{ ROLLNO.-_- Iinglish Nl[edium lnterna! Examination Scnrestcr' DATE: 09-10- 20.14 l TIME : 1'30 Hours Financial Accounting CE-101 Marks : 50 Thursday Q-1 : 201 4 (16) under Balnace-Sheet of Bey-Yaar Ltcf irs at 31-3-13 is as Rs. Liabilities Rs. Assets Assets 10000 equity fixecl shares of Rs.100 Current each fully Paid uP 10,00,000 Arr"rt* Bank I 8,00,000 I 4,00,000 I 3,00,000 57o redeemable Pref. i I I I shares of Rs. 100 I leach Rs. 80 Paicl uP l p"rrt,rr. lo I *t account lCreclitors I z,+o,ooo [ ,.oo,ooo I oo,ooo 15,00,000 i 15,00,000 isssuecl 1600 new equity shares of Rs' 100 redeem eaclr at a premium of Rs. 25 pet shale with a view to above preference shares at a premiutn of 10olo' Th*orpory After fulfilling necessary provisions of the companies pref' Act, all payments were macle except to the holders of 200 Shares: journal entries for the above transactions in the books of company trncl also prepare new balance sheet after reclemption of pref. shares' Pass necessary OR 2 Q-l Balnace-Sheet o1'Fauny Ltcl. as at 31-3-13 is ns lls. Liabilitics 'A'equity shale cirPi. (eech ot'nr. t0. Rt.') per sliitre peid uP) 'B'equity share caPi. utrcler Its. .\ ssc ts Fixed Assets I 15,00,000 1,50,000 Current Assests | 4,50,000 (16) 50.000 Bank I (each of Rs. 10, Rs.8 I 4,80,000 per share paid up) General reserve ,.ro.ooo | CRR I Securities pretnium I ,.oo.ooo +.oo.ooo I Dividend Equali. Func P & L account II 3o,ooo zo.ooo 17,(x),000 17,(X),(XX) Directors of the cornpnay resolved to issue Lronus shares as under (1) Bonus to make partly paid up equity shares fully paicl (2) : as uP. One fully paicl up equity sltare as bonus agaitrst two equitY shares- ' Pass necessal'y entries in tlie books of compnay to recotd above transactions and also prepae new balance sheet afler bonus issue. Q-2 (A) (10) Selfie Ltcl. Issuecl 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at2O7o premiuln to general public' Anrount called up per slrare was as uncler. aPPlication On allotment On first call On Finel clrli With , Rs' 5 Rs' 4 (Including premi') Rs' 2 Balltrtcc ltllloul)l Applications were received for 3,00,000 shares' The compllzIy rejectecl applications for 20,000 sltres and llloney was refuuclecl. 2,00,000 shares we.re allotted on pro-rata alnol.lg remainin-e applicatnts auc,l excess application money was adjusted against money clne on etllotrnent. The company rcceived all money except fbllowin-e. (i) Vijay did not pay al.lohnent anrl both call nroney on 2000 sltares. (ii) ' Malya clid not pay both callmoney AII these shares were forfieted on 1000 sha'es' by the cotnpnay and re-isstted at l}Vo discount. Pass journal entries in the books of the compnay regarcling following onlY. (l) Share forfeiture (2) Re-issue of shares (3) Ciosing forfeited shares account OR (A) Law garden Ltcl. issuecl 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at 107o discount to general public' Amount called up per share was as under' With application Rs. On allotment Rs. 4 On first call Rs. On Final call Balance amount 3 1 Applications were received for 4,60,000 shares' The company made allotment of shares as under' No. of applications No. of slrares allotted 40,000 Nil 60,000 60,000 80,000 2,80,000 "40,000 1,00,000 (10) ' from pro-rata allotmetrt Excess application molley t'eceiveci and call' The compnay was utilizecl towiucls sums clue orr allotment receivecl atll amount on shares' Pass necesary journal entries in the books of company regzrclin g followin-e onlY' (1) Closing of share application account after allotrnent of shares' (Z) (B) Receivins shares allotment money' Wlite short note (ANY (1) (06) ONE) Privisions of Compnies Act' re-earding Shares issued at discount' (2) Sweat equitY shares' Q-3 Give answer (A) as directecl (aXy (18) I'HREE) Write short note (any two) (1) Provisions of companies Act regarcling ReclcemPtion of Pref' shares' (2) Types and sources of Bonus (3) Profit Prior to incorPoration (4) Potential equitY shares' (B) shares the amount to From the following information find out and pass journal be caried to CRR as per companies Act entry for issue of new shares' (1) 97aRed. Pref. Sl.rare caPital (2) RedernPtion Premiutn (3) Balances from the Bal' Sheet' CaPital Reserve Securities Prenrium Getteral reserve Divi. equalisation Fund Rs. i0,00,000 l0Vo Rs' 20,000 30,000 1,50,000 65,000 .5 Necessary nurnber of equity shares eaclt of Rs. 100 issuecl at 07a ciiscount (C) with a view to redeetl pref. shares at l}o/c premiutn. The Circus Ltcl. ircquircs rt business ol Cortrecly bros. on l-'l-12, it being incorporated on 1-11-i2. The tlrst are clrarvrt Lrpto 3 1 -3- 13. ^ccount The total suies r.vere Rs. 7,56,000, the monthly average 01- whiclr for the tour months frorn JLrly to act.-2012 being htrlf of that of the remaining period. The compnity eamed a unifonn profit. Find out time ratio and sales ratio. (D) ' Answer the foilowing (Any 3) (1) Frorn.which balances Bonus can not be given to make partly paicl shhles fully paid? (2) State the maximum rate of interest on calls received in adviince and calis in arrears as per Table 'A'. (3) In which latio sales rnen's salary and preliminary expenses are divided to find profit prior to incorporation ? (4) if pref. Shares are to be redeerned at I)Vo prem. for rvhich tlte proceeds of new shares is Rs. 1.00,000 and Rs. 50.000 has been carried to CRR, find out the total hmolint of redenrption on pref. Shrres. ******>k