BIO 707 – Biotechnology – Spring 2012

BIO 424 - Biotechnology
Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. Edwin Li
Course Description
During the course, students will:
gain insights on how biotechnology is applied to solve important scientific and societal problems
learn about basic traditional and emerging techniques and tools used in the biotechnology field
learn concepts that will enable them to better comprehend biotechnology-related scientific articles
Introduction to Biotechnology, by Thieman and Palladino (Pearson, Second Edition)
Tentative Lecture Syllabus
Jan 16
Chapter 1
Jan 21
Chapter 2
Jan 28
Chapter 3
Feb 18
Exam 1
Feb 20
Chapter 4
Mar 04
Chapter 5
Mar 11, 13
Spring Break
Mar 20
Chapter 11
Mar 27
Exam 2
April 01
Chapter 6
April 10
Chapter 7
April 22
Exam 3
April 24
April 29
Final Exam
Overview, Types of Biotechnology
Review, An Introduction to Genes and Genome
Recombinant DNA Technology and Genomics
(no lab)
Proteins as Products
Microbial Technology
Medical Biotech
Plant Biotech
Animal Biotech
Are GMOs Safe? (lecture and lab)
Group presentation (lecture and lab)
Due Dates of Assignments 1-5
Jan 28 (#1), Feb 27 (#2), Apr 08 (#3), May 06 (#4)
Tentative Lab Syllabus
Jan 16-Feb 20
Gene Cloning and Sequencing
DNA extraction
Feb 25 – Mar 4
Protein Production and Purification: GFP and Chromatography
Mar 18 – ?
Group Project
April 10
(4 labs)
(1 lab)
BIO 424 - Biotechnology
Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. Edwin Li
Exams (three, each 50 pts)
Final Exam (cumulative)
150 pts
60 pts
40 pts
25 pts
275 pts
Lab Performance
Project, Lab Work
Project, Lab Report
Project, Presentation
Lab “Practical”
50 pts (5 lab modules)
30 pts (group project)
10 pts (group project)
10 pts (group project)
25 pts
125 pts
Assignments: five online assignments (4 based on papers, 1 based on Best Biotech Product); late
assignments will not be graded.
Participation: behavior in class, participation in class, and contribution for the Best Biotech Product Contest
Lab Performance: attendance, lab notebook, attitude, behavior, quality of work, team work
If a student needs to miss an exam with a valid reason, the student must make proper arrangement with the
instructor prior to the exam. If a student misses an exam with a valid reason, the student will need to make
up the exam within 2 days after the exam has been given to the class.
Grad students will give a 20-min talk about one of the top biotech products listed on the textbook.
A: 100% - 93%
B-: 82% - 80%
D+: 69% - 67%
A-: 92% - 90%
C+: 79% - 77%
D: 66% - 60%
B+: 89% - 87%
C: 76% - 73%
F: below 60%
B: 86% - 83%
C-: 72% - 70%
Students with Disabilities
In accordance with state and federal laws, the University will make reasonable accommodations for students
with documented disabilities. For those who have or think that you may have a disability requiring an
accommodation (learning, physical, psychological) should contact Services for Students with Disabilities,
Room G10, Bellarmine, 610-660-1774 (voice) or 610-660-1620 (TTY) as early as possible in the semester for
additional information and so that an accommodation, if appropriate, can be made in a timely manner. You will
be required to provide current (within 3 years) documentation of the disability. For a more detailed explanation
of the University’s accommodation process, as well as the programs and services offered to students with
disabilities, please go to If you have any
difficulty accessing the information on-line, please contact Services for Students with Disabilities at the
telephone numbers above.
Academic Honesty
Honesty and integrity are integral components of each student’s academic development and preparation for
professional life. The SJU Academic Honesty Policy published both in the Student Handbook and in the
University Catalog, will be strictly enforced. Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to this
policy. Use of unauthorized notes or assistance during a quiz or exam, plagiarism, or cheating of any kind, will
result in a grade of “F” for that quiz/exam/assignment, and a report will be filed with the Board on Academic
Honesty. Any subsequent offense will result in a grade of “F “ for the course. Please consult your laboratory
instructor for more detailed information about what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it.