Green $$ Ideas for a minimum of 10% WINTER Savings Warm up your defense against a cold winter. Lower your Electric supply rate to reduce your electric bill by 10%. Have your heating system checked to be sure it is running at peak performance. This will gain 10% in fuel costs. Invest in a motor load controller* to reduce 10% or more on your electric usage. Invest in a whole house generator and gasoline in case the electric service goes out. The motor load controller will continue to recycle the motor waste from the generator and any other appliance that you run, saving on gasoline. New Year, new you. Take time to plan now for next year to take advantage of your Utility Company rebates and low interest loans from Energy Works to purchase energy efficient products for your home. Peco will pay you to pick up your old inefficient appliances. Treat yourself to LED lights to replace incandescent and fluorescent lights when they burn out. The average life of an LED is 50,000 hours, and the watts being burned are 75% less. * Energize your drive – and your cars efficiency with SR3, oil additive. Save up to 10% on every tank of gas with this product. * Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastic, paper, cardboard, fabric, cans, aluminum, grey water, wood, etc. and save the massive building of landfills. Take a reusable bag to the food store, they are stronger and hold at least 10% more. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, an extra million tons of waste is generated each week. In 2008, the average amount of waste generated by each person in America per day was 4.5 pounds. 1.1 pounds of that was recycled, .4 pounds were composted. The rest was sent to a landfill or incinerated. *See our website for more information