ECONOMETRIC METHODS Economics 6160 Class Time: TT 4:35-5:55 Classroom: IC 207 Fall 2002 EMAIL: Professor: Haizheng Li Office: Room 206, Habersham Bldg. Phone: (404) 894-3542 Office Hours: TT 3:00-4:30 Or by appointment WWW: 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to econometric techniques and their applications in economic and business analysis. We will learn to use professional computer software and practice with data from the real world. 2. TEXTBOOK J. M. Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics-A Modern Approach, South-Western College Publishing Johnston & Dinardo, Econometric Methods, Fourth edition, McGraw-Hill. Peter Kennedy, A Guide to Econometrics, Fourth edition, MIT Press. 3. HOMEWORK AND COMPUTER ASSIGNMENT Homework/computer projects will be assigned in class. This course will require using SAS. Instructions for using SAS will be given in class. Data and sample programs can be downloaded from my web site. Please go to the following web site to download data for class projects: HOMEWORK TURNED IN LATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 4. EXAMS Exam I: Exam II: Exam III (comprehensive): September 26, November 14, December 9, Thursday (in class) Thursday (in class) Monday, 8:00-10:50pm NO MAKE-UP EXAM WILL BE GIVEN. NO RE-GRADING AFTER ONE WEEK FROM TEST/HOMEWORK RETURN. 5. COURSE GRADE Homework Term paper Exam I Exam II Exam III 20% 15% 25% for Max(Exam I, Exam II) 15% for Min(Exam I, Exam II) 25% 6. ATTENDANCE I will take attendance irregularly. Every attendance that I take is worth 5 points of extra credits adding to your homework score. COURSE OUTLINE AND TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 1) Multiple regression analysis 2) Heteroskedasticity and serial correlation 3) Panel data methods 4) Instrumental Variable Estimation 5) Simultaneous Equation Models 6) Limited dependent variable models and sample selection correlation