mcgill international
conference 2014
Dear IE Colleagues,
A very warm welcome to Chile, Universidad Adolfo
Ibañez (UAI) and to the Annual McGill International
Entrepreneurship Conference.
This year’s theme “new frontiers and directions
in International Entrepreneurship” follows the
tradition established by the previous conferences
since 1998. The aim is to bring together leadingedge views of academic scholars, insightful
practitioners and policy makers with interests
in the fields of IE, examining the potent forces
and influences, consequent changes and the
dominant pattern(s) of emerging developments in
international entrepreneurship. This year a unique
plenary session with key speakers including,
Professors Patricia McDougall-Covin (Indiana, USA),
Nicole Coviello (Wilfrid Laurier, Canada), Rod B
McNaughton (Auckland, NZ) and Hamid Etemad
(McGill, Canada) discussing the topic “Present and
Future of IE Research: New directions”, will be the
opening session of the conference.
We initially received 70 abstracts of which 50 were
selected based on the quality of the submission
and fit for this conference. Finally, we have included
34 completed competitive papers in our program
and 4 participants in the doctoral colloquium.
Papers with a research focus on international
entrepreneurship in emerging economies were
particularly welcome in this year’s conference.
Putting together this program has not only been
a challenging job, but a truly collaborative effort
among many people. This program would not have
been possible without the submissions by authors
and the strong commitment of our keynote
speakers. The challenge of reviewing abstracts in
a short time span was accomplished by a team of
track chairs from Chile including the collaboration
of Constanza Bianchi, Felipe Symmes and Ernesto
Amoros. My gratitude goes out to all of them.
Many of you likely corresponded with Felipe
Symmes, the conference coordinator, who I truly
thank for his commitment to this conference. I also
thank my colleagues at the Research Center for
International Competitiveness, the UAI executive
team, and the Conicyt Research Council for their
support and trust in this conference.
Thanks also to the IE scholars’ network for giving
me the honour to serve as Conference Chair. I hope
that this year’s conference will provide you with
rich intellectual stimulation and that you also will
enjoy our social program.
christian felzensztein, ph.d.
Director and Professor,
Research Center for International Competitiveness UAI
Chair 2014 McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference
Ministerio de Educación
Gobierno de Chile
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Programa de Investigación
mcgill international
conference 2014
conference program
Tuesday September 2nd:
Doctoral Colloquium, Registration & Reception UAI Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes, Santiago
(walking distance from hotels).
11:00-13:00 hrs.
Presentations of PhD candidates (20 minutes max) and feedback
Panel: C. Bianchi (UAI), C. Bustamante (Colorado USA), S. Mingo (UAI)
1) “Examining applicability of different theories to the study of Entrepreneurial Internationalization”, H. Fariborzi
2) “Evolvement of the SME along its internationalization life cycle”, H. Vanninen
3) “Co-location and Trade Association Effects on Firm Performance in Latin American Emerging Economies”, J. Brache
4) “Export focused SMEs in an emerging economy: Institutional knowledge and internationalization”, C. Pino
13:00-14:00 hrs.
Lunch for PhD students and panel
16:15 hrs.
Registration & Conference welcome reception
(Ventisquero Cheese & Wine reception)
UAI Presidente Errázuriz 3485, Las Condes
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Wednesday September 3rd:
First day Main conference (Bus depart at 7:50am from Hotel Rugendas to UAI Peñalolen)
mcgill international
conference 2014
8:30 hrs.
Reception and coffee
8:40-9:00 hrs.
Welcome words of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’s Dean & Christian Felzensztein, Conference Chair (301-C)
9:00-9:30 hrs.
Public Policies for Entrepreneurship (301-C)
9:30 -10:30 hrs.
Panel “Present and Future of IE Research: New directions”
Key speakers: Patricia McDougall-Covin (Indiana, USA), Nicole Coviello (Wilfrid Laurier, Canada), Rod McNaughton
(Auckland, NZ), Hamid Etemad (McGill, Canada) (301-C)
10:30- 11:45 hrs.
Track 1: Emerging Markets (track chair: S Mingo) (301-C)
1)“Investigating antecedents of SME export
commitment in an emerging market”, C. Bianchi
2)“Comparing international business opportunity:
Identification process in established and emerging
markets. A perspective from Small to Medium
enterprises”, S. Guedouard, Y. Huang, and C.
3)“Strategic intangibles assets and insertion of SMEs
from emerging countries in Global Value Chains
Resources- The Brazilian audiovisual sector”, C.
Carneito and C. Bragato
11:45-12:00 hrs.
Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 hrs.
Track 1: Emerging Markets (track chair: S Mingo) (301-C)
4)“International Entrepreneurship in Chilean
Technology-intensive Suppliers”, I. Torres and N. Nabi
5) “SMES´s Internationalization: The Impact of Export
Product Churning” R. Álvarez, A. Zahler
13:00-14:30 hrs.
14:30-15:45 hrs.
Track 3: The Entrepreneur (track chair: G.Echecopar) (301-C)
1)“Impact of causation versus effectuation on export
intensity and the speed of international dispersion: Insights
from Swiss SMEs “, W. Amman, P. Schüffel, and R.Baldegger
2)“How do entrepreneurs create international new
ventures – cognition and action”, S. Andersson
3)“The Effect of Uncertainty on Export Mode Choice
Decisions: the moderating roles of entrepreneuriallyoriented behavior and flexibility”, A. Ahi, O. Kuivalainen
and S. Sundqvist
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Track 2: Institutions and networks (track chair:
Bustamante) (302-C)
1)“Strategic vs tactic alliances and SMEs’
internationalization”, M. Falize and R. Coeuerdoroy
2) “The role of trust in the internationalisation process
of knowledge-intensive SMEs”, L. Ferro, D.Skander, and
L. Préfontaine
3) “Firm and country effects on startup’s strategic
choices: growth strategies for international start-ups”,
C. Bustamante
Track 2: Institutions and networks (track chair:
Bustamante) (302-C)
4) “Learning in incrementally internationalizing SMEs”,
J. Pellegrino and R. Mc Naughton
5) “Aspects of entrepreneurial networks, social capital
and internationalization in the business incubator
context”, V. Stanisauskaite and S. Kock
Track 4: Internationalization and SMEs (track chair: C
Bianchi) (302-C)
1)“Is the degree of internationalization associated
with the use of knowledge intensive services or
with innovation?”, D.Doloreux, R. Shearmur, and A.
2)“SME International Pattern Choice and International
Performance”, M. Fallize
3) “Opportunity creation of internationalizing firm”, T.
Kontinen, S. Chetty and P. Dimitratos.
mcgill international
conference 2014
15:45 16:00 hrs.
16:00-17:15 hrs.
Track 3: The Entrepreneur (track chair: G.Echecopar)
Track 4: Internationalization and SMEs (track chair: C
Bianchi) (302-C)
4)“Perceived difficulties in internationalization: A study
of international and transnational entrepreneurs”, D.
Crick, S. Chaudhry, and J. Crick
3)“Implications of entrepreneurial and international
growth orientation for internationalization of
family-controlled SMEs”, L. Torkelli, O. Kuivalainen, S.
Saarenketo, K. Puumalainen
5)“The role of serendipity in international opportunity
recognition”, , A. Kiss, W. Danis, S.Nair
6)“Social construction of international entrepreneurial
opportunities: Entrepreneurs’ narratives on
international sales negotiations”, I. Lehto
17:30-21:00 hrs.
4)“Fast multinationalization – benchmarking
management practices of micromultinationals”, H.
Vanninen and O. Kuivalainen
Winery tour & Conference Dinner
Viña Cousiño Macul
Thursday September 4th:
Second day Main conference (Bus depart at 8:00am from Hotel Rugendas)
8:45 hrs.
Reception and coffee
9:00-10:15 hrs.
Track 5: Internationalization and lifecycle (track chair:
C Bianchi) (302-C)
Track 6: Theories and challenges on IE (track chair:
Ariel Casarin) (303-C)
1)“The Dynamic Relationships of INVs and its Business
Model Implications”, J. Abrahamsson
1)“Incubator induced entrepreneurial migration: A
comparative study of expatriate entrepreneurs in
Finland and Denmark”, N. Efendic and D. Volchek
2)“The subsequent stages of internationalization
speed of maturing INVs : A comparative case study
analysis of German renewable energy firms”, D.
2)“ Exploring Timing and Success of Rich-to-poor
Diaspora Entrepreneurship: A case study”, A. Harima, J.
Freiling, and M. Elo
3) “Toward a Curriculum for International
Entrepreneurship”, V. Kaartemo, P. Zettinig and N. Coviello.
10:15-10:30 hrs.
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mcgill international
conference 2014
10:30-11:30 hrs.
Track 5: Internationalization and lifecycle (track chair:
C Bianchi) (302-C)
Track 6: Theories and challenges on IE (track chair:
Ariel Casarin) (303-C)
3)“Critical factors in internationalization pathways of
SMEs”, H. Vanninen, O. Kuivalainen and S. Saarenketo.
4)“Internationalization as a Catalyst for Strategic
Renewal in SMEs”, A. Laperriere and M. Spence
4)“Early Market Selections in Internationalization: A
Comparison of Chinese Born Globals and Non-Born
Globals”, T. Vissak , X. Zhang and T. Tsukanova
5)“ The field in Entrepreneurial Internationalization: A
bibliometric analysis”, V. Servantie, M. Cabrol, G. Guieu,
and J.P. Boissin
6) “The Emerging Pattern of Internationalization
in Creative Cultural Industries: Two Case Studies
of Creative Festivals in Canada”, H. Etemad and H.
11:30-12:15 hrs.
Best papers awards, Publication opportunities and the 2015 conference (302-C)
12:15-13:30 hrs.
13:30-15:00 hrs.
Workshop on IE measures (302-C)
Nicole Coviello, Ken Chen, Jon Kerr, Hamed Mehrabi and Greg Tanguay
15:00-16:00 hrs.
Track 7: Industry Clusters and De-Internationalization
(track chair: C Felzensztein) (302-C)
Track 8: Social entrepreneurship and sustainability
(track chair: S Etchebarne) (303-C)
1)“Cluster initiatives within the European context:
stimulating policies for regional development dreams”,
I. Laur
1)“International ecopreneurship: Networks in the
process of creating international green ventures”, T.
2)“Exporting to non-traditional markets: reducing
uncertainty for SMEs”, l. Defays and J.Saint Pierre
2)“Sustainability Enablers and Obstacles: The Chilean
Wine Industry’s Embrace of Social and International
Entrepreneurship”, C. Caldwell and C. Aqueveque.
16:00 hrs.
Free evening
Friday September 5th: Third day
9:15 to 16:30 hrs. Casablanca vineyards visits and practitioner’s talks. Tour to Valparaiso, Viña del Mar and Farwell activities.
Bus will depart from Santiago (Hotel Rugendas at 9,15am) and will return from Viña del Mar to Santiago (via international airport)
at 16:30 hrs.
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