Host a Home Dining Experience for Soul Fire Farm!

Host a Home Dining Experience for Soul Fire Farm!
Who can host a Soul Fire Benefactor Dining Event?
Anyone can host an event, as long as you’ve got the passion to host! You can also try your hand in any location
worldwide if you are able to host in different countries. How exciting!
How do I host an in home dining experience?
Its simple, its like any other dinner party you may have planned in the past. The idea is to create a curated and
enjoyable experience. That can take the form of whatever you think would be of interest to you and your
potential guests. Some people opt to bring in a friend or family member that has a specific culinary skill or
background, others make a go of it themselves. Its not uncommon for a dinner party of this nature to have more
than one course, say an appetizer, main course and a dessert course. Some will add in parings with spirits or
wine where appropriate or desired. A theme can sometimes be explored that pairs food with entertainment such
as a musical guest, artist or performance such as 'An intimate evening of culinary delight with guest chef
INSERT NAME HERE'. The options are endless and only limited by your imagination!
How do I create my dining experiences?
Remember to select the number of guests you can entertain in one sitting. As we are looking to benefit a food
justice organization, it would be great if the ingredients are an expression of the mission. Organic, seasonal and
local sourced where possible. Sometimes this may not be practical or only part of the experience may be and
that's ok. Remember, the purpose of these events is to raise money for Soul Fire Farm to allow them to continue
and expand their important mission of bring food awareness to an underserved population. Whatever we can do
to support that cause creates a win for the mission and those recipients!
How much should I charge for the dining experience?
The goal is to raise money as part of the 2015 Capital Campaign for Soul Fire Farm. Target per plate is between
$85 to $125 per guest. Number of guests is optional but we feel that between 6 and 8 would be a good number
to keep it intimate and manageable. After all, we want everyone to have a great experience for a good cause!
What do I include in my event promotion?
Apart from the details guests should know about you and Soul Fire Farm, an interesting dining experience
description and well-taken photos will intrigue your potential guests.
How can I make my event look its best?
Description: Try to give your guests an idea of what they will be expecting by providing in your description (1)
your menu (2) the ambiance and/or theme of the experience. Your description should aim to be fun, captivating
and interesting! A description of the Soul Fire Farm mission would also be appropriate.
Photo: Try your best to create quality photos of what the dining experience will entail. This could be on the
human interest front, for example, nice images of the home that is hosting, the host(s), chef or Soul Fire family.
Or, if you have chosen a specific theme, elements of that could also be a focus.
A Desire to Help Out Soul Fire Farm
A Location to Prepare and Host the Meal
Someone to Plan and Prepare the Meal (This could be you or someone you know!)
An Invitation List (Invites can be via email, FB or snail mail. Whatever you feel most comfortable with.)
Have a desire but are not sure about how to manage the details? The Soul Fire Team would be happy to assist
you! Please contact us at and we will put you in contact with one of our volunteer
event planners to help you plan your event. Thank you so much for your interest in Soul Fire Farm and Bon