FINAL EXAM PLANT NUTRITION NAME DATE HOUR PART ONE-STATION ONE This part of the exam is for Greenhouse evaluation. The exam will be set up in stations so the students will rotate from plant to plant identifying different items covered in the unit. The students will have to for this station look at the different plants and tell what nutrient the plant is deficient in. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. • 9. • 10. PART TWO-STATION TWO This part of the exam is the second part of the Greenhouse evaluation. The students will have to actually do some scientific data collecting that was explained in the unit. The scientific data that the students will be doing is Soil pH Sampling. Each student will have to test a given amount of soil and record the given pH that was discovered. Make sure to include the soil sample number on your answer sheet. SOIL pH SOIL SAMPLE NUMBER PART THREE-SHORT ANSWER • Give the symbol or element for the following: Potassium Ca Molybdenum Fe • What is the difference between a MACRO and MICRO Nutrient (Give two examples of each nutrient in your explanation) • What is the actual forms of Phosphorus and Potassium that a plant uses And what are the sources that the plant gets them from? • What is the difference between an inorganic and organic fertilizer? (Give examples of each in your answer) PART FOUR- MATCHING Match the nutrients with its function Nitrogen A. Essential for formation of chlorophyll Phosphorus B. Promotes formation of Vitamin A Boron C. Essential for enzyme systems Copper D. Required photosynthetic reactions Potassium E. Required fir utilization of nitrogen Manganese F. Activator for enzymes in growth processes Zinc G. Gives plants healthy green color Calcium H. Aids in carbohydrate movement Magnesium I. Aids in the translocation of starch Molybdenum J. Aids in the assimilation of calcium Sulfur K. Aids in the formation of fats and proteins Chlorine L. Stimulates early growth and root formation Iron M. Improves plant's ability to resist disease and cold, aids in the production of carbos PART FIVE- FERTILIZER PROBLEMS • Farmer Gabe and farmer Kyle need fertilizer for their farm. They would like to purchase one ton of 12-36-40 from NATE'S Fertilizer Surplus store. How many pounds of N-P-K is farmer Gabe and Kyle purchasing? (SHOW WORK) • Using the information in problem one, How much will it cost the farmers to purchase this amount of fertilizer if it costs $.25 a pound of N, $.24 of Phosphorus, and $.12 a pound for Potassium? How much does a ton of this mixture cost? (SHOW WORK)