Review Questions #1

EIU 4101G-Spaceship Earth-The Present State
Review Questions # 1
These questions are posed to assist you in synthesizing the facts and discussions and to draw significant
conclusions from them. The spaces after each question are for your answers. You may adjust these spaces
compatible with your answers. These questions are not intended to be similar to or cover only the materials, which
will be on the exam. These questions should be reviewed after you thoroughly study pertinent chapters of the
texts, class notes, class discussions and important points of each film that was shown in the class.
A-Compare and contrast the earth with other planets in the solar system and explain the differences and
similarities. B-What is the basic principle that governs the relationship between earth and living things? CWhat is the purpose of the world model? D-Define linear & geometric growth. E- How do you determine
the doubling time? F-Annual increase for a quantity that is growing geometrically? G-What does the term
Earth is finite mean?
A-What are the major components of the world model? B- Define carrying capacity of the natural
environments and possible outcomes as the population grows and approaches this carrying capacity.
Illustrate this graphically.
A-Define renewable, non-renewable, recyclable, non-recyclable resources and provide examples for each.
B-Define copper, aluminum, iron, gold, oil, gas, coal, uranium, soil and water in terms of classification of
natural resources.
What is the lifetime multiplier? How is it affected by pollution?
What are some of side-effects of technology?
What are some of the factors causing growth of industry?
What is needed for industry to grow?
EIU 4101G /Review Sheet #1 9-27-01
Define Physical Limits & Systems Limits. Give an example for each.
Do you know of any example of living things crossing system limits?
What is the nature of global distribution of natural resources?
Define population control and birth control. Why does the population grow geometrically?
What are some of the consequences of uncontrolled birth rate?
What are some of the events that can change the forecast of the world model?
What are two most important positive feed-back loops in the world?
What are three important negative feed-back loops of the world?
What is the relationship between birth rates and GNP?
Is there any relationship between social and educational changes, GNP and birth rates? Does religious belief
have any effect on population growth? How? Give one example to support your answer. Does equal
treatment of man and women have any effect on population growth? How?
What causes the collapse of our system according to figure 35 (World Model Standard Run)?
Considering figure 35 (World Model Standard Run), what is the relationship between birth rates and death
rates since 1900?
Considering figure 36 (World Model with Natural Resources doubled), what will be the effect of increasing
Considering figure 37 (World Model with “unlimited” resources), what could be the effect of unlimited
resources on the world model?
Considering figure 39 (World Model with ‘unlimited” resources and pollution control), what would be the
effect of unlimited resources and effective pollution control?
Considering figure 40 (same as 39 with the addition of increase in agricultural productivity), what would be
the limiting factor to growth?
Would perfect birth control stop growth of population?
Considering figure 42 (the same as 40 with the addition of “perfect” birth control), what are the limiting
factors to growth?
What are some of the problems with no technological solutions?
What does “the Earth is finite” imply?
EIU 4101G /Review Sheet #1 9-27-01
28. We know that the earth is finite in space and resources. We also know that the five issues we considered
(world model components) are growing exponentially. We know that the exponential growth is impossible in a
finite system. What measures would you take personally to alter this trend?
What are two alternatives in order to balance population growth?
What are two different ways that industry can grow?
Can industry grow without consuming much resources or generating much pollution? Give examples.
What are the financial costs to a family in order to limit their children to two?
What are the two quantities that need to be constant in the world equilibrium state? Draw the feedback loops
for these two quantities at the present state and equilibrium state.
What are the human activities that can continue to grow indefinitely in the equilibrium state?
What are the disadvantages of market place adjustment to scarcity? Give examples.
Define “science” and “technology” and give an example for each definition.
What is meant by "Tech fix"?
What are the disadvantages of technology as an adjustment mechanism? Give examples.
What are the causes for super exponential growth of population?
Carefully study all of the graphs and make note of how different components are related and how the change
of one component affects other components.
Define the carrying capacity. Show by means of graphs three possible relationships between population
growth and carrying capacity.
42. Why do the living things become extinct? Give one example.
43. Draw the population and industry's feedback loops in the Global Equilibrium State.
44. What is the historical relationship between number of people concerned with global issues and time( next
week, next few years , children’s life time) and space ( family, neighborhood, race, nation, world)?
45. On a coordinate ( draw a horizontal line 3 inches long . From the left end of this line draw a vertical line
also 3 inches long) label this figure 1. On this figure indicate the historical trend of the population, industry,
EIU 4101G /Review Sheet #1 9-27-01
pollution growth, use of arable land for food production and depletion of non-renewable resources. What is the
limit to growth according to this graph?
Draw the same coordinates as the Figure 1 and designate it Figure 2. On this figure indicate how the curves
would look assuming resources reserves have increased 10 fold. What is the limit to growth on this graph?
On both graphs, label ALL parts.
EIU 4101G /Review Sheet #1 9-27-01