Palo Alto Vol. XXXVI, Number 46 Q August 21, 2015 City Council looks to raise minimum wage Page 5 w w w. P a l o A l t o O n l i n e.c o m n a b d e il fa ’s o lt A lo a P Why t be h ig m rs e w lo b f a le s a g on 2 2 E G A P k c a b e m o c a making Pulse 18 Transitions 19 Spectrum 20 Eating Out 32 Tidbits 33 Movies 35 Puzzles 58 QArts A cappella group Pentatonix performs at Shoreline Page 27 QHome Local artists featured in Palo Alto Festival of the Arts Page 37 QSports It’s a healthy start for Stanford women’s soccer Page 60 Living Well With And Beyond Cancer Celebration Saturday, August 29, 2015 11am – 3pm Li Ka Shing Alumni Lawn, Stanford University School of Medicine 291 Campus Dr., Palo Alto, CA 94305 RSVP Today! W H O D O YO U K N O W T H AT ’ S B E E N T O U C H E D BY C A N C E R ? Connect. Learn. Share. You are invited to join us August 29, 2015 i z a t io n s • E x p e r ta n Co m s• r v ic Connect es • Each Other lth Care Team •S Se H ea ts d Page 2 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • un O it y n rga r fo For More Information Please visit us online at, by email:, or give us a call at 650.498.3323. m Event Highlights • Connect with your physicians and health care team • Ask Stanford experts about ways to live well • Learn about Stanford services • Visit community resource tables • Live music • Lunch • Free parking • Children’s activities • Reiki therapy • Chair massage ǫǯ ̈́ʹͷͲǡͲͲͲǡͲͲͲ ͷͲǦͺͷͷǦͻͲͲ ͷͲǦͷǦͺͲ͵͵ ̷ Ǥ ̷ Ǥ ͓ͲͳͲͻʹͶͲͲ ͓ͲͳͶͳ͵Ͳ Ǥ Ǥ • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 3 Coming Soon… Your weekly 7KH¿UVWVWHSLQSODQQLQJ\RXU ZHHNHQGVWDUWVKHUH email with tips EAT 5HVWDXUDQWUHYLHZVDQGVSHFLDOGHDOV and insights SEE $UWH[KLELWVPXVLFPRYLHVOHFWXUHV about hot events and cool activities PLAY /RFDOHYHQWVRXWGRRUVMXVWIRUIXQ • Music • Eating out • Movies • Fun and free • Art exhibits • Theater • Lectures and learning Presented by Page 4 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Upfront Local news, information and analysis Palo Alto prepares to raise minimum wage City Council to consider plan to set local rate at $11 per hour, with a view toward $15 in 2018 by Gennady Sheyner P alo Alto is a relative latecomer when it comes to establishing a minimum wage, but a new proposal that the City Council is set to discuss Monday looks to place the city ahead of the regional pack. The council will consider a pro- posal that would set a local minimum wage at $11 an hour starting in 2016 and put the city on a path to see the figure rise to $15 by 2018. The plan, which was crafted and unanimously endorsed by the council’s Policy and Services Committee in April, would align the city with a broader push across the state to raise the minimum wage. The California minimum wage is set to rise from $9 to $10 per hour in January, though cities across the state are moving ahead with their own local laws that go beyond this standard. San Jose voters led the way by adopting a minimum-wage ordinance in 2013, with the hourly rate currently set at $10.30 and tied to consumer price index (CPI) increases. San Francisco followed suit last November with an even more aggressive proposal, one that increased the wage to $12.25 on May 1 and that gradually raises it to $15 by July 1, 2018. Berkeley, Emeryville, Los Angeles, Oakland, Richmond and San Diego have adopted minimum-wage ordinances in recent years, with varying amounts and adjustment mechanisms. In Santa Clara County, the cities of Campbell, Morgan Hill and Santa Clara are now considering such ordinances. Palo Alto’s new law is modeled in many ways after those of its neighbors, namely Mountain View and Sunnyvale. Councils in both cities adopted ordinances last October that set the minimum wage at $10.30, effective July 1 of this year. The ordinances also (continued on page 14) TRANSPORTATION Cities challenge VTA on transportation funding Mayors from Palo Alto, North County and West Valley call for ‘transformative long-range vision’ by Gennady Sheyner W Veronica Weber First-grade teacher Angelina Rodriguez reads to her students in Spanish in their Spanish Immersion classroom at Escondido Elementary School on Aug. 19. Ninety percent of class time is spent speaking Spanish and 10 percent is in English in first grade. EDUCATION Spanish immersion program marks 20 years in Palo Alto Two decades later, first students reflect on how the elementary school program changed their lives by Elena Kadvany O ne works on climate change in the White House. Another started a new job this week as an elementary school dual-immersion teacher. Another is a journalist; another is heading to Chile this fall for a physical therapy internship; and one now serves as program director for DreamCatchers, a local nonprofit that provides after-school tutoring and mentoring to low-income Palo Alto students. The common thread in these seemingly disparate career choices is Palo Alto Unified School District’s Spanish immersion program, from which all of these people graduated from many years ago. The program, which has been housed at Escondido Elementary School since the late 1990s, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this weekend. Students and families from the earliest cohorts of the program are returning from elsewhere in the state and country to attend the celebration, a testament to the deep impact and close ties the immersion program produced. The program’s earliest stu- dents, now in their mid-20s, all describe the program as having a lasting impact on their lives that went far beyond simply being able to speak a second language. It developed in all of them an appreciation of language, education and cultural differences that has played out in each of their lives in compelling ways. Twenty years later, one can see the impact of the Spanish immersion program most directly through two students. (continued on page 12) ith the regional push for a transportation tax measure cruising toward November 2016, Palo Alto, Mountain View and other cities in the northern part of Santa Clara County are joining forces to ensure their needs don’t get overshadowed by San Jose’s. The unusual alliance of 11 cities was prompted by years of complaints about the lack of balance in how the tax funds have been allocated. According to an analysis by the office of Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian, whose district includes the northern part of the county, nearly 80 percent of the funds from the past two ballot measures have been spent on the extension of BART from the East Bay to San Jose. This includes the entire $320 million raised so far from the 2008 measure and $3.3 billion of the $4.3 billion raised from the 2000 tax. Simitian’s analysis also showed that District 5, which also includes a portion of West Valley, received just 5.3 percent of the proceeds from the 2000 measure. District 1, which includes the remainder of the West Valley cities, received just 4.5 percent from that measure. Now, the cities see the 2016 transportation measure as the perfect opportunity to change that imbalance. To that end, elected officials and city managers from these cities have co-written a letter urging the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to consider more comprehensive and integrated transportation solutions that would serve the needs of the entire county. It calls for the VTA, the agency pursuing the 2016 mea- sure, to initiate a comprehensive study to develop a “system-wide plan that integrates future masstransit investments in Santa Clara County with connections to other counties, via such systems as Caltrain, as well as community-level systems and ‘first/last mile’ strategies,” the letter reads. Though the letter doesn’t specifically mention the proposed tax measure, its strategic significance is clear. With highway traffic around Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos Hills and Cupertino severely congested during the morning and afternoon rush hours, officials are trying to ensure that a good chunk of the funds raised through the potential tax will help remedy the situation. During a lengthy discussion Monday that dominated its first meeting after the summer break, the Palo Alto City Council expressed its own frustrations about tax allocations and unanimously approved the letter to the VTA, which calls for the county to focus its attention on commuting patterns along busy Peninsula arteries such as U.S. Highway 101, Interstate 280, Highway 85 and State Route 237. Signaling the renewed spirit of cooperation, Mountain View Mayor John McAlister and Councilman Lenny Siegel both attended the Palo Alto meeting. Siegel told the Palo Alto council that the root of the problem in Santa Clara County is that “we don’t have a transit system in the county that serves our existing commuting patterns.” “A study of our transportation needs throughout the county and (continued on page 16) • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 5 Upfront 450 Cambridge Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (650) 326-8210 QUOTE OF THE WEEK PUBLISHER William S. Johnson (223-6505) ® The DeLeon Difference® 650.543.8500 650.543.8500 | | DeLeon Realty CalBRE #01903224 EDITORIAL Editor Jocelyn Dong (223-6514) Associate Editor Brenna Malmberg (223-6511) Sports Editor Keith Peters (223-6516) Arts & Entertainment Editor Elizabeth Schwyzer (223-6517) Express & Digital Editor My Nguyen (223-6524) Assistant Sports Editor Rick Eymer (223-6521) Spectrum Editor Renee Batti (223-6528) Staff Writers Sue Dremann (223-6518), Elena Kadvany (223-6519), Gennady Sheyner (223-6513) Editorial Assistant/Intern Coordinator Sam Sciolla (223-6515) Staff Photographer/Videographer Veronica Weber (223-6520) Editorial Interns Jamauri Bowles, Sevde Kaldiroglu Contributors Dale F. Bentson, Peter Canavese, Kit Davey, Tyler Hanley, Iris Harrell, Sheila Himmel, Chad Jones, Karla Kane, Ari Kaye, Chris Kenrick, Kevin Kirby, Terri Lobdell, Jack McKinnon, Andrew Preimesberger, Daryl Savage, Jeanie K. 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Johnson (223-6505) Vice President Michael I. Naar (223-6540) Vice President & CFO Peter Beller (223-6545) Vice President Sales & Marketing Tom Zahiralis (223-6570) Director, Information Technology & Webmaster Frank A. Bravo (223-6551) Marketing & Creative Director Shannon Corey (223-6560) Major Accounts Sales Manager Connie Jo Cotton (223-6571) Director, Circulation & Mailing Services Zach Allen (223-6557) Circulation Assistant Alicia Santillan Computer System Associates Chris Planessi, Cesar Torres Oliver Peoples Trunk Show Saturday August 22 The Palo Alto Weekly (ISSN 0199-1159) is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306, (650) 326-8210. Periodicals postage paid at Palo Alto, CA and additional mailing offices. Adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation for Santa Clara County. The Palo Alto Weekly is delivered free to homes in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley, East Palo Alto, to faculty and staff households on the Stanford campus and to portions of Los Altos Hills. If you are not currently receiving the paper, you may request free delivery by calling 326-8210. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302. ©2015 by Embarcadero Media. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The Palo Alto Weekly is available on the Internet via Palo Alto Online at: Our email addresses are:,,, Missed delivery or start/stop your paper? Call 650 223-6557, or email You may also subscribe online at Subscriptions are $60/yr. SUBSCRIBE! 1805 El Camino Real, Palo Alto 650.324.3937 Support your local newspaper by becoming a paid subscriber. $60 per year. $100 for two years. 2015 Name: _________________________________ Best Eyewear Address: ________________________________ Page 6 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • City/Zip: ________________________________ Mail to: Palo Alto Weekly, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto CA 94306 It’s execution time. Marc Berman, Palo Alto City Council member, on the launch of downtown’s long-awaited Residential Preferential Program for parking. See story on page 11. Around Town A BRAYER FOR RESOLUTION ... You no longer need to go to an Iowa fair or watch a presidential debate to see elephants and donkeys take part in the political process. Palo Alto City Hall will do. Despite an unusually long and productive meeting, the City Council took the time on Monday to honor the city’s newest official ambassador: Palo Alto Perry. The plush, stuffed donkey — who happens to be a facsimile of Pericles, one of the two real donkeys who live in Barron Park — has been making the rounds of the city in recent months, visiting classrooms and city departments, riding with emergency responders, flying in a plane, learning Irish dancing and cooking with Calafia chef Charlie Ayers, of Google fame. Perry’s campaign officially concluded on July 4 at the city’s Chili Cook-Off in Mitchell Park. This week, he received a special proclamation and plaque from the City Council. Councilman Eric Filseth read the proclamation, which recognized the “huggable stuffed animal” who was “received with open hearts by every ambassador who took him to their favorite spots around town” and who “succeeded in his mission to bring community together.” Then it was time for Perry to answer some questions from City Manager James Keene and Mayor Karen Holman about his recent activities, including a visit to AT&T Park to sing the national anthem with Addison Elementary School’s Noon chorus and a visit to the Tesla headquarters (which Perry called “electrifying”). After Keene asked Perry how he managed to stay fit, Perry mentioned that during his visit to Avenidas, he was treated to an evening of yoga and Zumba. “I can’t wait to show Niner (the other Barron Park donkey) yoga and the downwardfacing donkey,” Perry said. THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM ... From Caltrain trenches and a wider Page Mill Road to new bike routes and local shuttles, Palo Alto and surrounding cities have no shortage of transportation projects to applaud and criticize. Then there is the Bus Rapid Transit project, which would designate the two central lanes of El Camino Real for a new bus service run by the county’s chief transit agency, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). The project has polarized communities along the Peninsula and in Palo Alto, with some residents urging the City Council during Monday’s discussion to support the bus plan and others warning that taking lanes from El Camino would push cars on to neighboring streets and make an already difficult situation even worse. For opponents, the bus project is nothing less than the “elephant in the room” in discussions about ongoing transportation initiatives. That point was made not-so-subtly by an actual elephant in the room — or rather, a member of the public wearing a dress and an elephant mask. The mysterious visitor didn’t speak, for obvious reasons (“Elephants Can’t Talk,” a sign in the visitor’s hands read). But the meaning — don’t forget about VTA’s bus plan — was clear for all spectators. As Mayor Karen Holman observed during her comments on the VTA’s proposed transportation measure, “You can’t overlook the elephant in the room.” PIZZA GALORE ... There are many reasons to visit the California Avenue area. A slice of pizza is becoming one of them, as Palo Alto’s second downtown doesn’t have just one pizza joint anymore but six within several square blocks. How to figure out which piece of pie to try? For something traditional, there’s Terun Pizzeria on the main drag. People who want something customizable can stop in at create-your-own pizza chains Pizza Studio (also on California Avenue) or Pieology (on El Camino Real). Got dietary preferences? Palo Alto Pizza Co. on Park Boulevard is a sports bar and pizza place that offers gluten-free and vegan options. And then there’s the newly opened Fire Oak & Barley on Cal. Ave., which specializes in wood-fired pies. But all is not chi-chi: For those to whom “pizza” means a quick pick-me-up, Domino’s Pizza operates on Cambridge Avenue. Whatever the hankering, the district, aka Pizza Central, probably has it. Now where to park the car ...? Q Upfront EDUCATION Palo Alto goes back to school K-8 schools reopen with renewed focus, anticipation for the upcoming year A tangible sense of excitement was in the air Tuesday morning at Palo Alto’s elementary and middle schools as about 9,000 kindergarten through eighth-grade students started their first day of the new school year. In south Palo Alto, the blocks of East Meadow Drive near Fairmeadow Elementary School and JLS Middle School were full of kids and parents heading to the first day of school — some on bikes, others walking hand-in-hand with parents or friends and some even stopping to pose in front of the schools’ signs for photos. The picture-taking — and hold-handing — continued at Fairmeadow, where parents, children and staff expressed further excitement about starting anew, with anticipation about what the upcoming year. “The first day of school never loses its magic,” said Fairmeadow Principal Grant Althouse. “We really try to capitalize on the energy of this day.” Palo Alto Unified’s 13 elementary schools and three middle schools started the 2015-16 year the day after Gunn and Palo Alto high schools. Althouse said much of the upcoming school year at Fairmeadow will be focused on literacy instruction, with the implementation of a new reading curriculum from the Columbia University Teachers College Reading & Writing Project. The project curriculum is fully aligned with the Common Core State Standards and emphasizes differentiation and use of performance assessments, learning progressions and rubrics to both amp up students’ writing achievement and increase teaching consistency. Many K-8 Palo Alto teachers attended multiday institutes at the Teachers College in New York the past few years as their schools worked to roll out the new literacy curriculum. Althouse explained the Reading & Writing Project’s approach as cultivating “independent” versus “compliant” readers. “A compliant reader and writer just does assignments; an independent reader and writer explores their thinking through reading and writing,” Althouse said. Fairmeadow is also continuing its work around social-emotional learning and school climate. The school is in its fifth year of two social-emotional programs called Second Step and Steps to Respect, which other Palo Alto Unified elementary schools also Veronica Weber by Elena Kadvany From right, Julia Kirner, Bani Gupta and Summer Evans pose as Summer’s mom takes a photo of the second-graders at Fairmeadow Elementary on their first day of school on Aug. 18. use. Developed by national social-emotional learning and antibullying nonprofit Committee for Children, both programs seek to teach young children skills like listening, self-regulation, empathy, identifying feelings and selfadvocacy. “We show kids that this is a safe place and that we’re here to support each other and to explicitly teach some of those skills like empathy,” Althouse said. Fairmeadow parent Mathilde TRANSPORTATION Survey sheds light on downtown Palo Alto drivers Data show most commuters come from South Bay and Peninsula; San Franciscans prefer Caltrain by Gennady Sheyner T hey drive alone and show up in droves — that much is clear. But who are these non-carpooling commuters? Where do they come from? And, most importantly, what can the city do to get them to switch from cars to other forms of transportation? These questions have for years mystified the Palo Alto City Council, which has spent more time discussing parking and traffic than just about any other topic over the past two years. And now, at last, the city has some answers. The Palo Alto Transportation Management Association (TMA), the city’s recently formed traffic-fighting nonprofit, commissioned a detailed survey of downtown commuters. In May, the consulting firm EMC surveyed 1,173 people in the down- town area, including employees of small, medium and large companies. Each person was asked questions about city of origin, personal commute patterns, and attitudes about biking, transit and other transportation options. The survey revealed that about 55 percent of people drive by themselves into downtown Palo Alto. The largest portion of commuters, 33 percent, come here from the South Bay. They were followed by drivers from the Peninsula (20 percent) and from other parts of Palo Alto (also 20 percent). A minority came from San Francisco (10 percent) and the East Bay (7 percent). One of the survey’s most striking findings is that South Bay and East Bay commuters are far more likely to drive alone to Palo Alto than their counterparts from San Francisco. Only 18 percent of commuters from San Francisco drive alone, the survey states. This is compared to 76 percent of commuters from the East Bay, 65 percent of commuters from the South Bay and 63 percent of commuters from the Peninsula. Of those who live in Palo Alto, 41 percent drive alone to work while 48 percent either walk or bike. The survey also showed that part-time workers are far more likely to drive alone than fulltimers. Of the workers with one full-time job, 53 percent drive alone, while those with one parttime job commute solo at a rate of 75 percent. Employees of large businesses, meanwhile, are less likely to drive alone than employees of medium and small firms. The survey also indicated that coders are much less likely to Lenoir was dropping off her kindergarten and second-grade children on Tuesday. She said this year’s first day of school felt better than last year’s, when her family had just moved to Palo Alto from Italy for her husband’s tech job. Last year, she was worried about her children not only starting a new school and not knowing anyone but also learning English at the same time. “It’s totally different from last year — maybe that’s the biggest thing about today,” she said. “It’s thinking about last year and how lost we were knowing nobody, and this year we have friends to welcome us with open arms and people to greet and be greeted by. That just feels awesome.” Q For more coverage of the first day of school, go to Read about “Jaguar Journey,” Jordan Middle School’s orientation program for sixth-graders. drive than chefs, hotel workers, shopkeepers or just about any other type of downtown employee. And the gap is wide: Only 33 percent of tech workers indicated that they drive alone, while 31 percent take Caltrain and 26 percent walk or bike. The solo driving rate for those in retail is 78 percent; in hospitality it’s 73 percent; and in the restaurant sector it’s 72 percent. The survey’s conclusion about tech workers eschewing their cars is largely consistent with the data collected earlier this year by downtown tech companies Palantir, RealIQ and SurveyMonkey. The three companies surveyed their employees and determined that only 38 percent drive alone. “Individual car share is very high in places with poor Caltrain access,” the survey from the three firms concluded. “Proximity to work (which allows for walking and biking) and access to Caltrain are two major factors in determining mode share.” When it comes to taking Caltrain, San Francisco’s commuters are far ahead of the pack. The survey showed 70 percent of them rely on the rail service to get to work, compared to just 20 percent of South Bay residents and 16 percent of those who come from Peninsula cities. In general, those with the most distance to cover were shown to be more likely to depend on public transit. Of the commuters with trips longer than 50 miles, 38 percent reported driving alone while 40 percent rely on Caltrain. Those with shorter trips, between 10 and 50 miles, generally favor cars over trains and buses. The survey showed that 69 percent of them drive alone, while 19 percent take Caltrain. The survey results are already influencing Palo Alto’s debate about traffic and parking. On Monday night, the council had a long discussion about transportation projects that they’d like to see funded in the coming years. The study’s findings about the high number of people who commute from the South Bay to Palo Alto were cited by council members who argued that the city should demand more money for transit services from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), which is now moving ahead with a plan to put a transportation measure on the November 2016 ballot. The new survey results are also expected to affect the wave of (continued on page 11) • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 7 Upfront News Digest EDUCATION Dauber seeks conflict-of-interest ruling from FPPC Nonprofit offers to buy mobile home park The effort to preserve Buena Vista Mobile Home Park took a significant step forward earlier this month when a nonprofit corporation sent a bid to property owner Joe Jisser to buy the park. While Jisser ponders the offer, residents held a thank-you picnic for supporters and city and county officials at Mitchell Park on Saturday, Aug. 15. The nonprofit Caritas Corporation, which has preserved 20 California mobile home parks, made the offer of an undisclosed amount about 1 1/2 weeks ago, said Winter Dellenbach, founder of the group Friends of Buena Vista, which is working with Caritas. But she stressed it is a very preliminary bid. Jisser could have delivered six-month eviction notices in May after the City Council approved both the closure of the El Camino Real mobile home park and a compensation plan for the homeowners, but he has not, according to residents. They also said Jisser comes to the park and walks around but doesn’t talk, and they have been paying their monthly rent. The potential closure of the park sparked the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and the City of Palo Alto to commit $14.5 million each toward purchase of the 4.5-acre property. A total of $39 million has been raised, Dellenbach said. The Caritas Corporation has said it would raise $10 million in bonds. The Jissers had planned to raze the aging mobile home park and partner with a developer to build high-end apartments. But that deal, with developer Prometheus, fell through during the protracted efforts by residents and supporters to keep the park open. Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian, who has met with the Jissers and spearheaded the county and city commitments, on Saturday thanked supporters, who included past and present members of the council, the Palo Alto Unified School District school board and the PTA. He said he would continue to work to preserve the park “until the day comes when we can go to a ribbon-cutting for 117 units of affordable housing” there. Q — Sue Dremann Palo Alto to add members to Comp Plan panel Responding to criticism about insufficient representation from the southern half of the city, the Palo Alto City Council agreed on Tuesday morning to add five new members to the nascent Citizen Advisory Committee, which was appointed in July to help the city update its Comprehensive Plan. Applications for the group will be taken until Aug. 25 and the council is scheduled to make the appointments in two weeks. Currently with 20 members — 17 of whom are allowed to vote — the committee includes former planning commissioners, housing advocates, neighborhood activists and other concerned residents. But with 12 of the 17 voting members making their homes north of Oregon Expressway, critics maintained that the current group lacks the geographical balance needed to give the process credibility. Critics have also maintained that the committee is loaded with too many proponents of new developments, pointing to the large role of the group Palo Alto Forward on the panel. The citizens group, which advocates for more housing and transportation options, includes three voting members who belong to the Palo Alto Forward steering committee. Councilman Tom DuBois said that when the council decided in May to form the new group, it explicitly tried to create criteria for members that would achieve balance. He acknowledges that this is not what happened and pointed to the high number of people from the northern half of the city serving on the panel. The council agreed with DuBois that the new appointments should be made by the council, unlike the earlier appointments, which were made by City Manager James Keene. The council rejected, however, calls to oust two of the committee’s members: Chair Daniel Garber, an architect and former member of the Planning and Transportation Commission, and Steve Levy, a regional economist who consults for the Association of Bay Area Governments. The council also debated and agreed on several proposals aimed at making the committee more efficient and transparent. This includes supporting the idea of group “subcommittees,” focusing on particular Comprehensive Plan topics and a new policy of having the meetings be recorded. The council also supported a process that would allow four committee members to write minority opinions if they disagree with the majority. The citizens group is charged with reviewing every chapter (or “element”) of the Comprehensive Plan and working with the council to complete the update, which was launched in 2006 and which the city hopes to conclude by the end of 2016. Often referred to as the city’s “land-use bible,” the document sets the foundation for the city’s zoning code and other citywide policies. Q — Gennady Sheyner Page 8 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • School board member hopes to quell concerns about his involvement with Office for Civil Rights by Elena Kadvany S eeking to put to rest years anonymous posters on Palo of questions about his re- Alto Online’s Town Square folationship with the U.S. rum have accused Dauber of Department of Education’s Of- assisting district parents in prefice for Civil Rights (OCR) paring complaints to the Office and the agency’s involvement for Civil Rights and of using his in the Palo Alto school district, relationships with top agency officials to urge investischool board member gations into the district, Ken Dauber wrote last allegations that Dauber week to the California has strongly denied. Fair Political Practices Q uest ions ab out Commission (FPPC) Dauber’s involvement for formal written adwith the agency also vice on whether he has rose to the surface dura conflict of interest on ing his 2014 run for school board matters school board. When related to the federal agency. Ken Dauber asked during an endorsement interview He included with the with the Weekly if he letter several email exchanges he had in 2013 with had recommended any action OCR officials in Washington by the OCR relating to the Palo and San Francisco, written after Alto families’ complaints, he Palo Alto Unified entered into said he hadn’t. “I have not encouraged those a resolution agreement with the federal agency following the dis- complaints, sought them out (or) trict’s violation of the civil rights anything like that,” he said. He of a disabled middle school stu- also said during the campaign dent through its mishandling of that he had no knowledge of the initial OCR investigation in Palo bullying complaints. Dauber said in an interview Alto before the general public Wednesday that he is seeking did, let alone from any source at a ruling from the FPPC in or- or outside of the agency. Following the endorsement inder to quell any concerns about his past consulting work for and terview, Dauber sent the Weekly communications with the Office an email describing the commufor Civil Rights as he anticipates nications he had with the Office OCR-related issues will come for Civil Rights in 2013. According to Dauber’s letter before the school board this fall. From 2009 to 2011, before to the FPPC, from 2002 to 2010, Dauber was elected, he served he worked as a paid consultant as a paid data consultant for the for nonprofit Ed Trust West with Department of Education, earn- then-director Russlynn Ali, a ing a total of $26,426, according law school classmate of Dauber’s wife, Stanford University to Dauber. Two civil-rights cases remain law professor Michele Dauber. In 2011, President Barack open in Palo Alto — both involving Title IX sexual-harass- Obama appointed Ali to serve ment issues at the district’s two as the Department of Educahigh schools — and Superinten- tion’s assistant secretary for dent Max McGee expressed this civil rights. From 2009 to 2011, Dauber spring a desire for board guidance on whether and how the said, he worked as an “occasiondistrict should reach a resolution al paid consultant” to the OCR, helping with the agency’s Civil in these two cases. Dauber said he believes he Rights Data Collection, a nahas no conflict of interest, as tional survey of school districts. his paid consulting work ended In those years he received a total in 2011 and his district-related of $26,426, including $5,872 in communications with the fed- 2011, which he reported as W-2 eral office ceased before he was income, he wrote to the FPPC. He has received no compenelected last fall. A Board of Education bylaw defines conflict sation from the Department of of interest as when a “decision Education since 2011, he said. In 2012, he made his first run will have a ‘reasonably foreseeable material financial effect’” for the school board but failed to on a board member’s economic win a seat. In 2013, Dauber did “a small interest. “Looking forward, I want to amount of uncompensated conbe able to point to a clear advice sulting (less than 20 hours)” for from the FPPC that I expect will nonprofit Public Counsel, he affirm that I don’t have a con- wrote in his letter to the FPPC. flict. But in any case, I’ll have The director of Public Counsel at the time was Catherine clarity,” he said on Wednesday. Over the past several years, Lhamon, who in 2013 succeed- ed Ali as assistant secretary for civil rights. Michele Dauber also served on a nonprofit board with Lhamon from 2005 to 2013. On Wednesday night, Dauber posted on his website ( his Aug. 13 letter to the FPPC and emails written between February and July 2013, which he said are all the communications he had with the Office for Civil Rights on matters related to the Palo Alto school district. In February 2013, after learning from press reports that the OCR had issued a finding against the school district the prior December, Dauber wrote to Sandra Battle, the agency’s deputy assistant secretary for enforcement, at the suggestion of Ali. He asked for data on how many other school districts had experienced OCR disabilityharassment investigations that led to formal findings. Dauber wrote that he and his wife had been helping the family who filed the complaint against the school district “with getting services.” Knowing how frequent this kind of outcome is elsewhere would be helpful, he wrote. He also said that he knew of as many as a dozen families with “similar experiences” who were also considering filing complaints and asked if the OCR had any “thought towards coordinated enforcement.” Battle replied that out of 1,513 disability-harassment complaints the OCR received from 2009 to 2012, 647 resulted in investigations or involvement, 118 resulted in resolution agreements and 16 led to formal findings against secondary schools. She wrote that she “would welcome other thoughts about effective coordinated enforcement” in Palo Alto. In March 2013, Michele Dauber sent an 11-page legal analysis to Shilpa Ram, a staff attorney in the OCR’s San Francisco office, pointing out inadequacies of draft policies developed by the Palo Alto school district on how to handle complaints of disability discrimination. Ken Dauber simultaneously forwarded his wife’s letter to Battle. Dauber noted in his Aug. 13 letter to the FPPC that his wife, an expert on Title IX and schoolbased sexual harassment and assault, also referred one of the Palo Alto OCR complainants in 2013 to pro bono representation with another Stanford faculty member. “She has received money from no source, nor any promise of Upfront any future payment or gift with respect to any issue involving PAUSD at any time,” Dauber wrote to the FPPC. On May 29, 2013, Dauber wrote again to Battle and to two other high-level agency officials members to suggest the agency provide technical assistance to Palo Alto after Palo Alto High School’s Verde Magazine reported on the school’s “rape culture,” including details about the sexual assault of two female students. “One area where PAUSD has continued to struggle is compliance with Title IX, which protects girls and young women from discrimination in sports, sexual harassment, and sexual assault,” Dauber wrote in his post this week. “It was evident that senior district staff were not well-versed on the requirements for prompt investigation and remediation of complaints of sexual harassment (it was later disclosed that Paly principal Phil Winston was at the same time being removed following a district investigation for sexual harassment). “As a result, the district itself requested and received technical assistance in relation to the Paly case, according to former Superintendent Kevin Skelly. I also asked OCR whether technical assistance could be offered to the district on Title IX.” Battle responded on May 30, 2013, that OCR’s San Francisco office would contact the district and offer assistance. The last email Dauber released is from July 16, 2013, when he sent Battle PDF files of two Daily Post articles that claimed the OCR interviewed students without parental consent in Palo Alto. He suggested the agency Public Agenda A preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week PASSPORT CITY COUNCIL... The council plans to hold a closed session to discuss the status of its labor negotiations with the police and fire unions; consider a recommendation to implement a minimum-wage requirement of $11 per hour by Jan. 1, 2016; approve responses to two Grand Jury reports, “A Slow Rising Emergency — Sea Level Rise” and “Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Residents”; and consider reforms to the “planned community” zoning process. The closed session will begin at 6 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 24, at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. The regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. or as soon as possible after the closed session in the Council Chambers. Palo Alto Festival of the Arts BOARD OF EDUCATION ... The school board will discuss the results of a Hanover Research study on course alignment; board goals for the 201516 year; the appointment of a new associate superintendent; an amendment to the superintendent’s contract; board policy updates; and the appropriation of $3 million from State Bond Funding to Palo Alto High School. It will take action to on a $23 million grant from the Peery Family Fund for the Paly athletic center project. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 25, at district headquarters, 25 Churchill Ave. COUNCIL POLICY AND SERVICES COMMITTEE ... The committee plans to continue its discussion of a colleagues memo about strengthening engagement with neighborhoods; and consider changes to council procedures regarding appeals, post-government employment regulations and other items from the council’s retreat. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 25, in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. 2015 PALO ALTO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS PRESENTED BY THE PALO ALTO MEDICAL FOUNDATION CITY COUNCIL ... The council plans to interview candidates for an opening on the Utilities Advisory Commission. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 26, in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ... The commission will consider a proposal to build a one-story home at 5061 Skyline Blvd.; a proposed annual office cap; an ordinance that would establish regulations for formula retail; and an ordinance prohibiting conversion of ground-floor retail to other uses. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 26, in Council Chambers at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. Purchase your Festival of the Arts Passport for FREE items and retail discounts. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD ... The board plans to discuss 1700 Embarcadero Road, a proposal by Gensler to demolish an existing building and construct a 62,527-square-foot automobile dealership and ancillary vehicle wash; and consider a request by America’s Tire Co., for review of a proposed renovation of existing facades and site improvements for automotive service use. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 27, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMISSION ... The commission plans to see a presentation about eBooks and other collections; discuss the length of terms of LAC subcommittees; and consider holding LAC meetings in libraries. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 27, in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave. Q Only $5 for over a $1000 value Available August 22 & 23 at the Festival Chamber of Commerce booth (Bryant & University Ave) Stop in or call the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce (650) 324-3121 355 Alma, Palo Alto, Ca 94301 (continued on page 14) Food Scraps Composting Collection Is Here! Where you put your food scraps makes a world of difference. You can now put all of your food scraps and food soiled paper directly into your green cart along with your yard trimmings. By doing this, you help Palo Alto turn your food scraps into rich soil and renewable energy, and help protect the climate. For service call (650) 493-4894 (650) 496-5910 • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 9 Upfront Sometimes when I say 'I'm okay,' I'm not. We offer a safe place for children, teens, & adults to get support. Individual & family counseling. Sliding fee scale available. | 650.326.6576 Palo Alto and San Jose. Since 1948. Quality daytime care for older adults Two levels of daytime care! Our adult day care is a licensed, non-medical program for adults who can no longer structure their own daily activities, be left alone, or are socially isolated. Our adult day health care is a licensed, medical program for adults with physical or mental impairments who need additional care. Call to schedule a tour and a free visiting day for your loved one. We accept VA and MediCal clients! (650) 289-5499 270 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View PLANNING Council set to revive — and revise — contentious zoning tool Palo Alto officials prepare to vote on reforms to the ‘planned community’ process by Gennady Sheyner A fter more than a year of hibernation, Palo Alto’s most controversial zoning process is preparing to roar back to life. The City Council will consider on Monday proposed reforms to the city’s controversial “planned community” (PC) zoning process, which allows developers to barter with the city over zoning regulations. Specifically, the designation allows developers to propose projects that exceed local zoning rules in exchange for “public benefits” — a vague catch-all term that has encompassed everything from sculptures and plazas to supermarkets and a new police headquarters. In February 2014, the council voted to take a “time out” on planned community projects, with Marc Berman acknowledging that the process is “broken and needs to be fixed” and Greg Scharff citing the need to “rebuild faith in the community.” Since then, planning staff and the planning commission have been pondering how to make the process more transparent and predictable. So what’s new in the proposal? For one thing, the process would now involve more steps, including a pre-screening hearing in front of the council before a formal application is submitted, followed by formal hearings on the application by the Planning and Transportation Commission and the council. Planning A Party? Applications would have to include an “enforcement and monitoring plan,” along with funding for enforcement; and an economic analysis that would weigh the value of both zoning exceptions and the offered benefits. One thing that the proposal does not include is a menu of specific benefits that the city desires, an idea that was initially considered but then discarded by planning staff. This means developers will maintain their right to propose any type of benefit in exchange for zoning exemptions. The ordinance would now include, for the first time, a definition — albeit broad — of public benefits: “Specific improvements or amenities for Palo Alto by the developer in exchange for uses, densities, and/or a development configuration specific to the PC district that would be unattainable in general zoning districts or combining districts.” The proposal that will go in front of the council incorporates some, but not all, of the suggestions from the planning commission. It supports one of the commission’s most controversial recommendations: to continue the practice of allowing developers to include cash as a public benefit. At its March 11 meeting, Commissioner Michael Alcheck argued that developers should have the flexibility to offer anything they want, given that the city can always turn them down. “We want to welcome an opportunity for people to think outside the box,” Alcheck said. “We know what we want and we’ve zoned for it, but we’re also smart enough to know that we don’t know everything we want. There’s a world out there of things we haven’t yet realized we might want and we should let somebody make a case for it.” This should include, Alcheck argued, the opportunity to contribute money to the city for things like infrastructure improvement. The majority of the commission agreed that planned-community projects shouldn’t have to be inherently beneficial (by including community services like affordable housing or senior housing, for example), as long as they provide “extrinsic” benefits. Most members also agreed that these extrinsic benefits could include cash. Commissioner Eric Rosenblum, the lone dissenter, said he was uncomfortable with the notion of cash constituting a public benefit, which he called “the (continued on page 14) TALK ABOUT IT What do you think? Are the proposed PC reforms likely to produce buildings that benefit the community? Share your opinion on Town Square, the community discussion forum, at Whatever type of gathering you are planning - BBQ, birthday celebration, pool party, etc. - use a Zero Waste Party Pack. Zero Waste Party Packs are FREE and available for you to borrow. Party packs come with complete table settings for 24 people - that’s plates, bowls, tumblers, utensils and cloth napkins. You can borrow a party pack from a Zero Waste Block Leader near you. Most block leaders have party packs available for you to borrow. If they don't, they'll get you in touch with a block leader who does. Connect with your block leader at Make It A Waste Free Event Page 10 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Help our community reach its Zero Waste goal. Use a Zero Waste Party Pack for your next gathering. For more information, visit (650) 496-5910 Upfront Commute (continued from page 7) parking and transportation initiatives that the city is preparing to launch. These include the parkingpermit program in downtown’s residential neighborhoods, valet programs in downtown garages, Caltrain passes for City Hall employees, and the expansion of the city’s small shuttle system. Jessica Sullivan, the city’s transportation planning manager, called the survey “pretty significant” in giving the city insight into the travel habits of downtown employees. Results will be used by the city to consider the best strategies for supporting workers headed into downtown. The data will come in particularly handy in the next few months, as the TMA begins unveiling pilot programs aimed at getting drivers out of cars (incidentally, 49 percent of those who drive alone appear be open to this idea, according to the survey). Sullivan said the city is also launching an effort to develop a five-year plan for the shuttle system. The study will take a look at who is using the shuttles and what the gaps in coverage are. “Our idea is to make the shuttle a really important part of the mobile services here in Palo Alto,” Sullivan said. The new data won plaudits from the council, with Tom DuBois saying it “gives us a good blueprint” for action. He noted that the survey shows, among other things, that tech workers aren’t the problem when it comes to commuting behavior. Councilman Marc Berman also said he was fascinated that only a third of downtown’s tech workers drive alone. Their mode share (31 percent took Caltrain and 21 percent walked or biked) exceeded his expectations, Berman said. The council’s discussion came just weeks before the launch of downtown’s long-awaited Residential Preferential Program, which will institute a time limit for parking in residential neighborhoods for cars without a permit. The city began selling permits over the weekend and as of Monday afternoon had sold about 400 on its website. Enforcement of the program will begin on Sept. 15 and planning officials will spend six months monitoring the program and gathering data before revising the program based on the data collected. Though it remains to be seen whether the program will succeed in relieving downtown’s parking problem, council members were ecstatic on Monday about just getting to the starting line. Berman noted during the discussion that the council’s work to date has consisted of approving policies and going through planning phases. “Now is the most exciting time,” Berman said. “It’s execution time.” Q Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be reached at gsheyner@ Online This Week These and other news stories were posted on Palo Alto Online throughout the week. For longer versions, go to www.PaloAlto Palo Alto man arrested after alleged stabbing attempt Police arrested a Palo Alto man Tuesday morning who they said tried to stab another man at Buena Vista Mobile Home Park two weeks earlier. (Posted Aug. 19, 8:01 p.m.) Bicyclist with gun robs couple near Friendship Bridge in Palo Alto A man riding a bicycle and brandishing a handgun robbed a couple near the Friendship Bridge before riding away Tuesday evening, Palo Alto police said Wednesday in a press release. (Posted Aug. 19, 4:30 p.m.) Police: Alert neighbor halts prowler home A Palo Alto man was arrested Wednesday after a quick-thinking neighbor notified police when she saw him climbing into the backyard of a University South neighborhood home, police said. (Posted Aug. 19, 8:52 p.m.) Woman groped in downtown Palo Alto Palo Alto police are looking for a man who they said grabbed the buttocks of a woman walking in downtown and then fled on a bicycle Monday evening. (Posted Aug. 19, 7:26 p.m.) Stanford’s Angel of Grief statue vandalized A century-old statue was vandalized at Stanford University earlier this month. The school’s Department of Public Safety was notified on Aug. 11 that the Angel of Grief statue was found with the left forearm broken off, university officials said.(Posted Aug. 19, 4:22 p.m.) Owner defends donkeys with BB rifle The owner of the donkey pasture where Palo Alto’s two beloved donkeys reside defended the animals on Monday night by shooing off a harassing dog while carrying a BB rifle, according to Palo Alto police. (Posted Aug. 18, 7:20 p.m.) Palo Alto changes fee rules to support Buena Vista purchase After making a pledge in June to contribute $14.5 million toward the preservation of Buena Vista Mobile Home Park, the City Council on Monday changed its guidelines for affordablehousing fees to make the funds available for the park’s purchase. (Posted Aug. 18, 2:55 p.m.) Cat maulings by coyotes prompt warning A series of cat maulings in Palo Alto this summer has raised concerns among some residents and has prompted a warning to keep small pets indoors at night. (Posted Aug. 18, 3:52 p.m.) Palo Alto police arrest rooftop prowler Palo Alto police arrested Eric Thomas Schmidt, a 30-yearold San Jose resident, on Friday, Aug. 14, after he allegedly attempted to steal bicycles wheels from inside the carport of a College Terrace neighborhood home and fled to a nearby rooftop. (Posted Aug. 17, 5:39 p.m.) SurveyMonkey prepares to leave Palo AltoFollowing in the tradition of Google and Facebook, SurveyMonkey is preparing to leave downtown Palo Alto to open a bigger headquarters elsewhere on the Peninsula. (Posted Aug. 17, 5:16 p.m.) Want to get news briefs emailed to you every weekday? Sign up for Express, our daily e-edition. Go to to sign up. Correction The Aug. 14 article, “Data reveals where school district has more, and less, space for students,” incorrectly stated that none of Palo Alto Unified’s elementary schools have more than 600 students. Ohlone Elementary School has enrolled slightly more than 600 students for the 2015-16 school year. The Weekly regrets the error. To request a correction, contact Editor Jocelyn Dong at 650-223-6514, jdong@paweekly. com or P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302. PALO ALTO CITY COUNCIL CIVIC CENTER, 250 HAMILTON AVENUE BROADCAST LIVE ON KZSU, FM 90.1 CABLECAST LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 26 ***************************************** THIS IS A SUMMARY OF COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS. THE AGENDA WITH COMPLETE TITLES INCLUDING LEGAL DOCUMENTATION CAN BE VIEWED AT THE BELOW WEBPAGE: AGENDA–SPECIAL MEETING–COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUGUST 24, 2015 6:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH CITY LABOR NEGOTIATORS- IAFF, PAPOA, PAPMA, FCA CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Adoption of an Ordinance Changing the End of Term Date for Commissioners Serving on the Human Relations Commission, Library Advisory Commission, Public Art Commission and Utilities Advisory Commission from April 30 to May 31 of Various Years and Making Minor Non-substantive Language Changes ( WWYV]HS VM HU (TLUKTLU[ [V [OL 6ѝJL VM ,TLYNLUJ` Services Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information (C4I) Critical Emergency Response Contract Number C13149763 to Add an Additional $25,000 in Funding to the Contract for a Total Not to Exceed Amount of $275,000 7 VSPJ` :LY]PJLZ *VTTP[[LL HUK :[Hќ 9LJVTTLUKH[PVU that the City Council Authorize a Request for Proposals for; H;LJOUPJHS:[\K`VM0UJYLHZLK(PY;YHѝJ5VPZL[V+LZPNUH[L a Council Member to Act as a Liaison to Engage in Regional 4P[PNH[PVUHUK(K]VJHJ`,ќVY[Z(KVW[H9LZVS\[PVU<YNPUN the Federal Aviation Administration to Address Increased (PYJYHM[ 5VPZL PU 7HSV (S[V HUK +PYLJ[ :[Hќ [V ,UNHNL PU Additional Outreach, Coordination and Advocacy Activities Regarding Aircraft Noise : ,*65+ 9,(+05.! (KVW[PVU ^P[O 4PUVY :[Hќ0UP[PH[LK Changes Following First Reading) of an Ordinance Deleting Section 18.42.110 of Chapter 18.42 of Title 18 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code and Adding a New Section 18.42.110 Pertaining to the Siting and Permitting of Wireless Communications Facilities; Exempt from California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b) and 15301, 15302 and 15305. (FIRST READING: June 29, 2015, Passed: 8-0, DuBois absent) 6. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Palo Alto and Caltrain Regarding Vegetation Removal and Fencing Enhancements and an Intrusion Detection Camera System Beta Test in the Caltrain Corridor in Palo Alto and the Adoption of a Related Budget Amendment Ordinance Action Items 7. Recommendation to Adopt an Ordinance Implementing a Local Minimum Wage Requirement of $11.00 by January 1, 2016 and Discussion of Collaborating With Other Cities to Implement a Regional Minimum Wage of $15.00 Per Hour by 2018 8. Approval of Response to Grand Jury Report “A Slow Rising Emergency– Sea Level Rise” 9. Approval of Response to Grand Jury Report on Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Residents 10. PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance to Amend Chapters 18.38, PC Planned Community District Regulations, and 18.79, Development Project Preliminary Review Procedures; Exempt from CEQA under CEQA Guidelines 15061 COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEE The Special Policy and Services Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM to discuss: 1) Discussion and Recommendations to City Council Regarding the Colleagues Memo on Strengthening City Engagement with Neighborhoods; and 2)Continued Discussion Regarding City Council Procedural Matters, Including Updates to Municipal Code Sections for Appeals, Post Government Employment Regulations, Date/Time of Policy and Services Committee and Other Referral Items from City Council Retreat (Continued from June 9, 2015) A Special City Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM to conduct interviews of candidates for the Utilities Advisory Committee • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 11 Spanish (continued from page 5) Kristin Hallsted, now 25 years old, reflected on her time in the program as she set up her own thirdgrade dual-immersion classroom in southern California last week. “I think I got to be a more accepting person of other cultures and other types of people,” she said. The Palo Alto program regularly takes students to both Mexico and Spain, and she said traveling as a child was eye-opening for her. Hallsted was among the first 28 kindergarteners in the inaugural group in 1995 at Fairmeadow Elementary School. Her parents said they enrolled her on a whim when the immersion option was offered at kindergarten registration; neither speaks Spanish fluently, but they have some familiarity with the language. Her mother’s family members, all from Europe, speak multiple languages, and she wanted the same for her daughter. After going through the district and continuing to take Spanish, Hallsted went to Whittier College in southern California, where she double-majored in child development and Spanish. She also studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain, during college. After graduation, she worked as a teacher’s assistant in a mostly Latino community (the fact that she spoke Spanish got her the job, she said) and got a master’s degree in elementary bilingual education. Her younger sister Kimberley also went through the immersion program. (She’s the one leaving the country in a few months for a physical therapy internship in Chile, a country she chose for the language spoken there.) One of Kristin Hallsted’s early immersion teachers was Magdalena Fittoria. Fittoria was born in Mexico, went on to attend Stanford University as a first-generation college student and later joined Palo Alto Unified School District as a Spanish immersion teacher in the program’s second year. Fittoria went on to serve as the principal of Barron Park Elementary School for several years and this school year started in a new post as a special projects administrator for the district, tasked with helping to implement recommendations from the superintendent’s Minority Achievement and Talent Development Advisory committee and with an expansion of the district’s Response to Intervention (RTI) program, a process meant to provide early identification and support for struggling students. Fittoria also enrolled her son in the Spanish immersion program as a first-grader. Fittoria — who moved to the United States when she was in kindergarten, knowing no English — said she saw this decision as a continuation of her own parents’ commitment to maintaining her bilingualism and biculturalism. Her parents, who had an elementary-level education, had a “vision”: “You have to stay bilingual; you have to keep your language and learn English because two languages are better than one and you’ll always have more opportunities,” she said. “That was a very strong message.” Fittoria’s son Miguel later attended the University of Rochester, where he double majored in political science and psychology and also completed a master’s degree in human development. He’s now serving as DreamCatchers’ program director, working with many English-language-learner students and Spanish-speaking families to navigate the school system. Looking back, the Spanish immersion program engendered in Miguel both empathy and an appreciation of differences that play directly into his work at DreamCatchers, he said. “The immersion program is a special kind of program that just changed everybody’s values,” he said. “It was a much more inclusive classroom and setting than what I saw other classrooms were like. Everybody’s values were, ‘Let’s all bring in our cultures’ a lot more than any other classroom was.” (Miguels’ mother even brought home a menorah one year at his request after the class talked about different religious traditions one winter.) Veronica Weber Upfront Sophie Profit, a third-grader at Escondido Elementary School, reads Spanish in her class on Aug. 19. This has also informed his own understanding and value of multicultural teaching in settings beyond immersion programs. “I think coming out of a classroom that was oriented toward ... that culture of bringing everybody’s own culture into the classroom and making it even and equal — that helped my conversations whenever I had talks about what it means to be an English-language learner not in an immersion program,” he said. “What does it mean for a Spanish speaker to come into a classroom needing to learn English and maybe sometimes being held as not as important or maybe not as brilliant or not as capable?” For two decades, creating positive cross-cultural attitudes, along with bilingualism and biliteracy and high academic achievement, have remained the Spanish immersion program’s three core goals. Students learn to read, write, add, subtract and the like first mostly in Spanish, with English instruction gradually increasing as they rise through higher grades. As a dualimmersion model, the classes are supposed to be a mix of native and non-native speakers to make sure students model for one another as much as the teacher does. In kindergarten through second grade, 80 percent of classroom instruction is in Spanish, 20 percent in English. English instruction increases to 30 percent in third grade, 40 percent in fourth grade and about 50 percent in fifth 5 minute showers? She’ll get used to it. During this drought, those long, luxurious showers have got to go. So please, keep it clean and quick. Limit your showers to 5 minutes or less. And keep a bucket in the shower to save the water that’s warming up. Then, use that water to flush the toilet, clean the bathroom, wash the dog or water the plants. For more information, go to Page 12 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Upfront grade. Administrators and teachers stress that immersion students get the same curriculum — and same academic rigor — that students in English-only classrooms receive. “We have the same rigor, the same standards, the same expectations as every other student enrolled in Palo Alto,” Fittoria said. “We don’t let that go by.” Some early wariness about the program stemmed from concerns about young students learning core content and subjects in a new language. (This was soon disproved in Palo Alto and elsewhere, with both native and nonnative speakers outperforming their English-only counterparts on standardized academic tests.) Parents of the early cohorts remember having to become proactive champions for the program, coordinating parent and community education as well as constantly fundraising so that their children would have the necessary materials and the program could remain revenue neutral, they said. Families who want to enroll their children in the program are also asked to commit to staying for six years. Last year’s program brochure notes that current bilingual education research states that it can take up to seven to nine years to acquire a second language. “That was the reason to have this massive parent and community education process because, let’s be honest, we’re a monolingual society and it’s really hard for us to imagine bilingualism,” said Chuck Merritt, one of the first parents in the program and now principal of Escondido. “In other parts of the world, it’s not so hard to imagine because it takes place all the time. But here, it’s really a community education process that had to take place.” Merritt, a longtime Spanish teacher, joined the district as a teacher at Palo Alto High School in 1993, the year before a district task force recommended Spanish immersion as the district’s best option for bringing foreign language instruction to its elementary schools. He enrolled his daughter Emily in the Spanish immersion program during its second year. She went on to spend her junior year of high school in Spain, study linguistics in college, teach Spanish classes and learn Arabic and Mandarin. “You’re going to see this story repeated over and over again,” Merritt said of his daughter’s experience. “There are so many kids that came out of the program that are just in love with learning languages. “As a monolingual society, we kind of have some invisible barriers around us — this container model of the brain that is not supported by modern neuroscience, that you can only really have so many languages in your head. The experience that these kids have just sort of explodes that because they’re not walking around with that container model about bilingualism in their head. They’re fearless.” Merritt, too, has stayed closely tied to the Spanish immersion program and its values. He started this week as Escondido’s new principal and the district’s world language administrator, a new position covering pre-K through high school. He said in his new role, he hopes to “build a real K-12 world language vision in the school district.” He said he hopes to foster stronger connections and a shared vision between the district’s elementary immersion programs, including both Spanish at Escondido and Mandarin at Ohlone, with their immersion and worldlanguage counterparts in middle school and beyond. (The district has long run a “bridge” Spanish immersion program — that is, courses to serve as a bridge between elementary and high school language education — at Jordan Middle School and this year is beginning a new Mandarin bridge class, also at Jordan.) Merritt’s hope aligns with parent, teacher and staff sentiment, reported in a recent research report the district commissioned last year, that the district’s worldlanguage programs are strong yet disjointed. Merritt also sees immersion education as key in supporting the district’s official vision to “support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world.” This is certainly true in the case of Molly Kawahata, one of the first kindergarten students who said speaking Spanish helped her get internships and later jobs. During high school, she spoke Spanish with clients at a local law firm she was interning at and translated for doctors at a medical clinic where she volunteered. In college, she interned in the White House Department of Communications, translating Spanish documents and articles into English. She reflected on the Spanish immersion program this week from her office in Washington, D.C., where she works as a policy assistant for energy and climate change for the White House Domestic Policy Council. “It was an amazing way to teach students how to both pick up a new language in a way that would make them near-native speakers but also cultivating in them this internationally minded approach to dealing with issues and leading on them,” said Kawahata, who is flying in from D.C. to attend the anniversary event this weekend. In 2007, when the district’s yetto-be-approved (and very controversial) Mandarin immersion program came before the school board, Kawahata lobbied on its behalf as Gunn High School’s school board representative. Almost a decade later, she found a statement she made in support of the Mandarin program from her seat at the dais: “When I look at the first class of the Spanish Immersion, the people I’ve known since kindergarten, I see future leaders, future ambassadors — I see the bridge between languages, cultures, and societies.” “Twenty years later,” Kawahata wrote in an email this week, “I’ve seen my fellow classmates become journalists, educators, bioengineers, multilingual tech innovators — leaders of today. And I have no doubt that the next generation of leaders are in their immersion classrooms in Palo Alto — right now — learning their second language. Our community continues to prepare the next generation of leaders to go out in the world and change it. And that they are.” Q The Spanish immersion program anniversary celebration will take place on Saturday, Aug. 22, 3-7 p.m., at Escondido Elementary School, 890 Escondido Road, Stanford. Organizers are collecting photos, memories and more from throughout the years. For more information, go to Memory care like you’ve never experienced before is coming soon to Redwood City Introducing two unique levels of care ensington Place is a new memory care community opening this September. We will offer personalized assistance, services and programs that are clinically comprehensive, highly supportive and tender—like no other area provider. We will K care dearly for our residents—and for you. Our two neighborhoods will accommodate varying degrees of loss. Connections will serve residents in the early to middle stages of dementia, and Haven will serve those in the middle to late stages. Call soon to schedule your visit. Limited availability— suites are going fast! Call or visit to reserve yours today. RCFE License 415600964 650-363-9200 Information Center: 536 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA 94063 Community under development at 2800 El Camino Real • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 13 Upfront School board (continued from page 9) might want to correct the record. School board President Melissa Baten Caswell said Wednesday that she wasn’t aware of Dauber’s request to the FPPC and doesn’t have enough information to know whether he has a conflict of interest that would prevent his participation in future board discussions or action on OCR matters. At the last board meeting of the 2014-15 school year in June, Dauber requested that a status update on the district’s pending OCR cases be placed on the board’s agenda in the new school year. Baten Caswell, Vice President Heidi Emberling and Terry Godfrey supported this request, while member Camille Townsend did not. McGee said he would appreciate the board’s input on how to proceed in his communications with the Office for Civil Rights. “If you would like me to pursue some kind of conversation to bring this to early resolution, I will do so,” McGee said. “If you want to wait to hear from OCR, I will do so. I’m looking for clarity here. I can see the pros and cons of both.” In his post this week, Dauber expressed support for reaching out “proactively” and working with the agency “cooperatively to address any issues for the benefit of the students involved, as well as all of our other students.” “Unfortunately, I am hampered in making this case on the school board by suggestions that I have a conflict of interest,” he wrote. “That is why I have put this question to the FPPC. When I receive an answer I will share it publicly with the community, and I will of course follow the FPPC’s advice.” Q NOTICE OF A SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING of the Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission Please be advised the Planning and Transportation Commission (P&TC) shall conduct a Special public meeting at 7:30 PM, Wednesday, August 26, 2015 in the Council Chambers, Ground Floor, Civic Center, Palo Alto, California. Any interested persons may appear and be heard on these items. :[HɈYLWVY[ZMVYHNLUKPaLKP[LTZHYLH]HPSHISL]PH[OL*P[`»ZTHPU^LIZP[LH[^^^JP[`VMpaloalto.orgHUKHSZVH[[OL7SHUUPUN+P]PZPVU-YVU[+LZR[O-SVVY*P[`/HSSHM[LY!74 VU[OL-YPKH`WYLJLKPUN[OLTLL[PUNKH[L*VWPLZ^PSSILTHKLH]HPSHISLH[[OL+L]LSVWTLU[*LU[LYZOV\SK*P[`/HSSILJSVZLKVU[OL -YPKH` Public Hearing 1. 5061 Skyline Blvd [14PLN-00017]::P[LHUK+LZPNU9L]PL^VMH6UL:[VY` ZX M[ :PUNSL -HTPS` /VTL ^P[O HU H[[HJOLK VULJHY NHYHNL HUK HZZVJPH[LK ZP[L PTWYV]LTLU[ZVUH]HJHU[HJYLWHYJLSVMSHUKPU[OL6WLU:WHJL6:AVUPUN +PZ[YPJ[ ,U]PYVUTLU[HS (ZZLZZTLU[! ,_LTW[ MYVT [OL 7YV]PZPVUZ VM [OL *HSPMVYUPH ,U]PYVUTLU[HS8\HSP[`(J[WLY:LJ[PVUB735D-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU JVU[HJ[*SHYL*HTWILSSH[JSHYLJHTWILSS'JP[`VMWHSVHS[VVYN*Quasi-Judicial 0U[LYPT6YKPUHUJLMVY[OLLZ[HISPZOTLU[VM6ɉJL9+(UU\HS.YV^[O3PTP[ HWWSPJHISL[V+V^U[V^U*HSPMVYUPH(]LU\L(YLHHUK[OL,S*HTPUV*VYYPKVY ¶;OL7SHUUPUNHUK;YHUZWVY[H[PVU*VTTPZZPVU^PSS*VUZPKLYH9LJVTTLUKH[PVU [V[OL*P[`*V\UJPSMVY(KVW[PVUVMHU0U[LYPT6YKPUHUJL[V,Z[HISPZOHU6ɉJL9+ (UU\HS.YV^[O3PTP[(WWSPJHISL[V+V^U[V^U[OL*HSPMVYUPH(]LU\L(YLHHUK[OL,S *HTPUV*VYYPKVYVUHU0U[LYPT)HZPZ-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[/PSSHY`.P[LSTHU at /PSSHY`NP[LSTHU'JP[`VMWHSVHS[VVYN*65;05<,+-964(<.<:; -VYT\SH9L[HPS6YKPUHUJLMVY*HSPMVYUPH(]LU\L! The Planning and Transporta[PVU*VTTPZZPVU^PSSJVUZPKLYYLJVTTLUKPUNHUVYKPUHUJL[V[OL*P[`*V\UJPS[V HTLUK[OL*P[`»ZAVUPUN*VKLHUKAVUPUN4HW[VL_[LUK[OL9L[HPS9*VTIPUPUN +PZ[YPJ[IL`VUK*HSPMVYUPH(]LU\L"LZ[HISPZOYLN\SH[PVUZHUKYL]PL^WYVJLK\YLZMVY MVYT\SHYL[HPS\ZLZHUKJLY[HPUWLYZVUHSZLY]PJL\ZLZPL"OHPYHUKUHPSZHSVUZPU[OL 9*VTIPUPUN+PZ[YPJ["HUKJOHUNLZ[V[OLWYV]PZPVUMVYNYHUKMH[OLYLK\ZLZPU[OL 9*VTIPUPUN+PZ[YPJ[;OPZVYKPUHUJLPZL_LTW[MYVT[OL*HSPMVYUPH,U]PYVUTLU[HS 8\HSP[` (J[ *,8( W\YZ\HU[ ZLJ[PVU I HUK ZLJ[PVU VM [OL *,8( .\PKLSPULZ-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[1VUH[OHU3HP[H[QVUH[OHUSHP['JP[`*65;05<,+-9641<3@ 0U[LYPT9L[HPS6YKPUHUJL¶;OL7SHUUPUNHUK;YHUZWVY[H[PVU*VTTPZZPVU^PSSJVUZPKLYHYLJVTTLUKH[PVU[V[OL*P[`*V\UJPSMVYHKVW[PVUVMHU0U[LYPT6YKPUHUJL 3PTP[PUN *VU]LYZPVU VM .YV\UK -SVVY 9L[HPS HUK ¸9L[HPS 3PRL¹ <ZLZ [V 6[OLY <ZLZ *P[`^PKL ;OL WYVWVZLK VYKPUHUJL MHSSZ \UKLY [OL *HSPMVYUPH ,U]PYVUTLU[HS 8\HSP[`(J[*,8(L_LTW[PVUMV\UKPU;P[SL*HSPMVYUPH*VKLVM9LN\SH[PVUZ:LJ[PVU IILJH\ZLP[PZKLZPNULK[VWYLZLY]L[OLZ[H[\ZX\V-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU JVU[HJ[ 1VUH[OHU 3HP[ H[ QVUH[OHUSHP['JP[`VMWHSVHS[VVYN *65;05<,+ -964 (<.<:; Questions. For any questions regarding the above items, please contact the Planning DeWHY[TLU[H[ ;OLÄSLZYLSH[PUN[V[OLZLP[LTZHYLH]HPSHISLMVYPUZWLJ[PVU ^LLRKH`ZIL[^LLU[OLOV\YZVM!(4[V!74;OPZW\ISPJTLL[PUNPZ[LSL]PZLKSP]L VU.V]LYUTLU[(JJLZZ*OHUULS (+(;OL*P[`VM7HSV(S[VKVLZUV[KPZJYPTPUH[LHNHPUZ[PUKP]PK\HSZ^P[OKPZHIPSP[PLZ;V YLX\LZ[HUHJJVTTVKH[PVUMVY[OPZTLL[PUNVYHUHS[LYUH[P]LMVYTH[MVYHU`YLSH[LKWYPU[LK TH[LYPHSZWSLHZLJVU[HJ[[OL*P[`»Z(+(*VVYKPUH[VYH[ ]VPJLVYI`LTHPSing HKH'JP[`VMWHSVHS[VVYN. /PSSHY`.P[LSTHU+PYLJ[VYVM7SHUUPUNHUK*VTT\UP[`,U]PYVUTLU[ Page 14 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Zoning Wage (continued from page 10) (continued from page 5) definition of zoning for sale.” “This isn’t out of the box,” Rosenblum said. “This is a cash payment in exchange for zoning exception. It’s an old practice and we know what this is.” Though the reforms are unlikely to appease the critics of the plannedcommunity process, a new report from the Department of Planning and Community Environment argues that the proposed changes, including the new pre-screening requirement, introduce “greater transparency and predictability to the review and decision making.” “Together, changes to these chapters are intended to ameliorate uncertainty in the community about the future use of the PC and pre-screening regulations,” the report states. Q Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be emailed at gsheyner@ call for annual adjustments in the minimum wage, based on the consumer price index. Mountain View, like San Francisco, has also embarked on the “$15 by ’18” path, which Palo Alto also plans to follow. Though Palo Alto has only recently started exploring a local minimum-wage ordinance, it is moving fast. The topic came up during a debate before last November’s council election, with just about every candidate enthusiastically endorsing a higher minimum wage. In February, four council members formally sparked the move in a colleagues memo that proposed a local minimum wage. Councilmen Marc Berman, Pat Burt, Tom DuBois and Cory Wolbach cited the high cost of living in Palo Alto and noted that if the minimum wages were adjusted based on local cost of living, they NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING of the City of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board (ARB) 8:30 A.M., Thursday, September 3, 2015, Palo Alto Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Plans may be reviewed at the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue or online at: http://www.; contact Diana Tamale for additional information during business hours at 650.329.2144. The retreat will be held in the Community Room at *P[` /HSS VU [OL ÄYZ[ ÅVVY HM[LY [OL JVUJS\ZPVU VM regular business in the Chambers. Regular Business: 7VY[LY +YP]L 4H`ÄLSK [15PLN- 00109]: Request by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for Architectural Review of the demolition of an existing 67,580 square foot structure and JVUZ[Y\J[PVUVM ZX\HYLMVV[VɉJLI\PSKPUN;OL ZP[LPZH4H`ÄLSKKLZPNUH[LKWYVWLY[`PU[OL97aVUPUN district and includes the creation of a new commercial lease line. Environmental Review: City of Palo Alto/ Stanford Development Agreement and Lease Project Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2003082103) and Exemption 15302 (Replacement and Reconstruction). ARB Findings: ARB members will discuss a proposed YLK\J[PVUPU[OLU\TILYVM(9)ÄUKPUNZMVYHWWYV]HS Retreat Topics: 1. ARB 2015 Design Awards: ARB members will discuss projects eligible for the 2015 ARB Awards. Amy French &KLHI3ODQQLQJ2I¿FLDO The City of Palo Alto does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. To request an accommodation for this meeting or an alternative format for any related printed materials, please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at 650.329.2550 (voice) or by e-mailing ada@ Upfront “would be considerably higher in Palo Alto and the Peninsula than most elsewhere in the state.” The memo called the proposed minimum-wage ordinance “a modest but constructive step toward providing adequate income for all workers.” “Our lowest wage workers perform valued services in Palo Alto and often have to work multiple jobs with long commutes to barely make ends meet,” the memo states. “A local minimum wage would be a modest step in supporting these workers who are vital to maintaining the services we value and that are essential to our local economy. In addition, the strength of our community and society relies on maintaining a level of economic fairness and opportunity for all.” While most cities are focusing on their own particular minimumwage ordinances, others are building coalitions and calling for more coordination. In June, the mayors of Mountain View and Sunnyvale co-wrote a letter to their counterparts in Palo Alto and Campbell (which is also pursuing a minimum-wage ordinance) urging a “joint approach” to reaching the $15 per hour standard. “Raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2018 will ... help lift working families out of poverty,” Mountain View Mayor John McAlister and Sunnyvale Mayor Jim Griffith wrote in the letter. “With more income, minimumwage workers would have more spending power and inject more money into the local economy, which would benefit businesses through increased sales and local governments through increased sales-tax revenue.” McAlister also serves on the Cities Association of Santa Clara County subcommittee that focused on the minimum wage and that in June released a report calling for better regional coordination of these efforts. “A lack of consistency in minimum wage rates creates serious problems for jurisdictions, locations, and employers,” the subcommittee wrote, noting that differences in minimum wage requirements can affect the city’s economic competitiveness. “Additionally, jurisdictions have already received reports from employers in Santa Clara County stating that cities without an increased minimum wage are losing quality employees to opportunities in cities with higher minimum wages.” If the Palo Alto City Council embraces the specific recommendations from its committee, the city’s minimum wage would hit the $11 mark in January. It would be adjusted every year based on cost of living, and it would cover employers who are either subject to the city’s business-registry requirements, conduct business in Palo Alto or maintain a business facility in the city, according to a new report from the Office of the City Attorney. The city also plans to enter into an agreement with the City of San Jose Office of Equality Assurance to enforce the local ordinance, a similar arrangement to the one that the office enjoys with Mountain View and Sunnyvale. Palo Alto’s proposed ordinance also expressly prohibits retaliation against employees who complain about an employer who doesn’t comply with the law. Violators could face a daily fine, an administrative compliance order or, in the most extreme cases, a civil action launched by the city for injunctive relief. In the lead-up to the final decision, the city is surveying local residents and businesses to get their thoughts on raising the minimum wage. The city also asked residents on its online forum, Open City Hall, what they thought about the proposal and received 52 responses, with about two-thirds saying they are in favor of the proposal. Those supporting the change cited the high cost of living in Palo Alto and the need to support people who work here. Barron Park resident Joel Davidson wrote on the forum that at least a $15 wage is “necessary in this area of opulence and high rents and prices.” Alexandra Acker-Lyons of Palo Verde concurred and said living in Palo Alto or anywhere near the city is “prohibitively expensive.” Opponents characterized the plan as well-meaning but ultimately misguided. Darryl Fenwith of Downtown North wrote on the city’s forum that while it would be nice to find a way to help low-skilled workers live in high-priced areas like Palo Alto, raising the minimum wage could actually hurt workers by “denying them employment opportunities, reducing work hours, or being dismissed from employment.” While raising the minimum wage may help some, it would hurt others, Fenwith wrote. “And really, these conclusions make sense — employers react to price signals,” Fenwith wrote. “In essence, they see a raise in minimum wage as equivalent to a tax on low-skilled workers.” Q CityView A round-up of Palo Alto government action this week City Council (Aug. 17) Transportation: The council reviewed the city’s on going parking and trafficmanagement initiatives. It also discussed Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s planned tax measure and agreed to submit a list of projects to the VTA as part of the planning effort. Yes: Berman, Burt, DuBois, Filseth, Holman, Kniss, Schmid, Wolbach Absent: Scharff Comprehensive Plan: The council agreed to add five members to the Comprehensive Plan Update Community Advisory Committee, with a focus on residents from south Palo Alto. Yes: Berman, Burt, DuBois, Filseth, Holman, Schmid, Wolbach Absent: Kniss, Scharff Council Finance Committee (Aug. 18) Electricity: The committee approved the first phase of the design guidelines for the 2015 Electric Cost of Service Analysis. Yes: Filseth, Kniss, Schmid Absent: Scharff Human Relations Commission (Aug. 20) Hate Crimes: The commission heard a presentation from the Police Department about hate crimes in Palo Alto and held its annual retreat to discuss the roles of subcommittees and potential topics for a speaker series. Action: None LET’S DISCUSS: Read the latest local news headlines and talk about the issues at Town Square at Join our wait list now! Our life here Judy and Dave Creek, joined in 2012 People PETS And Our Place Ask residents what they love most about living at Webster House, Palo Alto’s most appealing senior living community, and they’ll tell you “it’s the people.” With only thirty-seven apartment homes ideally located near downtown Palo Alto, Webster House is the lifestyle you want in the neighborhood you know. To learn more, or for your personal visit, please call 650.838.4004. Your style, your neighborhood. 401 Webster Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 A not-for-profit community operated by Episcopal Senior Communities. License No. 435294364 COA #246. EPWH726-01FA 082115 • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 15 Upfront Tax (continued from page 5) beyond is something that has to come out of the current process,” Siegel said. So far, the VTA’s approach to the measure has consisted primarily of conducting surveys and soliciting projects from each city in the county. The process, known as Envision Silicon Valley, aims to collect all the data and then use it to figure out which projects to fund. With San Jose boasting the largest population in the county and the most representatives on both the VTA and the Board of Supervisors, the BART extension is expected to do well once again. Bike projects, bus programs and pothole repairs throughout the county are also expected to win allocations. Palo Alto’s top priority, however, is Caltrain. On Monday night, the city reaffirmed its commitment to boosting Caltrain’s capacity and moving the train tracks into a trench so that they would no longer intersect with local streets. The project, which would cost more than $500 million in the southern half of Palo Alto alone, is one of dozens the city is preparing to sub- mit to the VTA — a list that also includes bike boulevards, an expanded shuttle system and the potential widening of Page Mill Road. In this crowded field of projects, the trenching of Caltrain stands out for its scale, cost and overwhelming popularity. Palo Alto’s four-mile rail corridor is expected to get busier in the coming years, thanks to Caltrain’s electrification (which will enable an increased number of trains) and the potential arrival of highspeed rail. Greater use of the train corridor would further hamper east-to-west travel in south Palo Alto. Two recent clusters of 65 46 35 MILE RIDES presented by A U G U S T 2 2 teenage deaths by suicide on the tracks have added urgency to the project, with officials now focusing on the restriction of access to the train tracks as part of the citywide suicide-prevention effort. Lest the VTA miss the point, Palo Alto supplemented its laundry list of projects with a shorter priority list, which includes Caltrain in the top spot, followed by bicycle improvements; first- and last-mile transit from Caltrain stations to employment centers in north Santa Clara County; and support for “transportationdemand-management” policies, which aim to convince drivers to use other modes of transportation. Councilman Tom DuBois was one of several members to call the trenching of the train tracks his “one priority.” “I think it has an opportunity to improve Palo Alto in a way that no other option really offers,” DuBois said. The project would “improve quality of life” in Peninsula cities and eliminate concerns about noise and safety around the tracks, he said. “I think this is a time to start really asking for a large amount of money from the sales tax to be for the trench,” DuBois said. His colleagues agreed, though the vote on the narrower priority list split 5-3, with Councilman Eric Filseth, Councilwoman Liz Kniss and Vice Mayor Greg Schmid voting “no” (Councilman Greg Scharff was absent). Though no one disputed prioritizing Caltrain, the dissenting council members wanted to defer the full discussion about prioritization until next month, when the council is set to discuss the city’s long-term vision for transportation. The full list, which includes about 50 projects, was approved by all eight council members. Council members also unanimously agreed that Palo Alto should strengthen its collaboration with neighboring cities and lobby for a regional transportation plan. Filseth pointed to San Mateo County, which created an integrated plan as part of its 2004 transportation measure. Santa Clara County, he said, should follow that model. “The Envision Silicon Valley measure doesn’t feel like that,” Filseth said. “It feels like a singlepoint project wrapped together with a scaffold designed by a political poll to make it more likely to pass a public vote.” Councilman Pat Burt, a longtime advocate for a Caltrain trench, thanked the Mountain View officials who attended the meeting Monday and said he is “very encouraged by the current Mountain View council’s interest in working together with Palo Alto.” “We look forward to cooperating,” Burt said. Mayor Karen Holman, who took part in putting the letter together, said she anticipates more cooperation with neighboring cities in the coming months. She agreed with Filseth and Councilman Marc Berman that the process used by the VTA is “flawed.” “It focuses a lot on pothole repairs, which all the cities acknowledge is not going to solve any kind of major transportation issue,” Holman said. “It’s going to get someone to punch the card (on the ballot), but it’s not going to solve the transportation issues.” Filseth observed that all council members have a “discomfort” with the process being used by the VTA. “If we submit a list of projects to the VTA by the end of the month, are we inherently buying into a flawed process that’s loaded against us? I think we’re all sort of grappling with that,” Filseth said. But even with the greater cooperation between cities, success in securing funding is far from certain. Palo Alto has no representatives on the VTA’s 18-member board. And four of the five districts in Santa Clara County include sections of San Jose, making Simitian the lone voice representing the northern section of the county. Kniss, a former county supervisor, warned her colleagues that the VTA is “dominated by San Jose.” “I sat there for the first two years desperately trying to get money into north county and away from BART — it’s extraordinarily difficult,” Kniss said. Q Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be reached at gsheyner@ S AT U R D AY REGISTER: Ride Day registration 7-10am @ Menlo-Atherton High School, 555 Middlefield Rd, Atherton We train with YOUR INTENTION INTENTIO is a holistic, multi-disciplinary fitness center with training professionals, nutritionists and sports medicine August Special!! Sign up Today, Get 15% OFF* *Campaign ends 8/31/15 • Contact for an assessment 260 Moffett Blvd. Mountain View, 94043 650.963.9888 • Page 16 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • City of Palo Alto Presents Twilight Concert Series 2015 Saturdays 6:30pm - 8pm Free Admission Teens on the Green August 22 // Rinconada Park Co-sponsored by Palo Alto Weekly and Palo Alto Online • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 17 Inspirations a guide id to t the th spiritual i it l community Pulse POLICE CALLS Palo Alto Aug. 12-18 Violence related Armed robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Assault with a deadly weapon . . . . . . . 1 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Elder abuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Theft related Check fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Commercial burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Counterfeit currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Credit card fraud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Embezzlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Prowler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Scam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Shoplifting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle related Auto burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Auto burglary attempt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bicycle theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Driving with suspended license . . . . . . 6 Driving without license . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 6 Vehicle accident/property damage. . . 19 Inspirations is a resource for ongoing religious services and special events. To inquire about or to reserve space in Inspirations, please contact Blanca Yoc at 223-6596 or email Vehicle code violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle stored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Alcohol or drug related Drinking in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Driving under influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Open container. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sale of drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Selling alcohol to minor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Smoking in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Under influence of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Miscellaneous Casualty/fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Disposal request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 False info to police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Found property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Illegal lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Missing person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Psychiatric hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Psychiatric subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Public urination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 2 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Violation of court order . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Menlo Park Aug. 12-18 Violence related. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Theft related Attempted burglary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Credit card fraud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Embezzlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mail fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Petty theft attempt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 calm. The Elements Massage™ Autumn Unwind. 2 for 129 $ Gift Cards Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle related Auto burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bicycle theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Driving with suspended license . . . . . . 7 Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Stolen plate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Vehicle accident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 1 Vehicle accident/no injury. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Alcohol or drug related Driving under influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Miscellaneous Coroner case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CPS referral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fire damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Found property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Gang validations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grass fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Info case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Medical aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Medical call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Outside assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Probation violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Psychiatric evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Returned missing person . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Warrant arrest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 VIOLENT CRIMES Palo Alto El Camino Real, 8/13, 12:26 p.m.; domestic violence/battery. Webster Street, 8/14, 10:14 a.m.; elder abuse/physical. Everett Avenue, 8/14, 1:13 p.m.; domestic violence/battery. Verdosa Drive, 8/17, 8:52 a.m.; elder abuse/physical. 3980 El Camino Real, 8/17, 2:54 p.m.; assault with deadly weapon. High Street, 8/17, 9:07 p.m.; battery/ sexual. Welch Road, 8/17, 9:47 p.m.; domestic violence/battery. 1879 Embarcadero Road, 8/18, 10 p.m.; robbery/armed. Matched CareGivers Menlo Park - San Mateo - San Jose Massage session includes time for consultation and dressing. The Elements Promise™ is not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash, bartered or sold. Void where prohibited or otherwise restricted by law. Substitute massage session equal in value and duration to RULJLQDOPDVVDJHVHVVLRQ1RWYDOLGIRUGLVFRXQWHGVHUYLFHVDQGFDQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURσHU2WKHUUHVWULFWLRQVPD\DSSO\ see studio for details. Each Elements Massage™ studio is independently owned and operated. Enjoy the country’s highest-rated massage! Personalized, therapeutic. Its massage, The Elements Way® Palo Alto Edgewood Plaza 2190 W Bayshore Rd., Ste. 160 Palo Alto, CA 650.847.1825 “Best” claim based on Net Promoter Scores from 2013 via Page 18 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • “There’s no place like home.” When you, or someone you care about, needs assistance... you can count on us to be there. We provide Peninsula families with top, professional caregivers. Call now (650) 839-2273 Transitions Keiko Mizuhara March 25, 1939 – Aug. 4, 2015 Births, marriages and deaths Jake Price Jake “Jay” Edward Price, a former Palo Alto resident, died on July 15 in Watsonville. He was 69. He was born on Dec. 24, 1946, in San Francisco, and his family moved to Palo Alto in 1959. He attended Jordan Junior High School — where he was student body president — and graduated from Palo Alto High School in 1964. During the early ’60s, he was the lead singer of the Legends, a popular rhythm and blues band that played at Stanford University events, the YMCA, Moffett Field and other local gigs. He attended Bishop College in Dallas, Texas, studying the liberal arts, and he served for a time in the U.S. Army. For many years, he worked as a salesman of automated warehousing equipment. A passionate sports fan, he enjoyed following the San Francisco 49ers and the San Francisco Giants. He was known for often expressing love for his family, which will remember him for his great energy and sense of humor. He is survived by his sister, Marlowe Price of Canoga Park, California; his sons, Tony Price of Santa Cruz and Brandon Price of Long Beach, California; his grandson, Brandon Adrian Price; and many nieces and nephews. A private memorial service will be held on Labor Day weekend. Memorial donations can be made to the American Lung Association ( Marilyn Molner Marilyn “Maya” Molner, a former Palo Alto and Atherton resident, died on June 29 in Forestville, California. She was 86. She was born on May 1, 1929, in Chicago, to Beatrice Klein Freed and Samuel Molner, and grew up primarily in Chicago. She married Irwin H. Mittelman in 1950 and after moved to the Bay Area. The couple lived in Palo Alto during the ’50s, before moving into a home they built in Atherton. She and Irwin later divorced in the early ’70s. On the Peninsula Marilyn studied at Stanford University, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in art history in 1967. She also became involved in political causes opposing hous- ing discrimination, the Vietnam War and war in general. She was a skilled artist, whose paintings in oil, acrylic and watercolor were influenced by abstract expressionism. She also did work in etching and papermaking. Her pieces were exhibited at a handful of venues in Palo Alto, including the Richard Summer Gallery, the Frame Shop Gallery and through the Gallery House cooperative — for which she served on the board. She also studied and practiced art therapy. In the ’60s, she also began to develop her interests in spirituality, Buddhism, Jewish mystical thinking, and the emerging awareness and consciousness movement. She continued exploring these ideas throughout her life, and she later helped to establish the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County. In 1995, she married Phillip “Carver” Moser, a sculptor, and they lived together for the last 20 years in Sebastopol, California. She is survived by her husband, Phillip Moser of Santa Rosa; her son, Jonathan S. Mittelman, M.D., M.P.H., of Windsor, Maine; her daughter, Rabbi Malka Mittelman of La Crescenta, California; and four grandsons, David and Daniel Mittelman and Daniel and Noah Stubblefield. A memorial service was held on Aug. 1 at the family home in Sebastopol. Memorial donations can be made to Spirit Rock Meditation Center or The Nature Conservancy. Keiko Mizuhara passed away peacefully at home the morning of Aug. 4, 2015, after a two-year battle with cancer. She is survived by her husband of 52 years, Yosuke; sister, Michiko Matsumoto; son, Kevin; daughter, Linda (Derek) Sanada; and grandsons, Cole and Jake Sanada. She is preceded in death by her father, Shigeru Yamamoto; mother, Miye (nee Yokomizo) Matsumoto; and brothers Shoji and Mark Matsumoto. Born in Alameda, California, Kei was raised in Los Altos, California. She graduated from Mountain View High School and attended San Francisco State University. Her happy spirit, big smile and positive attitude will be greatly missed by all who knew her. A memorial service for Kei will be held at the Mountain View Buddhist Temple on Aug. 22 at 11:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the American Cancer Society: PAID OBITUARY James Bowman Gunn August 16, 1964 – August 4, 2015 James Bowman Gunn died August 4, 2015. He lived a life devoted to theater, comedy, and film, but most importantly he devoted himself to the students he taught and directed, the comics he mentored, and the family and friends he loved. Jim taught drama and film and directed productions for ten years at Kehillah Jewish High School and for six years before that at Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School, where he touched the lives of countless students, parents, and staff. Jim trained students in all aspects of theatrical production including directing, lighting, sound, set/ stage building, acting, choreography and playwriting, instilling in generations a sense of shared responsibility and pride in the arts. Jim was born August 16, 1964 and grew up in Palo Alto. He found his passion on the stage where he started acting as a child at the Palo Alto Children’s Theater. Jim later directed productions for PACT, including its Outreach Program. Over the years, he directed and acted in hundreds of community productions in all kinds of venues. In addition to his teaching, acting, and directing, Jim made his place in the Bay Area Comedy scene, where he was often referred to as “the legendary” Jimmy Gunn. He coached and mentored many young comics over the 20 years he performed comedy, despite his many “retirements.” Comedians will remember him as a kind and respectful person who gave of his time willingly to help and support others. As a lover of film, Jim took great joy in being part of the screening committee for the San Francisco Film Festival throughout the last several decades. Jim is survived by his wife, Myra Lessner of Palo Alto, his parents, Jack and Sue Gunn, his sisters, Mari Kauffmann and Connie Douglas, and his godchildren, Alex and Daniel Klein. The funeral service was held on August 7 at Alta Mesa Memorial Park and the memorial service was held on August 9 at Kol Emeth Synagogue. A special all-pro comedy show, celebration, and fundraiser will be held in his honor on August 26 at Rooster T. Feathers in Sunnyvale. http://roostertfeathers. Donations in his honor may be made to Kehillah Jewish High School directed to the James Gunn Memorial Fund to support the performing arts. Please use this link for more information: May Jim’s memory be a blessing to all who knew him. PAID OBITUARY • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 19 Editorial Unworthy PC ‘reforms’ Proposed changes to special ‘planned community’ zoning should be firmly rejected A year and a half after putting a temporary halt to any further negotiated development projects that exceed the existing zoning, proposed revisions to be considered Monday by the Palo Alto City Council do virtually nothing to prevent the abuses and controversies that led to the moratorium in the first place. The proposed changes, developed by the city planning staff with input from the Planning & Transportation Commission, are so disconnected from the angst expressed by the community about the use of PC zones that it is hard to believe they were developed by people in touch with mainstream political thinking in Palo Alto. It’s as if the city staff figured the issue had faded enough to resurrect a deeply flawed system with only marginal improvements. Developers should be delighted by the proposal and by the prospect of being able to resume negotiations with city staff over new PC projects. We are not. For years, citizens have complained about Palo Alto’s practice of allowing developers to exceed zoning limits by offering “public benefits” that often don’t live up to promises and about the lack of transparency and enforcement. Last February, with a council election approaching and under intense political pressure, the City Council voted not to accept or approve any new planned-community proposals until it could figure out how to reform the system or dump it entirely. This “time out” for any new PC projects was particularly welltimed for the re-election bid of Councilman Greg Scharff, who used the campaign to speak out for reforms and even suggested the elimination of PCs or a requirement that all proposed PCs to go to the voters for approval. With an election that shifted the council majority toward more constrained growth, Monday’s meeting should be the most significant test yet of where this new council stands on the development policies and practices that have most irked the community. The staff’s proposed changes to the PC process nibble at the problem by making changes to the process of how planned-community proposals are reviewed by the city, requiring more formal public benefit agreements, establishing monitoring and enforcement policies and requiring an independent economic analysis. But the proposal does nothing to address the biggest problems with the PC process, including the private negotiations that take place between a developer and the city staff, leading to an agreement on the outlines of a plan for public benefits and zoning exceptions before either the public or the council is involved, and the lack of clear guidelines and limits on what constitutes a public benefit. Nothing in the proposal fixes the underlying problem of every project being subject to individual negotiations — and with every conceivable public benefit, including outright cash payments, being on the table for horse-trading. The newly proposed requirement that an independent economic analysis be done was already implemented by City Manager Jim Keene and was a miserable failure in its first major use for the now-withdrawn Jay Paul Company project on Park Boulevard. It will take more than ordinance language to fix that. The original concept behind the creation of the planned-community zone was to provide the opportunity for a developer to propose a project that was so beneficial to the community that it was deemed worthy of exceeding the zoning limits. By creating flexibility for these occasional special developments, we might enable some exceptional projects that would otherwise never happen. While a few good examples of this exist, such as the Opportunity Center, the vast majority of PC projects have not provided the hoped-for benefits or the benefits weren’t at all commensurate with what the developer received. It has been a failed program. The staff proposal tilts toward fewer restrictions at every opportunity. It would allow monetary payments as public benefits. It would not restrict the public benefits to those intrinsic to the development itself. It sets no limits on how much additional development a PC project might get. In short, adoption of this new PC ordinance would put us right back to where we were prior to the temporary halt early last year. We hope the council rejects the “new” PC policy and directs the staff to take a fresh approach. We’d like to see, for example, consideration of a process that invites property owners interested in redeveloping property to approach the city without a plan and, through a public process, explore what development the community wants in exchange for granting exceptions to the zoning. But the days of developers guessing what “benefits” might get them extra square footage should be permanently put behind us. Q Page 20 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Spectrum Editorials, letters and opinions Transportation waste Editor, I strongly oppose another sales tax increase. The proponents are hoping to sucker those of modest means into raising their taxes once again, despite the fact that voters have already done so multiple times. Over the last several elections, voters in Santa Clara County have passed multiple tax and fee increases, and we’re on the hook to pay back numerous state bond issues. All of this nickel and diming has contributed to making the Bay Area a horribly expensive place to live, especially for people of modest means, who must pay the greatest percentage of their income in these regressive taxes and fees. Each increase by itself does not amount to much, say a halfcent, but the cumulative effect is to add to the unaffordability of the region. Before increasing taxes yet again, waste needs to be removed from transportation projects. For example, VTA needs to eliminate waste and “gold plating” of the BART extension’s cost by reducing the scope to eliminate duplicate facilities. Specifically, a revised “build alternative” needs to be added to the study that eliminates the wasteful section between the San Jose and Santa Clara Caltrain stations. The BART segment from the San Jose to Santa Clara Caltrain stations would duplicate both the existing Caltrain line and VTA’s 22 and 522 buses to a station that has only about 1,000 riders each weekday. This is extremely wasteful and sends the wrong message to voters who will be asked to approve more sales tax increases in 2016. This is extremely insulting considering recent voter approval of all the taxes/fees listed above. Why don’t the wealthy highrollers in Carl Guardino’s “Leadership Group” suggest taxing their rich companies that create the congestion, and leave the little guy alone for a change? Steve Ly Mount Hamilton Avenue, Los Altos Welcome unity Editor, Last Saturday, the residents of Buena Vista Mobile Home Park invited the BV Friends to a picnic at Palo Alto’s Mitchell Park. The weather was pleasant, the speeches were short, the food was good and plentiful. The attendees were from a broad political spectrum and included present and past City officials, school board members, the PTA, the school superintendent, County Supervisor Joe Si- mitian and many others. All expressed and supported the hope that the children of Buena Vista will remain here and graduate from the Palo Alto Schools. Bob Roth Middlefield Road, Palo Alto Little things add up Editor, It is wonderful to see in the Aug. 14 article that Palo Alto has reached the semifinals of the Georgetown University Energy Prize. It is also gratifying to see California so well-represented in the competition. Two thoughts come to mind: a) If only there was a way for each of the 50 semifinalists to “partner” with cities in states that have no representation to share “lessons learned” and help them save energy as well. b) Saving energy is doable. For example, at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, which consists of three churches and associated buildings, we have reduced our carbon footprint due to natural gas use by 34 percent from 2009 through 2014. It also saves on the utility cost. We did it by taking what seemed like small steps such as keeping doors closed when the heaters are running, reducing thermostat heating temperature, programming the thermostats with timers, putting covers on the thermostats, replacing a commercial kitchen range to one with electric ignition rather than pilot lights, adding insulation, closing gaps under and around doors. Pretty much all the things suggested in the utility bill inserts — they add up and do work! Katia Reeves Los Robles Avenue, Palo Alto Elephant on El Camino Editor, As you reported on Aug. 14, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is soliciting project wish lists from city councils for new sales tax measure(s) to be placed on the June or November county-wide ballot next year. For Palo Alto and other cities along El Camino Real, the “elephant in the room” is the plan of VTA staff to seize the left lane in each direction on El Camino for VTA (express) buses only. Under the plan, left turns not at controlled intersections would be eliminated, traffic in the two remaining lanes would come to a near standstill much of the day, and even crossing El Camino would be greatly delayed. No city council should support any VTA tax measure unless it includes iron-clad provisions which outlaw bad projects — such as the plan for bus-only lanes on El Camino. Gary Wesley Continental Circle, Mountain View One greater than two Editor, Mothers and fathers wanting the best education for their kids at Gunn and Paly should move immediately to dissuade the schools’ leadership from their new push, reported in the Weekly on Aug. 14th, toward “team-teaching” — yoking special-education experts to regular, subject-matter classroom professionals. Said a staffer hired to help implement this change: “A true coteaching model is where you’re in there together and you work with each other and it’s difficult to tell who the regular teacher and the special education teacher is.” This is well-intended but wishful. Any capable person will always be able to distinguish between a specialist in individual learning challenges and someone devoting a career to the mastery of literature or math or science. With this new policy we’ll only be manufacturing seat-of-the-pants amateurs of two new kinds. Making teachers teach in twos is no different from requiring novelists to write novels in pairs or captains to work two to a ship. No one enjoys being a four-legged creature in pursuits that thrive on intuition and the knack for leading followers on a journey. What we’ve always had on the trip is fine: special-education teachers, in regular classrooms, riding shotgun. It’s unbelievable what the policy-makers at our most hard-hit high school, in particular, are doing to so hobble our classroom professionals that not only will their workaday duties be almost impossible to perform but — more grievously — they’ll have neither the time nor the wherewithal to provide the necessary loving support to our wrung-out teens. Teamed up or not, Gunn’s faculty right now are revamping all their work to fit a new schedule, readying for Common Core and still carrying last year’s griefs. Stay quiet if you want your kids to suffer the inevitable fallout; speak up if you feel otherwise! Marc Vincenti Los Robles Avenue, Palo Alto Submit letters to the editor of up to 300 words to Submit guest opinions of 1,000 words to Include your name, address and daytime phone number so we can reach you. Check out Town Square! Hundreds of local topics are being discussed by local residents on Town Square, a reader forum sponsored by the Weekly at Post your own comments, ask questions or just stay up on what people are talking about around town! Guest Opinion A groundling’s lament — and call to action by Rachel Kellerman T his summer I became a reluctant advocate for quiet skies. I say reluctant because I am a teacher-librarian, not a rabble-rouser. I’ve been busy raising a family in Palo Alto for the past 23 years, and I’ve never considered addressing the City Council. I appreciate our local aviation heritage, and I fly to visit family and friends. So why am I campaigning for responsible aviation? The short answer is that Palo Alto is now plagued by a disproportionate level of aircraft noise severely diminishing our quality of life. The long answer is months of research that ultimately led to my decision to contact Sky Posse Palo Alto, a group of neighbors who are working toward decreasing low, loud and concentrated aviation noise. My investigation began by contacting Bert Ganoung, the aircraft-noise-abatement manager at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). When Ganoung discovered where I lived he emitted a sympathetic sigh. Palo Alto is 20 miles distant from the airport, yet over the years air traffic has gradually shifted over our town, including three main approaches into SFO. His office emailed a graphic to me showing Palo Alto cowering under what looks like a Los Angeles freeway interchange. I grew up in Los Angeles and thought I’d left the 405 far behind. Adding to our misery, the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new NextGen protocols direct arriving flights along rigid corridors at altitudes of lower than 5,000 feet. Arrival routes that were once dispersed high above many Peninsula communities now converge into high-decibel, low-altitude “superhighways” directly over our heads. A Sky Posse Palo Alto (SPPA) analysis of data secured by a Freedom of Information Act request confirms these gradual shifts in flight patterns. SPPA obtained 10 years of flight track data from the FAA and compared total flight growth into SFO to flight growth over Palo Alto. Among other comparisons, they took a snapshot of two months of data from July 2006 and July 2014. Overall, total arrival traffic at SFO increased by 28 percent, while lower altitude arrival traffic over Palo Alto increased a whopping 76 percent. I’ve heard our mounting noise problem compared to boiling frogs. Frogs will jump into a cool pan of water and stay there even as the heat gradually rises. They don’t realize they are in trouble until it’s too late. This is not the first time Palo Alto has sought regional solutions to aircraft noise and been stonewalled. The SFO Roundtable is “a voluntary committee to address community noise impacts from aircraft operations at San Francisco International Airport (SFO).” The FAA looks to the SFO Roundtable as a way for communities to address noise abatement, and the SFO Roundtable is structured to influence routing and procedures decisions with the FAA. City Council minutes show that Palo Alto was denied membership to this important body three times, twice in the 1990s and most recently last October, because the Roundtable wants to limit its voting membership to San Mateo County. After sorting through these thorny regional issues, I called the FAA and described jets flying low overhead, sometimes 100 a day, resulting in missed sleep, disruptions at work and interrupted family time. My FAA contact denied there was a noise problem, offering as proof the FAA’s computer modeling study done prior to the implementation of NextGen. In other words, FAA’s flawed computer models know more about our reality than we do! The FAA can’t comment further because it is getting sued. Private citizens in Portola Valley and Woodside are suing on the basis that no full environmental-impact study was performed before starting NextGen in our area. The hard truth is that the FAA has never bothered to measure our actual noise. Even if it did, we would not benefit because its noise harm test is a poor diagnostic for Palo Alto’s pain. Briefly, the FAA calibrates harm by averaging noise over a 24-hour period, giving more weight to nighttime noise. Noise mitigation occurs when an area reaches the California Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of 65 decibels. The 24-hour average noise impact of all our Surf Air planes and 747s may not average 65 dBs, but each 70-80 decibel blast assaults our senses. By the time the bruise begins to fade we are hit again. The strict way the FAA measures noise is an issue for the Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus. Luckily Rep. Anna Eshoo is a leading member. On July 24 at Palo Alto City Hall, Eshoo’s office invited key FAA officials to a closed meeting with regional stakeholders. I understand that the FAA was presented with some solutions, such as raising flights to higher altitudes, applying curfews to protect sleep and using our wide Bay as a low approach instead of directing grinding aircraft down over our communities. Unfortunately there is no immediate relief, so citizens should complain repeatedly to offending airports and to the FAA. Support Eshoo and county Supervisor Joe Simitian as they deal with an intractable FAA. Advocate for change by writing our local, state and national politicians, and sign the petition on the Sky Posse Palo Alto website. Palo Alto is planning to conduct a comprehensive study, and this information will be vital for our town’s future. For those of you who do not consider aircraft noise and pollution to be a problem, consider that your neighbors have a right to a good night’s sleep and our school children require quiet classrooms and fresh air. We all pay dearly to live in this town, and our homes are an important investment. There is more at stake here than any one individual voice. Groundlings, I’m calling on you to leave your reluctance behind and assert your rights! How else will our community learn to balance progress with peace? Q Rachel Kellerman is a local educator who has lived in Palo Alto for 23 years. Streetwise What is something that you admire about Palo Alto? Asked on Emerson Street in front of Whole Foods Market. Interviews and photos by Jamauri Bowles. Manfred Neustifter Sara Kadoch Vanda McCauley John Ryan Tiffany Santos Forest Avenue, Palo Alto Entrepreneur Live Oak Avenue, Menlo Park Speech therapist Santa Teresa Street, San Jose Resources administrator Addison Avenue, Palo Alto Nurse Hawthorne Avenue, Palo Alto Engineer “It’s just lovely. It’s just a nice place to walk around.” “I admire the intelligent people here and innovative thinkers.” “I admire the trees and the shade ... and the view of the neighborhoods.” “The Stanford Theatre. It’s an old, beautiful theater (that is) newly renovated.” “All the trees and the shade. (They make me feel) comfortable ... relaxed.” • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 21 Cover Story Veronica Weber A gas-powered leaf blower, lawnmower and other tools used by a gardening crew sit in the back of a pickup truck in Palo Alto. Gas-powered leaf blowers are banned from Palo Alto neighborhoods — so why are they being used everywhere? by Gennady Sheyner and Jocelyn Dong S everal days a week, Stan and Kiyomi Hutchings relax on their brick-lined backyard patio in Old Palo Alto. They enjoy reading under the wisteria canopy and eating lunch on blue-and-white cotton tablecloths next to their burbling, cherub-adorned fountain. What they don’t enjoy, though, is the burst of noise that periodically erupts on the other side of the fence — and the cloud of dust that wafts over, bringing more than just hot air into their yard and their lungs and onto their food. “We know what’s in it,” said Stan Hutchings, who happens to be a retired analytical chemist. “It’s terrible.” The periodic disturbance is courtesy of a gas-powered leaf blower. Technically, the equipment is illegal to use in Palo Alto’s residential neighborhoods, but you wouldn’t know it when driving or walking down the city’s leafy streets. Midtown resident Bill Rosenberg figures that if he were deputized by the police to hand out citations to people using the leaf blowers (the fine for a violation is $100), he could issue a half-dozen every day as he bikes around town. In fact, he’s taken to handing out a leaf-blower FAQ, drawn from information on the police department’s website, to offending gardeners and homeowners. A few recipients have been “mildly abusive” toward him verbally, Rosenberg said of the reactions he’s gotten. They’ve asked, “‘Are you the police? ... If you’re not the police, then get out of the way,’” he recalled recently. Most people, however, simply turn off the combustion-fueled machine until he leaves. Neither Rosenberg nor the Hutchingses believes the leafblower issue is the most critical problem in town, despite the irritating noise and air pollution. They acknowledge that the police department has priorities that take precedence over catching people in the act of blowing leaves. Burglars need to be caught; traffic accidents should be attended to. But it frustrates them that the city ordinance is, essentially, being flagrantly ignored. “It’s not a silly law,” Rosenberg Page 22 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • said. Citing the hazardous pollution created by the gas-powered leaf blowers, he added, “We should get rid of them.” (See sidebar: “More than hot air”) R osenberg’s is only the most recent rallying cry in a long history of residents’ rage against the machines. Palo Alto’s leaf-blowing ordinance was adopted in its present form in 2005, but the rules governing the blowers first sprang up three decades earlier — and shifted with political winds over time. The blowers were initially treated like most other noisy equipment — legal until they hit a certain loudness threshold — when the city adopted noise standards back in 1972. Then, with citizens’ complaints about gas-powered leaf blowers on the rise, the City Council agreed in 1988 to restrict use of those with noise levels of 82 decibels or higher. The threshold was dropped to 75 decibels the following year and the hours of operation were restricted to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. But the whiny roars of gaspowered leaf blowers continued to harass local eardrums through the 1990s. In 2000, the council revised its ordinance yet again, requiring that all commercial operators be trained and certified on the proper use of leaf blowers, according to a 2005 report from the Police Department. Another new clause, whose adoption was deferred to July 2005, prohibited gas-powered leaf blowers in residential areas. It also prohibited all leaf blowers that do not bear a manufacturer’s label guaranteeing a noise level of 65 decibels or lower when measured from a distance of 50 feet. Scofflaws would face a $100 fine, though the amount would go up for subsequent violations under a revision that the council approved in 2010. That law remains in effect to this day. Through all of the debates over whether and how to regulate leaf blowers, professional gardeners and those representing them have pushed back, stating that the powerful equipment is essential to their livelihoods. When concerns have been raised about the detrimental effects to gardeners’ health caused by the dust, they’ve responded that the California Air Resources Board already has stringent standards that sufficiently address air pollution from blowers. Not only that, but gardeners are capable of taking precautions to protect themselves. To the issue of noise, they’ve pointed to new models that now make gas leaf blowers quieter than other lawn-care equipment. Then they’ve raised their own concerns about potential electrocution when using electric-powered leaf blowers and the loss of customers because of increased rates. Palo Alto’s ongoing desire to govern leaf blowers is far from unique. In the past year or two, the noise from concerned residents up and down the Peninsula has been getting louder. Burlingame, Los Gatos, San Mateo and Sunnyvale have wrestled with the problem during the past year, with each city council trying to find the perfect balance between education and enforcement. In Sunnyvale, council members voted in March to ban all leaf blowers in residential zones, Cover Story though they also agreed to defer enforcement on the ban for a year and a half so that city officials will have time to educate the community about the new restriction. The Los Gatos ban, which took effect in January, applies to all gas-powered leaf blowers as well as to electric leaf blowers with noise levels of more than 65 decibels, measured from 50 feet away. Other cities in California with bans or restrictions on gas-powered leaf blowers include Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Berkeley and Laguna Beach. The town of Los Altos was at the forefront on this issue, having adopted an outright ban on gaspowered leaf blowers in 1991. Menlo Park followed suit in 1998, though its ordinance was promptly overturned by referendum. I Veronica Weber A gardener on Ross Court uses a combustion-fueled leaf blower to clear debris on July 13. Then came the recession and, with it, years of budget cuts and difficult decisions. In 2010, the Police Department eliminated the community-service officer position. The dedicated line was scrapped, and citizen complaints were directed to central dispatch, where they were joined by every other non-emergency complaint. City Manager James Keene and Administrative Services Director Lalo Perez told a council committee in a report that June that cutting the leaf-blowing enforcement position would “not eliminate the (police) department’s response to leaf-blower municipal code violations.” “Enforcement going forward will be handled on a complaint basis by patrol officers, and as such, will be prioritized with other calls-for-service, possibly resulting in longer response times than would a centralized leafblower enforcement officer,” their report stated. The council committee agreed to make the cut, though Councilman Greg Scharff observed that it “seems silly to have a municipal statute that we don’t enforce, frankly.” The results of the layoff proved more dramatic than anyone could have imagined. After issuing 322 reports about leaf-blowing viola- tions in 2008 and 359 in 2009, the department issued only 63 in 2010, the Police Department data show. In 2011, the department issued zero formal warnings or citations. In 2012, it issued one. In 2013, zero. In 2014, one. As of June 30 of this year, the number was zero. T he lax enforcement has not gone unnoticed. In 2012, Old Palo Alto resident Sue Kemp wrote to the city complaining that more than half the gardeners she was encountering were back to using gas-powered leaf blowers after initially switching to electric ones. Veronica Weber n the 10 years since Palo Alto adopted its ban, the debate has shifted from strengthening the ordinance to merely respecting it. The law, critics say, simply isn’t being enforced. They have a point. While in the early years of the ordinance, officers issued warnings and citations, today gardeners are about as likely to get in trouble for operating loud leaf blowers as for removing tags off mattresses or recording a baseball game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball. The economic recession of 2008 had a lot to do with the recent downturn in enforcement. But it was also a result of the police department prioritizing its response to leaf-blower complaints toward the bottom of the heap. Then, as now, Palo Alto officers made no secret of the fact that they often have more important things to do than admonish gardeners for making too much noise. When the ban launched on July 1, 2005, the number of complaints about too-loud gardening shot up. In the first year, the city received 559 calls about gas-powered leaf blowers. In response, the city issued 559 “first letters” to the address where the violation had occurred, 107 “final letters” and 34 citations, according to city data. The city had a designated phone line for leaf-blowing violations and a community-service officer assigned to track and respond to complaints. Over the next few years, the calls kept coming. In 2008, the Police Department received 585 calls for service, resulting in 322 issued reports (which includes both warnings and citations), according to data obtained by the Weekly. In 2009, the department received 487 calls for service about leaf blowers and responded with 359 reports, the Police Department data show. (In some cases, people relied on the phone line a bit too much. In responding to one complaint, for instance, the community-service officer determined that the alleged violator “did not have a gardener, did not own a leaf blower, and that there were some other unresolved neighbor issues.”) Bill Rosenberg stands in his front yard under a carob tree as he talks about the fliers he hands out to gardeners and homeowners informing them of the city’s ban on gas-powered leaf blowers. The carob tree drops leaves year round, and Rosenberg’s gardener uses an electric blower to remove them. “It is evident that there is absolutely no enforcement, so the gardeners don’t worry about it,” Kemp wrote. “I’ll bet no one has gotten a ticket this whole past year.” (Incidentally, she was correct.) The response she received from police Capt. Ron Watson didn’t entirely satisfy her. He noted that the department had recently lost not only the officer who was focused on leaf blowers but also several other community-service officers who were in the field daily, “handling lower-level calls for service and incident reports.” He informed her that complaints about gas-powered leaf blowers were being handled by uniformed police officers. Watson encouraged Kemp to keep reporting violations, though he also acknowledged that proactive efforts to enforce the ban probably wouldn’t be made any time soon. “With the limited resources we have, I have directed our staff to spend all of their free time concentrating their efforts on school safety and traffic enforcement as well as the continuing residential burglary problem,” Watson wrote on Nov. 5, 2012. “With homes getting broken into almost daily, we simply can’t devote resources to some of the things we used to be able to do.” Since those days, the city’s economy has rebounded in a big way and the era of staff cuts has long passed. No one talks anymore about eliminating traffic enforcement or scrapping school crossing guards. City Hall is now hiring, with 11 new positions bud(continued on page 26) • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 23 Cover Story More than hot air Research shows health risks in air pollution caused by leaf blowers, but industry disputes implications by Sue Dremann B said Lynn Smith, interim executive director of Breathe California of the Bay Area, also noting the huge discrepancy between leaf blower and car emissions. Various arguments have been made by some environmental groups that blowers should be entirely banned in favor of a return to old-fashioned brooms and rakes. A 1999 study by the University of California Riverside and San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, the first of its kind, attempted to quantify the differences. Leaf blowers produced about 30 milligrams per square meter of 2.5-micron-sized particulates and 80 mg per square meter of 10-micron particles. The results were similar for push brooms used on a concrete surface, probably because of the smoother surface, the researchers found. But using a push broom on asphalt produced no 2.5-micron particles and only 20 mg in the 10-micron range. And raking on either surface produced no particulates in either range, the study found. The California Landscape Contractors Association, however, disputes the allegations of the air pollution caused by leaf blowers, calling concerns over air emissions “spurious,” according to a 1999 letter from its board of directors that was confirmed as current on July 20. “Properly used leaf blowers do not raise inordinate amounts of dust. Rule 403 of the South Coast Air Quality Management District states that ‘a person shall not cause or allow the emissions of fugitive dust from any active operation, open storage pile, or disturbed surface area such that the presence of such dust remains visible in the atmosphere beyond the property line of the emission source.’ Blower users can and should follow this rule,” the letter states. In addition to arguing that emissions standards from the An electric-powered leaf blower sits outside a front yard as a gardening crew works on an adjacent side yard. Electric blowers do not emit the hydrcarbons and other toxins that gasoline-fueled blowers do. Page 24 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Veronica Weber or weeks; 10-micron particles can travel up to 30 miles and stay aloft for hours, according the U.S. E.P.A. Besides what they kick up off the ground, gas-powered leaf blowers themselves emit specific pollutants the State of California has identified as of concern: hydrocarbons from both burned and unburned fuel, which combine with other gases to form ozone; carbon monoxide; and toxic contaminants such as benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, according to a widely quoted 2000 California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board report. The Air Quality District in 2010 estimated there were approximately 258,000 two-stroke leaf blowers in the Bay Area, which generate significantly more air pollution than four-stroke engines. Testing in 2011 by the vehicle reviewer showed just how dirty leaf blowers remain, even 11 years after new emission standards for blowers went into effect. Pitting leaf blowers against a Ford F-150 SVT Raptor crew cab, the leaf blowers were the big dogs when it came to spewing nonmethane hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide — the three pollutants that the EPA and the California Air Resources Board find most concerning. The two-stroke blower generated 23 times the carbon monoxide and nearly 300 times more non-methane hydrocarbons as the truck. “To equate the hydrocarbon emissions of about a half-hour of yard work with this two-stroke leaf blower, you’d have to drive a Raptor for 3,887 miles, or the distance from northern Texas to Anchorage, Alaska,” the article noted. Officials from local lung-health organizations said the contribution of leaf blowers to pollution can’t be ignored. “It should be of great concern,” Veronica Weber lasting air at up to 185 mph, leaf blowers can whip up hazardous particles and contaminants from the ground at speeds greater than a Category 5 hurricane, sending them long distances. Epidemiological studies have long recognized the harm these particles — including hydrocarbons from gasoline, animal droppings, spores, fungi, pollens, pesticides and herbicides, fertilizers, brake-lining dust and tire residue and heavy metals — cause to people’s respiratory systems, according to Bay Area Air Quality Management District reports. Exposure to particulate matter is rarely, if ever, cited as the cause of death in a coroner’s report when someone dies of a heart attack or stroke or lung disease, a 2012 district study noted. “However, epidemiological studies indicate that exposure to particulate matter is an important contributing factor in hundreds, perhaps thousands, of deaths in the Bay Area each year.” The district has called particulate matter “the air pollutant that poses by far the greatest health risk to Bay Area residents.” The average adult inhales 450 cubic centimeters (roughly one pint) of air per breath, which includes 1 million to 10 million tiny particles with each breath. “But that figure can spike to much higher levels in close proximity to high-volume roadways or other major outdoor emission sources,” the district’s “Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan” noted. The contribution of leaf blowers to air pollution isn’t to be underestimated. About 5 pounds of particulate matter per leaf blower per hour are swept into the air and take hours to settle, according to a widely cited leaf-blower pollution report by the Orange County, California grand jury in 1999. An Air District program aimed at replacing up to 50,000 leaf blowers and 10,000 lawn mowers by 2020 would reduce the most dangerous small-particle emissions (sized 2.5 and 10 microns) by 0.12 tons (240 pounds) per day, according to the 2010 Clean Air Plan. Fine particles measuring 2.5 microns and coarser material measuring 10 microns are more readily absorbed into the lungs. The smaller 2.5-micron particles are associated with hazardous organic compounds and heavy metals, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.). Particles measuring 10 microns are typically composed of smoke, dirt, dust, mold, spores and pollen. Particulates in the 2.5-micron range can migrate many hundreds of miles and stay the air for days The debris kicked up by a gasoline-powered leaf blower includes not only leaves but spores, animal droppings, pesticides, heavy metals and more, researchers have found. The tiniest particles, once airborne, can stay aloft for hours. California Air Resources Board implemented in 2000 would significantly reduce emissions from handheld equipment, the association pointed to the intermittent use of blowers. “Portable lawn and garden equipment contributes only 0.8 percent of all U.S. VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions, 0.6 percent of carbon monoxide emissions, and no nitrogen oxide emissions.” Debates over air pollution aside, there’s also noise — perhaps the most evident pollution caused by leaf blowers. The City of Palo Alto requires leaf blowers to emit no more than 65 decibels, when measured from 50 feet away. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that decibel levels above 85 cause permanent hearing loss. The World Health Organization recommends a general outdoor noise level of 55 decibels or less and 45 or less for sleeping restfully. Excessive noise has been implicated in higher heart-attack rates, gastrointestinal disturbances, sleep problems, social discord and psychological problems, according to the U.S. E.P.A. Ironically, metal rakes aren’t much quieter, though the sound is less constant: The City of Palo Alto noted in a 2005 report that metal rakes used on concrete can generate 58-60 decibels at 50 feet. When it comes to encouraging gardeners to forego their gaspowered machines, one air quality district in southern California has had significant success with its leaf blower exchange. The South Coast Air Quality Management District, which covers Orange County, urban Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside, has held a leaf blower buy-back program since 2006 for professional gardeners. In that time, the dis- trict has put more than 12,000 reduced-noise and lower-emissions leaf blowers in the hands of professional gardeners. The agency distributes about 1,500 new leaf blowers annually, said spokesman Sam Atwood. “According to the E.P.A., a commercial blower emits 93 pounds per year of air pollutants. Multiplied out times 12,000, the units we have distributed have reduced 500 tons of pollutants since 2006,” he said. So far, the district has distributed cleaner blowers manufactured by the company Stihl. The company has supplied trainings at the exchanges. Operators learn to use the blower like a broom, rolling the debris from one area to another where it can be collected, rather than blasting it in a cloud of dust, he said. The district helped support the development of backpack electric leaf blowers, which are just now becoming commercially available, he said. Atwood said the district hopes that it will get at least one proposal this year for a truly zero-emission, battery-powered leaf blower as part of its request for proposals. “In demos, they seem to work very well, equal at least to a gaspowered blower. But it’s a little premature to say how they will compare in the field to their gasoline counterparts,” he said. For its part, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District is running a program to fund the purchase of new, battery-powered, zero-emission electric lawn and garden equipment in exchange for gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment. The program is currently only operating in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, however. Q Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be emailed at sdremann@ Cover Story Veronica Weber The front yard of a home on Clara Drive practices a “green” approach to landscape maintenance in which leaves are left on the ground or moved with a rake instead of a leaf blower, which can dry out and damage plants. The fallen leaves act as natural compost, landscapers say. What to know about ‘mow and blow’ Efficient, yes, but green landscapers urge a return to the rake by Brenna Malmberg W hen it comes to the value of using a leaf blower, opinions blow in all directions. Gardeners, landscapers and maintenance professional see benefits and damages from using the mechanical tool on residential lawns and gardens. While leaf-blower bans and ordinances stem from concerns about dust, sound and carbon emissions, the California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) does not support acrossthe-board removal. Leaf blowers have their place when it comes to clearing areas covered by rock, gravel, bark or mulch, according to a 1999 letter from its board of directors that was confirmed as current on July 20. Since their development in the 1970s, leaf blowers have sped up the work of lawn-care professionals. According to the CLCA, the industry estimates it takes five times longer to use manual clearing methods, such as rakes or brooms, compared to leaf blowers. The CLCA also notes that the uptick in man-hours to complete one job without a leaf blower can increase maintenance costs for the homeowner. Humberto Vasquez, owner of Humberto Vasquez Landscape and Maintenance, works from Foster City to Sunnyvale. He keeps a gas leaf blower, electric leaf blower and leaf rake at the ready, bringing the gas machine out only when ordinances allow. This means he stays tethered to an electrical outlet in Palo Alto if his leaf blower is needed and only brings it out when hours permit. In his 10-plus years of landscape maintenance, he’s never had any issue getting the job done inside local restrictions, he said. Vasquez does admit that as he steps down from gas blower to electric blower to rake, work efficiency decreases. When his method changes, so does the price. Vasquez charges about $30 per visit for a very small lawn if he can use a gas leaf blower. If he comes two times a month, that’s $60 a month. But here in Palo Alto, gas leaf blowers are forbidden, so he ups the fee to around $45 per visit, he said. If the homeowner wants to go machineless, he charges an additional $15 for his time. The cost to the homeowner, while small each visit, compounds during a year. In the above scenario, homeowners’ rates range from $720 to $1,080 to $1,440 per year. “When I need to, I use a leaf rake, but a leaf blower just takes less time,” he said. “I can have my leaf blower at a lower speed, though, so I can go really slow so I don’t blow mulch.” Bonnie Brock, owner of Bonnie Brock Landscape Design in Palo Alto, would rather that maintenance crews not use leaf blowers. But if the equipment is going to be used, since it is the more efficient option, Brock said homeowners need to learn about the right mulch for their yard and maintenance routine, lest the mulch be blown away. In general, gardens and plants need 2-3 inches of mulch, Brock said. If homeowners opt for organic compost and mulch, they will spend $3,000 to cover 6,000 square feet. This averages to about $80 per cubic yard. Cheaper options are also available, such as regular mulch at $70 per cubic yard or arbor mulch at $30 per cubic yard. When buying mulch, people can also check to see if they qualify for $2 off per square foot through the Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Conservation Rebate Program. “Once the mulch is in, you don’t want a mow-and-blow service to come in and blow away thousands of dollars in mulch,” Brock said. “Plus, it can wreck your plants.” For mulch to survive blowing, she recommends 3/4- or 1-inch bark mulch. Because of its weight, it won’t disperse and will last three to four years. Otherwise, small mulch can soon disappear in as few as six to 12 months, costing the homeowner money, she said. In addition, mulch keeps plant roots cool so that they require less water and retain the water they receive. Brock also advises her clients that leaf drop — fallen leaves from trees and plants — should be left in place rather than blown away. Leaf drop serves as natural compost, eventually breaking down into the soil and nurturing the plant. If too much plant matter builds up, Brock encourages homeowners to collect it with a rake and save it for future use in a compost pile. Brock has been frustrated with the lack of levels of service between fine garden care and quick “mow and blows.” Outside maintenance services that don’t know how to manage a low-water or native yard can disrupt a carefully planned, organic landscape. “I’d prefer that they didn’t blow at all,” she said. One program in the county is trying to address Brock’s concern. The Santa Clara Valley Green Gardeners Program certifies landscape service professionals on subjects related to green gardening, such as responsible water usage and soil protection. As of March 26, 63 area services had been certified as Green Gardeners, including Brock. During the air pollution segment of training, teachers touch on leaf blowers, talking about different models and maintenance options. “We help them make informed decisions,” said Vishakha Atre, senior scientist with Watershed Water, the larger organization that runs the Green Gardeners Program. “The first option is to not go to a mechanical option.” Master Gardener Anne Firthmurray seconds the manual options because they can be more beneficial to plants and gardens. While blowing on a plant might not be inherently bad, she said, stripping away the mulch and moisture — what little there is these days — might be hard on the plant. Instead, she recommends raking and mowing mulch to where it provides the most benefit. Landscape companies along the Peninsula have started to respond to homeowners looking for manual, high-end lawn services, such as Maniglia Landscape Services out of San Jose. One of its employees, Havier Sanchez, said they do most of their zero-machine landscape business in Palo Alto. He tends to yards and gardens without any type of leaf blower, mower or hedge trimmer; everything is done by hand. This broomand-rake action takes more than double the time, Sanchez said. “You can notice the difference,” he said. “It’s better for the environment. It’s better for the plants. It’s just better for everybody.” Q Associate Editor Brenna Malmberg can be emailed at For more information about qualification for the Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Conservation Rebate Program, visit landscapereplacementrebates. aspx or call 408-630-2554. Green Gardener classes Fall 2015 Santa Clara Valley Green Gardener classes are scheduled for the following dates: Wednesdays, Sept. 9 through Nov. 11, in English Thursdays, Sept. 10 through Nov. 12, in Spanish The classes will be held at the Sunnyvale-Cupertino Adult Community Education center in Sunnyvale. Registration information can be found at • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 25 Cover Story Blown away (continued from page 23) geted for fiscal year 2016. Yet enforcement of the leafblowing ordinance remains where it was during the bleakest years of the recession. At the council’s meeting on June 8, resident Rosenberg told the council about a conversation he had with a police officer who effectively confirmed that the ordinance is not being enforced because of other priorities. On the one hand, Rosenberg said, he is sympathetic to the department’s position. “On the other hand, we do have an ordinance that should be enforced,” Rosenberg said. Lt. Zach Perron, Palo Alto police spokesman, observed that, much of the time, an officer’s delay in responding to a complaint (because of its lower priority) means that the alleged scofflaw has already left the property. Only when an officer is not busy responding to calls about inprogress crimes, alarms, suspicious behavior, burglaries, thefts, traffic collisions and the like, Perron said in an email, will he or she be dispatched to leaf-blower complaints. When the officer does respond, several things might happen: The operator of the leaf blower could be gone by the time the officer arrives or the operator may have just concluded the leaf blowing and is no longer committing the violation, in which case he or she is informed about the ordinance and asked to comply in the future. The latter outcome is fairly common, Perron said. Blowing leaves off of a property does not take very long. Of course, if someone is actually caught in violation of the ordinance, the officer could issue an citation. Yet the numbers suggest that low prioritization has rendered the ordinance useless. Between 2011 and June 2015, the department has received 665 calls for service relating to leaf blowing (about 166 per year, on average), suggesting that the problem hasn’t gone away. During those four years, the city took formal action only twice. 2008-2014 700 C ouncil members proved sympathetic in June to Rosenberg’s complaint, which took place during a meeting about the new fiscal-year budget. Though enforcement of the leaf-blowing ordinance has always fallen to the Police Department, council members cited leaf blowing as a major reason for approving a new code-enforcement position in the Department of Planning and Community Environment. The new person will be tasked with leading the planning department’s three-member team of code-enforcement officers. The hope is to make enforcement proactive, rather than purely complaint-driven, and to turn down the noise on lawns and in gardens throughout the city. In supporting the position, Councilman Pat Burt argued that the notion of enforcing an ordinance only on a complaint basis is “inconsistent with other elements of our code.” The city, after all, enforces all types of laws, including those dealing with speeding, illegal parking and fire-code violations, to name a few. Unlike leaf blowing, none of these enforcement strategies are based on complaints, he said. “We don’t go after speeders only if someone dials 9-1-1, or have parking-enforcement folks who only operate on complaint,” Burt said. Recent surveys of Palo Alto residents also suggest a general awareness that the city’s codeenforcement operation has plenty of room for improvement. Only 62 percent of the respondents to the 2014 National Citizens Survey gave code enforcement a “good” or “excellent rating” (this is an improvement from 2013, when only 57 percent gave code enforcement the two highest marks). In south Palo Alto, the percentage of resi- What the ordinance says Palo Alto’s law regulating the use of leaf blowers went into effect 10 years ago this summer, on July 1, 2005. Here’s what it entails: • Combustion-powered leaf blowers are banned from residential zones • Leaf blowers without a manufacturer’s label designating the noise level as 65 dBA or lower when measured from 50 feet away are not allowed • All mufflers and full extension tubes must be attached while blower is in use • Electric leaf blowers can only be used in residential zones from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays Enforcement of Palo Alto’s leaf-blower ordinance • Leaf blowers can only be used in non-residential zones from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays • Commercial leaf-blower operators must display certification of training according to standards adopted by the Chief of Police • Leaf blowers can be used from 4-8 a.m. on public streets, sidewalks and parking lots in business districts; at city parks; and at the Municipal Golf Course • The first-time fine for violating the ordinance: $100 Page 26 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ** Complaints * Warning or citation issued ** As of June 30, 2015 Police reports * Source: Palo Alto Police Department dents giving the top two ratings (than I),” said Rosenberg, who to code enforcement in 2014 was nevertheless has managed to convince some of his neighbors and even lower: 58 percent. “It’s an area where we think the their gardeners to give up gas leaf planning and transportation de- blowers. Rosenberg mostly believes that partment can be better,” Planning Director Hilary Gitelman said at the problem lies with homeownthe June 8 meeting, shortly before ers, who are largely unaware of the council agreed to add the third the ordinance. “Most homeowners don’t know code-enforcement position. there’s a law. With the new That’s who position, the I’d ideally like planning department will ‘Our code-enforcement to get to,” he said, explainfor the first time group will ... inform ing that he also take part in enleaves an FAQ forcing the ban the police if they flier on the on gas-powered home’s doorleaf blowers. become aware of step when he Gitelman told persistent violators, hands one to the Weekly that the gardener. once the new so the police can “I’d hate to person is hired, take immediate have police “We will begin come down on talking about enforcement action.’ the gardeners,” how our code– Hillary Gitelman, director, who are often en forcement Planning and Community lower-income, group can supEnvironment i nd ep end ent port the Police contractors, he Department said. with the goal of For his part, Hutchings doesn’t achieving better compliance.” The exact role of the new code think homeowners are unaware, enforcer in leaf blowing will not just reluctant to comply. He recbe nailed down until the city hires ommends the city put a flier in people’s utilities bills stating that that person, she said in an email. “I assume our code-enforce- it’s illegal to use gas-powered ment group will help with educa- leaf blowers, that they could be tion and outreach, and inform the fined and that there are pollupolice if they become aware of tion dangers associated with the persistent violators, so the police blowers’ use. Violators should also face escacan take immediate enforcement lating fines — as much as double action,” she wrote. each prior offense, he said. That oth Rosenberg and Stan would motivate homeowners to Hutchings have their own speak with their gardeners. “They don’t want to confront ideas for improving leafblower compliance. Rosenberg the gardener,” he said. “They igenvisions a community-service nore it because they don’t know police officer riding on a bicycle, how to talk to their gardener. stopping to chat with gardeners They’d rather the gardener does and homeowners and generally what he wants.” The Hutchingses have asked being a presence in the neighbortheir gardener to use an electric hoods. “He’d have a lot more clout blower and to do so only occa- B sionally on the hard surfaces. In the garden, he uses a rake for the little leaves and hand-picks the big ones, if they even need to be picked up, Hutchings said. (See sidebar: “What to know about ‘mow and blow’”) Their gardener is charging them the same amount he did when he was using a gas-powered leaf blower, Hutchings said. But even if the rates go up because using electric blowers and raking take longer, Palo Altans can afford the increase, Hutchings believes. “I don’t think they’d be willing, but they’d be able,” he said. “An extra $10-$15 — that’s a couple of lattes.” Sitting in his patio recently as a hummingbird darted to a feeder, Hutchings recalled that the city also recommended another solution when he complained recently: Call 3-1-1 (or use the city’s new PaloAlto311 app) to report the offending gardener’s truck license plate number and the company name. “I was told,” Hutchings said hopefully, “they would respond.” Q Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner and Editor Jocelyn Dong can be emailed at gsheyner@paweekly. com and On the cover: A gardener uses a gas-powered leaf blower to clear leaves off a sidewalk in a residential neighborhood in Palo Alto on July 23. Photo by Veronica Weber. TALK ABOUT IT What, if anything, do you think the city should do to enforce its leaf blower ordinance? Share your opinion on Town Square, the community discussion forum, at Arts & Entertainment A weekly guide to music, theater, art, culture, books and more, edited by Elizabeth Schwyzer Jiro Schneider A cappella band Pentatonix will perform at Mountain View’s Shoreline Amphitheatre on Sunday, Aug. 23. I n 2002, 10-year-old Kirstin Maldonado watched a fellow Texan named Kelly Clarkson make reality-television history as the first winner of the singing competition, “American Idol.” “I grew up 15 minutes away from her,” Maldonado said of the woman who would become a pop superstar and one of Maldonado’s childhood role models. Nearly a decade later, as part of the a cappella group Pentatonix, Maldonado herself was crowned the winner of “The Sing-Off,” another TV vocal contest. This summer, Clarkson and Pentatonix, along with singer-songwriter Eric Hutchinson, have teamed up on a national tour that includes a stop at Mountain View’s Shoreline Amphitheatre on Sunday, Aug. 23. Though the group gained fame from TV exposure, Pentatonix is no manufactured act. Maldonado grew up with bandmates Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi; they all sang together at Martin High School in Arlington, Texas. They went their separate ways in college, with Maldonado earning a full scholarship to study musical theater at the University of Oklahoma. But Hoying called upon Maldonado and Grassi to reform the group in 2011, along with two new members to round out the low-end sound: bass vocalist Avi Kaplan and beat Pentatonix, Kelly Clarkson come to Shoreline by Karla Kane boxer/cellist Kevin Olusola. They named their quintet after the pentatonic scale — a five-note scale common in western music — and quickly developed a worldwide following, thanks not only to their “SingOff” win but also to their YouTube covers of popular songs by artists including Beyoncé, Katy Perry and many others. Social media and fan interaction have been crucial to their success, as well as personally important, Maldonado said. “Once you come off a reality show it’s easy to fade out, so it’s important to stay connected with our fan base,” she said. “It’s really fun, too. We’re really close to our fans.” Now signed, like Clarkson, to RCA Records, Pentatonix has gained millions of YouTube video subscribers, released several records (including a best-selling Christmas album) and a tour documentary, and even won a Grammy for its a cappella tribute to French electronic music duo, Daft Punk. Developing their intricate vocal arrangements is a collaborative effort, Maldonado said. “We sit in a circle and it’s just a really organic process,” she said, adding that their compositional process is similar to that of an instrumental band in that the rhythm parts — in their case the beat boxing and bass lines — usually come first. She described it as a trial-and-error method of perfecting the complex vocal harmonies and counterpoints, often with the help of longtime producer Ben Bram, who’s been with them since the “Sing-Off” days. Though most famous for its cover versions of popular songs, the group is currently working on an album of original music. Maldonado said all five members of Pentatonix contribute to the songwriting. “It’s totally been a learning process of what we wanted our sound to be like,” she said. “We’re all very active in the process.” The songs and styles on the new album, which is due out later this year, will reflect the diversity in taste of the band members. “I think it’s pretty eclectic,” Maldonado said. “We have our signature sound, but there’s definitely a song in there for everyone.” That variety is what makes Pentatonix work so well, both musically and socially, Maldonado said, explaining that each member brings something special to the group. (continued on page 29) • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 27 Benefiting local nonprofits serving families and children FRIDAY SEPT 25 7PM at Palo Alto Baylands Athletic Center REGISTER ONLINE PRESENTED BY CORPORATE SPONSORS EVENT SPONSORS COMMUNITY SPONSORS Page 28 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Arts & Entertainment Happy places Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts 8:00 p.m. Artist develops happiness map of Palo Alto in memory of Bill Lane SERIES SPONSOR Jean Lane MEDIA SPONSORS The Almanac Palo Alto Weekly Mountain View Voice by Elizabeth Schwyzer SUBSCRIBE TODAY (650) 854-7696 x315 “G A cappella idols (continued from page 27) “Kevin is the ‘smart’ one, the most organized, the ‘dad,’” she said of Yale-educated Olusola. “He was pre-med, and he can speak Chinese fluently. He’s incredible, and he works the hardest.” Deep-voiced Kaplan is “the most passionate. He’s so dedicated and goes full out for everything to make sure it can be the best it can be.” Her band cofounders and childhood friends, Grassi and Hoying, are two peas in a pod, serving as court jesters, motivators and spirit lifters. “They’re so funny,” she said. “Anytime anyone has a bad day they make us laugh.” Maldonado said she sees her bandmates as beloved — and only occasionally exasperating — brothers. “We’re all very different and relate in different ways. It’s a big family,” she said. When not performing and recording as Pentatonix, the mem- SINGLE TICKETS On Sale February 1 Stian Rasmussen o to your happy place.” It’s a phrase that’s often uttered with a tone of syrupy cynicism, as if the pursuit of happiness necessarily connotes a childish escape from reality. But that’s not at all how Kate Pocrass sees it. The Oakland-based artist has long been fascinated by people’s relationship with place, the way they interact with their environment and their ability to enhance the pleasure they draw from an apparently mundane daily commute simply by looking closely at their surroundings. Pocrass is the artist behind the Palo Alto “happiness map,” a project funded by the City of Palo Alto. Last month, she sent out a public survey asking residents to describe a particular spot in the city that made them happy. One month later, having collected nearly 400 responses, Pocrass closed the survey and began looking at the data she’d gathered, considering how best to share it with the community at large. On Saturday, Sept. 19, the Palo Alto Art Center will open “Front Artist Kate Pocrass is creating a happiness map of Palo Alto that will be available for free to the public. Yard/Backstreet,” a group exhibition focused on people and their relationships to their communities. Included in the exhibition will be Pocrass’ happiness map, copies of which will be available free to the public. The 20- by 30-inch artistic poster will incorporate all of the survey’s results, though it will feature some spots more prominently than others. It will also include statistics regarding the spots Palo Altans named among their top happy places. While some responses Pocrass received were unique to one individual, other happy spots were shared by a group of respondents. Parks, open spaces, cafes and theaters ranked among the most popular choices, but supermarkets, blood banks and even City Hall’s council chambers got a few shout-outs. “There were some that were very personal, like people’s back yards, or a specific buckeye tree near a certain neighborhood bridge over the creek where a woman used to catch polliwogs when she was a kid,” explained Pocrass during a recent phone interview. “People’s answers have been so much more detailed than I thought they would be.” At first, Pocrass had intended to canvass in person but soon realized that an online survey actually bers branch out into other projects. Maldonado said she’d like to get back into musical theater eventually. “I would absolutely love it. My dream was always to be on Broadway someday,” she said, naming the titular part in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Evita” as a “dream role.” Describing herself as bookish and introverted growing up, Maldonado said she still loves to read and write and has recently started a blog on her personal website, kirstinmaldonado. com, where she shares some of her anxieties, hopes and dreams with her fans. A month into the two-and-a half-month tour, Maldonado said she’s looking forward to her first trip to Silicon Valley. Fans in the audience at Shoreline can expect many familiar tunes as well as a handful of songs from the new work in progress. “We’re throwing in new songs as we release them and gauging the audience’s reaction,” she said. She and her crew are hoping their live success translates to their upcoming original record. “It’s something we’re really proud of,” she said. As for what it’s like to tour alongside her childhood idol, Maldonado said Clarkson remains a role model. “She’s so inspiring,” Maldonado said, adding, “She’s just normal and genuine. She proves you can be yourself and stand up for yourself” — and be a success in the music industry. Q MVCPA Box Office (650) 903-6000 MONDAY // August 31 Ruth Reichl FOOD CRITIC, AUTHOR & RESTAURATEUR In conversation with Michael Krasny, host of Forum on KQED Ms. Reichl is the author of books including Delicious!, Comfort me with Apples, and Tender at the Bone, as well as numerous other novels and nonfiction works. She was Editor in Chief of Gourmet magazine from 1999 to 2009. Prior to that, she was the restaurant critic for both The New York Times (19931999) and the Los Angeles Times (1984-1993). Peninsula Open Space Trust (continued on page 30) Freelance writer Karla Kane can be emailed at karlajkane@ What: Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix and Eric Hutchinson Where: Shoreline Amphitheatre, 1 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View When: Sunday, Aug. 23, 7 p.m. Cost: Tickets start at $24 Info: Go to • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 29 Happy places (continued from page 29) allowed for more unguarded responses. This is not the first time Pocrass has embarked on a project to illuminate the ways community members interact with the landscape around them, nor is it the first time she has extended a public invitation to participate in the art-making process. “Mundane Journeys,” part of a 2001 curated group show at San Francisco’s Southern Exposure gallery, consisted of a business card with a phone number on it. Participants who called the number would be given a set of instructions guiding them to a specific spot in the city and giving them a task to follow. “I would give very pointed little thing to do when you got there: ‘Notice a skyscraper made entirely out of mosaic tiles,’ ‘Order No. 32 on the menu’ or ‘Check out the upholstered tree stump,’” Pocrass recalled of the project, an archive of which remains online at Based on that work, Pocrass received a series of grants to publish books based on “Mundane Journeys”; an editor with Chronicle Books eventually published a version of the project that allows travelers to use it wherever they go. With the Palo Alto happiness map, the idea is similar: Anyone who picks up a free copy will have both an original work of art and a guide for discovering the world around them. Karen Kienzle, director of the Palo Alto Art Center, has been following Pocrass’ career since Mundane Journeys. “I love how democratic her work is,” Kienzle said. “This a piece of art that everyone in community can have. I also love that her work is about getting us to see things in a new light. My hope is that her project might turn us on to aspects of Palo Alto we’re not familiar with.” Furthermore, Kienzle noted, Pocrass’ work approaches themes of connection and exploration in a very different way from the social networking and GPS mapping solutions of this high-tech era. “We’re more connected than we’re ever been, but many cultural critics have identified the fact that we’re disconnected from our neighborhoods and our communities,” she noted, calling Pocrass’ work “an antidote to that. It’s low-tech. You can hold it and take it away with you.” Getting out and exploring one’s immediate surroundings is both Pocrass’ invitation and her working method. “My process changes depending on what I am working on, but it always starts with a lot of walking,” she wrote in a blog. “There is no better way to see the world than wandering slowly with eyes wide open.” Her process for the Palo Alto happiness map has included visiting the happy places mentioned in the survey. In the name of research, she has eaten eclairs at The Prolific Oven, visited the historic Stanford Theatre and discovered the redwood tree grove at Peers Park where a plaque commemorates the seedling Kate Pocrass Arts & Entertainment Among the happy spots Palo Altans named in their survey responses was The Prolific Oven; as part of her research, Pocrass went there to eat an eclair. that traveled into outer space on the Challenger. The Palo Alto happiness map project has met resistance from some critics, who have called the project “childish,” challenged the allocation of public funds for the project (the city is paying $5,000 to print 10,000 copies of the map, while the nonprofit Palo Alto Art Center Foundation is paying Pocrass a $2,000 fee for her work) and suggested that given the many challenges the city currently faces, such focus on happiness is naive and poorly timed. Kienzle responded to these allegations with openness and curiosity. “We know that art can generate a wide range of interpretations and opinions, and it’s great when it evokes a constructive dialogue,” she said. “One of the criticisms I thought was interesting was this is not the right time for a happiness map because Palo Alto faces so many issues right now. To my mind, Pocrass isn’t being a Pollyanna at all. Her work suggests that despite the issues we face as a community, we can still find and celebrate the places in our city that make us happy.” Claudia Keith, chief communications officer for the City of Palo (continued on next page) 0UÅ\LUJL[OL-\[\YL VM@V\Y*VTT\UP[` • Be part of your community ÷0DNHDGLσHUHQFHLQ\RXUFRPPXQLW\ • Improve your community We are currently recruiting for: (YJOP[LJ[\YHS9L]PL^)VHYK¶[LYTZ 7HYRZ9LJYLH[PVU*VTTPZZPVU¶[LYTZ 7SHUUPUN;YHUZWVY[H[PVU*VTTPZZPVU¶[LYT FOR INFORMATION OR TO APPLY: *VU[HJ[[OL*P[`*SLYR»Z6ɉJLH[ ɫ or +LHKSPULPZ(\N\Z[H[!WT Page 30 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Arts & Entertainment WorthaLook Art A Wire mesh W Courtesy Linda Tapscott S Silicon Valley-based artist LLinda Tapscott creates organic forms inspired o by nature. Her medium b is not paint and canvas, nor is it clay, stone or n bronze. Instead, Tapscott b uses aluminum wire u mesh to produce porous, m ssemi-transparent shapes tthat evoke leaves and sshells, nests and seeds. Now through the end of N August, her work will be A displayed at Konditorei d Cafe in Ladera Shopping C Center, 3130 Alpine Road, C Portola Valley. For those P interested in learning in more about how to sculpt m using this lightweight u material, Tapscott will be m offering workshops in wire o mesh art at the Pacific m Art League on Sept. 13 A and Oct. 25. For more a about the artist, go to a or call 650lt 529-3408. To register 5 for workshops, go to fo or call p 650-321-3891. 6 Linda Tapscott’s wire mesh art, including works like “Involution,” will be on display at Konditorei Cafe in Ladera through the end of August. Theater ‘Voice of the Prairie’ An itinerant story teller and his young companion are the unlikely heroes of “The Voice of the Prairie,” John Olive’s play about the early days of radio. The play opens at Redwood City’s Dragon Theatre, 2120 Broadway, on Friday, Aug. 21, and runs through Sept. 13. Tickets are $27-$35. Go to or call 650-493-2006. Music Hookslide As summer slides to a close, there’s one last chance to catch a free live concert at the San Antonio Shopping Center, 2550 W. El Camino Real, Mountain View. This Sunday, Aug. 23, Bay Area-based a cappella group Hookslide will perform from 4-6 p.m. on the village green. Go to Books ‘That Thing You Do With Your Mouth’ Leave the kids at home for this stimulating evening with bestselling author David Shields, who will discuss his latest work: the reminiscences of his cousin, who worked for a time making English voice-overs for Italian pornography. Shields appears tonight, Friday, Aug. 21, at Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Tickets are $10-$20. Go to or call 650-324-4321. Art ‘Dichotomy’ Science versus nature, the man-made and the organic: It’s a duality we live with every day in Silicon Valley. On view Aug. 25 to Sept. 19 at Palo Alto’s Gallery House, 320 California Ave., “Dichotomy: Abstracted Science and Lyrical Landscapes” includes mixed media works by Nance Wheeler and Patricia Nojima that explore both sides of the divide. A public reception will be held on Friday, Aug. 28, 6-8 p.m. Admission is free. Go to or call 650-326-1668. Concert ‘More Joy’ Who couldn’t use a little more joy in their lives? This Saturday, Aug. 22, at the Ladera Community Church, 3300 Alpine Road, Portola Valley, join local musicians for an uplifting evening of folk and bluegrass music and storytelling. The suggested donation is $10. Go to or call 650-854-5481. Q — Elizabeth Schwyzer SEE MORE ONLINE CANTOR ARTS CENTER AT STANFORD UNIVERSITY (continued from previous page) Alto, described the happiness map as fitting perfectly with the city’s ongoing top initiative “to create community connections and foster civic engagement.” “We thought having people identify those places and having a visual poster would be a great realization this goal,” she said, adding that she saw the project as dovetailing with the City Council’s 2015 “healthy city/healthy community” priority in that it helps foster a healthy culture. Pocrass, for her part, noted that “scrutiny is inevitable in any publicly funded project.” “I understand people’s request for wanting to know how much of their tax dollars are being spent on public art,” she wrote. “Whether or not they like the projects that the city decides to fund is another matter. It is an impossible task to please an entire city. Instead I can only hope that my project is creating a healthy dialogue between those who are interested in the project and those who are not fond of it.” Those who are interested in the project eagerly await the show’s opening, when they can get their hands on their own copy of the happiness map and enjoy an artist’s rendering of Palo Altans’ favorite spots. The most intrepid explorers might even discover new happy places of their own. Q Arts & Entertainment Editor Elizabeth Schwyzer can be emailed at eschwyzer@ What: Palo Alto happiness map, part of “Front yard/Backstreet” Where: Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road When: Sept. 19 to Dec. 13. Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1-5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Cost: Free Info: Go to artcenter or call 650-329-2366. Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Italy, 1720–1778), Paestum, Italy: Temple of Neptune, View of the Interior from the West (detail), 1777. Black chalk, pencil, brown and grey washes, pen and ink. Sir John Soane’s Museum Watch videos of Hookslide and “That Thing You Do With Your Mouth” in the online version of this story at PIRANESI’S PAESTUM MASTER DRAWINGS UNCOVERED Only West-Coast viewing of the f inal works by inf luential 18th-century artist Giovanni Battista Piranesi. THROUGH JANUARY 4 23(16,;'$<6$:((.$/:$<6)5(( /20,7$'5,9(67$1)25'086(8067$1)25'('8 This exhibition was organized by Sir John Soane’s Museum, London. We gratefully acknowledge support for the exhibition’s presentation at the Cantor from John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn, Frances and Theodore Geballe’s Pre-19th-Century European Art Fund, and Mary Anne Nyburg Baker and G. Leonard Baker, Jr. • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 31 1. Cafe Brioche’s housemade profiteroles are filled with vanilla bean ice cream and drizzled with chocolate fudge sauce. 2. The coq au vin at Cafe Brioche is served with mushrooms, carrots, cipollini onions and whipped potatoes. 3. Beignet frits are filled with chopped artichoke hearts, shallots and goat cheese and served with a side of lemonaioli dipping sauce. 1. WHEN IN FRANCE... A MAINSTAY FOR DECADES, CAFE BRIOCHE CONTINUES TO DELIVER b y D a l e F. B e n t s o n p h o to s by Ver o n ica Web er 2. 3. Page 32 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • C alifornia Avenue in Palo Alto is not quite the Rue de Buci in Paris, but it is inching in that direction. Not every restaurant has yet taken advantage of the city’s newly completed sidewalk widening and beautification project. It’s a unique opportunity for restaurateurs to supplement their interior space with al fresco dining, and with minimal investment. It’s getting there: Joanie’s Cafe, Pastis, Cafe Brioche and others have installed new outdoor tables, umbrellas and awnings. Some have added new signage to accent the fresh vibe on the street. According to Marco Kurt, Cafe Brioche’s general manager, the upgrade is bringing in new customers from further distances. California Avenue’s eateries are segueing from neighborhood dining spots to destination restaurants. What has also helped Cafe Brioche, Kurt said, is adding a full bar to complement their wine list and joining OpenTable’s online reservation system. The bistro has been an anchor on California Avenue since 1995, despite the decline of French eateries in the Bay Area over the past two decades. Happily, there is a spate of new French restaurants and bistros springing up around the region. Cafe Brioche has remained because the food is uncomplicated and well-prepared by chef Ricardo Molina, prices are rational, the service competent and the dining room cozy. It has been a winning formula. While I enjoyed dining with a partner, I equally enjoyed eating alone at lunch. Being free of conversation allowed my mind to wander and let me people-watch — which is half the charm of any French bistro, whether in Paris or Palo Alto. The first course of fried Brussels sprouts ($9.95) arrived tossed with cashews, chopped parsley and dabbed with an apple glaze. Paired with a sip of icy rosé, what could be more idyllic for a midday repast? The lunch menu was sandwich-centric but did offer a few main courses as well. Nonetheless, I couldn’t resist the huîtres (oyster) sandwich ($12.75). It came not with Arcachon oysters, nor even Tomales Bay bivalves; yet the single, fat, Washington State cornmeal-crusted sautéed oyster was scrumptious, topped with pancetta, red onions, baby spinach and creamy Dijon mustard and served on toasted sour bâtard bread. The oyster was fried golden and stayed crisp to the last bite. Fried calamari is my litmus test to gauge the competence of a kitchen. Fail that, and the rest of the meal usually falls short as well. At dinner, the deep-fried calamari ($11.95) with lemon aioli was perfect: crisp and fresh-tasting — not greasy — with a shaving of Parmesan cheese atop. The doughy beignet frit ($9.95) — three fried brioche balls filled with chopped artichoke hearts, shallots Eating Out and goat cheese — came with a refreshing lemon-aioli dipping sauce. Hazelnut-crusted salmon ($21.95) with a merlot-blackberry puree was served over a bed of sautéed spinach and roasted leeks. The flavors were wellbalanced and the salmon was fresh, pink and luscious. Coq au vin ($19.50) was better than I expected. I’m not a huge fan, but Cafe Brioche’s was worthwhile. The marinated chicken was plump and juicy; the mushrooms, carrots, cipollini onions and whipped potatoes added a rustic savoriness; and the sauce was thick and fragrant. Duck ragout ($24.95), mixed with pasta shells and gremolata (a citrus-and-herb condiment), was earthy and fragrant. The duck had been browned and roasted with wine, stock and vegetables, then deboned and simmered like a stew until thick. The results were mouthwatering. For dessert, the house-made profiteroles ($7.50) were hard to beat. The pastry was puffy and feather-light, overfilled with vanilla bean ice cream and drizzled with chocolate fudge. Cafe Brioche’s version of tarte Tartin (7.50) was up to the task. The warm upside-down caramelized apple cinnamon tart was crowned with vanilla bean ice cream. The best part? It wasn’t overly sweet. The crème brûlée ($7.50) was satisfactory. Served in a small ceramic dish, the custard was a tad grainy yet flavorful. The thin, burnt sugar cap had been torched to order, so it was served slightly warm. The wine list, divided into Old World and New World selections, was more than adequate and paired well with the cuisine. Cafe Brioche is a bistro both Francophiles and non-Francophiles can enjoy. Food, service and ambiance are first-rate, and now there’s the added attraction of people-watching. Q Cafe Brioche, 445 S. California Ave., Palo Alto; 650-326-8640 Lunch: Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Dinner: Monday-Saturday, 5-9:30 p.m.; Sunday: 5-9 p.m.; Breakfast: Friday only, 9-11 a.m.; Brunch: Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reservations City lot parking Full bar Credit cards Happy hour Corkage: $15 Children Takeout Outdoor dining Private parties Noise level: Moderate Bathroom Cleanliness: Very good Tidbits by Elena Kadvany CRAWFISH COMING TO PALO ALTO ... Downtown Palo Alto Turkish restaurant Cafe Taxim has closed, and will be replaced by a Bay Area Cajun-inspired restaurant called Crawfish Fusion. Cafe Taxim opened at 423 University Ave. in 2011. Kristine Huang, the owner of Crawfish Fusion in downtown San Mateo and San Francisco, has laid claim to the space. Crawfish Fusion serves Southern favorites like Louisiana crawfish, deep-fried oysters, blackened catfish, gumbo, shrimp and grits and beignets. There’s also lobster, Dungeness crab, Cajun hot wings, stir-fries, noodle dishes, barbecue short ribs and grilled fish and meats. Huang did not return requests for comment. DINNER AND A SHOW ... Downtown Palo Alto French restaurant Zola is launching a Monday night pop-up series focusing on “rare and unique” wines alongside “exclusive, music-driven dinners,” including one featuring a San Francisco Chamber Orchestra string quartet. The pop-up series will kick off Monday, Aug. 24, with a dinner featuring wines from the boutique Sonoma coast winery, Marcassin. On Monday, Sept. 21, the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra’s “Haydn Project” will perform at Zola for an “East of Paris” themed dinner. In October, the restaurant will turn its focus to Napa’s Mayacamas Vineyards. “We hope to bring a unique, interesting and though provoking experience through these dinners and look forward to continuing our support of community enrichment,” a press release on the series reads. To purchase tickets, go to CETRELLA OPENS IN LOS ALTOS ... Cetrella, a longtime Mediterranean restaurant in Half Moon Bay, opened a second location in Los Altos last week. The new outpost at 400 Main St. is large, with a 90-seat dining room and outdoor patio. Cetrella No. 2 will be serving up similar food under the leadership of Executive Chef Michael Ellis, whose resume includes Michelin-starred Dry Creek Kitchen in Healdsburg, Penthouse Steakhouse in San Francisco and Hult’s Restaurant in Los Gatos. A sample dinner menu includes grilled Half Moon Bay artichokes, fritto misto, grilled Spanish octopus, seared Hudson Valley foie gras, wood-fired pizzas and homemade pastas. There’s also a full bar, so expect cocktails along with wine. Local musicians will perform live jazz in the bar and lounge on Fridays and Saturdays from 6:30-9:30 p.m. MIXX SHUTTERS IN MOUNTAIN VIEW ... Mixx, the casual fusion eatery that replaced longtime Castro Street restaurant Scott’s Seafood last year, has closed, coowner Billy Berkowitz confirmed Monday. Berkowitz, who owns Max’s Opera Cafe in Palo Alto and San Francisco, among other establishments, partnered with Scott’s Seafood owner Steve Mayer last year to open Mixx. The menu was wide-reaching, including American, Italian, Thai, soul food, Mediterranean, Chinese, Japanese and more. Mixx also served craft cocktails, with some spirits steeped in “infusion jars,” then aged for 21 days in oak barrels. “We put a lot of effort into it,” Berkowitz wrote in an email Monday. “The bar and happy hour was busy from the get go (but) we could not build the sales to make it worth staying there. We’re very disappointed as we thought that location had lots of potential.” Check out more food news online at Elena Kadvany’s blog, Peninsula Foodist, at • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 33 ++++ “It’s impossible not to fall in love with ‘Mistress America’.” Joe Neumaier, “Funny, blithely witty, emotionally intricate and terrifically touching.” Joe Morgenstern, “Vibrates with smarts and sexiness. Greta Gerwig is the mistress of all things comedy.” Peter Travers, “ Gerwig is the best screwball heroine since Holly Golightly.” Anne Thompson, greta gerwig lola kirke directed by noah baumbach written by noah baumbach & greta gerwig EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENTS START FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 Page 34 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • SAN JOSE PALO ALTO Landmark’s Aquarius Theatre CinéArts Santana Row (408) 554-7010 (650) 327-3241 OPENINGS There she is ... ‘Mistress America’ offers a tale of friendship and betrayal 00 1/2 (Aquarius) parasitic ambition form the dark “You want a piece of me?” Them’s fighting words, but also ones that reflect a psycho-sociological truism about human interaction. Jealousy and a kind of side of many a seemingly collegial friendship. And so it goes in Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig’s new film “Mistress America,” in which two women forge (continued on next page) OPENINGS Lionsgate RT Features “Mistress America” explores the ecstasies and agonies of a female friendship. and test a friendship based largely on mutual self-interest. Director/co-writer Baumbach and star/co-writer Gerwig (currently a couple) have in “Mistress America” a comedy of friendship found, lost and found again. Lola Kirke (“Gone Girl”) plays Tracy Fishko, a newly installed freshman at New York City’s Barnard College. Immediately established as being on a lonely search for self (an ice-breaking activity gifts her the defining symbol of a tracking device), Tracy decides to introduce herself to her one New York contact, her soon-to-be-stepsister, Brooke Cardinas (Gerwig). A fateful phone call later, Tracy has boarded the express train that is Brooke, destination unknown. Gerwig applies her considerable comic aplomb to the whirligig Brooke, a Soul Cycle instructor who, in her personal life, combines that job’s aggressive can-do energy with monumental self-absorption. As they swap stories over dorm-room screwdrivers, Brooke at one point responds to Tracy, “That’s cool about the yogurt machine. Everyone I love dies.” A hustler who has yet to make good, Brooke makes for a dangerous role model to — and brilliant source material for — attentive aspiring fiction writer Tracy. The oddly paced story culminates in an extended climax whereby Brooke leads Tracy and a couple of tenuous friends to the Greenwich, Connecticut, home of her rich ex-boyfriend, Dylan Jesse Eisenberg, right, plays a pothead sleeper agent to John Leguizamo’s drug dealer in “American Ultra.” Getting the punchies ‘American Ultra’ offers a pothead sleeper agent 00 1/2 (Century 16, Century 20) Conspiracies are for nut jobs. Or that’s what they want you to think. Anyone with an informed sense of history knows, of course, that many conspiracies are real and present, but which ones? To the frivolous end of action comedy, “American Ultra” riffs on our government’s Project MKUltra, aka the CIA’s mind-control program. And the movie has all the impact of one of those Illuminati memes. “Yeah,” you’ll say, “I’ve heard that one before.” For “American Ultra” is “The Bourne Identity” with a pot- head spin and Jesse Eisenberg in place of Matt Damon, a bit like “Get Smart” was to James Bond. There’s some tired, glib satire about the CIA’s nefarious techniques, from MKUltra to surveillance and drone warfare. And there’s plenty of lightningfast, built-to-shock violence. Oddly, though, the most impactful element here turns out to be romance: beautifully set up, confounded and paid off in a climax that shouldn’t surprise us but (continued on next page) DINNER BY THE MOVIES AT SHORELINE’S IC LIVE MdUaSys Thurs m 5-8p N! NOW OePrvEed daily Cucina Venti’s Wine Club Invites You to a Complimentary Wine Tasting ts Breakfas Saturdays) (except Featuring a variety of wines created by Robert Mondavi Wednesday, August 26, 2015 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Please RSVP at Cucina Venti 1390 Pear Ave., Mountain View (650) 254-1120 The Voya Restaurant Make your reservation on For information on future events, follow us on 1390 Pear Ave., Mountain View (650) 386-6471 • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 35 Movies Mistress America (continued from previous page) Century Theatres at Palo Alto Square Tickets and Showtimes available at (Michael Chernus of “Orange Is the New Black”). Brooke intends to ply him for money she feels owed, if only she can do an endrun around his wife, Mimi Clare (Heather Lind). The sequence hits the ground running at a deliberately Hawksian screwball pace, but even considering Brooke’s motormouth, this second act marks an awkward tonal shift, JAMIE BLACKLEY PARKER POSEY Fri and Sat 8/21 – 8/22 The End of the Tour – 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45 Irrational Man – 1:55, 4:30, 7:15 Amy – 9:40 PM Sun through Thurs 8/23 – 8/27 The End of the Tour – 1:30, 4:15, 7:00 Irrational Man – 1:55, 4:30, 7:15 JOAQUIN PHOENIX MOVIE TIMES All showtimes are for Friday to Sunday only unless otherwise noted. For other times, reviews and trailers, go to Movie times are subject to change. Call theaters for the latest. Amy (R) Palo Alto Square: Fri & Sat 9:40 p.m. Ant-Man (PG-13) +++ Century 16: 10:30 a.m., 1:30, 4:30, 7:40 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:05 a.m. & 7:55 p.m. In 3-D at 1:50, 4:55 & 10:45 p.m. Best of Enemies (R) +++1/2 -David Rooney, THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER IRRATIONAL MAN WOODY ALLEN Aquarius Theatre: 2 & 7:10 p.m. The Diary of a Teenage Girl (R) Century 16: 9:05 & 11:40 a.m., 2:15, 4:50, 7:20 & 10 p.m. The End of the Tour (R) +++1/2 Century 20: 11:30 a.m., 2:15, 4:50, 7:25 & 10:05 p.m. Palo Alto Square: 1:30, 4:15 & 7 p.m., Fri & Sat 9:45 p.m. Written and Directed by ESL One Cologne Counter-Strike: GO Finals Live (Not Rated) Century 20: Sun 10 a.m. WWW.SONYCLASSICS.COM PALO ALTO CINÉARTS@PALO ALTO SQUARE 3000 El Camino Real (800) CINEMARK tations. Baumbach and Gerwig also nose around in interesting ideas about creative appropriation, an increasingly superficial culture and sensitivity to age — all prime subjects of Baumach’s previous film, “While We’re Young.” An ’80s nostalgia score by Dean Wareham and Britta Phil- American Ultra (R) ++1/2 Century 16: 10 a.m., 12:30, 3, 5:30, 8 & 10:35 p.m. Century 20: 11:35 a.m., 2:10, 4:45, 7:20 & 10 p.m. EMMA STONE “INTOXICATING.” NOW PLAYING promptly abandoned again for a more circumspect coda. The film’s oddly ramshackle construction hurts, but the zesty dialogue and the character work and chemistry of Kirke and Gerwig compensate mightily, as does the film’s refreshing focus on female friendship, its joys and limi- CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES Fantastic Four (PG-13) Century 16: 9:15 a.m., noon, 2:45, 5:25, 8:15 & 10:55 p.m. Century 20: 11:15 a.m., 1:50, 4:25, 7:05 & 9:45 p.m. Forbidden Planet (1956) (Not Rated) Stanford Theatre: Sat & Sun 3:45 & 7:30 p.m. VIEW THE TRAILER AT WWW.IRRATIONALMANMOVIE.COM The Gift (R) Century 16: 9 & 11:50 a.m., 2:35, 5:15, 7:55 & 10:40 p.m. Century 20: 11:40 a.m., 2:20, 5, 7:40 & 10:25 p.m. Bel Alexander Powley SkarsgArd Christopher ANDKristen Meloni Wiig “THIS GUTSY EXHILARATING MOVIE... WHAT MAKES MINNIE–ON THE PAGE AND NOW ON THE SCREEN–GREATER THAN ANY ONE GIRL IS HOW SHE TELLS HER OWN STORY IN HER OWN SOARINGLY ALIVE VOICE.” -Manohla Dargis, THE NEW YORK TIMES ++++ The Hidden Fortress (1958) (Not Rated) Stanford Theatre: Fri 7:30 p.m. Hitman: Agent 47 (R) Century 16: 9:45 a.m., 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:55 & 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 11:45 a.m., 2:30, 5:05, 7:50 & 10:20 p.m. Inside Out (PG) +++1/2 Century 16: 9:10 & 11:45 a.m., 2:25 & 5 p.m. Century 20: 11:25 a.m., 1:55, 4:30, 7:10 & 9:40 p.m. Irrational Man (R) ++ Kick 2 (Not Rated) Palo Alto Square: 1:55, 4:30 & 7:15 p.m. Century 16: Fri 9 p.m., Sat 6 p.m. The Man from U.N.C.L.E (PG-13) ++1/2 Century 16: 9:55 a.m., 1, 4:10, 7:20 & 10:25 p.m. Century 20: 11:10 a.m., 2, 4:50, 7:40 & 10:30 p.m. Minions (PG) ++ Century 16: 9:10 & 11:35 a.m., 2:10, 4:45, 7:25 & 9:55 p.m. Century 20: 11:20 a.m., 1:35, 4:05, 6:50 & 9:15 p.m. (HIGHEST RATING) “TERRIFIC! WONDERFUL! CHARGED WITH SERIOUS, UNPREDICTABLE, VIBRANTLY OBSERVANT ENERGY.” -Michael Phillips, CHICAGO TRIBUNE “EXTRAORDINARY! UNIQUE AND UNFORGETTABLE. BEL POWLEY IS SENSATIONAL.” -Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (PG-13) ++1/2 Century 16: 9, 9:50 & 10:35 a.m., 12:15, 1:50, 3:30, 5:05, 7, 8:40 & 10:15 p.m. Century 20: 11:20 a.m., 12:15, 2:25, 3:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:35 & 9:35 p.m., Fri & Sat 1:20. In D-BOX at 11:20 a.m., 2:25, 5:30 & 8:35 p.m. Mistress America (R) ++1/2 Mr. Holmes (PG) +++1/2 Pixels (PG-13) +1/2 Aquarius Theatre: 1, 3, 5:15, 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. Guild Theatre: 2, 4:30, 7:10 & 9:40 p.m. Century 20: 10:55 a.m., 1:25, 4, 6:55 & 9:30 p.m. Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (R) Century 16: Sun 2 p.m. Century 20: Sun 2 p.m. Ricki and the Flash (PG-13) ++ Century 20: 11:10 a.m., 1:40, 4:10, 7 & 9:50 p.m. Shaun the Sheep Movie (PG) Century 16: 9:20 & 11:55 a.m., 2:20, 4:55 & 7:15 p.m. Century 20: 5:35 & 8 p.m., Fri & Sat 10:50 a.m., 1 & 3:15 p.m., Sun 3:20 p.m. Sinister 2 (R) Century 16: 9:30 a.m., noon, 2:40, 5:10, 7:45 & 10:20 p.m. Century 20: 11:55 a.m., 2:40, 5:20, 8:10 & 10:45 p.m. Southpaw (R) Century 20: 4:40 & 10:35 p.m. Century 16: 9:30 p.m. The Stanford Prison Experiment (R) +++ Aquarius Theatre: 4:15 & 9:30 p.m. Srimanthudu (Not Rated) Straight Outta Compton (R) Century 16: 9 & 10:45 a.m., 12:30, 2:15, 4, 5:45, 7:30, 9:15 & 11 p.m., Fri 5 p.m., Fri & Sat 1:15 & 11:45 p.m., Sat 10:10 p.m., Sun 4:40 & 8 p.m. Century 20: 11 a.m., 12:05, 2:20, 3:25, 5:40, 6:45, 9:05 & 10:10 p.m. In X-D at 1:10, 4:30 & 8 p.m. The Time Machine (1960) (Not Rated) Stanford Theatre: Sat & Sun 5:35 & 9:20 p.m. Trainwreck (R) Century 16: 7:35 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11 a.m., 1:55, 4:50, 7:45 & 10:40 p.m. Vacation (R) Century 20: 10:15 p.m. + Skip it ++ Some redeeming qualities +++ A good bet ++++ Outstanding NEW DIRECTORS/NEW FILMS SUNDANCE MOMA / FILM SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER F I L M F E S T I VA L The Opening Night LOS ANGELES F I L M F E S T I VA L Diary of MARIELLE a Teenage Girl HELLER A Film By SONY PICTURES CLASSICS CAVIAR AND COLD IRON PICTURES PRESENT A CAVIAR COLD IRON PICTURES ARCHER GRAY PRODUCTION OF A FILM BY MARIELLE HELLER “THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL” BEL POWLEY ALEXANDER SKARSGÅRD CHRISTOPHER MELONI AND KRISTEN WIIG NINA HENNINGER, C.S.A. HOWARD PAAR NATE HELLER SARA GUNNARSDÓTTIR CARMEN GRANDE EDITORS MARIE-HÉLÈNE DOZO KOEN TIMMERMAN JONAH MARKOWITZ BRANDON TROST - DEBBIE BRUBAKER MICHAEL SAGOL AMANDA MARSHALL JORMA TACCONE AMY NAUIOKAS ANNE CAREY BERT HAMELINCK MADELINE SAMIT MIRANDA BAILEY PHOEBE GLOECKNER CASTING BY PRODUCTION DESIGNER MUSIC SUPERVISOR DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY CO PRODUCER PRODUCED BY WRITTEN FOR THE SCREEN AND DIRECTED BY MARIELLE HELLER SOUNDTRACK ALBUM ON starts friday, august 21 ORIGINAL SCORE BY ANIMATION AND ORIGINAL ARTWORK BY COSTUME DESIGNER EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS BASED ON THE BOOK BY WWW.SONYCLASSICS.COM READ THE BOOK FROM MOUNTAIN VIEW CENTURY CINEMA 16 1500 N Shoreline Blvd (800) CINEMARK VIEW THE TRAILER AT WWW.THEDIARYOFATEENAGEGIRLMOVIE.COM Page 36 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260) Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View (800-326-3264) Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800-326-3264) CinéArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (493-0128) Guild: 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260) Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700) Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing, go to ON THE WEB: Additional movie reviews at lips signals the influence of pictures like “Something Wild” and “After Hours,” the zanily farcical heights of which the relatively contained “Mistress America” never approaches. Like Brooke, the film flies a strange and arresting course: if not quite a screwball, then certainly a change-up pitch. Rated R for language, including some sexual references. One hour, 24 minutes. — Peter Canavese American Ultra (continued from previous page) cleverly manages to do so. It’s too bad more of “American Ultra” couldn’t do the same. Eisenberg plays Mike Howell, a sleeper agent who’s not only undercover but unconscious. In the fictional ghost town of Liman, West Virginia, Mike serves as the cashier at the Cash & Carry, surrounded by the junk food he’s no doubt craving from his chronic intake of the chronic. At home, Mike shares a messy apartment with longtime girlfriend Phoebe Larson (Kristen Stewart) — “the only good thing that’s ever happened to me.” Their relationship is getting serious, despite Mike’s collection of neuroses, including crippling panic attacks that keep him from ever following through on vacation plans with Phoebe. Turns out the attacks are part of Mike’s self-protective programming, a fact revealed when sympathetic CIA agent Victoria Lasseter (Connie Britton) reactivates Mike’s spy training to save him from unsympathetic CIA agent Adrian Yates (Topher Grace). In order to clean up after the brainwashing program, Yates sends a kill squad of brainwashed agents to eliminate Mike. But it turns out Mike is still the best of the best, even though he’s pot-addled and deeply confused about how he got into this mess. Director Nima Nourizadeh (“Project X”) assembles a fine cast to realize the blandly banal script of Max Landis (“Chronicle”). Eisenberg and Stewart are an interesting couple, made more so by the increasingly complex dynamic that evolves between them as secrets surface. Britton does maternal caring like no one else, Grace gives great weasel, and the great character actors John Leguizamo (as a drug dealer) and Tony Hale (as a weak-willed CIA officer) put all their creativity into enlivening predictable scenarios. “American Ultra” at times pokes fun at the genre’s clichés in amusingly productive ways (as when a baffled Mike posits a twist the movie doesn’t have in store, asking Victoria, “Are you my mother?”). More often than not, though, this conspiracy isn’t the real deal, but rather an elaborate distraction. Rated R for strong bloody violence, language throughout, drug use and some sexual content. One hour, 35 minutes. — Peter Canavese Home&Real Estate OPEN HOME GUIDE 52 Also online at Home Front TEA TIME ... Sip tea from china teacups as the scent of blooming begonia floats through the air on Wednesday, Aug. 26, at Filoli, 86 Cañada Road, Woodside. Starting at 1 p.m., small groups of friends can gather to enjoy afternoon tea in the the late summer ambiance offered by the historical home and garden. This Filoli tradition includes sandwiches, seasonal salads, scones and pastries. Reservations must be made in advance. Tickets cost $50 for members and $60 for nonmembers. Price includes general admission to the house and garden. Info: 650-364-8300, ext. 508 or IN THE KITCHEN ... Master new cooking skills and savor the last days of summer with classes offered by Sur La Table, 855 El Camino Real, Suite 57, Palo Alto. Programs scheduled for August include “Healthy & Delicious Summer Cooking” (Leah Joo, Aug. 22, 4 p.m., $69); “Handmade Summer Pastas” (Nicole Henri, Aug. 24, 6:30 p.m., $69); “Great Grilling: 4 Essential Recipes” (Joe Sivils, Aug. 25, 11 a.m., $69); and “Spectacular Summer Salads” (Joe Sivils, Aug. 27, 11 a.m., $69). Sign up before seats are gone. Info: 650-289-0438 or BACKYARD COMPOSTING ... Learn how to manage organic waste, from food scraps to yard trimmings, on Saturday, Aug. 29, at 1 p.m. at Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills. By composting, residents can cut their contribution to the landfill, conserve water and create healthier soil. The workshop teaches participants how to build, maintain and use a home compost pile. The event runs for two hours and costs $5 per person. Registration is required. Info: programs/calendar-of-events DROUGHT MAINTENANCE ... Discover drought maintenance methods during a workshop presented by the City of Palo Alto on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. at the Lucie Stern Community Center, Ball Room, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Residents can help their landscape and garden thrive during a drought by implementing a few simple changes to their landscape maintenance routine. Instruction will cover irrigation systems, water schedules and more. The workshop is free, but space is limited. Pre-registration is required and can be done by phone or online. Info: 650-329-2241 or Send notices of news and events related to real estate, interior design, home improvement and gardening to Home Front, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302, or email Deadline is one week before publication. “Fortune” by artist Melissa Mahoney. T A necklace created by jewelry maker Davide Bigazzi. Local painter, Florentine jewelry artist exhibit talents at annual festival aking place between High and Webster streets every year on the fourth weekend of August, the Palo Alto Festival of the Arts will once again turn University Avenue into an open air gallery, showcasing masterpieces from 300 fine-art and fine-craft artists. The 34th annual festival will be held this weekend, Aug. 22 and 23, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Like previous years, 150,000 people are expected to visit the festival, said publicity manager Claudette Mannina. Hosted by the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce and presented by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, the festival will feature many artistic highlights, including an Italian Street Painting Expo that benefits the Youth Community Service and the Kiwanis Club, and a Sculpture Plaza that includes the garden of fountains by ceramic artist Damien Jones. In addition, the festival offers gourmet food and wine stands, and music performances, such as an ukulele jam session and street corner concerts. “You’re always going to see something fresh and unique at the festival,” Mannina said. “We always try to add something new and unique each year.” Two of the 300 artists who will be presenting their work at this year’s festival are painter Melissa Mahoney and jewelry artist Davide Bigazzi. Artist Melissa Mahoney works on her latest series inspired by the colors of the Bay Area on Aug. 7. She often paints outside in the backyard of her Mountain View home. Mahoney adds colors to the circular “ensoinspired” pattern on her canvas, which is part of her series of paintings influenced by the Bay Area and the Golden Gate Bridge. The Palo Alto Festival of the Arts hosts 300 artists during its 34th year by Sevde Kaldiroglu photos by Veronica Weber Mahoney transfers energy from canvas to viewers Coming from a family of painters, Melissa Mahoney learned how to draw sketches from her mother starting from her toddler years. Always inspired by the artwork of her mother and her grandparents, Mahoney became a passionate painter whose paintings have been featured in international and local art galleries. After earning a degree in fine arts and going through classical training, she studied and worked in various countries including Italy and Singapore. She found her passion to be abstract painting and developed her own style, which she deems quite different from that of her family members. Fascinated by her travels throughout Asia, Mahoney saw something special in the Japanese cultural symbol enso. Based on this inspiration, she started her current series called “Vortices.” (continued on page 39) Mahoney adds silver leaf to a canvas for her series of paintings inspired by the Pacific Ocean. She adds silver and gold leaf to her work to give it luster and shine. • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 37 Page 38 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Home & Real Estate Positively Green A cultural awakening by Ciro Giammona his past summer I had the incredible opportunity to visit Italy — Tuscany and Sicily. My wife and I had been planning to go for years, and it was the trip of a lifetime. We were in two distinctly different parts of Italy, but we noticed several things they have in common, especially from the perspective of “verdi,” which means green in Italian. Like the United States, Italy, and indeed, most of the European countries have room for improvement when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions; conserving energy and resources; and improving indoor air quality in their newly constructed and remodeled buildings. Even so, it was fun to consider the green aspects of some of the “old-world” technology we came across. One of the basic tenets of green building is structures that are made to last, and that can certainly be said of many of the buildings there. In Sicily, we saw an amphitheater built on a mountaintop by the Greeks in 300 B.C. that was subsequently remodeled by the Romans a few centuries later. Yes, they are considered ruins, but with some modern adaptation, the amphitheater is still being used for performances of opera, live theater and music. In Tuscany, we toured another structure that withstood the test of time: a 12th-century castle with four floors T and numerous bedrooms for the families of the military officers that once lived there. We were surprised to see that building technology was fairly advanced for that time, as many of the rooms had built-in toilets and wash basins — a bit primitive by our current standards, but they were obviously thinking ahead. Florence and Siena are known for their art, culture and architecture, but many of the surrounding small towns and villages we visited also have structures that were hundreds of years old, but still quite usable thanks to some necessary remodeling that has occurred during the years. So how and why did they last so long? First of all, they were built of stone and brick with clay tile roofs. With water intrusion being one of the most damaging threats to our wood-framed buildings, stacked stones that are 16 to 20 inches thick with plaster troweled over them are fairly impervious. Even if some water gets in, it dries out quickly and the damage is minimal. Another green benefit to these thick walls and roofs is “thermal mass.” They take longer to heat up and cool down, so they tend to moderate the temperatures inside. Even without air conditioning, if it’s 80 degrees inside, it’s much more comfortable than 105 degrees outside. And at night when it’s cold, occupants stay warmer as the structure slowly sheds its heat. However, retrofitting a block or brick structure with modern plumbing and electricity takes some ingenuity. We saw lots of exposed pipe and conduit running along walls, inside and out. “Agri-tourism” is a growing trend in Italy. The patchwork farmlands were one of the most beautiful aspects of the countryside we toured. Talk about green! We spent much of our time at an inn on an organic pig farm (much nicer than it sounds) and also at an organic lemon orchard. Water conservation is a definite priority for the property owners. Their newer buildings were designed with small, on-demand water heaters, low flow fixtures and dual-flush toilets. Even so, knowing that we were Americans, the proprietors encouraged us to take short showers. This reminded us that if we can do it there, we can do it here, too. Washing our laundry was an interesting throwback to our childhood years. We scrubbed our clothes in the sink using a couple of gallons of water and then hung them on the clothesline like the Italians do. The sun dried our clothes, as it did for centuries for the Greeks and Romans. Granted, some places we visited had washing machines, but no one had a dryer. Even as we look to the future for new green technologies, we can still learn green practices from the past. One of the first things we did upon our return was to reinstall our own clothesline, and the laundry is drying in the sun as I write; time to go see if it’s done. Ciro Giammona is CEO of Harrell Remodeling Inc., Mountain View. He can be emailed at A cuff created by Davide Bigazzi. Festival artists (continued from page 37) “(Vortices) are not just circles; they’re spatial. They have some depth to them even though they’re two-dimensional,” Mahoney said. “I’ve been on this series for 10 years and I’m not tired of it yet. I keep reinventing it.” After studying calligraphy and handlettering in Italy, Mahoney started using a Chinese calligraphy brush for some of her paintings, in addition to flat brushes and her own hands. As opposed to certain Japanese calligraphers who aim to make a perfect circle in one stroke, she draws her circular figures in multiple strokes, working on them until “they feel balanced and complete.” “I (draw) the feeling of energy behind the moment,” Mahoney said. “I like the idea of transporting people or transferring the energy from me to the canvas to the viewer.” Because she manages her graphic design company from home, Mahoney can spend a portion of her time painting in her backyard. Her long-term goal is to study abroad and take art classes in a different country for a month every year. Bigazzi works in his Allied Arts studio in April 2009. A necklace created by Bigazzi. Mahoney is excited to be featured in the festival for the first time this year and share her pieces with arts enthusiasts. “(Painting) makes me feel grounded. It also gives me almost an adrenaline rush like running,” she said. “When I’m painting, I just forget what I’m doing. I’m absorbed in it.” comes from there.” Bigazzi has been presenting his work at the Palo Alto Festival of the Arts for many years. He thinks the festival is “a great show” that is unique because of its location since it “puts you in contact with an audience that is also a little bit different than the traditional crowd that are going to these shows.” “My life is not only making jewelry but it’s also getting in contact with (people) and kind of have an exchange of experience,” he said. Q Editorial Intern Sevde Kaldiroglu can be emailed at Bigazzi adds flavor of Italy to ornate jewelry A master of jewelry from Florence, Italy, Davide Bigazzi has practiced the ancient technique of chasing and repoussé along with shaping and embellishing silver and gold with handcrafted, bas-relief designs for decades. He started learning the art of shaping metal at 14 years old when he started an apprenticeship with a master in Florence. After working with different mediums from large-sized sculpture to jewelry for many years, Bigazzi opened a studio in his hometown and started teaching his art. In 2003, Bigazzi came to the United States, opening his studio in Menlo Park in 2006. He currently makes and sells a big portion of his artwork in that location, working with his visitors on customized orders and holding weekly classes for lo- cals. He also offers monthly workshops to people from all over the U.S. “When I make jewelry, I’m trying to transform the words into material,” Bigazzi said. Through each piece of work he creates, he endeavors to convey a message. “For example, when I do custom work ... I always tend to speak for half an hour with the person and try to understand what she wants to say with this piece,” he said. From each metal tool used to make jewelry to bas-relief sculptures in the studio, he makes everything with his hands, Bigazzi noted. Applying the chasing and repoussé technique, he starts from the back side of a flat piece of metal, and using the little handmade tools, slowly pushes out the metal to create the relief on the other side. When the back side is done, he refines all of the details on the reverse side and completes the bas-relief. “In jewelry everything has a construction behind it, ... you have to go step by step,” he said. “For many people who come here, it’s like going to therapy because everything is a little bit slower, everything needs a little bit more time ... and (they) can breathe the history a little bit and a flavor of Italy too because all of this stuff What: 34th annual Palo Alto Festival of the Arts When: Aug. 22-23 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Where: University Avenue, Palo Alto Cost: Free admission and parking. Information: READ MORE ONLINE For more Home and Real Estate news, visit • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 39 Home & Real Estate HOME SALES Home sales are provided by California REsource, a real estate information company that obtains the information from the County Recorder’s Office. Information is recorded from deeds after the close of escrow and published within four to eight weeks. Atherton 150 Encinal Ave. Schneider Trust to O’Connor Trust for $4,400,000 on 07/06/15 84 Maple Ave. Rice Trust to D. & L. Walker for $1,825,000 on 07/02/15; previous sale 04/04/2013, $1,550,000 58 Tuscaloosa Ave. Elssner Trust to PNC Development for $6,750,000 on 07/09/15; previous sale 09/18/1968, $48,000 73 Victoria Drive Smyth Trust to Rice Trust for $2,550,000 on 07/09/15 East Palo Alto 2141 Euclid Ave. H. & Y. Mesfine to J. Prado for $640,000 on 07/06/15; previous sale 05/15/2009, $240,000 229 Holland St. Y. Li to G. Chang for $615,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 04/15/2010, $360,000 2397 Oakwood Drive Federal National Mortgage to C. Mendoza for $540,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 09/05/1991, $138,000 2251 Terra Villa St. C. Tyler to D. Lok for $619,500 on 07/09/15; previous sale 12/19/1978, $60,000 Los Altos 241 Chateau Drive Singer Trust to Deepavenky Trust for $3,100,000 on 07/17/15 1395 Fairway Drive Tan Trust to M. & K. Esquivel for $3,625,000 on 07/17/15 2011 Fallen Leaf Lane D. Nolan to J. Loh for $2,000,000 on 07/20/15 551 University Ave. Teer Trust to Bristow Trust for $2,988,000 on 07/17/15 Los Altos Hills 12355 Hilltop Drive Bristow Trust to Hilltop Drive Limited for $3,200,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 11/01/1976, $154,500 Menlo Park 472 9th Ave. Watanabe Trust to A. Couse for $1,500,000 on 07/08/15 779 15th Ave. First Partners Real Estate to H. Kim for SALES AT A GLANCE Atherton Los Altos Hills Total sales reported: 4 Lowest sales price: $1,825,000 Highest sales price: $6,750,000 Palo Alto Total sales reported: 1 Lowest sales price: $3,200,000 Highest sales price: $3,200,000 East Palo Alto Total sales reported: 7 Lowest sales price: $780,000 Highest sales price: $2,700,000 Menlo Park Total sales reported: 4 Lowest sales price: $540,000 Highest sales price: $640,000 Portola Valley Total sales reported: 19 Lowest sales price: $600,000 Highest sales price: $5,875,000 Los Altos Total sales reported: 2 Lowest sales price: $2,700,000 Highest sales price: $3,850,000 Mountain View Total sales reported: 4 Lowest sales price: $2,000,000 Highest sales price: $3,625,000 Woodside Total sales reported: 10 Lowest sales price: $640,000 Highest sales price: $1,855,000 Total sales reported: 2 Lowest sales price: $1,575,000 Highest sales price: $3,650,000 Source: California REsource $1,125,000 on 07/02/15; previous sale 05/15/2013, $600,000 2180 Ashton Ave. Potter Trust to B. & S. Shakib for $1,800,000 on 07/02/15 629 Bay Road Y. Hasan to S. Sinha for $1,480,000 on 07/06/15; previous sale 12/01/2006, $921,000 7 Chateau Drive Hilligoss Trust to L. & J. Nienkerk for $2,900,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 10/07/2004, $1,076,000 1314 Cloud Ave. Spinner Trust to Mediratta Trust for $3,150,000 on 07/10/15 505 Gilbert Ave. R. Hall to J. Smith for $1,990,000 on 07/02/15; previous sale 07/21/2000, $935,000 147 Hillside Ave. Bellair Way Limited to V. Lathi for $4,350,000 on 07/09/15 1041 Menlo Oaks Drive Fields Trust to J. Owen for $1,520,000 on 07/06/15; previous sale 08/28/1987, $215,000 1740 Oak Ave. Oak Ave. Limited to M. Carli for $5,875,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 04/07/2011, $1,705,000 3 Oliver Court Selleck Trust to B. Amerige for $1,800,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 04/08/1992, $720,000 1969 Palo Alto Way R. Schilling to C. Raffaelli for $2,100,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 10/02/1986, $265,000 425 Pope St. C. Gallagher to A. & N. Edyvane for $1,450,000 on 07/08/15; previous sale 06/14/2002, $595,000 168 Sand Hill Circle Caplan Trust to A. Wheeler for $1,475,000 on 07/06/15; previous sale 09/19/1983, $318,000 2140 Santa Cruz Ave. #A208 Corman Trust to Mueller Trust for $600,000 on 07/09/15; previous sale 03/31/2000, $327,000 1980 Santa Cruz Ave. Utechin EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE OUTSTANDING RESULTS Trust to Goldsilverland Properties for $1,400,000 on 07/09/15; previous sale 12/23/1981, $76,500 7 Shasta Lane D. Denevi to B. Hants for $2,540,000 on 07/06/15; previous sale 08/27/1998, $830,000 21 Willow Road #13 D. Lynch to D. Kim for $728,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 01/16/2007, $395,000 1027 Windermere Ave. K. & K. Kinkor to WCAl3 Limited for $1,320,000 on 07/02/15; previous sale 04/29/2011, $775,000 Mountain View 1721 California St. #2 Fawzy Trust to Y. Zhao for $640,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 04/04/1990, $169,000 445 Chagall St. L. Vernazza to M. Agarwal for $1,340,000 on 07/21/15; previous sale 11/06/2012, $826,500 88 Flynn Ave. #A Clayton Trust to V. Rajagopal for $715,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 04/28/2005, $425,000 116 Flynn Ave. #D H. & L. Rome to C. Rabano for $675,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 08/10/2006, $426,000 2149 Junction Ave. #12 J. McFadden to Hass Trust for $1,400,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 12/22/1989, $280,000 754 Leona Lane Crist Trust to J. Soden for $1,855,000 on 07/21/15; previous sale 01/02/2002, $659,000 2531 Mardell Way C. Hoffman to W. & C. Chan for $1,650,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 09/30/1993, $264,000 1683 Nilda Ave. Curtis Trust to J. & K. Berk for $1,400,000 on 07/20/15; previous sale 04/04/1986, $199,000 550 Ortega Ave. #A311 C. Kochanowicz to Bukowski Trust for $975,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 12/04/2002, $382,500 49 Showers Drive #N263 J. Hanley to F. Ruan for $841,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 06/21/2006, $535,000 Palo Alto 101 Alma St. #407 Aaron Trust to M. Mulhern for $1,375,000 on 07/21/15; previous sale 04/20/2005, $630,000 2458 W. Bayshore Road #4 R. Monteiro to C. Nguyen for $780,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 12/19/2012, $510,000 800 E. Charleston Road #22 Trustway Investors to S. & S. Dhingra for $1,650,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 11/05/1990, $736,000 636 Keats Court Rlg Trust to E Trust for $2,700,000 on 07/17/15; previous sale 02/1971, $480,000 3194 Ramona St. Currall Trust to A. & K. Raza for $2,400,000 on 07/21/15 918 Van Auken Circle Marquardt Trust to W. Ma for $2,290,000 on 07/17/15 1510 Walnut Drive Walnut Drive Charitable Trust to Paul Trust for $1,700,000 on 07/17/15 Portola Valley 34 Grove Drive R. & L. Livingston to Bastian Trust for $3,850,000 on 07/02/15; previous sale 03/28/2013, $2,600,000 411 La Mesa Drive B. & K. Jones to Big Sur Limited for $2,700,000 on 07/07/15; previous sale 03/08/2006, $1,615,000 Woodside 17300 Skyline Blvd. H. & R. Lemmens to E. Farkhondeh for $1,575,000 on 07/10/15; previous sale 08/31/1995, $500,000 3470 Tripp Road John Trust to Stenson Trust for $3,650,000 on 07/02/15; previous sale 12/20/1968, $94,000 BUILDING PERMITS Palo Alto 2050 Dartmouth St. PCE residential addition to unconditioned accessory structure (pool cabana) with two new plumbing fixtures, includes new sewer line, no work in the public right of way, $30,000 475 Melville Ave. roof-mounted PV system, $n/a 975 Loma Verde Ave. roofmounted PV system, $n/a 311 Everett Ave., Unit #C resi- $VKHDUGRQ ÄùÊç^½½ùÊçÙ«ÊÃ͙ JENNY TENG 650.245.4490 Ph.D. F REE C ONSULTATION : C ALL N OW ! D r. C huck Fue ry T ol l F ree: 1-888-NO-TAXES “Using his strategy, I saved over $800,000 in taxes” - Bob B., Palo Alto ^ƚĂŶĨŽƌĚWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJΘ&ŝŶĂŶĐĞŝƐĂůŽĐĂůƌĞĂůĞƐƚĂƚĞĐŽŵƉĂŶLJƐĞƌǀŝŶŐĐůŝĞŶƚƐĨŽƌŽǀĞƌϮϱLJĞĂƌƐĂŶĚŝƐ ŶŽƚĂĸůŝĂƚĞĚǁŝƚŚ^ƚĂŶĨŽƌĚhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ Page 40 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • dential multifamily kitchen and bath remodel, $24,741 759 Maplewood Place roofmounted PV system, $n/a 114 Monroe Drive roof-mounted PV system, $n/a 2333 Webster St. change architectural sheets to reflect new architect and layout, $n/a 1486 Dana Ave. temporary power pole, $n/a 967 Dennis Drive re-roof, $20,000 74 Morton St. re-roof, $3,500 74 Morton St. re-roof, $13,500 859 Colorado Ave. residential furnace replacement, $n/a 241 Colorado Ave. red-tagged gas leak repair, $n/a 197 Walter Hays Drive bathroom remodel, $20,000 3439 South Court re-roof, $10,688 827 E. Meadow Drive re-roof, $22,500 3198 Fallen Leaf St. residential install NEMA receptacle in garage, $n/a 3615 Evergreen Drive house and garage re-roof, $16,000 537 Hamilton Ave. commercial install Level 3 car charger in underground parking structure, $n/a 405 Curtner Ave. temporary power, $n/a 241 Curtner Ave. re-roof, $44,900 530 Webster St. relocate “Bubbler Box” and pipe from rear or house to front of house, $n/a 911 Hansen Way scope revised to have existing air handler to remain until future date, $n/a 41 Somerset Place re-roof, $17,300 1450 Arcadia Place residential install wall mounted NEMA outlet in the garage, $n/a 2651 Alma St. residential gas line repair, $n/a 3500 Deer Creek Road install electric equipment, $7,000 921 Charleston Road emergency panel replacement, 10-day notice given, $n/a 2649 Alma St. residential gas line repair, $n/a 3500 Deer Creek Road accessible walk and parking restripe, $48,000 770 Bryant St. residential remodel and kitchen/bath remodel, includes removing multiple walls, no exterior changes, $125,000 4077 Ben Lomond Drive roofmounted PV system, new level 2 wall mounted EVSE, $n/a 4060 Amaranta Ave. residential gas line repair, $n/a 2645 Alma St. residential gas line repair, $n/a 624 Keats Court replace all windows, $12,680 605 Cowper St. remove existing and install CertainTeed presidential life-time composition with a layer of diamond deck as under-laymen and solid sheathing, $17,250 1467 College Ave. residential kitchen remodel, including decreasing the size of window, $55,000 3373 Saint Michael Drive revisions to the grading and drainage plan, $n/a 777 E. Meadow Drive re-roof, $7,000 3136 Waverley St. replace existing furnace in attic and add new AC unit in rear yard, $n/a 3341 Saint Michael Court twobathroom remodel, $24,000 341 California Ave. Landlord Work, includes interior demolition of the entire building, this is a two-story building, includes removal of second floor and roof structure (only exterior walls to remain), removal of second-floor shade awnings, downspouts and conduits, $46,350 3321 Saint Michael Drive twobathroom remodel, $32,000 251 Scripps Court re-roof, $14,250 651 Kendall Ave. bathroom remodel, $30,000 845 Moreno Ave. new circuit for portable spa, $n/a 1095 Channing Ave. gymnasium re-roof, $32,118 3481 Kenneth Drive re-roof, $16,000 1635 Madrono Ave. residential install NEMA outlet and new subpanel, $n/a 1050 N. California Ave. structural change, increase opening from dining room into living room, $n/a 3492 Janice Way replacing existing boiler in same location, $n/a 275 Ventura Ave. re-roof, $22,000 3666 El Camino Real Family Fashion Cuts: tenant improvement and use and occupancy for a 600-square-foot tenant space, includes two hair washing sinks and new outlets, $3,500 626 Loma Verde Ave. re-roof, $12,000 3709 Ortega Court residential remodel, includes kitchen and three baths, $75,000 870 Los Robles Ave. re-roof, $19,475 3151 Ramona St. electric service upgrade to 125 amps in the same location, $n/a 275 Ventura Ave. Building 2: reroof, $17,000 4123 Dake Ave. residential furnace replacement in the same location in mechanical closet, $n/a 160 Melville Ave. convert existing duplex into single-family residence, includes 9-square-foot addition and 800-square-foot remodel, $75,000 2290 South Court red tag gas leak repair, $n/a 328 Oxford Ave. residential roofmounted PV system, $n/a 250 Lowell Ave. new pool and spa with associated equipment, $300,000 112 Churchill Ave. residential kitchen remodel, includes removing two interior walls, $22,000 2151 Park Blvd. replace lighting in open office and replace ceiling tiles within existing grid, $4,500 385 Sherman Ave. temporary power, $n/a 2332 South Court red tag gas leak repair, $n/a 850 Webster St. 15000-01353: in the board room revised the ceiling tile and lighting, $n/a 1146 Waverley St. red tag gas leak repair at earthquake shutoff valve, $n/a 891 La Para Ave. residential roof-mounted PV system, $n/a 3324 Middlefield Road residential roof-mounted PV system, $n/a 14 Morton St. red tag gas leak repair behind dryer and behind stove, $n/a 2200 South Court residential spot repair to gas line, $n/a 2303 Oberlin St. replace forcedair furnace and nine ducts, $n/a 576 Everett Ave. residential main water line work to be done in the public row, $n/a 180 El Camino Real, 1400003026/3027/3027: structural field clarification to a slab, $n/a 180 El Camino Real, Suite #159 Unit 159: repair water damage, replace drywall and insulation, and add paint and new flooring, $15,000 OPEN: SAT & SUN 1:00 - 4:30 5 Bedroom | 4.5 Bathroom 3,396 sq.ft. living (per assessor) 8,712 sq.ft. lot (per assessor) T his luxurious newer home in Palo Alto on a sunny, large lot with beautiful gardens and lawns has designer touches throughout. Recently upgraded gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets and designer concrete countertops, stone gas-burning fireplace with antique, reclaimed wood mantles in living and family rooms, stunning new top-grade hardwood floors, Hubbardton Forge lighting throughout, expansive, light-filled master suite, radiant heated master bath floor, and convenient upstairs laundry. Five bedrooms, four and one-half baths. Downstairs ensuite bedroom makes an excellent home office or nanny suite. Finished garage, with coated floor and new cabinetry and workbench. Briones Elementary (API 941), Terman Middle (API 968) and Gunn High (API 917) – buyer to verify. 4264 WILKIE WAY, PALO ALTO Offered at $3,895,000 JUST LISTED! Gil Oraha, BROKER ASSOCIATE CalBre#01355157 (650) 889-0889 O P E N H O U S E S AT U R DAY & S U N DAY 1 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0 P M 833 La Para Avenue, Palo Alto A tranquil country-style property, close to world-class amenities this may be the special setting you’ve been looking for. Enjoyed by one owner for decades, this property consists of two parcels which host a charming two-story home, a large art studio, a two-car garage and two storage buildings. A circular motor-court entrance links the parcels. Mature trees include stately Eucalyptus, Aleppo Pine, and Valley Oak. Winding paths, raised garden beds, brick patios and a custom-built home with decks and balconies provide spaces and places for everyone. (combined parcels approximately 13,790 sq. ft.) List Price $2,895,000. Nancy Goldcamp Direct: (650) 400-5800 Site Plan - Artist’s Rendering - Buyer to verify CAL BRE# 00787851 • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 41 A Luxury Collection By Intero Real Estate Services Sand Hill Estates, Woodside 5 Betty Lane, Atherton 11627 Dawson Drive, Los Altos Hills $35,000,000 $24,800,000 $23,995,000 Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello & Cutty Smith Lic.#01343305 & 01444081 Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Greg Goumas Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 01878208 Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Lic.#01242399, 00709019 Ano Nuevo Scenic Ranch, Davenport 10440 Albertsworth Lane, Los Altos Hills $19,800,000 $11,488,000 $9,000,000 Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305 Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas & John Reece, Lic.#01878208 & 00838479 Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#0187820 25 Oakhill Drive, Woodside 245 Mountain Wood Lane, Woodside 669 Hayne Road, Hillsborough 333 Raymundo Drive, Woodside $8,250,000 $8,250,000 $7,950,000 Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305 Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Lic.#01242399 Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 40 Firethorn Way, Portola Valley 138 Bolivar Lane, Portola Valley 1100 Mountain Home Rd.,Woodside $6,888,000 $6,488,000 $5,850,000 Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208 Listing Provided by: Irene Reed & Greg Goumas, Lic.# 01879122 & 01878208 Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Lic.#01242399, 00709019 38 Hacienda Drive, Woodside 484 Panchita Way, Los Altos 1250 Miramontes Street, Half Moon Bay $5,450,000 $3,898,000 $3,200,000 Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Lic.#01242399, 00709019 Listing Provided by: Gerardo Cortes, Lic.#01115711 Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305 See the complete collection w w 2015 Intero Real Estate Services Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate and a wholly owned subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 42 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker. ® ® The Solution to Selling Your Luxury Home. 10440 Albertsworth Lane, Los Altos Hills | $11,488,000 | Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas & John Reece, Lic.#01878208 & 00838479 Customized to the unique style of each luxury property, Prestigio will expose your home through the most influential mediums reaching the greatest number of qualified buyers wherever they may be in the world. For more information about listing your home with the Intero Prestigio International program, call your local Intero Real Estate Services office. Woodside 1590 Cañada Lane Woodside, CA 94062 650.206.6200 Menlo Park 807 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 650.543.7740 Los Altos 496 First Street, Ste. 200 Los Altos, CA 94022 650.947.4700 $22,000,000 ® ® 2015 Intero Real Estate Services Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate and a wholly owned subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc. All rights reserved. • Palo Alto All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. This is not intended as a solicitation if you are listed with another broker. Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 43 Page 44 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • 328 Felton Drive, Menlo Park Offered at $4,188,000 New Home, Timeless Luxury Exceptional details and a peaceful setting alongside Holbrook-Palmer Park define this brand-new 5 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom residence of 3,860 sq. ft. (per plans) on a lot of 0.28 acres (per plans). White oak floors, dimmable lighting, and ceilings of nearly 10 feet accent the interior, which presents a dining room with wainscoting, a living room with coffered ceilings, and a main-level guest bedroom. Offering fine appliances and granite countertops, a regal island kitchen adjoins both a breakfast nook and a handsome family room with vaulted beamed ceilings. A magnificent staircase leads to four more bedrooms, including a majestic master suite with a marble-clad bathroom. Outdoors, enjoy large lawns, slate terraces, a motor court, and a detached two-car garage. Other highlights include a central vacuum system, an outdoor barbecue, and two fireplaces. Close to downtown Menlo Park, the home is also near Caltrain and prestigious Sacred Heart and Menlo Schools. More terrific schools nearby include Encinal Elementary (API 930), Hillview Middle (API 950), and Menlo-Atherton High (buyer to verify eligibility). For video tour & more photos, please visit: OPEN HOUSE Ken DeLeon CalBRE #01342140 Michael Repka CalBRE #01854880 Saturday & Sunday, 1-5 pm Complimentary Lunch & Lattes 6 5 0 . 4 8 8 . 7 3 2 5 | i n f o @ d e l e o n r e a l t y . c o m | w w w . e l e o n r e a l t y . c o m • Palo | CAlto a l BWeekly R E #• August 0 1 9 021, 3 22015 2 4 • Page 45 Alain Pinel Realtors FIND YOUR PLACE PALO ALTO $5,495,000 PALO ALTO $4,998,000 MENLO PARK $3,295,000 1400 Cowper Street I 4bd/3.5ba C. Carnevale/N. Aron I 650.462.1111 OPEN SUNDAY 1:30-4:30 1094 Forest Avenue | 4bd/4ba Sherry Bucolo | 650.323.1111 OPEN SUNDAY 1:30-4:30 1045 Atkinson Lane I 4bd/4ba M. Corman/M. Montoya I 650.462.1111 OPEN SUNDAY 1:30-4:30 LOS ALTOS $3,000,000 LOS ALTOS HILLS $2,995,000 MENLO PARK $2,375,000 217 Santa Rita Court | 5bd/4.5ba Denise Welsh | 650.941.1111 OPEN SUNDAY 1:30-4:30 24269 Dawnridge Drive I 3bd/3ba S. Walz/C. Botts I 650.941.1111 BY APPOINTMENT 230 Arden Road | 2bd/2ba Rick Howard Smith | 650.323.1111 OPEN SAT & SUN 1:30-4:30 LOS ALTOS $2,098,000 WOODSIDE $1,595,000 LA HONDA $898,000 675 Belden Drive | 5bd/3ba Kathleen Wilson | 650.323.1111 OPEN SAT & SUN 1:30-4:30 11169 La Honda Road | 3bd/2ba P. Robison/U. Cremona | 650.941.1111 BY APPOINTMENT 9111 Alpine Road | 3bd/1ba K. Bird/S. Hayes | 650.529.1111 BY APPOINTMENT ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| See it all at APR.COM /alainpinelrealtors @alainpinel Page 46 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • 0LGGOHÀHOG5RDG3DOR$OWR Offered at $2,298,000 Gracious Home Promotes Outdoor Living Basking on a lot of 5,625 sq. ft. (per city), an extensive, private terrace adjoins the sun-filled interior of this 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home, which includes 2,520 sq. ft. (per county) plus a lower level of 999 sq. ft. (per plans). Featuring drought-tolerant landscaping and tall trees for added privacy, this upgraded outdoor space is overlooked by a large outdoor patio. Brazilian cherry hardwood floors, an extra-insulated structure, dual-pane windows, and a central vacuum system enhance the fine interior. The formal living room boasts a fireplace and links to the formal dining room, while the upgraded kitchen provides highend appliances and opens to the spacious family room designed with custom sculptural lighting. The home office features a cherry bookcase, while the versatile lower level includes a media center and a wine room. Boasting a fantastic walk-in closet, the upstairs master suite enjoys patio access. Moments from Stanford and University Avenue, this home is also an easy stroll to Rinconada Park. Top schools nearby include Walter Hays Elementary (API 934), Jordan Middle (API 934), and Palo Alto High (API 905) (buyer to verify eligibility). For more information, please visit: ® OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, 1-5 pm K D Ken DeLeon L CalBRE #01342140 Michael Repka Mi h l R k CalBRE #01854880 Complimentary Lunch & Lattes • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 47 6 5 0 . 4 8 8 . 7 3 2 5 | i n f o @ d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m | w w w. d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m | C a l B R E # 0 1 9 0 3 2 2 4 European Villa Elegance in Woodside 475 Moore Road | Woodside | Offered at $6,275,000 JUST LISTED — PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT B uilt in 2009 and recently extensively updated, this stylish home is a decorator’s dream with a highly appealing one-story layout. The nearly 5,000 sq ft home is situated on a private 3.0-acre property with panoramic views of the Western Hills across its rear gardens, lawn and impressive infinity pool. The home was extensively upgraded by the current owners to create a showcase of design features which include an extensively upgraded kitchen, an elegant dual bathroom master suite and new private office. Its close proximity to Woodside Town Center, I-280, nearby schools and the Sand Hill Road nexus of business activity makes this property a must-see! # 1 Agents 2014 in Woodside/PV office HELEN & BRAD MILLER (650) 400-3426 (650) 400-1317 CalBRE #01142061, #00917768 Page 48 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • List your home with DeLeon Realty DeLeon Realty will cover all of the following at no additional charge: • Staging* • Property Inspection • Pest Inspection *Includes: Design, Installation, 1 Month of Furniture Rental and Removal Our clients love the personal attention they receive from Michael Repka, from beginning to end. Additionally you will receive a suite of free services from the DeLeon Team, including interior design, construction consulting, handyman work, and dedicated marketing to local and foreign buyers. ® 650.488.7325 | | DeLeon Realty CalBRE #01903224 • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 49 WHERE GOOD FOOD AND COMMUNITY MEET Ada’s Cafe is a 501(c)(3), social enterprise dedicated to hiring, training and employing adults with developmental disabilities in its food service businesses. Through its cafe at the Mitchell Park Community Center and a catering business that operates out of a commercial kitchen in Mountain View, Ada’s goal is to empower its Associates and employ them in a manner that accommodates their disability yet challenges them every day to expand their skill set. Ada’s also integrates high school interns and at-risk young adults into its daily cafe and catering operations. Ada’s organizes its activities around three C’s: Compassionate Employment, Community Engagement and Commercial Success. Ada’s founders believe that satisfying each of these is critical if Ada’s is to achieve its goal of fulfilling its mission as a self-sustaining social enterprise. Sereno Group is proud to support the commitment and services Ada’s Cafe provides to our community. For more information about their work or how you can get involved, please visit DURING THE MONTHS OF JULY THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2015, SERENO GROUP REAL ESTATE AND ITS PALO ALTO AGENTS WILL BE CONTRIBUTING 1% OF THEIR GROSS COMMISSIONS TO ADA’S CAFE. P A L O A L TO HERE FOR GOOD Page 50 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • SERENOGROUP.COM/ONEPERCENT 3 3 1 5 S T O C K T O N P L A C E , P A L O A LT O Beautifully Maintained Eichler Inviting Four Bedroom Home on Large Lot • Four bedrooms –master suite overlooking serene gardens and with large walk-in closet • Two bathrooms • Light-filled, formal entry way • Large living room with vaulted ceilings and “walls of windows” overlooking private backyard • Spacious and versatile family room/dining room combination leading to outdoor dining area surrounded by bamboo LISTED BY Timothy Foy DRE# 00849721 • Wonderfully landscaped, drought tolerant yards • Attached oversized two car garage • Excellent Palo Alto Schools including Gunn High School • 1,775 sq. feet living space approx. • 7,359 sq. foot lot approx. Cell: 650.387.5078 OFFERED AT $2,295,000 Midtown Realty, Inc. • 2775 Middlefield Road • Phone: 650.321.1596 • WWW.MIDTOWNPALOALTO.COM O P E N S AT U R D AY & S U N D AY F R O M 1 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0 P M • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 51 PALO ALTO WEEKLY OPEN HOMES EXPLORE OUR MAPS, HOMES FOR SALE, OPEN HOMES, VIRTUAL TOURS, PHOTOS, PRIOR SALE INFO, NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDES ON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL TIMES ARE 1:30-4:30 PM 4 Bedrooms ATHERTON 2 Bedrooms 57 N Gate $1,749,000 Sun Pacific Union International 314-7200 4 Bedrooms 91 James $6,985,000 Sun Dreyfus Sotheby’s Realty 847-1141 75 Reservoir Rd $11,800,000 Sun Dreyfus Sotheby’s Realty 644-3474 4 Bedrooms 103 Fey Dr $1,985,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 Pacific Union International 314-7200 5 Bedrooms $3,680,000 325-6161 3 Bedrooms 775 Anderson Dr Sat 1-4 Coldwell Banker $2,498,000 851-2666 LOS ALTOS HILLS 7 Bedrooms $1,777,860 325-6161 4 Bedrooms $4,988,000 543-8500 5 Bedrooms $3,988,000 464-1314 4 Bedrooms 815 Spruance Ln. Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker $1,150,000 325-6161 642 Greenwich Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker $1,998,000 325-6161 HALF MOON BAY 545 6th Ave Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker $925,000 324-4456 668 & 672 Partridge Ave. $3,190,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 Ferrari Investment Co. 464-4984 1015 Atkinson Ln Sun Coldwell Banker $5,695,000 323-7751 1795 Holly Ave Sun Kerwin & Associates $4,750,000 473-1500 1015 Atkinson Ln Sun Coldwell Banker $5,695,000 324-4456 650 Berkeley Ave $6,495,000 Sun Pacific Union International 314-7200 PALO ALTO 3 Bedrooms MENLO PARK 1235 Alma St Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 2 Bedrooms - Townhouse 134 Sand Hill Cir $1,500,000 Sun Pacific Union International 314-7200 FOSTER CITY $5,400/mo. 314-7200 5 Bedrooms 14700 Manuella Rd. $4,750,000 Sun Dreyfus Sotheby’s Realty 644-3474 26181 Moody Rd Sun Deleon Realty 5 Bedrooms 140 Sand Hill Cr Sun Pacific Union 4 Bedrooms LOS ALTOS 27633 Via Cerro Gordo Sat/Sun 1-4 Plummer Realty EAST PALO ALTO 2206 Lincoln St Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker $1,698,000 325-6161 3 Bedrooms BURLINGAME 1153 Cabrillo Ave. Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker 3 Bedrooms - Townhouse 200 Fairway Dr Sun 1-4:30 Coldwell Banker $1,899,900 325-6161 4 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 2088 Channing Ave $2,995,000 Sun 2-4 Pacific Union International 314-7200 1975 Avy $2,350,000 Sat/Sun Dreyfus Sotheby’s Realty 847-1141 1400 Cowper St Sun Alain Pinel Realtors $5,495,000 462-1111 1131 Menlo Oaks Dr Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 3246 Waverley St Sun Alain Pinel Realtors $3,549,900 323-1111 $869,000 324-4456 3 Bedrooms 4 Manor Place Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors $1,890,000 323-1111 380 Colorado Ave $3,498,000 Sat/Sun Keller Williams Palo Alto 454-8500 1250 Miramontes St $3,200,000 Sun 11-2 Intero Real Estate Services 206-6200 804 Woodland Ave Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker $1,995,000 324-4456 1094 Forest Ave $4,998,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111 Are you staying current with the changing real estate market conditions? :HRσHUWKHRQHRQOLQH destination that lets you fully explore: 2281 Byron St Sat 1:30-5 Coldwell Banker $8,398,000 325-6161 4264 Wilkie Wy Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker $3,895,000 325-6161 PORTOLA VALLEY 4 Bedrooms 5 Oak Forest Ct Sun Alain Pinel Realtors $3,995,000 462-1111 180 Escobar Rd Sun Deleon Realty $2,988,000 543-8500 1 Portola Green Cir Sun Deleon Realty $3,988,000 543-8500 REDWOOD CITY 2 Bedroomsm - Condominium 540 Shorebird Cir 21105 Sun Coldwell Banker $749,000 324-4456 1240 Woodside Rd 21 Sun Coldwell Banker $599,000 325-6161 SAN MATEO 3 Bedrooms 15 N. Quebec St Sat/Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker WOODSIDE 4 Bedrooms 579 Old La Honda Rd Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker $3,195,000 851-2666 785 W California Wy Sun Coldwell Banker $3,695,000 851-1961 6 Bedrooms 38 Hacienda Dr $5,450,000 Sun Intero Real Estate Services 206-6200 MBA: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania BA: Waseda University, Japan Xin Jiang Speaks Japanese & Chinese Fluently 650.283.8379 • Interactive maps • Homes for sale • Open house dates and times • Virtual tours and photos • Prior sales info • Neighborhood guides • Area real estate links • and so much more. Our comprehensive online guide to the Midpeninsula real estate market has all the resources a home buyer, agent or local resident could ever want and it’s all in one easy-to-use, local site! $749,000 325-6161 ® Agents: You’ll want to explore our unique online advertising opportunities. &RQWDFW\RXUVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRUFDOOWRGD\WRðQGRXWPRUH Explore area real estate through your favorite local website: And click on “real estate” in the navigation bar. Page 52 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • The DeLeon Difference® 650.543.8500 650.543.8500 | | DeLeon Realty CalBRE #01903224 Sign up today at Bay Area Collection Menlo Park. Burlingame 650.314.7200 | EXTRAORDINARY ELEGANCE IN ATHERTON APPOINTMENT ONLY 52 Atherton Avenue, Atherton $23,995,000 6 BD / 6+ BA 1 Faxon Road, Atherton $20,700,000 5+ BD / 5+ BA A residence on 2.87 A plus guest house, executive office, entertainment pavilion, gazebo, pool & tennis court. Custom gated estate in premier Menlo Circus Club location on 1.7+ acres with solar-heated pool, golf practice hole. Carol MacCorkle, 650.868.5478 APPOINTMENT ONLY Tom LeMieux, 650.465.7459 APPOINTMENT ONLY 10 Mount Vernon Lane, Atherton $8,450,000 6 BD / 5+ BA 650 Berkeley Ave, Menlo Park $6,495,000 5 BD / 5.5 BA Significantly renovated 3-level contemporary masterpiece with open concept design, theatre, fitness, library & state-of-the-art home automation midway between San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Stunning newly constructed modern farmhouse with thoughtfully designed, 2-level floor plan including 5 ensuite bedrooms and an elegant mix of modern and rustic details throughout. Tom LeMieux, 650.465.7459 COMING SOON David Weil, 650.823.3855 GREAT OPPORTUNITY IN ATHERTON 101 Alma Street, Palo Alto Price Upon Request 2 BD / 2 BA 57 N. Gate, Atherton $1,749,000 2 BD / 1 BA Amazing upper floor with views to Palo Alto city lights and western hills view. Extensively renovated by Aaron Green, protégé of Frank Lloyd Wright. Charming cottage in Central Atherton, updated interiors, inviting venue for outdoor living. Amy Sung, 650.468.4834 Tom LeMieux, 650.465.7459 • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 53 Coldwell Banker #1 IN CALIFORNIA Woodside $6,275,000 475 Moore Rd Nearly new apprx. 4,964 sf 1-level European Villa on 3-ac w/infinity pool & panoramic vws. 3 BR/3 full BA + 2 half Helen & Brad Miller 650.851.2666 CalBRE #01142061/00917768 Menlo Park Open Sun 1:30-4:30 $5,695,000 1015 Atkinson Ln Just completed, this stunning home presents 3 levels of luxury. Quiet west MP cul-de-sac. 5 BR/5.5 BA Tim Kerns/Jennifer Gonzalez-La’O CalBRE #01800770/01418866 650.323.7751 Menlo Park $4,695,000 Remodeled home, gourmet kitchen family room, pool & spa on a 14k sq ft lot. 4 BR/2.5 BA Sue Crawford CalBRE #00587710 650.324.4456 Woodside $4,549,000 12424 Skyline Blvd. Estate home on 5 acs w/ gorgeous ocean views. Chef ’s kitchen, spacious decks & tennis ct! 4 BR/3 full BA + 2 half Valerie Trenter CalBRE #01367578 650.323.7751 Palo Alto Sat/Sun 1:30 - 4:30 $3,895,000 4264 Wilkie Way Newer home on lg lot. Upgraded gourmet kit, hardwood flrs & convenient upstairs laundry 5 BR/4.5 BA Gil Oraha CalBRE #01355157 650.325.6161 Woodside Sun 1:30 - 4:30 $3,695,000 785 W California Wy Gorgeous views of the western hills, remod. interiors, a fully equipped home theatre. 4 BR/2.5 BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666 Burlingame Sat/Sun 1 - 4 $3,680,000 1153 Cabrillo Ave Amenities incl: hardwood flrs; high ceilings; crown molding; ample storage; Near downtown. 5 BR/4.5 BA Mark Kaprielian CalBRE #00599359 650.325.6161 Menlo Park Open Sat/Sun 1:30-4:30 $1,995,000 804 Woodland Ave Beautiful and quiet creek side setting on a light filled, over sized lot. 3 BR/2 BA Paul Skrabo CalBRE #00665727 650.323.7751 Palo Alto Sat/Sun 1:30 - 4:30 $1,788,000 1235 Alma St 2240sf TH, courtyard w/stone patio. FP, recessed lighting, eat-in-kitchen, laundry inside 3 BR/2.5 BA Emily Chiang CalBRE #01744416 650.325.6161 Half Moon Bay Sun 1 - 4:30 $1,598,000 200 Fairway Drive This lovely updated traditional style home offers Resort Living. 4 BR/2.5 BA Jan Strohecker CalBRE #00620365 650.325.6161 Foster City Sat/Sun 1:30 - 4:30 $1,150,000 815 Spruance Ln Stylish & airy home in coveted complex offers privacy & community. Stunning kit w/pantry. 4 BR/2.5 BA Susan Selkirk CalBRE #01071564 650.325.6161 Menlo Park $925,000 545 6th Ave. Cute & well maintained 3BR/2BA w/ many upgrades. Close to Facebook, The Box & Stanford. 3 BR/2 BA Cristina Bliss CalBRE #01189105 650.324.4456 Redwood City Sun 1:30 - 4:30 $749,000 Shorebird Circ #21105 Water views, eat-in kitchen, lux master, great rm w/fireplace & new hardwood floors. 2 BR/2.5 BA Elaine White CalBRE #01182467 650.324.4456 San Mateo Sat/Sun 1 - 4 $749,000 15 N Quebec St Fabulously Remodeled Hm w/Bonus Rm, Completed w/Amazing Finishes & Bright-Open Floorplan. 3 BR/1 BA Greg Stange CalBRE #01418179 650.325.6161 East Palo Alto $495,000 1982 W Bayshore Rd #214. Creekside 1 bed, 1 bath condo located on the West side of 101 just minutes to downtown PA. 1 BR/1 BA Steve Bulifant CalBRE #01940157 650.324.4456 ©2015 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Office is Owned by a Subsidiary of NRT LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage or NRT LLC. CalBRE License #01908304. Page 54 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 55 ® We work, play & succeed together for you! 6 2015 5 0 . •4Palo 8 8Alto . 7 3Weekly 2 5 | • i n f o @ d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m Page 56 • August 21, | w w w. d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m | C a l B R E # 0 1 9 0 3 2 2 4 Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE E-MAIL 152 Research Study Volunteers Bulletin Board Hot Flashes? Women 40-65 with frequent hot flashes, may qualify for the REPLENISH Trial - a free medical research study for post-menopausal women. Call 855-781-1851. (Cal-SCAN) 115 Announcements P HONE Pregnant? Thninking of adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/ New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) Now you can log on to, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!! INDEX QBULLETIN Pregnant? Considering adoption? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 1-877-879-4709 (CalSCAN) 100-155 QFOR SALE 200-270 QKIDS STUFF 330-390 QMIND & BODY 400-499 QJ OBS 500-560 QB USINESS SERVICES 600-699 QH OME SERVICES 700-799 QFOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 801-899 QP UBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Publishing Co. cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Publishing Co. right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice. For Sale 202 Vehicles Wanted Cash for Cars Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN) Donate Your Car, Truck, Boat to Heritage for the Blind. FREE 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care of. Call 800-731-5042 (Cal-SCAN) “Bibliocraft” artist demo 8/22 Advanced iPad Classes! Alzheimer’s book author speaks ASST SECTION MGRS FOR FOPAL I buy old Porsche’s 911, 356. 1948-1973 only. Any condition. Top $$ paid. Finders Fee. Call 707-965-9546 or email (Cal-SCAN Chair Yoga Classes at Little Hou Does dementia stress your family HUGE USED BOOK SALE/FREE BOOKS Men in Black/Lady in Red Dance Older Car, Boat, RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1- 800-743-1482 (Cal-SCAN) MOCKINGBIRD REVISITED discussion Push and Pull of Digital Health Your Infinite World Series! 210 Garage/Estate Sales 130 Classes & Instruction Airline Careers begin here - Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) Airline Careers Start Here - Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-231-7177. (Cal-SCAN) 133 Music Lessons BOARD THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers! is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. 650.326.8216 TM Menlo Park, 11 Wood Lane, Saturday August 22, 8-12 Household goods and clothing. MP: 1351 North Lemon, 8/22, 9-2 Multiple family. PA: 3030 Price Ct., 8/23, 11-4 BIG garage/organic bake sale!! RWC: 1228 Douglas Ave. Fri. 8/21, 11am-2pm; Sat. 8/22, 9am-1pm BIG RUMMAGE SALE benefits Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford. (Just south of Woodside Rd., bet. Broadway and Bayshore Fwy.) CASH ONLY. (650)497-8332 or during sale (650)568-9840 Christina Conti Private Piano Instruction Lessons in your home. Bachelor of Music. 650/493-6950 235 Wanted to Buy Hope Street Music Studios Now on Old Middefield Way, MV. Most instruments, voice. All ages and levels 650-961-2192 240 Furnishings/ Household items 2002 Zuma sailboat & trailer - $1800 Desktop TV 15” - $30 USED BOOK SALE Kid’s Stuff Customer Service/Brain Games & Educational Toys Gray Matters educational toy store in Palo Alto. Part time position. Ideal for retiree, grandparent, parent, or adults interested in learning how to expand the mind in children & adults. email: 330 Child Care Offered Afternoon child care on Thursday Mind & Body 417 Groups DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email (Cal-SCAN) 425 Health Services Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain- relieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1-800-796-5091 (Cal-SCAN) Safe Step Walk-In Tub! Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal-SCAN) Struggling with Drugs or alcohol? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800-978-6674 495 Yoga DID YOU KNOW 144 million U.S. Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email (Cal-SCAN) CASH FOR GUNS 650-969-GUNS Hacienca-style set end tables - $250.00 Whirlpool 10.7 cubic - $400.00/BO Jobs 245 Miscellaneous 500 Help Wanted New Toto Toilet - $150 Cable TV, Internet, Phone with FREE HD Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call Now! 855-602-6424 Piano Lessons Quality Piano Lessons in Menlo Park. Call (650)838-9772 Alita Lake DirecTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO SHOWTIME CINEMAX, STARZ. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-385-9017 (CalSCAN) 145 Non-Profits Needs DONATE BOOKS TO SUPPORT LIBRARY Scottish Dancers Wanted! Stanford Museums Volunteer WISH LIST FRIENDS OF PA LIBRARY 150 Volunteers ASSIST IN FRIENDS STORE MP LIB CASHIER BOOKSTORE MITCHELL PARK DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 844-597-4481 (AAN CAN) Kill Bed Bugs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/ KIT. Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online/Store: (AAN CAN) Does dementia stress your family Friends of the Mtn View Library FRIENDS OF THE PALO ALTO LIBRARY JOIN OUR ONLINE STOREFRONT TEAM Dish Network Get MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle and SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) CALL Now 1-800-357-0810 (Cal-SCAN) TM Kill Roaches! Guaranteed! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. No Mess, Odorless, Long Lasting. Available: ACE Hardware, The Home Depot (AAN CANN) Cashier and Cook For Oaxacan Kitchen Markets. P/T, weekends only @ PA Farmers’ Markets. Will train for cook position. Apply 650/799-7292 or Active Safety Embedded Software Engineer Mountain View, California. Design, develop, and test Collision Avoidance and Detection Systems (CADS) and Adaptive Cruise Control apps. Design Radar and Vision based Crash Sensing systems, and implement CADS support, Collision Mitigation by Braking, Driver Alert, Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keep Assist features. Requires Master’s in Embedded System Design and two years of experience in analysis, design, development and testing of CADS, Mobileye EyeQ, Adaptive Cruise Control applications, Rear Side Detection System, Electronically Scanned Radar, VMP EyeC language, and Automotive SPICE and CMMI development process requirements. Apply to: Delphi Corporation, Attn: Matt Vanbuhler, HR Business Partner and Staffing Specialist, 3000 University Drive, Auburn Hills, Michigan, 48326. Ref. Job No. 5586. Director of Analytics YouGov America, Inc. is hiring a Director of Analytics for its Redwood City, CA office. Resp. incl: complex survey weighting, sample and research design, and conducting advanced analytics. Qualifications incl: Master’s degree and 2yrs exp, incl. exp w/weighting & data processing, and exp w/R, SQL, & Python. E-mail resumes: Engineering Pure Storage, Inc. has following job opps. in Mountain View, CA: Software Engineer [Req. #ESZ88]. Perform full cycle app. devel. for systems level storage SW. Software Engineer [Req. #PGU47]. Perform full cycle app. devel. for systems level storage SW. Mail resumes referencing Req. # to: H. Thibeault, 401 Castro St, 3rd Flr, Mountain View, CA 94041. Technology Medallia, Inc. has the following positions open in Palo Alto, CA: Manager, Text Analytics: Identify and analyze customer behavior trends in extensive qualitative data. Director, Product Management: Lead a team of 6 product managers and a cross functional team of designers and engineers to build software products. To apply, please mail resumes to A. Zwerling, Medallia, Inc. 395 Page Mill Road, Suite 100, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Technology Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company is accepting resumes for the position of Technology Consultant in Palo Alto, CA (Ref. #HPECPALDUKR1). Provide technology consulting expertise in the areas of Project and Portfolio Management and Executive Scorecard. Telecommuting permitted. Extensive travel required to various unanticipated locations throughout the U.S. Mail resume to Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, 5400 Legacy Drive, MS H1-2F-25, Plano, TX 75024. Resume must include Ref. #, full name, email address and mailing address. No phone calls. Must be legally authorized to work in U.S. without sponsorship. EOE. Earn $500 A Day as Airbrush Makeup Artist For: Ads . TV . Film . Fashion. HD . Digital. 35% OFF TUITION - One Week Course Taught by top makeup artist and photographer. Train and Build Portfolio. Models Provided. Accredited. A+ Rated. (818) 980-2119 (AAN CAN) MAKE $1000 Weekly!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience Required. Start Immediately. (AAN CAN) Business Services 619 Consultants Every Business has a story to tell! Get your message out with California’s PRMedia Release - the only Press Release Service operated by the press to get press! For more info contact Cecelia @ 916-288-6011 or http://prmediarelease. com/california (Cal-SCAN) 624 Financial Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify 1-800-498-1067. (Cal-SCAN) Sell Your Structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don’t have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-673-5926 (Cal-SCAN) Social Security Disability benefits. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-966-1904 to start your application today! (Cal-SCAN) 636 Insurance Auto Insurance starting at $25/month! Call 855-977-9537 Lowest Prices on Health & Dental Insurance. We have the best rates from top companies! Call Now! 888-989-4807. (CalSCAN) 640 Legal Services DID YOU KNOW Information is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s hostile business climate? Gain the edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the FREE One-Month Trial Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or www. (Cal-SCAN) Home Services 715 Cleaning Services 560 Employment Information Drivers: $2K Loyalty Bonus on Health and Dental Insurance. We have the best rates from top companies! Call Now! 888-989-4807. (CalSCAN) Drivers: $2K Sign On Bonus Recent Pay Increase! We Put Drivers First. Family Company w/ 401k. Beautiful Trucks. CDL-A Req - (877) 258-8782 (Cal-SCAN) Attic Clean-Up & Rodent Removal Are there rodents living in your attic. Call today to learn more about our $89 Attic Cleanup Special Call Us Today (866) 391-3308 (paste into your browser) go to to respond to ads without phone numbers • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 57 “Free Kee”--another freestyle rife with words. Matt Jones MARKETPLACE the printed version of TM Orkopina Housecleaning Celebrating 30 years in business cleaning homes in your area. 650/962-1536 748 Gardening/ Landscaping A. Barrios Garden Maintenance *Weekly or every other week *Irrigation systems *Clean up and hauling *Tree removal *Refs. 650/771-0213; 392-9760 J. Garcia Garden Maintenance Service Free est. 21 years exp. 650/366-4301 or 650/346-6781 Real Estate 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Menlo Park, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $4750 805 Homes for Rent Los Altos Hills - $4950 Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $6,000/mon Menlo Park, 5+ BR/3 BA - $7900 Mountain View, 3 BR/1 BA - $7,000.00 Answers on page 59 Across 1 Birthday command 10 Letter between rho and tau 15 Time for a late lunch 16 Violinist Zimbalist or actor Zimbalist, Jr. 17 Comedian who once stated “I’m the luckiest unlucky person” 18 “___ hound dog lies a-sleepin’ ...” (folk song line) 19 Blue book composition 20 Grow in status, perhaps 22 Pre-calculator calculator 23 Game full of zapping 28 Grass wetter 29 Tethered 30 High poker cards 34 By all odds 38 Incan sun god 39 Disc jockeys, slangily 40 Cpl.’s underling 43 Metric measures of area 44 Finish up 47 Jodie Foster thriller with locked doors 48 Beyond gung-ho 53 Sharp as ___ 54 Whet 56 Peony part 57 Cartoonish cry while standing on a chair 58 She released the albums “19” and “21” 59 In the costume of Down 1 Bit of dust 2 Flavoring for a French cordial 3 Gastropub supplies, maybe 4 Europe’s tallest active volcano 5 Sailor’s greeting 6 Oscar Wilde’s forte 7 “This American Life” radio host 8 Honest sort 9 Lingual bone that’s not attached to any other bone 10 Always, in music 11 Tentative offer 12 Junkyard dog’s warning 13 Chaotic mess 14 NAFTA part 21 Simpsons character that all members of metal band Okilly Dokilly look like 22 Take top billing 23 City SSE of Sacramento 24 “Author unknown” byline 25 It may be in a pinch 26 Machine at the gym 27 “V for Vendetta” actor Stephen 31 Line feeder 32 Peut-___ (maybe, in Marseilles) 33 Sound of an air leak 35 Venue for testing out new jokes, perhaps 36 Gamers’ D20s, e.g. 37 Blue Jays’ prov. 41 Capricious 42 Headquarters, for short 44 Like some communities 45 Maternally related 46 Sprayed via inhaler, perhaps 47 Letter after Oscar 48 Assortment behind the bartender 49 Succulent houseplant 50 Modem’s measurement unit 51 “___ possibility” 52 “Disco Duck” man Rick 55 End of the holidays? LANDA’S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING *Yard Maint. *New Lawns. *Rototil *Clean Ups *Tree Trim *Power Wash *Irrigation timer programming. 19 yrs exp. Ramon, 650/576-6242 R.G. Landscape Drought tolerant native landscapes and succulent gardens. Demos, installations, maint. Free est. 650/468-8859 751 General Contracting A NOTICE TO READERS: It is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform contracting work on any project valued at $500.00 or more in labor and materials. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500.00 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. 757 Handyman/ Repairs AAA HANDYMAN & MORE Since 1985 Repairs • Maintenance • Painting Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical All Work Guaranteed (650) 453-3002 Handyman Services Lic. 249558. Plumb, elect., masonry, carpentry, landscape. 40+ years exp. Pete Rumore, 650/823-0736; 650/851-3078 759 Hauling 809 Shared Housing/ Rooms ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at! (AAN CAN) 825 Homes/Condos for Sale Mountain View, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $1,589,000 830 Commercial/ Income Property Village Auto For Sale or Lease First Time on the Market in 20+ Years Fantastic Downtown Location 3,200 SF Building 4,200 SF Lot Owners are Open to Converting the Building to Office or Retail for Long Term Lease 855 Real Estate Services DID YOU KNOW Information is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s highly competitive market? Gain an edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN) J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, gar., furn., mattresses, green waste, more. Lic./ins. Free est. 650/743-8852 (see my Yelp reviews) 771 Painting/ Wallpaper Glen Hodges Painting Call me first! Senior discount. 45 yrs. #351738. 650/322-8325 This week’s SUDOKU STYLE PAINTING Full service painting. Insured. Lic. 903303. 650/388-8577 775 Asphalt/ Concrete Mtn. View Asphalt Sealing Driveway, parking lot seal coating. Asphalt repair, striping, 30+ years. Family owned. Free est. Lic. 507814. 650/967-1129 Roe General Engineering Asphalt, concrete, pavers, tiles, sealing, artificial turf. 36 yrs exp. No job too small. Lic #663703. 650/814-5572 A bold new approach to classifieds for the Midpeninsula 779 Organizing Services End the Clutter & Get Organized Residential Organizing by Debra Robinson (650)390-0125 Classified Deadlines: Answers on page 59 NOON, WEDNESDAY Page 58 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • fogster.comTM Instantly online. Free. THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement SHIRAZ ENTERPRISE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 607133 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Shiraz Enterprise, located at 95 Polaris Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): ALIREZA BEHBOOD 95 Polaris Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 7/21/2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 21, 2015. (PAW July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2015) CARDINAL HOTEL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 606628 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Cardinal Hotel, located at 235 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Trust. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): STEPHAN B. DAHL 235 Hamilton Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 5/18/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 2, 2015. (PAW July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2015) BO CRANE BOOKS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 606745 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Bo Crane Books, located at 4283 Wilkie Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): ROBERT L. CRANE JR. 4283 Wilkie Way Palo Alto, CA 94306 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 7, 2015. (PAW July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2015) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 607376 The following person(s)/entity(ies) has/ have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): M2M ANGEL 3351 Alma St. Apt. 324 Palo Alto, CA 94306 FILED IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY ON: 12/19/2013 UNDER FILE NO. 586139 REGISTRANT’S NAME(S)/ENTITY(IES): HAIHONG GAO 3351 Alma St. Apt. 324 Palo Alto, CA 94306 THIS BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED BY: an Individual. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 27, 2015. (PAW Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2015) LUMO LLC FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 607698 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Lumo LLC, located at HanaMaus, 456 University Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): LUMO LLC HanaMaus, 456 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on July 1st., 2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on August 3, 2015. (PAW Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2015) SCG FOODSPACE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 606821 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: SCG FoodSpace, located at 6328 Sponson Ct., San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): JOSEPH SCHUMAKER 6328 Sponson Ct. San Jose, CA 95123 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 8, 2015. (PAW Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2015) CARDINAL WRESTLING CLUB FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 607845 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Cardinal Wrestling Club, located at 641 E. Campus Dr., Stanford CA 94305, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): ADVANCED TRAINING WRESTLING CLUB, INC. 641 E. Campus Dr. Stanford, CA 94305 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 10/16/2007. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on August 7, 2015. (PAW Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2015) CONNECT PEOPLE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 607253 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Connect People, located at 780 Maplewood Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94303, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): CHRISTOPHER PERALTA 780 Maplewood Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 7/21/2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on July 22, 2015. (PAW Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2015) 997 All Other Legals ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 115CV283440 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ELLE MIZUKI TOYAMA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: ELLE MIZUKI TOYAMA to ELLE MIZUKI FUKUI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: October 20, 2015, 8:45 a.m., Room: Probate of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. MARKETPLACE the printed version of THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: PALO ALTO WEEKLY Date: July 22, 2015 /s/ Thomas E. Kuhnle JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (PAW July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2015) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 115CV283601 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ALEKSANDAR TOTIC, INGRID TOTIC filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: A.) OLIVER KONSTANTIN TOTICH to OLIVER KONSTANTIN TOTIC B.) ANDERS NAIM TOTICH to ANDERS NAIM TOTIC C.) NINA VIVIAN TOTICH to NINA MISITA TOTIC. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: October 27, 2015, 8:45 a.m., Room: Probate of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: PALO ALTO WEEKLY Date: July 28, 2015 /s/ Thomas E. Kuhnle JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (PAW July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2015) NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: JOHN EDWIN NORTHRUP also known as JOHN E. NORTHRUP Case No.: 1-15-PR-176921 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of JOHN EDWIN NORHRUP, also known as JOHN E. NORTHRUP, also known as JOHN NORTHRUP. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: SCOTT NORTHRUP in the Superior Court of California, County of SANTA CLARA. The Petition for Probate requests that: SCOTT NORTHRUP be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on September 3 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept.: 10 of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, located at 191 N. First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Elijah M. Keyes, Gilfix & La Poll Associates, LLP 2300 Geng Road, Suite 200 Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650)493-8070 (PAW Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2015) CITATION FOR PUBLICATION UNDER WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE SECTION 294 CASE NUMBER: 83847 CASE NAME: Jules Daniel Cole SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Mateo 1. To: Jack and anyone claiming to be a parent of: Jules Daniel Cole born on: July 7th, 2014 at: a sidewalk in Palo Alto, CA 2. A hearing will be held on: September 21st, 2015 at: 9:00am in Dept.: 5 located at 222 Paul Scannell Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402 3. At the hearing the court will consider the recommendations of the social worker or probation officer. 4. The social worker or probation officer will recommend that your child be freed from your legal custody so that the child may be adopted. If the court follows the recommendation, all your parental rights to the child will be terminated. 5. You have the right to be present at the hearing, to present evidence, and you have the right to be represented by TM an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and cannot afford to hire one, the court will appoint an attorney for you. 6. If the court terminates your parental rights, the order may be final. 7. The court will proceed with this hearing whether or not you are present. Date: 7-31-15 Clerk, by Dolores Bonal, Deputy Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computerassisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available if you ask at least five days before the proceeding. Contact the clerk’s office or go to forms for Request for Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civil Code, § 54.8.) 8/7, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28/15 CNS-2780863# PALO ALTO WEEKLY ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 115CV283794 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: CARLY ROSE HAGEN NEUGASS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: CARLY ROSE HAGEN NEUGASS to CARLY ROSE HAGEN. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: October 27, 2015, 8:45 a.m., Room: 107 of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: PALO ALTO WEEKLY Date: July 31, 2015 Thomas E. Kuhnle JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (PAW Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2015) NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF WILLIAM DEAN COLDIRON CASE NO. 115PR177100 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: William Dean Coldiron also known as William D. Coldiron A Petition for Probate has been filed by William D. Coldiron, Jr. in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. The Petition for Probate requests that William D. Coldiron, Jr. be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The Petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The Petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court on 10/05/15 at 9 am in Dept. 10 located at 270 Grant Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306 If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: James M. Allen, 199 Fremont Street, 21st Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105-6640, Telephone: (415) 957-1800 8/21, 8/28, 9/4/15 CNS-2783880# PALO ALTO WEEKLY Answers to this week’s puzzles, which can be found on page 58. Did you know? The Palo Alto Weekly publishes every Friday. Deadline: Noon Tuesday Call Alicia Santillan (650) 223-6578 to assist you with your legal advertising needs. E-mail Free. Fun. Only about Palo Alto. C R O S S W O R D S • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 59 Sports Shorts WOMEN’S SOCCER Healthy outlook to start COACHING CHANGES . . . Menlo School will have two new coaches, both familiar faces around campus, taking over varsity teams for the 2015-2016 season. Ross Ireland will direct girls soccer and Tom Hitchcock will lead boys golf. Ireland takes over for Donoson FitzGerald, who stepped down after 26 seasons during a long and storied career. FitzGerald will be assisting with the boys varsity soccer team as well as coaching soccer, track and football in the middle school. Hitchcock takes over for Dave Buchanan, who moved on after a successful four-year campaign with Menlo. Ireland brings years of international playing and coaching experience to Menlo. He served the last couple of seasons as the frosh-soph girls coach, and before coming to Menlo, led Castilleja’s team for eight seasons. Hitchcock is a familiar face not only on the links, but also on campus as he serves as Menlo’s Director of Security. For the past four years, he was an assistant coach for both the boys and girls teams. Gunn, meanwhile, has a new athletic director in Curtis Johansen, who previously was athletic director at Licking Heights High in Pataskala, Ohio. He replaces Jill Naylor. Stanford takes No. 3 national ranking into its season opener S ON THE AIR Friday Men’s golf: U.S. Amateur quarterfinals, noon; FOX Sports I Saturday Sunday Men’s golf: U.S. Amateur finals, noon; FOX (2) READ MORE ONLINE For expanded daily coverage of college and prep sports, visit Returning junior defender Stephanie Amack (right) provides versatility and experience for the Stanford women’s soccer team as she also can play in the midfield for the No. 3-ranked Cardinal. (continued on next page) STANFORD FOOTBALL Paly grad Anderson tackles some tough goals Rebounding from last year’s 8-5 record a priority as season opener nears by Rick Eymer evin Anderson has made 84 tackles as a member of the Stanford football team, 20 of those were for a loss, including nine sacks. He’s also credited with nine quarterback hurries, a fumble recovery and a forced fumble. There’s also that interception he returned 40 yards for a touchdown in the 2013 Rose Bowl. Statistics, though, can’t even begin to describe Anderson’s contributions to the Cardinal program, which has won more than 75 percent of its games (42-12) through his first four years. The fifth-year senior outside K Page 60 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • linebacker, who entered the program as one of the top defensive end prospects in the nation, has been fully engaged in the football team to the extent that he’s become one of its most respected members. “I feel like I just moved in the other day,” Anderson said of making the journey across the El Camino Real and transitioning from Palo Alto High all-state player to preseason All-America college status. “Here I am, entering my fifth camp.” Anderson will play a large part in how Stanford “rebounds” from (continued on page 63) Craig Mitchelldyer/ Men’s golf: U.S. Amateur semifinals, noon; FOX Sports I Bob Drebin/ A CONTENDER . . . The Stanford women’s field hockey team was picked to win the West Division of the America East Conference in the annual preseason coaches poll, as announced by the organization Wednesday. The Cardinal received three of four first-place votes in the West Division, leading the way with nine points (coaches could not vote for their own team). Pacific, California, and UC Davis all received five points to round out the newly formed division. A MEDALIST . . . Stanford redshirt sophomore Nathan Butler was one of three Americans to capture a bronze medal Sunday on the final day of the UWW Junior World Championships in Salvador, Brazil. Steven Mimic and Aaron Pico also won their bronze medal matches for the U.S. Butler won a tactical match, 2-1, over Poland’s Kamil Kosciulek at heavyweight. Kosciulek was the defending bronze medalist. Both wrestlers scored a point when their opponents were put on a shot clock. The difference was a pushout by Butler early in the second period. by Rick Eymer tanford fifth-year senior Haley Rosen experienced the best and worst of women’s soccer through her first four years in the program, from watching her teammates win a national championship to seeing her season end prematurely because of an injury. Cardinal coach Paul Ratcliffe (214-45-24, entering 13th year) hopes Rosen can stay healthy this year. The team needs her, and not just she’s the elder stateswoman of the squad. Stanford will be looking for scoring from various sources and Rosen has shown a propensity for doing just that when she is healthy. Stanford, which has participated in the past 17 consecutive NCAA playoffs and reached six of the past seven Women’s College Cups (Final Four), including a national title in 2011, opens its season with a pair of matches in Hawaii this weekend. The Cardinal (20-2-3 last year) opens against the host Rainbow Wahine on Friday night and then play BYU on Monday. Rosen is also the only player on the roster who knows what it feels like to win a national title. “Being part of that team, I saw how the seniors set an amazing example of working hard, making it a cohesive group and being all in 100 percent,” Rosen said. “That Palo Alto High grad Kevin Anderson will add to his 84 career tackles when Stanford opens its season Sept. 5. Stanford’s McNealy hopes to be playing for U.S. Amateur title by Keith Peters tanford junior Maverick McNealy was regarded as the best male golfer in college this past season after being honored with both the Jack Nicklaus Award and Haskins Award as the NCAA Player of the Year. The Portola Valley resident led the nation with a 68.70 scoring average, won an NCAA regional and made the cut in two PGA Tour events. At the 115th U.S. Amateur Championship, however, McNealy was just one eight first-team All- S Americans and one of 64 talented players who battled their way into match play on Wednesday at Olympia Fields Country Club in Olympia Fields, Ill. Despite being seeded No. 39 for his first-round match against Canada’s Austin Connelly, the No. 26 seed, McNealy reached the Round of 32 by posting a 1-up victory. That triumph earned McNealy a date with No. 7 seed Maverick Antcliff on Thursday morning. Once again, McNealy responded by posting a 5-and-4 victory. McNealy won the 611-yard first hole with a par-5, lost the second to Antcliff’s birdie, but retook a 1-up lead when Ancliff bogeyed the 390-yard, par-4 third. McNealy never looked back after that as he won the fifth to go 2 up, took the sixth for a 3-up lead and won the ninth to make the turn with a 4-up advantage when Antcliff bogeyed the 475-yard, par-4 hole. McNealy went 5 up with a par on the 13th and clinched the victory by halving the 14th as both players birdied. McNealy returned to the course later on Thursday to face No. 23 seed Bryson DeChambeau, the reigning NCAA Division I champion from SMU. Both players are members of the U.S. Walker Cup Team. McNealy grabbed a 1-up lead after the opening hole, but found himself trailing by a hole through the first nine after he bogeyed the 214-yard, par-3 seventh hole. McNealy, however, squared the match with a par-4 on the 430yard 10th hole. DeChambeau retook the lead when he birdied the 475-yard, par-4 11th hole. (For results of the match and continuing coverage, go to McNealy was hoping to find himself busy the remainder of the week with quarterfinals set for Friday, semifinals Saturday (noon, FOX Sports 1) and finals on Sunday (noon, FOX). The second-ranked amateur in the world, McNealy qualified for match play on Wednesday morning after two rounds of stroke play. Q (Stanford Athletics and USGA. com contributed) Soccer (continued from previous page) Bob Drebin/ Stanford midfielder Andi Sullivan (right) was the National Freshman of the Year in 2014. All-Pac-12 team and was an honorable mention last year. Bauer, also an all-freshman pick, has been named a second team All-Pac-12 in each of her first two years. Los Altos Hills resident Siobhan Cox, forward Megan Turner and midfielder Ryan WalkerHartshorn complete a talented junior class that brings plenty of experience to the field. The juniors have combined to appear in 241 matches, including 152 starts. Sophomore midfielder Andi Sullivan said she picked Stanford because it’s a “consistently Final Four level team, even though the year before I came they didn’t make it.” Sullivan, named National Freshman of the Year by Top Drawer Soccer, was an important reason why the Cardinal returned to the national stage last year. In addition to her playing skills, Sullivan is a natural leader. Despite being one of the youngest players on club, high school and junior national teams, she’s usually named a team captain. She doesn’t have an explanation for it. “Honestly, it’s just me being myself,” Sullivan said. “My teammates push me and accept me. I think it’s part of the team chemistry. I’m just playing. My parents taught me a lot about being a leader and turn to them for guidance.” Of course, she doesn’t have that luxury while playing. As the youngest player on her Bethesda club team, she served as captain, but turned to Carina Deandries, a junior currently playing for Northeastern, as a role model. “She’s always positive and always the hardest worker at practice or anywhere,” Sullivan said. “She helped me get through any situation and that got to me.” Sullivan plays hard and stays even-keeled. She wants to keep the team together and composed. “The goal is to make it back to the Final Four and win it,” she said. “It’s purposeful to have a unified goal. As soon as you start to play, you start to believe it. It’s positive energy.” Menlo-Atherton grad Zoe Pacalin, who appeared in four games last year, is also part of the sophomore class along with Mariah Lee, who played in 25 matches a year ago. Menlo School grad Jaye Boissiere also returns. She played 57 minutes in the season-opener and missed the rest of the year with an injury. Kyra Carusa and Alison Jahansouz also used their redshirt year. The six-member freshmen class includes two Gatorade Players of the Year and another state Player of the Year, four twotime youth All-Americans and a member of the Australian U20 national team. “We are extra confident in the freshmen class,” Sullivan said. “They came in sharp and are already excellent.” Averie Collins, all-state in both soccer and basketball, was the Montana Gatorade Player of Bob Drebin/ stuck with me. It was contagious. There was a 100 percent commitment from everybody.” The Cardinal was ranked third nationally in a preseason poll and was picked to win the conference title in a vote of Pac-12 coaches. Ratcliffe could do without either designation. “It’s predicated on what you did the year before,” Ratcliffe said. “Regardless of what you have accomplished, you have to prove you are capable of winning the Pac-12. A lot if may be that this recruiting class was rated No. 1, but those kids have to prove it. It’s a new group every year. We graduated some good kids and we brought in good kids. They will be tested throughout the year.” Rosen, one of five seniors who help set the tone for the year, was a redshirt in her first season due to injury. She also missed half of her sophomore year with injuries before appearing in 24 matches in last year’s run to the Final Four. “My personal journey is one I would never had expected,” she said. “It does make me all the more appreciative of the opportunities I’ve had. I feel so fortunate to be part of Stanford soccer. Paul creates an amazing environment.” Senior defender Laura Liedle is, perhaps, the steadiest and most reliable player on the field, having started 69 (of a possible 70) matches, including the past 55 in succession. She was named a freshman All-American and was an All-Pac-12 honorable mention pick last year. “She’s going to be a good leader,” Ratcliffe said. “You hope (seniors) can help coach on the field.” Other seniors include goalie Sarah Cox and midfielders Kate Bettinger and Katie Donague. Liedle leads a defense that not only proved stingy in allowing goals but also in allowing shots on goal, helping junior goalie Jane Campbell record a historic season. Campbell had 14 shutouts, second-most in a single season at Stanford. She had a scoreless streak of over 800 minutes at one point and has 20 shutouts, sixth on Stanford’s all-time list. Two other important defenders also return in juniors Stephanie Amack and Maddie Bauer. Amack, who also plays in the midfield at times, has been a Defender of the Week, voted onto the Fifth-year season Haley Rosen hopes 2015 will be a healthy year for herself and her teammates. STANFORD WOMEN’S SOCCER 2015 Date Friday Aug. 24 Aug. 28 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 13 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Opponent at Hawaii at BYU# vs. Boston College at Cal Poly-SLO vs. Penn St. vs. Oklahoma vs. UC Davis at Santa Clara at Utah* at Arizona St.* at Arizona* vs. Oregon St.* vs. Oregon* vs. Colorado* Time 10 p.m. 10 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 7 p.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. the Year. Her father, Shane Collins, played in the NFL for three years. Michelle Xiao was named Nebraska’s Gatorade Player of the Year, was a two-time youth All-American and a state Junior Olympic hurdles champ. Alana Cook earned New Jersey prep Player of the Year honors and was a two-time youth All-American, as was Jordan DiBiasi and Date Opponent Time Oct. 22 at WSU* 7 p.m. Oct. 25 at Washington* 5 p.m. Oct. 29 vs. USC* 7 p.m. Nov. 1 vs. UCLA* 3:30 p.m. Nov. 6 vs. Cal* 6 p.m. Nov. 13 NCAA first round Nov. 20 NCAA second round Nov. 22 NCAA third round Nov. 27 NCAA quarterfinals Dec. 4 College Cup semifinals@ Dec. 6 College Cup finals@ # in Honolulu, Hawaii * Pac-12 Conference @ Cary, N.C. Teagan McGrady, who was also a California state qualifier in the 200 and 400 relay in track and field. Penelope Edmonds joined the Australian U20 team as a 16-year-old. Rosen’s advice to the freshmen? “I know this sounds cheesy but it’s to have fun because it goes by so quickly,” she said. “And remember the journey.” Q • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 61 Sports She’s setting her sights on qualifying for Olympics Stanford grad Foluke Akinradewo will attempt to help USA women qualify at FIVB World Cup starting this weekend in Japan T The U.S. has never won gold he U.S. Women’s Volleyball National Team, ranked at the FIVB World Cup, but the No. 1 in the world by the overall top priority in Japan will FIVB, has had a lot of gold placed be to earn a ticket to Rio by finisharound its neck over the past 10 ing either first or second. Winning is always a priority months. for the squad, but While those have the objective here is been enjoyable, histo make it into the torical moments in Olympics — a hard the program’s histask in its own right tory, they are in the with only 12 teams past and the squad is competing on the continuing to build grandest stage every for the future with four years. And the eyes on making team has not lost the more history. fact winning gold at Team USA has the Olympics — the won gold at the 2014 top objective every FIVB World Chamfour years — has alpionship — the firstluded them despite ever World Champiwinning three silver onship in program medals and a bronze history, the 2015 in the last eight FIVB World Grand Olympic Games. Prix for the sixth For the World time, the 2015 Pan Foluke Akinradewo Cup, U.S. head American Games gold for the first time since 1967 coach Karch Kiraly and his staff and the 2015 Pan American Cup have trimmed their 20-player preliminary roster down to maxifor the third time in four years. However, no tournament is any mum 14-player travel roster with more important than the next as some incredibly tough decisions the Americans seek qualification along the way. Among the final into the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 14 is Stanford grad Foluke Akinthrough the 2015 FIVB World radewo (Plantation, Fla.), who Cup that commences Saturday in earned a spot at middle blocker. Outside hitters selected to the Japan. final roster are Megan Easy, Kim Hill, Jordan Larson-Burbach and Kelsey Robinson. At opposite are Nicole Fawcett and Karsta Lowe. Other middle blockers are Christa Dietzen Tori Dixon and Lauren Gibbemeyer while the setters are Alisha Glass and Molly Kreklow with the liberos being Kayla Banwarth and Natalie Hagglund. Stanford grads Cassidy Lichtman and Kristin Hildebrand, who helped Team USA win the gold medal at the Pan American Games, were left off the squad. Youth boys Incoming Stanford freshman Jordan Ewert of Antioch had five kills on eight attempts in just two sets to help the U.S. Boys’ Youth National Team (5-0) move on to the quarterfinals of the 2015 FIVB Boys’ U19 World Championship after taking down Mexico (2-3) 25-18, 25-16, 25-22 on Wednesday in Argentina. The victory guarantees the U.S. a place in the quarterfinals and a top-8 finish. The BYNT never has placed in the top half of the World Championship, making 2015 a historic year for the U.S. The team will go up against Russia on Friday. On Tuesday, Ewert had 10 kills and one block as the U.S. fin- as the Americans defeated teams from Germany and Brazil. Walsh Jennings is returning to action for the first-time in six weeks after dislocating her right shoulder in a SWATCH Major Series event in Gstaad, Switzerland. Ross and Walsh Jennings opened play with a 2-0 (2115, 21-18) win in 42 minutes over Victoria Bieneck and Julia Grossner of Germany. The ASICS World Series of Beach Volleyball is the second of two events in the United States Beach this season that are The first of two part of the qualifydays for the woming process for the en competing in Rio 2016 Olympic the third annual Kerri Walsh Jennings Games. The first $800,000 ASICS World Series of Beach Volleyball 2015 American Olympic qualiin Long Beach featured 11 unde- fier was held in mid-June at St. feated teams for eight countries Petersburg, Fla. Walsh Jennings, 37, is a threeafter two rounds of pool play at time Olympic gold medalist. She Alamitos Beach. Among the tandems with a and Ross must compete in 12 2-0 record was defending ASICS events by June 12, 2016 in order to World Series of Beach Volleyball have a shot at making the Olymchampions April Ross and Stan- pic team. The tandem currently is ford grad Kerri Walsh Jennings ranked 30th in the world. Q ished pool play undefeated with a sweep of Argentina, 25-20, 2624, 25-23. The 4-0 start was a historic mark for the USA squad as no U.S. BYNT has ever made it through pool play undefeated. On Monday, Ewert produced nine kills to help the USA take down France, 26-24, 25-21, 23-25, 25-16. A day earlier, Ewert produced 22 points with 19 kills, one block and two aces as the USA defeated Belgium, 25-20, 17-25, 25-18, 21-25, 19-17. Join us! Together we strengthen our schools. PiE dollars fund thousands of hours of instruction and enrichment in all PAUSD TDIPPMT8FTVQQPSUNPSFUIBOTUBƊ members who serve over 12,500 students every day. PiE donations underwrite classroom aides, specialists in science, art, music, electives, guidance, career counseling and more. Give now and take advantage of the PiE Back to School Challenge Grant. Between now and September 5th, all donations and pledges (up to $500,000) will be matched dollar for dollar. Every donation makes a EJƊFSFODF Please give today! Page 62 • August 21, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • Sports Anderson (continued from page 60) David Bernal/ a five-loss season (three by a total of nine points) in its quest for a chance at the conference title. The Cardinal (8-5 last year, including a victory over Maryland in the Foster Farms Bowl) begins its season with a road contest at Northwestern on Saturday, Sept. 5 at 9 a.m. (PT), to be televised by ESPN. “I’m just trying to be a good athlete in general,” said the 6-foot-4, 245-pound Anderson, who also threw the shot put and discus for the Vikings’ track and field team. “I’ve had some great guys to look up to, like Trent Murphy and Chase Thomas. They set the ground work, mentally, to work hard. They showed me the framework on how to succeed and get the best out of your body.” Anderson never needed motivation for working hard physically. The civil engineering major is currently working on a master’s degree in sustainable design and construction. He’s always had high expectations of himself. He was named honorable mention on the All-Pac-12 team last season. What separates Anderson is his drive to become a better player, a better person, every day. He’s been willing to make sacrifices along the way. While his friends are at a late-night party, Anderson makes sure to get the right amount of sleep and to eat properly. He credits Murphy, who grew on a ranch in Arizona wrestling cattle, for showing him the way. “I will say no to the extra cookie and no to going out,” Anderson said. “There’s homework to be completed.” A wrist injury kept Anderson out of spring camp, which only convinced him to work even harder. “I realized just how much I love football,” he said. “I wanted to put in extra effort to the nth degree.” Even during his redshirt season, Anderson was one of the hardest workers on the team. He was rewarded with the Greg Piers Team Award for outstanding scout team contributions; not that he needed any honors. It’s nice to be recognized but Anderson’s desire runs Palo Alto High grad Kevin Anderson (48) hopes hard work will erase memories of last year’s five-loss season. much deeper than that. “I want to win as many games as I can, as part of the overall team effort,” he said. “I want to make sure I don’t fail this team and work to so that we can realize our full potential. I want to tell people I have 100 best friends, who I can ask anything of and who will be there no matter what.” Anderson already has played in two Rose Bowls and has been a part of four bowl games altogether, which includes Stanford’s overtime loss to Oklahoma State in the 2011 Fiesta Bowl. It wasn’t that long ago, when Anderson was an eighth-grader, that the Cardinal finished 1-11 as part of a seven-year losing streak, the longest in school history. Stanford’s current streak of winning seasons began in Anderson’s sophomore year at Paly. “I remember going to games in that 1-11 season,” Anderson said. “It’s pretty special the culture these guys set. We don’t base success on last year. We continue to work. We’re not satisfied. We work to get better.” This year is no different. Stanford’s goal never changes. “Every season, it’s to win the Pac-12 title first,” Anderson said. “We’re confident that if we win the Pac-12, we’ll get one of the four (national playoff) spots.” While Stanford has a younger team than in years past, Anderson insists it’s every bit as talented. He points to fellow fifth-year senior cornerback Ronnie Harris and sophomore defensive lineman Solomon Thomas as players on the verge of greatness. “Solomon might be the strongest guy on the team,” Anderson said. “He works harder than anyone. All Ronnie wants to do is get better. He lives, eats and sleeps football.” The Cardinal linebackers, meanwhile, will provide strength and experience with Blake Martinez, Kevin Palma and Peter Kalambayi. “Everyone has played a lot,” Anderson said. “We have a lot of people returning on defense. It’s the most talent we’ve had since I’ve been here.” All Anderson wants is to steer everybody toward their full potential, just the way Chase Thomas and Trent Murphy did for him. * * * Stanford will host its annual Open House on Saturday. Activities begin with an open practice at the Elliott Practice Fields from 10 a.m. until approximately noon. Immediately following the practice, which features live scrimmaging, Shaw will address fans in attendance. The Open House event then continues on the Elliott Practice Fields with football drill stations, games and contests until 1 p.m., after which the football team will be available for autographs on the concourse inside Maples Pavilion until 2 p.m. Q by Rick Eymer tanford had two returning wide receivers with significant receptions last season — Devon Cajuste and Michael Rector. That number is now down to one. Rector, a likely starter at wide receiver, has been suspended indefinitely. It was reported following last Saturday’s practice that Cardinal head coach David Shaw suspended Rector for disciplinary reasons. Rector, a 6-foot-1, 189-pound redshirt junior, was fourth on the team with 24 catches for 324 yards and two touchdowns in 2014. He also registered 14 receptions for 431 yards and three scores as a redshirt freshman in 2013. With Rector sidelined indefinitely, Stanford will have to turn to Cajuste (34 catches, 557 yards, six touchdowns) and tight end Austin Hooper (40 catches, 499 yards, two TDs) for veteran experience. Also in the mix is Francis Owusu, a 6-foot-3, 212-pound junior, a likely candidate to move in to Rector’s spot in the starting lineup. He caught 11 passes for 138 yards in 2014. Rector reportedly was the fastest player on the team, running a 4.38-second 40-yard dash last spring. The Cardinal, however, also has some potential speedy receivers in Isaiah Brandt-Sims, a Washington state sprint champ in track and field plus freshman Trent Irwin, ranked as high as No. 10 in the nation out of Hart High in Southern California after catching 106 balls for 1,974 yards and 22 TDs in 2014. * * * Stanford finished its first week of preseason practice on Saturday with a lively contact session in 95-degree heat over- S seen by a full officiating crew from the Pac-12 Conference. Fifth-year senior quarterback Kevin Hogan looked sharp, although he was off-limits to tacklers. Tight ends Greg Taboada and Dalton Schultz were his favorite targets and figure to have big roles in the offense this season. “I really like the size, versatility and athleticism of the whole group,” Shaw said of his four tight ends. Running back Christian McCaffrey produced the best run of the session, breaking loose for a 60-yard touchdown. However, the play was nullified by a holding penalty. McCaffrey had a great week of practice and looks considerably bigger and stronger than last season, when he played as a true freshman. Likewise for fifth-year senior running back Remound Wright, who rushed for a team-high 11 touchdowns last season. Freshman running back Bryce Love has also looked good. Other bright spots have been the play of the young secondary and retooled defensive line, both of whom have been holding their own. Brennan Scarlett, who played and earned an undergraduate degree at Cal, transferred to Stanford in the spring and is taking graduate courses. He has been brought along slowly, but is now making contributions on the field and is expected to provide muchneeded experience and depth on the line. Offensive tackle Nick Davidson was on the practice field Saturday and will participate in workouts next week, along with David Bright. Both are competing for playing time on the right side of the line. Q (Mark Soltau of Stanford Athletics contributed) Stanford duo helps USA women advance in Junior World polo S tanford’s Jamie Neushul scored the winning goal with 15 seconds left to play to carry the USA Women’s Junior National Team to a thrilling 17-16 victory over Spain at the FINA Junior World Championships on Wednesday in Volos, Greece. The triumph marked the third straight victory for Team USA, which took first place in its group and earned a bye into Friday’s quarterfinals against Brazil, which topped Japan on Thursday, 12-9. Aria Fischer scored four goals and Neushul added three, including the game-winner. Stanford’s Jordan Raney scored once and Amanda Longan went the distance in net while recording nine saves. A combined 41 exclusions were called in the match, resulting in four USA players fouling out and leaving goalkeeper Emalia Eichleberger to play the field in the final moments of the match. Team USA got off to a quick start in this match with goals from Mary Brooks and Fischer to go ahead 2-0 in the opening 90 seconds. Spain rallied to tie the match at 2 while setting the tone for what would be a back-and-forth match throughout. Judith Forca scored four goals in the period for Spain to help her team take a 6-5 lead after the first period. Andrea Gonzalez scored early in the second quarter to give Spain its largest lead at 8-5 before Team USA began to battle back. Emily Loughlin and Neushul scored to make it 8-7 with 4:43 to play in the first half. Spain went ahead 9-7, but the rest of the quarter belonged to the USA. Alexis Liebowitz and Fischer connected to tie the match at 9 and then Makenzie Barr found the net with just four seconds left to give the Americans a 10-9 halftime lead. The United States kept up the offensive attack in the third quarter, building its lead to 13-9 with 3:53 to go in the period. Fischer, Neushul, and Tara Prentice all scored to push the advantage to four. Spain scored two of the next three goals to close out the third period trailing 14-11. Both teams continued to score into the fourth quarter but, after Brooks scored her second of the day, Team USA went ahead 1613 with 5:11 to play. Spain rallied with two straight goals to close within one at 16-15 with 2:19 to go in the match. Neushul’s goal with just 15 seconds left sealed the deal for Team USA as it went up 17-15. A goal with three seconds left from Spain’s Beatriz Ortiz wrapped up the wild match. Team USA went 11 for 20 on power plays and converted its lone penalty shot while Spain was 10 for 19 on power plays and also made a penalty shot. On Tuesday, the USA posted a 23-0 win over Ukraine as Emily Loughlin scored seven goals to lead the way. Raney finished with two goals and Neushul had one. The USA opened play Monday with a 28-0 romp over Mexico. Fischer scored six goals, Neushul tallied four goals and Raney added one.Q -- Palo Alto Weekly staff and USA Water Polo • Palo Alto Weekly • August 21, 2015 • Page 63 WE ARE LUXURY For more than 80 years, Coldwell Banker Previews International® has built a leading reputation for marketing the world’s most extraordinary homes. With almost 87,000 Independent Sales Associates in 43 countries and territories, the sun never sets on our world — or your home. 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