Red Bull Pros and Cons

Red Bull Pros and Cons
One can of Red Bull contains 27g of sugar, 108 calories and 80 mg. On Red Bull’s site they
repeatedly state and emphasize the fact that there is 80mg of caffeine in it. Meaning that it is
the same amount of caffeine in coffee. Red Bull’s site also states all of the ingredients that
happens to be in one can of Red Bull. Scientists think otherwise. Even though Energy Drinks
like Red Bull state the amount of caffeine, they do not state the amount of caffeine that are in
the plant extract that are put into the drink. It has also been researched that adding all the
different ingredients can result to side effects. Millions of cans are sold but there is no data to
support or describe that all the ingredients mixed have no health risks/effects when
consumed. Beside the argument one big concern is that the drink Red Bull has caused
various deaths including heart attacks.
Immediate supply of energy
Portable and easy to consume
Provides concentration
Quenches thirst
Sponsors and Supports activities like soccer teams, Flugtag, motocross etc.
Strong control of market
Loyal customers
Energy to last for hours
Same amount of caffeine as coffee (Redbull company)
High level of caffeine
High level of Sugar
Unknown substances that have caffeine in them too (scientists)
Health risks and deaths have occurred because of redbull
More expensive than other energy drinks
Due to the high content of caffeine, there are many health risks involved when
consuming it