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TN37996, USA,email:
Departmentof Ecologyand Evolutionary
Biology,UniversityofTennessee, Knoxville,
Abstract: Burgeoningconservationproblemsand shrinkingresourcesto deal with themhave fosteredan ongoing paradigmshift from single-species
managementto ecosystem management. Simultaneously,the main conservationgoal has become maximizationof biodiversity. The fact thatboth
ecosystemmanagementandbiodiversityhave variousmeaningsis ominousfor conservationof some species, such as charismaticlargemammals.The
focus on processesratherthanspecies,andon speciesrichnessratherthanidentity,coulddetractfromconservationof bears(Ursidae).On the otherhand,
managementof large blocks of habitatcan be helpful. Bears are highly symbolic to humansin many contexts and thus are naturalflagship species,
capableof attractingattentionandresourcesto largeconservationefforts. Thereis currentlyinsufficientinformationto qualifythemas keystonespeciesspecies whose fatedirectlydeterminesthoseof manyotherspeciesin a system. However,becausetheyhavelargeandoftenwell-definedhabitatrequirementsandsome specieshavebeenwell-studied,theymaybe excellentumbrellaspecies: theirmaintenancewouldrequirehabitatmanagementthatwould
also maintainpopulationsof many other species. The facts that ecosystem managementis currentlyheraldedas the governingparadigmfor much
conservationandthatbearsmay serve as umbrellaspecies to assist ecosystem managementpose an enormouschallengeto researchers.Therearefew
empiricallytestedmethodsin theecosystemmanagementtoolbox,anddevelopingandtestingsuchmethodswill requiretestinginsightfulhypothesesand
conductingintensivemonitoring,someof whichwill haveto be long-term.Withoutsuchresearchandmonitoring,"ecosystemmanagement,"
conservation,"and"umbrellaspecies"will remaincatchphrasesratherthanoperationalterms.
Ursus 11:21-28
Key words: bear,biodiversity,conservation,ecosystemmanagement,flagshipspecies,keystonespecies,umbrellaspecies
Resource managers are faced with a drastic increase
in the numberof threatenedpopulationsand communities and with tremendously increased competition for
funds to deal with them. So it is unsurprisingthat they
have sought new and more efficient conservation approaches. In an age when, for example, one in every 8
plant species worldwideand one in every 3 in the United
Statesis threatenedwith rapidextinction(Stevens 1998),
traditional conservation, emphasizing management of
populations and species of particular concern, seems
hopeless. Many refuges in the U.S. and elsewhere were
establishedto save dwindlingpopulationsof single species-Kirtland's warbler(Dendroica kirtlandii)and the
saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea), among others.
Similarly,the EndangeredSpecies Act (16 U.S.C. 15311544) mandatesthe draftingof a recovery plan to arrest
or reverse the decline of any listed species. With about
1,000 listed species already,and, for plants alone in the
U.S., about 5,000 species that fulfill the criteriafor listing, it is small wonderthatthe species-by-speciesmethod
seems increasinglyhopeless, difficult, and costly.
Further,the growing emphasison biodiversityhas fostered a shift in conservation goals and methods. The
terms "biological diversity"and "biodiversity"first appearedin the conservationliteraturearound1980 (Norse
1993) and by 1992 had virtually exploded in terms of
numbersof publications(Haila and Kouki 1994). They
now dominatethe popularand scientific literature,highlighted by the proceedings of the National Forum on
Biodiversity,Biodiversity (Wilson 1986).
The new methodproposedfor conservationis thusecosystem management, and its goal is to conserve
biodiversity. But both the methodand the goal areproblematic (Simberloff 1998, 1999). With respect to the
goal, there is confusion about what biodiversity really
means. It is a buzzword, but a pseudocognate one, in
that, despite many meanings, most users think that everyoneis using the same definition(Gaston 1996). Most
lay personsconstrue"biodiversity"as the numberof species in a system (species richness), and this is what conservation biologists usually mean when they speak
informally. Technically,however, it has other components. Often it is viewed as having 3 levels: genetic,
species, andecosystem diversity(e.g., Office of Technology Assessment [U.S. Congress] 1987). More recently,
there is frequentreference to structuraland process diversity as crucial components of biodiversity (e.g.,
Franklin 1988). The processes and structuresmay initially be seen as key to maintainingspecies and ecosystems, but they can come to be the valued elements
themselves (Simberloff 1998).
These variousdefinitionsof biodiversitylead to major
problems. First,of course, differentpeople may be talking aboutdifferentthings. If we are primarilyconcerned
with saving species, we might be surprisedand uneasy
to see a managementplan aimed specifically at preserving structuraldiversityof a forest. Second, it is not at all
obvious how to measurediversity other than at the spe-
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cies and perhapsgenetic levels (Simberloff 1998, 1999),
yet most people assume that biodiversity is not just an
abstractconcept and can be readilymade operational. If
we cannot measure somethingunambiguously,disputes
are bound to arise. For example, is a particularforest a
unique type, or is it simply anotherrepresentativeof a
type alreadyfound in a reserve system?
As for the method of ecosystem management,as with
biodiversity,thereis no consensus definitionof "ecosystem management"(Grumbine 1994, 1997; Simberloff
1999). In the U.S., for example, various government
agencies define ecosystem managementdifferently (or
forswear a definition, as does the Departmentof Commerce), even thoughall have adoptedit as the governing
managementmethod (Morriseyet al. 1994, Simberloff
At least 2 featuresof many definitions of ecosystem
management have potentially grave consequences for
conservation(Simberloff 1999). First, a key aspect of
most resource management agency definitions is that
humansare typically partof ecosystems. Thus, natural
areasfrom which humanactivity is excluded are de-emphasizedas antitheticalto the notion of a normalecosystem. Second,most definitionsof ecosystem management
focus on ecological processes ratherthan species (Meffe
and Carroll1994). Sometimes the processes are desired
to maintainthe entire ecosystem and the species in it,
but often the processes themselves seem to be the raison
d'etre of ecosystem management. For example, a consensusdefinitionof ecosystem managementproducedby
representativesof many government agencies and private organizations(Keystone Center 1993) listed maintainingprocessesas the firstgoal. The focus on processes
and de-emphasisof naturalareashas led to concern that
ecosystem managementcould become a tool for speciesbashing (Soule 1994). Procedures,even effective ones,
based on single-species managementcould be discarded
on the grounds that they representan outmoded paradigm. Further,many ecosystem processes can be preservedeven as the species normallyresponsiblefor them
decline or disappear (Tracy and Brussard 1994). For
example, low-diversity second-growthforest often has
greater primaryproductivitythan diverse primaryforest. Many flagship species might well disappearfrom
an ecosystem without appreciablechanges in some key
processes. This is especially true of some charismatic
large vertebratesthat typically have low total biomass
and total productivity. The emphasis on substitutability
of various species (Ehrlich and Mooney 1983) and on
functionalequivalenceand redundancy,in an ecological
sense (Walker1992), also rendersindividualspecies less
Bears and Nature
But what does all this have to do with bears? Bears
are archetypalflagship species-species so charismatic
that they can become the symbol and leading featureof
an entire conservation program. Bears captivate our
imagination-why else would a bear representthe U.S.
ForestService, and a bear-likepandabecome the symbol
of a leading conservationorganization? Childrenplay
with teddy bears, not teddy owls. Among 1,247 4-year
colleges and universities in the U.S., no fewer than 33
chose bearsas theiremblems, second only to eagles (39),
which have religious connotationsand are used primarily by church-supported and religious schools
(Simberloff, unpublisheddata). At least 3 species and
one subspecies of bears are represented. Some are cute
and cuddly, some are funky,others are fierce. Bears are
the focus of numerousNative American and other ceremonies and myths (e.g., Hallowell 1971, Snyder 1990,
Moret 1994, Black 1998). Bearsarea complex,exploded
metaphor,as epitomized most forcefully by Faulkner's
"TheBear,"essentially a naturemyth (Lydenberg1952).
A main interpretationof "The Bear" is that it symbolizes the relationshipof humansto the land, and the hunt
for the bear,OldBen, representsthe conquestof the South
and the destructionof wilderness (Lydenberg1952).
It is clear thatbearshave come to representnatureand
wilderess-big wilderness-in the moder conservation movement and among conservation biologists as
well, probablyfor the same complex reasons they play
such key anthropological,religious, and literary roles.
They are big and fierce, yet sufficiently anthropomorphic to engenderour sympathyand concern. The vision
of the Wildlands Project begins thus: "Our vision is
simple: we live for the day when Grizzlies in Chihuahua
have an unbrokenconnection to Grizzlies in Alaska..."
(WildlandsProject 1995/1996:1). The Yellowstone-toYukonprojectunderthe umbrellaof theWildlandsProject
insists on the need for continuityandlargeareasfor bears
to thrive in the entire region. Conservationbiologists
have similarly focused on bears in many areas of academic and applied research,from theoreticalstudies of
genetic deterioration(e.g., Shaffer1983, Allendorf 1994)
and metapopulationdynamics(e.g., Doak 1995) through
studiesof wildlife roadkill(e.g., Brody andPelton 1989).
Bears, with 7 species, certainlydo not comprisemuch
species-level biodiversity. So if the main goal of ecosystem managementis to maximize biodiversity,the loss of
ANDBEARS* Simberloff
bears may be seen as a minor issue. Many people, including some who count themselves as conservationists,
probablyfeel this way with respectto bearsin theirbackyardsor even regions (Grumbine1992). I do not believe
that our goal should be simply maximizing the number
of species, but my point is, if one really does feel this
way, whatjustificationis therefor worryingaboutbears?
One possibility is that the disappearanceof a bear species from an ecosystem might precipitatea cascade of
subsequentextinctions,and thatthese would constitutea
substantialdecrease in biodiversity. I will discuss this
propositionbelow. Fornow, let us assumethatthe elimination of a particularbear population would entail no
majorsubsequentspecies losses in the system.
Some ecologists (e.g., Christensenet al. 1996) simply
assume that loss of a species-any species-somehow
harms the ecosystem, in the absence of much evidence.
However,2 traditionalargumentsfor saving specific species even in the absence of evidence that they matterto
the rest of the system are the rivet-popperhypothesis
(Ehrlichand Ehrlich 1981) and the redundancyhypothesis (Walker 1992). The rivet-poppermetaphorenvisions a maniacrandomlyremoving airplanerivets. Loss
of some rivets may not bring the airplanedown, but at
some point, removalof the next rivet causes a crash. The
rivet-popperhypothesisis agnosticaboutexactly why the
plane crashes (Simberloff 1999). It could be the cumulative impactof the absenceof many rivets (for example,
wing vibrationcould surpasssome threshold),or it could
be that the last rivet served some unique function, and,
had a differentrivet been removedat this point, the plane
would still be airborne. The redundancy hypothesis
(Walker 1992) states that many species in species-rich
ecosystems belong to groups of functional equivalents,
and so long as at least one representativeof each group
remains, the system will continue to function more or
less normally as species are lost. Removal of the last
species in any functional group, however, will destroy
the entire system. Of course, the second interpretation
of the rivet-poppermetaphoris exactly the redundancy
hypothesis. Two recent widely publicized experiments
(Hooperand Vitousek 1997, Tilmanet al. 1997), though
they do not directlytest the redundancyhypothesis, certainly give resultsconsistentwith it andsuggestthatplant
species diversity is not as crucial to ecosystem function
as the numberof functionalgroups.
So if some people thinkbearsarenot importantto save
in their own right, it seems that a justification for them
might be that they serve unique functions in their respective ecosystems. What is the function of a bear?
Keystone,Flagship,and Umbrella
The concept of a "keystone species" may rationalize
concern over an individual species if biodiversityis the
main goal. A keystone species is one that affects many
othersin an ecosystem, far beyond what one would have
expected given its biomass or numbers (Paine 1969,
1995). The concept has been assailed on the grounds
thatthereis no clear demarcationof how much impact a
species must have to qualify for this status or even an
operationalway to measure impact (Mills et al. 1993,
Hurlbert1997). However,there are enough instances in
which a single species clearly affects the fates of many
others(examples andreferencesin Simberloff1998) that
it seems perverse to throw out the entire notion simply
because it is difficult to specify a cut-off point. The impacts of some single-species removals (e.g., American
chestnut [Castanea dentata] and beaver [Castor
canadensis]) show that some species affect many others.
And top carnivores often play key roles in regulating
entire ecosystems (Terborghet al. 1999). Might bears
qualify as keystone species?
Many proposedexamples of keystone species disproportionatelyfeed on species that would otherwisedominate space or some otherresource(e.g., Paine 1969). The
introductionof carnivoresinto new systems has sometimes precipitatedtrophiccascades-impacts propagated
down throughthe food web and affecting many species,
even those not eatenby the carnivore(referencesin Polls
and Strong 1996). It is precisely this top-down impact
of some carnivoresthatsuggests to the WildlandsProject
thatestablishmentof preserveslarge enough to maintain
them is crucial to the existence of naturalecosystems.
However, terrestrial examples of predator-mediated
trophiccascades are rare and often rest on isolated systems such as the wolves (Canis lupus) and moose (Alces
alces) of Isle Royale (Peterson and Page 1983). Polis
and Strong (1996) argueon several groundsthattrophic
cascades are generally rare, especially terrestrialones,
butthatomnivoryby the top carnivorewill facilitatethem.
Except for polar bears (Ursus maritimus),bears are
remarkably omnivorous (Bunnell 1984a,b,c; Lentifer
1984). However,thereis a notabledearthof evidence of
the populationimpact of bears on the species they eat.
For black bears (U. americanus) and brown bears (U.
arctos), there is much evidence that the availability of
certainpreyspecies affectsbeardensitiesratherthanviceversa-classic bottom-up control (e.g., Committee on
Managementof Wolf and Bear Populations in Alaska
[National Research Council] 1997). One might have
Ursus 11:1999
expected the polar bear, because of its more restricted
diet, to have a great impact on seal (Otariidae)populations, but I know of no evidence thatit does. It may well
have influenced seal evolution in many ways that could
ultimately have ecological effects (Stirling 1988), but
currentecological impactson seal populationsarepoorly
studied. Experimentson black and brownbear removal
have been inconclusive with respect to their normalinfluence on ungulateprey populationsthatmight, in turn,
have system-wide impacts (Committeeon Management
of Wolf and Bear Populationsin Alaska [National Research Council] 1997). A black bear removal experiment in east-centralSaskatchewan(Stewartet al. 1985)
is perhapsthe only one even to suggest a populationimpact on an ungulate (moose), and this result is not definitive.
Species can have enormoussystem-wideimpactsother
thanthroughthe energytransferachievedby eatingthem,
of course:beaverdams,rootingby feralhogs (Susscrofa),
and uprooting of trees by elephants (Proboscidea) all
transformecosystems. The Asianblackbear(Selenarctos
thibetanus) can do enormous damage to forests by its
habit of strippingbarkoff trees, thus killing as many as
40 trees per family per night (Bunnell 1984a, Moret
1994), thoughthe full ecosystem consequenceshave not
been assessed. Naiman and Rogers (1997) suggest that
the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) can, in concert
with several otherspecies, maintaina mosaic of habitats
in riparianforests by tramplingand digging; again, the
crucialmeasurementshave yet to be taken. Bears as well
as other carnivores,such as mink (Mustela vison), have
been implicatedin the massive transferof nutrients,particularlyphosphorusand nitrogen,from marinesystems
to terrestrialones by virtue of heavy feeding on runs of
salmon (Oncorhynchusspp.) and subsequentdeposition
of feces and salmon carcasses on land (Willson et al.
1998, Hilderbrandet al. 1999). The consequences of
this fertilizationand the role of bears in it have just begun to be assessed.
If bearsarenot yet known to be keystone species, they
are, as noted above, flagship species par excellence, and
thus may meritprotectionif only because theirpresence
energizes an entire conservationeffort. Would there be
as much concernfor habitatdestructionin westernNorth
America if the grizzly bear did not live there? Because
of their large sizes, with consequent low densities and
largehome ranges,bearsmay also be excellent umbrella
species. These arespecies thatrequiresuchlargeamounts
of a specified naturalhabitatthat saving them would almost certainlyincidentally save many other species requiringthe same habitat(Meffe and Carroll 1997). For
example, Cox et al. (1994) have shown that proposed
conservation areas for the Florida black bear (Ursus
americanusfloridanus) would include more threatened
vertebratesand plants than would those for the Florida
panther(Felis concolor coryi), a species whose legendaryhome rangesize would seem to qualifyit as a perfect
Using umbrellaspecies is hypothesizedto be a shortcut, in that it may lead to effective conservation of
biodiversitywithoutthe enormousinvestmentof time and
money requiredto study each species in a community
and determineits precise habitatrequirement.A component of the Wildlands Project advocates using as umbrella species large carnivores that are also flagship
species, that have some defined habitatassociation, and
thathave alreadybeen well-studied, such as black bears
(D. Foreman,The WildlandsProject, Tucson, Arizona,
USA, personal communication,1997). It is difficult to
imagine a more logical choice.
Ideas on how to manage ecosystems for biodiversity
are for the most partjust that-ideas that show a commitment to that goal ratherthan a toolbox of scientifically tested, on-the-groundmethods (Simberloff 1999).
For example, the "new forestry"(Franklin 1989) consists of suggestions (such as leaving some slash rather
than clearingor burningit) that sound reasonablein that
they provideresourcesfor species sufferingunderprevious logging systems, but they arelargelyuntested. It has
yet to be shown that even conscientious applicationof
all these techniquesreally would preserve biodiversity,
yet allow substantiallogging. Thereis researchon some
aspects of leaving dead wood (referencesin Simberloff
1999), but much remainsto be done. Similarly,much is
known aboutthe impactof variousfire regimes on some
forest types (e.g., Hermann 1993) and there is a welldeveloped technology of controlledburs, but much research is needed before it will be possible to say what
fire regimein which systemwill fosterwhichbiodiversity
andhow the optimalregimecanbe conducted.Forsinglespecies management,many techniqueshave a long history of study and perfection-captive propagation,
translocation, supplemental feeding, etc. Ecosystem
managementis not as mature,at least as concernseffect
of variousmethodson biodiversity.
With respect to bears, a part of the threatfaced by at
least some populations of all species is that they are
hunted, for sport, for the gall bladdertrade, or because
they areseen as pests (Nowak 1991, WorldWildlifeFund
1998). This is not a majormortalityfactorfor most species considered as umbrellas, such as the Florida pan-
ANDBEARS* Simberloff
ther or the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis
caurina). An umbrellaspecies serves as an umbrellaby
virtue of demanding habitat requirements(see above),
and its population trajectoryis generally interpretedas
reflecting change in habitat quality or amount, rather
than rate of harvest. Populationsof all bear species are
also threatened in this regard (e.g., by deforestation
[Nowak 1991]), though the relative importanceof harvest and habitatchange varies from case to case and is
often controversial. However, there is little doubt that
habitat change is often crucial, and thus to the extent
that ecosystem managementwill entail managing large
blocks of habitatso that they can sustainviable populations of most or all species in region, it can be a useful
tool in bear conservation. However, if bears are to be
umbrella species for particularcommunities, specific
habitat-centeredmanagementproceduresthat aid both
the bear and a substantialcomponentof its community
must be tested empirically with enough monitoring to
allow a definitive statementaboutwhetherthey work. A
pervasive, crucial shortcoming of current ecosystem
managementplans is insufficient monitoringto test hypotheses (Yoon 1997). Withoutsuch data on a substantial fraction of the community as well as the umbrella
species, all we have are clever ideas.
For example, the importanceof corridorsin maintaining viable populationshas rarelybeen testedempirically;
thusthe whole notionremainscontroversial(Hobbs 1992,
Simberloffet al. 1992). The absence of datais one problem; another is that corridorsneed not have the same
importancefor all species in all systems, yet many discussions of them are generic. The black bear, with its
attachmentto forests and occasional hesitancy to cross
open spaces (Harting1987, Halioua 1991), as well as its
documented problems with cars (Wooding and Brady
1987, Brody and Pelton 1989), may be one animal that
actuallybenefits from corridors. Does it? Do otherspecies in its communities? What sorts of corridors?
is currentlylittle evidence thatthey arekeystone species,
but several aspects of the biology of some bear species
suggest that they might serve as excellent umbrellaspecies in ecosystem managementapproaches. To test this
hypothesis will requireextensive monitoringand, where
possible, field experiments.
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