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Here b The Cenplete H i t
TeTiie CM Of The Teiiits tleseToSOOSigiToBiy
PiiieifNil BirkhoMer Awiris
A i N i l S t i M Heien Listed Here
Lyal BurkhoMer, principal, an- (went to: George Rostine, Marvin
Mrs. George W. Patterson of nounccd that the annual awards | Hutaon, WUllam Heese, Connie
Aaala'^OBaf a enidal mooia«t In Handwion'i historic Ui« „
13> Water St. is leaving to make were presented to the students Hamilton _and Garry Ramberg,
recently at an assembly.
seniors: Dorothy Laub^ James the Colorado Rivai Conuaiasloo goas Into aaaslon temonow io d*lt|
her home in Ashland, Kansas.
Seniors receiving the Phi Beta Walker and Everett Witt, juniors;
Mrs. Patterson has two seven Sigma pins were: Betty Heitbrink Dorothy Lynch, CecUla Gonzales, into Ms manr ptoblao*.
A fund to defray expenses inBy Jim McKay
WhUa tha housing diqwaal mailer loomi of paramount Inltrni
Rostine and Larry Stan- Glennis Hughes and Barbara
l l i i Henderson Tenants Council curred during vacancy and to
"TB cohOhulnj Its effort* to bring ,pur tha eost of coUwtion by le- ing a kitten may ctU at ixr home. dart; Juniors, Janet ChUda; So- JonSC sophomores; Joan Perchet- to Iha majodtr. thaze la ona item on the aganda thai Uda (air i,
phomores, Patricia Lansing; Fresh ti, DoUy Garcia, Pauline Ilchll,
•bout the purchase of the homes ^ action shall be set up, An^
r ^ tha Uggaal hsadllaaa and to amount to a laiga money trantac.
men, Richard Bordwell.
Nancy Dill, Grant Swanson, John
In Hendenon by the tenants, has surplus in this fund may be apSenior Merit Roll pins were pre- Taney, and Donald. WUUams, tion. U la tUai
drawn up a very definite propo- plied to retirement of the CRC Mr. William Athts, president of
sented to: Cassandra Odell, July Freshmen.
Tha mulii-milllon dollar Waatam ElaoMe Chamieal company
sal which has been offered to mortgage.
the Community Chest, announces
The United Nations certificates
Since the operation of the pro- that a meeting will be held Tues- McNeU, Charlotte Vincent, Marthe people and will be presented
baa daddad U U wUliag to bur outzioU i l l laelion of tha hug* pUm
to the Colorado River Commis- ject requires competent direction day, May 29th, at 7:30 P. M. in
sion in its meeting Friday and a management fund will be esta- the history room of the school. Juniors, Dorothy Laub, Carol Van Valey and Larry Standart. now. A l laaat It la wtUing to all down and talk builnaaa and if th,
Saturday- A rough count of sig- blished to provide the salaries of A new board of directors will be Koch, Annette Foiter, Jacqueline Mrs. Dorothy Robinson presented price I* right—bur. ^ ^ " d^** " ^ l > * ^ *" ^ " " ' ^ ' ' • **•*• *9n»Hensgen, Shirley Morgan, Phy- these awards and they also receinatures obtained throughout the a manager, his assistant, legal elected (or the coming year.
llis Walker and Peter Lulich, So- ved honorable mention. Cassand- mant.
townsite shows, M6 tenants con- counsel, auditing, office help, su
Everyone is urged to attend as phomores, Bruce Austin, Doris ra Odell received the good citizen
B u t because Gov. Charier RuaaaU is anxious to turn enry
tacted, 889 pledged to make the plies and equipmentthis is your ConunuBity ChestMann, Lola Famsworth, Sandra certificate awarded by the DauInsurance on the houses covdownpayment when the homes
Smith, Caryn Yeager, Margaret ghters of the American Revolu- placo of Baalo pnpaitr over to pzirate ownatship and tharaby g«i |
are ready to be sold, and only 57 ering fire, natural damage due
the pe^iaat o n Iba tax zoUi. WEOCO to wflUng io go along.
and Robert Devlin; IVesh tion.
to wind, hail, etc., and Public
not intucdad.
The Danforth foundation gift,
Liability will be provided by the Stauffer Chemical Company men, Donald Reck, Suzanne
won tirst prize In the Beauty par- Schwartz, Larry Clarlc Dolly Gar- copy of the book "I, Dare You"
Hie proposal which was develop Corporation.
Handarsoniaas. betb planl-slda and houaa-iida, bad batter ftj
ade which was held recently in cia, Joan Perchetti, Doris Garcia, was presented to Larry Standart,
The Cbrporation will pay all Las Vegas for the large business
cd by the Tenants Council, and,
Leslie Cottam, Kaye Davis and George Rostine and Betty Heit- head to tha plan of Tax Asaeaaor Mao Oglaabr haciuaa it is abnoit
reparticular credit must be given
firms and the Basic poet of the Shirley Cannon.
brink. George Hostlne received a aura bat to go iaio aifaet-4hat eounir taxaa wfll ba tovisd in 19S2
to Larry Thimbull, is as foUcws: quired.
VFW and AuzilUiy, Cooties and
Thk following received letters the Reader's Digest one year gift
The Corporation wishes to Cootiettes took third prize for the
Sale pric* tat Henderson homes
on the laaaahold valuo o( the land as wall aa tha houses or piantt
ezdudvc of apartments, busi- point out, that, no home may be mens fraternal or civic groups.
BUI Stitt, and Hayfield Cureton;
The Girl's Athletic Association thai people own- Whan and U tha houses and plant are aold. It mMni
ncia houaef, titiliUci and vacant moved from its site until the first
Basketball, BUI SUtt, Teddy Blue, awards were presented to the land laaaa must ba paid. This is oommon atoaishaie bui has nsTtr
lands, <1,000,»1&00. The average mortgage held by the Colorado
VlrgU Weeae.Troy Craft, George following: Betty Riggins^ Janprice per home is, two-bedroom River Commission is satisfied. It
been in effect here. In B o u ) ^ CUr where people m a r only 1»BM
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Chriamati of
bouses (1950, three-bedroom hou- is hoped that after three to five Stockton, California are visiUng Rostine, Hfrb Jones, Jerry Booth ette Anderson, Jody Galloway, their land, Ibosa people under Oglaabr'a setup must pay a tax on
Stanley Hickman.
Louise Autry, Shirley Banks, Shases HITS' The monthly payments years, when lot deeds are avail- Sgt. and Mrs. M. E. Braun of VicFirst year football letters went ron Jeffrey, Florence Prince, the Uasehbld value ragardlaaa of t h e ted that ther do not own ihs
on a two-bedroom house will be able, and the mculgage is sub- tory Village.
to: Robert Herman, George Har- Glenniss Highes, Lanora Cotner,
$29.00 and on a tliree bedroom stantially reduced, that individual
I grave, I^ury Standart Don Little Betty Hostetler, Loretta Foster, land. Tha same will be Iha-oaae i n Kandanon if Iho elate retaiu
house $34.00. Downpayments will financing of units may be proBUly Edison, Stanley Hickman, Patsy Deal, Mary Church, Betty ownanhip and people eontinua on tlio lease basis. Oj^aabr has huli.
be tllS.OO and $21750 respective- cured and the home may then be
Billy Jack Home won first in BUI SUtt, Don Warren, VirgU Byers, Darlyne Bauman, Louise caled that U s plan is to go vair eaar OB tha planii^ liovOTor. because
ly. The cost of utilities will be treated however the owner may
the first through the fUth grade Weese, Lyndel Berry, Garry Bam Roden, Shirley McAnnaUy, Dolo- Ihar wazzant oonsldaralion iOr having ooma into thia slals and
borne by the tenant. The Tenants desire.
and Richard Perldns placed 3rd berg, Teddy Blue and Kent Mc- res Luth, Dorothy Luth, Sue Lem
Council was given to understand
Clark County building code libuilt up the area. He bdieras l U s should be the caao for at leeit
that the average cost of electrici- mitations will apply to additional in the A division for the sixth Beath; Second year letters, Ever- ing, Olene Kizzia, Marlene Lemty used in the homes is $8.00 per structures erected on Henderson to the eighth grade in the recently ett Witt and Herbert Jones; Third prey, GaU Perchetti, Elonora flvo;
Owen, Shirley Cannon, Dorothy
month at the present rates. Coun- property. Present units will not completed Clark County school
ty and real estate taxes and in- require any alterations under this spelling bee contest Billy's prize Miller, Tom BariUeauz, Clifford Morris, Marlene Blakely, DarHunter,
lene Huffinan. Shirlley OU}4in,
surance on the house will be paid code.
Thus far, about four proposals hara been reealTad b r the CHC
Pickard and TToy Craft.
Nancy DiU, Romona Church, Glen
for out of the monthly payment.
The Corporation cannot take
Baseball letters, first year went da Clepper, Nadine Chambers, from businass houses in Handatson for tha p ^ c t e i a of their SUM.
The down payment on the entire applications' for any home other
Mrs. W. C. Walker of 239 Water to: Bud Colstoa George Hargrave Jo Aim Aldrlch, GaU Mann, Marproject which will be offered to than that in which you now re
the Colorado River Commission side, except, where the present St- had visiting her recently her Virgil Weese, Franklin HeaUey gie Maihor, Margaret Vincent,
Amidst all tha heavr talk thia weak. Wl « • not iMrgM to honor
wiU be in excess of $200,000.00. tenant does not wish to purchase mother, Mrs. S. S. Hopkins of and Stanley Hickman; Second Penny McNeil, Arlene Sparks, Dol U a is the amount which must and the leasees shall reiuse tnelr Cushings Oklahoma and her sis- year letters, Jerry Kizzia, Teddy rothy Laub, Mary Iiuiess, Connie the graduatea of the schools flier aro America's fuuzo.
be paid to the Colorado River option, then anyone shall be free ter and brother-in-law of Okla- Blue and Garry Ramberg; third Hamilton and Suzanne Schwartz.
And while aetlling praise about—whr net give Bill BHU a big
Conunission in order to transfer free to invest monies in townsiie homa City, Oklahoma. BIrs. Wal- year letters, Everitt Witt, Bob These girls received pins: Second hand for his paifcimanoa in Carson CUr ia*t weak when he won
ownership of the Henderson properties. X^ere multiple appli- ker hasn't seen thtx^. in eight Autrey, Aaron Morris, and Geo- year girls receiving awards were,
GaU Smith, Sandra Smith, Phyllis tha stale championship in tha half mflo run.
homes to the Henderson Non cations are entered for such un years. Her visitors also visited rge Rostine
Cheerleading letters went to: Walker, June Ledbetter, Caryne
Profit Housing Corporation. To {appropriated residence, awarding relatives in California.
Patsy Reeves, BUUe Gaither and Yeager, Claro Korthius, Doris
secure their investment the CRC I of tiie equity shall be by lot. It
Jody Galloway.
Ba careful what rou read thaaa dart seimi ai bow ona of the
Mann, Helen Riggins, Mary SanSPRAYED
shall be issued a first mortgage lis hereby specified that no officer
Band letters were preaented to: chez, Louise Autry, CecUUa Gon- Henderson reporters for another paper was lattiBg fiction take th*
upon the block of 992 homes- It or employee of the corporation or
Preston Austin, Townsite HousLBruce
downpay I any relativp
it essential that the downoav-!anv
relative thor*,*,*-»,""
thereof shall *—
eli ing manager, announced that as 'GaUSkith.
these girls received sweaters; 3rd place of f a d in an effort to portrar how people f e d haroabouls. In
ment of 10 per cent of the par- gible to enter such a drawing.
soon as the weather permits
Commercial pins were present- year girls received pins and are portraring how people feel, one must quote tham dlrtcUr and hnply
chase price be obtained &t>m
Townsite will be sprayed, so if
A Board of Directors, which the town is foggy don't blamt the ed to: Marian Autry, Merle Brac- as foUows: Shirley Morgan, Boneach home. It is not the intent of
shall consist of nine members, weather man. The ciunty health ken, GaU Chase, Charlotte Vin- nie Jenkins, Janette Anderson, nothing o l i « m r d l r editor taught ma.
the Cgiporation to work a hardshall be elected at a general meet- department
recommends the cent, Lois WaUer, Betty Heit- Jody GaUoway. Mary Ostrander,
ship upon any individual, howing of the membership of the Cor- spray and it is manufactured by brinli, Jean Denham, Sherry Hos- Kay Goodale, Romona Pipes, Caever the project must have 100
Above all. lot's n d tit panicky. The right war out of this must
poration. Each equity holder shall the Stauffer Chemical Co. H i e tetler, Connie HamUton, jsvelyn rol Davidson and Virginia Gerin;
per cent participation to proceed.
be a member of tliis Corporation spray was used successfully last Sherman, Cassandra Odell, Betty Fourth year girls receiving guard be found—as tong as all aidsa will b o aUowad to ba heard. aU iid«
If the present occupant cannot
entitled to
Riggins, BUlie Gaither, Judy Mc- for their pins were Betty Heit- are wiUIng to aU around a table and think It out, aU sides wiU
make tbe down w y m e n t hTT
T shall
" " ^ be
to one
one vote
vote year. .
NeU and Jo Anne Schwartz.
brink, Merle Bracken and Betty give a little in order to g d a litllo—as long at t h d is to effect ther*
awards Riggins.
is hop» I am eonviacad the governor and tb» CRC will work thai
A group of women from the
way-1 hopo that John Mueller and his U. S. govammant heads work
First Baptist Church of HenderThe morteaee navm.,,.. .u
""'^ '*°°* °° ^^ Board.
the same war> I know tha leasees will lake llw fair war out—so wUl
son were guests of the Fu'st Bapw f l J p e n S t f t f f n ' ^ C ? . „ ''""T
^"^ ^ " " - l °^ Directors shaU tist Church Missionary Society
tha lenante council—so Jod havo fallh orefilhliig will come ouiof Las Vegas.
smaUing Ilka a xoasb
owner, at his optionfX " Lr^^J. ^^ f^"^' ^'^"^ <='"'" «"" °'l>er
i^ payments to ^ S ^ a ^ L T ? " ^ " " as required- ITie board
I don't antiripate a adution on tha booaiag dad this week.
tion of his home in aXrtf^^,"^'" f^" surpervise these employees.
Mrs. Archie Walters, 10 Idaho
The coiporato. s h ^ ^ / ""*•' ^^^ ^ ^^'^ "^ the Cor^oraUon Way, is improving from an inThe Colorado River Commissio" ' * « i ^ ^ S W t t e t t , n ^ " K T " " " " ^ " ^ ^ 8eneral see Ijury she received recently when has before it the opportunity to The matter of fire protection can
Ona of tha big n b s of Oa lenante ooundl plan to that ih* law
« n homS ^ ^ t e r r t y ^ S ^ : rJ^ T " - " " ^'^-b^m
of the she feU from a stool in her home
be solved in various ways. A voldo that which no other agency
requiiea a 20 per etat down parmant on the aaia and purchase of
* • C»lor«io B i ^ ^ „ ^ l
CorporaUon^idlt. men»bers.
and sprained her ankle and she heretofore has been privUeged
also received a bad cut on her to accomiilish, namely, giving established or an arrangement
[could be worktd out where-by the
birth to a full-blown aU-Ameri- plant leasees ond the community
•*a escrow fund is to be set
Major conoan d the CRC to to fulflll tha need o< homes for
along with the county (for pro< » * » . t h e purpose of buUding up
this birth. lUce aU other birtrs, is tection of its properties on the tha leas see. The latter were promised same whan ther were invited
•nouift monies to survw^the
Mrs. D. W. Roderilk, sister of only going to be accomplished by other side of Boulder Highway)
Mrs HUford Wilkinson, 110 Cop- facing and overcoming the diffi- each pay their apportionments to come in. Now that ther •*• hera.aomsthing'a got to bo don*.
« M t o each home owner. It is
Ray Shutt, scoutmaster an-1 per
F=» Street
^UCC"- is
I» visiting
visiung here
nere from
Marbo the answer to to start building moio hone* right away.
• g « W to complete this oper- nounced that the Boy Scout troop her home in Salt Lake City, Utah. culties and problems accompany- share of the cost of its operation.
• t a n to three years, at ^ h 23 celebrated their anmversary
ing i t The initial step required Sdiools and maintenance of iU. rvo seen homea built in W dafi.
in un-incorporated communities
resolves itself to the giving of
with a party recently at the scout
^ : ^ during
i ^ payment
is the problem of the cOunty in
«* « S
U ^be. applied
the re house.
Denby Wade, local fireman of sovereignty to the citizens of the which these communities exist.
" " " " t o of the life rf t h T t ^
The parents of the boys enjoy- 159 Copper Street is undergoing community and this cannot be Taxes are coUected for this pur• ; ^ L P « « « « » e contract t ^ t t e ed a sidt that was put on by GaU treatments at the Rote de Lima accomplished without creating pri
pose, which, by the way, is one
Shutt, Frank Porter, John Staley hospital
vate and individual ownership. of the ibasons for the State
A ^ d w « „ equity, which is. and Dean Goodale.
The people with the assistance of wistiing to dispose of the Basic
™ «>"n payment to the CRC During the evening plans and
the "god-fiither«" on the Colorado Magnesium Project It is a b o
! * » accumulated mortgage ^ : arrangements were made for the
Edward S. Lyman of MonteveUa River Commission wiU be able the practice in most states for
The elementary school of Henannual summer camp. RefresKpublic institutions for the educao J S ? ° ^ y " * ^ ^^^- Jeanett.
ments were served at the close Alabama, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. to work out solutions to the prob- tion of its cuzens to receive fin- derson had ite largest class in the stutaan,
James Swanson, Marvin
relem which are those that conschool's history to graduate this Taney, Sandra Thomas, Sherron
^ ^ i ? J ? buy at aiw Ume. of the party.
turned from Okinawa where he figlont any communDk' in ithis ancial aid from the state, and
Jme mmiber Cannot SeU for a
there is no reason to assume that
ihome, Janet Tweedie, Gene Van
spent four years.
« ^ t untU one year after the
country. It should not be pre-sup- Henoerson School District would the graduates and Reverend Geo. home, Wanda Wdker, Gordon
d j ^ u p o n Which the C o ^ a t i o ' n
poaed that the Commission wiU not receive its just sliaie.
LesUe Wertsbaugh, Vir
J A C n E <JA0LT
l a t a , over from the Colorado Rjsill the twon and then proceed to
iH"* ™ ^ ' " " « ' ^'«^^ White,
from Nampa Idaho were here reMiss Jackie Gault has returned
If the desire is there, the means and benediction.
* " ° * ' " " ' ^ Witt, Mil
^ M T S ? ^ " ' " - A "^ese^e for cently visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill home after spending three weeks an ivory tower washing their
are avaUable to overcome a i ^ of Students graduating were: Flo- f ^ , TOlkimon, Kathleen Wise,
an — . J tho
« ; ™ f » c i e » u included in each Wolfe of 231 Atlantic. The WU- in Albtiquerque, New Mexico.
—1—1- " •
hands <rf the whole affair.
and John Wood.
" o n t h s payment which will per- Uams brought iheir two grandThe prolslems which face the Commission at this time. The Anthony Bastanchury, SaUy BigJ ^ t h e Corporation to p u r c h i e children* home to their parents
tfceie equities if due to unfore- Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe, after the
Colorado River Commission wiU people have definitely evinced the ger, Rodney Blue, Donna Bogut
Mrs. Gladys Wofajforth and dau- ccmtinue to present themselves desire and the will to establish Letagay Bracken, SheUa Branc*wn reaiona the member nust children had (pant fix weeks with
ters were week-end guests of regardless of the manner or me- themselves as normal, pfcy-as- field, WUliam Brittcr, Roberta
tennlaate his contract
thair grandparents in IdaboMrs. Edith Ramstad. Clara Clark thod by which the townsite wiU you-go American Community.
Cady, Arlene Coleman, Wanita
and Amy Dickinson, sisters of be di^^oa^l ot Tliere is no soluIt is the belief of this news- Combs, Norman Craft Marlene
Mrs WoUforth's.
CJBKJhCpiilrifcmet to Korea, PtdeMtine Relief
tion to tbaae problems which wUl paper that the Colorado River Crippen, Penny Crane, Ray Crunk
not have to be based on a spirit Commission is copable of and has Don Detomad, Keran DiUard,
of cooperati(m between tlie Colo- the WiU to bring about the es- Joan DonneUy, Roberta Derton,
Mrs. Jack Muldoon, chairman
The Tenant's CoimcU met re- rado River Cconmission and the tablishment of a siund, growing, Richard Dyer, Randy Earl, Darcently at the Townsite cafe to people of the community.
and vital, home owned, home rul- lene Famsworth, Hazel Flack, WU °l **>? °^]'* Stote committee for
^ e . . American Legion AuxUiary
discuia two new plans which they
They will undoubtedly and of ed permanent community of Hen- liam Forshee, GUbert Gallegos, J**iF ? * ^ *•' •nnounced that Jo
WiU present to the Colorado River necessity continue to have a close derson.
Lupe Garcia, Jimmy Gates, Hardy Gdloway, Annette F6ster and
od Giovanni, Alfredo Gonzalesrelationship for some time with
Tht plans are bases on studies the community.
Pauline Gonzales, Deanne Gon- Jtay Foster were selected to go
made of other oommunitles as
dale, Gerdd Guthrie, WUliam to Carson City this yearSome of the problens which
Sponsors for the girls are the
Henderain. Earl Keenan was elec- must be ecoddered are those of
I Hall, Bobby Halverson, Bobby Ha
ted chairman of the councU to the public aervices, such as gar-1
miter, Dennis Havens, Richard American AssodaUon of University
Women Phi Chapter of Beta
garfUl the vacancy created b ^ the
Heitbrink, Gene HighfUl, Janet
twge collection and disposal, pubresignation of Robert Maxey
HighfUl, Virginia HUl, Alyce ^ r ? ' ™ . Pro&sdonal Women
lie utilitiea, fii« protection,
HeJmbolt Joseph Homyak, Hol- Club and the AuxUiary
schools, street maintenance, etc.
The Brownies and Intermedia- land Huhn, Edwin Inness, Diane
To be sure, these problems would tes have started a five day period Jacketta, Carol Ann Jones, WU
not be present in their present of camping for three weeks. The [Liam Ketchum, Norma KiUebrew
urgency had the community be- donations is one dollar which in- John Korthius, Anita I<ansing,
gan in tha normd way, w/th a cludes milk and art crafts. The Harry Lattin, Patricia Laub, Barsmall group beglnnii:« a town and camp is located in Paradise V d - bara Levitt Rosine Lindsey, Joan
then It growing into its present ley near the Hidden Well Ranch. Lopeman, Charles Lowery, SherThe groups need volunteers for men Ludwig, Harriet Machie, Sue
Member* of the Community size, but it did not begin (bat way
the problems are there and their
Anyone Manlon, Ernest Martinez, Barton . The LDS Boy Scout troop was
Church's Elizabeth Chnle held
their first surprise breakfast re- wiU have to be solved.
wishing to do so may contact Mrs- [McMUlln, James MUler, Jo Ann in charge of the assembly pro
The garbage collection and dis- John Sturm, 143 Victory Road, 'Nelson, Ralph Nielson, 'Iliomas « ' « n of the MIA last Tuesday
cently at the home of Mr*. Elevening.
wood Swift 06 Ocean S t
posd at least of these problems as Idiane 974-J2 or Mrs. Charles OdeU, Antaimtta Palazzola.
Dick RockwDod gave a short
Mrs. Clyde Hasha w u co-hos- the organization for its hfn^""g I Butler, 6 California Way, Phone Charles Palsgrove, Maryann PeWft on courtcqr and badge; Te<l
tess and prixea were won hj Mrs. is in existoice and there it posrvia,
PerlatfMM,*** J, Xhun and Mrs. Henry Rubeck. sibly could continue to function
Winn gave a talk on courage,
kins, Gary Felllzzier, Patsy Pool. James Swanson on loydty and
< • * • • • • • ) ta the OMttt H a l h w i d W • • « racerarr
V a g m M la
Gueate attending were: Mrs as at present In regard to the
X « M a i a t the KaarBMt. Above, Ifr. M m W . r ' daft),
- ' ^ ^ •i" ^
Irene Reidbead, Robert Riggins, Chapman Wooten gave a book
Taylor Combs, Mrs. W. Woodwor- pubUc utUitles, these too, are in Father Peter V. Moran. announ Charles Rivera, Michael Sager,
» af Canada to 0J». 1
th. M n . a M?
L T '"'>°^ot the process of buing disposed of ced that registraUon for classes
" S• ^—
GaU Scott Ernest Scotts, James
I at the S t Peter's parochial school Sheahan, Barbara Shepherd, Ran- Uott"* ° " "'^^ '"^*^ *" ''"''"'
The calendar year ends-wUh
started Sunday Registration was dall Sloan, Dwain Smith, Sandra
J S . i , J h e _ m i « « - « d W«ka A | e « , f e , K M S T
/ J S L ! ^ ^wlft « , I S T O R : M ^ ^ t ' t
U v a ' ^ S S S S for children from the first thru
the May 2»th meeting. A party
Smith, Marianne Smoke, Paul 2 ? ^ « n « » " M d tha Bee Hive
'tham had they not bOM prodis- the sixth gradea
Southers, Grant Sparks, Clifford ItMi i d U bo in eiMffe;
--An Editorial-.
Bey Sceits Fete
Their JhiiverMry
Lai^est Benentary diss
Hears JIutiH at Gradutiei
l l o . s l c - t J w . M.iJK, l i l l ,
Mary Jiidiih MucNcil, Vf.n A,,
Miirshall, ,J:iim-s I) Mayi-.s, Jack
W. Mc-Ciirrtv. A.-non f Moiriv,
liall was held Fri-1 the benediction .-md the (
I Ite S.-n ^ , I, igh school audi- tion sang "Holy. Holy, iintfrc-j/;]. M.-iry C;l^^andra OdiH, Sidney
Il'ily" .,h; lOi-lani-v I'ickard, Garry Itanilicrn.
I'al.^v Sharjini- Keivi-';, Kx-nnc'th
' " ' C l h c ' h c n c o f t h e b a U the rcccsaion.-il hymn.
Hit.,, s N„u.: This article is tack has been made, you shoulct
be doubly careful One of the easiThe seniors enjoyed ,-, ,-h),-W r, Cc rRi- W.-ivni- Ki.'.Iini-, Manuel
, '.Tlnnkc-.i very nice with
vate dinmg room at tn,- Sw.-,„K A .S.-inr-li,.,, y\'j„,, 1 Jo Ann S(-hv.;.i - Civ, Defense Office of the State est ways to get'germs and toxins
i .,.--.f pink and green nighf which W.-1S held ,n th( p,i.
of Nevada dealing with defense inside your lx)dy would be to
n„i,l Spcr
take them in accidentally, along,
[dmner. at Uicix..banq«., Mtmiir.y
aid TilTTmlarf.' J, 0''l Van Valey, ^X^l% "f. J?'.l''.i!ai';a!-at.t.agk>. aoict
TnTir-!r known ,is 'germ warfaro." with food and water. Don't forget
Vincent, I.ois 1 he series is published to allay that food and water are the naThe tables were decoratr.d wit'h
r^l'^een, Annette Foster look
Yvonne Waikc"I I'hylh.s WJI- wild and entirely ' unfounded tural homes of many disease pro
i,», -^i't'n? on » *^"«=«"dles. Nut cup, w i t h "
sto,,(-s which have been circulat- ducers. A few germs that get into
I food might grow into millions in« ' \ ,i h was . u r r U d e d students names on w u e plac,,!
ed on the subject.
side a very short time.
-^"S*cP (ish net The queen's around the tal>le and c-ad, s, '
The Coir.rnenc <"ienl 'Kxen
Provided the containers were
'l*?'",r«T,c Merle Bracken, dent received a gift vviiil,. , .
unbroken, carmed and bottled
f t t n Valey, Betty Riggin., ing the studcnl/en ow
„ "r
foods would \x perfectly safe to
* 1 Mar "n Autry. Larry Stand- p l a y f e d b y M i n a n d L u ^ ; , | , , ; r " '
use following attacks of all kinds,
Special guests wcie'From the official.U. SGovecn- i including atomic bombings. But,
;'nmed the queen.
meni booklet.)
superinti-ndtnt of
I whenever possible, the containers
•"'' • wei-c lovely in their PK"" S^'^r^dresses, the Henderson school ^ and lii^ J '"V '"•• Laurence Ifowi.r. Would There Be Advenes Warn- should be thoroughly scrublwd
'St «'<«'' ''^''"'"^H nnwife Mrs. Church, Mr. 1-Val Uurl; SUMar and„a,yEl.aheth^;;:.,
before being opened That would
ing of BW Attacks?
:LX iheir corsages pmned on holder, principal
remove practically all germs, poi''"' S(icr.s, the boys looked school, Mr, and" Mrs' FuL N*"
Yc,u wouldn't always have ad- sons or radioactive dusts that
leir sh"""."^.' ;. jheir suite with (
vance v^-arning of biological at- might be lodged on their outside.
I dower
Packaged foods, as well as
'onsors were: Mr, and Mrs
tacks. Even when an alarm sound
' yount! couples enjoyed R.
'*'•• ""d M I S . C^ Ga
ed, you usually would'have no those, kept in refrigerators and
closed cupboards, would not like. to the music of Tommy ther Miss Handschin and
vin: Addres,s by Mrs.s Maude Fra- way of knowing just what was ly become polluted. However, to
m's orchestra. Refreshments
play safe, it sometimes might be
Assemblywoman from Clark
served during the evenCounty
Last but not least-The Nintl of Seh, T'^ i f f^"M nntendcnl high explosives, poison gas or necessary to boil everything exEducational District germs. It could be se-/eral of them cept canned and bottltd stuff for
flie sponsors, Mrs, C- Gai- Annual Commencement Exercises f0*" .Schools,
10 minutes before eating or drink
2: Vocul SI
Ave .Maria" at the same time.
Mrs. R Rostine, Miss Jean which will be held tomght at the by Virginia (joi
ing. Boiling will kill most germs
', Handschin and coach Me- ^high school auditorium Manvnf ment of College Scholar.ship Aw
But there is one thing you must and destroy many plant and aniliiel did a very nice job at jyou mothers and fathers wuf
ards by Ben Church, Supcrinten do in any raid which might come; mal poisons, but it wil not remove radioactivity.
M tlie ball a success and the !'" ")f^ ! , , "??""' ""d when y
dent of ilender.son
r.son Schoni«Schools; --n.
"Ori Always get inside a building or
tats should be very proud f J l f ^ l ^ ^ S h
^ ' e r_, comes
—,.,ta up on the tJreat Lane. Hills' by tile Boy's
stage dressed in their caps and Glee Club: Presentation of Clas.s
robes to receive their diplomas by l.yal Burkholder, principal of spot, if you can. Even in such
I Baccalaureate services were you will be very proud and nijy- the Ba.sic High School; Presenta- places, there would be no absolute
kcld Sunday afternoon at the Vic- be a few tears will gather in tion of Diplomas liy E. M. Juyce, guarantee that you would be un[ory Theater for the graduates your eyes an da lump will com. .Member, Board of Schoul Trust- harmed, but you would be mucn
into your throat as you look back ees; National Anthem, "Star
tliich was very impressive.
[The services opened with a I and think of the time they were Spangled Banner"; Benediction safer than out in the open.
and now they are growing by Bishop E. C. Bunk
ocessicnal hymn,' "Break Forth
If you do gel inside some shel
and the tcred place, you s(iould not be in
Beauteous. Heavenly Light' up and are about to go out m the Kccessiona],
hurry to leave it unless you
J by the high school chorus, world to make a place for themTh|C JVIotto is "More Bev.
( Call to Worship was given by selves, some .will be going to col- Class Flower, Camellia; and the have civil defense duties to perlege
form. Fire or some other emeriliop C, E, Bunker of the LDS
Colors are Grey and Red.
^urch, Reverend Clarence 01m- have two boys that graduated a
The Basic Ilii^h Scho:)l Faculty fiencv may dri\-e you out, of eourwhile
teid guest pastor, of the Comc-c)n^i^ls of William E. .\this, L. se. Otherwise, stay inside until
church gave the invoca- over in Korea and the other one Jiine Blackburn, Mary L, Carpen- the all-clear signal is given, o,"
in, the high school Girl's glee •is working, so I think I know how ter, Joan Mane L. IIanclsch,n, until you get word that it is safsang the "Lord's f*rayer" all you parents will feel an tJus
.M, McDoniel, Maltha Milllck, to go outside. This is true of all
I Reverend L. A, Davis of the big event wliich will take place .Marjorie Peck, Norman J. Petei- kinds of raids.
»iuare Gospel church gave
.son, Dorothy Robin.-un, Carl What Precautions Should be
Taken after a Raid
I Scripture reading. The high
The Henderson Home Nevi-s and Schitoeder, Judith Wui-ner, W.
iool chorus sang "Jesus, Word' their staff extend their congratu- Chapman Wooten, Lyal Burkhold
Germs and toxins can cause
(God Incarnate" and Reverend lations and best wishes to the er, principal and Ben Church, sickness only if they get inside
Hargrave of the baptist following graduates: Marian L(^i- superintendent.
your body. Usually they get in
toch gave, the prayer to the ella Autry, Robert Lee Autry,
Board of School Trustees are: throu^ your nose orl mouth
iduates, Reverend R. Alia Ste- Thomas Edward Barilleaux, Mer- Preston C. Austin, E, D. Hickman Sometimes they m?y enter thru
open cuts and wounds. Only a
phens of the St, Timothy's Epis- le Dean Bracken, Sherwood Clark and £. M. Jo^ce.
very Jew kinds of germs aqd poippal church gave the baccalaurTroy Craft, Jean Denham, Del.
tite sermon, "The Call to God,"
Don't forget folks, Bu4dy Poppy sons can work thar way in thru
,!,' Ann Elliott, Billie Gaither,
unbroken skin. ' /
mnd Peter V- Moran of the Constance Marie Hamilton, Fran- Day will be tomon-ow and Friday
A completaiy air-tight face
md it would be apprecialed i.
Peters Catholic dhurch gave ^^
Hamiter, William Heese, .everyone would buy a poppy it mask and~suit jtour
Judy Lynn is featured temme
of "Sing It Again,"
I would help some orphans or wid- whole body WOTild provide com- vocalist
full-hour CBS radio and teleow of a -war veteran. Also the plete protection from, SW. Bui vision musical quiz.
Cancer Drive is on so .letsi drop even if we all had outfits of this
a fi-w dimes in the containers type, we could nevcwhope to g o .
that are around m the busmesj about our dail.v business whik^ [l
wearing them. We must rely on
section of town,
5i,npler things for our safety.
Luckily, many of tneiii are quite
Anyo'nfe losing a set of keys in effective.
the vicinity of the Post Office
If w-e kept well covered, most
n.ay redeem them by calling at
the office of the Henderson Home of the germs or toxins we accidentally
might pick up would bei\ews, 147 Water St, or phone iJciii.
come lodged oh our clothes rather
. . . the lettert itirt. Then
rainy readen of THE CHRISthan on our bodies. Then by tak
ing off our clo'thing, we could gel
tell the Editor how mach they
rid of most of them.
enjoy thia daily world-wide
Those that were left usually \ newipaper, with such comcoutd be reproved thoroughly by
washing our faces and hands, but
*T&« Monitor U Uu •wO
earohiUr oditod newtMr.-?. Charles Butler, president it would be safer to take a bath
fptr btlkoV.S...
announced that the card party
"VoluobU aid In
the Girl Scouts held recently was
Ing . . .'
a huge success. The funds will b-. couM get rid of germs and poisons
'Ntm Ikat It compltu
used for the Girl Scouts summer before they had a chance to get
and Inr . . .**
Th* Monitor turtlr It a
might cause trouble.
Mrs John Winlow was in
reader's neeettUy . . .**
Naturally, all washable garcharge and the troops donated
Ton, tvo, will find tha If onitor
the prizes and cakes. Refresh- ments polli^ed with germs should
laferautiTe, with complete
scrubbed clean before they are
ments were served by Mrs. John
werld newe . . . and ae neeee•ary as yoor HOME TOWtf
Sturm, Mrs. Charles Butler and worn again. Boiling, plus a good
Mrs. John Winlow. Prizes w-ere soaping, usually would make
won by Mrs. Robert Dietrich, Mrs
Uta thia »np«n (or a Special
Introdactoiy aeliaii Iplioii — I
La Rea Weir, Mrs. Jamison, Mrs, forget that tubs and washers for
Kennedy, Mrs. John Gunning and
and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Wertzbaugh. oughly cleaned after use, to prevent possible pollution of things
later washed in-them-
What to Do When, If Enemy Attacks
By Using Biolo^^kal Warfare
Oat of the misty, purple depths of Grand Canyon of the Colorado in Arizona rise varicolored monntains more than a mile ILgli.
This panorama from the north rim shows the view summer vaeaUanists receive of the age-old efforts at erosion. The play of brilllant sunlight and soft shadows on the red ani^ brown rock prodnte
ever-changing scenes that awe the beholder with its bcaaty and
Immensity, On the very edge of the north rim comfortable aceammodations at reasonable eost are provided in cabins and Grand
Canyon Lodge.
Vsnotian Blinds washed like now, including tape, cord, and
cornice box. Priced from 49c on door blind to Sl-90 foe very
large sisas.
1300 So. Main
Phone (32
Girl Scout Party
A Big Success
You and Your Party Are
Signed for TV
Cordially Invited
to attend :
Woolen clothes, shoes and other
things which won't stand washing or boiling could be at least
partly freed of germs by hanging
them in the sun and air. Dry
cleaning would be very good.
•You should always be careful
what you eat and drink after any
kind of war attack. If civil de
fense authorities say a BW at
T O O I I D LEATHEI • I l l F O t D
Genuine steerhide leather (he-nran's ci.- c e ) , . .
topple, long-wearlngl Hond-slained, brown motltad,
decoroted tooled design I Billfold has hira biH pocfa., »»>
with zipper closure; two card holders and coin pant. Zip|M(
Key-Pok hai release bar which permiis
Stan! release of any keyl Beautiful gift boxl)
CMtfO mrus innaiwfiM
Exdae Tax Inc.
Su tL WiiL :Mt.
F.eservations Suggested
Phone 2802
A l Coopor and
Eddie Shane
"Exquisite Polynesian Food in a
Truly Tropical Atmofiphere"
Maria Riva, talented actressdaughter of Marlene Dietrich.
has been signed to an exclusive,
long-term contract l>y CBS.
'She is the second young dra,matlc performer to alHIIate with
'CBS' new TV star system.
Charles Salton
'^ > v^ ^ 0 ^
iQQQit aestamnt ^
Steams Building. Room 30
ISO South 4th. Las Vogas
i p i i i i n i TTT|Tff^TT^fp"|Mj
oie Op e3"
. Varicolored Vacation View
Talks TeSeeits
THUmSAY, MAY 24. 1(51
Reed Veliiteeri
Fer Kid Canpen
Miirv Kll?,-'hi-lli llcill.iink, .Sh« i
By "Bobby" Combs
••>• i p ' i p • «^2 EP 2j3 M2 OIZ 611 a i
ai •