INDEX Dr William P. Howlett 2012 Index A – B INDEX A abducens nerve 21, 295 absence seizures 79, 82 accessory nerve 27, 305 accommodation reflex 21, 289 acetylcholine receptor antibodies 320 aciclovir 141 acoustic nerve 25, 303 balance 26, 303 hearing 25, 303 acoustic neuroma 377, 402 activities of daily living (ADL) 251 acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) 123 aetiology 124 ceftriaxone 129 chloramphenicol 129 clinical diagnosis 126 CSF in ABM 129 diagnosis 128 epidemiology 124 Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 125 management 129 Neisseria meningitidis 125 outcome 130 pathogenesis 126 penicillin 129 prevention 130 signs of meningitis 127 Streptococcus pneumoniae 125 acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM) 140 acute dystonic reactions 339 acute epidural abscess 236 adjuvants 435 agnosia 60 AIDS 191 akinesia 330 akinetic-rigid syndrome 335 alcohol 279 Alzheimer’s disease 387 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 341 analgesic overuse headache 356 management 356 aneurysms 109 anosmia 16, 287 anticholinergic drugs 335 antiepileptic drugs 89 444 Index carbamazepine 91 diazepam 94 ethosuxamide 92 phenobarbitone 91 phenytoin 91 sodium valproate 92 aphasia 51, 369 apraxia 51, 369 Argyll-Robertson pupil 290 Arnold-Chiari malformation 239 ART associated neuropathy 204, 268 astereognosis 59 asterixis 340 astrocytoma 367 ataxia 54, 278, 404 athetosis 339 aura 81 AVPU method 217 axons 259 B Babinski sign 34, 48 bacterial meningitis. See acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) basal ganglia 47, 329 Becker’s muscular dystrophy 314 Bell’s palsy 204, 268, 301 benign essential tremor 337 benign intracranial hypertension (BIH) 359 benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) 304 beriberi 278 bladder 56 incontinence 56 parasympathetic 56 sympathetic 56 Blantyre coma scale 166 brain abscess 149, 166, 194 pyogenic 149 toxoplasmosis 166, 194 tuberculoma 132, 194 brain death 225 brain stem 47, 54 brain stem and cerebellum 369 brain tumours 367 chemotherapy 379 clinical features 368 C – C Index focal neurological deficits 368 management of tumours 378 medical 378 radiotherapy 379 raised intracranial pressure 368 seizures 368 sites 369 surgical 378 Broca’s area 51 Brown-Sequard syndrome 56 Brudzinski’s sign 39, 127 bulbar palsy 342 C café-au-lait spots 400 caloric testing 226 carbamazepine 91 care in neurology 431 carotid artery stenosis 107 carotid doppler 109 carpal tunnel syndrome 261 case fatality ratio 68 cauda equina 55 cerebellar ataxias 404 cerebellum 47, 54 cerebral hemispheres 47, 51 cerebral malaria 161 artemether 164 artemisinin compounds 164 artesunate 164 clinical features 162 coma 162 complications 164 definition 161 diagnosis 163 epidemiology 161 pathophysiology 161 Plasmodium falciparum 161 quinine 165 retinopathy 162 seizures 162 treatment 164 cerebral toxoplasmosis 123 cerebrovascular disease. See stroke cervical spondylosis 237 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 405 Charcot’s joints 148 cholinesterase inhibitors 321 chorea 339, 406 William Howlett chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) 281 clonus 29 cluster headache 357 cochlear division 25, 303 codeine/dihydrocodeine 436 cognitive function 38, 387 cognitive testing 391 colloid cyst 376 colour vision 291 coma 213 assessment 213 causes 215 emergency treatment 221 general examination 216 history 215 investigations 220 level of consciousness (LOC) 216 management 220 pathophysiology 213 common peroneal nerve 262 complex partial seizures 79 confusion/delirium 195, 225, 437 chlorpromazine 437 haloperidol 437 consciousness 37 consensual reflex 21, 288 constipation 441 coordination 32 corneal reflex 24, 300 corticobasal degeneration (CBD) 334 corticospinal tracts 55 cover test 299 cranial nerve disorders 287 cranial nerve examination 16 assessing the pupils 20 distinguishing the type of deafness 26 examining eye movements 21 examining the tongue 28 examining visual fields 18 fundoscopy 19 head turning 27 jaw opening, closure 24 pupillary reactions 20 shoulder elevation 27 testing facial movements 25 testing facial sensation 23 testing hearing 25 testing smell 17 Neurology in Africa 445 Index D – E testing the gag reflex 27 testing visual acuity 17 the accommodation reflex 21 the consensual reflex 21 the light reflex 21 craniopharyngioma 375 cryptococcal meningitis 123, 136, 193 amphotericin B 138 clinical findings 136 CM and ART 138 cryptococcal antigen (CRAg) 137 Cryptococcus neoformans 136 diagnosis 136 fluconazole 137 flucytosine 138 prognosis 138 treatment 137 CSF findings in meningitis 129 cutaneous fibromas 400 cysticercosis 175 albendazole 176 clinical features 176 diagnosis 176 life cycle 175 pathology 176 praziquantel 176 prevention 178 seizures 176 steroids 177 Taenia solium 174 treatment 176 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 198 D deafness 25, 303 dementia 200, 385 aetiology 386 Alzheimer’s disease 386 cognitive testing 391 dementia with Lewy bodies 386 epidemiology 385 frontotemporal dementia 386 general course and prognosis 386 HIV-associated dementia (HAD) 200, 390 management 388 mini mental state examination 392 Parkinson’s disease 386 prognosis 386 risk factors 386 446 Index vascular dementia 389 dementia with Lewy bodies 334, 386 Denis three column model 422 dermatomes 58 dermatomyositis 316 Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica) 244 diabetes 277 diffuse axonal injury (DAI) 415 diplopia 21, 296 disability 70 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) 69 disease burden 69 disease prevention 71 disorders of peripheral nerves 259 distal sensory neuropathy (DSN) 203, 267 dizziness 304 Doll’s eyes 225 dopamine 331 dorsal columns 49, 55 drug induced parkinsonism 334 Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy 314 dysarthria 52 dysdiadochokinesia 32 dysphagia 438 dysphasia 52 expressive 53 global 54 receptive 53 dysphonia 52 dyspnoea 440 dystonia 338 E echinococcosis. See hydatid disease electroencephalography (EEG) 86 electromyography (EMG) 266 encephalitis 139 encephalopathy 214 epilepsy 79 AEDs and women 93 aetiology 80 brain imaging 88 clinical diagnosis 84 common forms of seizures 81 discontinuing of AEDs 92 driving and epilepsy 95 drug treatment 90 epidemiology 80 epilepsy syndromes 79 F – H Index investigations 86 management 89 prognosis 94 status epilepticus 93 treatment gap 95 Epley’s manoeuvre 305 ergotamine 355 examination of the gait 36 examination of the limbs 28 coordination 32 finger nose test 32 heel shin test 32 inspection 28 power 29 reflexes 33 sensation 34 tone 28 extradural haematoma 418 extrapyramidal disorder 330 Parkinsonism 334 Parkinson plus syndromes 334 Parkinson’s disease 329 eye movements 21, 295 tracking 295 voluntary saccades 295 F facial nerve 24, 301 facial pain 360 facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 315 fasciculations 28 fatigability 319 febrile convulsions 84 femoral neuropathy 263 finger-nose test 32 flaccid paraplegia 55 fluorosis 238 foot drop 262 fourth nerve palsy 298 freckling 400 Friedreich’s ataxia 404 Froin syndrome 236 frontal lobe 51, 369 frontal lobe release signs (FLRSs) 40, 201 grasp reflex 40 palmomental reflex 40, 202 snout reflex 40, 201 frontotemporal dementia 389 fundoscopy 19, 293 William Howlett G gag reflex 27, 305 gait disorder 61 cerebellar 61 hemiparetic 61 myopathic 61 neuropathic 61 Parkinson’s 61 sensory ataxic 61 spastic 61 generalized tonic-clonic seizure 81 general paralysis insane (GPI) 148 Gilles de la Tourette syndrome 340 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 38, 216 Glasgow Outcome Scale 417 glioma 370 clinical features 370 management 370 prognosis 370 global burden 67 glossopharyngeal 26 glossopharyngeal nerve 26, 305 Gower’s sign 314 grand mal 79 graphanaesthesia 60 grasp reflex 40 Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 205, 279 clinical features 279 general management 280 intravenous immunoglobulin 280 investigations 279 plasma exchange 280 prognosis 280 H haemorrhage/haematoma 102, 108, 414 aneurysm 102 arteriovenous malformations 102 extradural 418 intracerebral 102, 421 subarachnoid 109 subdural 108, 420 Hallpike’s test 304 HAT. See human African trypanosomiasis headache 351 primary 352 secondary 357 head injury 413 health delivery 72 Neurology in Africa 447 Index I – I primary care 73 secondary care 73 tertiary care 73 health promotion 71 hearing 25, 303 Rinne’s test 26, 303 Weber’s test 26, 303 heel shin test 32 helminthic infections 161 hemiballismus 339 hemiparesis 59 hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) 406 herpes encephalitis 140 diagnosis 141 hiccups 340 history taking 13 HIV. See Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-associated dementia (HAD) 200, 390 HIV infection 191 HIV related neurological illnesses 191 HIV related neuropathy 203, 267 ART associated neuropathy 204 Bell’s palsy 268 distal sensory neuropathy (DSN) 203, 267 inflammatory neuropathies 205, 269 Holmes Adie pupil 290 Horner’s syndrome 289 Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) 161, 168 clinical features 169 CSF examination 172 diagnosis 171 eflornithine 173 encephalitic stage 170, 171 haemolymphatic stage 170 life cycle for trypanosomiasis 170 melarsoprol (Mel B) 173 nifurtimox 173 pentamidine 173 prevention 174 primary chancre 169 prognosis 174 suramin 173 treatment 173 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T.b.g.) 169 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (T.b.r.) 168 Trypanosomiasis test (CATT) 172 Winterbottom’s sign 170 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 70, 123 448 Index Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) 244 Huntington’s disease (HD) 339, 405 hydatid disease 182 albendazole 183 clinical features 182 diagnosis 183 Echinococcus granulosus 182 life cycle 182 praziquantel 183 prevention 184 treatment 183 hyperventilation syncope 223 hypoglossal nerve 28, 305 hypoglycaemia 224 I immobility 440 immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) 199 immunoglobulin 322 impaired communication 436 incidence rate 67 inclusion body myositis 318 India ink 137, 193 infections 123 bacterial 123 fungal 123 parasitic 123 protozoa 123 viral 123 inflammatory myopathies 316 inherited myopathies 312 inherited neurological disorders 312, 399 dystrophies 312 Friedreich’s ataxia 404 Huntington’s disease (HD) 405 neurofibromatosis type 1 399 neurofibromatosis type 2 402 neuropathies 405 spastic paraparesis 406 Sturge Weber syndrome 403 tuberous sclerosis 403 Wilson’s disease 407 inherited neuropathies 405 intention tremor 32 intracerebral haematoma 421 intracranial pressure 368 intracranial tumours (ICT) 367 J – M Index benign 367 malignant 367 intravenous immunoglobulin 280, 322 involuntary movements 336 ischaemia 102 Ishihara plates 17 J Jarish-Herxheimer reaction 149 jaw jerk 23, 300 JC virus 197 joint position sense 35 K Kayser-Fleisher ring 407 Kernig’s sign 39, 127 konzo 246 aetiology 246 clinical features 246 cyanide 246 diagnosis 247 prevention 248 spastic paraplegia 246 treatment 248 L lathyrism 248 beta-N-oxalylamino-L-alanine (BOAA) 248 grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) 248 paraplegia 248 Leber’s optic neuropathy 294 leprosy 269 anaesthetic skin lesions 269 biopsy 273 borderline 270 clinical features 269 clofazimine 274 complications 275 dapsone 274 diagnosis 273 eyes 273 host response 269 lepromatous (LL) 269 multiple drug treatment (MDT) 274 Mycobacterium leprae 269 nerve enlargement 272 neurological findings 272 peripheral neuropathy 269 prevention 276 rifampicin 274 William Howlett skin 271 slit skin smears 273 thalidomide 275 transmission 269 treatment 274 tuberculoid (TT) 269 type 1 reversal reactions 274 type 2 erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) 274 levodopa (L-dopa) 331 light reflex 21, 288 afferent pupil defect 288 efferent pupil defect 288 limb girdle muscular dystrophy 315 Lisch nodules 400 localization 47 locked-in syndrome 219 loss of posture 330 lower motor neurone lesion (LMNL) 48 lumbar puncture 151 M malaria. See cerebral malaria mandibular V3 300 motor involvement 300 mannitol 417 maxillary V2 300 measurement of disease 67 median nerve 261 medical history 15 Meige syndrome 338 memory 52, 385 Ménière’s disease 304 meningioma 371 clinical features 371 diagnosis & management 371 meningitis 124, 193 mental state 38 meralgia paraesthetica 262 metastases 374 differential diagnosis 374 investigations 375 management 375 migraine 353 Mini Mental State Examination 392 miosis 290 mononeuritis multiplex 260 mononeuropathies 57, 260 common peroneal nerve 262 Neurology in Africa 449 Index N – N lateral cutaneous nerve 262 median nerve 261 meralgia paraesthetica 262 pathophysiology 259 Phalen’s sign 261 radial nerve 262 sciatic nerve 262 Tinel’s sign 261 ulnar nerve 262 morphine 436 mortality rate 68 motor 23 motor neurone disease (MND) 341 clinical subtypes 341 diagnosis 343 investigations 343 management 343 motor seizures (Jacksonian epilepsy) 84 motor system 47 movement disorders 329 multiple system atrophy (MSA) 334 muscle disorders 311 acquired myopathies 311 dystrophies 312 other myopathies 318 muscular dystrophy 311 myasthenia gravis 318 cholinesterase inhibitors 321 complications 319 diagnosis 320 differential diagnosis 319 immunosuppression 321 management 321 pyridostigmine 321 signs 319 symptoms 319 myoclonus 339 myopathies 311 clinical history 311 electromyography 312 inflammatory myopathies 316 investigations 312 physical examination 311 myopathy 205, 311 myotonic dystrophy 313 N nausea and vomiting 439 neck stiffness 127 450 Index Neisseria meningitidis 125 nerve conduction studies 266 neurocysticercosis 174 neurodegenerative disorder 329, 389 neurofibromatosis type 1 399 neurofibromatosis type 2 402 neuroleptic malignant syndrome 335 neurological disorders in HIV 136, 167, 191 acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) 193 Bell’s palsy 204 confusion and coma 195 Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) 136, 193 cytomegalovirus (CMV) 198 distal sensory neuropathy (DSN) 203 focal neurological disorder (FND) 191 Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 205 Herpes zoster 191 HIV-associated dementia (HAD) 200 HIV-associated neurocognitive dysfunction (HAND) 200 immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 199 lymphoma 194 meningitis 191 myopathy 191 palmomental reflex 201 paraparesis 202 polymyositis 204 progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML) 197 retinopathy 199 seizures 196 snout reflex 201 stroke 195 TB meningitis (TBM) 193 toxoplasma encephalitis (TE) 166, 194 tuberculoma 194 vacuolar myelopathy (VM) 191, 202 varicella-zoster 197 neurological examination 16 neurological infections 123 neuromuscular junction 60 neuromyelitis optica. See Devic’s disease neuropathy. See peripheral neuropathies neurosyphilis 147 non-opioids 434 non traumatic paraplegia. See paraplegia nystagmus 299 O – P Index O occipital lobe 369 occupational therapists 251 ocular myasthenia gravis 319 oculocephalic reflex 225 oculomotor nerve 21, 295 oculovestibular reflex 226 olfactory nerve 16, 287 ophthalmic V1 300 opioids 434 opisthotonos 146 optic atrophy 294 optic nerve 17, 287 optic neuritis 293 Devic’s disease 294 orientation 37 P pain 351, 432 adjuvants 435 causes 433 drug treatment 434 management 433 measurement 433 neuropathic 432 nociceptive 432 non-opioids 434 opioids 435 pathophysiology 432 WHO analgesic ladder 436 palliative care 441 aims 442 general care and support 441 needs 441 relieve pain & other symptoms 442 palmomental reflex 40, 202 papilloedema 20, 293 paraplegia 55, 231 paraplegia non traumatic 231 aetiology 231 compressive causes 233 management 249 non compressive causes 240 tropical myeloneuropathies 246 parietal lobe 49, 369 Parkinsonism 334 Parkinson plus syndromes 334 Parkinson’s disease 54, 329 bradykinesia 54, 330 William Howlett causes 329 clinical diagnosis 330 course 333 gait 54, 330 levodopa (L-dopa) 331 other drug treatments 332 pathophysiology 329 rigidity 54, 330 treatment 331 tremor 54, 330 patterns of motor loss 59 patterns of sensory loss 59 peripheral nerve disorders 50 peripheral nervous system 57 peripheral neuropathies 203, 259 persistent vegetative state 219 pethidine 436 petit mal 79 phenytoin 91 Pick’s disease 389 pinealoma 377 pituitary tumours 373 clinical features 373 diagnosis 373 management 374 plasma exchange 322 plexiform neuromas 400 polymyositis 311, 316 polyneuropathies 263 causes 264 clinical features 264 diagnosis 266 electromyography 266 investigations 266 management 266 motor 264 sensory 265 Pott’s disease 233 clinical features 233 investigations 233 prognosis 234 treatment 234 power 30 presenting complaint 14 prevalence rate/ratio 68 primary CNS lymphoma 376 primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) 343 progressive bulbar/pseudobulbarpalsy (PBP/PSP) 342 Neurology in Africa 451 Index Q – S progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML) 197 progressive muscular atrophy (PMA) 342 progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) 334 protozoal infections 161 pseudoseizures 85, 224 psychogenic coma 219 public health 67, 79 pupillary disorders 289 pupillary reactions 20 pupillary responses 287 Q quadriplegia 56 R Rabies 141 clinical features 142 laboratory diagnosis 143 pathogenesis 142 prevention 144 treatment 144 vaccination 144 radial nerve 262 Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 301 reflexes 33 rest tremor 330 retinopathy 198, 293 rigidity 330 Rinne’s test 26, 303 risus sardonicus 145 Romberg’s test 37 S schistosomiasis 178, 242 clinical features 180 diagnosis 181 epidemiology 178 life cycle 178 paraparesis 180 paraplegia 242 pathogenesis 179 praziquantel 181 prevention 181 prognosis 181 Schistosoma haematobium 178 Schistosoma japonicum 178 Schistosoma mansoni 178 seizures 180 steroids 181 452 Index treatment 181 schwannoma 377, 402 sciatic nerve 262 secondary headaches 357 seizures 79 seizure types absence 82 febrile convulsions 84 generalized tonic-clonic 81 motor seizures (Jacksonian) 84 myoclonic 83 partial onset 83 temporal lobe 83 sensory level 55 sensory testing 35 signs of meningism 39 Brudzinski’s sign 39 Kernig’s sign 39 neck stiffness 39 sixth nerve palsy 298 sleeping sickness. See HAT smell 16, 287 Snellen chart 17, 291 snout reflex 40, 201 sodium valproate 92 spasticity 439 spastic paraplegia 55, 246 speech disorders 52 spinal cord 47 corticospinal tract 47 dorsal columns 49 spinothalamic tracts 49 spinal cord tuberculosis 233 spinal cord tumours 235 spinal injury 422 spinocerebellar disorders 404 squint 298 states of altered consciousness 225 status epilepticus 93 drug treatment 94 management 94 sternomastoid muscle 305 straight leg raising test 40 stroke 101, 195 aetiology 102 anticoagulation 112 antiplatelet drugs 112 blood pressure 112 clinical presentation 104 T – T Index complications 113 definition 101 differential diagnosis 108 epidemiology 101 investigations 108 localization 104 management 111 pathogenesis 102 prevention 115 prognosis 116 rehabilitation 114 thrombolysis 113 vascular risk factors 103 Sturge Weber syndrome 403 sub acute combined degeneration of the cord (SACD) 245, 278 subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) 109 clinical presentation 109 investigations 110 management 110 neurosurgical 110 prognosis 111 subdural haematoma 420 superficial reflexes 40 abdominal reflex 40 cremasteric reflex 40 swinging torch test 289 Sydenham’s chorea 339 syncope 222 syphilis 147, 243 general paralysis insane (GPI) 148 meningitis 148 meningovascular syphilis 148 tabes dorsalis (TD) 148 syringomyelia 239 T tabes dorsalis 148 Taenia solium 174 temperature sensation 35 temporal arteritis 359 temporal lobe 52, 369 temporal lobe epilepsy 83 tendon reflexes 33 tensilon test 320 tension headache 352 management 353 tetanus 123, 145 clinical features 145 William Howlett Clostridium tetani 145 diagnosis 146 management 146 pathogenesis 145 prevention 146 thalamus 49 third nerve palsy 296 thymectomy 322 tics 340 Tinel’s sign 261 tinnitus 305 Todd’s paralysis 84, 108 tone 28 touch sensation 34 toxoplasmosis 161, 166 clinical presentation 166 diagnosis 166 differential diagnosis 167 focal neurological signs 166 prognosis 168 Toxoplasma gondii 166 treatment 167 trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole (TMPSMX) 167 tramadol 436 transient ischaemic attack (TIA) 105, 224 transient loss of consciousness 105, 213, 222 cardiac syncope 222 cerebrovascular syncope 223 hyperventilation syncope 223 hypoglycaemia 224 postural syncope 223 pseudoseizures 224 syncope and seizures 223 transient ischaemic attack (TIA) 105, 224 vasovagal syncope (faint) 222 transverse myelitis (TM) 241 clinical features 241 prognosis 241 treatment 241 traumatic brain injury 413 causes 413 classification 415 clinical diagnosis 414 epidemiology 413 evaluation 416 imaging 414 management 416 outcome 417 Neurology in Africa 453 Index U – X pathology 413 rehabilitation 418 tremor 336 trigeminal nerve 23, 300 motor 23 sensation 23 trigeminal neuralgia (TN) 360 triptans 354 trochlear nerve 21, 295 tropical ataxic neuropathy (TAN) 249 tropical myeloneuropathies 246 Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T.b.g.) 169 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (T.b.r.) 168 trypanosomiasis. See Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) tuberculous meningitis (TBM) 123, 131, 193 clinical features 131 CSF 129 diagnosis 133 management 134 outcome 135 pathogenesis 131 prevention 135 TBM in HIV 135, 193 treatment 135 tuberous sclerosis 403 facial angiofibromata 403 hamartoma 403 tumour brain 367 tumour spinal cord 235 U ulnar nerve 262 upper motor neurone lesion (UMNL) 47 V vacuolar myelopathy 202 vagus nerve 26, 305 Varicella-zoster 197 vascular dementia 389 vascular parkinsonism 334 vasovagal syncope (faint) 222 ventilation 322 vertigo/dizziness 304 vestibular division 25, 303 vibration sense 35 viral encephalitis 139 clinical findings 140 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 139 454 Index Epstein-Barr virus 139 Herpes simplex 139 HIV 139 management 141 rabies 139 viral meningitis 139 clinical features 139 visual acuity 17, 291 Snellen chart 291 visual fields 18, 292 bitemporal hemianopia 292 homonymous hemianopia 292 monocular 292 vitamin B-1 deficiency 278 vitamin B-6 deficiency 278 vitamin B-12 deficiency 245, 278 vomiting 439 W wasting 28 Waterhouse-Frederickson syndrome 128 Weber’s test 26, 303 Wernicke-Korsakoff-syndrome 278 Wernicke’s area 53 WHO analgesic ladder 436 Wilson’s disease 407 winging of scapulae 315 wrist drop 262 writer’s cramp 338 X xanthochromia 110, 153 X-linked dystrophin 312 Names of main infecting organisms in italics Page number in bold face indicates major discussion ABBREVIATIONS Dr William P. Howlett 2012 ABBREVIATIONS ABM AC ACA AChR AD ADC ADEM ADL AED AF AIDP acute bacterial meningitis air conduction anterior cerebral artery acetylcholine receptor Alzheimer’s disease AIDS dementia complex acute disseminated encephalomyelitis activities of daily living antiepileptic drug atrial fibrillation acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ART antiretroviral therapy AVM arteriovenous malformation AZTzidovudine BB borderline leprosy BC bone conduction BET benign essential tremor bd twice daily BIH benign intracranial hypertension BMD Becker muscular dystrophy BP blood pressure BPPV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo BTL borderline tuberculoid leprosy CATT card agglutination trypanosomiasis test CBD corticobasal degeneration CDH chronic daily headache CFR case fatality ratio/rate CIDP chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy CM cryptococcal meningitis CMTD Charcot–Marie-Tooth disease CMVcytomegalovirus CNS central nervous system COW circle of Willis CPA cerebellopontine angle CR controlled release CRAg cryptococcal antigen CSF cerebrospinal fluid CT computerized tomography CTS carpal tunnel syndrome 456 Abbreviations CV conduction velocity CVS cardiovascular system CXR chest X-ray DAdopamine DAI diffuse axonal injury DALYs disability adjusted lost years d4Tstavudine ddididanosine DHEdihydroergotamine DLB dementia with Lewy bodies DM diabetes mellitus DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy DOT directly observed treatment DSN distal sensory neuropathy DVT deep vein thrombosis EBV Epstein-Barr virus ECGelectrocardiogram EDH extradural haematoma EEGelectroencephalogram EMGelectromyography ENL erythema nodosum leprosum ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate FBC full blood count FC febrile convulsion FH family history FLRSs frontal lobe release signs FND focal neurological disorder/deficit FSH facioscapulohumeral dystrophy FTP frontotemporal dementia FTA fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA) FVC forced vital capacity GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid GBS Guillain-Barre syndrome GCS Glasgow Coma Scale GTCS generalized tonic clonic seizure HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy HAD HIV associated dementia HAM HTLV associated myelopathy HAND HIV associated neurocognitive dysfunction HAT human African trypanosomiasis Hbhaemoglobin HCW health care worker HD Huntington’s disease HI head injury Hib haemophilus influenza HIV human immunodeficiency virus HMSN hereditary motor sensory neuropathy HSE herpes simplex encephalitis HSP hereditary spastic paraparesis HSV herpes simplex virus HTLV-1 human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 IBM inclusion body myositis IAC internal auditory canal ICA internal carotid artery ICH intracerebral haemorrhage ICP intracranial pressure ICT intracranial tumour ICU intensive care unit IFA immunofluorescent antibody IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin imintramuscular INO internuclear opthalmoplegia INR international normalized ratio IPD idiopathic Parkinson’s disease IRIS immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome ivintravenous JME juvenile myoclonic epilepsy LCST lateral corticospinal tract LFT liver function test LGMD limb girdle muscular dystrophy LMNL lower motor neurone lesion LOC loss of consciousness LL lepromatous leprosy LP lumbar puncture MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAP muscle action potential MCA middle cerebral artery MD myotonic dystrophy MDT multidrug therapy MG myasthenia gravis MMSE mini mental state examination MND motor neurone disease MR mortality rate MRC Medical Research Council William Howlett MRI magnetic resonance imaging MSA multiple system atrophy MUP motor unit potential NAP nerve action potential NCD non communicable disease NCS nerve conduction study NF1 neurofibromatosis type 1 NF2 neurofibromatosis type 2 NGT nasogastric tube NMJ neuromuscular junction NMO neuromyelitis optica NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug NTP non traumatic paraplegia od once daily OI opportunistic infection ON optic neuritis OP opening pressure OT occupational therapist PBP progressive bulbar palsy PCL primary cerebral lymphoma PC posterior column PCA posterior cerebral artery PCP pneumocystis pneumonia PCR polymerase chain reaction PD Parkinson’s disease PE plasma exchange PHBphenobarbitone PHCW primary health care worker PHTphenytoin PLS primary lateral sclerosis PMpolymyositis PMA progressive muscular atrophy PMH past medical history PML progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy PND peripheral nerve disorder PNS peripheral nervous system po per oral PPparaplegia PSP progressive supranuclear palsy qds four times a day RAPD relative afferent pupil defect RDT rapid diagnostic test RRT rapid reagent test Neurology in Africa 457 RTA road traffic accident Rxtreatment SACD subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord SAH subarachnoid haemorrhage scsubcutaneous SDH subdural haematoma SNAP sensory nerve action potential SOL space occupying lesion SSA sub Saharan Africa STT spinothalamic tract SUDEP sudden unexpected death in epilepsy SVP sodium valproate TA temporal arteritis TAN tropical ataxic neuropathy TBtuberculosis Tbg Trypanasoma brucei gambiense TBI traumatic brain injury TBM tuberculous meningitis Tbr Trypanasoma brucei rhodesiense tds three times daily TE toxoplasma encephalitis TIA transient ischaemic attack TLE temporal lobe epilepsy TN trigeminal neuralgia TPHA Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay TPI treponemal pallidum immobilization test TT tuberculoid leprosy U&E urea and electrolytes UMNL upper motor neurone lesion VA visual acuity VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory VM vacuolar myelopathy ZNZiehl-Neelsen VZ varicella zoster WHO World Health Organization WKSWernicke-Korsakoff-syndrome YLD years lived with disability YLL years life lost 458 Abbreviations USEFUL WEBSITES Dr William P. Howlett 2012 USEFUL WEBSITES General Medical Websites 1. Highly systematic listing of health care websites aimed at professionals in the developing world. 2. “Large number of full-text biomedical journals available at publication date or after six months or one year.” John Eyers. 3. A highly useful resource for researchers; medical students may require initial formal instruction. 4. Useful resource covering both the socio-economic and medical aspects of HIV/AIDS. 5. High yield resource for infectious disease; rapid response to on-line queries. Neurology Websites 1. Excellent link to neurology articles on a wide range of topics. Detailed yet concise information. 2. Contains links to neurology websites chosen for quality; useful resource. 3. Free downloads of various high quality neurology texts; excellent resource. 4. Free access to world-renowned neurology journals such as “Brain” and “Archives of Neurology”. 5. Videos on neurologic exam from Yale New Haven Hospital; excellent website. 6. Very useful resource; serves as an introduction to neuro-imaging for medical students. 7. Simple but relevant information on bacterial meningitis; fact sheet is a must read for students. 8. Useful resource on case detection and management of epidemic meningococcal meningitis. 9. Very useful for introducing leprosy diagnosis and treatment. 10. Useful for introduction to epilepsy; med students may need additional information. 460 useful websites