AP Statistics Long-Term Project

AP Statistics Long‐Term Project Throughout our study of statistics this year we have and will encounter different topics including experimental design, sample analysis, anticipating patterns, and making statistical inferences about larger populations. The purpose of this long‐term project is to combine the knowledge we have about statistics to a study of our own. In doing so, we will be able to review many of the most important topics from the course as well as get a tangible experience dealing with statistics processes. This long‐term project has due dates beginning in the second quarter, and concluding during the third quarter. Success on the project will require keeping up with due dates and staying on top of the progress of your own research. Some due dates are flexible, but procrastination is a recipe for frustration and disaster. All project due dates are listed below, with specific assignment parameters and rubrics following. Assignment Name Due Date Brief Description Points Topic Brainstorm Oct 30, 2009 Worksheet for brainstorming project ideas 30 pts Proposal Nov 4, 2009 1‐Page project proposal explaining final idea 50 pts Literature Review Nov 16, 2009 Overview of 5 pieces of research relating to your topic 100 pts Research Design Nov 30, 2009 Complete, detailed research design & procedures 100 pts Plan for Completion Dec 4, 2009 Detailed plan for completing research 20 pts Research Data Jan 11, 2009 All data collected & copy turned in 25 pts Descriptive Statistics Jan 11, 2009 Descriptive Statistics on collected data 25 pts Inferential Statistics Jan 15, 2009 Inferential statistics & models 100 pts Rough Draft of Paper Jan 21, 2009 Rough Draft of paper due 25 pts Final Draft of Paper Jan 29, 2009 Final Draft of paper due [NO LATE PAPERS] 100 pts March 12, 2009 2 page reflection on project 25 pts Project Reflection 