: Province Laws. 248 — 1772-73. CHAPTER [Chaps. 43, 44. J I 43. AN ACT TO SUPPLY THE TREASURY WITH A SUM NOT EXCEEDING TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS. Preamble. Whereas it is necessary that further provision should be made for the support of government, and to enable the treasure [r] to discharge the draughts that are already and may be drawn on him to May next, Be it e,nactecl hy the Governor, Coimcil and House of Representatives, That the treasurer be, and he hereby is, directed and impowered to apply the sum of two thousand eight hundred pounds, out of such monies as he hath now, or may hereafter have, in the treasury, not appropriated for any other purpose, for the discharge of such orders as shall be drawn on him by the governor, with the advice of council to be paid out of the following appropriations that is to say, the sum of four hundi'ed pounds, part of the aforesaid sum of two thousand eight hundred pounds, shall be applied for the payment of grants made or and the further sum of fifteen hundred to be made by this court pounds, part of the aforesaid sum of two thousand eight hundred pounds, shall be applied for the discharge of debts owing from this province to persons who have served and shall serve them, by order of this court, in such matters and things where there is no establishment nor any certain sum assigned for that purpose, and for writing, printing and paper for this court, and such repairs of the public buildings belonging to the province, as shall be made by order of the general assembly and the further sum of eight hundred pounds, part of the aforesaid sum of two thousand eight hundred pounds, shall be applied for the payment of his majesty's council, and house of representatives [se*]rving in the great and general court and the further sum of one hundred pounds, being the remainder of the aforesaid sum of two thousand eight hundred pounds, shall be applied for commissary's [Passed February 27 published March 6, 1773. disbursements. — Treasury snp plied with £2,800. ; ; How appropri ated- ; ; ; CHAPTER 44. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF GOODS AT PUBLIC VENDUE, AND TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF AUCTIONEERS. Dieallowed by the I'rivy Council, April 13, 1774. Preamble. Whereas the number of auctioneers or vendue-masters has greatly increased in the town of Boston, and other principal towns in this province, and great inconveniencies, losses and damages have arisen to the public for want of suitable persons licenced, under proper restrictions, to sell goods at vendue and as the selling them in the evening has a great tendency to corrupt the morals of youth, and affords opportunities for many frauds, Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and House of Representatives, [Sect. 1.] That no person or persons, from and after the thirtyfirst day of March next, unless they be licensed by the selectmen, or the major part of them, of the town to which they belong, shall sell, at public vendue, auction, or outcry, any goods, chatties, wares, ; — Anctloneers to be licensed by the aelectmoii * Parchment mutilated. ; Province Laws. f2D Sess.] — 1772-73. merchandizes or effects whatsoever upon the penalty of fifty pounds and that the selectmen, or the major part of them, at a meeting called for that purpose, be, and they hereby are, impowered, from time to time, by writing under their hands, to license some suitable person or persons for that purpose, not exceeding the number of four in any town within this province, nor for any term of time exceeding one year from the day of granting such license. And 249 —their number. be it further enacted, [Sect. 2.] That no person thus licensed shall receive goods for Penalty for re. °' sale of any servant or minor, neither shall he be allowed to vend any servaTts^o?''* of his goods by public auction, but from sun-rising to sun-setting, minors, or seii'° upon the penalty of fifty pounds for each offence; and that every thfs'act.'^"'^^ person thus licensed shall keep a fair and particular account of all the goods sold, by whom said goods shall be brought to him, and of the names of the persons to whom said goods shall be sold, subjected to the inspection of the selectmen, or either of them, so often as they shall require it, without any fee or rewaixl therefor, upon the penalty of fifty pounds. Provided, Nothing in this act shall extend or be construed to Shenflfsand [Sect. 3.] extend to hinder sjieriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, coroners, or any poanf^gooda' officer of the court of admiralty, executors or administrators, or any byaucuon.in other person who already is or may hereafter be specially authorised or required, by any act or order of the general court of this province, to sell goods or chatties, by vendue, or to hinder any person from selling, by vendue, his houshold furniture, husbandry-utensils, cattle, live-stock, the produce of his farm, or his own manufactures.. Provided, also, And be it further enacted, [Sect. 4.] That no license granted by any selectmen for. the License to be purpose aforesaid, shall be of any effect to exempt or excuse any twc'ivtfmontha. person from the penalty of this act, for selling at vendue without license, unless such license shall have been made and granted within one year next preceediug such sale. And he it further enacted, [Sect. 5.] That every selectman who shall sign or consent to the Penalty on segranting any such licence for the sale of goods or chatties, at vendue, iho™d"exceed^ in any town, when, at the time of signing and granting such license, their power, there shall be the full number of such licensed persons, residing in such town, whose license shall then be in force, or that shall sign or consent to the granting any such license for any greater or longer time than the time prescribed by this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds to any person who shall sue for the same. And he it further enacted, [Sect. G.] That all fines, forfeitures or penalties mentioned in Penalty how to '''covered, this act, may be recovered by action of debt, in any court of record ^^ proper to try the same the said fines or forfeitures, to be to the use of the person who shall sue for the same. [Sect. 7.] This act to continue and be in force for the space of Limitation. two years, and no longer. [^Passed February 27;* published March 6, 1773. — — ; •' My Lords, In pursuance of Your Lordships Order of the 19"> of May 1773 we have taken into onr consideraf'ion an Act passed in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in February 1773 intitled ' An Act to regulate the sale of Goods at public vendue and to limit the number of Auctioneers.' have also consulted M' Jackson one of His Majesty's Counsel at Law upon the We * Signed March 6, according to the record. : Province Laws. 250 — 1772-73. [Chaps. 45, 46.] said Act who has reported to us that he Is of opinion the sarac is expedient in all parts except that it places the power of licensing in the Selectmen when it is more fit that such power should be entrusted to His Majesty's Governor by whom it is more likely to be impartially executed. This objection in which we concur with M"" Jackson does appear to us of so much weight a^'ainst the Act in question that however expedient it may be in other particulars We are of opinion that it will be advisable for Your Lordships to recommend to Lords of Trade His Majesty to signify His Majesty's Royal disallowance of this Act." to Lords of the Council, Mar. 3, 1774 " Mass. Bay, B. T.," vol. 86, p. 323. — : CHAPTER 45. AN ACT TO PREVENT THE DESTRUCTION OF SALMON AND OTHER FISH IN MERRIMACK RIVER, WITHIN THIS PROVINCE. Whereas the salmon and other fish taken Preamble. in Merrimack River, within have been of great service to the inhabitants, and still will be so if due care is taken to prevent the unnecessary destruction thereof and wJiereas, some persons have, of late, enlarged their seines to such an extraordinary length as have greatly obstructed the passage of said fish, by using such seines so as to extend quite across said river, which if not prevented will tend to destroy the valuable this province, ; — fishery in said river, Be it enacted hy the Governor, Council Penalty and House of Representatives., That no person or persons whatsoever, from and after [Sect. 1.] the first day of April next, and so during the continuance of this act, be allowed to catch salmon, or other fish, with seines or nets more than and if any person or persons sixteen rods in length, in said river shall presume to catch fish with seines or nets of any greater length, he or they shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay the sum of forty shillings, to be recovered by action before any of his majesty's justices of the peace for the county where such offence shall be committed one moiety whereof shall be for him or them who shall sue for the same, and the other moiety shall be to and for the use of the poor of the town where such offence shall be committed. This act to be in force two years from and after the [Sect. 2.] {Passed and published March first day of April next, and no longer. ; ; — ho^y to be vocovered and applied. Limitation. 6, 1773. CHAPTEE 46. AN ACT TO IMPOWER THE INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF ROCHESTER, IN THE COUNTY OF PLIMOUTH, TO REGULATE THE TAKING OF FISH WITHIN THE HARBOURS AND COVES OF SAID TOWNSHIP. Disallowed by the Privy Council, June 1774. Preamble. 1, AVhereas there are sundry harbours and coves within the town of Rochester which have numbers of various kind of fish, but, by the drawing of seines under no regulation, the fish have been greatly diminished therein, to the damage of said inhabitants, and injury of the poor, Be — therefore enacted by the Governor, Council resentatives, Inhabitants, powered to regulate tba c it and House of Rep- [Sect. 1.] That the inhabitants of said town are hereby fully impowered, at a meeting or meetings to be called for that purpose, to