BAM A New Caffeine Immunoassay: Clinical and Environmental Application J. J. Carvalho, R. J. Schneider*, M. G. Weller, U. Panne BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Richard-Willstätter-Str. 11, D-12489 Berlin Introduction CAFFEINE (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) was discovered by the German chemist Friedrich [1] Ferdinand Runge in 1819. He coined the term "kaffein", a chemical compound in “kaffee” . Ever since caffeine has been used with several purposes: as pesticide in agriculture, medicine in human therapeutics, additive in cosmetics, as a marker of human liver function[2] [3] and. Lately, as anenvironmental marker . Several analytical methods, mostly based on chromatographic techniques, are currently in use for caffeine analysis. Besides the chromatographic analysis time itself, such techniques are usually preceded by sample preparation/concentration steps, making the entire process costly and time-consuming. An ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) was developed to overcome such drawbacks. Caffeine is predominantly eliminated via N-3 demethylation to paraxanthine (1,7-dimethylxanthine). The reaction is catalyzed by cytochrome P450 (CYP1A2) and caffeine clearance is considered a “gold standard” for the enzyme’s activity in humans.[4] Caffeine is one of the most widely and frequently ingested compound throughout the world. Its presence in environmental water has been already shown, including in treated drinking water, indicating contamination of human origin.[3] Results and Discussion Experimental ELISA vs LC-MS/MS ELISA LC-MS/MS 12000 Surface waters Salivas Assay parameters Surface waters Sample volume 0.5 mL 0.2 mL Sample volume 500 mL Protein precipitation Sample preparation Either Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) or direct analysis Sample preparation Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Calibration range (n=8) Monoclonal antibody dilution (anti-caffeine IgG mouse) 1: 100 000 1: 10 000 1: 75 000 1: 10 000 10 µg L -1 - 175 µg L -1 Tracer dilution (Horseradish peroxidase conjugate) 0.02 µg L Calibration range (n=8) -1 - 100 µg L -1 2.5 µgL -1 - 125 µg L -1 y = 0.9434x + 176.08 2 R = 0.902 10000 ELISA conc. (ug/L) Assay parameters Table 1 and 2. Summary table regarding ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods. 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 LC-MS/MS conc. (ug/L) Calibration curve Cross Reactivity Figure 3. Caffeine concentrations in sixty saliva samples analyzed by both methods. The samples were provided by ten regular caffeine consumers throughout one day, before caffeine intake and thereafter at regular intervals. The red lines represent ± 20% of deviation from the ideal curve with slope one ( dashed line), and the bold line represents the trendline of all values (navy-blue rhombi). 1.2 Theobromine (1.2 %) 1.0 Bland-Altman analysis and independent two-sided t -test (equal variances, p=0.05, 118 degrees of freedom) were also performed and confirmed the outcome visualized in the figure above. H H 0.8 A.U. Theophylline (7.1%) 0.6 0.4 C affeine in B erlim S urface W aters (n=10) C affeine in salivas (n=60) 160 H Paraxanthine (0.01 %) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Conc. (ug.L-1) Figure 1. Calibration curve used for quantitation of salivas by ELISA. A third order exponential decay fitting was selected after residues evaluation in comparison with other models. Figure 2. Antibody cross reactivity against caffeine demethylated metabolites. Paraxanthine is the most abundant metabolite produced in vivo (90%) and advantageously presents the lowest value. C oncentration (n g /L ) 0.0 140 120 116 80 40 66 38 10000 109 100 60 12000 138 69 64 M ax M in A verage 44 31 C oncentration (ug/L) 0.2 6000 4000 2000 0 0 E LIS A S P E -E LIS A 9781 8000 20 S P E -LC -M S /M S 9503 3925 3879 651 814 LC -M S /M S E LIS A * Corresponding author: Figure 4. Variation between the methods found for saliva and surface water samples. The surface waters were analyzed directly by ELISA (1000fold less concentrated than the extracts injected into the LC-MS/MS). The SPE extracts were additionally analyzed by ELISA to provide an easier comparison between methods in the same concentration range. Outlook Is the assay selective enough to distinguish caffeine in other matrices? Can the assay sensitivity be further improved by means of a different detection mode, like fluorescence spectroscopy? Literature [1] B.A. Weinberg, B.K. Bealer, The world of caffeine The science and culture of the world's most popular drug, in Prologue, Routledge, 1st Edition, 2001, London, UK [2] T. Wang et al., Klinische Wochen-Schrift, 1985, 63, 1124-1128 [3] I. J. Buerge et al., Environmental Science & Technology, 2003, 37, 691-700 [4] J.A. Carrillo et al., Therapeutic drug monitoring, 2000, 22, 409-417 The immunoassay provides results equivalent to those from the LC-MS/MS method regarding the studied matrices and the intended purpose. On a single ELISA plate 72 samples are analyzed within 3 hours. Even excluding the SPE procedure, the same number of samples requires 64 hours using LC-MS/MS. Acknowledgement We would like to thank all colleagues who provided the saliva samples and Kristin Petsch of WG Immunochemical Methods for repeating the analyses, thus independently confirming the results.