Aaron Van De Bogart II Sportsman Award The Aaron Van De Bogart

Aaron Van De Bogart II Sportsman Award
The Aaron Van De Bogart II, Sportsman Award to a graduating senior who is planning to pursue
a career in Environmental Conservation, Forestry, and/or Fish and Game Conservation,
sponsored by the Lake Hill Sportsman Club, Inc.
$150 awarded to Olivia Paetow
Alison Julia Gold Memorial Award
The Alison Julia Gold Memorial Award to a senior who is pursuing a career in ballet, art, and/or
theater arts.
$200 awarded to Alexa Oakes
American Legion School Citizenship Award
Olive Memorial Post No. 1627, American Legion Award to the member of the senior class who
has shown outstanding school citizenship by his or her character development and leadership in
student affairs. There must be evidence that this student has exerted a good influence on the
student body as a whole.
$500 awarded to Ian Jameson
American Legion Veteran Appreciation Award
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 950 of Phoenicia Award to a graduating senior who has
expressed an interest in Americanism, American History and learning about the great wars and
what our veterans experienced.
$200 awarded to Joshua Slater
Amos Fleisher Scholarship
The Amos Fleisher Scholarship, sponsored by the Fleisher Foundation, organized by Rebecca
Fleisher, to a graduating senior who plans to attend a four-year college immediately following
high school. This senior is a leader amongst their peers, is innovative, athletic, strong in math
and business skills, and have CPR certification. This student sees life’s possibilities and not its
limitations. They show outstanding initiative towards personal success, growth and integrity.
This is a student who loves family, friends, life and all its opportunities.
$1500 awarded to Kelly Ambrosch
Arthur R. Satz Memorial Education Scholarship
The Arthur R. Satz Memorial Scholarship Fund of the Ulster County Community Foundation to
a graduating senior who will attend a two-year or four-year college or university, majoring in the
field of education.
$250 awarded to Ellen McCutcheon
Arthur R. Satz Memorial Environmental Studies Scholarship
The Arthur R. Satz Memorial Scholarship Fund of the Ulster County Community Foundation to
a graduating senior who will attend a two-year or four-year college or university, majoring in the
field of Landscape and Ornamental Horticulture or Forestry or Wildlife Management.
$250 awarded to Olivia Paetow
Arthur R. Satz Memorial Psychology Scholarship
The Arthur R. Satz Memorial Scholarship Fund of the Ulster County Community Foundation to
a graduating senior who will attend a two-year or four-year college or university, majoring in the
field of psychology.
$250 awarded to Jonah Heckelman
Barbara Sickler Memorial Award
An award given in memory of Barbara Sickler by her friends and co-workers to two senior
business majors, a young man and young woman, who have shown aptitude, achievement,
interest and enthusiasm in business courses and computer technology.
$100 awarded to Danielle Barringer
$100 awarded to Nolan Bastianelli
Bernard Lapo Memorial Award
The Bernard Lapo Memorial Award to a member of the graduating class with the highest threeyear average in Social Studies 9, 10 and 11.
$300 awarded to Alexa Oakes
Bernard Stahl and Gregory Gregor Award
D.E.C.A Club, in honor of Bernard Stahl and Gregory Gregor, to the senior business major who
intends to continue his/her education and has shown aptitude, achievement, interest, and
enthusiasm in business courses.
$50 awarded to Danielle Barringer
Bishop Scholarship
The Donald F. and Edna G. Bishop Scholarship Foundation Award to graduating seniors
studying in the fields of nursing, medical technology, physical therapy, pre-medicine (including
biology, chemistry and physics), medicine, dentistry and other medically related fields which are
acceptable in the sole judgment of the Selection Committee. Students are selected for his/her
general ability, including scholarship, character and extracurricular activities.
Up to $17500 awarded to Adam Blaustein-Rejto
Up to $17500 awarded to Avery Leighton
Up to $17500 awarded to Emily Waligurski
Up to $17500 awarded to Gabrielle Rocha DeAssis
Up to $17500 awarded to Jaymes Flournoy
Up to $17500 awarded to Michael Seth Owitz
Bishop Scholarship Business Award
The Donald F. and Edna G. Bishop Scholarship Award, given in memory of Freda John, for
excellence in Business.
$500 awarded to Nolan Bastianelli
Bishop Scholarship Social Studies Award
The Donald F. and Edna G. Bishop Scholarship Award, given in memory of Freda John, for
excellence in Social Studies.
$500 awarded to Adam Blaustein-Rejto
Bishop Scholarship Art Award
The Donald F. and Edna G. Bishop Scholarship Award, given in honor of Claire and Joseph
Friedburg, for excellence in Art.
$500 awarded to Stephanie Walkowiak
Bishop Scholarship English Award
The Donald F. and Edna G. Bishop Scholarship Award, given in honor of Audrey and Murray
Kwit, for excellence in English.
$500 awarded to Audrey Malloy
B'nai B'rith Brotherhood Award
The B'nai B'rith Brotherhood Award presented to a senior who personifies brotherhood,
understanding, and the true meaning of altruism.
$150 awarded to Rio Morales
C.A.R.E. For O.C.S. Attendance, Scholarship, and Citizenship
An award sponsored by C.A.R.E. for O.C.S., Inc. to a graduating senior who has demonstrated
outstanding attendance, scholarship and citizenship.
$300 awarded to Bridget Chartrand
C.A.R.E. For O.C.S. Honesty, Integrity, Service, and Patriotism
An award sponsored by C.A.R.E. for O.C.S., Inc. to two graduating seniors who have exhibited
the qualities of honesty, integrity, community service and patriotism.
$300 awarded to Corissa Hill
$300 awarded to Ian Jameson
Catherine Hunter Award
The Catherine (Kitty) Hunter Award, given by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wereszynski, to a graduating
senior who has demonstrated a desire to work hard and has shown devotion to his/her family and
$50 awarded to Thiha Shein
Catskill Center Scholarship Award
The Catskill Center For Conservation and Development is delighted to bestow this year's Catskill
Center Scholarship Program awards to two senior students who exemplify stellar academic
achievement along with environmental awareness--preparing them for future stewardship.
$250 awarded to Emily Waligurski
$250 awarded to Olivia Paetow
Charles P. Benson Memorial Award
An award in memory of Charles P. Benson, to a graduating senior who is pursuing further
education in the field of business, computers or automotive technology.
$100 awarded to Nicholas Smith
Cheryl Vrendenburgh Memorial Awards
The Cheryl Vrendenburgh Memorial Award to six seniors who have made outstanding
contributions to the band, chorus, or orchestra and are planning to further their education.
Band $50 awarded to Kealey Viglielmo
Band $50 awarded to Rachel Bortin
Chorus $50 awarded to Kelsey Van Etten
Chorus $50 awarded to Olivia Paetow
Orchestra $50 awarded to Corissa Hill
Orchestra $50 awarded to Olivia Paetow
Chester and Edith Lyon Memorial Awards
The Chester A. Lyons, Jr. and Edith J. Lyons Memorial Scholarship to three graduating seniors
who are seriously committed to pursuing further education in a health-related field, technology
or teaching.
$1000 awarded to Molly Hyde
$1000 awarded to Myan McCann
$1000 awarded to Sean Krum
Cindy Van Buren Memorial Award
In loving memory of Cindy “Klip” VanBuren this award is given to two athletes who have
demonstrated fun, team spirit, dedication, and outstanding sportsmanship while maintaining a
good work ethic. Award sponsored by John and Russ Klippel and their families.
$100 awarded to Godfrey Lucas
$100 awarded to Kelly Ambrosch
Clifford Secor Memorial Award
Clifford Secor Memorial Award to a senior who has maintained a commendable scholastic
record, high degree of sportsmanship and has demonstrated good citizenship. Given by the
D.E.C.A. Club.
$100 awarded to Charles Fina
Comeback Kid Award
The Comeback Kid Award is presented to a graduating senior who has bravely overcome
obstacles with a positive spirit.
$50 awarded to Jarrett May
Community Bank N.A. Accounting Award
An award sponsored by Community Bank N.A. to a graduating senior who has shown the
greatest improvement in Accounting.
$50 awarded to Alexandra Strauss
Community Bank N.A. Business Award
An award sponsored by Community Bank N.A. to a graduating senior who has shown the
greatest improvement in Business courses.
$50 awarded to Nolan Bastianelli
Community Bank N.A. Greatest improvement Award
An award sponsored by Community Bank N.A. to a female and male graduating senior who have
shown the greatest improvement while in high school.
$50 awarded to Kansas Kleine
$50 awarded to Nicholas Barthel
D.E.C.A. Bookstore Management Awards
Awarded to the DECA students who have contributed to the management and operation of the
$150 awarded to Nicholas Smith
D.E.H.I.C. Award
The D.E.H.I.C. Award sponsored by Rose and Kiernan, Inc. is awarded to two graduating
seniors who will pursue a career in the field of healthcare, wellness, education or business.
$500 awarded to Jordan Bock Cocose
$500 awarded to Lucas Pond
Dan Cease Memorial Award
An award sponsored by the Cease Family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wereszynski given in memory
of Dan Cease, former president of Onteora Booster Club, to an athlete who displays dedication
and sportsmanship.
$150 awarded to Kelly Ambrosch
Deanne Fedorowics Memorial Award
An award given by the D.E.C.A. Club, in memory of Deanne Fedorowics, to a senior who has
shown perseverance, a friendly attitude and who has achieved a commendable record at Onteora.
$100 awarded to Tyler Fischer
Determination and Humility Award
An award given by the Hunter family in memory of Mr. Wellington “Duke” Hunter to the
graduating seniors who have manifested, to a high degree, the two characteristics that Mr. Hunter
admired greatly in others and possessed himself: “Determination and Humility.”
$125 awarded to Christopher Frost
$125 awarded to Nicholas Grant
Director's Award
The Director’s Award for band sponsored by Olive Fire Department No. 1, Inc., to a senior band
member possessing the qualities of leadership, cooperation and achievement.
Plaque awarded to Joshua Slater
Donna Logsdon-Potts Memorial Award
This award given by Sara Fisher, a graduate of Onteora High School, in honor of her mother
Donna Logsdon-Potts to a graduate pursuing a career in journalism. Donna had a life-long
passion for writing and wrote for the Woodstock Times and the Daily Freeman.
$250 awarded to Audrey Malloy
Dr. George Sullivan Memorial Award
An award in memory of Dr. George Sullivan, a former Superintendent at Onteora, given by Paul
and Karen Wereszynski, to a student contemplating work in the field of education or public
service who has demonstrated an ability to inspire others and who reaches out to “make things
better” for those around them.
$100 awarded to Ellen McCutcheon
Ed Oliva Memorial Award
The Ed Oliva Award sponsored by the West Hurley Fire Department Rescue Squad, to a
graduating senior entering the field of Emergency Medical Services or an allied health field.
$200 awarded to Daniel Sliwa
Elizabeth Spinelli Memorial Award
The Elizabeth Spinelli Award, given by Paul and Karen Wereszynski,given to a senior boy/girl
who has excelled in the business field and/or has actively participated in the sport of golf. They
have also demonstrated an interest in the well-being of their school and community thereby
echoing the caring nature of Liz Spinelli.
$150 awarded to Paul Scherry
Ellen Sullivan Memorial Award
An award in memory of Ellen Sullivan, given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wereszynski, to a graduating
senior who fulfilled Mrs. Sullivan’s belief that with the right motivation, discipline and hard
work, success can be achieved.
$50 awarded to Danielle Osterdoudt
Emerson Hospitality Award
Emerson Hospitality Award to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding achievement in
the business field.
$250 awarded to Danielle Barringer
Esther C. Wuenstel Memorial Award
The Esther C. Wuenstel Memorial Award is presented to a senior who most exemplifies the
characteristics of humility, responsibility, and dedication to family, school and community.
$150 awarded to Jordan Bock Cocose
Fleischmanns-Pine Hill Rotary Club Award
The Fleischmanns-Pine Hill Rotary Club Award to a student who has shown good citizenship
through his volunteerism in his/her community.
$500 awarded to Tyler Fischer
Francophile Award
An award given to students who have demonstrated profound interest and enthusiasm towards
the French language and culture throughout his/her secondary studies.
$100 awarded to Adam Blaustein-Rejto
$100 awarded to Kealey Viglielmo
$100 awarded to Leah Ostrander
Fred G. Freitag Memorial Award
The Fred G. Freitag Memorial Award to the graduating seniors who have attained the highest
cumulative average in three or more years of mathematics and are pursuing higher education.
$250 awarded to Alexa Oakes
$250 awarded to Danielle Barringer
Garry VanLeuvan Memorial Award
An award given by D.E.C.A, in memory of Mr. Garry VanLeuvan, to a deserving senior who
lives up to the high ethical standards and personal values that Garry displayed in his personal and
professional life.
$75 awarded to Jordan Bock Cocose
Germanophile Award
An award given to a senior who has made German a part of their lives by taking five years of
German courses and also participated in the GAPP program.
$200 awarded to Michael Seth Owitz
Harry Simon Memorial Award
The Harry Simon Memorial Award presented by family, colleagues and friends in memory of the
founder of the Onteora Music Department, to a senior who has made outstanding contributions to
the music programs at Onteora High School.
$500 awarded to Molly Hyde
Henry and Vivien Bernstein Memorial Award
The Bernstein Family, in memory of Henry “Hank” and Vivien Bernstein, to a senior who has
shown sincere interest in continuing his/her education in the Field of Conservation Law
Enforcement (Environmental Conservation Officer ).
$400 awarded to Devin Reiss
Herman Hoffman Memorial Award
The Herman Hoffman Memorial Award to a deserving young man or young woman who wishes
to pursue a career in the field of carpentry or further education in a related mechanical school.
$500 awarded to Jeremy Kelder
Imagine Onteora Community Service Award - Class of 1960
The Imagine Onteora award, sponsored by the Alumni Class of 1960, to a graduating male and
female who best exemplify class spirit.
$200 awarded to Angelica Nieves Kastel
$200 awarded to Charles Fina
Imagine Onteora Community Service Award - Class of 1961
The Imagine Onteora award, sponsored by the Alumni Class of 1961, to a graduating male and
female who best exemplify dedication and commitment to improvement in academic
performance during high school career.
$150 awarded to Godfrey Lucas
$150 awarded to Nina Merritt
Imagine Onteora Community Service Award - Class of 1962
The Imagine Onteora award, sponsored by the Alumni Class of 1962, to a graduating male and
female whose perseverance and dedication will enable them to be the first generation in their
family to attend a two or four year college.
$500 awarded to Sondra Caraballo
$500 awarded to Thiha Shein
Jan Evers Davies Memorial Award
An award given in memory of Jan Evers Davies, beloved mother, opera singer and music
therapist, to a student who exhibits a love for life and a fearlessness in pursing their dreams.
$100 awarded to David Hans
Jason A. Jones Memorial Award
An award given in memory of Jason A. Jones, a former Onteora athlete, and track coach to a
young man and young woman who possess the same qualities that Jason did throughout his life:
Empathy, Compassion, Determination, Perseverance and Awareness.
$250 awarded to Kelsey Van Etten
$250 awarded to Myan McCann
Jean Douglas Personification Award
The Jean Douglas Personification Award, given by the Class of 2012, to a graduating senior who
has a good sense of humor, is respectful to his or her classmates and teachers and has shown
academic success throughout his or her high school years, just like our treasured retired Business
teacher Jean Douglas.
$500 awarded to Godffrey Lucas
Jewish Federation of Ulster County Award
The Jewish Federation of Ulster County Award to a Jewish graduating high school seniors whose
acts or deeds have made significant contribution to our community
$180 awarded to Leah Ostrander
$180 awarded to Liza Tumen
$180 awarded to Miriam Sequoia Sellinger
John Bologna Memorial Award
The John Bologna Memorial Award to a member of the senior class who has shown academic
growth, a desire to work hard and has shown devotion to his/her family and community.
$100 awarded to Ethan Carr
John Pike Award
The John Pike Award is presented to the graduate showing the most creative and inventive
abilities in the visual arts with special emphasis being placed on work in the various media, one
who appreciates the beauty around us and understands that the joy of hard work, while being a
necessary adjunct of talent, is in itself a high reward.
$250 awarded to Campbell Fletcher
Joseph Friedel Memorial Award
An award given by the physical education staff K-12 in memory of Joseph Friedel to a
graduating senior who best exemplifies Joe’s belief in hard work and dedication in physical
education, athletics, and serving his/her community.
$100 awarded to Christian Smith
Justine C. Winters Scholarship Award
The Justine C. Winters Award to graduating seniors of good character, who have been friendly
and helpful throughout their years of school in a quiet, consistent manner.
$1000 awarded to Asia Hunt
$1000 awarded to Bridget Chartrand
Kevin J. O'Connor Memorial Scholarship
An award given in memory of Kevin J. O’Connor, by the O’Connor Family, to a graduating
senior who has demonstrated outstanding characteristics in community service, responsibility,
honesty, loyalty, and concern for others. This student exemplifies many attributes inherent in
Kevin O’Connor, by demonstrating an appreciation for protecting our natural environment while
enjoying the outdoors for recreation and sports.
$1000 awarded to Sean Krum
Kevin J. O'Connor Spirit Scholarship
The Kevin J. O’Connor “Spirit Scholarship” – sponsored by C.A.R.E. for O.C.S., Inc., to
graduating seniors who show compassion, friendship and loyalty to others; perseverance to
his/her academics; demonstrates a good work ethic; a love of outdoor sports such as fishing,
hunting and camping, and who have a strong desire to preserve the beauty and integrity of our
natural environment.
$300 awarded to Lorin Winne
$300 awarded to Sean Krum
Kingston Elks Award
The Kingston Elks Lodge #550 B.P.O.E award to a senior who has shown academic achievement
throughout their high school years.
$250 awarded to Emily Waligurski
Kingston Meannerchor and Damerchor, Inc. German
The Kingston Maennerchor and Damenchor, Inc. German Scholarship awarded to a graduating
senior for their outstanding achievements in German language study and for overall scholastic
$300 awarded to Michael Seth Owitz
Lindsay Hoyt Memorial Award
An award sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wereszynski in memory of Mr. Lindsay Hoyt, to a
member of the senior class who has demonstrated the traits characterized by Mr. Hoyt,
friendliness, concern for others, and service to the community.
$50 awarded to Ryan Peters
Marcia Ennist Cary Memorial Award
The Marcia Ennist Cary Memorial Award to a student pursuing a higher education, who has
demonstrated scholarship to the best of his/her ability and has maintained a good citizenship
$150 awarded to Alexa Oakes
Marion Umhey Memorial Award
The Marion Umhey Award presented by Paul and Karen Wereszynski to a senior who has shown
a genuine interest in the field of journalism through his/her work on the school newspaper and/or
has actively participated in student government.
$50 awarded to Kelsey Van Etten
Mary Catherine Shultis Memorial Award
An award in honor of our beloved Mary Catherine Shultis who worked at Onteora High School
as a teaching assistant and was co-advisor of GLSEN to two students who have an excellent
work ethic, demonstrates compassion and have a great sense of humor.
$50 awarded to Ian Jameson
$50 awarded to Seamus Riley
Mary Grehl Memorial Award
An award given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wereszynski, in memory of Mary Grehl, to a graduating
senior who has given tirelessly of his/her time and energy in the spirit of volunteerism.
$50 awarded to Ryan Peters
Mary Staiger Memorial Award
An award presented in memory of Mary Staiger to a graduating senior planning a career in the
food service or hospitality industries. Sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wereszynski.
$50 awarded to Cassandra Lane
Mary Vanacore Memorial Award
An award in memory of Mary Vanacore, given by Paul and Karen Wereszynski, to a graduating
senior who exemplifies Mary’s energetic, persevering and caring nature in her effort to improve
the school and community which were so special to her.
$150 awarded to Darius Smith-Broadhead
Matthew Kothe Memorial Award
A scholarship award given by the Kothe Family, in memory of Matthew John Kothe, to a
graduating student who plans to attend a two or four-year college or university and embraces the
same attributes that characterized Matt; an affable, resourceful, intrepid and inquisitive
individual who also displayed simple humility and discerning wisdom.
$100 awarded to Kealey Viglielmo
Maverick Family Health Scholarship Award
The Maverick Family Health Scholarship Award is given by Maverick Family Health and is
granted to two outstanding senior scholars with a career interest in the Medical Sciences.
$250 awarded to James Flournoy
$250 awarded to Michelle Landman
MJO Education Consultant Scholarship Award
The MJO Education Consultant Scholarship Award, to a senior who has achieved an outstanding
academic four-year record in high school, successfully studied Advanced Placement United
States History and Advanced Placement Government & Politics, participated in Model Congress
for two years, been inducted as a member of the National Honor Society, and intends to pursue
further studies in either American or International Studies. Given by Mr. Matthew Ostoyich,
former teacher of History and Social Studies.
$250 awarded to Rio Morales
Nathaniel Garrett Award
The Nathaniel Garrett award to a senior who shows an appreciation for life, family and
friendship, an admirable work ethic and treats others with respect and kindness.
$200 awarded to Raymond Alex Kaiser
New York Blood Center Community Service Award
The New York Blood Center award is given to a student who exemplify community service and
volunteerism in the organization of a high school blood drive.
$250 awarded to Nicholas Smith
New York State Academic Excellence Scholarship Awards
The 2013 Scholarship for Academic Excellence, presented by The New York State Department
of Education Scholarships and Grants Administration, to the seniors who rank at the top of their
graduating class.
1st Rank $1500 awarded to Danielle Barringer
2nd Rank $500 awarded to Alexa Oakes
3rd Rank $500 awarded to Anna Weissman
4th Rank $500 awarded to Liza Tumen
5th Rank $500 awarded to Michael Seth Owitz
O.H.S. Athletic Department Awards
The Athletic Department award to the male and female athletes who displayed good attitude,
sportsmanship, athletic excellence, dedication, and the setting of a positive athletic example in
Plaque awarded to Charles Fina
Plaque awarded to Emily Waligurski
O.H.S. National Honor Society Awards
The Onteora Chapter National Honor Society Award to two graduating seniors who have
exhibited the qualities of scholarship, leadership, service and character.
$100 awarded to Angelica Nieves Kastel
$100 awarded to Emily Waligurski
O.N.T.E.A. Vocational Award
The Onteora Non-Teaching Employees Association Awards, presented by O.N.T.E.A., to the
senior boy and senior girl who have maintained the highest averages in vocational education.
$100 awarded to Brianna Keary
$100 awarded to Ian Jameson
O.T.A. Academic Excellence Awards (OHS student)
Onteora Teachers’ Association Award to a senior who has exhibited academic excellence
throughout his or her high school career.
$200 awarded to Danielle Barringer
O.T.A. Academic Excellence Awards (OTA member's child)
Onteora Teachers’ Association Award to a senior whose parent is an OTA member and who has
exhibited academic excellence throughout his or her high school career.
$200 awarded to Danielle Barringer
O.T.A. Education Award
Onteora Teachers’ Association Award to senior who has exhibited academic excellence and is
choosing a major in education.
$200 awarded to Rachel Bortin
O.T.A. Perseverance and Improvement Award
Onteora Teachers’ Association Award to a senior who has exhibited perseverance and
continuous academic improvement throughout his/her high school career.
$200 awarded to Alyssa Barrie
Olive Fire Department No.1, Inc Music Awards
The Olive Fire Department No 1., Inc. presents desk trophies & pins to the senior students who
have shown the greatest amount of musicianship, scholarship and personal characteristics.
John Phillip Sousa Award presented to Michael Seth Owitz
National Orchestra Award presented to Paul Scherry
National Chorus Award presented to Zoe Patschke
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award presented to Michael Seth Owitz
National Jazz Award presented to Olivia Paetow
Olive Senior Citizen Award
An award to a dedicated senior who has indicated an interest in the pursuit of research and
medical knowledge in geriatrics or related nursing care.
$200 awarded to Connor Harkin
Onteora Babe Ruth Award
The Onteora Babe Ruth Award given to two deserving seniors who have been a positive role
model, has shown sportsmanship and generosity of time to the sport, have been a great mentor to
the younger players and have lead by example.
$150 awarded to Adam Reynaud
Onteora Citizenship Award
The Onteora Citizenship Award to two graduating seniors who has demonstrated good character
and has persevered in spite of life's challenges.
$1000 awarded to Hannah Wagner
Onteora Community Service Club Award
Onteora Community Service Club Award, to two graduating seniors who have demonstrated
scholarship, extended themselves in school/community service, maintained good fellowship,
have committed to continuing their education and are deserving of financial assistance.
$250 awarded to Danielle Barringer
$150 awarded to Nicholas Smith
Onteora Community Service Club Award
Onteora Community Service Club Award to two graduating seniors, upon the nomination of the
faculty advisor, in recognition of their participation in, and commitment to D.E.C.A.
$125 awarded to Danielle Barringer
$75 awarded to Nolan Bastianelli
Onteora Cross Country Track Awards
The Onteora Cross Country/Track Award is presented to senior athletes who have made an
impact through their participation in the cross-country and track programs at Onteora throughout
their high school careers. Each athlete is honored as an individual who has made a difference
through academic and athletic inspiration and has been a leader and role model on those teams.
The award is given by Coach Burkhardt on behalf of those programs.
$50 awarded to Emily Waligurski
$50 awarded to Kelsey Van Etten
Onteora French Club Awards
Onteora French Club Awards to five seniors who have excelled in French, were very active in
French Club and who were instrumental in pioneering the French Club fledgling exchange
program in Carhaix, France.
$350 awarded to Kealey Viglielmo
$200 awarded to Rio Morales
$150 awarded to Leah Ostrander
$100 awarded to Adam Blaustein-Rejto
$50 awarded to Avery Leighton
Onteora Junior Flag Football Award
This award is sponsored by Onteora Junior Flag Football for two outstanding students who not
only participated as an athlete in the program, but also volunteered to referee and/or coach during
their high school years.
$250 awarded to Austin Wiegel
$250 awarded to Jason VanKleeck
Onteora Music Teachers Award
An award given by the Onteora Music Teachers to deserving graduating seniors who exhibit
leadership, enthusiasm and positive participation, who are also pursuing a career in music.
$100 awarded to Ellen McCutcheon
$100 awarded to Miriam Sequoia Sellinger
Onteora Retired Educators Awards
Six scholarship awards, sponsored by the Onteora Retired Educators’ Organization, presented to
members of the graduating class who will pursue a career in education.
$250 awarded to Brianna Keary
$250 awarded to Bridget Chartrand
$250 awarded to Ellen McCutcheon
$250 awarded to Joshua Slater
$250 awarded to Molly Hyde
$250 awarded to Rachel Bortin
Paul Wereszynski Award
An award given by the D.E.C.A. Club, in honor of Mr. Paul Wereszynski, retired member of the
Onteora faculty, to a senior who has demonstrated the characteristics of “Mr. W” himself, with
display of friendship, loyalty, sincerity and pleasant nature.
$100 awarded to Danielle Barringer
Pete Giambrone Memorial Award
An award presented in memory of Pete Giambrone, who gave endless hours of support to the
Onteora Wrestling program, to a college enrolled senior wrestler who has selflessly and
positively impacted his team while maintaining a minimum GPA 85%
$2500 awarded to Austin Wiegel
Peter Tosi Memorial Award
The Peter Tosi Memorial Award, given by family, to a graduating young woman and young man,
from the Town of Olive, who are active in the sports program at Onteora, who have exhibited
kindness and concern for others and have contributed to the well-being of the school and/or
$150 awarded to Bridget Chartrand
$150 awarded to Charles Fina
Peter Tosi Memorial Babe Ruth League Award
The Peter Tosi Memorial Award, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wereszynski, to a student who
was a participant in the Babe Ruth League and who was also a member of a varsity team. This
student has demonstrated the caring nature of Mr. Tosi.
$50 awarded to Noah Chun
Phylils Rosato Mathermatics Award
An award given in honor of retiring math teacher Phyllis Rosato presented to two students who
demonstrated perseverance in their mathematical studies, and through that termination and desire
for excellence achieved their goals.
$75 awarded to Adrianna Kight
$75 awarded to Alyssa Barrie
Regina Bather Memorial Award
The Regina Bather Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior whose determination has
produced high academic achievement, whose concern about the human condition has given of
himself or herself to help others in a demonstrable way, whose independence of spirit has led
him/her down unfamiliar and/or non-traditional pathways and who is furthering his/her education
in the area of health care or business.
$100 awarded to Adam Blaustein-Rejto
Reginald R. Bennett Scholarship Awards
Reginald R. Bennett Scholarship Award to the seniors who have maintained a superior scholastic
record and who have indicated an interest in studying medicine, medical research or an allied
$300 awarded to Adam Blaustein-Rejto
$300 awarded to Emily Waligurski
$300 awarded to Kealey Viglielmo
Rotary Club of Phoenicia Textbooks Award
Rotary Club of Phoenicia Award to the student who, in the opinion of Phoenicia Rotary and the
faculty and administration, has by determination and self-application, maintained a
commendable scholastic record and citizenship rating for four years of high school.
$1000 awarded to Anna Weissman
Rotary Club of Phoenicia Vocational Award
Rotary Club of Phoenicia Award to a graduating senior who is pursuing further education in a
vocational school toward an occupational career.
$500 awarded to Sean Krum
S.A.D.D. Award
An award given by Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) to two graduating seniors
who have shown dedication to this organization and their community.
$50 awarded to Adam Reynaud
$50 awarded to Christopher Frost
Samantha Earley Award
The Samantha E. Earley Award, in honor of her years as a D.E.C.A. member, given to a
graduating senior who strives to reach his/her potential in leadership and humanity.
$100 awarded to Danielle Barringer
Sharon Langling Memorial Award
Awarded by DECA in memory of Sharon Langling a former secretary to the high school
principal, to a senior who has excelled in Accounting I.
$100 awarded to Nolan Bastianelli
South Side Rod & Gun Club Kevin J. O'Connor Memorial
The South Side Rod and Gun Club Kevin J.O’Connor Memorial Award given to two graduating
seniors pursuing a two or four year degree leading to a career in Environmental Conservation,
Wildlife Management, Forestry or a related field.
$250 awarded to Daniel Sliwa
$250 awarded to Sean Krum
Spanish Global Unity Awareness Award
The Spanish Global Unity Awareness Award, given by the Foreign Language Department, to an
excelling senior who has demonstrated outstanding dedication and enthusiasm for the study of
the Spanish language.
$150 awarded to Leah Ostrander
Stevie VanLeuvan Memorial Award
An award given by D.E.C.A., in memory of Mr. Stevie VanLeuvan, to a member of the senior
class that was involved in community service, displayed positive leadership skills, and
maintained a cooperative, friendly attitude.
$100 awarded to Nicholas Smith
Teaming Up For Success (TUFS) Award
The Teaming Up For Success (TUFS) Award to a graduating senior who has made remarkable
strides in his/her academic achievement.
$50 awarded to Bri Mackey
Thomas Salvatore Alba Scholarship
An award in memory of Thomas Salvatore Alba, to a graduating senior who fulfills Thomas’
promise of continuing his/her education by studying diligently, achieving good grades, and
sharing his goal of graduating from a SUNY Community College.
$500 awarded to Kayla Kennedy
Tischler Dental Health Services Award
The Tischler Dental Award, to a graduating senior who has shown a sincere interest and has
shown academic achievement towards pursuing a career as a dentist or a medical related field.
$500 awarded to Gabrielle Rocha DeAssis
Tongore Garden Club Award
The Tongore Garden Club Award, presented to the graduating senior who has exerted a good
influence on the student body as a whole and has shown outstanding school citizenship by
his/her character development and leadership in student affairs.
$100 awarded to Asia Hunt
Town of Olive Historical Society Award
An award sponsored by the Historical Society of the Town of Olive to a graduating senior who
plans to continue his/her education in the field of history or a related field.
$200 awarded to Violet Lasdun
Town of Woodstock Historical Society Award
The Historical Society of Woodstock History Award given to a graduating senior from the town
of Woodstock who has achieved academic excellence in the study of history.
$100 awarded to Rio Morales
Travis Nissen Memorial Fund Scholarship
Travis A. Nissen was a 2002, Onteora graduate who had a passion for life and willingness to
give back to his community. A scholarship, donated by The Travis A. Nissen Memorial Fund,
will be awarded to a graduating senior who shares two of Travis' qualities: the student
participated in Varsity Athletics and has a love for the outdoors.
$500 awarded to Thomas D Stuart
V.F.W. Service Award
Shokan Post 9595, V.F.W Award to a senior boy and girl who pursues a career in the military or
public service.
$500 awarded to Bri Mackey
$500 awarded to Zachary Vagias
Victor Allen Golf Award
The Victor Allen Award to two graduating senior members who have shown perseverance in the
pursuit of excellence in high school.
$300 awarded to Joshua Slater
$300 awarded to Matthew Preisendorfer
Wellington Hunter Memorial Award
The Wellington Hunter Memorial Award to a member of the graduating class with the second
highest three-year average in Social Studies, 9, 10 and 11.
$300 awarded to Liza Tumen
Wendy Blackman Memorial Award
The Wendy Blackman Memorial Award to a graduating senior who will pursue a career in the
field of human services.
$500 awarded to Leah Ostrander
Wojteck Grabowski Memorial Award
The Wojtek Grabowski Memorial Award to a member of the senior class who is pursuing a
career in automotive repair.
$500 awarded to Ian Jameson
Woodstock Garden Club Award
The Woodstock Garden Club award to a member of the senior class graduating with the intent to
pursue a career in horticulture or environmental science related fields.
$100 awarded to Jack Cuneo
Woodstock School of Art Scholarship Award
The Woodstock School of Art Scholarship to two graduating seniors who are outstanding art
$140 awarded to Elena Chiarello
$140 awarded to Hannah Wagner