabling Trade Index 49 121 World Economic Forum 2009 Networked Readiness Index 46 134 World Economic Forum 2008 Petroleum Production 5 215 International Energy Agency 2008 Petroleum Consumption 2 215 International Energy Agency 2008 Natural Gas Production 13 215 International Energy Agency 2007 Natural Gas Consumption 12 215 International Energy Agency 2007 Coal Production 1 215 International Energy Agency 2007 Coal Consumption 1 215 International Energy Agency 2007 Electricity Net Generation 2 215 International Energy Agency 2006 Electricity Net Consumption 2 215 International Energy Agency 2006 Primary Energy Production 2 215 International Energy Agency 2006 Primary Energy Consumption 2 215 International Energy Agency 2006 Carbon Dioxide Emission 1 215 International Energy Agency 2006 Index Rankings Trade Policy 63 External Environment China Economic World Ranking Report Size January 2010 Page 16 Links to Sources: 1. World Bank, ( 2. United Nations, ( 3. World Economic Forum, ( 4. International Institute for Management Development, ( 5. The Heritage Foundation, ( 6. The International Monetary Fund, ( 7. KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ( 8. World Trade Organization, ( 9. World Health Organization, ( 10. International Telecommunication Union, ( 11. International Energy Agency, ( 12. The People’s Bank of China, ( Note: 1. The imports and exports rankings of financial services are rankings of Hong Kong, China. 2. Rankings of World Trade Organization are from the 2009 Report, and the latest data on rankings in the Report are from years 2007 and 2008. 3. Rankings of United Nations and International Telecommunication Union are from 2009 Reports, and the latest data on rankings in the Reports are from year 2007. 4. Rankings of World Health Organization, International Energy Agency, and The Heritage Foundation are listed in the actual ranking years. 5. The latest rankings from The International Monetary Fund are from 2008, equivalent to issue 2 of China Economic World Ranking Report. 6. The latest rankings of Trade Policy, External Environment, Institutional Environment, Trade Facilitation, and Trade Outcome from World Bank are equivalent to issue 2 of China World Ranking Report, updates are not available. 7. The latest rankings of The Enabling Trade Index and Networked Readiness Index are equivalent to issue 2 of China World Ranking Report, updates are not available. CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 壹 January 2010 Page 17 Explanatory Note for Indices Carbon Dioxide Emission: A colorless, odorless, non-poisonous gas that is a normal part of Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a product of fossil-fuel combustion as well as other processes. It is considered a greenhouse gas as it traps heat (infrared energy) radiated by the Earth into the atmosphere and thereby contributes to the potential for global warming. Emission is the anthropogenic releases of gases to the atmosphere (e.g., the release of carbon dioxide during fuel combustion). It is the world carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption and flaring of fossil fuels in million metric tons of carbon dioxide. Coal Production and Consumption: The total production and consumption of coal in million short tons. Current Account Balance (Billions in USD): Balance on current transactions excluding exceptional financing. This entry records a country's net trade in goods and services, plus net earnings from rents, interest, profits, and dividends, and net transfer payments (such as pension funds and worker remittances) to and from the rest of the world during the period specified. Economic Globalization: The index is characterized as long distance flows of goods, capital and services as well as information and perceptions that accompany market exchanges. Electricity Net Generation: The amount of gross generation less the electrical energy consumed at the generating station(s) for station service or auxiliaries. Note: Electricity required for pumping at pumped-storage plants is regarded as electricity for station service and is deducted from gross generation. Exports of Commercial Services: The total US dollar amount of commercial services exports. Exports of Commercial Services Sans intra-EU Trade: Exports of commercial services excluding the intra-trades between the 27 European Union countries. Exports and Imports of Audiovisual and Related Services: Imports and exports of audiovisual and related services, including services and fees related to the production of motion pictures, radio and television programs, and musical recordings. Exports and Imports of Communications Services: Imports and exports of communications services, which includes telecommunications, postal and courier services. Telecommunications services encompasses the transmission of sound, images or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable and broadcasting, satellite, electronic mail, facsimile services etc., including business network services, teleconferencing and support services. It does not include the value of the information transported. Also included are cellular telephone services, Internet backbone services and on-line access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Exports and Imports of Computer and Information Services: Imports and exports of computer and information services, that is subdivided into computer services (hardware and software China Economic World Ranking Report January 2010 Page 18 Explanatory Note for Indices related services and data processing services), news agency services (provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media), and other information provision services (database services and web search portals). Exports and Imports of Computer Services: Exports and imports of hardware and software related services and data processing services. Exports and Imports of Construction: Imports and exports of construction, which covers work performed on construction projects and installation by employees of an enterprise in locations outside the territory of the enterprise (the one-year rule to determine residency is to be applied flexibly). In addition goods used by construction companies for their projects are included which implies that the "true" services component tends to be overestimated. Exports and Imports of Financial Services: Imports and exports of financial services, that covers financial intermediation and auxiliary services provided by banks, stock exchanges, factoring enterprises, credit card enterprises, and other enterprises. Exports and Imports of Insurance Services: Imports and exports of insurance services, that covers the provision of various types of insurance to non residents by resident insurance enterprises, and vice versa, for example, freight insurance, direct insurance (e.g. life) and reinsurance. Exports and Imports of Other Business Services: Exports and imports of other business services, comprising of trade-related services, operational leasing (rentals), and miscellaneous business, professional and technical services such as legal, accounting, management consulting, public relations services, advertising, market research and public opinion polling, research and development services, architectural, engineering, and other technical services, agricultural, mining and on-site processing. Exports of Manufactured Goods: Exports and imports of goods produced using primary goods, including petroleum, steel, textiles, and baked goods. Exports of Merchandise: The total US dollar amount of merchandise exports. Exports of goods, not services, also called tangible exports. Exports of Merchandise Sans intra-EU Trade: Exports of merchandise excluding the intra-trades between the 27 European Union countries. Exports of Office and Telecom Equipment: Exports of office and telecommunications equipment. External Environment: Included in this index are: MA-TTRI - All Goods Index which summarizes the impact of other countries' trade policies on each country's exports, including preferential rates; MA-OTRI - All Goods Index which summarizes the impact of other countries' trade policies on each country's exports, including preferential rates and non-tariff measures. CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 壹 January 2010 Page 19 Explanatory Note for Indices Financial Development Index: The financial development index ranks 55 of the world's leading financial systems and capital markets. It analyses the drivers of financial system development and economic growth in developed and developing countries to serve as a tool for countries to benchmark themselves and establish priorities for reform. The rankings are based on over 120 variables spanning institutional and business environments, financial stability, and size and depth of capital markets, among other factors. Foreign Exchange Reserves: Foreign exchange reserves (also called Forex reserves) in a strict sense are only the foreign currency deposits held by central banks and monetary authorities. However, the term foreign exchange reserves in popular usage (such as this list) commonly includes foreign exchange and gold, SDRs and IMF reserve position as this total figure is more readily available, however it is accurately deemed as official reserves or international reserves. The list excludes currency swaps conducted by central banks. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), current prices (Billions in USD): A basic measure of a country’s economic performance. It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a nation in a year. GDP based on Purchasing-Power-Parity (PPP) (Trillions in Current International Dollar): A nation's GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates is the sum value of all goods and services produced in the country valued at prices prevailing in the country. This is the measure most economists prefer when looking at per-capita welfare and when comparing living conditions or use of resources across countries. GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (Trillions of Current International Dollar): GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of 1 July for the same year. GDP, Constant Price (Annual Percent Change): Annual percentages of constant price GDP are year-on-year changes; the base year is country-specific. Gini Index: Measures the extent to which the distribution of income (or consumption) among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. Global Competitiveness Index: A highly comprehensive index for measuring national competitiveness, which captures the microeconomic and macroeconomic foundations of national competitiveness. Human Development Index: The HDI provides a composite measure of three dimensions of human development: living a long and healthy life (measured by life expectancy), being educated (measured by adult literacy and enrollment at the primary, secondary and tertiary level) and having a decent standard of living (measured by purchasing power parity, PPP, income). Human Poverty Index (HPI-1): While the HDI measures average achievement, the HPI-1 measures deprivation in the three basic dimensions of human development captured in the HDI: 1. A China Economic World Ranking Report January 2010 Page 20 Explanatory Note for Indices long and healthy life – vulnerability to death at a relatively early age, as measured by the probability at birth of not surviving to age 40. 2. Knowledge – exclusion from the world of reading and communications, as measured by the adult illiteracy rate. 3. A decent standard of living – lack of access to overall economic provisioning, as measured by the un-weighted average of two indicators, the percentage of the population not using an improved water source and the percentage of children under weight-for-age. Imports of Merchandise (Trillions in USD F.O.B): The total US dollar amount of merchandise imports on a c.i.f. (cost, insurance, and freight) or f.o.b. (free on board) basis. Imports of Merchandise Sans intra-EU Trade: Imports of merchandise excluding the intra-trades between the 27 European Union countries. Imports of Commercial Services: The total US dollar amount of commercial services imports. Imports of services, not goods. Imports of Commercial Services Sans intra-EU Trade: Imports of commercial services excluding the intra-trades between the 27 European Union countries. Index of Economic Freedom: A simple average of the 10 individual freedoms. The 10 economic freedoms are: business freedom, trade freedom, fiscal freedom, government size, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, property rights, freedom from corruption, and labor freedom Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (Annual Percentage Change): Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data. The annual percent change in consumer prices compared with the previous year's consumer prices. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Development Index: ICT stands for information and communication technologies. Analysis of global ICT developments based on quantitative indicators ICT Development Index (IDI), incorporates different aspects and lessons learned, from earlier indices, guided by previous ITU composite indices, such as the Digital Access Index (DAI), the Digital Opportunity Index (DOI) and the ICT Opportunity Index (ICTOI). The IDI has been produced as a response to calls by ITU Member States to merge previous ITU indices into a single index in order to track the digital divide and benchmark information society developments. Institutional Environment: This category includes The Ease of Doing Business Index which presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 181 economies. Regulations affecting 10 stages of the life of a business are measures: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, employing workers, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and closing a business. Knowledge of Economy Index: An aggregate index representing the overall preparedness of a country or region towards the Knowledge Economy (KE). The KEI is constructed as the simple average 壹 January 2010 CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT Page 21 Explanatory Note for Indices of 4 sub-indexes, which represent the 4 pillars of the knowledge economy (economic incentive and institutional regime (EIR), education and training, innovation and technological adoption, information and communications technologies (ICT) infrastructure). Life Expectancy at Birth (years): Life expectancy at birth reflects the overall mortality level of a population. It summarizes the mortality pattern that prevails across all age groups - children and adolescents, adults and the elderly. It is defined as the average number of years that a newborn isexpected to live if current mortality rates continue to apply. Natural Gas Production: The process of producing consumer-grade natural gas. Natural gas withdrawn from reservoirs is reduced by volumes used at the production (lease) site and by processing losses. Volumes used at the production site include (1) the volume returned to reservoirs in cycling, repressuring of oil reservoirs, and conservation operations; and (2) gas vented and flared. Processing losses include (1) nonhydrocarbon gases (e.g., water vapor, carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen) removed from the gas stream; and (2) gas converted to liquid form, such as lease condensate and plant liquids. Volumes of dry gas withdrawn from gas storage reservoirs are not considered part of production. Dry natural gas production equals marketed production less extraction loss. Network Readiness Index: The index records 134 countries worldwide and is a comprehensive international assessment of the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the development process and the competitiveness of nations. Petroleum Production and Consumption: The production of petroleum, which is a broadly defined class of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. Included are crude oil, lease condensate, unfinished oils, refined products obtained from the processing of crude oil, and natural gas plant liquids. The consumption of petroleum approximately represents consumption of petroleum products because it measures the disappearance of these products from primary sources, i.e., refineries, natural gas-processing plants, blending plants, pipelines, and bulk terminals. In general, product supplied of each product in any given period is computed as follows: field production, plus refinery production, plus imports, plus unaccounted-for crude oil (plus net receipts when calculated on a PAD District basis) minus stock change, minus crude oil losses, minus refinery inputs, and minus exports. Population Annual Growth Rate (%): It is used to refer to the growth of the population of the world. Population Living Below the Poverty Line: The percentage of people in a country living on less than USD $1 per day. Population in Urban Areas: Population in an area characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it. Primary Energy Production: Production of primary energy. The Energy Information China Economic World Ranking Report January 2010 Page 22 Explanatory Note for Indices Administration includes the following in U.S. primary energy production: coal production, waste coal supplied, and coal refuse recovery; crude oil and lease condensate production; natural gas plant liquids production; dry natural gas—excluding supplemental gaseous fuels—production; nuclear electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the nuclear plants heat rate); conventional hydroelectricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate); geothermal electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the geothermal plants heat rate), and geothermal heat pumpenergy and geothermal direct use energy; solar thermal and photovoltaic electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate), and solar thermal direct use energy; wind electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate); wood and wood-derived fuels consumption; biomass waste consumption; and biofuels feedstock. Primary Energy Consumption: Consumption of primary energy. (Energy sources that are produced from other energy sources—e.g., coal coke from coal—are included in primary energy consumption only if their energy content has not already been included as part of the original energy source. Thus, U.S. primary energy consumption does include net imports of coal coke, but not the coal coke produced from domestic coal.) The Energy Information Administration includes the following in U.S. primary energy consumption: coal consumption; coal coke net imports; petroleum consumption (petroleum products supplied, including natural gas plant liquids and crude oil burned as fuel); dry natural gas—excluding supplemental gaseous fuels—consumption; nuclear electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the nuclear plants heat rate); conventional hydroelectricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate); geothermal electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the geothermal plants heat rate), and geothermal heat pump energy and geothermal direct use energy; solar thermal and photovoltaic electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate), and solar thermal direct use energy; wind electricity net generation (converted to Btu using the fossil-fueled plants heat rate); wood and wood-derived fuels consumption; biomass waste consumption; fuel ethanol and biodiesel consumption; losses and co-products from the production of fuel ethanol and biodiesel; and electricity net imports (converted to Btu using the electricity heat content of 3,412 Btu per kilowatthour). Royalties and License Fees: Payments and receipts for the use of intangible non-financial assets and proprietary rights, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial processes, and franchises. Stock of Direct Foreign Investment – at Home (Billions in USD): This entry gives the cumulative US dollar value of all investments in the home country made directly by residents primarily companies - of other countries as of the end of the time period indicated. Direct investment excludes investment through purchase of shares. Stock of Direct Foreign Investment – Abroad (Billions in USD): This entry gives the cumulative US dollar value of all investments in foreign countries made directly by residents primarily companies - of the home country, as of the end of the time period indicated. Direct CHINA ECONOMIC WORLD RANKING REPORT 壹 January 2010 Page 23 Explanatory Note for Indices investment excludes investment through purchase of shares. The Enabling Trade Index: ETI is a comprehensive index intended to capture the full range of issues that contribute to impeding trade, ranking nations according to factors that facilitate the free flow of goods across national borders and to destination. Trade Facilitation:This category includes the LPI - Overall - The Logistics Performance Index (LPI) which reflects the overall perception of a country’s logistics based on over 1,000 responses to a survey of logistics performance. Trade Outcome:This category includes the Real growth in total trade Index. It is calculated as the average annual growth rate of the total exports and imports in goods and services at constant 2000 U.S. dollars. This indicator reflects the trade expansion of a country over the period. Trade Policy:Included in this index are: Trade Tariff Restrictiveness Index, TTRI - All Goods whichsummarizes the impact of each country's non-discriminatory trade policies on its aggregate imports; OTRI - All Goods Index which summarizes the impact of each country's non-discriminatory trade policies on its aggregate imports; TTRI - All Goods Index which summarizes the impact of each country's trade policies on its aggregate imports; OTRI - All Goods Index which summarizes the impact of each country's trade policies on its aggregate imports. World Competitiveness:The 2009 overall rankings for 57 economies. The economies are ranked from the most to the least competitive. China Economic Databases, National Chengchi University Website: Address: Graduate Institute of Development Studies, No.64, Sec.2, Chi Nan Road, Wen Shan District, Taipei, Taiwan 11605. Telephone: +886-2-2939-7291 Fax: +886-2-2234-0056 To download this file, please go to Please contact Amy T. Mah with any questions or comments at China Economic World Ranking Report January 2010