Lim Hui Ying


Lim Hui Ying


Offices: Singapore

Tel: +65 6238 3042


Education: National University of Singapore, LL.B (Hons)

Admitted: Singapore, 2004

Languages spoken: Chinese • English

Year joined: 2015

Year became partner: 2015


Hui Ying joined Withersworldwide in 2015, following the Formal Law Alliance (FLA) between Withers and Singapore law firm

KhattarWong LLP. She has over 11 years of experience in the practice of Tort Law and Insurance Law. She mostly represents insurance companies doing mainly insurance claims across the board i.e. motor, workmen, industrial, public liability and professional indemnity etc. She also advised General Insurance Association on the Insurance Amendment Bill which came into force on 1 September 2009 and does advisory work for the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore.

Hui Ying does debt recovery for insurance companies and subrogated recovery claims involving counter-indemnities, contractual recovery and restitution.


Fong Khim Ling (administrator of the estate of Fong Ching Pau Lloyd, deceased) v Tan Teck Ann [2014] 2 SLR 659 –

Assisted in the Assessment of Damages proceedings and subsequent appeals to the High Court and Court of Appeal on the principles of leave requirement for appeals to the Court of Appeal as well as principles to be applied in determining the appropriate multiplier-multiplicand to apply in dependency claims

Thorben Langvad Linneberg v Leong Mei Kuen [2013] 1 SLR 207 – Assisted in the trial and appeal to the Court of Appeal relating to considerations taken by the Court when overturning findings of fact by a trial judge in an appeal as well as principles relating to the plea of inevitable accident / agony of the moment

Tan Teck Boon v Lim Gim Siong & Ors [2011] SGHC 76 - Assisted in the Assessment of Damages before Assistant

Registrar in Chambers, currently on appeal before the High Court Judge in Chambers. Principles of awarding damages for loss of future earnings / loss of earning capacity to sole proprietors

Lee Wei Kong v Ng Siok Tong [ 2010] SGHC 371 - Assisted in the trial on liability before the High Court, Assessment of

Damages before Assistant Registrar in Chambers and appeal before the High Court Judge in Chambers, currently on appeal to the Court of Appeal. Principles of awarding damages for complex head injuries

Royal & SunAlliance Insurance plc v Tan Chye Chong t/a Hai San Fresh Fruits & Anor [2010] SGDC 45, assisted in trial in the District Court and Appeal in the High Court. Principles of statutory recovery under section 18(b) of the Workmen’s

Compensation Act


The Law Society

On a personal note

Hui Ying is a mother of two children and four cats, an avid reader of fiction (particularly Slavic literature), trained classical pianist (but dislikes Mozart), and enjoys cooking for people and involving them in kitchen adventures.

© Withers 2015
