Essay 2 & 3: The Argument (20 points each) Purpose: The purpose of the next two essays is to persuade your audience to conform to your point of view; therefore, your method of essay development will be argument- persuasion. You may also use description, examples, and cause and effect to support your position . Topic Choice: You will write two essays on the same topic, Each paper will defend a different side of the argument, one should be pro, the other con. The general topic will be the same as the one you have chosen for your research project; however, you research paper will encompass a much larger area of research. The argument paper will defend only one subtopic. For example, suppose you choose alternative therapies for ADHD as your research project. Your research might investigate mega-vitamin therapy, behavioral interventions, classroom management techniques, vision therapy, and diet. Your argument paper on the other hand will be a smaller snap shot of the larger paper. You may choose to defend diet OR behavioral interventions OR vitamin therapy. Use this opportunity to gain "leg-work" on your final paper. The paragraphs that you develop for each one of these essays, should easily transfer into your research paper. Audience: Professionals in the field are your audience members, which means that you do not have to explain simple definitions, but you must have reliable sources of information. This is a formal, college level paper, so you may not use slang or vulgarity, "you/your", or contractions (can't=cannot) Sources: You must use a minimum of five of your twenty sources to provide quotes, supporting examples, etc. You may use one book as a reference for each essay. Other resources may include magazines, newspapers, television, journals, and professional interviews. Materials may also be taken from the World Wide Web; however, they must be traceable to a print source, such as an online newspaper, journal etc. You must also fully document your electronic sources according to MLA guidelines. No sources older than 1995! Format: Each paper will be typed, double-spaced, 12-14 font, 500-700 words, and written in 3rd person point of view. Conform to the Modern Language Associations Standards: To bring your paper to MLA style you must include a "Works Cited" page and provide parenthetical documentation for all sources that your cite. For a sample works cited page please refer to chapter 8 in your text. Pre-Reading Activities Writing Argumentative Essays Writing Argumentative Essays II Logic Handout Writing Activities: Listed below are the formal steps of the writing process. Please use this information to guide the development of your essay : Send the final draft through the inbox. .Step 1: Writing the Introduction: Your introduction should: Give background information about the topic. State why the topic is timely, important, and relevant for discussion. State that there is a difference of opinion about this topic. Provide a thesis statement: Your thesis also known as your proposition, should begin as a single sentence, but may be expanded into a few sentences as you come closer to finishing your paper. Remember, like your topic, your proposition is subject to revision. For information read the following link: Prop Once you have entered the site, click on "Stating Your Proposition" in the left hand column. Step 2: Writing the Three Supporting Paragraphs: The purpose of the supporting paragraph is to provide proof for your argument. Body Paragraphs should: begin with a topic sentence that states one supporting issue of the argument; include quotations, statistics, or summary, or paraphrase from credible sources, that provide support for your proposition. include one refutation paragraph that acknowledges the opposing point of view. To read more click on the following link: Opposition Once you have entered the site, click on "Anticipating the Opposition" in the left hand column. Step 3: Writing the Conclusion Your conclusion should: Restate the main premise. Summarize your arguments. Step 4: Include a Works Cited Page with a minimum of 5 sources from your original works cited page