Excel Get the Results You Want! to: Please pass on sh - Head of Engli ment - English Depart dinator - English Coor her - English Teac Secondary English Catalogue Dear Teacher Welcome to our first-ever teacher catalogue of secondary Excel English resources. We have been helping students with their learning for 25 years. BEST BEST BEST BEST NEW NEW SELLER SELLER • The bestselling Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 Excel Essential Skills English Workbook series has been fully updated for the Australian Curriculum with an extra 30 pages per title. Comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, proofreading and writing are covered in each of the 15 units of work for each title. • The new Excel Years 7–8 Grammar and Punctuation Workbook, part of the Excel Essential Skills Years 7–10 Grammar and Punctuation Workbook series, is out now! It includes 16 units of work where all the grammar and punctuation rules are covered in themed units to make the work interesting and relevant for students. • The new Excel Years 7–8 Writing and Spelling Workbook, part of the Excel Essential Skills Years 7–10 Writing and Spelling Workbook series, will be out in April. It includes 12 units of work where a student is taken through generic steps in each unit to improve their writing and spelling—planning and organisation, structure, language features, spelling and samples of students’ writing—in the context of a specific type of text. SELLER SELLER • The new Excel Years 7–8 Reading and Vocabulary Workbook, part of the Excel Essential Skills Years 7–10 Reading and Vocabulary Workbook series, will be out in May. It includes 12 units of work where a student is taken through generic steps in each unit to improve their reading and vocabulary. Reading comprehension, vocabulary and language skills, plus extension work, are included in the context of a specific type of text for each unit. All of the above workbook series are fantastic resources to be used as writein workbooks in class or as homework books. I always welcome your feedback as we are dedicated to improving our range to best suit teachers’ and students’ needs. My email address is vivienne@pascalpress.com.au. Please don’t hesitate to email me with your suggestions and comments. You can view these new resources on a FREE 30-Day Preview: H View resources FREE for 30 days H Reply paid address for returned items H No obligation to purchase! Have a great year! Vivienne Joannou Publisher www.pascalpress.com.au/excel Order Your FREE 30-Day Preview Copy now! Excel Essential Skills Range The bestselling Excel Essential Skills Workbook series, now updated for the Australian Curriculum, is specifically designed as a homework resource for high school students. These photocopiable workbooks offer plenty of practice exercises relevant to the Australian Curriculum and include step-by-step explanations to guide students through the learning process. This series can be used as: • Extra in-class worksheets • A complete homework program • A photocopiable resource UPDATED SERIES Essential Skills English Workbooks English Workbooks Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 • Updated editions for the Australian Curriculum • Fifteen different types of text • Writing Skills, Grammar, Punctuation & Comprehension • Extended editions with 30 extra pages of practice! NEW SERIES Essential Skills Workbooks Grammar and Punctuation Workbook Years 7–8 OUT NOW! Reading and Vocabulary Workbook Years 7–8 COMING Writing and Spelling Workbook Years 7–8 SOON COMING SOON Excel Essential Skills Workbooks • Written for the Australian Curriculum • Fantastic write-in books • Perfect as homework resources or extra in-class exercises Photocopiable Resources All You Need to Know About Grammar Years 7–10 Student Grammar and Vocabulary Handbook Years 7–8 Essay Writing Step-by-Step Years 7–10 Photocopiable resources Developing Your Comprehension Skills Years 7–10 Excel NAPLAN* BESTSELLING SERIES The bestselling Excel NAPLAN* range consists of preparation books containing lots of practice on the three Literacy Tests for students in Years 7 & 9. Written specifically for the NAPLAN Tests, every book in this range features different material. Each book contains NAPLAN*-style Sample Tests; these test-like questions will help your students be fully prepared for the NAPLAN Tests. Revise in a Month NAPLAN*-style Tests Year 7 This range can be used as: • Preparation for the NAPLAN Tests with photocopiable Sample Tests • General revision books all year round NAPLAN*-style Tests Year 9 Year 7 NAPLAN*-style Literacy Tests Year 9 Year 7 Excel Test Zone NAPLAN* BESTSELLING SERIES The bestselling Excel Test Zone NAPLAN*-style Test Packs contain a Test Guide book with Reading and Language Conventions questions arranged in order of difficulty. Also included are two NAPLAN*-style Sample Tests with answers for Reading, Language Conventions and Writing, plus one month’s FREE access to the Excel Test Zone website. NAPLAN*-style Test Pack Year 7 Year 9 This range can be used as: • Test-like revision for the NAPLAN Tests • A photocopiable resource • Online practice NAPLAN*-style Test Pack Year 9 Excel Test Zone website Year 7 Year 9 *This is not an officially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments. Quality resources for busy teachers Excel English Study Guide Also available as eBooks Excel English Study Guide Years 9–10 is a great resource for teaching English with a wide variety of types of text and practice activities. This guide can be used as: • Extra in-class exercises • A homework resource • Revision for tests and exams English Study Guide Years 9–10 • Multiple-choice comprehension questions with explained answers • Short-answer comprehension questions with sample answers • Chapters on responding and composing, essay writing and creative writing • Sections on punctuation, spelling, grammar and broadening your vocabulary Excel HSC Study Guides Also available as eBooks Excel Study Guides offer an easy-to-follow structure with comprehensive coverage of HSC outcomes for a variety of HSC English courses. Written by experienced educators, this range is designed to help students get the most from their study time, and to develop a sound understanding of the complete list of prescribed texts: Area of Study, Modules and Electives. HSC Standard English HSC Advanced English This series can be used as: • A homework resource • HSC revision HSC English Extension 1 Excel Spurr and Cameron HSC Advanced English Study Guide Excel Spurr & Cameron HSC Advanced English is written by experienced educators to support key HSC English outcomes. This title offers comprehensive coverage of the Advanced HSC English course. Also available as eBooks This guide can be used as: • A revision tool for understanding HSC prescribed texts • HSC English test preparation Spurr and Cameron HSC Advanced English Year 12 • Summary and discussion of all 52 prescribed texts in the HSC Advanced English course • Key issues to consider in each chapter relevant to syllabus area • Helpful advice on how to read different types of texts, plot outlines, character discussion and interpretations Learn more at www.pascalpress.com.au/excel HSC Essay Writing Made Easy Excel HSC ENGLISH AREA OF STUDY GUIDES Also available as eBooks The Excel HSC English Area Of Study Guides are directly linked to the syllabus with dot points of the HSC English syllabus appearing in the margin of the book. These guides offer comprehensive coverage of the material required to complete the HSC English Paper 1. This series can be used as: • A guide to the concept of belonging • Preparation for Paper 1 of the HSC English Paper • Practice for short-answer questions, creative-response questions and extended responses Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson LOOK INSIDE these books at www.pascalpress.com.au/excel As You Like It Great Expectations Heat and Dust Immigrant Chronicle Rainbow’s End Romulus, My Father Strictly Ballroom Swallow the Air Ten Canoes The Joy Luck Club The Namesake The Simple Gift Photocopiable resources Secondary English TITLE NOTES ISBN RRP EXCEL ESSENTIAL SKILLS QTY TITLE ISBN RRP EXCEL HSC STUDY GUIDES Years 7–10 All You Need to Know About Grammar 9781741250015 $18.95 Year 12 HSC Advanced English 9781741253238 $39.95 Years 7–10 Developing Your Comprehension Skills 9781741250022 $18.95 Year 12 HSC English Extension 1 9781741253078 $34.95 Year 7 English Workbook 9781740200363 $18.95 Year 12 HSC Essay Writing Made Easy 9781741253580 $19.95 Year 8 English Workbook 9781740200370 $18.95 Year 12 HSC Standard English 9781741253221 $39.95 Year 9 English Workbook 9781740200387 $18.95 Year 12 Spurr and Cameron HSC Advanced English 9781741253696 $16.00 Year 10 English Workbook 9781740200394 $18.95 Years 7–10 Essay Writing Step-by-Step 9781740203128 $18.95 Year 12 As You Like It 9781741253467 $14.95 Years 7–8 Grammar and Punctuation Workbook 9781741254112 $18.95 Year 12 Great Expectations 9781741253344 $14.95 Years 7–8 Reading and Vocabulary Workbook 9781741254082 $18.95 Year 12 Heat and Dust 9781741253351 $14.95 Years 7–8 Student Grammar and Vocabulary Handbook 9781740200936 $18.95 Year 12 Immigrant Chronicle 9781741253474 $14.95 Years 7–8 Writing and Spelling Workbook 9781741254143 $18.95 Year 12 Rainbow's End 9781741253436 $14.95 Year 12 Romulus, My Father 9781741253412 $14.95 EXCEL NAPLAN* EXCEL HSC AREA OF STUDY GUIDES Year 7 Revise in a Month NAPLAN*-style Tests 9781741252095 $29.95 Year 12 Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson 9781741253702 $14.95 Year 9 Revise in a Month NAPLAN*-style Tests 9781741252101 $29.95 Year 12 Strictly Ballroom 9781741253443 $14.95 Year 7 NAPLAN*-style Tests 9781741251937 $24.95 Year 12 Swallow the Air 9781741253405 $14.95 Year 9 NAPLAN*-style Tests 9781741251944 $24.95 Year 12 Ten Canoes 9781741253450 $14.95 Year 7 NAPLAN*-style Literacy Tests 9781741252798 $24.95 Year 12 The Joy Luck Club 9781741253283 $14.95 Year 9 NAPLAN*-style Literacy Tests 9781741252811 $24.95 Year 12 The Namesake 9781741253290 $14.95 Year 12 The Simple Gift 9781741253719 $14.95 EXCEL TEST ZONE NAPLAN* (All prices include GST and are subject to change without notice.) 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