Chem 226 — Problem Set #12 — “Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry,” 4th edition, John McMurry. Chapter 12 1. Classify each of the following compounds as either a primary, secondary, or tertiary amine, or as a quaternary ammonium salt. (a) (CH3)2CHNH2 (c) (b) (CH3CH2)2NH CH3 (d) N CH2 N(CH3) 3 I CH3 (a) primary: the nitrogen is joined to one carbon, (b) secondary: the nitrogen is joined to two carbons, (c) tertiary: the nitrogen is joined to three carbons, (d) quaternary ammonium salt: the nitrogen is joined to four carbons and bears a positive charge. 3. Name the following compounds by IUPAC rules. (a) CH3NHCH2CH3 (d) (b) (c) N CH3 N CH3 (e) N CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 H2NCH2 CH2 CHNH2 (a) 1-(N-methylamino)ethane or N-methylethylamine, (b) tricyclohexylamine, (c) N-methylpyrrole, (d) (N-methyl-N-propylamino)cyclohexane or N-methyl-Npropylcyclohexylamine, (e) 1,3-diaminobutane or 1,3-butanediamine It must be admitted that, with three competing but similar nomenclature systems in existence, naming amines can be a confusing undertaking. 5. Which would you expect to be a stronger base, aniline or p-methylaniline? Explain. Let’s compare these two compounds by having them function as bases in a reaction where water is the acid. NH2 H3C + H2 O NH2 + H2 O The electron donating methyl group may destabilize this molecule (compared to the one above) by increasing the electron density in the aromatic ring. This effect, if present, would be small since there are no formal charges. NH3 + OH H3C NH3 + OH The electron donating methyl group will stabilize this molecule (compared to the one above) by increasing the electron density at the positively charged nitrogen. This effect would be substantial owing to the positive charge on the nitrogen. The bottom line here is that the p-methylaniline is more basic than the aniline because the methyl group stabilizes the p-methylanilium cation. 6. Predict the product of the following raction. CH3 N + H HBr CH3 N H H + Br This is a typical acid-base reaction for an amine, where the amine functions as base and thereby accepts a proton from an acid. 7. Which compound in each of the following pairs is more basic? (a) CH3CH2NH2 or CH3CH2CONH2 (b) NaOH or (c) CH3NHCH3 (d) CH3OCH3 or (CH3)3 N or CH3NHC6 H5 C6H5NH2 The more basic compound is boxed in each case. (a) Amides are not basic at the nitrogen because, if the nitrogen O O were to become protonated, the CH3CH2 C NH2 CH3CH2 C NH2 resonance stabilization of the amide structure would be sacrificed. Resonance stabilization of amide. Were the nitrogen to be protonated this resonance stabilization would Another way of looking at this is that disappear. the unshared pair of electrons on the nitrogen in amides is not really on the nitrogen, exclusively, but is shared between the oxygen and nitrogen and is, therefore, less available for donation (bases are electron-pair donors). (b) Hydroxide ion is a strong base. Perhaps that’s all that needs to be said, but we might note that in picking up a proton the negatively charged hydroxide is joining to a positively charged proton; in the case of the amine a neutral molecule is picking up a proton with the result that a positive charge resides on the nitrogen. (c) In dimethylamine the unshared pair of electrons is pretty much localized on the nitrogen (and more available) while in N-methylaniline it is somewhat delocalized into the aromatic ring. (d) Each of these compounds can be protonated, in the first case on the oxygen and in the second on the nitrogen. This leads to a positively charged oxygen and a positively charged nitrogen; since oxygen is more electronegative, this situation is a higher energy one for the oxygen. 9. Propose structures for amides that might be precursors of the following amines. (a) propylamine, (b) dipropylamine, (c) benzylamine If we are going to reduce an amide to get an amine, we should be aware of the following: O R1 LiAlH4 C N R1 CH2 N R2 R2 R1 , R2 may by R or H O (a) CH3CH2 CNH2 CH3CH2CH2NH2 O (b) CH3CH2 CNHCH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2NHCH2CH2CH3 O (c) C 6H5CNH2 11. C6H5CH2NH2 How could you synthesize the following amines from benzene? More than one step is required in each case. (a) m-aminobenzoic acid, (b) 2,4,6-tribromoaniline (a) 1) Mg, ether Br2 Br Fe COOH 2) CO 2 + 3) H3O O 2N H2 N HNO 3 H2SO4 Sn COOH COOH HCl The benzoic acid could also be made by Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene, followed by oxidation of the alkyl side chain with KMnO4. In this synthesis we have used the carboxyl group as the meta-directing group. It might appear that, as an alternative, one could nitrate first and then brominate, having the nitro group direct the incoming bromine to the meta position. That would work. But, converting the m-bromonitrobenzene to mnitrobenzoic acid would not work since a nitro group cannot be present when a Grignard reagent is formed. (b) 1. Sn HCl HNO 3 H2SO 4 NO2 NH2 2. NH3 Br2 Br Br NH2 Br 15. Propose a synthesis of p-(dimethylamino)azobenzene from benzene. 1. Sn HCl HNO 3 H2SO 4 NO2 2. NH3 CH3Br N(CH3)2 + (CH3)2N N N NH2 NaNO2 HCl N2 Cl 23. How can you explain the fact that trimethylamine (bp 3oC) has a lower boiling point than dimethylamine (bp 7oC)? Since trimethylamine does not have a hydrogen attached to a nitrogen, it is not an associated liquid. Dimethylamine has one hydrogen attached to the nitrogen, so it is an associated liquid. So, even though the trimethylamine is more massive the dimethylamine has the higher boiling point owing to hydrogen bonding. 27. Show the products of the following reactions. (a) CH3CH2 CH2 NH2 + CH3Br CH3CH2CH2 NHCH3 + CH3CH2CH2N(CH3)2 + CH3 CH2 CH2N(CH3 )3 Br (b) NH2 + HBr (c) CH3CH2 CONH2 + LiAlH4 (d) NH3 Br CH3 CH2CH2NH2 C N + LiAlH4 CH2 NH2 (a) It is very difficult to control the reaction between ammonia (or an amine) and an alkyl halide to give only one class of amine as product. The exception to this is that if you want the quaternary ammonium salt using an excess of the alkyl halide will give you mostly that product. 28. How might you prepare the following amines from ammonia and any alkyl halides needed? (a) hexylamine, (b) benzylamine, (c) tetramethylammonium iodide, (d) N-methylcyclohexylamine It is very difficult to control the reaction between ammonia (or an amine) and an alkyl halide to give only one class of amine as product. The exception to this is that if you want the quaternary ammonium salt using an excess of the alkyl halide will give you mostly that product. On the other hand it is easy to write them down, so that is what we shall do. CH3(CH2)5 Br + NH3 CH3(CH2 )5NH2 C6H5CH2Br + NH3 C 6H5CH2 NH2 CH3I + NH3 (CH3)4N + INH2 Br + NH3 29. CH3 CH3I NH How might you prepare the following amines from 1-bromobutane? (a) butylamine, (b) dibutylamine, (c) pentylamine (a) CH3CH2CH2 CH2 Br (b) CH3CH2CH2 CH2 NH2 (c) CH3CH2CH2 CH2Br NH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 CH3 CH2CH2CH2Br KCN CH3CH2CH2CH2 CN LiAlH4 CH3CH2CH2 CH2CH2NH2 30. How might you prepare each of the amines in question #29 from 1-butanol? We could convert the 1-butanol to 1-bromobutane using PBr3 or HBr and then use the reactions in question #29. The following are additional possiblilities for (a) and (b). (a) CH3CH2CH2 CH2 OH CH3CH2CH2 COCl CrO3 CH3CH2CH2COOH H3O+ NH3 CH3CH2CH2 CONH2 SOCl2 1. LiAlH4 2. H2O CH3CH2CH2 CH2NH2 from (a) (b) CH3CH2CH2 CH2NH2 CH3 CH2CH2COCl base from (a) CH3 CH2 CH2CH2NHCOCH2CH2CH3 1. LiAlH4 2. H2 O CH3CH2CH2 CH2 NHCH2CH2CH2CH3 31. How would you prepare benzylamine, C6H5CH2NH2, from each of the following starting materials? (a) benzamide, (b) benzoic acid, (c) nitrobenzene, (d) chlorobenzene (a) C 6H5CONH2 (b) C 6H5COOH LiAlH4 SOCl2 C6H5CH2NH2 C6H5COCl NH3 C6H5CONH2 then (a) LiAlH4 (c) C 6H5NO2 C 6H5CN (d) C 6H5Cl LiAlH4 Mg dry ether C6H5NH2 NaNO2 HCl + - C6 H5N 2 Cl CuCN C 6H5 CH2 NH2 C 6H5 MgCl 1) CO2 + 2) H3O C6 H5COOH then (b) 32. Write equations for the reaction of p-bromobenzenediazonium bisulfate with the following reagents. (a) H3O+, (b) HBr, CuBr, (c) H3PO2, (d) KCN, CuCN H3O+ Br N N HSO4 Br OH CuBr/HBr Br Br H3PO 2 Br H CuCN/KCN Br 33. CN Show how you might prepare benzoic acid from aniline. A diazonio replacement reaction is needed. NaNO2 NH2 H2SO 4 N N HSO4 H2SO 4 H2O heat CuCN/KCN COOH CN 37. Which compound is more basic, triethylamine or aniline? Does the following reaction proceed as written? + - (CH3 CH2)3NH Cl weaker acid + NH2 weaker base N+ H3 Cl- + (CH3CH2 )3N stronger base stronger acid Aliphatic amines are ordinarily more basic than aromatic ones. Since the weaker acid/weaker base pair will predominate in an acid-base equilibrium, the reaction would proceed to only a small extent in the direction shown.