BHP BILLITON OWNER RELATIONS CALL CENTER CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY For each item identified below, please choose the option which reflects your judgment of the service provided. 1. How satisfied were you with the friendliness & courtesy of our call center staff? Choose an item. 2. How satisfied were you with the level of concern our representative conveyed related to your concern? Choose an item. 3. How satisfied were you with the information that our representative provided to address your specific concern? Choose an item. Did our representative….? (check all which apply) ☐ Quickly identify the problem? ☐ Appear knowledgeable and competent? ☐ Help you understand the cause and the solution to the problem? ☐ Handle your issues with courtesy and professionalism? ☐ None of the above. In your most recent customer service experience, how did you contact the Owner Relations Call Center? ☐ Telephone ☐ E-mail ☐ Fax Please provide general comments or recommendations for improving the Owner Relations Call Center: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you better. We appreciate your business and want to make sure we meet your expectations. Please return this survey to BHP via to or fax to 877-484-3189.