Development Dialogue 22 July 2014 Options for Managing Electricity Supply to Aluminium plants Presentation on CBA Modelling Contents 1. Background – Overview – Why did Eskom Enter into the Contracts with BHP? – Problem statement 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Objectives of the Social CBA Data Sources and Missing Data Overview of the South African Aluminium Industry Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry Cost Benefit Analysis – Modelling – Results 7. 8. 9. Conclusions Policy Implications of a CBA Discussion Background: Overview The Long and the Short of it: - - Eskom entered into the S/NPAs with BHP in the 1990s. The contracts resulted in low-priced (below production cost) electricity to BHP. They were negotiated on a Risk-sharing basis, which was important to ensure financial viability over the long-term. Since the recession, commodity prices have gone down, which means the prices BHP pays have dropped as well (The electricity price BHP pays in SA is directly linked to the Aluminium price). BHP uses about 6% of Eskom’s electricity supply. At the time of the contracts, Eskom had excess capacity. This has decreased in recent years with a resultant shortage of electricity with associated price increases for electricity. The length of the contract(s) has been somewhat controversial. Eskom estimates the liability of the contracts to be R11.5bn (for 2013). Where the liability can be taken as the opportunity cost of supplying BHP on the special price vs. supplying at Megaflex rates i.e. the PV of what Eskom projects BHP would pay for electricity against projections around what similar electricity users would pay. Background: Why did Eskom enter into the contracts with BHP? • After taking a feasibility study Eskom agreed to supply Alusaf (predecessor to BHP) electricity at a rate that was in line with world energy prices (at the time). • Projections around the following economic variables seemed conducive (in favour of Eskom) in 1992 – 2020 period. - Aluminium price - Exchange rates (R/US$), or foreign production price indices. - Interest rates • Eskom had excess electricity capacity, and it is expensive to store excess electricity. • Cost of power generation was much cheaper in the past. Background: Problem Statement Problem statement: - Is there a negative impact arising from the Eskom electricity supply agreement with BHP Billiton; and - if the electricity contract were broken, what would the penalties be, and - if the electricity price rises to the smelters, what would be the cost in terms of production and employment; and - how would that compare to the impact of greater electricity availability in the economy? Objectives of the Social CBA Aim of the Study: • To compare social costs and benefits of smelters with and without electricity subsidy in order to address the problem statement: - Scenario 1: Have subsidy (BHP continues paying contractual tariffs) - Scenario 2: No subsidy (BHP pays Megaflex tariffs, for similar industry user) • Governments use Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) (type of CBA) more than any other method to assess the broader policy implications. • EIA generally produces a quantitative measure of the economic effect of an intervention. • In practice, through income-expenditure analysis or input-output analysis, EIA inevitably involves the use of multipliers — hence the overall impact is a multiple of the initial impact. Data Sources and Missing data • Data Sources – Company-specific annual reports of firms in the aluminium industry (and downstream sectors); – The inter-relationships between inputs and outputs – Quantec data. • Missing data – Aluminium sector-specific data e.g. input costs, details of employees, skill levels and associated salaries and wages. – Quantec captures industry trends in the aluminium sector through the more aggregated ‘Basic Non-ferrous metals’ category using the Standardised Industry Classification (SIC 352). This category includes metals with no iron such as aluminium, nickel and zinc. – No information was obtained by TIPS from BHP Overview of the South African Aluminium Industry Figure 2: BHP smelters (production 000’s kt pa) Figure 1: Production in the Aluminium industry (1000 tons) 1000 800 900 700 800 600 700 500 600 400 500 400 300 200 Aluminium production decreased since 2006, but is higher than the 2002 rates of production 100 Hillside is the largest producer and Bayside the lowest. About 50% of the Bayside operation was moth-balled in 2008 due to the energy crisis. 300 200 100 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Hillside Bayside Mozal 2012 2013 Overview of the South African Aluminium Industry (cont.) Figure 3: Trade position of Aluminium and articles thereof 18,000,000,000 Exports have increased since 2002, peaking in 2007-08 and 2011. 16,000,000,000 14,000,000,000 Imports have increased significantly, peaking in 2012. 12,000,000,000 Rands 10,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 In recent years, the BOP has started to reflect the increase in aluminium imports. 6,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 0 2002 2003 2004 Exports: Aluminium and articles thereof 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Imports: Aluminium and articles thereof 2010 2011 Balance of payments 2012 Overview of the South African Aluminium Industry (cont.) Electricity usage • Hillside 1& 2 Potlines: 850 MW • Hillside 3 Potline: 225 MW • Bayside: 350 MW • Mozal: 900 MW Total: ~ 2300 MW Eskom operates 27 power stations with a total nominal capacity of 41 919 MW Smelters use around 5.5% of Eskom’s nominal capacity Overview of the South African Aluminium Industry (cont.) Aluminium industry employment, ~ 15,000 (direct), 29,000 (direct, indirect and induced) Direct employment Direct employment Upstream Intermediate/midstream Primary Hillside and Bayside Mozal 3000 (including contractors) 98 Secondary and recyclers/merchants Zimalco 150 Others 150 Aluminium scrap industry TOTAL UPSTREAM 8800 12,198 Aluminium foundry industry 1700 Fabricators and semi fabricators Hulamin 2100 Wispeco 1000 Others TOTAL DOWNSTREAM Unknown ~ 4,800 Econometrix report (2012): • • Bayside and Hillside smelters jointly created 7 000 jobs (direct and indirect) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), primarily in the Richards Bay area; impacting on the livelihood of more than 33 000 people in northern KZN Using a dependency ratio of 4.0, it is estimated that the livelihood of approximately 28 000 people could be dependent on the operations Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry Pricing clauses: Hillside Potlines 1 & 2 Energy Change: The charge for electrical energy supplied in each month shall be calculated as follows: ES x 6.54 x AL x R/$= Rands Demand Charge: The charge for electrical power supplied in each month shall be calculated as follows: MD x 3.237 x AL x R/$= Rands where, ES = the total number of GW.h of energy supplied in the month; MD = the maximum demand in GVA (Gigavolt amperes) supplied during peak hours [as defined in the Eskom Schedule of Standard Prices for Tariff (E)] in the month; AL = is the three-month London Metal Exchange (LME) sellers’ price for 99.7% high grade aluminium ingot expressed in US Dollars per ton; R/$ = the Rand/US Dollar exchange rate Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry (cont.) Pricing clauses: Hillside Potline 3 • A basic charge of R174.80 (+VAT= R199.27) per month for each point of delivery, which charge shall be payable every month whether any electricity is used or not • A DEMAND CHARGE for each kilovolt-ampere of the maximum demand supplied during peak hours in the month at the rate of R40.23 (+VAT= R45.86) • An ENERGY CHARGE at the rate of 7.26 cents (+VAT= 8.28c) per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electrical energy supplied in the month. • These charges are subject to floor and ceiling provisions, discounts and transmission surcharges • On 1 January each year, since 2002, Eskom escalates the prices annually such that the pricing in year n+1 is equal to the price in year n multiplied by the ratio between the South African Producer Price Index, PPI (November in year n)/ PPI (November in year n1) • Unlike the contracts for Potlines 1 and 2, there are provisions for escalation of costs by using the PPI Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry (cont.) Figure 4: Difference between BHP prices and comparable average Megaflex tariff 1.20 1.00 Megaflex tariff over Hillside 1 & 2, % difference 2002 -10% 2003 15% 2004 -12% 2005 -3% 2006 -31% 2007 -32% 2008 -26% Average 2002-2008 -14% 2009 80% 2010 115% 2011 146% 2012 210% 2013 (till June) 166% Average 2009 till June 2013 143% 0.60 0.40 0.20 Hillside Potline 1&2 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-12 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-11 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-10 Jan-10 May-10 Sep-09 Jan-09 May-09 Sep-08 Jan-08 Hillside Potline 3 May-08 Sep-07 Jan-07 May-07 Sep-06 Jan-06 Average Megaflex May-06 Sep-05 Jan-05 May-05 Sep-04 Jan-04 May-04 Sep-03 Jan-03 May-03 Sep-02 Jan-02 0.00 May-02 R/kWh 0.80 Year Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry (cont.) Table: Difference between the smelter prices and Eskom’s operating costs Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (till June) Average Megaflex (R/kWh) Hillside Potlines 1&2 (R/kWh) Hillside Potline 3 (R/kWh) Eskom’s costs: Annual Reports (R/kWh) 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.28 0.38 0.48 0.57 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.21 0.24 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.20 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.13 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.26 0.28 0.33 - 0.52 0.20 0.28 - Hillside Potlines 1 & 2, % difference over costs Hillside Potline 3, % difference over costs Average Megaflex, % difference over costs 28% -11% 12% 18% 15% 2% 18% 37% 30% 25% -39% -36% -41% 40% 19% 18% 6% -11% -18% -27% 14% -5% -11% -7% 9% 35% 46% Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry (cont.) Special pricing agreements, history and pricing clauses • The different BHP contracts LME and exchange rate – Hillside Potlines 1 & 2 2001 Nightsave escalated by change in PPI – Hillside Potline 3 – Mozal Not in the public domain, Mozal contract re-negotiated in 2010 and no longer linked to LME and exchange rate – Bayside • Interruptibility provision- max of 2hr/week at BHP’s cost; Eskom can impose when grid is under immense pressure Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry (cont.) Impact of these contracts on Eskom’s financials- embedded derivatives • • • NPAs, where the revenue is linked to commodity prices and foreign currency rates (mainly dollar) or foreign production price indices, give rise to embedded derivatives An embedded derivative is a provision in a contract that modifies the cash flow of a contract by making it dependent on some underlying measurement Combining derivatives with traditional contracts (embedding derivative), changes the way risk is distributed among the parties to the contracts Rmill Income statement • • • • • Reviewed Reviewed 30 Audited 31 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 September September March 2012 2011 2012 1318 4305 -1680 -9514 2284 -1261 334 698 236 Eskom’s contract with BHP accounted for 95% of the utility's embedded derivative liabilities BHP has had a dispute with Eskom regarding: the length of the contracts. Eskom referred the matter to NERSA which is investigating. BHP accuses Eskom of having profited from the contracts between 1995 – 2008 when the aluminium price was high, but now after the recession when the price fell Eskom does not want to honour the downside of the contract. Mozal renegotiated in 2010, Skorpion Zinc also in 2010 Dispute on duration of contracts - big effect on embedded derivatives Impact on Eskom? Lowers credit rating, increases cost of borrowing Overview of the Electricity Contracts for the Aluminium Industry (cont.) Implications of increased electricity prices to BHP Billiton on each level of the aluminium value chain • Impact on BHP Smelter financials not in public domain. Bayside and Hillside, despite the preferential electricity rates, have allegedly shown successive losses in the last few years. Dominant, significant market power – may cut back production, or pass on costs depending on import price ceiling; unlikely to pass on costs to export markets. • Impact on secondary smelters No direct impact, use scrap mainly (small amounts of virgin aluminium). Indirect impact – less virgin material, increases demand for scrap (particularly high grade) which increases the price of scrap. *Note that scrap cannot fully replace the use of virgin material Main concern: Municipality electricity mark-ups and scrap pricing, availability and quality policy directive that scrap merchants offer preferential prices to local users of scrap and first offer product to these local users is not yet in full effect Limited ability to pass on cost increases Cost Benefit Analysis – Modelling Quantitative Analysis with Direct and Indirect Costs and Benefits Calculated: • Assess the impact of two scenarios, projected until 2020 – – Scenario 1: Maintain the status quo; Scenario 2: Increase the tariffs to Megaflex levels (i.e. no subsidy) • Assess the direct impact on the firm (smelters) • Assess the indirect, second round, impacts on the downstream industries and certain economy wide factors Approach: • Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) of each scenario to compare overall outcomes. • Future profit values are discounted at the prime lending rate of 8.5%. • Data accuracy is a concern and the CBA should not to be looked at in isolation. • Impending litigation means that BHP will not release information easily • CBA must be looked at in conjunction with legal and firm level analysis Cost Benefit Analysis – Modelling (cont.) Modelling Dynamics • The model is driven by production (as a result of limited information available) obtained from BHP on a quarterly and semi-annual basis. • Output levels for BHP are fairly stable, except for 2008 and 2012. Thus there is certainty regarding impacts on revenues, exports, imports and employment. • In MA we use 3,2,1,0 weighting for the different years for Hillside so that a smaller weight is assigned to 2012 production. • Weighted Moving Average was used to project production from 2013-2020 for Hillside. Modelling Assumptions • Subsidy for Mozal is the same for Hillside 3 and the subsidy for Bayside is same for Hillside 1 and 2. • 50% decline in production after Megaflex electricity price increase. • Consumption multiplier = 2.89 • Employment multiplier (mining) = 0.5 • Export multiplier (mining) = 1.07 • Government fiscal multiplier = 1.6 Cost Benefit Analysis – Modelling (cont.) Direct Effects (on the BHP Smelters and employees) – NPV calculated for: • Revenue and sales from output and production • Exports • Cost of production including: – raw material input (imports and locally sourced) – salaries, wages, and benefits – electricity cost – Profitability and – Taxation Indirect Effects (economy-wide second round effects) – NPV calculated for: • Consumption effects on growth from: Employees’ salaries and wages to the economic nodal area where the smelters are located; Remittances repatriated out of South Africa and into South Africa; Profits and resultant dividends and retained earnings. • Tax effects on growth from: Companies Tax; Income tax of employees; VAT effects from consumption of employees. • Subsidy effects on growth from: Unemployment Insurance; Electricity effect on smelters and the rest of the economy; • Impact on Downstream industries, including: Hulamin; Wispeco; Zimalco etc. • Environmental effect on the carbon footprint • BHP Corporate Social Investment (CSI) effect on growth: CSI programmes; Infrastructure upliftment/investment. • Balance of payments: Imports of raw aluminium; Imports of processed aluminium products; Remittances from foreign employees working in South Africa; Exports of aluminium ingots; Exports of processed aluminium products (downstream role players); Remittances from South Africans working abroad at Mozal. Cost Benefit Analysis – Results (cont.) Direct Effects: R000s: NPV for Scen 1 is R34,2 billion; NPV for Scen 2 is R18,6 billion Revenue Costs of Production Profits from Operations Taxation Net Profits Year Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 2005 R 11,401 R 11,401 R 7,605 R 7,467 R 3,795 R 3,934 R 1,101 R 1,140 R 2,693 R 2,793 2006 R 16,959 R 16,959 R 11,117 R 10,390 R 5,842 R 6,568 R 1,678 R 1,881 R 4,163 R 4,687 2007 R 18,158 R 18,158 R 11,027 R 10,096 R 7,130 R 8,061 R 2,041 R 2,302 R 5,088 R 5,758 2008 R 20,233 R 20,233 R 11,950 R 11,305 R 8,282 R 8,927 R 2,364 R 2,544 R 5,918 R 6,382 2009 R 13,139 R 13,139 R 8,160 R 9,535 R 4,979 R 3,604 R 1,442 R 1,057 R 3,536 R 2,546 2010 R 14,021 R 7,010 R 8,767 R 5,595 R 5,254 R 1,415 R 1,522 R 422 R 3,732 R 993 2011 R 15,261 R 7,612 R 9,526 R 6,500 R 5,735 R 1,111 R 1,661 R 338 R 4,074 R 772 2012 R 12,136 R 7,364 R 9,167 R 7,891 R 2,969 -R 527 R 880 -R 118 R 2,089 -R 409 2013 R 18,315 R 9,441 R 14,205 R 10,097 R 4,110 -R 655 R 1,212 -R 151 R 2,897 -R 503 2014 R 20,645 R 10,690 R 16,086 R 11,577 R 4,558 -R 887 R 1,342 -R 214 R 3,216 -R 672 2015 R 22,520 R 5,823 R 17,518 R 6,501 R 5,001 -R 678 R 1,471 -R 171 R 3,530 -R 507 2016 R 22,276 R 5,748 R 17,377 R 6,954 R 4,898 -R 1,206 R 1,448 -R 318 R 3,450 -R 888 2017 R 21,450 R0 R 16,883 R0 R 4,567 R0 R 1,361 R0 R 3,206 R0 2018 R 21,282 R0 R 16,833 R0 R 4,448 R0 R 1,333 R0 R 3,114 R0 2019 R 20,214 R0 R 16,132 R0 R 4,081 R0 R 1,237 R0 R 2,844 R0 2020 R 20,084 R0 R 16,111 R0 R 3,973 R0 R 1,214 R0 R 2,758 R0 Total R 288,102 R 133,583 R 208,470 R 103,914 R 79,632 R 29,668 R 23,314 R 8,714 R 56,317 R 20,954 R0 R0 R0 -R 1 000 000 R0 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Net Profits - Scen 2 Net Profits - Scen 1 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 R 6 954 838 R 6 501 970 2009 R 11 577 387 R0 R 5 595 099 R 6 500 376 R 7 891 910 R 10 096 790 R 8 767 045 R 9 535 355 R 8 160 333 R 11 305 515 R 11 027 086 2008 R 16 883 199 R 17 377 455 R 17 518 470 R 16 086 558 R 9 167 232 R 10 097 407 R 2 000 000 R 10 390 738 2007 R 7 000 000 R 16 833 621 R 16 132 269 R 16 111 075 R 6 000 000 R 14 205 863 R 5 000 000 R 11 950 424 R 9 526 258 R 4 000 000 R 11 117 599 R 1 000 000 R 7 467 556 2006 Figure 6: Net Profits Figure 5: Costs of Production - R000s -R 2 000 000 Costs of Production - Scen 2 Costs of Production - Scen 1 R 3 000 000 R 7 605 959 2005 Cost Benefit Analysis – Results (cont.) Cost Benefit Analysis – Results (cont.) Figure 7: Indirect Effects as a Percentage of the Cumulative Indirect Effect: Scenario 1 Figure 8: Indirect Effects as a Percentage of the Cumulative Indirect Effect: Scenario 2 Consumption, Profits and Dividends 4% BOP effects Taxation 8% Effects 2% CSI effects 0% CSI effects 0% Taxation Effects 3% BOP effects 6% Consumption, Profits and Dividends 4% Upstream and Downstream sectors 21% Upstream and Downstream sectors 33% Electricity Capacity effects -65% Electricity Capacity effects 54% Scenario 1: Status Quo - Indirect Effects Scenario 2: No Subsidy - Indirect Effects Cost Benefit Analysis – Results (cont.) Indirect Effects – R000s: NPV for Scen 1 is –R135,6 billion; NPV for Scen 2 is R339,8 billion Year Consumption, Profits and Dividends Effects on the Economy Upstream and Taxation Effects on the Downstream Sector Effects Economy on the Economy Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Electricity Capacity on the Economy Scenario 1 Scenario 2 BOP effects on the Economy Scenario 1 Scenario 2 2005 R 2,606,792 R 4,395,561 R 1,765,373 R 1,882,661 R 15,493,680 R 15,493,680 R0 R0 R 165,049 R 171,154 2006 R 3,701,883 R 4,395,561 R 2,687,746 R 3,071,612 R 23,046,475 R 23,046,475 R0 R0 R 255,110 R 287,174 2007 R 4,422,189 R 5,203,057 R 3,271,905 R 3,751,027 R 18,948,777 R 18,948,777 R0 R0 R 311,791 R 352,829 2008 R 5,073,824 R 5,661,814 R 3,975,071 R 4,331,087 R 21,114,343 R 21,114,343 -R 17,980,775 -R 10,597,681 R 362,620 R 391,068 2009 R 3,490,021 R 3,150,120 R 2,369,238 R 1,828,477 R 13,712,184 R 13,712,184 -R 28,864,488 -R 16,444,627 R 216,686 R 156,029 2010 R 3,711,226 R 1,423,181 R 2,444,622 R 1,658,930 R 14,632,626 R 11,445,485 -R 39,173,233 R0 R 228,675 R 60,891 2011 R 4,087,226 R 1,331,133 R 2,661,736 R 586,691 R 15,926,612 R 12,426,830 -R 49,621,365 R 69,693 R 249,636 R 47,355 2012 R 2,546,658 R 592,641 R 1,800,242 -R 141,225 R 14,910,575 R 13,384,412 -R 46,842,359 -R 5,875,985 R 127,996 -R 25,094 2013 R 3,458,300 R 602,672 R 1,944,393 -R 191,385 R 24,889,555 R 18,391,470 -R 65,894,802 -R 1,174,216 R 177,527 -R 30,864 2014 R 3,842,509 R 563,760 R 2,163,229 -R 287,525 R 28,054,577 R 20,823,231 -R 76,671,367 -R 1,570,987 R 197,045 -R 41,223 2015 R 4,248,253 R 205,948 R 2,359,758 R 426,664 R 30,602,809 R 11,342,585 -R 89,802,389 R 24,927,525 R 216,295 -R 31,070 2016 R 4,349,881 -R 13,472 R 2,322,323 -R 477,057 R 30,271,241 R 11,197,179 -R 105,237,552 R 29,270,450 R 211,420 -R 54,424 2017 R 4,319,575 R0 R 2,184,742 R 775,248 R 29,149,719 R 11,197,179 -R 122,997,695 R 70,702,171 R 196,470 R0 2018 R 4,425,248 R0 R 2,140,353 R0 R 28,920,732 R 11,197,179 -R 143,857,460 R 82,690,984 R 190,849 R0 2019 R 4,381,264 R0 R 1,987,029 R0 R 27,469,104 R 11,197,179 -R 168,215,778 R 96,692,690 R 174,264 R0 2020 R 4,508,834 R0 R 1,949,960 R0 R 27,292,565 R 11,197,179 -R 196,697,090 R 113,064,550 R 169,037 R0 Total R 63,173,681 R 27,511,977 R 38,027,722 R 17,215,206 R 364,435,575 R 236,115,369 -R1,151,856,352 R 381,754,567 R 3,450,470 R 1,283,827 Cost Benefit Analysis – Results (cont.) Figure 9: NPV of Direct and Indirect Effects from 2005-2020: R000s Figure 10: NPV Annual Average from 2005-2020: R000s R 358 352 003 Scenario 1 - Status Quo: Scenario 2 - No Subsidy: NPV NPV R 23 890 134 Variance -R 101 143 694 Figure NPV od Direct Effects Scenario 19: - Status Quo: Scenario 2 - No and Subsidy:Indirect Variance Average Annual Average fromAnnual 2005-2020: R000s -R 6 742 913 -R 459 495 696 -R 30 633 046 Cost Benefit Analysis – Results (cont.) Figure 11: Electricity Costs of Production: Variance between Current Preferential Rates and Megaflex Rates - R000s R 515 415 785 R 742 585 610 R 358 352 003 NPV TOTAL: 2005 Base year (2005-2020) NPV TOTAL: 2013 Base year (2005-2020) -R 399 226 245 -R 194 257 017 -R 101 143 694 Scenario 1: Status Quo NPV TOTAL: 2013 Base year (2013-2020) Scenario 2: No Subsidy The CBA shows that Scenario 1 (the status quo) results in a loss of NPV of in the region of R101billion per annum. This suggests that increasing prices to Megaflex rates implies that the smelters would find it financially unviable to continue operations and thus shut down. This has a positive impact on the economy as there is extra electricity capacity which can filter through to the rest of the economy will less adverse effects on the rest of the economy. However, any conclusion based on these figures alone would be partial. This CBA has not taken into account how this compares to the loss to the economy as a result of the carbon footprint. Conclusions • • • • The impact of BHP on secondary aluminium level and foundries was limited (second level of the value chain). Concerns were raised by these sectors around scrap pricing, quality and availability as well as municipality tariffs. The impact on Wispeco in the next level of the value chain, the semi fabrication level, is also minimal given small volumes of ingots it buys from BHP and its ability to import this at more or less the same price that BHP sells locally. This is because BHP prices its local sales of re-melt ingots at levels at or close to import parity prices (IPP). The impact on Hulamin, a large semi fabricator, is significant due to high cost of importing billets as an alternative to BHP’s locally produced billets at Bayside. The cost of importing value-added billet or slab is much higher than the price at which BHP sells locally. The effect on Hulamin needs to be taken into account as Hulamin is a significant employer (around 2000 employees) and is a large exporter, therefore contributing positively to the Balance of Payments. A key conclusion and policy recommendation is that any decision taken to increase BHP’s electricity tariff to Megaflex levels should be combined with efforts to strengthen the secondary aluminium value-chain through addressing municipality electricity pricing and scrap issues (particularly the progress of the ITAC scrap policy directive), and local content procurement (for the automotive sector) to cushion any negative impact the reduced/no output from BHP smelters of primary aluminium would have on the value chain. Conclusions (cont.) • • • The second leg of economic research involved a Cost Benefit Analysis of amending electricity prices to the BHP smelters to Megaflex rates which general industry pays. Given the lack of data from BHP and Eskom (due to upcoming litigation) the CBA results be used in conjunction with the qualitative assessment. Due to time constraints, it was not possible to compare the costs to the economy of loadshedding and the environmental impact. According to the CBA: – – – – – – – – • • Direct effects: NPV of Scenario 1 – Status Quo is estimated to be R 34,2 billion. Indirect effects: NPV for Scenario 1 is –R135,6 billion Cumulative effects: Total NPV for Scenario 1 is –R101,1 billion. Direct effects: NPV for Scenario 2 – No Subsidy is R18,6 billion. Indirect effects: NPV for Scenario 2 is R339,8 billion. Cumulative effects: Total NPV for Scenario 2 is R358 billion. Scenario 1 is better for BHP and the smelters but detrimental to the rest of the economy in terms of the second round effects stemming from the impact of electricity capacity on the rest of the economy. Scenario 2 has adverse direct effects on the smelter and its employees and their dependents, but has far-reaching second and indirect benefits to the rest of the economy due to the spare capacity of electricity. This has implications on BHP’s future investments decision. If the CBA results are to be considered and the increased capacity reduces load shedding then the application of the standard Megaflex rates should be phased. Although one manner, allowing for adjustments to more energy saving methods. Is Megaflex appropriate for such heavy users of energy? Any decision must be sensitive about message it sends to investors Questions and Discussion