Winter Term 2007 CRN 10381 AB2 3 credits

Winter Term 2007
CRN 10381
3 credits
SpanishSpanish 101, designed foSpanish 101, designed for studenSpanish 101, designed for students who have little or no kn
speaking,speaking, reading and writing. The aim of this course is tospeaking, reading and writing. The aim of this course is to pro
skills,skills, either for comfort in non-intensive language use situations (e.g. holidaskills, either for comfort in non-intensive lan
proficiencyproficiency for intensive language use situations (e.g. work). Students proficiency for intensive language use
contemporary Hispanic societies.
InIn this course students should become familiarIn this course students should become familiar with the pronunciation and basic gr
fourfour verb tenses: present indicative, presentfour verb tenses: present indicative, present progressive, preterit (simple past) and fut
acquireacquire a vocabulary of at least 500 words and develop basic reading and writing skills. They shouldacquire a vocabulary
language in basiclanguage in basic survival situations, participate in simple conversationslanguage in basic survival situations, pa
documents with the aid of reference books. Students should be prepared for future studies to improve their Spanish.
Teresa Arróliga-Piper E-mail:
Office: D-3092 (Abby) Local: 4054
Class Times:
January 09 - April 05
Tuesday & Thursday : 1:00- 2:20 PM D-124
Office hours on Monday 1:30 - 2: 30 pm. At other times by appointment.
StudentsStudents will attend two 80 minute classes per week plus a 55 minute tutorial for review and conversStudents will a
StudentsStudents are also expected to work independently in the language lab for at least two hours pStudents are also expect
programprogram and the ¡Hola, amigos! CD-ROM. Students are also expected to work independently for CD-ROM. Students are al
per week with text-specific activities and student resources online:
StudentsStudents are also expected to watch the ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos videos for each of videos for each of the videos for e
can be watched on line at this site:
Required Texts
Jarvis, Ana C.; Lebredo, Raquel; Mena, Francisco (2004) ¡Hola, amigos! Sixth Edition. Houghton Mifflin.
(Textbook &Workbook/Laboratory Manual.)
HoughtonHoughton Mifflin offers you additional onlineHoughton Mifflin offers you additional online learning tools thatHoughto
Visit the following web-sites:
Highly recommended
WatchWatch the Spanish videoWatch the Spanish video program, Destinos, a 52 part video program for learning Spanisha 52 part
toto the Spanish language andto the Spanish language and the culture of theto the Spanish language and the culture of the Hispanic
skillsskills and increase your vocabulary. The videotapes are available in theskills and increase your vocabulary. The videotapes ar
are signed out already, you can go online:
Optional Material
English Grammar for Students of Spanish. Emily Spinelli. Fourth Edition. University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Spanish-English dictionary.
Participation & Oral performance
Written Exercises
Lab. / Seminar & Can-8 program
Two written quizzes
Final Written Exam
Final Oral Exam
Participation & Oral performance
RegularRegular Attendance is required and,Regular Attendance is required and, since theRegular Attendance is required and, sinc
participants in the classroom activities which areparticipants in the classroom activities which are crucial in learning to speak a fo
bothboth the quantity and theboth the quantity and the quality of your participation, where quality is determined byboth the quantity a
activities,activities, by coming to class with reading and homeworkactivities, by coming to class with reading and homework prepa
Therefore,Therefore, youTherefore, you must have read the material, doneTherefore, you must have read the material, done the ex
to use it in context when the class meets.
ThereThere will be 3 short compositions, each of about a page in length. You mustshort compositions, each of about a page in leng
andand double spacing. and double spacing. Students must submit their compositions atand double spacing. Students must subm
areare due. Make sure to write at least 250 words in Spanish. Compositions are for in Spanish. Compositions are for you to practice
sentencesentence structure and the usesentence structure and the use of verb tenses. They are also intended to help you to expand yo
you have to look up the Spanish words for what you want to say.
Written Exercises
ForFor each of the lessons studied in class there will be written activities assigned from the For each of the lessons studied in c
LifeLife Situations hand out. Please note thatPlease note that there will be an average of 1 to 3 written activities per week. inP
in-class assignments or as homework for the next day of class.
Lab. / Seminar & Can-8 program
PleasePlease note that the seminar or tutorial sessions begin the first week of classes. The tutorial is also mandatory and
attendanceattendance will be marked. In the seminar you will have the opportunity to practice in small groups your oral and writte
skills and reinforce vocabulary andskills and reinforce vocabulary and grammatical structures learned in class.skills and reinforce
expected to have completed the exercisesexpected to have completed the exercises from the workbook & laboratory manual befo
givengiven assignment to work and discuss in the tutorial room. Students are alsgiven assignment to work and discuss in the
participants in the seminar sessions.
You can create your own personal outline tutor at:
Can-8 program
TheThe Can-8 program is intended to help you improve your listening and speaking intended to help you improve your lis
systematicallysystematically as eachsystematically as each chapter of the textsystematically as each chapter of the text is covered
thethe 5% participation grade allotted tothe 5% participation grade allotted to Can-8 as a component of the participation grade, but
(I.e.(I.e. your work with Can-8 will also help you with other parts of the course which are graded separately.) The Can-8 mark
isis based on your responses in tis based on your responses in the ois based on your responses in the oral exercises for each
responsesresponses so that your aresponses so that your attendresponses so that your attendance is noted.) You have to work ind
hourshours per week. However, doing so doesn t mean thathours per week. However, doing so doesn t mean that you gehour
dependsdepends on how well you respond. The last day for doingdepends on how well you respond. The last day for doing any wo
written exam.
YourYour progress will be assessed throughYour progress will be assessed through in-class assignments, two quizzes andYour pr
evaluationsevaluations may cover vocabulary, verb, grammar, culture, etc. Quizzes will be administrated at the start of class. The fin
writtenwritten exam will be administrated during the date indicated in thewritten exam will be administrated during the date indicate
inin the last week of classes and will take place two days before thein the last week of classes and will take place two days before th
fromfrom the entire course. No provisions will be made forfrom the entire course. No provisions will be made for make-up exams o
systematically through your participation in daily class activities, thesystematically through your participation in daily class activ
assignedassigned in theassigned in the Can-8 program. There will also be a final oralfinal oral exam at the end of the course that w
thethe entire course. Please note that penalties may be imposed for the late submission of assignments, inadequate
preparation and
MOLA (Modern Languages) grading scale
A+ 95-100 B+ 80-84
A 90-94 B 75-79
A- 85-90 B- 70-74
C+ 65-69
C 60-64
C- 55-59
P 50-54
NC 0-49
Class Average and Grade Descriptors:
TheThe class average is expected to be in theThe class average is expected to be in the C range (60 -The class average is expected to
other universities in Canada. A grade of B is above average and an A is excellent.
Withdrawal & Audit Policy
TheThe last day to withdraw from a cThe last day to withdraw from a course without W a appearing on the transcript is F
withdraw from a course is March 15/07.
AuditingAuditing (listening to) a class means that you must be a class means that you must be in a class means that you must be
examsexams but you do have to attend. It is the policy of Modern Languaexams but you do have to attend. It is the policy o
allowedallowed to give students permission to auditallowed to give students permission to audit until they have attended at least 8
anan audit in this course by submitting a Request for Audit form (available from thean audit in this course by submitting a Request
instructor. The last day to request audit status in this class is April 05/07.
StudentsStudents whoStudents who employ Spanish native speakers as tutors forStudents who employ Spanish native speakers as t
nnonotnot be asked to go over, to comment on, or edit, any assignment before it is handed in. The editing or writing/oral
assignmentsassignments by tutors, useassignments by tutors, use of Spanish translations computerassignments by tutors, use of S
othersothers or taken from other sources and for which students claim ownership, constitutes plagiarism, and action willothers or tak
in accordance with UCFV regulations.
Class Schedule:
(Note:(Note: This schedule may be altered as the course progresses. Changes will be(Note: This schedule may be altered as the cou
toto attend all classes and to have completed all readings and exercises from the textbook and the workbook before the class
or tutorial for which they are assigned.)
Week 1: January 09 - January 11
Course introduction. Lesson 1: El primer día. Vocabulary. Colors, Notas culturales.
Pronunciation: Spanish alphabet & Spanish vowels.
Studying: Lesson 1 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 1.
Week 2: January 16 - January 18
GenderGender and number of nouns (part I), Definite and indefinite articles, subject pronouns. Present indicative of ser. forms
of adjectives and agreement of articles, nouns, and adjectives, numbers 0 to 10.
Studying: Lesson 1 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 1.
& Tuesday, January 16th , Lab Orientation in D-221&
Week 3: January 23 - January 25
Lesson 2: ¿Qué clases tomamos?. Vocabulary. Notas culturales. Linking. Present indicative of -ar verbs.
Studying: Lesson 2 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 2.
Week 4: January 30 - February 01
InterrogativeInterrogative and negative sentences. Possessive adj ectives. Gender of nouns (part II), numbers 11 to 100. Telling ti
Days of the week. Months and seasons of the year.
Studying: Lesson 2 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 2.
Week 5: February 06 - February 08
LessonLesson 3:UnLesson 3:Un díaLesson 3:Un día muy ocupado. Vocabulary. Notas culturales. Pronunciation: las consonantes
-er and -ir verbs. Possession with de.
Studying: Lesson 3 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 3.
& Quiz No. 1 lessons 1 & 2 &
Week 6: February 13 - February 15
PresentPresent tense of tenertener and venir. Expressions with tener. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Numbers fromDem
Studying: Lesson 3 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 3.
Week 7: February 22
LessonLesson 4: Actividades para un fin de semana. Vocabulary. NotasVocabulary. Notas culturales. Pronunciation: la consonan
irregular first-person forms.
Studying: Lesson 4 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 4.
' First Composition: Mi Familia y yo Describe your family and you using regular & ir Describe your family and you u
indicative tense, and possessive & descriptive adjectives. (See Real Life Situation No. 13)'
& February 19 last day to withdraw without W appearing on the transcript.&
Week 8: February 26 - February 28
Saber vs conocer. Personal a. Contractions: al and del. Present indicative of ir, dar, and estar. Future construction=. Future cons
+ a + infinitive.
Studying: Lesson 4 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 4.
Week 9: March 05 - March 07
LessonLesson 5: Una fiesta de bienvenida. Vocabulary. Notas culturales. Pronunciation: las consonantes g, j, h. Pres Prese
Studying: Lesson 5 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 5.
& Quiz No.2 -- lessons 3 & 4&
' Second Composition: Una fiesta Sorpresa Planning a party using verbs in the present indicatiPlanning a party using ver
construction: Ir+a+infinitive.(See Real Life Situation No. 18) '
Week 10: March 12 - March 14
UsesUses of ser and estar. Stem-changing verbs: e"{
ie. Comparative and superlative adjectives, adverbs,. Comparative and superla
as objects of prepositions.
Studying: Lesson 5 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 5.
& March 15 last day to withdraw.&
Week 11: March 19 - March 21
LessonLesson 6: ELesson 6: En el banco y en la oficina de correos. Vocabulary. Notas culturales. Pronunciation: las consonante
Stem-changing verbs: o"{
ue.& e"{
Studying: Lesson 6 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 6.
Week 12: March 27 - March 29
Direct object pronouns. Affirmative and negative expressions. Time expressions: Hace ...que
Studying: Lesson 6 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 6.
Week 13: April 03 - April 05
LessonLesson 7: De comprLesson 7: De compras. Vocabulary. Notas culturales. Pronunciation: las consonantes: l, r, rr. Preteri
Preterit of ser, ir, and dar.
Studying: Lesson 7 & Watching ¡Hola, amigos! And Así somos video for lesson 7.
& April 04 last day to apply for an audit in this course.
' ThiThirdThird ComposiThird Composition: Unas vacaciones inolvidables. Describing past actions. Using the preterit
Situation No. 24) '
& Examination period: April 10 to April 23. No classes (Includes Saturdays.) &