Simulation of an industrial process of wind towers manufacturing Paulo M. N. Tomé LAETA, IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal May 2014 Abstract Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methods are often used to maintain and improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes. Over the last decades efforts were made in order to use computational simulation for the same purpose. Simulation is used to obtain a model of an industrial process for the manufacture of wind towers according to the system of the Portuguese company TEGOPI – Industria Metalomecânica, S.A. The wind tower is introduced and simulation techniques are presented. Furthermore the case study is described and presumptions are made for developing the model of the system. A sensibility and results analysis is conducted for the more relevant parameters and scenarios. Keywords: Manufacture, wind tower, simulation, model, system. 1. Introduction Here the manufacturing process of a tubular metallic tower is considered and 1.1. Wind tower modelled using simulation. With early applications for water pumping and milling, the use of wind energy dates back to the 2nd century B.C. [1] with the first wind mills. In recent years, having developed greatly trough the 70’s as consequence of the oil crisis [2], wind energy plays an important role in today’s society. In Portugal, according to REN1 [3], at the end of 2012 almost 23% of the connected power was obtained using wind. As of today, most wind towers in use can be described by the four major components: Image 1.1 - Typical modern wind tower with tubular metallic tower [2] tower, rotor (hub and three blades), nacelle and foundation [2]. 1 Portuguese energy supplier 1 1.2. Computer Simulation and 2. Case study Simulation Methods Having received data from the company According to McHaney [4], computer TEGOPI in order to model the process, the simulation can be broadly defined as: obtained model can be used to help the “Use of a computer to imitate operations of company evaluating the effect of altering key a real world process or facility according to variables in production time. appropriately developed assumptions taking the form of logical, statistical, or mathematical According to the company, a tower is relationships which are developed into a produced from smaller elements (Virolas ) model.” welded to each other in order to become a 2 3 A model is defined as the representation section of a tower (Tramos ). The sections are of a system with the purpose of studying it. then assembled on sight for obtaining the Only aspects that influence the problem in complete tower. study must be considered and then represented in the model. By definition the model is a simplification of the real system [5]. It is possible to classify computational simulation according to three categories: Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), Continuous Simulation (CS) and Discrete Events Simulation (DES). MCS uses generation of random numbers to simulate, Image 2.2 - Tramos Image 2.1 - Virolas without considering time explicitly as a variable. This A simplification of the process flow used at method of simulation is defined by Law and Kelton [6] as being “a scheme using random TEGOPI is provided by Image 2.1. numbers that are used to solve deterministic or stochastic problems where time plays no role”. CS models use a set of equations in Preparation Virola representation of a system evolution trough time. DES is characterized by blocks of time Assemble Virola Assemble Tramo Welding Tramo Inspection Tramo when nothing happens until an event changes the state of the system. Image 2.1 - Production flow at TEGOPI For this study, DES methodology is considered, once it allows to evaluate system The considered entities (Virolas) are behaviour without solving it mathematically. assumed The definition Therefore the operations of “Preparation” and of important concepts as to have an unlimited stock. system, system state, entity, attributes, events and others can be found in references [5] and 2 Metallic arrows Section of a tower built from multiple “Virolas” welded together. 3 [7]. 2 Finish “Assemble Virola” do not interfere with the production and for this reason they are not As an example, the simplified flow diagram modelled. for the lower section S5 is presented in Image A tower built from 34 Virola elements 3.1. The simplification is due to some welded to form 5 Tramos sections, according operations being grouped, as is the case of to Image 2.2 is considered. “welding” that represents a sequence of 6 different welding operations. Since each process requires different machine and worker resources, in order to be able to evaluate the impact of changing the availability of any of them in the model, the modelled system has: 10 production lines 20 vehicles 26 different resources 12 worker profiles Around 500 operations Image 2.2 - Sections of the considered tower [9] 3. Computational model The production of a subsection consists of the operations of transportation of With the purpose of modelling the studied the system elements to the production line, welding, in an objective way, a set of presumptions was defined, such as: inspection, assembling of accessories and other operations. For each production line, i. depending on the section in production, The production orders are to be specified for the sections (Tramos) around 65 to 90 different operations can be ii. executed in order to manufacture that section. The created entities are transported to the production line by vehicles and workers Image 3.1 - Simplified flow diagram of the manufacturing process used for section S5 3 simultaneously iii. production line locations into consideration. The vehicles mentioned in ii travel in After realizing these transportations, the used specific networks and have a limit for the vehicles stay idle at the unload point. For maximum transporting weight accepting a transportation request a condition All vehicles “driven” by two is evaluated. This condition specifies that the workers, where the profile of the worker is chosen vehicle is from the ones that are depending on the entity type to transport. available and with a load capacity that is able iv. v. are At the production line the entities are to carry the element, but with the lowest processed according to the array of operations possible carrying capacity. specified by the company vi. All operations are performed by at least Whenever a shift is interrupted or one worker sometimes using resources to finished, the workers assigned to the running perform the task. operations are released vii. Having had access to the average times of At the beginning of a shift where the different operations only but knowing that interrupted of pending operations exist, those this times are not constant, a time distribution are is resumed according to the priority associated to the respective entities. adequate According to to model reference this [7], behaviour. a triangular distribution can be used when the actual time In addition, two specific production lines distribution is unknown but it is reasonable to are assigned to the production of each specific assume that minimum (a) and maximum (b) section due to weight constraints of the possible values exist and that the most likely vehicles. value (c) is inside this interval. Triangular Production orders are given for the distributions are defined by the following sections by specifying a start date and a function: destination production line. As soon as one ( element reaches the assembly stand of one ( production line, the next element of the ( ) production sequence is created and sent to ( ( { this same production line. Initial element ) )( ) ) )( ) priorities can be specified for each entity and destination production lines. In the model the average value provided If an order for the production of a section by the company is considered to be the most is given and the destination production line is likely value (c). The minimum and maximum busy, the model will create the entity, but this values (a and b) are obtained applying a entity will not be allowed to leave the stock percentage deviation around c. The model area until the destination line finishes the work considers 5% deviation around c, but it is in progress. Then becoming available to possible to change this rule easily by using the processes the new ordered section. spread sheets attached to the model. The model takes transportation times according to the distances from stock to 4 Multiple profiles 4 of workers are defined (12 in total) according to distance (Model*2) for the production of TEGOPI’s section S5 in production line 8. specifications. These profiles are not flexible to Time (hours) perform a task from another profile. The same applies for resources. This implies that an interrupted operation can only be resumed when the needed worker profile(s) and resource(s) are available to attend this task. Workers and resources “capacities”, costs and 950 850 750 650 550 450 350 250 150 832 752 519 508 301 Total time reliability logic (the last only for resources) are 245 Stopage time Model*1 Net time Model *2 able to be feed easily and changed into the Graph 4.1 - Production times: section S5 in 8 model through the attached spread sheets. For the later purpose of model validation As expected, the net time needed for the reliability logic is not considered since it is not production of this section decreases when mentioned in the supplied data. average distances are considered. In more detail, a drop in occupation times of both workers (PF1 and PF8) and vehicles can be 4. Results Analysis observed in Graph 4.2 According to Kelton [8], only for the simplest models one is able to prove 300 categorically the aspects of correct modelling. 250 Time (hours) Therefore, the model should be tested in a way that is possible to verify that it behaves in the desired manner. First the model sensibility 200 150 50 analysed. Afterwards, data provided from the 0 is used to evaluate 111 105 100 to changing key variables is tested and company 242 236 21.0 9.6 PF1 model PF8 Model*1 performance. Multiple versions of the model Vehicles Model *2 are used to verify this point. Graph 4.2 - Resources occupation: section S5 in 8 4.1. Sensibility Analysis In fact, when the complete model is Hence that transportation of elements from considered and production orders that lead to the stock location to the production line takes the manufacture of 4 towers are given, a considerable amount of time, Graph 4.1 Model*2 needs about 3 days less of labour for shows the production time using calculated finishing the production. distance (Model*1) or an smaller average The order in which operations are executed is related to the priority given to the entities (Virola) in processing. Once that the 4 In this context a welding specialist has a different profile then a quality controller and so on. number of resources is limited, situations can 5 occur where not enough resources are Due date available to attend to all requested operations. Model*3 Model*4 Therefore, the priority assigned to entities 1st tower 28-Feb-13 15-Feb-13 plays an import role in the system and by 2nd tower 4-Apr-13 25-Feb-13 3rd tower 10-Apr-13 21-Mar-13 4th tower 30-Apr-13 26-Mar-13 changing this parameter model results should be affected. According to TEGOPI the priority Table 4.2 - Limited VS Unlimited resources is defined to be highest for entities of section S5 followed by the entities of sections S1, S4, As expected, the model reacted to the S3 and therefore, S2 entities were given the increase of resources by reducing significantly lowest priorities of the set. This configuration is the delivery times. Note that for obtaining the used in both Model*1 and Model*2. results above the number of workers used is A new set of priorities was defined for much higher than the ones scheduled by Model*3 by keeping the relative priority of the TEGOPI. Graph 4.3 and Graph 4.4 show the different sections but increasing priority of the comparison of used resources. sections that will form the two first towers. This Number of Workers way assuring that priority is given to an older production order and by doing so a better approximation to the real system should be achieved. A summary of due dates obtained with the models considered up to this point can be observed in Table 4.1. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1st Shift Due date th 4 tower Tegopi Model*1 Model*2 Model*3 8-May-13 3-May-13 30-Apr-13 2nd Shift 3rd Shift Model*4 Graph 4.3 – Workforce: TEGOPI VS Model*4 Table 4.1 - Due dates summary 14 12 attention was placed into the allocation of 10 workers to operations. Since specific profiles 8 of workers are used to perform operations on 6 the job-shop using resources of some kind, 4 varying the available number of workers and 2 their profiles should have a major effect on the 0 Arc ArcoSubmerso Carro chanfrar EasyLaser Lix2 Lix4 Macarico Rebarbadeira RF1 Semi UltraSom SO213 SO257 SO283 SO294 SO296 In the construction of the model, special delivery dates. This effect can be observed through analysis of the results obtained with Model*4. Model*4 is built from Model*3 but Tegopi setting an unlimited number of both workers Modelo*4 and resources. Graph 4.4 – Resources TEGOPI VS Model*4 6 4.2. Validation obtained for machine occupation. Workers utilization varies up to 4.8%. 300 comparing delivery times of the different 250 scenarios with data provided from Time (hours) Validation of the model is achieved by the company. 200 150 100 50 4.2.1.Individual production line PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5 PF6 PF7 PF8 PF9 PF10 PF11 PF12 0 With knowledge of the average processing times of each operation to be performed in Validation Scenario Model *2 each section, it is possible to obtain an estimated average time for the total delivery Graph 4.6 – Workers occupation: Section S5 time of each section. For this scenario Time (hours) unlimited resources are used so that delays resulting from lack of resources do not occur. Graph 4.5 to Graph 4.7 show the occupation of the resources to manufacture 10 Validation Scenario 9 8 Model *2 7 Total Time section 5S for the cases: Validation scenario Graph 4.7 – Vehicles occupation: section S5 and Model*2. Model*2 is chosen because it considers average distances from stock to Regarding transportation times there is a production, thus matches the data better for 15.2% difference between the validation data validation. and Model*2. around case 21 Model*1 hours of was total transportation time would be needed. Graph 4.8 compares the net production Time (hours) time used. ARC. Arco-Submerso Carro chanfrar Easy-laser Maçarico Rebarbadeira Semi SO213 SO294 Ultra-sons VS - Linha8 Time (hous) considered, 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 In Validation Scenario 850 750 650 550 450 350 250 150 Total time Model *2 Stopage time Validation Scenario Net time Modelo*2 Graph 4.5 – Machine occupation: section S5 Graph 4.8 – Production time: section S5 Deviations between 0.2% and 2.1% when compared with the validation data were 7 4.2.2.Validation scenario 4.2.3.Unlimited resources Having already verified model sensibility to A version of the model with unlimited key parameters, the considered models can resources and average paths (Model*4) is now be compared to the expected due dates used. This allows the model to get closer to from the validation data. the data for validation. Product ion Order 1st tower 2nd tower 3rd tower 4th tower Base de dados Due Date Due Date Model* 1 Model* 2 Model* 3 Production Order Due Date 11-Jan-13 13-Feb-13 15-Feb-13 nd 18-Jan-13 22-Feb-13 25-Feb-13 rd 23-Jan-13 15-Mar-13 21-Mar-13 th 28-Jan-13 19-Mar-13 26-Mar-13 st 11-Jan 13-Feb 11-Mar 26-Feb 28-Feb 1 tower 18-Jan 22-Feb 22-Mar 21-Mar 4-Apr 2 tower 23-Jan 15-Mar 29-Apr 1-May 10-Apr 3 tower 28-Jan 19-Mar 8-May 3-May 30-Apr 4 tower Table 4.3 – Due dates: Multiple scenarios Table 4.4 – Due dates: Model*4 Straight away the models seem to contain For the first and second towers results are errors. However, it is very important to matching the expected since the production consider the following: lines start free and times are not affected by According to the supplied data there delay. For the next towers delay occurs since are shifts where worker profiles are not the production lines are occupied when the available (e.g.: PF6 is not available on the production order reaches the system. To third shift). Meanwhile, on the data for eliminate this effect, a scenario for the validation this situation appears not to occur production of towers three and four only was since there is no indication of delayed simulated. Results in Table 4.5 show that the operations as result of missing workers. Due date Model*4 due dates in this situation are inside the In simulation it often occurs, that after acceptable limits for the model. the end of a shift the next shift does not have enough resources to resume all interrupted Base de dados operations. Priority operations are resumed Production Order Due Date Tower 3 23-Jan-13 26-Feb-13 27-Feb-13 Tower 4 28-Jan-13 4-Mar-13 5-Mar-13 first. This can lead to delay due to lack of resources in low priority operations. Model does not consider workers to be flexible. Table 4.5 – Due dates tower 3 and 4: Model*4 Consider an operation that uses the worker profile above (PF6) and that is interrupted in the end of the 2 nd Due date Model*4 For achieving these results, Model*4 used shift. This 145 workers. TEGOPI scheduled 84 workers. operation can only be resumed after one shift A situation in which the number of workers of interruption, affecting the production time used is higher than the number scheduled is due to this delay. verified. The number of workers PF5 of the 1 st shift is chosen because it represents the 8 4.2.4. Approximation to production bigger deviation. Four workers are scheduled by the company and ten were used by In this version of the model another BusyTime (h)and nunber of occorences Model*4. approach is used. Knowing that for completing 160 the scheduled production of the four towers 140 the company took about three months. The 120 model will be used to achieve this delivery 100 time using a number of workers similar to the 80 one scheduled by TEGOPI. 60 Model*4 is used as the starting point and 40 then, the number of workers is limited based 20 on the previous usage time. Workers with less 0 than 10 hours of use are discarded for the next run. Using the previous example of PF5_t1, in Model*5 the number of workers of this profile BusyTime Occurrences 8h 16h is limited to 6. This way Model*5 uses 96 workers but still more machines than the 24h number scheduled by the company. Now limiting the number of machines according to Graph 4.9 – PF5 1st shift usage: Model*4 specification (Model*6) and reducing five more Hence profiles PF5_t1[7] to PF5_t1[10] workers (Model*6.1) the model has provided are used for less than a eight hours shift, the following results. results appear to show that the model lacks some logic for task selection preventing that, Due date for example, a task with more than eight hours Model*5 Model*6 Model*6.1 duration starts close to the end of a shift. In a situation when more workers are available, a larger number of machine Machine resources used resources is used according to Graph 4.10. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Torre1 15-Feb-13 19-Feb-13 21-Feb-13 Torre2 25-Feb-13 4-Mar-13 5-Mar-13 Torre3 21-Mar-13 22-Mar-13 28-Mar-13 Torre4 26-Mar-13 5-Apr-13 9-Apr-13 Table 4.6 – Due dates: Model*6 and Model*6.1 With delivery time of approximately three months, Model*6.1 uses a total of 91 workers Meaning 8.3% above the number of workers specified by the company. Although more workers are used in simulation, this value is Tegopi according to the company’s expectation for the Modelo*4 model’s performance without considering a flexible worker force. Graph 4.10 – Allocated machines: Model*4 9 5. Conclusions d=tutorial_eolica. The obtained model allows analysis of the [ dynamic behaviour of the studied system. A. 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