Client and family feedback on disability services

Client and family
feedback on
disability services
2015 Results,
and Actions
Research conducted by Monash
University and Summer Foundation
We work
so everyone
has a fair go
Our Results
The results of our first independent client and family
feedback research have provided valuable insights into
the satisfaction levels of the clients and families we work
It has also resulted in nine recommendations to ensure
improvement, consistency of service and importantly that
we meet our clients’ goals and expectations.
This report provides an overview of the key findings, the nine
recommendations and also what we have in place to address
the recommendations.
Whilst there are actions against all the recommendations,
and in fact some had commenced prior to the research, we
believe it is important we communicate regularly to all our
stakeholders to demonstrate we have both listened to our
clients and families and taken action.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the
Research methodology
Monash University and Summer Foundation were
commissioned to conduct over a six month period,
independent research on client and family satisfaction with
our services.
There were 43 individual interviews conducted with our
clients plus five focus groups with clients and families.
This was then followed with a questionnaire to all clients
based on the National Standards for Disability Services
(NSDS) developed by the Australian Government’s
Department of Social Services.
A total of 94 questionnaires were completed and returned
for analysis.
2015 Results, Recommendations and Actions
“I want to
set goals with
EW Tipping”
Summary of findings
As noted in the Monash/Summer Foundation report
“…the client questionnaire responses were on the whole
positive”. The majority of clients participating in this study
endorsed E.W. Tipping as meeting the six NSDS standards.
The responses from the focus groups and face-to-face
interviews were where Monash University and Summer
Foundation were able to provide deeper insights and the
basis for the nine recommendations.
“It’s about supervision
from the office to make
sure the carers know the
right thing to do and do
the right thing”
The table below reflects the results of the six National
The relationship between client and support worker is 90%
or higher against all measures. And on the critical measures
of ‘safety’ and ‘choice’ there are very good results for both
support workers and office based staff.
However, there are some significant differences in level
of client satisfaction on a number of levels with the office
based staff. This was further reinforced during the face-toface and focus group discussions.
Questionnaire responses
Treated well and kept safe
Let’s me make choices
Support worker
Office based
Gets to know what I like to do
Helpful and supportive
Willing to work with clients and others
Can talk freely with staff
Respects privacy
Helps to follow interests and hobbies
We have been fortunate that clients and families have been
very open and honest in their feedback. We agree with all
of the recommendations and some of the initiatives have
already commenced. These are highlighted within the
relevant recommendations.
Client and Family Feedback
The nine key recommendations
and action being undertaken
Service co-ordinators to make regular and planned
contact with clients to explore how their program
is running and elicit feedback
We are currently reviewing roles and responsibilities.
Processes are being simplified. We will be reducing
paperwork to enable co-ordinators to spend more time
on client goals and supporting staff.
We have introduced practice leader roles to assist with
quality service provision and staff practice.
Compile and regularly update client profiles for all
clients and reciprocate this process by compiling
and regularly updating direct support worker
profiles for clients
Support plans will be regularly reviewed so we understand
our client needs and preferences. These will be done
annually, but can also be updated at client
or family request.
Active support training is already rolling out to all our
supported accommodation houses This is a partnership with
La Trobe University. Training has also commenced with staff
working alongside clients with acquired brain injury via faceto-face and e-learning modules.
Performance management is being re-designed along with
position descriptions and evaluation criteria.
Commit to ongoing training and support
of staff – both disability support workers
and service co-ordinators
Explore new ways of supervising direct support
workers, including performance review
Each year a training program is developed for staff which
covers mandatory training as well as extension activities.
Account statements should be easily understood
and transparent
We have recently consulted with clients in regard to
correspondence regarding changes to fees and packages.
This client consultation will be used to continuously improve
invoices and statements.
2015 Results, Recommendations and Actions
Consider introducing some form of identification
for direct support staff
We have already implemented ID cards with photographs at
our Carnegie office. This is the start of rolling out ID badges
for everyone. It is anticipated it will be complete before the
end of the year.
Build direct support worker efficiency and
A number of automated systems are being explored to
improve efficiency and reliability of our service delivery.
We have also introduced the new service model – The
Tipping Way (please see below) – with consistent practice
expectations and documentation.
We will listen to you, give
you good information and
connect you with people
and services.
Explore opportunities to build longevity and
reduce staff turnover in the disability support
workforce including developing career pathways
Weekend penalty rates commenced in January this year and
we are currently negotiating our new enterprise bargaining
agreement to make it fairer for all staff.
We are increasing the professional development
opportunities for staff including training in partnership with
LaTrobe University.
The Tipping Way service model
How we will work
with you.
Make clients aware of the investments being
made by EW Tipping in quality improvement and
service development activities (not just via email)
How can we
work together?
We will talk to you and
get to know what you
want and need.
This has been noted and followed up with information
sessions at our road shows, the client newsletters, letters
from our CEO, emails and website.
Planning to meet
your goals.
We will work on a plan that is
just for you. Your family, carers
and others can take part in
the planning.
“I’ve given feedback
on how my workers are,
and how they treat me.
There’s no beating around
the bush with me. Straight
down to the point or else
they’re off my program”
Are we on track?
We will make sure
everything is going well.
You’ve achieved your
goals. What next?
One you have achieved your
goals you may like to set
new ones.
“I think they
should give them
proper training”
Client and Family Feedback
Update on progress
Ongoing update on progress
The research was conducted over a six month period
and has proven immensely valuable.
It reinforced a lot of what we already knew.
These nine recommendations all have action points. We
intend to continue to build on them and report back to all
our clients and families on what is occurring at the road
shows in September and October this year. Also in our
quarterly client and family newsletter and with a six
monthly report in December.
“Yes (I can give
feedback) but
I’d love to
ensure that it’s
actually acted
2015 Results, Recommendations and Actions
Keeping the lines of communication open
We are very keen to continue dialogue about results and
recommendations from this research and to receive your ideas
suggestions and any questions you might have. You can
always pass on recommendations to your service co-ordinator
or email GM Services, Jayne Gallo
or CEO Graeme Kelly
“It’s difficult for
people to navigate
the mountains of
paper… I think they
should overhaul it”
Thank you to Monash University and
Summer Foundation
EW Tipping Foundation appreciated the six months of
research by Dr Christine Migliorini, Ms Rebecca Wood and
Ms Libby Callaway
Easy Read Version
“They have to step up…
I think if they supervise every
level down they will get it right.
They will get it right because
they’ve got all good people.
They’re a good organisation.
They offer people the chance
to live in the community…”
Final note on confidentiality
The individual identity of clients and families was
protected through the survey by having Monash
University and Summer Foundation conduct the research.
Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee
approval was secured by the research group prior to
research commencing.
Available at:
Client and Family Feedback
Our offices
Metropolitan offices
Regional offices
Central and South-East
1036 Dandenong Road,
Carnegie, Victoria 3163
Telephone 03 9564 1000
Focus Five Building, Suite 17,
23–31 Gheringhap Street,
Geelong, Victoria 3220
Telephone 03 5228 0100
263 High Street,
Preston, Victoria 3072
Telephone 03 9487 8100
58–60 Commercial Road,
Morwell, Victoria 3840
Telephone 03 5135 4300
146 Macleod Street,
Bairnsdale, Victoria 3875
Telephone 03 5152 7680
42 Eastwood Street,
Ballarat, Victoria 3350
Telephone 03 5320 0300
32a Darlot Street,
Horsham, Victoria 3400
Telephone 03 5381 2825
E.W. Tipping Foundation
acknowledgesand appreciates
use of images of our clients and
staff in this report.
Cover: Kieran and his
support worker James
Page 6: Susan
Tax-deductible Gift Recipient.
ABN 59 032 986 751
The E.W. Tipping Foundation
acknowledges the support of
the Victorian Government.
42 Cusack Street,
Wangaratta, Victoria 3676
Telephone 03 5721 3344
Loddon Mallee
168 High Street,
Bendigo, Victoria 3550
Telephone 03 5442 8441
50 McCallum Street,
Swan Hill, Victoria 3585
Telephone 03 5033 0204